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According to Joey Yap, the most dominant element in 2016 is Fire.

This is
followed by Wood, Water, Metal and lastly, Earth which is the least dominant.
However, this applies to Malaysia only.
Fire industries will do well in 2016. This includes petrol, food, aviation,
technology, electronics, entertainment and pharmaceutical. Now check your
Personal Bazi Chart. If you have Fire in any of the four pillars, then that's good
news for you. However, too much fire means you will be emotional, so just 2 or 3
fires in your chart is good enough.
If you do not have Fire in your chart, check if you have Wood instead. Since
Wood produces Fire, even if you do not have a single Fire in your chart, having
Wood means you are still safe :) Joey Yap also mentioned that if you have both
Fire and Wood, then it's pretty safe to travel in 2016. Otherwise, try not to travel
so much.
There is also Fire conquering Metal (Fire sitting on top of Metal) in this year's
Chart. The last time a similar chart appeared was during 9/11. So there may be
major conflicts and explosion this year. Metal also represents job security so this
will likely affect those in the metal industries like financial, banking, military, and
automobiles. Metal is regarded as a negative element this year.
However, one element missing from the chart is Water (only have hidden Water
in the Chart). So anyone with Water in his or her Personal Bazi Chart will be the

luckiest in 2016. Water industries will do well since water is sorely needed. This
includes tourism, aquatic, fishery, shipping, transport, and the service industry.
Earth, which is the least dominant element this year will confirm the fears of
many that the property market will not be booming in 2016. However, Joey Yap
said it may perhaps be a good time to buy property. Others in the Earth industry
includes insurance, mining, and construction.
In conclusion, if you have all the three elements - Water, Wood and Fire in your
Personal Bazi Chart, 2016 will be a great year for you! If you do not have all
three, then it may mean 2016 will be a rather challenging year.
Also, the more Earth elements you have in your Bazi Chart, the worse it will be.
2016 may then turn out to be a really slow year for you. However, do not be
upset. After all, it is only for one year. Nothing is permanent. And things will
change in 2017. Also, if your Bazi Chart does not favour your luck and fortune
this year, you can improve your situation by using Feng Shui! Now you know why
we need to learn about Feng Shui, don't you? :)
Referring to the 2016 Bazi Chart, Joey Yap explained some of the calamities that
might occur in 2016. Since there is a Fire - Metal clash, this indicates
transport accidents. Monkey and Tiger clash also indicates major accidents.
If you have Monkey and Tiger in your Personal Bazi Chart, then your chances of
being involved in traffic accident is higher. The Fire - Metal clash also indicates
war related conflicts, possibly more terrorist attacks.
With Water hidden underneath the Chart, this may possibly indicate tsunami.
Fire on top of the Chart also indicates hurricane. As for Health issues, Metal in the
Bazi Chart indicates illness dealing with lungs, breathing and also prostate
For 2016, Metal represents Cash, Water represents Profits, Fire represents Sales
and Wood represents Assets. If you have Metal in your Personal Bazi Chart,
then you will have cash. If it appears on the top (heavenly stem), then
everyone knows you are rich. But if it appears at the bottom (Earthly branch),
then no one knows you are rich.
If you have Water in your Chart, then it is a profitable year for you. Even
though it is profitable, it does not mean you receive the cash. So for a person
running a business, it is best to have both Water and Metal in his or her chart.
Otherwise, your business may be making profit, but the cash does not reach you.

