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Deming Public Schools Athletic and Activity Code

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Deming Public Schools

Athletic and Activity Code

Note to Parents:

It is the responsibility of parents and students to read and familiarize themselves with the terms and
requirements of the Athletics and Activities Code. A student or his/her parent/guardian may obtain an
explanation of any part of this Code from the Athletic Director.

The parent/ guardian and student are required to sign the attached form to acknowledge that the
code has been read and is understood by the student and the parent/guardian, and that they agree to
be bound by it.

Coaches and sponsors are not permitted to allow a student to practice, play or otherwise participate
in the sport or activity until that student’s signed acknowledgment form has been returned to the


A. The development of character and proper conduct that is promoted by athletics and activities is
central to the educational mission of the school.

B. Students who are involved in Athletics/Activities are held to a higher standard of behavior because
they are representative of their school, and serve as role models for others.

C. Participation in all athletics and activities is a privilege offered to students, and may be withdrawn on
the basis of a failure to adhere to higher standards of personal conduct and ethical behavior.

D. As it is impossible to have a regulation for every possible circumstance, professional judgment will be
used by coaches, sponsors and administrators in situations not covered by a specific written rule or

E. In addition to the specific standards set forth in the Code, the student’s membership and
participation, including any disciplinary action, will be determined on the basis of the student’s attitude,
punctually, and attendance and on the basis of the welfare and best interest of the team or group, the
school, and other school district.

F. It is the responsibility of parents and students to familiarize themselves with the terms and
requirements of the Athletics/Activities Code. A student or his/her parent/guardian may obtain an
explanation of any part of this Code from the Administration.

G. All standards, rules and requirements in the Deming Public Schools Athletics and Activities Code are in
addition to the applicable standards, rules and requirements of the New Mexico

Activities Association (NMAA). Parents or students who wish to review the NMAA code may do so by
accessing the NMAA website at www.nmact.org.


The Student Activity Conduct guidelines designate expectations for the students who participate in
extra-curricular activities such as athletics, music ensembles, debate, speech, cheerleading, drill team,
drama, academic decathlon, and other school sponsored performances and/or competitions. Student
performances and other and/or competitions in extra-curricular activities, which contribute to a grade in
academic classes, are not included in this activity conduct code. In addition to behavioral expectations
detailed in Board Policies, extra-curricular activity participants are expected to follow specific behavioral
and eligibility guidelines included within the student Activity Conduct guidelines. The student activity
conduct expectations set out in this Code are applicable to and binding upon each student during the
season a student is a member of an extra-curricular activity or athletic team. Disciplinary actions under
this Code shall be imposed on the basis of the best interests of the team or squad, and the best
educational interests of the student to be disciplined.

A. Prohibited Conduct

1. A students shall be removed or suspended from any sport or activity for any of the following conduct,
regardless of whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, and regardless of whether such
conduct takes place during school hours or at any other time. Students charged with or suspected of any
of the following conduct may be suspended from their sport or activity pending any investigation.

a. The possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or tobacco in any form, or attendance at a party
or other gathering at which any of the foregoing substances are being used.

b. Fighting, trespassing, vandalism, theft, or other illegal or disorderly conduct, regardless of whether
such conduct results in arrest, prosecution, or conviction. In addition, any student who has been
arrested for any reason may be suspended from all sports and activities pending his/her exoneration
from the charges.

c. Hazing, which, for purposes of this code, includes, but is not limited to engaging in any offensive
physical contact or restraint of another student, or requiring or encouraging a student to perform any
dangerous, offensive, or demanding physical or verbal act for any purpose, including as a condition of
membership or initiation into any team or group sponsored by, or permitted to operate under the
auspices of a school district, provided that such contact, restraint, requirement, or encourage shall not
be considered hazing when it is officially recognized part of the particular sport or activity of the team or

(The Deming Public Schools Hazing Policy is on page 4 of this document.)

2. Except as otherwise provided herein, a student who quits or is dismissed from a team or activity will
not be allowed to participate in any sport or activity until the end of the season of that sport or the term
of the activity in which he or she was participating prior to resignation or dismissal unless the
coach/sponsor of the team or activity in which the student quits or was dismissed grants permission.

B. School Attendance

1. A student is expected to attend a minimum of one-half school day (two periods) to be eligible to
participate in a practice, competition, activity or performance scheduled on the same date.
2. Participation in evening activities or competitions should not affect school attendance on the
following day. When performing or competing during the school day, students are expected to return to
classes immediately after the event.

