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Advanced Bazi On Ten Gods - Hurting Officer

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Advanced Bazi – Ten Gods Series

Hurting Officer
伤 官 , known as Hurting Officer (HO), is the element in which the Daymaster produces. The production follows
the Yin-Yang cycle, which means that a Yang DM will produce a Yin HO, vice versa. As this is a creative relationship,
shí shén
HO diminishes the DM more strongly than the other Output star, Eating God (⾷神). Goh (2008)1 mentioned that
DMs with strong presence of HO have outstanding perception, intelligence, innovativeness and non-conforming
nature (p. 137). They may even be anti-tradition.

Which is your HO? Functions of HO

Daymaster HO  Diminishes the DM’s strength
甲 丁  Creatively supports Wealth Stars
乙 bǐng
Self  Controls Officer Stars

 Exhausts Resource Stars
丙 己

丁 戊 Resource Output
戊 辛
己 庚
庚 癸 Officer Wealth
辛 壬

壬 乙
癸 甲

HO star is also known as the Explicit Talent or Performer. It has an extrovert and aggressive characteristic. HO
likes the limelight, fond of fame, reputation and glamour, creative & spontaneous, rebellious, seeks to excel, intelligent. For a
female DM, HOs represent her children.

What does Hurting Officer represent?

 A woman's children, especially sons
 Grandmother
 One's juniors or younger family members
 Artists, Musicians, Designers and decorators
 Economists, Lawyers
 Religious or spiritual guides, preachers and priests
 A womanizer
 A hero
 Cunning, deceptive talkers
wò hǔ cánglóng
 卧虎藏 龙 - a place or situation that is full of people with unusual talents

Mahatma Gandhi's Day Pillar is Bing Fire sitting

on Indirect Resource. His unwavering
commitment to non-violence and civil
disobedience as a means to achieve political and
social change was central to his personality and
leadership style, as he advocated for peaceful
resistance even in the face of immense
adversity and violence during the Indian
independence movement.

His Hurting Officer façade, visible to the general

public, manifested his rebellion to the authority of the day. His strict asceticism, self-imposed poverty, and
sometimes rigid viewpoints could be seen as challenging aspects of his personality. These traits occasionally made
it difficult for him to relate to others and led to disagreements within his movement.

Goh Guan Leong (2008). Four Pillars of Destiny. Way On Net Group.

Intelligent Ostentatious, attention seeking
Confident and possesses a high sense of self-esteem Pugnacious, tendency to force other to follow the
same beliefs
Eloquent and capable of expressing oneself coherently Enjoys exaggerating and could possibly be pretentious
Creative and spontaneous Enjoys change
Rebellious, stubborn and dislikes being controlled or Possibly unkind and cruel, with a tendency to sulk
curbed by others
Talkative and loquacious, with a tendency to attract Ostentatious
unwanted attention and scandals
Ambitious, seeks to excel and hates losing or admitting Intefering
A multi-capable jack of all trades Self-centered, egostical
Fond of fame, reputation and glamour — and hence
enjoys being in the limelight

American golfer with a controversial

private life, he tied for first in PGA Tour
wins, ranks second in men's major
championships, and holds numerous
golf records. Woods is widely regarded
as one of the greatest golfers of all
time and one of the most famous
athletes of all time. He has been
elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame.

He has a Hurting Officer structure.


The concept of the Hurting Officer Star and the Eating God Star in Chinese astrology sheds light on an individual's
talents, abilities, and personality traits, particularly in the context of their external or introverted nature.

The Hurting Officer Star primarily encompasses external and extroverted talents and skills, including verbal
communication such as speaking, debating, negotiating, and presenting, as well as extroverted artistic abilities like
singing, dancing, and acting. In essence, individuals with a prominent Hurting Officer Star are often adept at public
and expressive endeavors.

Conversely, the Eating God Star is associated with behind-the-scenes creativity, representing qualities like strategic
thinking, orchestration, writing, composing, and producing. When an individual's chart contains only the Eating
God Star and lacks the Hurting Officer Star, their actions and attributes will tend to align more with the traits linked
to the Eating God Star, and the extroverted qualities associated with the Hurting Officer Star may not be prominent
in their personality.
In cases where the Hurting Officer Star is absent, the individual's
talents and abilities are often of a more introverted nature. They
tend to be thinkers rather than talkers, focusing on long-term
considerations rather than immediate concerns. They prefer to let
their work speak for itself rather than engaging in self-promotion
through speech. These individuals often express themselves best
through writing rather than verbal communication, embodying the
role of creators rather than performers. They tend to avoid trends
and instead pave their own unique path. Moreover, their personality
tends to be introverted, characterized by non-confrontational
tendencies and a preference for solitary work. People with a
prominent Eating God Star tend to be detail-oriented perfectionists and have an appreciation for life's finer things,
including culinary pleasures.

The Hurting Officer Star also holds significance as a symbol of ambition. Its absence in an individual's chart may
imply that they are less concerned with societal measures of success and progress in their careers. Instead, they
tend to set their own internal goals and standards, being content with their personal achievements without
comparing themselves to their peers. They exhibit self-assuredness in their ability to reach their goals and don't
require validation from others.

From a career perspective, the absence of a Hurting Officer Star can

present challenges in modern times. It relates to an individual's capacity
to market and promote themselves, which is crucial for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship often demands self-promotion alongside the
promotion of one's products or services. In a world where audacity often
prevails over modesty, the Hurting Officer Star can be valuable,
particularly in an era where promotions are self-advocated rather than
awarded solely based on merit.

For women, the absence of the Hurting Officer Star may signify a diminished affinity or connection with their male
offspring, as the Hurting Officer Star is associated with male children. This doesn't necessarily imply that a woman
won't have male children but may suggest a less profound bond with her sons.

Features Descriptions
Strengths duō cái duō yì biǎo dá liú chàng jī ling mǐn ruì
多才多艺 ,表达流 畅 ,机灵敏锐 ,领悟性 强 , 创 意丰富 ,理 想 高远 , 「活力 充 沛 , 重 视他人对自己之
lǐng wù xìng qiáng chuàng yì fēng fù lǐ xiǎng gāo yuǎn huó lì chōng pèi zhòng shì tā rén duì zì jǐ zhī

kěn dìng yǒu bú duànchāo yuè tā rén zhī yù wàng xué xí néng lì qiáng dà dōu xiàngmào qīng xiù biǎo qíng fēng fù shì hé yǎn yì měi shù gē chàng
肯定,有不 断 超 越他人之欲 望 ,学习 能 力, 强 。大都 相 貌清秀,表情丰富,适合演艺、美术、歌 唱 、
wǔ dǎo guǎng bō xīn wén bào dǎo jié mù zhǔ chí duì yì shù de gǎn shòu mǐn ruì yě shì hé zì yóu zhí yè huò jīng mì jì shù
舞蹈、 广 播、新「闻报导、节目主持,对艺术的感受 敏锐,也适合自由职业或精密技术。

Multi-talented, fluent in expression, sharp, comprehensible, creative, lofty ideals, "energetic,

valuing the affirmation of others, the desire to constantly surpass others, the ability to learn,
strong." Most of them are beautiful in appearance and rich in expression, suitable for acting, art,
singing, dance, broadcasting, new news reports, program hosting, keen sense of art, but also
suitable for freelance or precision technology.