If you have Fire in your Chart, this means you have sales. For sales to take place
also indicates you are influential and have the ability to easily convince people. If
you have Wood in your Chart, this means you have better luck than others in
getting property or assets this year.
Without going into full details, I am going to briefly mention about the animal
signs and what they each represents in your Bazi Chart. The Wealth Stars are Ox,
Pig, Snake and Rabbit. If you have an Ox in the Month Pillar, your career will
improve this year.
The Relationship Stars are Ox, Goat and Rooster. Ox represents happy events,
Goat true love and Rooster uncontrollable desire.
Rabbit, Rat and Monkey represents Status, Power and Recognition. Of these
three, Rabbit is the greatest as it is the most auspicious star where you will have
the power to command other people. If you have Monkey in your Chart, then a
lot of people will take notice of you this year - definitely a good animal sign to
have if you into branding or marketing.
Rooster, Snake and Rabbit represent Helpful People. Rooster is the most powerful
nobleman star. If Rooster is in your Year Pillar, then you are the noble person make sure you are more helpful to others. If you have Snake in your Chart, then
it's a year of good food and entertainment - which of course translates to getting
fat! LOL. Rabbit is a Dragon Virtue star meaning if you have Rabbit in your month
or day pillar, you will see all your obstacles easily dissolved.
Tiger and Boar both represents Dissolving Problems. If you have Tiger in your
chart, then no matter how big your problem is, it will most certainly be resolved.
If you have a Boar, then it is a good year to move house.
Academic are represented by Dragon and Monkey. A Monkey in your chart
indicates you are somehow more intelligent this year - you can decipher things
Tiger and Snake indicates connections and networking. If you have Tiger in your
chart, you will be good at networking this year. And if you have a Snake, then
you will get to know the right people at the right places! People with Boar and
Rooster in their Chart may suffer from memory lapse and forgetfulness this year.
While people with Dog, Goat, Tiger and Rat may be emotional.
Those with Dragon and Horse should watch out for accidents. Dragon indicates

bleeding and small injuries - you can take pre-emptive measures by donating
blood. Doing so will help you avoid unlucky accidents that might befall you.
For health related issues, those with Goat, Monkey and Tiger in their charts take
note. Goat indicates stomach problem and digestive issues. Monkey indicates
injuries by sharp objects, possible minor surgeries and accidents at work. Tiger
indicates internal bleeding, inflammation and cyst or growth.
If you have all three - Goat, Monkey, Tiger - in your Bazi Chart, then you may be
very sick in 2016 so do make extra effort to take good care of your health!

Now that we know what the year 2016 holds for us, let's move on to discover
which sectors in your home are auspicious and which are inauspicious in this
Year of the Fire Monkey.
To do that, you need to have a proper compass so that you can plot the sectors
of your home. An iPhone compass is fine. In fact, most mobile phones come with
a compass nowadays so you don't really need to go out and buy a physical
Now what you need to do is to stand in the middle of your house with the
compass at waist height and let the compass needle stops spinning. You will be
able to see where exactly the North direction is. Then using your house plan,
mark out all the 8 main sectors of the compass like the example shown

Once you have a your 8 main sectors all marked out, refer to the Flying Star
Chart for 2016.

Image taken from seminar booklet

The flying stars refer to the numbers in the grid which 'fly' around in a certain
pattern every year. Each number represents different things. So the Flying Star
Chart differs from year to year and that is why you need to update your feng shui
every year. The sector that is auspicious this year may become inauspicious next
year. You do not want to be activating inauspicious energy!
Let's start with the auspicious sectors first shall we?
In 2016, the number 8 which represents direct wealth flies to the South West
sector. Direct wealth means hard work that creates wealth for you. If your main
door or bedroom is located here, then you will enjoy great wealth this year. If not,
then try to use this sector more often. Frequent usage of the South West sector
this year will manifest success and prosperity for the occupants.
Alternatively, Joey Yap recommends activating the Wealth Star 8 with placement
of water in this sector. The water feature should be at least 2 feet deep and
about 1,000 square feet large to be effective. It should not be covered and
is best placed outside the house. If you already have a swimming pool in the

South West, that's perfect and there is no need to do anything more.