3. Students placed on out-of-school suspension will not be allowed to practice or compete in contests
during the suspension period.

C. Conduct on Trips

Students are regarded as representatives of Deming Public Schools and are expected to conduct
themselves as ladies and gentlemen, and as the best examples of Deming Public Schools students.
Students on trips for activities or athletics remain at all times subject to all rules and standards
applicable under school and district codes and policies. A sponsor/coach of the same gender as student
participants must travel with the group. Male and female students are not to be in each other place of
overnight stay for any reason. The are NO exceptions. Sponsors may call group meetings for information
and administrative requests in a public meeting place only.

D. Returning from Out-of-Town Contests and Events

1. To promote team unity, students will return from all out-of-town contests with their squads and by
school transportation.

2. A parent or guardian seeking an exception from this rule must seek the permission of the
Activity/Athletic Director, in writing at least two days in advance of the contest, for the student-athlete
to be transported home by the parent or guardian, and provide a substantial reason for the request.
Other than those who have received such permission, students will not be permitted to ride home with
parents or guardians, and student-athletes who do so despite the lack of permission shall be subject to
disciplinary action, including benching and dismissal.

3. Students are not permitted under any circumstances to return from an out-of-town contest other
than by school transportation, with their squads or with a parent or guardian upon advance permission
of the Activity/Athletic Director. A student who returns home with any other person shall be subject to


A. Changing Sports

1. Athletes will be allowed to transfer from one sport to another during a given season only upon mutual
agreement of both coaches and with the approval of the Athletic Director.

2. A student who quits a sport or is dismissed from a sport during the season will not be eligible to join
another sport or team during their pre-season practice, unless given permission by the coach of the
sport the athlete quit or was dismissed from. For example, it would be necessary to wait until the fall
sport season ends before joining a winter sports team and so forth.

B. Quitting or Being Dropped From a Squad

1. A student who is quitting a squad must:

a. Notify the head coach/sponsor in writing, explaining the reason for quitting the activity.
b. Turn in all school gear the same day.


A. Student athletes injured in sports, or their parents, should make sure the athletic trainer has filled out
an injury report and submitted it to the proper recipient.

B. Student athletes or their parents are responsible for initiating the insurance claim if injury resulted in
ambulance service, doctor’s care, or hospital expenses. Remember – insurance companies have no way
of knowing about an injury unless they are informed through a claim sheet. Claim sheets should be
picked up from the Activity-Athletic Office.


A. Athletic Equipment

1. In most sports, practice and/or game equipment will be issued to athletes. Athletes will be
responsible for the care and custody of all equipment issued to them.

2. All equipment will be returned when the athlete finishes the sport either at the end of the season or
upon dropping the sport. The student shall pay for any equipment not returned, and failure to pay for
such equipment will cause the athlete to be ineligible to compete in the next sport season. Once fees
are paid in full, the athlete will become eligible to compete again.

3. The athlete will pay for equipment that is lost, stolen or destroyed through negligence of the student.

4. The cost of unreturned, lost, stolen, or destroyed equipment will be determined by the coach and will
be based on replacement cost of the equipment. New equipment will be issued only upon receipt of lost

5. School owned equipment is to be worn only at scheduled practice or official contests.

6. Sale of equipment to students, whether new or used, is prohibited by law and will not be permitted.

B. Gymnasium Use

1. No individuals or groups are permitted to use the gymnasium at any time without authorized

2. No one may use or be present in the gymnasium during team or squad practices, except spectators
who have obtained the permission of a coach.

3. Athletes in the gymnasium for sport practice will refrain from using equipment other than for their

4. No one is permitted in the weight room without authorized adult supervision.


A. Coaches/Sponsors may establish team rules that exceed the Athletics/Activities Code requirements
upon prior approval of the Athletic Director.
B. Coaches/Sponsors may establish curfews for students in order to enhance preparation for

C. Coaches/Sponsors may impose, and enforce by appropriate means, standards regarding attendance,
punctuality and attitude.

D. Students who violate team rules, curfews, or standards shall be subject to curtailment of playing time,
suspension from games and suspension or dismissal from teams or activities.

