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Substitute Star

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The document outlines the use of substitute stars in Feng Shui and provides tables detailing the substitute stars for different sectors.

The document provides information on when and how substitute stars are used in place of the original stars in Feng Shui based on the sitting or facing direction.

A substitute star is used in place of the original star when the sitting or facing direction falls within 3 degrees of the edge of certain sectors, as indicated in tables throughout the document.

Feng Shui/Substitute Star

Substitute Star[edit]
A Substitute Star is used in place of the original star when the Sitting or Facing Direction falls
within 3 degrees in some sectors as indicated below:
In the following table, sector South 2 (including S2_pre, S2, S2_post) is from 172.5 to 187.5,
but 3 from either side is known as the "_pre" and "_post" sectors. For example, sector "S2_pre"
is from 172.5 - 175.5, and sector "S2_post" is from 184.5 - 187.5. The Substitute Star Chart
for sector "S2_pre" is "S2_sub". There is no Substitute Star Chart for sector S2 since it is not
within 3 of the edge of the sector. There is also no Substitute Star Chart for sector "S2_post",
and this is indicated by "Nil" in the last column of the table. A "Nil" indicates that the original
Flying Star Chart be used.

From To
Sector Star
(deg) (deg)

S1_pre 157.5 160.5 S1_sub

S1 160.5 169.5 Nil

S1_post 169.5 172.5 S1_sub

S2_pre 172.5 175.5 S2_sub

S2 175.5 184.5 Nil

S2_post 184.5 187.5 Nil

S3_pre 187.5 190.5 Nil

S3 190.5 199.5 Nil

S3_post 199.5 202.5 S3_sub

SW1_pre 202.5 205.5 SW1_sub

From To
Sector Star
(deg) (deg)

SW1 205.5 214.5 Nil

SW1_post 214.5 217.5 SW1_sub

SW2_pre 217.5 220.5 SW2_sub

SW2 220.5 229.5 Nil

SW2_post 229.5 232.5 Nil

SW3_pre 232.5 235.5 Nil

SW3 235.5 244.5 Nil

SW3_post 244.5 247.5 SW3_sub

W1_pre 247.5 250.5 W1_sub

W1 250.5 259.5 Nil

W1_post 259.5 262.5 W1_sub

W2_pre 262.5 265.5 W2_sub

W2 265.5 274.5 Nil

W2_post 274.5 277.5 Nil

From To
Sector Star
(deg) (deg)

W3_pre 277.5 280.5 Nil

W3 280.5 289.5 Nil

W3_post 289.5 292.5 W3_sub

NW1_pre 292.5 295.5 NW1_sub

NW1 295.5 304.5 Nil

NW1_post 304.5 307.5 NW1_sub

NW2_pre 307.5 310.5 NW2_sub

NW2 310.5 319.5 Nil

NW2_post 319.5 322.5 Nil

NW3_pre 322.5 325.5 Nil

NW3 325.5 334.5 Nil

NW3_post 334.5 337.5 NW3_sub

N1_pre 337.5 340.5 N1_sub

N1 340.5 349.5 Nil

From To
Sector Star
(deg) (deg)

N1_post 349.5 352.5 N1_sub

N2_pre 352.5 355.5 N2_sub

N2 355.5 4.5 Nil

N2_post 4.5 7.5 Nil

N3_pre 7.5 10.5 Nil

N3 10.5 19.5 Nil

N3_post 19.5 22.5 N3_sub

NE1_pre 22.5 25.5 NE1_sub

NE1 25.5 34.5 Nil

NE1_post 34.5 37.5 NE1_sub

NE2_pre 37.5 40.5 NE2_sub

NE2 40.5 49.5 Nil

NE2_post 49.5 52.5 Nil

NE3_pre 52.5 55.5 Nil

From To
Sector Star
(deg) (deg)

NE3 55.5 64.5 Nil

NE3_post 64.5 67.5 NE3_sub

E1_pre 67.5 70.5 E1_sub

E1 70.5 79.5 Nil

E1_post 79.5 82.5 E1_sub

E2_pre 82.5 85.5 E2_sub

E2 85.5 94.5 Nil

E2_post 94.5 97.5 Nil

E3_pre 97.5 100.5 Nil

E3 100.5 109.5 Nil

E3_post 109.5 112.5 E3_sub

SE1_pre 112.5 115.5 SE1_sub

SE1 115.5 124.5 Nil

SE1_post 124.5 127.5 SE1_sub

From To
Sector Star
(deg) (deg)

SE2_pre 127.5 130.5 SE2_sub

SE2 130.5 139.5 Nil

SE2_post 139.5 142.5 Nil

SE3_pre 142.5 145.5 Nil

SE3 145.5 154.5 Nil

SE3_post 154.5 157.5 SE3_sub

Conditions Governing The Use Of Substitute Stars[edit]

1. When the original star is a "5" in the central grid (also known as the Central Palace in
Feng Shui parlance), substitute stars are not used. For example, if the Mountain Star is
"5" and the Facing Star is "7" in the central grid, then the Mountain Stars in the all the
nine grids will remain unchanged, whereas the Facing Stars may change. Similarly, if the
Facing Star is "5" in the central grid, then all the Facing Stars will remain unchanged in
the Substitute Star Chart.
2. Substitute stars are not used in the following 8 Yin-Yin borders: (S2,S3), (W2,W3),
(N2,N3), and (E2,E3).
3. Substitute stars are also not used in the following 8 Yang-Yang borders: (SW2,SW3),
(NW2,NW3), (NE2,NE3), and (SE2,SE3).
4. Substitute stars are used in the remaining 32 borders, namely the 16 Yin-Yang borders,
as well as the 16 Trigram borders.
5. In is not considered auspicious for a Facing or Mountain Direction to fall exactly on a
border (e.g. 360 degrees).