But what happens if your toilet is in the South West? Joey Yap said in such a case,
simply use your toilet more often! OK, I am not sure if he's joking, or he's trying
to be sarcastic. LOL.
The next auspicious sector this year is in the East sector where the number 9
resides. 9 represents indirect wealth which is wealth created after leveraging
on one-time work, or wealth from investments. This sector is most important to
business owners and investors. Regular usage of this sector will manifest
positive outcomes for one's investments, status and recognition.
If you don't use much of the East sector, then activating it with water will also do
the trick. The same rules regarding water activation as mentioned above applies.
Again, if you happen to have a swimming pool in the East, then you have it
Note that water placed outside the house is always more effective than water
placed inside the house. According to Joey Yap, external water means you are
using other people's money for your investment or business, thus there is no risk
on your side. Internal water means you are actually using your own money, so it
is more risky.
The number 1 Star flies to the South East this year. Number 1 represents
reputation, recognition and advancement. It is important to note that the
number 1 Star when combined with the South East sector is considered one of
the most favourite combinations in Flying Star feng shui. This combination
represents the highest ranking nobleman star, so if you wish to attract
helpful people and nobleman in your life, you must activate the South East this
Again, activate it simply by using the South East sector more often, or use water
Another auspicious sector for 2016 is the South sector where the number 6
Star resides. This star represents authority, career, power and reputation.
Activating this sector will enhance chances of promotion and salary increment.
This sector is also the execution palace, meaning this is the sector that get
things done. So if you are running a business, putting key people like project
managers in the South sector of your office will ensure that things get done.
In summary, if your house front door or bedroom is located in these four
auspicious sectors i.e. South West, East, South East and South, you will most
likely enjoy good feng shui in 2016.
Now let's move on to the inauspicious sectors for 2016.

The deadliest sector this year is North East, where the Five Yellow (Star
number 5) flies in. This dreaded star which is an Earth element flies into the
North East, which is also an Earth element sector, making it twice as deadly. But
that's not all. It so happens that the Year Breaker (or Sui Po) is also located in
the North East (specifically North East 3) this year, thus making this sector a
triple whammy!
Refrain from doing any type of renovation, and groundbreaking activities at
the North East sector or you will suffer from misfortunes, loss of wealth,
illness and accidents.
The best and safest way to avoid the Five Yellow and Year Breaker afflictions is to
simply avoid using the North East this year. If you have a bedroom here, move
out! If you have the front door here, try using another door. But if that is not
possible, then Joey Yap recommends activating all the good sectors to the
maximum. This will make the positives far outweigh the negatives, thus
balancing out the bad energy or vibes created by the afflictions.
The West sector has the Romance and Scholastic Star number 4 this year. This
is supposed to be a pretty good sector for those who are pursuing academic
success and also in romantic relationships, so it's not really an inauspicious
sector. However, the wood element of Star number 4 clashes with the metal
element of the West sector, indicating betrayal and a setback in trust. An
alternative for academic excellence is to use South East.
The number 7 star flies into the North this year. This star when activated, will
bring about robbery and loss of wealth. If your main door is located here, you
have a higher risk of being robbed.
The number 3 star, which brings arguments and disputes flies into the North
West this year. Avoid using this sector as it causes conflicts and arguments
which may escalate to lawsuits and legal issues. However, if you are stuck in
your career, this sector may be useful to create a change, though you will need
to go through some pain.

Now, besides the inauspicious sectors mentioned above, do also take note of two
other major afflictions. One is the Three Killings which is located at the South
sector this year. Keep the South sector quiet and do not have any renovation or
groundbreaking activities here to avoid the risk of illness, accidents and loss
of wealth.
Note that this actually contradict with the earlier advice about activating the
South sector because it has the auspicious number 6 star. Well, I really do not
know if you should activate the South or not, but personally I will not. Better to
play safe than to risk it! If you are a feng shui expert reading this, what do you
The second affliction is the Grand Duke Jupiter (or Tai Sui) which is located at
South West 3 this year. Just like the Three Killings, starting a renovation or
doing ground breaking here will result in illness, accidents and loss of wealth.
Try not to spend too much time in this sector and most importantly, DO NOT sit