xìng qù tài guǎng fàn bó ér bù jīng bù néngliàng lì ér wéi wǎngwǎng zuò chū chāo yuè néng lì zhī shì yǐ cái ào wù rèn xìng zì dà yí yì gū xíng wú
兴趣太 广 泛,博而不精,不 能 量力而为 ,往 往 做出超越 能 力之事。倚才傲物,任性自大,一意孤行,无
fǎ jiē nà zhōng yán yàn wù lǐ sú jū shù kuángwàngzhāng miè shì fǎ lìng wéi dá mù dì bù zé shǒuduàn huò yǐ sī hài gōng shāng rén zì zūn cái duō
法接纳 忠 言 ,厌恶礼俗拘束 , 狂 妄 张 ,蔑视法令 ,为达目的不择手 段 ,或以私害 公 , 伤 人自尊 。财多
zé tān dé quē diǎn wú yàn hǎo guǎn xián shì hào shèngchěngqiáng ài chū fēng tóu gǎn qíng yòng shì yì qíng xù huà nán xìng kè zhì sī yù nǚ xìng yí xiū
则贪得缺点无厌 ,好 管 闲事 。好 胜 逞 强 ,爱出风头 ,感情 用 事 ,易情绪化 。男性克制私欲 ,女性宜修
xīn yǎng xìng piān yìn shāngguāntóng xiàn dú duàn yòu quē fá zì xìn huì cháng bǎo hū ruò yǒu suǒ sī què yòu bù zhī xiǎngshén me duō xué ér bù zhuān yì
心养 性。偏印、 伤 官 同现 ,独 断 又缺乏自信,会 常 保惚,若有所思却又不知 想 什么 ,多学而不 专 ,易
shòu wài zài shì wù yǐng xiǎng bǐ jiān shāngguān guò zhòng de nǚ xìng yì duō chóushàn gǎn
受外在事物影 响 。比肩、 伤 官 过 重 的女性,易多 愁 善感。

Too many interests but not well-developed – ‘Jack of all Trades’. Poetic talent is arrogant, willful
and arrogant, insists on going his own way, cannot accept honest advice, hates the restraint of
etiquette and customs, is arrogant, despises laws and regulations, and does not hesitate to use
any means to achieve his goals, or harms the public for private purposes and hurts others' self-

Those with wealth stars are greedy and meddlesome. Competitive and stubborn, showy,
emotional, easy to get emotional. Men should refrain from selfish desires, and women should
cultivate their minds. HO meeting IR - assertive but lack of self-confidence, They often remain
in a trance, are thoughtful but don't know what to think about, learn a lot but don't specialize,
and are easily influenced by external things. Women who have Friend stars or have too HOs are
prone to be sentimental.

Year Pillar
yǔ zhǎng bèi bú yì gōu tōng fù mǔ gǎn qíng yǒu wèn tí shēnqiáng shí tóng nián bēi shāng shēn ruò shí yòu nián duō bìng jiā dào zǒu xià pō xiǎo shí hòu ài
与 长 辈不易沟通 ,父母感情有问题 。身 强 时童年悲 伤 ,身弱时幼年多 「病 ,家道走下坡 ;小时候爱
chū fēng tóu zì bēi gǎn jiào zhòng
出风头,自卑感较 重 。

It is difficult to communicate with elders and there are emotional problems with parents. If DM
is strong, childhood is sad; if DM is weak, there are many diseases in childhood, and the family
fortune goes downhill; when one is young, he loves to be in the limelight and has a strong sense
of inferiority.

Month Pillar
yǔ xiōng dì zǐ mèi bù qīn jìn sī xiǎng qí yì qì zào qíng liè fǎn yìng líng mǐn diǎn zi duō yì zǒu jí duān xiōng dì zǐ mèi wú bāng zhù fán shì xǐ huan
与 兄 弟姊妹不亲近,思 想 奇异,气燥情烈,反应灵敏,点子多,易走 极 端 。 兄 弟姊妹无 帮 助,凡事喜 欢
kào zì jǐ nǚ mìng de fū qī gǎn qíng yì yǒu wèn tí
靠自己。女 命 的夫妻感情易有问题。

Not close to brothers and sisters, has strange thoughts, strong temper, quick reactions, many
ideas, and tends to go to extremes. Brothers and sisters have no help and prefer to rely on
themselves in everything. Females are vulnerable to poor marriages.

Day Pillar
nán mìng de fū qī jiān yì hù xiāng cāi jì gǎn qíng yǒu wèn tí nǚ mìng de zhàng fu guī máo dàn zì jǐ bǐ zhàng fū xiōng nán mìng shì yè xīn zhòng bù
男 命 的夫妻间易互 相 猜忌 ,感情有问题 。女 命 的 丈 夫龟毛 ,但自己比 丈 夫 凶 。男 命 事业心 重 ,不
nà qī yán nǚ mìng yǒu líng jià zhàng fu zhī xīn tài yì yǒu hūn biàn fū qī nán dá chénggòng shí
纳妻言,女 命 有凌驾 丈 夫之心态,易有婚变, 夫妻难达 成 共 识。

Male DMs’ marital relationships are vulnerable to mutual suspicions and jealousy. The woman's
husband is indecisive, fussy or nitpicking but she’s fiercer than her husband. If a man is career-
oriented and does not accept his wife's advice, if a woman has a mentality of overriding her
husband, it is easy for marriage to change and it is difficult for the couple to reach a consensus.

Hour Pillar
nǚ xìng yì liú chǎn nán xìng bú yì dé zǐ shēnqiǎng wǎn nián bú yì yú zǐ nǚ gōu tōng zǐ xùn wán qiǎng nán zài shí zhù yǐ jiào yǎng yī yǒu míngsheng
女性易流產 ,男性不易得子 。身 強 晚年不易與子女溝通 。子孫頑 強 難 在時柱 以教 養 ,一有 名 聲
jiù kuài shāng hài dì wèi yì shāng dào zǐ nǚ xiǎo hái yù dà yù nán jiào dǎo lǎo nián yà lì dà shēn tǐ jiào bù hǎo
就會 傷 害地位。易 傷 到子女,小孩愈大愈難教導。老年 壓力大,身體較不好。

Women are prone to miscarriage, while men are less likely to have children. It is difficult to
communicate with children in old age due to physical weakness. It is difficult to educate children
who are stubborn and stubborn. Once they have a reputation, their status will be damaged. It
is easy to hurt the children. The older the children, the harder it is to teach them. The elderly
are under great pressure and in poor health.

shāngguān gé jú zǒng lùn zǐ píng pài xì shāngguān gé shì yuè lìng shāngguān wú chōng hé yī gòng yǒu wǔ gé
伤 官 格局 总 论子平派系 伤 官 格是月令 伤 官 ,无 冲 合。一 共 有五格。
Pattern analysis involving Hurting Officer according to ZiPing’s body of knowledge.
shāngguān pèi yìn guì bù kě yán
Special reading - 傷 官 佩印 , 貴不可言 [Hurting Officer Equipped with Seal, Words cannot describe
shāngguān pèi yìn gé rì zhǔ shēn ruò yìn xīng yǒu gēn shāng shí qiángwàng ruò yǒu zhèngguān bì xū xiān shāng hòu guān gé chéng jì cái yǒu guān shā hù yìn chú wài jì
伤 官 配印格 ,日主身弱 ,印星有根 , 伤 ⾷ 强 旺 。若有 正 官 必须先 伤 后 官 。格 成 ,忌财 ,有 官 杀护印除外 。 忌
guān shā wàng yǐ miǎn mǔ wàng zǐ miè
官 杀 旺 ,以 免母 旺 子灭。

The Hurting Officer is equipped with Seal formation happens when the Daymaster is weak, the Seal Star has roots,
and the HO/EG are strong and prosperous.