The Nine Substitute Stars[edit]

There are a total of nine substitute stars, and they are as follows:

Simplified Chinese Traditional

No. Name Of Star
Chinese Pinyin Chinese
Greedy Wolf Star
1 tn lng xng
(Tan Lang Xing)

Huge Door Star

2 j mn xng
(Ju Men Xing)

Rewards Star
3 l cn xng
(Lu Cun Xing)

Literary Arts Star

4 wn q xng
(Wen Qu Xing)

Honest & Loyal Star

5 lin zhn xng
(Lian Zhen Xing)

Military Arts Star

6 w q xng
(Wu Qu Xing)

Broken Soldier Star

7 p jn xng
(Po Jun Xing)

Left Assistant Star

8 zu f xng
(Zuo Fu Xing)

Right Assistant Star

9 yu b xng
(You Bi Xing)

The nine substitute stars are named after actual stars in the sky, and are the names of the Nine
In Xuan Kong Da Gua, all the stars, save for Star #5 ("Honest & Loyal Star" or Lian Zhen Xing),
are used in Feng Shui determinations.

Determination Of Substitute Stars[edit]

Substitute Stars are obtained with the use of the following table:

Column 3 Column 5
Column 1 Column 2 (Mountain Column 4 (Heaven,
(Original Star) (Substitute Star) or Facing (sign) Earth
Direction) or Man)
Column 3 Column 5
Column 1 Column 2 (Mountain Column 4 (Heaven,
(Original Star) (Substitute Star) or Facing (sign) Earth
Direction) or Man)

3 2 E2 - H

3 1 E1 + E

3 2 E3 - M

1 2 N1 + E

1 1 N2 - H

1 1 N3 - M

8 7 NE1 - E

8 7 NE2 + H

8 9 NE3 + M

6 6 NW1 - E

6 6 NW2 + H

6 6 NW3 + M

9 7 S1 + E

9 9 S2 - H
Column 3 Column 5
Column 1 Column 2 (Mountain Column 4 (Heaven,
(Original Star) (Substitute Star) or Facing (sign) Earth
Direction) or Man)

9 9 S3 - M

4 6 SE1 - E

4 6 SE2 + H

4 6 SE3 + M

2 2 SW1 - E

2 2 SW2 + H

2 1 SW3 + M

7 9 W1 + E

7 7 W2 - H

7 7 W3 - M

The steps to plot the Substitute Flying Star Chart are as follows:

1. Find a given Mountain direction in Column 3, and note the associated letter (H, E or M) in
Column 5. For example, in the bottom row of the above table, for direction "W3", the
required letter is "M". (In Column 5, the letter "H" is an abbreviation for Heaven, "E" for
Earth, and "M" for Man.)
2. Use the Mountain Star (number) in the central grid (which is also known as the Central
Palace) of the original Flying Star Chart, and find this number in Column 1. There will be
3 rows that has this number in Column 1. For example, if the Mountain Star in the central
grid is "3", then the top three rows of the above table will have this star in Column 1.
However, only one of these three rows (namely the third row from the top) will have the
same letter (namely "M") as that obtained in Step 1 above. The third row (from the top
row) is therefore the required row.
3. From the required row, we obtain the Substitute Mountain Star (namely "2") in Column 2,
as well as the Direction of the Path of Flight (namely "-") in Column 4. When the
Direction of the Path of Flight is "-", the Mountain Stars will traverse the 9-grid in
decreasing order, decrementing by 1 each time the Star flies to the next grid. for
example, if the Substitute Mountain Star is "2", then the central grid of the Substitute
Chart will have a Mountain Star of "2", followed by a Mountain Star of "1" in the bottom
right-hand grid. This will be followed by "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", and "3" in each of the
successive grids.
4. When the Direction of the Path of Flight is "+", the Mountain Stars will traverse the 9-grid
in increasing order, incrementing by 1 each time the Star flies to the next grid. for
example, if the Substitute Mountain Star is "6", then the central grid of the Substitute
Chart will have a Mountain Star of "6", followed by a Mountain Star of "7" in the bottom
right-hand grid. This will be followed by "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", and "5" in each of the
successive grids.
5. All the above steps are repeated for a Facing Star in order to plot the complete Substitute
Flying Star Chart containing both Mountain and Facing Stars.

List Of Substitute Stars[edit]

1. Substitute Stars Of Period 1
2. Substitute Stars Of Period 2
3. Substitute Stars Of Period 3
4. Substitute Stars Of Period 4
5. Substitute Stars Of Period 5
6. Substitute Stars Of Period 6
7. Substitute Stars Of Period 7
8. Substitute Stars Of Period 8
9. Substitute Stars Of Period 9
Note: With reference to Flying Star Feng Shui, the term "Period" can also be translated as "Age",
and so "Period 1" can also be called "Age 1".