facing the Grand Duke, ie. DO NOT face South West. However, sitting with
your back against the South West will actually enhance your authority as
it is said that you have the backing of the Grand Duke.
Again, should I activate South West since it's the Wealth sector this year?
Contradictions again! Perhaps make sure you activate just South West 1 and 2,
but be careful not to touch South West 3?
In conclusion, do not renovate or aggravate the following sectors in 2016...
North East - Five Yellow
North East 3 - Year Breaker
South - Three Killings
South West 3 - Grand Duke Jupiter
However, what happens if you accidentally trigger these negative sectors? What
happens if it's not you who trigger it, but someone else? You see, some things
are beyond your control. What if your neighbour decide to do a renovation at the
part of their home which is in your North East sector this year? They will
inadvertently trigger the Five Yellow for you!
Most feng shui masters would recommend placing a cure at the afflicted area.
However, Joey Yap said that placing cures like feng shui items and objects are not
really effective. His advice is to activate the good sectors instead so that the
negative effects from triggering the bad stars would be minimised.
Personally, I prefer to do both ie. placing the cures as well as activating the good
sectors. You don't need to buy expensive feng shui paraphernalia, you just need
to place objects based on the five elements theory. But well, different people will
have different opinion regarding this matter so while we can debate about this to
no end, I would have to end this post here.
So now that we know the auspicious and inauspicious sectors for 2016, it's time
to do something first about the inauspicious sectors.
For most feng shui masters, the advice is to place cures in the afflicted sectors.
However, Joey Yap does it a bit differently. He does not encourage placement of
objects except water. Instead, he suggested that we activate four auspicious
stars as a back-up immunity in the event we accidentally trigger the bad stars in
the afflicted sectors.
The four auspicious stars are the Dragon Virtue, the Moon, the Sun and the
Fortune Virtue.

Image taken from seminar booklet

Out of these four stars, the Dragon Virtue is the most important as it is a very
effective immunity even if you trigger the Grand Duke and the Three Killings.
Below is the location of each star and the date and time you should activate
Dragon Virtue
Location : East 2
Date and Time : 18 March 2016, 6.30am or 26 April 2016, 7.30am
Location : West 2
Date and Time : 1 March 2016, 7.30pm or 25 June 2016, 11.30am
Location : North West 3
Date and Time : 21 April 2016, 7.30pm or 9 May 2016, 3.30pm
Fortune Virtue
Location : South East 3
Date and Time : 6 February 2016, 6.30am or 1 March 2016, 1.30pm

Note that the date and time stated above are the local time in whichever country
you are staying.
How do we activate these auspicious sectors? There are many ways, amongst
them, you can rearrange your furniture, hang a painting on the wall or do some
minor refurbishment. Or you can simply place a water feature.
Towards the end of the seminar, Joey Yap revealed a list of date and time to
activate for wealth, health, relationship and more. Here is the complete list. He
added that you will actually see results within 2 weeks to a month after
3 dates to choose from...
1. 27 January 2016, 6.30am - South West 3 (Clash : Tiger)
2. 24 February 2016, 6.30am - South East 3 (Clash : Horse)
3. 26 April 2016, 6.30am - East 2 (Clash : Monkey)
*Note : Clash means if you have that animal sign in your Bazi Chart, then that
particular date is not beneficial for you. For example, if you have a Tiger in your
Bazi Chart, then the first date (27 January 2016) is not suitable for you. Choose
another date instead. You can choose just one date to activate or you can
activate on all three dates as long as none of the animal sign clashes with you.


2 dates to choose from ...
1. 1 March 2016, 11.30am - South (Clash : Rat)
2. 5 April 2016, 11.30am - South (Clash : Pig)

3 dates to choose from ...
1. 29 January 2016, 3.30pm - North 2 (Clash : Dragon)
2. 26 April 2016, 9.30am - West 2 (Clash : Monkey)
3. 18 February 2016, 7.30am - South (Clash : Rat)
*Note : During the negotiation, sit with your back facing the direction given. For
example, if you are making a deal on 29 January 2016, sit with your back facing
North 2, and let the other person sit opposite.
**Note : The third date 18 February 2016 is most suitable for land and property
related deal.


2 dates to choose from ...
1. 27 March 2016, 6.30am - South East 3 (Clash : Tiger)
2. 5 April 2016, 7.30pm - West 2 (Clash : Pig)
*Note : Sit with your back facing the direction given. For example, to win an
argument on 27 March 2016, sit with your back facing South East 3, and let the
person you are arguing with sit opposite, i.e. in the North West. Alternatively, you
can also activate the South East 3 sector in your home with water, then only
meet the person later in the day.