As HO represents expressions, intelligence, fluency, and innovation, the DM is showy and enjoys the limelight. The
desire to be the life of the party and draw attention is strong. The indomitable and headstrong nature of HOs
causes them to be overconfident in their abilities, becoming smug and non-conformist. The presence of resource
Stars, being benevolent, retrains the negative aspect of HOs.

Thus, HOs with strong and favourable Resource Stars value morality and cultivation. They have righteous
upbringing. However, their excessive benevolence results in their lacking of boldness and resolution.

Albert Einstein, born on 14 March 1879 (about

11:30am), was a Bing Shen Daymaster. He has
a Hurting Officer façade, which is a HO sitting on
DR pillar, and a DR structure. This natal chart is
classified with a special formation of 伤官佩印。

ài yīn sī tǎn shāngguān pèi yìn qí qiǎo ér chuàng yì dú tè
爱因斯坦: 伤 官 配印,奇巧而 创 意独特
Einstein: Seal for Hurting Officer – Ingenious and

piān yìn de zhòng yào tè xìng shì zì bì gū pì xǐ huan dú chǔ tā de piān yìn jiǎ tòu chū tiān gān nián yuè dì zhī mǎo mù gèng jiā zhòng le tā de zhè zhǒng xìng gé piān yìn qiáng
偏印的 重 要特性是自闭、孤僻、喜 欢 独处。他的偏印甲透出天干,年月地支 卯木 更 加 重 了他的这 种 性格。偏印 强
wàng tòu chū shì yǔ yán zhàng ài de yī gè tè zhēng suǒ yǐ ài yīn sī tǎn sì suì cái huì shuō huà piān yìn jiǎ mù shēngdīng huǒ wǔ huǒ dīng wǔ huǒ yòu shēng jǐ tǔ shāngguān shāng
旺 透出 ,是语言 障 碍的一个特 征 ,所以爱因斯坦四 岁才会说话 。偏印甲木 生 丁火 、午火 ,丁午火又 生 己土 伤 官 , 伤
guān dài biǎo zhì huì zhè shì diǎn xíng de shāngguān pèi yìn yìn wéi shōu liǎn shāng wéi wài tǔ liǎng zhě dōu wàng biàn kě dà kāi dà hé suǒ yǐ chéng jiù hěn gāo piān yìn wéi qí qiǎo
官 代表智慧,这是典型 的「 伤 官 配印」
。印为收敛, 伤 为外吐,两 者都 旺 便可大开大合,所以 成 就很高。偏印 为奇巧,
shāngguān wéi dǎ pò guī zé yīn cǐ qí xué shù chéng jiù jí qí dú tè nián tā zài zǐ yùn zhōng dú lì ér wán zhěng dì tí chū xiá yì xiāng duì lùn yuán lǐ kāi chuàng wù lǐ
伤 官 为打破规则,因此其学术 成 就极其独特。 1905年,他在子运 中 独立而完 整 地提出狭义 相 对论原理,开 创 物理
xué de xīn jì yuán jiě jué le gǔ diǎn wù lǐ xué de wēi jī chuàng lì le quán xīn de wù lǐ xué shì jiè tóng nián yuè tā tí chū le pǐn zhì yǔ néngliàng de guān xì lǐ lùn wéi hé
学的新纪元 ,解决了古典物理学的危机, 创 立了 全 新的物理学世界。同年9月,他提出了品质与 能 量的 关 系理论,为核
néng de lì yòng kāi pì le dào lù shāngguān pèi yìn jiào qīng gāo zhuī qiú jīng shén shì jiè suǒ yǐ zài dào suì shí huó zài zì jǐ de shì jiè zhōng
能 的利 用 开辟了道 路。 伤 官 配印较清高,追求精神世界,所以在8到28岁时活在自己的世界 中 。

(Xu, 2014, p. 453 2) reveals that key features of Indirect Resources (IR) include autism, isolation, and a preference
for solitude. His IR revealed in the Stem and being rooted are more important to his character. IR is a feature of
language disorders, so Einstein could not speak until he was four years old. IR in the form of Jia Wood gives birth
to Ding Fire and Bing Fire (DM), and in turn Ding Fire produces the Hurting Officer. HO represents wisdom, which
is a typical "Seal for Hurting Officer " As IR receives and HO produces, both operate as a harmonious flow, so the
achievement is high. IR is ingenious and HO is creative, so his academic achievements are extremely unique.

In 1905, he independently and completely put forward the principle of special relativity, ushered in a new era of
physics, solved the crisis of classical physics, and created a completely new world of physics. In September of the
same year, he put forward the theory of the relationship between quality and energy, which opened the way for
the use of nuclear energy. The HO is relatively clear and high, and pursues the spiritual world, so he lives in his
own world between the ages of 8 and 28.

shāngguān jiàn guān wéi huò bái duān

Special reading – 伤 官 见 官 ,为祸白 端 【The Hurting Officer sees the Officer, Myriads of Calamities
This special reading requires the following conditions:
 A weak DM
 Strong but unfavourable HO
 Absence or weak Wealth Stars
 Absence or weak Resource Stars

For a natal chart reading, the DM is intelligent, arrogant and portentous. They enjoy harassing, slightly materialistic.
DM dislikes being restricted and disregards laws and regulations. Likely to disrespect authority and behave

When meeting Office in luck cycles, this period would be susceptible to lawsuits and disputes. Reading for marriages
would be adverse.

Khrushchev: The HO saw the Officer,

commanded the Great Purge

Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (15 April

1894 – 11 September 1971) was a Soviet
politician who served as First Secretary of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union from
1953 to 1964, and Chairman of the Council
of Ministers (premier) from 1958 to 1964.
During his rule, Khrushchev stunned the
communist world with his denunciation of his predecessor
Joseph Stalin's crimes, and embarked on a policy of de-Stalinization with his key ally Anastas Mikoyan.
hè lǔ xuě fū shāngguān jiàn guān zhǐ huī dà qīng xǐ
赫鲁雪夫: 伤 官 见 官 ,指挥大清洗

shēnwàngyòng cái guān jiǎ mù guǐ shuǐ tòu gàn jiǎ mù cáng gēn yuè lìng guǐ shuǐ zuò xià shòushēng yòngshén yǒu lì shēn jīn shāngguān yùn kè zhì jiǎ mù zhèngguān shāngguān jiàn guān
身 旺 用 财 官 ,甲木 、癸水透干 ,甲木藏根月令 ,癸水坐下受 生 ,用 神有力 。申金 伤 官 运 ,克制甲木 正 官 ,「 伤 官 见 官 ,
wéi huò bǎi duān tā cān yù zhǐ huī le dà qīng xǐ yùn dòng nián shǐ dá lín fā qǐ qīng xǐ tā shì zuì qǐ jìn de gǔ chuī zhě qīng xǐ xíng dòng bì xū dé dào tā qiān fā
为祸百 端 」,他参与指挥了大清洗运 动 。 1934 年,史达林发起清洗,他是最起劲的鼓吹者。清洗行 动 必须得到他签发
de dài bǔ lìng ér zài bāng zhù péng you yǔ tóng shì fāng miàn tā què zuò dé fēi chángshǎo nián zhèng zhì jú què dìng zhí xíng qiāng jué rén tā zé yāo qiú xiāo miè qián
的逮捕令 , 而 在 帮 助 朋 友与同事方 面他却做得非 常 少 。 1937 年 政 治局确定执行 枪 决 5000 人 , 他则 要求消灭前
míng fù nóng qu yùn chōngchén xíng chǒu yòngshén mù shuǐ zhī gēn shòushāng nián tā zài mì mì bào gào zhōng qiǎn zé le shǐ dá lín dà qīng xǐ děng zuì xíng pēng jī
2000名 富 农 。戌运 冲 辰刑 丑 ,用 神木水之根受 伤 ,1956年 ,他在 「秘密 报告 」 中 谴责了史达林大清洗 等 罪行 ,抨 击