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 1
The Substitute Stars of Period 1 (also known as Age 1) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are as follows:

South- South-
East West

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)
North- North-
East West

For example, for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 1, the stars in the
West direction are 536. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the
stars 536. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 754. For Direction W1-
E1 of the Substitute Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction
are 335, and the stars in the North direction are 662.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a compass is known as a "South
Pointing Needle". As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is
always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka
Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of
a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

299 754 972

181 318 536

645 863 427

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

998 553 771

889 117 335

4 4 6 2 2 6
4 6 2

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

497 853 675

586 318 131

9 2 7 4 2 9
4 6 2

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

396 752 574

485 217 939

841 663 128

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

497 853 675

586 318 131

942 764 229

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

398 754 576

487 219 932

843 665 121

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1
398 754 576

4 7 2 9 9 2
8 1 3

8 3 6 5 1 1
4 6 2

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

396 752 574

485 217 939

841 663 128

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

191 655 873

982 219 437

546 764 328

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

191 655 873

982 219 437

546 764 328

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

1 1 6 5 8 3
9 5 7

982 219 437

5 6 7 4 3 8
4 6 2

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

991 555 773

882 119 337

446 664 228

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

794 259 972

883 615 437

348 161 526

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

794 259 972

883 615 437

3 8 1 1 5 6
4 6 2

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

596 151 378

487 615 833

942 269 724

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

596 151 378

487 615 833

942 269 724

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

596 151 378

487 615 833

942 269 724

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3
596 151 378

4 7 6 5 8 3
8 1 3

9 2 2 9 7 4
4 6 2

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

596 952 774

685 417 239

141 863 328

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

798 254 976

887 619 432

343 165 521

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

398 853 171

289 417 635

744 962 526

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

5 8 1 3 3 1
9 5 7

489 617 835

944 262 726

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

398 853 171

289 417 635

744 962 526

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

598 153 371

4 9 6 7 8 5
8 1 3

944 262 726

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1
992 457 279

1 1 8 3 6 5
8 1 3

5 6 3 8 7 4
4 6 2

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

899 355 177

988 711 533

444 266 622

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

794 358 576

685 813 131

249 467 922

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

693 257 475

584 712 939

148 366 821

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

7 4 3 8 5 6
9 5 7

6 5 8 3 1 1
8 1 3

2 9 4 7 9 2
4 6 2

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

893 457 675

784 912 239

348 566 121

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

893 457 675

784 912 239

348 566 121

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

693 257 475

584 712 939

148 366 821

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

1 1 5 6 3 8
9 5 7

289 912 734

645 467 823

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

191 556 378

289 912 734

645 467 823

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

191 556 378

289 912 734

645 467 823

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing
199 555 377

2 8 9 1 7 3
8 1 3

6 4 4 6 8 2
4 6 2

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

497 952 279

388 516 734

843 161 625

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

497 952 279

388 516 734

843 161 625

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

695 151 873

784 516 338

249 962 427

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

695 151 873

7 4 5 6 3 8
8 1 3

2 9 9 2 4 7
4 6 2

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

695 151 873

784 516 338

249 962 427

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

695 151 873

784 516 338

249 962 427

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

695 259 477

586 714 932

141 368 823

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

8 7 4 2 6 9
9 5 7

788 916 234

343 561 125

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

893 358 171

982 714 536

447 269 625

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing

895 351 173

9 4 7 6 5 8
8 1 3

449 262 627

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3
893 358 171

9 2 7 4 5 6
8 1 3

4 7 2 9 6 5
4 6 2

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=1, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

895 351 173

984 716 538

449 262 627

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 2
The Substitute Stars of Period 2 (also known as Age 2) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are as follows:

South- South-
East West

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)

North- North-
East West
For example, for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 2, the stars in the
West direction are 242. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the
stars 242. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 964. For Direction W1-
E1 of the Substitute Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction
are 449, and the stars in the East direction are 895.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a compass is known as a "South
Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace
Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart
(aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the architectural
plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