E. Coaches/Sponsors may require study hall for any or all of their students.

Deming Public Schools Policy Prohibiting Bullying, Cyberbullying, Intimidation, and Hostile or
Offensive Conduct

The effective education of our students requires a school environment in which students feel safe and
secure. The Board of Education (“Board”) is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to
learning in which students are safe from cyberbullying, threats, name-calling, intimidation, and unlawful
harassment, when such conduct occurs through the use of electronic devices or services provided by
Deming Public Schools or belonging to the student

A. Official Policy. This policy supersedes and rescinds all previous policies, statements, or practices and
is the official Cyberbulling, Intimidation, and Hostile or Offensive Conduct (“Policy”) for the District.

B. Other District Policies. This Policy incorporates all other relevant District policies relating to student
conduct and acceptable use of the District Electronic Technologies, made available to District students
in connection with the student’s academic program or other school-related activities.

C. Application. This Policy will apply to the use of all Electric Technologies, whether owned by the
District, the student, or a third party and whether on or off District property.

D. Definitions

1. “Unlawful harassment” means verbal or physical conduct based on a student’s actual or perceived
race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation which has the purpose
or effect of substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance or creating an
intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Sexual harassment of students and hazing are addressed
by separate Board policies. See Policy Nos. 337 and 338.

2. “Bullying” or “intimidation” means intimidating or offensive verbal or physical conduct toward a

student, which may also involve electronic media, when such conduct is habitual or recurring, including
but not limited to threats or physical confrontation, threats, stalking, and name-calling, including
electronic bullying.

3. “Cyberbullying” means electronic communication that:

(a) targets a specific student;

(b) is published with the intention that the communication be seen by or disclosed to the targeted

(c) is in fact seen by or disclosed to the targeted student; and

(d) creates or is certain to create a hostile environment on the school campus that is so severe or
pervasive as to substantially interfere with the targeted student’s educational benefits, opportunities,
or performance.

4. “Electronic Technologies” means computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, desktop computers,
networks, electronic mail, Internet access, and any other form of electronic resources.

5. “Name-calling,” means the chronic, habitual, or recurring use of names or comments to or about a
student regarding the student’s actual or perceived physical or personal characteristics when the
student has indicated by his or her conduct, that the names or comments are unwelcome, or when the
names or comments are clearly unwelcome, inappropriate, or offensive by their nature.

6. “Social Networking Websites” includes Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube or similar Internet-
based websites, whose functions may include sharing personal information and directly
communicating with other members or participants or broad electronic distribution of written,
graphic, photographic or video materials or images, in a web-based format.

E. Prohibitions

1. It is the policy of the Board to prohibit cyberbullying, threats, name-calling, unlawful harassment,
intimidation, assault, battery, extortion, robbery, vandalism, and other victim-based misconduct that
creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for students, regardless of motive or reason.
The Board and Superintendent will not tolerate such victim-based misconduct by students or staff.

2. No person shall be subject to reprisals for good faith reporting, or participating in the investigation, of
a potential violation of this Policy.

3. No employee or student may knowingly give false reports or information under this Policy.

F. Use of Social Networking Websites. Students are responsible for their own behavior when
communicating on Social Networking Websites and will be held accountable for the content of the
communications that they initiate or post on Social Networking Website locations.

1. Inappropriate Communications. Students are strongly discouraged from including inappropriate

communications on any Social Network Website, including but not limited to:

(a.) Confidential, personally identifiable, and sensitive District information about other students,
employees, and guests;

(b) Child pornography or sexual exploitation;

(c) Harassment in any form;

(d) Bullying or cyberbullying as provided in this Policy;

(e) Defamatory or discriminatory statements and images; and

(f) Threats of harm, damage, or injury to persons or property.

2. Interactions with Staff. Students are strongly discouraged from inviting District staff members to
join a student’s Social Network or from accepting a friend request from a teacher or other staff
member. Communications between students and staff in any electronic medium should be limited to
that which is school- related and consistent with the student code of conduct and the ethical
standards required of education professionals.

3. Prohibited Use of Social Networking Websites. A student may be subject to sanctions provided
herein if:

(a) The student’s use of Social Networking Websites materially or substantially disrupts or interferes
with the normal operations of the school;

(b) The student’s use of Social Networking Websites materially or substantially disrupts or interferes
with the rights of other students or teachers; or

(c) The District Administration has reasonable cause to believe that the expression would cause a
material and substantial disruption of school operations.