Xu WenQi (2014). 图解八字。Han Shian Culture Publishing Co Ltd.

tā zài lǐng dǎo shàng de wú néng zhè yǐn fā le sū lián jí qí wèi xīng guó de sāo luàn hài yùn nián bó liè rì niè fū fā dòngzhèng biàn miǎn chú le tā de zhí wù tā bèi
他在领导 上 的无 能 。这引发了苏联及其卫 星国的骚乱 。亥运 1964年 ,勃列日涅夫发 动 政 变 ,免除了他的职务 ,他被
qiǎng pò tuì xiū yù yù guǎ huān dì zài xiāng jiān yǐn jū jìn rù jì shénbǐng yùn nián zài chén jì zhōngbìng shì
强 迫退休, 郁郁寡 欢 地在 乡 间隐居。进入忌神丙运,1971年在沉 寂 中 病逝。

The natal chart reveals a prosperous DM with officer façade, the Jia Wood, also rooted in the Month Branch. Gui
Water protrudes on the stem and the Useful God is strong. The Shen metal will be the Hurting Officer – meeting
the DO fulfils the "the HO sees the Officer, myriads of calamities". He participated in directing the Great Purge
Movement. In 1934, Stalin initiated the purge, and he was the most vigorous advocate. The purge had to be
warranted by him, and he did very little to help friends and colleagues. In 1937, the Politburo decided to shoot
5,000 people, and he demanded the elimination of the first 2,000 rich peasants. In 1956, he condemned Stalin's
purge and other crimes in a "secret report" and attacked his incompetence in leadership. This triggered riots in the
Soviet Union and its satellite states. In 1964, Brezhnev was relieved of his post in a coup d'état, and he was forced
to retire and live in seclusion in the countryside. As he entered the Bing Zi luck pillar, he died quietly in 1971.

Chart for Wei Qianli

Wei Qianli was born on March 31, 1911,

the year before the fall of the Qing
Dynasty. In the field of physiognomy
in the Republic of China, Wei Qianli
was a well-known figure. He had
fortune-tellers for Chiang Kai-shek,
Song Meiling, Feng Yuxiang and other
great figures.

In 1933, when he was 22 years old, he

published the book "Selected
Numerology Appointments". The
following year, in 1934, he edited and
published Webster's Lectures on Life Science. At the age of 24, he published the famous "Draft of a Thousand

wéi qiān lǐ shāngguān jú tiē shēnxiāng xiè fēi chángcōngmíng

韦千里: 伤 官 局贴身 相 泄,非 常 聪 明

cái gé pèi shí shāng kě néng huì fā dà cái dàn cái xīng mǎo mù shàng yǒu xīn jīn gài tóu pò le cái gé zǐ yòu yǒu hé shuǐ zhī shì shēngshēn bù dé lì zǐ chén huà shāngguān jú tiē
财格配⾷ 伤 ,可 能 会发大财,但财星卯木 上 有辛金盖头,破了财格。子又有合 水之势, 生 身不得力。子辰 化 伤 官 局贴
shēnxiāng xiè mìng zhǔ fēi chángcōngmíng tā suì xué xí mìng lǐ yǐ chǒu yùn yìn xīng dé lì bì yè yú fù dàn dà xué liǎng nián hòu qì zhí jiē chéng fù yè mài bo yú jiāng hú
身 相 泄,命 主非 常 聪 明 。他14岁学习 命 理,已 丑 运印星得力,毕业于复旦大学。两年后弃职,接 承 父业,卖卜于 江湖,
wù yùn shēng yì xīng lóng zǐ yùn hé chén huà shāng kùn yú jiǔ sè yǐ yǒu jiǎ shēn yùn xī zì zāo mǎo zì huí chōng shēn zì yǔ zǐ chén hé shuǐ jūn bù néng qì bìng zhù shēn mén
戊运 生 意兴隆 。子运合辰 化 伤 ,困于酒色 。乙酉 、甲申运 ,西字遭卯字回 冲 。申字与子辰合水 ,均不 能 弃病助身 ,门
qián lěng luò jiā jì jiān xīn wù chén nián sān hé shuǐ jú yìn xīng huà huài mìng zhǔ qù shì tā yǔ yuán shù shān xú lè wú bìng chēng shàng hǎi mìng lǐ sān dà jiā tā tòu guò
前冷落,家计艰辛。戊辰年三合水局。印星化坏,命 主去世。他与袁树珊、徐乐吾并 称 「 上 海 命 理三大家」。他透过
suànmìng jié jiāo le dà xī pī mín guó fēng yún rén wù rú zhāng tài yán sòng měi líng děng suì shí tā xiě le yī běn míng shū qí zhōng duì dāng shí de yì
算 命 结交了大 析 批民国风云人物,如 章 太炎、宋 美龄 等 。 24岁时他写了一本 名 书《千里命稿》,其 中 对 当 时的一
xiē míng rén jìn xíng tuī suàn wǎn nián dìng jū xiānggǎng
些 名 人进行推算。晚年定居 香 港 。

shāngguān wú cái suī líng qiǎo yì pín qióng
Special reading - 伤 官 无财 , 虽灵巧亦贫 穷 [Hurting Officer Without Wealth, Smart but Poor]
This reading for natal charts denotes the DM is a talented artist but cannot generate wealth.

shāngguān ruò féng cái fù guì zì wāi lái

Special reading - 傷 官 若逢財 , 富貴自夭来 [Hurting Officer Meeting Wealth, Wealth and Prosperity
comes from the Heavens]

DMs with HO structure or on stems meeting Wealth luck pillars would have it easy to make money.

shāngguānshāng jìn dà fù quǎn guì

Special reading - 傷 官 傷 盡 ,大富 犬 貴 [Hurting Officer Hurts to the Max — Great Fortune and Great

Hurting Officer in Emptiness

 Possibility of lackluster performance in endeavors
 Get ready to face setbacks or unexpected hiccups in life
 If you're a parent, your children's academic performance may be affected
 Special talents affected
 Look out for accidents that might take place in the midst of a performance or endeavor!