2 dates to choose from ...
1. 24 February 2016, 5.30pm - South (Clash : Horse)
2. 23 April 2016, 9.30pm - West (Clash : Snake)
*Note : The clash here refers to the animal sign in the other person's Bazi Chart,
not yours! So make sure you check his or her Bazi Chart beforehand. To activate,
you need to face the direction given, and the other person face the opposite. For
example, to activate on 24 February 2016, you need to face South and your
intended target faces you ie. North. And he or she must not have a Horse in
his/her Bazi Chart for it to work.

3 dates to choose from ...
1. 6 February 2016, 9.30am - West (Clash : Rat)
2. 1 March 2016, 9.30am - South (Clash : Rat)
3. 5 April 2016, 9.30am - South (Clash : Pig)

2 dates to choose from ...
1. 15 March 2016, 5.30pm - West 2 (Clash : Tiger)
2. 30 April 2016, 7.30am - South East 3 (Clash : Rat)

12 April 2016, 9.30am - South (Clash : Horse)
*Note : Sit facing North and with back to the South. You can make a wish for
yourself or your immediate family members.


Besides the good dates and times for activation, Joey Yap also warned about 2
bad days to avoid doing anything important like moving house, starting a
business, getting married or undergoing surgery. The two bad dates are as
follows ...
1. 5 September 2016, 3.30pm - South West (Clash : Moneky)
This is a 'double funeral' day which must never be used for burial. The negative
effect of using this day for burial is that 'if one is buried, another will soon follow'.
2. 9 March 2016, 9.30am (Clash : Monkey)
This is the date and time of a Solar Eclipse, which is deemed very inauspicious
in both Chinese and Western astrology. Joey Yap warned that being exposed to
the eclipse for 1 minute is equivalent to 1 year of bad luck, 2 minutes equals to 2
years of bad luck and so on. Best to stay indoors till the eclipse is over!


Chinese New Year is coming soon and most Chinese people will invite the God Of
Wealth to their homes. In actual fact, what they are really doing is activating the
Wealth Star. You can do the same without the firecrackers and the prayer rituals
associated with it. All you need to do is to activate these three sectors - East,
South West and North West on 8 February 2016 at 1.30am or 3am.
You can choose to activate just one sector or all three - it's all up to you.


This is for those who plan to start work on an auspicious day after the Chinese
New Year holidays. Mainly for business owners, not so important for those
working for others.




6.30am (Clash :
11.30am (Clash
9.30am (Clash :
6.30am (Clash :

: Rooster)

If you have not downloaded your Personal Bazi Chart from Joey Yap's site,
please do so now HERE. Yes you need the chart from his site to follow what I am
about to share with you. If you acquired your Bazi Chart elsewhere, that won't
help because the information I am about to share can only be cross referenced
with the chart you downloaded from Joey Yap's site.
With the chart in your hands, now look at the direction of your Destiny Palace.
In the example below, Mr ABC's Destiny Palace is in the South East (circled in

Now look at the 2016 QMDJ Chart below

Can you see that in 2016, the deity residing in the South East is the Chief Deity?
(circled in red). This is the deity that Mr ABC must ask for help to get what he
wants. Please take note the name deity here does not mean God - it's just a
name and this is nothing religious.
All those circled in purple are the other deities in each of the nine grids or
palaces (except the centre grid which contains no deity).
So you just need to look at which deity you are requesting help from. If your
Destiny Palace is say, North East, then referring to the 2016 QMDJ Chart above,
your deity this year is the Moon Deity. Get it?
But if you still do not understand, don't worry. There is a short cut way to find
out who is your Deity this year. All you need to do is look somewhere near the
bottom left of your Personal Bazi Chart printout. Can you see the words '2016 Qi
Men Life Palace' and the word 'Deity' in one of the columns?
Using the example of Mr ABC, you can see that his Deity for this year is Chief just
by looking at the area circled in red.

Now look at your own printout. Who is your deity for this year?
All the deities have their own special and unique characteristics. Out of the eight
deities, the Chief is the most powerful and you can basically ask for anything
you want from him. Here are the brief description of the other seven deities...
The Snake has the ability to increase your sixth sense and intuition.
The Moon governs all knowledge and secrets, thereby helps you search for
The Six Harmony helps in relationships and communication.
The Nine Heaven helps you to warp reality by visualising what you want.

