5e Unit Plan
5e Unit Plan
5e Unit Plan
TTE 523
Arianna Moskowitz
GE 9th grade Biology
8. cells can ingest nutrients and
dispose of waste (goal 4,5)
9. cells undergo energy
processing (goal 4)
Arianna Moskowitz
GE 9th grade Biology
Weekly quizzes
o Students are in the routine of weekly quizzes on Fridays. Each
quiz covers only the topic that have been covered Monday
through Thursday. Quiz questions are designed to be similar to
those seen on the unit test
Daily warm-ups
o Each day the students are given five minutes at the beginning of
class to answer three to five questions using an app they have
downloaded on their iPads. These questions can be multiple
choice, fill-in-the-blank, or short answer.
Unit test
o The unit test is a common assessment designed by all of the
biology teachers in the school. It is designed to cover all topics in
the unit, and in an effort to keep teaching within the school
consistent. This is a multiple choice exam in the format of the
AIMS test that they will have to complete toward the end of the
Day 1 (10/21/15):
Engage: Students will watch the video The Wacky History of Cell Theory.
While they are watching they will complete a fill-in-the-blank worksheet
corresponding to the content in the video. Teacher will circle the class
answering any questions that come up.
Explore: Students will complete a think-pair-share activity answering the
question what are three important things you learned from the video?
The teacher will circle the room listening and asking guiding questions.
The class will then discuss important things found in the video together.
Day 2 (10/22/15):
Explore: Warm-up question what do you think makes something living?
Teacher will take role during this time. After a sufficient amount of time
the teacher will facilitate a discussion aimed at targeting the seven
essential qualities of life which she will write on the board.
Explain: Power-Point presentation- Teacher will introduce and go over the
seven qualities of life including examples of each. Students will take notes
on a provided worksheet.
Elaborate: Students will get in groups of three or fourm, and assign each
group member one or two of the qualities of life. Each student will then be
asked to use their iPads to find an example of the quality they were
assigned. Each group will be asked to compile their examples, and an
explanation as to why each picture was chosen, to be posted to the class
website. Teacher will circle the room asking questions and listening to the
group discussions.
materials. The teacher will monitor the use of supplies and ensure groups
stay on task. She may circle the room to provide assistance and ask
questions as well.