Counting the number of HO stars in the chart

Based on the “禾元十膿” or Ten Heavenly Matters approach reduced the counting into the following poems:

DR Star Transliteration
一伤生财 Hurting Officer produces Wealth
二伤艺卖 Hurting Officer shows off his (her) talent
三伤官刑 Hurting Officer attracts legal problems
四伤破败 Hurting Officer destructive and meets failure
五伤孤残无助 Hurting Officer lonely, maimed without help
六伤命褂泉台 Hurting Officer Life is hanging from drips of a spring
七伤泄尽精明得态 Hurting Officer extremely smart and wise

Output Element is Favourable + Strong

When an individual possesses a Strong and Favorable Output Element, their talents and gifts in life, whether it be
culinary prowess or marketing brilliance, are immediately and unmistakably evident. The defining characteristic of
their talents is a profound and unmistakable creativity, coupled with a clear penchant for innovation. A Favorable
and Strong Output Element endows the individual with an abundance of passion, boundless energy, intense
enthusiasm, and, most notably, an unyielding ambition to continuously achieve and excel.

Individuals with Favorable and Strong Output Elements are brimming with ideas, and their minds are in a perpetual
state of ideation and innovation. However, these are not mere fanciful notions; the quality of their ideas sets them
apart. They possess a unique ability to discern angles and opportunities that often elude others. They infuse their
ideas with a distinct twist or a touch of brilliance, constantly pushing the boundaries of excellence in everything
they undertake, whether it's a task that crosses their desk or their contribution to a simple office potluck event.

Favorable and Strong Output Elements empower individuals to add value in all aspects of life, whether it's
enhancing a work assignment or making a meaningful contribution to a communal gathering. With a Favorable
and Strong Output Element, individuals are also well-positioned to achieve favorable outcomes and effectively
leverage their talents to attain their goals and accumulate wealth.

In essence, a Strong and Favorable Output Element serves as a catalyst for outstanding creativity, boundless
ambition, and remarkable achievements in both personal and professional spheres of life.

Output Element is Favourable + Weak
When the Output Element is Weak, it indicates that the individual may not be fully aware of their innate talents,
skills, or gifts, and these abilities may not be readily apparent to others either. Conversely, a Favorable but Weak
Output Element characterizes an individual whose talents require substantial nurturing and support to reach their
full potential. Such individuals depend on encouragement from peers and a strong belief in themselves to bring
their innate gifts to the forefront. Additionally, a Favorable but Weak Output Element suggests that the person
possesses numerous ideas but lacks the focus to develop or refine them, or to perfect their talents and abilities.

In cases where the Output Element is both Favorable and Weak, individuals often contemplate expressing
themselves more but struggle to articulate their thoughts or commit their ideas to paper. They may require
prodding and encouragement to gain confidence in their abilities and ideas. Occasionally, a Favorable but Weak
Output Element leads individuals to have a plethora of unformed ideas, and they may tend to borrow or adapt
existing concepts, passing them off as their own with minor modifications, rather than generating original content.

In general, when the Output Element is Favorable but Weak, it becomes challenging for the individual to leverage
their talents to achieve favorable outcomes or positive results. This situation is analogous to a busking musician in
the London Underground, possessing great talent but struggling to translate that talent into significant
achievements or recognition.

Output Element is Unfavourable + Strong

A Robust Output Element typically signifies an individual who possesses a high degree of creativity, intense passion,
strong ambition, and exceptional drive. However, when the Element is Strong yet Unfavorable, these qualities may
sometimes be misdirected towards trivial pursuits. Alternatively, such individuals may set unrealistic goals or chase
after fleeting dreams, leading to frequent disappointment, frustration, and, at times, a complete loss of motivation,
as their aspirations often surpass their attainable objectives.

Moreover, a Strong and Unfavorable Output Element is often indicative of a forceful and opinionated personality,
marked by an inflexible viewpoint. Consequently, individuals with this characteristic may struggle to make
significant progress in life, as their stubbornness and unwavering conviction in their own rightness hinder their
adaptability. In such cases, a dose of humility would be beneficial, as they tend to remain steadfast in their beliefs
when a more open-minded approach would be advantageous.

Output Element is Unfavourable + Weak

The primary indicator of a Deficient and Unfavorable Output Element is a noticeable absence of ambition in the
individual, as the Output Element plays a crucial role in representing a person's aspirations and objectives in life.
Typically, a Deficient and Unfavorable Output Element also signifies passivity, a lack of substantial or meaningful
interests, and a somewhat uninspired demeanor in the individual. Moreover, individuals with such characteristics
tend to demonstrate limited productivity in their professional roles and exhibit a reactive rather than proactive or
initiative-driven disposition. Given the weakness of their Output Element, they tend to struggle with creative
thinking and the generation of innovative solutions.

In the rare event that they do propose something, the subpar quality of their Output Element often results in their
suggestions or ideas resembling poor imitations or direct reproductions of something they encountered elsewhere.
People possessing Deficient and Unfavorable Output Elements typically adopt a passive approach, waiting for
instructions before engaging in tasks, subsequently expressing dissatisfaction with their assigned responsibilities
without offering any alternative suggestions.

General Attributes of the Hurting Officer Star

Hurting Officer meeting Direct Officer

Given the negation of the Direct Officer Star, symbolizing adherence to laws and rules, the outcome is an individual
averse to external control or directives. This person's inherent creativity leads them to exhibit rebellious behavior.
However, they strongly dislike failure and display resilience in completing tasks. Their obstinate and pugnacious
nature may lead to friction and distress for others. These non-conformists, despite their intelligence, embrace
change. Regrettably, their persistent and inflexible dispositions may secure minor victories but result in substantial
losses. This scenario often foreshadows calamities, legal disputes, and particularly, divorces.

In terms of relationships, it could foresee potential estrangement from one's children. Women may encounter
challenging relationships with their spouses, while men may unfortunately bring trouble and misfortune upon their

What Happens when a Hurting Officer Star Clashed by a Direct Resource Star
The typical attributes of the Direct Resource Star, encompassing quietness, tolerance, and mercy, are contradicted
in this context. Consequently, the Day Master is inclined towards displaying a demeanor characterized by cruelty,
unkindness, combativeness, and a tendency towards sulking. This situation forebodes challenges and a potentially
shortened lifespan. Additionally, there's a possibility of health issues such as lumps or tumors, emphasizing the
need for regular exercise and attentive self-care, including taking necessary breaks for rejuvenation. It is evident
that to maintain exceptional verbal and written communication skills, one must prioritize optimal physical and
mental conditioning.

Venus Ebony Starr Williams (born June 17, 1980)

is an American professional tennis player. A
former world No. 1 in both singles and doubles,
Williams has won seven Grand Slam singles titles,
five at Wimbledon and two at the US Open. She
is widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis
players of all time.

In 2003, Yetunde Price, Venus and Serena

Williams's 31-year-old sister (who was also
their personal assistant,) was shot dead in
Compton, California near the courts on
which the sisters once practiced.

Williams has dated golfer Hank Kuehne,

who was a visible presence from the time
of Wimbledon 2007 until 2010. In 2012,
she met Cuban model Elio Pis when he was
hired as an underwear model for her
clothing line; they dated until 2015. She
dated publishing heir Nicholas Hammond
for two years until 2019.

On June 9, 2017, Williams was driving in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida when another car collided with her SUV
before she cleared the intersection, a crash that killed a 78-year-old man and injured another person in the second
vehicle. Police originally said that Williams was "at fault" for the crash, but on December 21, 2017, authorities
determined the crash was caused by an unidentified third driver.

Hurting Officer Star Produces a Direct & Indirect Wealth Star

When the Direct and Indirect Wealth Stars are fortified, their impacts are considerably intensified. In such
circumstances, the individual becomes eloquent and creative, showcasing a particular proficiency in expressing
themselves through dance or song.

