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Is P - 3 Laws Review

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IS (P) - 3 laws review

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

1. An object in motion at a constant velocity will change its motion only if a balanced force acts on it.


2. In a car crash, inertia could cause you to crash into the windshield. ____________________


3. When a ball is dropped, it falls down due to the force of friction. ____________________


4. Forces that are equal in size but opposite in direction are called unbalanced forces. ____________________


5. If a net force acts on an object, the object may change speed, change direction or do neither.


6. Balanced forces acting on an object cause the object to accelerate. ____________________


7. A ball is thrown horizontally. Gravity causes the ball to continue to move horizontally.


8. Friction is a force that speeds up motion between two surfaces that are in contact. ____________________


9. The force of gravity causes all objects near Earth's surface to fall with an acceleration of 20 m/s2.

____ 10. An object with a mass of 9.0 kg has an acceleration of 3 m/s 2. The force acting on it is 3 N.
____ 11. The acceleration of an object is always in the direction of the net force acting on it. ____________________
____ 12. Earth exerts an unbalanced force on a ball thrown into the air. ____________________
____ 13. When you push downward on Earth to make a pole vault, Earth exerts an equal force on the pole.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


1. Inertia varies depending on ____.

a. force
b. mass

c. velocity
d. motion

2. Newton's first law of motion is also called the law of ____.

a. mass
c. force
b. inertia
d. constant velocity


3. The upward force on an object falling through the air is ____.

a. air resistance
c. momentum
b. inertia
d. terminal velocity


4. The relationship among mass, force, and acceleration is explained by ____.

a. conservation of momentum
c. Newton's second law of motion
b. Newton's first law of motion
d. Newton's third law of motion


5. In the absence of air, a penny and a feather that are dropped from the same height at the same time will ____.
a. fall at different rates
c. float
b. fall at the same rate
d. not have momentum


6. For any object, the greater the force that's applied to it, the greater its ____ will be.
a. acceleration
c. inertia
b. gravity
d. velocity


7. A 3000-N force acts on a 200-kg object. The acceleration of the object is ____.
a. 50 m/s2
c. 15 m/s2
b. 26 m/s2
d. 150 m/s2


8. When the drag force on an object falling through the air equals the force of gravity, the object has reached
a. terminal force.
c. terminal illness.
b. terminal acceleration.
d. terminal velocity.


9. Newton's first law of motion states that an object remains at rest unless a(n) ____ force acts on it.
a. balanced
c. gravitational
b. frictional
d. unbalanced

____ 10. According to the graph, over which segments is the cars speed changing?

a. a & c
b. b & d

c. a & c & e
d. c & e

____ 11. According to Newton's second law of motion, ____.

a. F = m a
c. F = p a
b. F = m v
d. F = p v
____ 12. The statement "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" is ____.


the law of conservation of momentum

Newton's first law of motion
Newton's second law of motion
Newton's third law of motion

____ 13. Forces that are equal in size but opposite in direction are ____.
a. balanced forces
c. inertial forces
b. frictional forces
d. net forces
Complete each statement.
1. If the forces acting on an object at rest are ____________________, the object will remain at rest.
2. At the same speed, a bowling ball is harder to stop than a soccer ball because the bowling ball has greater
3. A force is ____________________.
4. ____________________ is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion.
5. A(n) ____________________ is a push or pull that one object exerts on another.
6. Mike has a mass of 60 kg. He pulls on a wagon of mass 30 kg with a force of 20 N. The wagon remains
motionless. The wagon exerts a force of ____________________ on Mike.
Short Answer
1. Can an object be in motion if the net force acting on it is zero? Explain.
2. If you are running and you stub your toe, you fall forward. Explain.
3. Explain how mass and weight are different from each other.
4. What causes friction?
5. You push on a crate with a force of 10 N to the right, and your friend pushes on the crate with a force of 25 N
to the left. Describe and explain the motion of the crate.
6. If you double the force on an object, the object's change in speed will also double. Explain how force and
acceleration are related.
7. Acceleration depends on which two factors?
8. If two equal forces act on an object in opposite directions, what is the net force? What is the acceleration?
9. Why is it necessary to wear a seat belt to hold you in place if you are riding in a car that stops suddenly?

10. Forces of 10 N down, 10 N to the right, and 5 N to the left are acting on a ball. It accelerates horizontally to
the right. What other force, if any, is acting on the ball? Explain.
1. A car of mass 1330 kg is traveling at 28.0 m/s. The driver applies the brakes to bring the car to rest in 5.6 s.
Calculate the force of the brakes on the car.
2. Two men pull a 31-kg box with forces 9.7 N and 7.6 N in the directions shown below. Find the acceleration of
the box and the direction in which the box moves.

9.7 N

7.6 N

3. Two horizontal forces, 315 N and 145 N are applied to a sled resting on a frictionless skating rink. If they are
applied in the same direction, what is the net horizontal force on the sled?
4. Two horizontal forces, 145 N and 315 N are applied to a sled resting on a frictionless skating rink. If they are
applied in opposite directions, what is the net horizontal force on the sled?
5. What is the mass of a cannon ball that is shot through the air with an acceleration of 6 m/s 2 and a net force of
1,000 N?
6. Calculate mu if normal force is 50 N and friction is 10 N.
7. Calculate the weight of a person with a mass of 67 kg that is holding a 12 kg box on Earth.
1. When riding in an elevator, why does a person appear to lose weight when accelerating downward?

Explain how Newtons first law of motion applies in a car crash and the effects of this law on
an unbelted person.

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