518 964 786

697 429 242

153 875 331

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

716 262 984

895 627 449

351 173 538

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

311 865 183

292 429 647

756 974 538

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

5 1 1 5 3 3
1 6 8

492 629 847

956 274 738

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

311 865 183

292 429 647

756 974 538

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

511 165 383

492 629 847

956 274 738

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1
219 765 987

1 8 3 1 5 3
9 2 4

6 4 8 6 4 2
5 7 3

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

911 566 788

899 122 344

455 677 233

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

412 866 684

593 321 148

957 775 239

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

312 766 584

493 221 948

857 675 139

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

4 2 8 6 6 4
1 6 8

593 321 148

9 7 7 5 2 9
5 7 3

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

312 766 584

493 221 948

857 675 139

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

617 262 489

598 726 944

153 371 835

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

817 462 689

798 926 244

3 3 5 1 1 5
5 7 3

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

815 361 183

994 726 548

459 272 637

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

815 361 183

994 726 548

459 272 637

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

815 361 183

994 726 548

459 272 637

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3
815 361 183

9 4 7 6 5 8
9 2 4

4 9 2 2 6 7
5 7 3

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

619 164 882

791 528 346

255 973 437

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

618 163 881

799 527 345

254 972 436

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

417 963 285

396 528 741

852 174 639

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

4 6 9 2 2 4
1 6 8

395 527 749

851 173 638

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

417 963 285

396 528 741

852 174 639

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

418 964 286

3 7 5 9 7 2
9 2 4

853 175 631

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1
815 469 687

7 6 9 4 2 2
9 2 4

3 1 5 8 1 3
5 7 3

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

617 262 489

598 726 944

153 371 835

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

113 568 381

292 924 746

657 479 835

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

115 561 383

294 926 748

659 472 837

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

1 3 5 8 3 1
1 6 8

2 2 9 4 7 6
9 2 4

6 7 4 9 8 5
5 7 3

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

115 561 383

294 926 748

659 472 837

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

912 567 789

891 123 345

456 678 234

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

119 665 887

998 221 443

554 776 332

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

2 4 6 8 4 6
1 6 8

395 123 841

759 577 932

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

213 667 485

394 122 849

758 576 931

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

214 668 486

395 123 841

759 577 932

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing
213 667 485

3 4 1 2 8 9
9 2 4

7 8 5 6 9 1
5 7 3

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

716 262 984

895 627 449

351 173 538

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

718 264 986

897 629 442

353 175 531

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

518 163 381

499 627 845

954 272 736

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

518 163 381

4 9 6 7 8 5
9 2 4

9 4 2 2 7 6
5 7 3

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

518 163 381

499 627 845

954 272 736

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

518 163 381

499 627 845

954 272 736

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

916 461 288

197 825 643

552 379 734

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

8 6 3 1 1 8
1 6 8

997 725 543

452 279 634

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

714 369 582

693 825 147

258 471 936

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing

614 269 482

5 3 7 5 9 7
9 2 4

158 371 836

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3
714 369 582

6 3 8 5 1 7
9 2 4

2 8 4 1 9 6
5 7 3

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=2, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

814 469 682

793 925 247

358 571 136

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 3
The Substitute Stars of Period 3 (also known as Age 3) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are as follows:

South- South-
East West

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)

North- North-
East West
For example, for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 3, the stars in the
West direction are 753. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the
stars 753. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 975. For Direction W1-
E1 of the Substitute Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction
are 754, and the stars in the East direction are 319.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace
Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the
architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

429 975 297

318 531 753

864 186 642

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

421 976 298

319 532 754

865 187 643

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

622 176 894

713 531 358

267 985 449

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

6 2 1 6 8 4
2 7 9

713 531 358

267 985 449

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

622 176 894

713 531 358

267 985 449

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

622 176 894

713 531 358

267 985 449

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1
523 977 795

6 4 4 2 2 9
1 3 5

1 8 8 6 3 1
6 8 4

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

723 277 995

814 632 459

368 186 541

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

321 876 198

219 432 654

765 987 543

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

521 176 398

419 632 854

965 287 743

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

3 1 8 6 1 8
2 7 9

219 432 654

7 5 9 7 5 3
6 8 4

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

529 175 397

418 631 853

964 286 742

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

926 472 294

115 837 659

561 383 748

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

828 374 196

917 739 552

4 3 2 5 6 1
6 8 4

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

728 373 591

619 837 155

264 482 946

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

628 273 491

519 737 955

164 382 846

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

728 373 591

619 837 155

264 482 946

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3
828 473 691

7 9 9 7 2 5
1 3 5

3 4 5 2 1 6
6 8 4

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

728 274 996

817 639 452

363 185 541

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

726 272 994

815 637 459

361 183 548

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

521 175 393

412 639 857

966 284 748

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

5 1 1 5 3 3
2 7 9

412 639 857

966 284 748

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

521 175 393

412 639 857

966 284 748

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

521 175 393

4 2 6 9 8 7
1 3 5

966 284 748

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1
924 579 792

8 3 1 5 3 7
1 3 5

4 8 6 1 2 6
6 8 4

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

124 679 892

913 235 457

568 781 346

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

226 671 498

317 135 853

762 589 944

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

226 671 498

317 135 853

762 589 944

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

2 6 6 1 4 8
2 7 9

3 7 1 5 8 3
1 3 5

7 2 5 9 9 4
6 8 4

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

226 671 498

317 135 853

762 589 944

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

325 779 597

416 234 952

861 688 143

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

327 772 599

418 236 954

863 681 145

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

1 3 6 8 8 1
2 7 9

912 234 456

567 789 345

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

125 671 893

914 236 458

569 782 347

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

123 678 891

912 234 456

567 789 345

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing
925 571 793

8 4 1 6 3 8
1 3 5

4 9 6 2 2 7
6 8 4

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

629 274 492

511 738 956

165 383 847

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

828 473 691

719 937 255

364 582 146

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

827 373 195

916 738 551

462 284 649

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

826 372 194

9 5 7 7 5 9
1 3 5

4 1 2 3 6 8
6 8 4

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

827 373 195

916 738 551

462 284 649

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

828 374 196

917 739 552

463 285 641

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

827 472 699

718 936 254

363 581 145

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

6 7 2 2 4 9
2 7 9

518 736 954

163 381 845

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

125 571 393

214 936 758

669 482 847

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing

125 571 393

2 4 9 6 7 8
1 3 5

669 482 847

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3
125 571 393

2 4 9 6 7 8
1 3 5

6 9 4 2 8 7
6 8 4

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

125 571 393

214 936 758

669 482 847

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 4
The Substitute Stars of Period 4 (also known as Age 4) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3),
and "WEST" includes W1, W2 and W3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E, W, NE, SE,
NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are known as the
"24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is subsumed into one
of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for different sectors of the
same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart of [W1-E1] is different
from that of [W2-E2].