Despite a strong inclination towards the acquisition of wealth, these individuals possess adept financial
management skills. They are undeniably versatile, demonstrating the potential to excel in various aspects of life.

However, men in this category may struggle with licentious behavior, engaging in womanizing tendencies. Their
capacity to present themselves in a sophisticated or feigned manner may either advantageously or detrimentally
influence their pursuits and relationships.

Hurting Officer Star meeting a Friend Star

In summary, considering the present conditions, we are describing an individual who is dynamic, intelligent, and
potentially bold. Due to their talents, this person may exhibit a tendency to present themselves in a pretentious
manner, showcasing an ability to manipulate or finesse their words adeptly.

shāngguān zuò dì zhī shí shén

伤 官 坐地支十神: Hurting Officer Star Sitting On

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on a Friend Star

shāngguān zuò bǐ jiān bù jí lì zì zhāo jiā tíng bù hé qīn qi bù hé bǐ jiān dài biǎo qīn qi péng you dé shāngguān xiè zhī suǒ yǐ bù hé mù hūn yīn bù shùn
伤 官 坐比肩 :不吉利 ,自招家庭不和 ,亲戚不和 (比肩代表亲戚 朋 友 ,得 伤 官 泄之 ,所以不和睦 )。婚姻不顺 ,
hūn hòu yì fū qī jiān fā shēngmáo dùn nǚ mìngzhèngguān fū xīng pà shāngguān kè zhī yòu yǔ bǐ jiān duì lì

婚后易夫妻间发 生 矛盾(女 命 正 官 夫星怕 伤 官 克之,又与比肩对立)。

Unlucky. HO meeting FS denotes family, relatives and friends discord as HO weakens FS. The marriage would not
be smooth. Potential marital conflicts. The female’s husband (DO) fears HO and this is amplified with FS’s presence.

When the Hurting Officer Star significantly weakens the Friend Star, representing one's close relationships and
family members, connections with relatives and loved ones are far from warm and harmonious. This individual is
likely to experience challenges in maintaining domestic bliss, and even relationships with loved ones may remain
strained and distant.

In the scenario where the Hurting Officer Star conflicts with the Direct Officer Star, symbolizing a woman's husband,
and clashes with the Friend Star, it is especially concerning for women. This combination suggests that women
may face significant strain and tension in their relationships with their spouses. It foretells a marriage marked by
strife, conflict, and persistent tension.

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on a Rob Wealth

shāng guān zuò jié cái bùjí nán mìng hūnyīn bù shùn qǔqī yǐ cái wéi qī shāng guān yǒu jié cái liǎng gè xīng dōu xǐhuan qián de qiánzhě yòngjìn nǎolì hòuzhě yòngjìn

伤 官坐劫财 : 不吉 , 男命婚姻不顺 ( 娶妻以财为妻 , 伤 官有劫财两个星都喜欢钱的 , 前者用尽脑力 , 后者用尽

shǒuduàn shāng guān dàibiǎo nǎolìláodòng jié cái dàibiǎo shǒuduàn wéirén xīnxiōng xiáài mánbùjiǎnglǐ tài guò shìlì cǐ wéi shāng guān hé jié cái de tèsè

手段 , 伤 官代表脑力劳动 , 劫财代表手段 ), 为人心胸狭隘 , 蛮不讲理 。 太过势利 ( 此为 伤 官和劫财的特色 ),

bìngqiě yǒu pòcái líbié qīnrén shēnxīn láokǔ tèzhēng háiyǒu jiùshì yǔ rén hézuò de shìyè bì bèi jiě sàn jié cái wéi hé zuò de shì yè shēng shāng guān bì jiě

并且有破财 ,离别亲人 ,身心劳苦特征 。还有 ,就是与人合作的事业必被解散 (劫财为合作的事业 , 生 伤 官必解



Unlucky. Male’s marriage is not expected to be smooth (Male’s wife is the wealth star, both HO and RW like money
with the former using intellectual prowess and the latter using skills). Narrow-minded and unreasonable. Too
snobbish (this is characteristic of HOs and RWs). Has the characteristics of a spendthrift, being separate from
relatives. Physical and mental hardship. In addition, the cause of dissolution of cooperation.

In this scenario, the individual in question enters a marriage primarily driven by the pursuit of financial gain. Their
fixation on money and material wealth shapes nearly every decision they make, rendering them exceedingly
demanding. This unhealthy preoccupation with wealth not only distances them from their loved ones but also puts
their relationships at risk, potentially leading to a separation. The adage "what goes around, comes around" holds
true, as this path may ultimately subject them to a life of adversity, marked by exhaustion due to the stressful and
troublesome lifestyle they embrace.

Even in less dire circumstances, the individual's business partnerships or joint ventures are likely to be short-lived.
This outcome is further exacerbated when the Rob Wealth Star, indicative of potential business partnership
breakups, strengthens and amplifies the Hurting Officer Star, a sign of separation.

Chiang Kai-Shek
Chinese military leader,
general and statesman, the
Director of China 1928-1949
and leader of Formosa from
1949. He was Chief of Staff of
Shampa Military Academy
5/03/1924 and named head
of the Kuomintang 5/15/1926.
He married his third wife,
Soong May-ling 12/01/1927.

Kidnapped 12/12/1936, he
was held prisoner until he agreed to a common front with the communists against the Japanese invasion, and was
released two weeks later. He fled the Chinese Mainland for Taiwan in 5/1949. The People's Republic of China was
proclaimed 10/01/1949.

He died feeling that he had failed 4/05/1975, Taipei, Taiwan.

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on Eating God

shāng guān zuò shí shén bàn jílì shāng guān zuò shí shén yǔ zhǎngbèi yìjiàn bùhé yì qǐ chōngtū què shòu zhǎngbèi zhī yǐngxiǎng ér huòlì yǔ zhèng yìn duì chōng zhèng piān yìn wéi

伤 官坐⾷神 :半吉利 ,伤 官坐⾷神与长辈意见不和,易起冲突,却受长辈之影响而获利 (与 正 印对 冲 , 正 偏印为

zhǎng bèi

长 辈)

Half-auspicious. Ho sitting on EG is one easily in conflict with the elders. DM is influenced by the elders and profits.

