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For d

Created on 3/2/2018 12:14:02 PM


Joey Yap's

Bazi Profiling System™

Your BaZi Profiling Chart

d 22 Jan 1955 Unknown Male 男

Day Master : 癸 Gui (Yin Water) Hour 時 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年

Main : Supporters (Influence 1
Structure Structure)
Main Profile : The Warrior (Seven Killings)
Day Pillar : 癸未 (Gui Wei) Gui Ding Jia
Yin Water Yin Fire Yang Wood
Celestial : 午 Horse
Noble : 巳 Snake, 卯 Rabbit
People Wei Chou Wu
Intelligence : 卯 Rabbit Goat Ox Horse
Yin Earth Yin Earth Yang Fire
Peach : 子 Rat
Sky Horse : 巳 Snake Ding Ji Yi Xin Ji Gui Ding Ji
Goat Goat Goat Ox Ox Ox HorseHorse
Solitary : 申 Monkey IW 7K EG IR 7K F IW 7K
Elemental Values
金 木 水 火 土
Metal Wood Water Fire Earth
1 2 4 3 3

5 Structures 10 Profiles Strength

Main Structures : Influence Structure Seven Killings (己) The Warrior 81%
Sub Structures : Companion Structure
Friend (癸) The Friend 75%

Indirect Wealth (丁) The Pioneer 70%

Indirect Resource ( 辛 ) The
Philosopher 55%
Hurting Officer ( 甲 ) The
Performer 48%

Eating God (乙) The Artist 45%

Direct Resource ( 庚 ) The
Analyzer 0%

Direct Wealth (丙) The Director 0%

Rob Wealth (壬) The Leader 0%

10 Profiles Direct Officer (戊) The Diplomat 0%

Main Profile : Seven Killings (己)

Sub Profile : Friend (癸)
Base Profile : - 3
Social Profile : Indirect Wealth (丁)
Intimate Profile : Seven Killings (己)

1 2 3
Copyright © 2016 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved worldwide.
Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap’s original literary expression and are copy
protected. Your Day Master Your Structure Your Profile
Reporduction of terminolgies, layouts and designs in any form without the express written consent from JoeyYap International
Who you are
Limited is prohibited. How You Approach The World What You Do

Joey Yap's

Bazi Profiling System™

Name : d Time of : 00:00

Gender : Male Birth

Day of Birth : 22 Jan 1955 Self Element : Yin Water

癸 Gui
Yin Water
Wise, Quick-witted, Intuitive

Being Yin Water, Gui Water is akin to the fine mist, soft dew drops
and gentle showers of rain.

Your Day Master The Innovative Multi-taskers

Like the rain that nourishes the plants and all Being natural-born thinkers, Gui Water people
other life forms on earth, Gui Water people have are inherently wise and perceptive. Hence, they
many creative ideas. are also introverted by nature - having a more
placid and calm disposition. As they tend to
The Water Element pertains to intelligence,
keep their thoughts to themselves, others have a
wisdom and IQ. Hence, the Gui Water type
tough time figuring out the Gui Water type.
values intellectualism as well as communication
with others. Just as easily as they are excited by new ideas,
they also become bored quickly with the routine
And like the lofty clouds in the sky and elusive,
details of a project. Given their broad range of
drifting mist, Gui Water personalities can be
interests and abilities, they are not the type to
moody, fickle and subtle - they often strike
keep still for long in one place.
others as aloof and indifferent.
With an affinity for the short term, a Gui Water
person is not one who likes to make plans in
advance. Being more mentally agile, they also
do not suffer gladly others with very little
common sense.

Recommended Path to Personal Growth

Gui Water individuals need to develop their rational thinking muscles. When they learn to control
their emotions, they are able to control their life.

A bad habit common among Gui Water people is their tendency to abandon things halfway when
things don't suit them, or start to bore them.

Copyright © 2016 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved worldwide.
Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap’s original literary expression and are copy
Reporduction of terminolgies, layouts and designs in any form without the express written consent from JoeyYap International
Limited is prohibited.

Joey Yap's

Bazi Profiling System™

Copyright © 2016 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved worldwide.
Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap’s original literary expression and are copy
Reporduction of terminolgies, layouts and designs in any form without the express written consent from JoeyYap International
Limited is prohibited.
At Work
Gui Water people can see the proverbial grand scheme of things and, combined with their
idealistic sense of principles, they prefer to focus on the greater good of things.

As such, they are well suited for careers in teaching and education. Given their nurturing,
patient and tolerant nature, they are very good at inspiring others with a vision of the future
and sharing
Call knowledge
us today with them. and appointments
for more information
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Blessed Boulevard,
the giftMid Valley
of the City
gab, free-flowing imagination and enthusiastic creativity, a Gui
Water person
59200 also makes
Kuala Lumpur, a great story-teller or talented writer. When they are in the mood to
talk, they can be very affable and chatty.
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The Gui Water type is probably the best in multi-tasking as they are naturally adaptable and
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action-oriented. While they are capable of contributing interesting ideas and imaginative
 www.baziprofiling.com
solutions to problems, their biggest hurdle is their unpredictable nature and erratic

Recommended Path to Professional Growth

Gui Water people have a tendency to abandon projects halfway the moment they lose interest.
Unfortunately, they are not working on an island like Friday, Robinson Crusoe's companion.
Therefore, they must learn to maintain consistency and see projects through with their team
mates. By being more responsible in finishing the work they start, Gui Water individuals can
emerge as winners.

Famous Gui Water Personalities

Larry Ellison Jamie Oliver Martha Stewart

He is an American business Sometimes known as The She is an American business
magnate, philanthropist and Naked Chef, is a British chef, magnate, television host,
the co-founder and chief restaurateur and media author, and magazine
executive officer of Oracle personality, known for his publisher. As founder of
Corporation, a major enterprise food-focused television Martha Stewart Living
software company. shows and cookbooks. Omnimedia, she has gained
success through a variety of
business ventures,
encompassing publishing,
broadcasting, and

Find out more about other aspects of your unique personality

profile. Get the BaZi Profiling™ DYD Career Report to help you
aware of your full scope of strength and weaknesses, and take
action to improve your life!

Get the BaZi Profiling™ DYD Career Report Now!

Visit www.baziprofiling.com

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