South- South-
East West

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)
North- North-
East West

The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example,
for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 4, the stars in the West direction
are 469. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 469. Similarly, a
room in the South of the same property has the stars 287. For Direction W1-E1 of the Substitute
Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction are 469, and the stars in
the North direction are 196.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace
Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the
architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

733 287 915

824 642 469

378 196 551

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

733 287 915

824 642 469

378 196 551

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2
531 186 318

4 9 6 2 8 4
2 4 6

9 5 2 7 7 3
7 9 5

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

531 186 318

429 642 864

975 297 753

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

531 186 318

429 642 864

975 297 753

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

539 185 317

428 641 863

974 296 752

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

6 2 1 7 8 9
3 8 1

7 1 5 3 3 5
2 4 6

2 6 9 8 4 4
7 9 5

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

639 185 817

728 541 363

274 996 452

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

434 988 216

325 543 761

879 197 652

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

433 987 215

324 542 769

878 196 651

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

4 4 9 8 2 6
3 8 1

325 543 761

879 197 652

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

433 987 215

324 542 769

878 196 651

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

839 484 612

721 948 266

375 593 157

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1
638 283 411

5 9 7 7 9 5
2 4 6

1 4 3 2 8 6
7 9 5

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

137 583 315

226 948 761

672 494 859

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

136 582 314

225 947 769

671 493 858

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

137 583 315

226 948 761

672 494 859

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

138 584 316

2 7 9 9 7 2
2 4 6

6 3 4 5 8 1
7 9 5

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

639 285 417

528 741 963

174 396 852

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

831 486 618

729 942 264

375 597 153

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

832 386 114

923 741 568

4 7 2 5 6 9
7 9 5

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

832 386 114

923 741 568

477 295 659

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

832 386 114

923 741 568

477 295 659

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

8 2 3 6 1 4
3 8 1

923 741 568

477 295 659

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

3 7 7 2 5 9
3 8 1

4 8 2 6 9 4
2 4 6

8 3 6 1 1 5
7 9 5

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

337 782 519

428 246 964

873 691 155

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

135 681 813

924 246 468

579 792 357

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

135 681 813

924 246 468

579 792 357

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

1 5 6 1 8 3
3 8 1

924 246 468

579 792 357

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

935 581 713

824 146 368

479 692 257

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

236 781 918

127 345 563

672 899 454

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing
936 581 718

8 7 1 5 3 3
2 4 6

4 2 6 9 2 4
7 9 5

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

434 889 612

523 345 167

978 791 256

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

334 789 512

423 245 967

878 691 156

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

434 889 612

523 345 167

978 791 256

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing

3 4 7 9 5 2
3 8 1

423 245 967

878 691 156

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

938 484 216

127 849 662

573 395 751

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

836 382 114

925 747 569

471 293 658

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2
731 385 513

6 2 8 9 1 7
2 4 6

2 6 4 4 9 8
7 9 5

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

631 285 413

522 749 967

176 394 858

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

731 385 513

622 849 167

276 494 958

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

831 485 613

722 949 267

376 594 158

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

9 6 5 2 7 4
3 8 1

8 5 1 7 3 9
2 4 6

4 1 6 3 2 8
7 9 5

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

138 684 816

927 249 462

573 795 351

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

238 683 411

329 147 865

774 592 956

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing

238 683 411

329 147 865

774 592 956

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

2 8 6 3 4 1
3 8 1

329 147 865

774 592 956

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

238 683 411

329 147 865

774 592 956

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 5
The Substitute Stars of Period 5 (also known as Age 5) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3),
and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E,
W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are
known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is
subsumed into one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for
different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart
of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].
EAST (pointing WEST

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)


The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example,
for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 5, the stars in the West direction
are 975. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 975. Similarly, a
room in the South of the same property has the stars 297. For Direction W1-E1 of the Substitute
Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction are 273, and the stars in
the North direction are 516.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace
Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the
architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