In these circumstances, the individual is likely to frequently clash with their elders, including their parents. Despite
this, if the Hurting Officer Star clashes with the Direct and Indirect Resource Stars, which symbolize the person's
elders, they will paradoxically continue to receive benefits from and maintain a sense of enduring goodwill from
their elders. This situation presents a complex and contradictory scenario with its unique set of advantages and

Hurting Officer Star is Sitting on another Hurting Officer Star

shāngguān zuò shāngguān dà xiōng yǒu gù jí zhī xiàng yì shēng láo lù bù jué yǒu fù qì yě bù dé cháng jiǔ shāngguān xiè shēn shēn tǐ yīn xiè shēn tài guò ér xū ruò yòu
伤 官 坐 伤 官 :大 凶 ,有痼疾之 象 ,一 生 劳碌不绝,有富气也不得 长 久( 伤 官 泄身,身体因泄身太过而虚弱,又
hé zhèng yìn shòuyuán xīng duì chōng fú shòu nán yán shāngguānchóng dié zài nián zhù shàng zé pò zǔ yè huì lí jiā zài wài xiāng fā zhǎn zài yuè zhù zé huì bèi xiōng dì jiě mèi bèi
和 正 印寿 元 星对 冲 ,福寿 难延 )。 伤 官 重 叠在年柱 上 ,则破祖业会离家在外 乡 发展 。在月柱则会被 兄 弟姐妹背
qì nǚ mìng huì bèi zhàng fu lěng luò lí bié zài rì zhù zé bèi qī zi jí jiā rén qīng shì zài shí zhù zé wú zǐ huò sàng zǐ yīn nián zhù wéi zǔ bèi gōng yuè zhù wéi xiōng dì
弃 ,女 命 会被 丈 夫冷落离别 ,在日柱则被妻子及家人轻视 。在时柱则无子或丧子 (因年柱为祖辈 宫 ,月柱为 兄 弟
jiě mèi gōng jí fū yuángōng rì zhù biǎo shì qī hé fū gōng shí zhù biǎo shì ér nǚ gōng
姐妹 宫 及夫缘 宫 ,日柱表示妻和夫 宫 ,时柱表示儿女 宫 )。

Fierce. This is a sign of chronic disease. A life of endless toil, and there is wealth and energy cannot last long (HO
weakens the DM). If the HO is protruded on the Year Stem, DM will leave ancestral home to seek opportunities
elsewhere. On the month pillar, DM will be abandoned by siblings. Female DMs life will be snubbed and separated
by her husband. In the Hour pillar, there are no children or lost children.

The Hurting Officer Star serves as an indicator of an individual's health status, and a weakened presence of this
Star suggests a negative impact on one's health. This vulnerability makes the person more prone to chronic
ailments, adding to the overall health challenges they might face. Furthermore, any wealth accumulated by this
individual is likely to be transitory, especially if the Direct Resource Star, symbolizing longevity, is also adversely
affected. In such a scenario, financial resources are often redirected towards maintaining the individual's health
and well-being.

In addition to grappling with health issues and a lack of longevity, this person may experience family discord,
potentially culminating in their departure or estrangement from their family after a significant disagreement or
conflict. When this situation occurs in the Month Pillar, betrayal by siblings and neglect or abandonment by spouses
or partners may further compound their challenges, particularly affecting women. Similarly, in the Day Pillar, men
may not enjoy the esteem and regard they desire from their wives and in-laws.

Perhaps the most tragic circumstance arises when this combination is present in the Hour Pillar, as it could signify
the loss or death of a child, adding profound emotional and familial distress to the already challenging health and
longevity aspects.

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on Indirect Wealth Star

shāngguān zuò piān cái dà fú dà fā lǐ cái gāo shǒu néng xùn sù fā dá shāngguān shì yǒu jì móu yǒu cái néng piān cái shì zhǐ jiāo jì shǒuduàn dàn yì huì yǒu sè qíng zhī
伤 官 坐偏财 :大福大发 ,理财高手 ,能 迅速发达 ( 伤 官 是有计谋有才 能 ,偏财是指交际手 段 ),但易会有色情之
zāi piān cái shì sè qíng fán nǎo nǚ mìng zhí yè bǐ jiào wěn dìng bú lì fū nǚ mìng wéi zhí yè fù nǚ néngzhuàn qián dàn shāngguān shì kè fū xīng zhèngguān de
灾 (偏财是色情 ,烦恼 )。女 命 职业比较稳定 ,不利夫 。(女 命 为职业妇女 ,能 赚 钱 ,但 伤 官 是克夫星 正 官 的 ,
suǒ yǐ bú lì zhàng fu
所以不利 丈 夫)

Highly auspicious. A master in financial matters. Can develop quickly. (HO can strategise and IW can communicate
well). Vulnerable to sexual scandals (IW denotes eroticism, pornography). Female DM’s occupation is relatively
stable, but not so for their husbands.

The Indirect Wealth Star represents an individual characterized by quick thinking, fast action, and a willingness to
take risks. Conversely, the Hurting Officer Star signifies intelligence and adept financial management skills, among
other qualities. When these two stars are combined, they portray an exceptional financial manager who
accumulates wealth through effective management skills. This person, endowed with intelligence and requisite
abilities, excels in negotiation, social interaction, and the execution of their plans.

However, one should remain cautious regarding potential relationship issues, especially considering that the
Indirect Wealth Star also suggests tendencies towards lust or desire. Despite potential challenges, even widowed
women have the capability to lead successful lives, given their independence and career-oriented mindset. Married
women, on the other hand, may face strained relationships with their husbands.

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on Direct Wealth Star

shāngguān zuò zhèng cái jí lì tā rén pò cái fǎn kě chéngquán zì jǐ zhī lì yǒu dào shì yù bàngxiāngzhēng yú wēng dé lì néng dé qī zhù zhèng cái wéi qī xīng
伤 官 坐 正 财:吉利,他人破财反可 成 全 自己之利,有道是鹬 蚌 相 争 ,渔 翁 得利,能 得妻助( 正 财为妻星)。

Auspicious. , others can achieve their own interests when they break their wealth, there is a way that the sandpiper
mussels fight, the fisherman gains profits, and can get his wife's help (positive wealth is a wife star).

The presence of the Direct Wealth Star, symbolizing a man's wife, in combination with the previously mentioned
traits, implies that the man will likely have a competent and supportive wife. This supportive partnership can
significantly contribute to the man's prosperity, especially when others around them are facing financial setbacks.
Overall, this combination is highly auspicious for both males and females, promising favorable outcomes and
opportunities for success.

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on Seven Killings

shāngguān zuò qī shā xiōng zhōngshēn láo lù xīn kǔ bìng qiě huì shòu rén shì fēi fěi bànggōng jī shèn zhì yuān yù shāngguān běn shēn jiù shì shì fēi fěi bàng yù dào qī shā
伤 官 坐七杀 : 凶 , 终 身劳碌辛苦,并且会受人是非诽 谤 攻 击 ,甚至冤狱 ( 伤 官 本身就是是非,诽 谤 ,遇到七杀
zhì shì xiàn zhì gè rén zì yóu yán zhòng de kě néng rù yù fū qī huì yǒu shēng lí sǐ bié nǚ mìngshāngguān kè zhèngguān àn shēngqíng fū shā wéi qíng fū
制是限制个人自由,严 重 的可 能 入狱),夫妻会有 生 离死别(女 命 伤 官 克 正 官 ,暗 生 情夫,杀为情夫)

Fierce. Lifelong hard work. Vulnerable to slanders and false accusations even wrongful imprisonment. No
sustainable marriages.

The Hurting Officer Star indeed carries unfavorable traits, including association with scandal, gossip, and malicious
rumors. In this combination, the individual may frequently find themselves unjustly blamed and criticized, often
becoming a scapegoat for failures or issues.

This situation sets the stage for a life marked by enduring hardship, with limited notable achievements to show for
their struggles. The presence of the Seven Killings Star further compounds the challenges, introducing the
possibility of legal troubles and imprisonment. When coupled with a countered Direct Officer Star, it suggests
potential deceit or dishonesty in one's life, particularly concerning relationships. For men, this may manifest in the
painful discovery of spousal infidelity, potentially leading to a crumbling marriage.

Undoubtedly, this combination represents an extremely inauspicious and challenging alignment, one laden with
various adverse outcomes and misfortunes.