G. Training and Reporting

1. All licensed school employees shall complete training in how to recognize signs that a person is a
victim of bullying or cyberbullying.

2. It is the express policy of the Board to encourage students who are victims of such physical or verbal
misconduct to report such claims. Students or their parents may report such conduct to the principal or
assistant principal of the school.

3. Any employee, who, as a result of personal observation or a report, has reason to believe that a
person is a victim of conduct prohibited by this Policy, whether the conduct is by another student or by
another employee, shall notify his or her principal, the superintendent, or both, of such observation or
report in writing as soon as possible.

H. Investigation

1. All reports of physical or verbal misconduct in violation of this Policy shall be promptly investigated by
the school principal, the Superintendent, or his/her designee.

2. Principals who receive complaints of bullying shall investigate such complaints, and shall report the
complaints, the scope and elements of their investigations, the findings of their investigations, and
actions they propose to take, if any, to the Superintendent for approval within ten (10) school days of
receipt of such complaints. The Superintendent will respond to such submissions within five (5) school
days, approving the proposal or directing further or different action.

3. In assessing the existence of a violation of this policy and the appropriate discipline, the principal or
designee shall consider the nature and extent of the conduct, the age of the student(s) involved, the
context in which the alleged conduct occurred, and any prior history of conduct prohibited by this policy
on the part of the violator.

I. Confidentiality. The identities of those reporting violations of this Policy and those cooperating in the
investigation of alleged violations shall be kept confidential to the extent consistent with the
requirements of a full and fair investigation, the due process rights of persons charged with violations,
and state and federal law.
J. Sanctions

1. Any employee who is found to have engaged in conduct prohibited by this Policy, or to have failed to
discharge a duty imposed by this Policy, shall be subject to sanctions, including, but not limited to,
warning or reprimand, suspension, termination, or discharge, subject to applicable procedural

2. Any student who is found to have engaged in conduct prohibited by this Policy, shall be subject to
discipline, including, but not limited to suspension or expulsion, subject to applicable procedural
requirements, and to any applicable limitations imposed by state and federal disabilities law.

3. Disciplinary action taken pursuant to this policy must be by the least restrictive means necessary to
address a hostile environment on the school campus resulting from the confirmed cyberbullying and
may include counseling, mediation, and students involved.

K. Publication. This Policy shall be published in the Board’s policies manual and on the District’s website.
A summary of this Policy shall be published each year in all student and employee handbooks.

L. Health Education. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall ensure that District health education
programs address bullying and related issues encompassed by this Policy.

M. Revisions. The Board shall make any necessary revisions to its disciplinary policies to ensure
compliance with the provisions of this Policy. See Policy: 337, 338
Deming Public Schools

Student Extracurricular Activities Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy

The Deming Public Schools Board of Education, in order to:

 Help prevent students from using illegal drugs and alcohol,

 Protect the health and safety of its students from the use and abuse of illegal drugs, alcohol and
performance-enhancing drugs.

 Ensure that students involved in extra-curricular activities set an appropriate example for their fellow
students, for whom they are often role models,

 Give students additional reasons for declining to use drugs, and

 Provide any student athletes found to be using or abusing drugs or alcohol with assistance in
overcoming this use or abuse.

1. Statement of Purpose of Intent

1.1 It is the intent and desire of the Deming Public Schools Board of Education, administration and staff
that every student in Deming Public Schools refrain from using or possessing illegal drugs/alcohol.
Members of the Board of Education, administration, Deming Public Schools athletic department,
community, parents and staff joined forces in the spring of 2002 to determine the best possible means
of addressing a drug use and abuse problem that had become evident in the proceeding months.
Evidence of a problem with experimentation and use of drugs/alcohol came by way of discussions with
student-athletes and parents, an increasing number of discipline referrals observations of changing
behavior patterns in student-athletes and preliminary results from a drug survey administered to
student-athletes and their parent’s grades 9-12. Both at that time and since, similar problems existed in
the large population of students, including those that participated in non-athletic extra-curricular
activities, such as band. With a great increase in the number of violent crimes being committed in the
nation’s school districts and the direct link between drug use and violent crimes, the evidence of a local
problem is alarming. This Policy is intended to supplement and complement all other policies and
regulations of the Deming Public Schools and the New Mexico Public Education Department regarding
possession or use of illegal drugs/alcohol.