642 297 429

531 753 975

186 318 864

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

849 495 627

738 951 273

384 516 162

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

8 4 3 8 1 6
4 9 2

935 753 571

489 217 662

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

843 397 125

934 752 579

488 216 661

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

844 398 126

935 753 571

489 217 662

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3
843 397 125

9 4 7 2 5 9
3 5 7

4 8 2 6 6 1
8 1 6

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

745 299 927

836 654 472

381 118 563

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

747 292 929

838 656 474

383 111 565

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

543 198 321

432 654 876

987 219 765

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

5 5 1 1 3 3
4 9 2

434 656 878

989 212 767

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

543 198 321

432 654 876

987 219 765

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

545 191 323

4 4 6 6 8 8
3 5 7

989 212 767

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1
948 594 726

8 7 1 9 3 2
3 5 7

4 3 6 5 2 1
8 1 6

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

146 692 824

935 257 479

581 713 368

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

241 695 423

332 159 877

786 514 968

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

241 695 423

332 159 877

786 514 968

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

2 1 6 5 4 3
4 9 2

3 2 1 9 8 7
3 5 7

7 6 5 4 9 8
8 1 6

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

241 695 423

332 159 877

786 514 968

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

943 497 225

134 852 679

588 316 761

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

843 397 125

934 752 579

488 216 661

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

7 1 3 6 5 8
4 9 2

639 852 174

285 417 963

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

641 296 428

539 752 974

185 317 863

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

741 396 528

639 852 174

285 417 963

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing
849 495 627

7 8 9 1 2 3
3 5 7

3 4 5 6 1 2
8 1 6

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

246 792 924

135 357 579

681 813 468

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

948 594 726

837 159 372

483 615 261

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

448 893 621

539 357 175

984 712 266

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

348 793 521

4 9 2 7 9 5
3 5 7

8 4 6 2 1 6
8 1 6

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

448 893 621

539 357 175

984 712 266

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

348 793 521

439 257 975

884 612 166

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

547 992 729

638 456 274

183 811 365

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

7 7 2 2 9 9
4 9 2

838 656 474

383 111 565

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

345 891 123

234 456 678

789 912 567

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

545 191 323

4 4 6 6 8 8
3 5 7

989 212 767

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3
345 891 123

2 4 4 6 6 8
3 5 7

7 9 9 2 5 7
8 1 6

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing

545 191 323

434 656 878

989 212 767

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

849 495 627

738 951 273

384 516 162

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

641 296 428

539 752 974

185 317 863

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

1 2 5 6 3 4
4 9 2

2 3 9 1 7 8
3 5 7

6 7 4 5 8 9
8 1 6

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

142 596 324

233 951 778

687 415 869

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

142 596 324

233 951 778

687 415 869

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

142 596 324

233 951 778

687 415 869

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

3 9 7 4 5 2
4 9 2

431 258 976

885 613 167

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

348 793 521

439 257 975

884 612 166

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

147 693 825

936 258 471

582 714 369

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing
146 692 824

9 5 2 7 4 9
3 5 7

5 1 7 3 3 8
8 1 6

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

147 693 825

936 258 471

582 714 369

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=5, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

948 594 726

837 159 372

483 615 261

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 6
The Substitute Stars of Period 6 (also known as Age 6) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3),
and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E,
W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are
known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is
subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for
different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart
of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].


EAST (pointing WEST

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)


The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example,
for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 6, the stars in the West direction
are 682. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 682. Similarly, a
room in the South of the same property has the stars 419. For Direction W1-E1 of the Substitute
Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction are 584, and a room in
the North direction has the stars 221.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace
Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the
architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

955 419 237

146 864 682

591 328 773

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1
857 312 139

9 8 7 6 5 4
4 6 8

4 3 2 1 6 5
9 2 7

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

753 318 531

642 864 186

297 429 975

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

655 211 433

544 766 988

199 322 877

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

753 318 531

642 864 186

297 429 975

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

855 411 633

7 4 9 6 2 8
4 6 8

3 9 5 2 1 7
9 2 7

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

656 211 438

547 765 983

192 329 874

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

856 411 638

747 965 283

392 529 174

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

854 319 132

943 765 587

4 8 2 1 6 6
9 2 7

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

854 319 132

943 765 587

498 221 676

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

854 319 132

943 765 587

498 221 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

8 4 3 9 1 2
5 1 3

943 765 587

498 221 676

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

3 9 7 5 5 7
5 1 3

4 8 2 1 9 3
4 6 8

8 4 6 6 1 2
9 2 7

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

351 716 538

449 262 984

895 627 173

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

152 616 834

943 261 488

597 725 379

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

152 616 834

943 261 488

597 725 379

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

1 2 6 6 8 4
5 1 3

943 261 488

597 725 379

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

952 516 734

843 161 388

497 625 279

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

852 417 639

741 963 285

396 528 174

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing
659 215 437

5 8 7 1 9 3
4 6 8

1 4 3 6 8 2
9 2 7

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

154 518 336

245 963 781

699 427 872

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

153 517 335

244 962 789

698 426 871

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

154 518 336

245 963 781

699 427 872

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

1 3 5 7 3 5
5 1 3

244 962 789

698 426 871

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

559 914 732

641 468 286

195 823 377

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

758 213 931

849 667 485

394 122 576

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2
357 813 135

2 6 4 8 6 1
4 6 8

7 2 9 4 5 9
9 2 7

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

556 112 334

445 667 889

991 223 778

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

357 813 135

246 468 681

792 924 579

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

558 114 336

447 669 882

993 225 771

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

6 6 1 2 8 4
5 1 3

7 5 5 7 3 9
4 6 8

2 1 9 3 4 8
9 2 7

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

658 114 836

747 569 382

293 925 471

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

458 913 231

349 567 785

894 122 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

458 913 231

349 567 785

894 122 676

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

4 8 9 3 2 1
5 1 3

349 567 785

894 122 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing

458 913 231

349 567 785

894 122 676

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

953 517 735

844 162 389

498 626 271

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1
153 617 835

9 4 2 2 4 9
4 6 8

5 8 7 6 3 1
9 2 7

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

251 616 438

349 162 884

795 527 973

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

251 616 438

349 162 884

795 527 973

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

251 616 438

349 162 884

795 527 973

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

259 615 437

3 8 1 1 8 3
4 6 8

7 4 5 6 9 2
9 2 7

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

258 714 936

147 369 582

693 825 471

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 7
The Substitute Stars of Period 7 (also known as Age 7) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3),
and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E,
W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are
known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is
subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for
different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart
of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].