Hurting Officer Star is Sitting on Direct Officer

shāngguān zuò zhèngguān xiōng bù jí lì yǒu è zuò jù jí xǐ huanfěng cì mà rén zhī è pǐ shāngguān zhī tè sè xǐ huanzhēngquán duó lì ér zāo dào shī bài zhèngguān
伤 官 坐 正 官 : 凶 ,不吉利 ,有恶作剧及喜 欢 讽刺骂人之恶癖( 伤 官 之特色),喜 欢 争 权 夺利而遭到失败 ( 正 官
wéi quán lì fū qī bié lí zhèngguān wéi fū xīng
为 权 力),夫妻别离( 正 官 为夫星)。

Fierce, unlucky, mischievous and like to satirize and scold people, tendency to scramble for a fight and tend to be
defeated. Marriages tend to lead to divorces.

The Hurting Officer Star indeed carries connotations of mischief, suggesting a person who enjoys playing tricks
and pranks on others, sometimes to their detriment. However, the presence of the Direct Officer Star, representing
authority, power, and a woman's husband, means that this individual has the potential to regain any lost authority
or standing in their life.

Despite this potential for regaining authority, this combination remains inauspicious. It forewarns of the possibility
of a woman experiencing estrangement and eventual separation from her husband, underscoring the challenging
and unfavorable aspects of this alignment.

When a Hurting Officer Star is Sitting on an Indirect Resource Star

shāngguān zuò piān yìn shì yè róng yì chénggōng yě róng yì zāo dào shī bài bù néng jiān zhí piān yìn wéi fù yè jiàn shāngguān bì rán shī bài hái huì yīn zhǎng bèi de shī bài
伤 官 坐偏印 :事业容易 成 功 也容易遭到失败 , 不 能 兼职 (偏印为副业 ,见 伤 官 必然失败 ),还会因 长 辈的失败
ér dǎo zhì zì jǐ de pò bài piān yìn wéi zhǎng bèi bù néng zhì fú shāngguān zì jǐ yě zāo dào shī bài
而导致自己的破败(偏印为 长 辈,不 能 制服 伤 官 ,自己也遭到失败)。

Career will be significantly successful or fail spectacularly. Need to stay focus and not be diverted to side hustle.
(IR meeting HO denotes defeat). Vulnerable to their own ruins due to the failure of their elders.

In this particular case, there is a clear dynamic of one benefitting at the expense of the other. The weakening of
the Indirect Resource Star, which symbolizes the potential for generating additional income through business
activities, can lead to success in a steady or salaried job. However, this weakening may also result in the failure of
one's side-business.

Additionally, the Indirect Resource Star representing one's elders introduces a crucial factor. The failure or
inadequacy of one's elders could significantly contribute to the failures experienced, especially when the effects of
the Indirect Resource Star have a considerable reach and influence over the Hurting Officer Star. This implies that
the success or failure in these aspects may be intertwined with the capabilities and support of one's elders.

Hurting Officer Star Sitting on a Direct Resource Star

吉,长寿(正印为长寿星) ,并且能得到他人的帮助而获利(正印为贵人) 。

Auspicious. Denotes longevity (DR as longevity star), and can get the help of others to profit (DR as noblemen).

The Direct Resource Star symbolizes both a long and fulfilling life and the existence of supportive individuals (Noble
People) in one's life. This sets the stage for a favorable situation, ensuring not only a lengthy and joyful life but
also a consistent availability of assistance, particularly during challenging times.

Reading for Career

Reading for careers usually has a focal point on the Month Pillar. Hurting Officer requires to be controlled by
Resource stars. This makes the person an educated challenger to the conventional way of working. Hurting Officers
are suitable to be self-employed as they are creative performers who tend not to abide to structured way of doing

Hurting Officers are distinguished by their public communication skills or expressions such as speaking, presenting,
or artistic endeavours such as singing, dancing and acting. For career-seeking purposes, departments such as
marketing, product designs and engineering would be suitable. Areas where HO shine are those where they can
become prima donnas.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July

1918 – 5 December 2013) was a
South African anti-apartheid
activist and politician who served
as the first president of South
Africa from 1994 to 1999.

He studied law at the University of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand before working as a lawyer in
Johannesburg. There he became involved in anti-colonial and African nationalist politics, joining the ANC in 1943
and co-founding its Youth League in 1944. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1962, and, following the Rivonia
Trial, was sentenced to life imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the state. Mandela served 27 years in prison.

Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Although critics on the right denounced him as a communist
terrorist and those on the far left deemed him too eager to negotiate and reconcile with apartheid's supporters,
he gained international acclaim for his activism.

Reading for children

For female DMs, the Output Stars represents their children. The Hurting Officer represents a female DM’s son and
Eating God her daughter. The evidence-based readings for this question do not support accurate predictions
nowadays. As societal values change amid reading charts for a wider spectrum of people, A Bazi reader is better
off not to make any unsolicited prediction. If the questioner asks “Will I have children”, the probable answer for a
natal chart with Output Star(s) is affirmative.

Interestingly, as a diversion from Bazi, the application of palmistry may yield better results.

As read from https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/palmistry/children-line.htm, “The children lines are the

upright lines below the base of little finger and above the marriage line. In Chinese palmistry reading, they indicate
the number of children a person may have and the life status of the children. The children lines shall be interpreted
from the bottom to up and the number of lines suggests the number of children a person is likely to have. The
deeply marked lines indicate the birth of male children while the short, narrow and shallow lines suggest the birth
of female children. If the lines are extremely short, shallow and interrupted, they indicate the abortion or the loss
of children out of other reasons.”

For Men: If a man has children lines in his palm, it is an indication that his children will be healthy; if the lines are
unclear or mixed with other lines, it is an indication that his children will be feeble and sick.

For Women: If a woman has children lines in her palm, it usually indicates the number and appearance of the

The deep and wide children lines indicate boys. The narrow and shallow children lines are signs of getting baby

How Many Children Will You Have?

Reading lines above AND the following would increase the accuracy of reading for the number of children one has
the potential of conceiving.:
1. If the Mount of Venus (located at the base of the thumb) is well developed and very thick, it is an indication
fertility, thus he or she is likely to have many children. On the contrary, if the area is flat or low, it is an
indication of fewer children.
2. If the little finger is very short due to its low base, it is an indication of fewer children and this is particularly
true if in addition, the end of the wisdom line looks like a fork.
3. If both sides of the marriage line have many fine lines or the Mercury area (below the little finger base) is
chain-shaped, it is an indication that a person is unlikely to have children.
4. If there is a romance star at the intersection of wisdom line and health line or the center of the wrist line is
curved like a bow, it is an indication that a woman is unlikely to conceive or have children.

Bazi Illustration:

We have a Ren lady with the following chart:

The questions we can seek to address:
1. Does she have ‘children’ luck? This means the potential to
2. What would likely be the gender of the first child?
3. Does she have affinity with her children?

Bazi Illustration

A pictorial snippet from Netflix’s movie

poster for ‘Sins of Our Mother’

Lori Vallow Daybell

She married five times in 1992, 1995, 2001, 2006 and 2019.

She had three children; Colby Ryan (m), Tylee Ryan (f) and
Joshua Jaxon "J.J." Vallow.

The case made international headlines after the nationwide search undertaken for the children as well as the
bizarre details that emerged, including Vallow Daybell’s claims that her son and daughter were zombies and that
she was a goddess sent to usher in the Biblical apocalypse.


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