1.2 Participation in school sponsored extra-curricular activities is a privilege. Students who participate in
these activities are looked to as examples and admired by the student body and community and are
expected to hold themselves as good examples of conduct. Accordingly, as part of the privilege of
participation, students involved in extra-curricular activities carry a responsibility to themselves, their
fellow students, their parents and their school to set the highest possible example of conduct, which
includes avoiding the use or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol.

1.3 The purpose of this Policy is to prevent drug/alcohol use, to educate students as to the serious
physical mental and emotional harm caused by illegal drug/alcohol use, to alert parents and student
with possible substance abuse problems to the potential harm of illegal drug/alcohol use, to prevent
injury, illness and harm as a result of illegal drug/alcohol use and to strive for an environment free of
illegal drug/alcohol use and abuse. This Policy is not intended to be disciplinary or punitive in nature.
The sanctions of the Policy relate solely to limiting the opportunity of any student found to be in
violation of the Policy to participate in any in any extra-curricular activity program. There will be no
academic sanction for violation of this Policy.

1.4 Illegal drug/alcohol use of any kind in incompatible with participation in any program offered by
Deming Public Schools. For the safety and well being of the students involved in any program of extra-
curricular activity, the Deming Public Schools Board of Education has adopted this Policy for use by all
students involved in any such program.

1.5 Based upon the foregoing statement of purpose and intent, consent to this drug/alcohol testing
Policy is a mandatory prerequisite for all students to participate in any school extra-curricular program.

2. Definitions

2.1 “Extra-curricular activities” are any school-sponsored non-academic activities in which students
generally are invited to participate as a supplement to the curricular aspects of their educations.

2.2 “Drug/alcohol use test” means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal
drugs, alcohol, performance-enhancing drugs or the metabolites thereof, in a person’s urine or saliva.

2.3 “Random selection basis” means a mechanism for selecting student-athletes for drug/alcohol
testing. The District will use a random selection process to select student-athletes for testing.

2.4 “Illegal drugs/Alcohol” means

2.4.1 Alcohol: Any liquor, wine beer or other beverage containing alcohol.

2.4.2 Drugs: Any drug, including illegal drugs, marijuana, inhalants, legal prescriptions and over-the-
counter drugs used or possessed or distributed for unauthorized purposes, including, but not limited to
marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, methaqualone, benzodiazepines, phencyclidine (PCP),
methadone, barbiturates and propoxyphene.

2.5 “Performance-enhancing drugs” includes anabolic steroids and any other natural or synthetic
substance used to increase muscle mass, strength, endurance, speed or other athletic ability. The term
“performance-enhancing drug” does not include dietary or nutrition supplements such as vitamins,
minerals and proteins that can be lawfully purchased in over-the-counter transactions.

2.6 “Positive” when referring to “drug/alcohol test administered under this policy means a toxicological
test result that demonstrates the presence of illegal drug(s)/alcohol or a performance-enhancing drug or
the metabolites thereof, using the standards customarily established by the testing laboratory
administering the drug/alcohol use test.

2.7 “Substance Use Violation” refers to a positive urinalysis or saliva test. The District will not test for
substances or purposes other than drug or alcohol use prohibited by this policy.

3. Procedures
3.1 Each student in grades 7-12 shall be subject to the random testing program during each year in
which he or she elects to participate in any other school extra-curricular program, including athletics or
in any required training program that is a prerequisite to the extra-curricular program.

3.2 Each student shall be provided with a copy of the “Student Extra-Curricular Activities Drug/Alcohol
Testing Policy” and “Student Extra-Curricular Activities Drug/Alcohol Testing Consent” which shall be
read, signed and dated by the student and parent or legal guardian before that student shall be eligible
to practice or participate in any extra-curricular program.

The consent shall be to provide a urine or a saliva sample (a) chosen by the random selection basis; (b)
upon reasonable suspicion based on specific observations concerning the appearance, speech or
behavior of the student that indicate the effects of drug/alcohol use; (c) upon personal observation of a
substance use by a Deming Public Schools coach, sponsor, faculty member or administrator during the
school year; (d) when a student voluntarily discloses or a parent reports, use or abuse by the student.
No student shall be allowed to practice or participate in any extra-curricular program unless the student
has returned the properly signed “Student Extra-Curricular Activities Drug/Alcohol Testing Consent” and
met all other eligibility requirements as set forth by Deming Public Schools.

