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Fire Day Master

Bing Day Master (The Sun) If you are a Bing (Yang Fire) day master, imagine the Sun energy. This is big and active fire, and channelling warmth across earth and all things. Bing day master thus radiates warmth and radiance, and is vibrant, vivacious and sunny in dis!osition.

This is a !erson who is o!en, fran", generous and full of warmth, !assion and enthusiasm. honest, !assionate and u!right. Bing !eo!le are generally cheerful and well#li"ed by others. They have leadershi! ca!abilities and will not sto! until they attain their goals. $i"e the Sun, Bing day masters are big#hearted and of stri"ing !ersonality. They are not only amicable and lenient, but also very energetic, show enthusiasm and interest in all things, and will actively hands#on in action. They li"e to do big things. %owever they also have big ego and !ride. &ust li"e the Sun, day in and day out, it does the same thing. %ence, Bing !eo!le very often are routined oriented and easily become com!lacent and get stuc" in one way. s Bing !eo!le are dynamic in nature, since the Sun loo"ing across the earth, can create benefits as well as unhealthy or harmful reactions es!ecially scorching hot when one gets too near, they !lay both the good and the bad roles in their lives. They can be im!atience and have a tendency to waste. lso !rone to mood swings every now and then. Sometimes they can be conceited and sometimes they have a merciful heart. So friends tend to come and go. Bing characteristics will defer according to their overall Ba'i chart and will de!ending greatly on what time the !erson is born. re you born day time or night(
Bing Fire, like the fire of the sun, radiates warmth. It's rare to meet a Bing Fire who hasn't touch someone's life. Bing Fire types are usually generous and open. They can be vibrant, vivacious, and yes, sunny in disposition, or gloomy and not very good at expressing their feelings. ost Bing Fire are sincere, !ust, and upright, noble types. They rarely have a hidden agenda and are

fre"uently not the type to hold a grudge. They are sentimental, charitable, and usually passionate about a cause, a belief, or a principle. Bing Fire people, however, think the world revolves around them. They are often very routine#oriented and easily reach a plateau, becoming bored with their !obs or work.

Ding Day Master (Fire Flame) )ing (Yin Fire) or Fire Flame character are of softer and milder dis!osition. $i"e a candle, even though small but still gives out warmth. )ing day masters are *uiet, warm and unhurried. Their endurance and tolerance level are very high which is o!!osite of Bing (Sun) !eo!le. They are conservative, courteous and !assionate.

)ing !eo!le+s contem!lation is !rofound, their behaviour is careful and cautious. Their thin"ing is li"e a careful vanguard, !lanning every matter to com!letion. This is li"e the nature of a small fire, from ignition it burns anything until it turns into ashes. They can be li"ened to a fire burning slowly, sacrificing oneself to bring warmth to those near them. %ence, )ing !eo!le will tend to be very close to those who, they "now very well. Fire Flame character are illuminating in nature, hence they are born leaders, a !erson who ta"es !ride in showing !eo!le the way. They are great motivator but are easily demotivated as well. $i"e the candle flame, they can also be very fic"le, swaying according to the wind. ,andle fire flame is only brightest at night, so those who are born at night will generally have good achievement. They will be useful to society and attract attention easily. If you are born in the morning or day, the !erson will not be so illuminating. In a way, )ing !ea"s in !erformance when the sun loses its radiance. s such, )ing comes handy at night.
Ding Fire people are born leaders. They take pride in showing people the way. $ometimes, they are fickle but they have a tremendous ability to rise to great occasions. %ing Fire types are meticulous, detail#oriented and sentimental. %ing Fire people are great motivators. The downside is, sometimes, they are easily de#motivated.

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