The Nine Earth governs money and wealth, so if what you want is more money,
then this deity is the one you need.
The White Tiger gives you infinite energy and stamina.
The Black Tortoise has the ability to tap into the minds of others, therefore
helps you to mesmerise, brainwash and influence others (somewhat like Kylo Ren
or Darth Vader in Star Wars!)
OK, so once you find out who your deity is for this year, then you can request for
what you want. Now from my understanding (for those who know, please correct
me if I am wrong), you can only ask for the things that each deity can provide.
Meaning, if your deity is the Snake, you cannot ask for more money. (That's Nine
Earth's job). Similarly, if your deity is White Tiger, you can't ask for a good
relationship with someone. (That's the Six Harmony's specialty).
Now that we are clear about that, let's move on to how to ask for what you
Step 1 : Go to Alpha state. You can meditate, or use any techniques to get to a
calm, Alpha state.
Step 2 : Tap into the direction of your Life Palace. This means if your Life Palace is
say, North, then you must sit with your back towards North (ie. sit facing South).
Step 3 : Ask for what you want. Just ask as if you are talking to your Higher Self.
This is not religious so you do not have to imagine you are praying to some kind
of Deity.
That's it. Simple?
Now I am sure there are many of you who want more money but your Deity this
year is not Nine Earth, so how? I am not exactly sure, but perhaps you can still
get Nine Earth's help simply by sitting with your back towards Nine Earth's
location which is South West (refer to the 2016 QMDJ Chart above) and asking for
more money.
However, since South West is not your Destiny Palace, you may find it harder to
achieve what you want. It is easier when you ask from the Deity located in your
Destiny Palace. OK, I may be wrong about this, so any experts can help me out
OK, what happens if you are one of those people who can't meditate? What if you
cannot bring yourself down to Alpha? Then the above method of asking for what
you want is rendered useless.
Luckily, Joey Yap offered two other QMDJ techniques. The second method is to
choose your allies when you arrive at your 'battleground'. Now I am not very sure
about this method so anyone who knows please correct me here.
Let's say you want to close a deal that will make you lots of money. If you use the
meditation method, you can ask Nine Earth deity to get you the deal and the
money before you go to the 'battleground' (where you negotiate to seal the
But using the second method, you just go to the battleground and choose your
allies. Your allies are the Green Dragon, Great Moon, Celestial Adviser and
Heavenly Noble. If you look at the your own personal printout, you can see the

four allies under the heading 2016 Qi Men Mobility Directions.

In Mr ABC's example above, he does not have the Celestial Adviser.

OK at this point, I am a bit blur on what to do. So anyone who knows, please help
me out. From my understanding, you try and close the deal facing one of the
directions of your allies. So in Mr ABC's case, he needs to face either North
(Green Dragon), East (Great Moon) or South East (Heavenly Noble) while closing
the deal.
Either that, or he needs to move (taking the hint from the words 'Mobility
Directions') in the direction of North, East of South East towards the meeting
place where he's supposed to close the deal.
The third method is to travel to your direction of assistance. For example, if you
are going to hospital for an operation and you want your operation to be
successful, you look for the one of the good allies and choose a hospital that is in
that direction in relation to your home.
Let's say the Green Dragon is North, then you just need to travel North from your
home to the hospital located at the North. What happens if there is no hospital at
the North? Or your surgeon is from a hospital at the South of your home? Well,
what you can do is like this.... (refer to diagram below)

You can travel from your home towards a place (a friend's house or a hotel) that
is located South of the hospital. Stay in your friend's home or in a hotel
overnight. The next morning, you travel North towards the hospital for your
surgery. In this way, you are still going North. Is that brilliant or what? :)
There is more to QMDJ than what is explained in this post. Did you know that you
can use QMDJ to do the following...
1. increase your money luck and wealth
2. increase your chances of getting a loan
3. creates a good impression on your first date
4. improve relationships (both romantic and non romantic)
5. increase your chances of getting a job
6. increase your chances of success in an interview
7. increase your chances of doing well in your exams
8. increase your chances of winning in negotiations
9. improve your health
10. hide from people (eg people who are harassing you)
11. easily find helpful people
12. improve your overall luck
and many more!!

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