(of a
(Direction) (Direction)


The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example,
for Direction [W1-E1] of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 7, the stars in the West direction
are 297. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 297. Similarly, a
room in the South of the same property has the stars 429. For Direction [W1-E1] of the Substitute
Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West (direction) are 997, and a room in
the North (direction) has the stars 331.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South (direction) on top. A typical way to use a Nine-
Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the southerly direction and superimpose it onto
the architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

864 429 642

753 975 297

318 531 186

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

664 229 442

553 775 997

118 331 886

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

1 6 5 1 3 8
6 2 4

2 7 9 5 7 3
5 7 9

6 2 4 9 8 4
1 3 8

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

166 521 348

257 975 793

612 439 884

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

166 521 348

257 975 793

612 439 884

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

166 521 348

257 975 793

612 439 884

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

9 7 4 2 2 9
6 2 4

158 876 694

513 331 785

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

867 322 149

958 776 594

413 231 685

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

765 321 543

654 876 198

219 432 987

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing
665 221 443

5 4 7 6 9 8
5 7 9

1 9 3 2 8 7
1 3 8

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

765 321 543

654 876 198

219 432 987

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

865 421 643

754 976 298

319 532 187

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

263 727 945

154 372 599

618 836 481

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

9 3 5 7 7 5
6 2 4

854 172 399

418 636 281

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

461 826 648

559 372 194

915 737 283

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

361 726 548

459 272 994

815 637 183

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3
461 826 648

5 9 3 2 1 4
5 7 9

9 5 7 7 2 3
1 3 8

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

369 725 547

458 271 993

814 636 182

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

965 529 747

856 174 392

411 638 283

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

167 622 849

958 276 494

513 731 385

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

2 3 6 8 4 1
6 2 4

3 2 1 4 8 6
5 7 9

7 7 5 9 9 5
1 3 8

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

265 621 443

354 176 898

719 532 987

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

263 628 441

352 174 896

717 539 985

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

265 621 443

354 176 898

719 532 987

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

4 8 9 4 2 6
6 2 4

357 579 792

813 135 681

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

466 922 244

355 577 799

811 133 688

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

661 125 843

752 579 397

216 934 488

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2
661 125 843

7 2 5 9 3 7
5 7 9

2 6 9 4 4 8
1 3 8

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

661 125 843

752 579 397

216 934 488

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

661 125 843

752 579 397

216 934 488

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

769 224 942

851 678 496

315 133 587

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

768 223 941

8 9 6 7 4 5
5 7 9

3 4 1 2 5 6
1 3 8

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

567 123 345

456 678 891

912 234 789

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

566 122 344

455 677 899

911 233 788

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

567 123 345

456 678 891

9 2 2 4 7 9
1 3 8

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing

568 124 346

457 679 892

913 235 781

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

362 727 549

451 273 995

816 638 184

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

369 725 547

458 271 993

814 636 182

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

1 4 6 8 8 6
6 2 4

9 5 2 3 4 1
5 7 9

519 737 382

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

163 627 845

954 272 499

518 736 381

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

164 628 846

955 273 491

519 737 382

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

963 527 745

854 172 399

418 636 281

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

5 9 9 5 7 7
6 2 4

658 471 293

1 4 8 6 3 2
1 3 8

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

761 226 948

859 672 494

315 137 583

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

362 826 144

253 471 698

717 935 589

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing

562 126 344

453 671 898

9 7 2 5 7 9
1 3 8

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

362 826 144

253 471 698

717 935 589

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=7, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

562 126 344

453 671 898

917 235 789

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 8
The Substitute Stars of Period 8 (also known as Age 8) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3),
and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E,
W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are
known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is
subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for
different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart
of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].


EAST (pointing WEST

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)


The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example,
for Direction [W1-E1] of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 8, the stars in the West direction
are 314. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 314. Similarly, a
room in the South of the same property has the stars 532. For Direction [W1-E1] of the Substitute
Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West (direction) are 414, and a room in
the North (direction) has the stars 741.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South (direction) on top. A typical way to use a Nine-
Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the southerly direction and superimpose it onto
the architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