3.3 Selection for Testing

3.3.1 On the first day of each month, one number between 1 and 31 will be randomly selected for the
date of the unannounced testing for that month. If that day falls on a 12 weekend or non-school day, an
additional number will be drawn until a testing day had been determined.

3.3.2 20-25 student’s in the pool of students who have elected to participate in extracurricular activities
shall be randomly selected to be tested.

3.3.3 Students will be selected by random selection process on the testing dates. A random number
generator will be used by an outside agent to determine which students are to be tested to ensure that
all students in the pool have an equal chance of being selected on an unannounced basis for the testing.
Students who are selected to be tested during one test period will be eligible for future tests and if
selected may be tested in successive tests.

3.3.4 A refusal to provide a sample, or the alteration or falsification of a specimen or test result will be
treated as resignation from all extra-curricular activities programs for the remainder of the current
school year. In addition, if the student refuses to provide a sample, the student must have drug/alcohol
test prior to participation in any future program of extra-curricular activities. The student’s parent/legal
guardian will be notified.

3.3.5 The random testing of students will be performed by a certified drug testing company contracted
by Deming Public Schools. The company chosen to conduct the testing shall be required to have detailed
written procedure to assure proper chain of custody of the samples, proper laboratory control and
scientifically validated testing methods.

3.3.6 The drug testing company will contact the Superintendent or his/her designee with the test
results. If a test is positive the Superintendent or his/her designee will immediately contact the student
and his/her parents or legal guardian and schedule a conference at which time the student or parents or
legal guardian may offer any explanation of the positive result. Parents or legal guardians may offer any
explanation of the positive result. Parents or legal guardians may provide any doctor’s prescriptions of
any drugs that the student was taking that might have affected the outcome of the drug/alcohol use test
and may request that another test be conducted on the remaining portion of the urine or saliva.

3.3.7 No student shall receive an academic penalty solely as the result of a positive test result.

3.4 In addition to students chosen at random pursuant to this paragraph, students may be required to
undergo testing individually on the basis of reasonable, individualized suspicion of substance abuse

4. Violations

A student found to have been in violation of this policy by his/her school principal shall be subject to the
following consequences.

4.1 First Violation

4.1.1 A parent or legal guardian/Superintendent or his/her designee conference will be required when a
student commits a first violation.

4.1.2 The student will be suspended from participating in any program of extra-curricular activities for
10 consecutive days beginning from the date and time of the violation. Their head coach/sponsor upon
completion of their suspension will discipline students according to team/organization rules that have
been approved by the Activities/Athletic Director.

4.1.3 The student will be required to fulfill the requirements of his/her class schedule including
participation in any classes during the suspension period.

4.1.4 The student may be required to attend a drug education program at the expense of the student or
his/her parent or guardian as a condition of any further participation in school extra-curricular activities.

4.1.5 The student will be subject to a monthly drug use test for each month school is in session for the
remainder of the school year and the school year to follow.

4.1.6 The student will sign a statement acknowledging the consequences of a second offense.

4.2 Second Violation

4.2.1 The student will be suspended from participation in all extra-curricular activities programs for the
remainder of the school year and for all of the following school year.

4.2.2 The student may be required to attend a drug education program at the expense of the student or
his or her parent or guardian as a condition of any further participation in school extra-curricular

4.3 Third and Subsequent Violations

4.3.1 The student will be suspended from participating in all programs of extra-curricular activities for
the remainder of the school year and for all of the following two school years.

4.3.2 The student may be required to attend a drug education program at the expense of the student or
his/her parent or guardian as a condition of any further participation in school extra-curricular activities.
5. Appeals Process

5.1 A student may appeal a suspension under this policy by providing a written notice of appeal with the
Superintendent and a copy to the Activity/Athletic Director whose decision is being appealed within (5)
school days of the decision. The Athletic/Activity Director shall provide the Superintendent the reasons
the suspension should be sustained.

5.2 The Superintendent or his/her designee shall review the Athletic/Activity Director’s suspension
decision in light of the provisions of this policy and issue a decision in writing sustaining or reversing the

5.3 A student may appeal the Superintendent’s decision to the Board of Education by providing a notice
of appeal to the Superintendent within (5) school days of the date of the Superintendent’s decision. The
Superintendent may provide the Board with the reasons the suspension should be sustained. The
Board’s decision shall be final.

5.4 Students will remain eligible for extra-curricular activities pending appeals.

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