977 532 759

868 186 314

423 641 295

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

177 632 859

968 286 414

5 3 7 1 3 5
2 4 9

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

275 631 453

364 186 818

729 542 997

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

275 631 453

364 186 818

729 542 997

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

275 631 453

364 186 818

729 542 997

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3
275 631 453

3 4 1 6 8 8
6 8 1

7 9 5 2 9 7
2 4 9

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

876 432 654

765 987 219

321 543 198

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

678 234 456

567 789 912

123 345 891

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

178 533 351

269 987 715

624 442 896

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

1 8 5 3 3 1
7 3 5

269 987 715

624 442 896

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

178 533 351

269 987 715

624 442 896

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

178 533 351

2 9 9 7 7 5
6 8 1

624 442 896

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1
572 937 759

6 1 4 3 2 5
6 8 1

1 6 8 8 3 4
2 4 9

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

779 235 957

868 681 413

324 146 592

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

374 838 156

265 483 611

729 947 592

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

573 137 355

464 682 819

928 246 791

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

3 4 8 8 1 6
7 3 5

2 5 4 3 6 1
6 8 1

7 9 9 7 5 2
2 4 9

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

573 137 355

464 682 819

928 246 791

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

376 731 558

467 285 913

822 649 194

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing

376 731 558

467 285 913

822 649 194

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

1 4 6 9 8 2
7 3 5

963 285 417

528 741 396

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

174 639 852

963 285 417

528 741 396

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

174 639 852

963 285 417

528 741 396

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing
974 539 752

8 3 1 5 3 7
6 8 1

4 8 6 1 2 6
2 4 9

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

779 235 957

868 681 413

324 146 592

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

771 236 958

869 682 414

325 147 593

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

572 136 354

463 681 818

927 245 799

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

572 136 354

4 3 6 1 8 8
6 8 1

9 7 2 5 7 9
2 4 9

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

572 136 354

463 681 818

927 245 799

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

572 136 354

463 681 818

927 245 799

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

678 234 456

567 789 912

123 345 891

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

8 6 4 2 6 4
7 3 5

765 987 219

321 543 198

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

871 335 153

962 789 517

426 244 698

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

871 335 153

9 2 7 9 5 7
6 8 1

426 244 698

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3
871 335 153

9 2 7 9 5 7
6 8 1

4 6 2 4 6 8
2 4 9

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing

871 335 153

962 789 517

426 244 698

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

275 739 957

166 384 512

621 848 493

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

977 532 759

868 186 314

423 641 295

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

4 3 8 8 6 1
7 3 5

5 2 3 4 1 6
6 8 1

9 7 7 9 2 5
2 4 9

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

375 731 553

464 286 918

829 642 197

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

473 838 651

562 384 116

927 749 295

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

375 731 553

464 286 918

829 642 197

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

6 3 1 7 8 5
7 3 5

764 582 319

228 946 491

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

673 137 855

764 582 319

228 946 491

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

471 936 258

369 582 714

825 147 693

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing
471 936 258

3 9 5 2 7 4
6 8 1

8 5 1 7 6 3
2 4 9

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

471 936 258

369 582 714

825 147 693

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=8, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

479 935 257

368 581 713

824 146 692

Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of

Period 9
The Substitute Stars of Period 9 (also known as Age 9) are given on this page.

Grid Directions[edit]
In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3),
and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E,
W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are
known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is
subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for
different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart
of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].


EAST (pointing WEST

(of a
(Direction) (Direction)


The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example,
for Direction [W1-E1] of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 9, the stars in the West direction
are 929. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 929. Similarly, a
room in the South of the same property has the stars 742. For Direction [W1-E1] of the Substitute
Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West are 922, and the stars in a room
in the North are 655.
In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and
the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a
"South Pointing Needle" (). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-
Palace Chart is always drawn with the South (direction) on top. A typical way to use a Nine-
Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the southerly direction and superimpose it onto
the architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

386 742 564

475 297 929

831 653 118

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1
388 744 566

4 7 2 9 9 2
7 9 2

8 3 6 5 1 1
3 5 1

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

188 643 861

979 297 425

534 752 316

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

188 643 861

979 297 425

534 752 316

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

188 643 861

979 297 425

534 752 316

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

988 543 761

8 9 1 7 3 5
7 9 2

4 4 6 2 2 6
3 5 1

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

989 544 762

871 198 326

435 653 217

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing

188 643 861

979 297 425

534 752 316

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

287 643 465

376 198 821

7 2 5 4 9 9
3 5 1

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing

286 642 464

375 197 829

731 553 918

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

287 643 465

376 198 821

732 554 919

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing

2 8 6 4 4 6
8 4 6

377 199 822

733 555 911

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

4 5 9 9 2 7
8 4 6

3 6 5 4 7 2
7 9 2

8 1 1 8 6 3
3 5 1

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

487 942 269

378 596 724

833 151 615

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

683 148 861

772 594 326

237 959 415

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

685 141 863

774 596 328

239 952 417

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

6 3 1 8 8 1
8 4 6

772 594 326

237 959 415

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

685 141 863

774 596 328

239 952 417

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

287 742 969

178 396 524

633 851 415

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing
987 542 769

8 8 1 6 3 4
7 9 2

4 3 6 1 2 5
3 5 1

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

485 841 663

574 396 128

939 752 217

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing

385 741 563

474 296 928

839 652 117

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

485 841 663

574 396 128

939 752 217

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing

3 5 7 1 5 3
8 4 6

474 296 928

839 652 117

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

683 247 465

574 792 929

138 356 811

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

883 447 665

774 992 229

338 556 111

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2
881 346 168

9 9 7 2 5 4
7 9 2

4 5 2 7 6 3
3 5 1

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

881 346 168

979 792 524

435 257 613

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

881 346 168

979 792 524

435 257 613

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

889 345 167

978 791 523

434 256 612

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]
The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

9 9 4 5 2 7
8 4 6

1 8 8 1 6 3
7 9 2

5 4 3 6 7 2
3 5 1

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing

881 346 168

979 792 524

435 257 613

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

782 346 564

673 891 128

237 455 919

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing

682 246 464

573 791 928

137 355 819

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

7 2 3 6 5 4
8 4 6

673 891 128

237 455 919

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing

882 446 664

773 991 228

337 555 119

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

584 949 762

673 495 227

138 851 316

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1
784 249 962

8 3 6 5 4 7
7 9 2

3 8 1 1 5 6
3 5 1

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

386 841 168

277 495 623

732 959 514

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

586 141 368

477 695 823

932 259 714

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

386 841 168

277 495 623

732 959 514

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3][edit]
The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

586 141 368

4 7 6 5 8 3
7 9 2

9 2 2 9 7 4
3 5 1

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

782 247 969

871 693 425

336 158 514

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing

789 245 967

878 691 423

334 156 512

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

584 148 366

475 693 821

9 9 2 7 7 2
3 5 1

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing

583 147 365

474 692 829

938 256 711

Go Top | Substitute Star | Flying Star | Feng Shui

Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

584 148 366

475 693 821

939 257 712

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3][edit]

The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=9, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing

5 3 1 7 3 5
8 4 6

474 692 829

938 256 711

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