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CIS 221/223

Electronic Portfolio - 25 points

Leaning Objectives: ISTE 5
Pages 279 through 281 of your textbook describe digital teaching
portfolios, also known as electronic portfolios or e-portfolios as a
collection of educational and professional materials stored in electronic
format. It serves as an organized collection of materials that shows a
teachers growth and development over time (Strudler & Wetzel,
2010). E-Portfolios are required by many undergraduate and graduate
education/teaching programs and may be very useful in getting a
teaching position.

You can begin creating your e-portfolio as soon as you start

taking classes towards your education degree or teaching
Even teachers already licenses and teaching at schools can
continue to maintain their e-portfolio to document their
professional learning accomplishments as a way to provide
career-related information to school administrators and teaching
colleagues. They can also be an opportunity for personal
refledction on your development as an educator (Maloy, VerockOLoughlin, Edwards,& Woolf).
An e-portfolio is a sample of evidence, not a complete archive or
your work or teaching. According to Seldin (2004), "An effective
portfolio requires careful selection and thoughtful organization
and must give an accurate, well-rounded picture of teaching
effective in order to be convincing to those who read it" (p. 3)
You might include link to your e-portfolio in your cover letter for
teaching position. Ensure it is professional and proofed for
Possible material/content for your e-portfolio:
o About me page
Might also include professional experience that
stands out to you, personal belief that drives your
professional experience, or teaching/learning
experience that stands you as a defining moment to
you (http://siteeportfolio.weebly.com).
o Teaching Philosophy and/or Philosophy of Education)
o Resume / Curriculum Vitae
o Teaching experience
o Lesson or unit plans and reflections
Show off your best, creative lesson plans!
Show off your technology skills!

Show off your written communication skills!

Reflection: self-assessment in which learner
examines past actions to identify what to maintain or
change; improve a lesson plan, teaching technique,
etc. Could be a blog or a part of past lessons.
o Academic courses completed and research experience
o Assignments from school
o Field experiences
o Community volunteering, fundraising activities, etc.
o Videos of you teaching (you would need release forms if
students visible/audible)
o Transcripts
o Links to your favorite web sites: your LinkedIn page, your
Pinterest page, educational web sites, online articles on
pedagogy, state teaching standards, etc.
o Classroom management plan
o Student evaluations / teachers evaluations (observations)
from administrator
o References, letters from students, parents, department
chair, principal, teachers, etc.
Article in Chronicle of Higher Education on Should graduate
students create e-portfolios: http://chronicle.com/article/ShouldGraduate-Students/129813/

Lets look at some e-portfolios from Teachers or Students aspiring

to be teachers - Sample/Examples of Other Students and Teachers EPortfolios:

tfolio_ (from the University of Michigan, uses U of M portfolio
(University of Michigan student)
http://cmlorena.wikispaces.com/Student+Teaching (uses
https://sites.google.com/site/deanfisherportfolio/ (uses Google
http://elmerdj.wix.com/portfolio#!teaching/c1f4r (created with
http://andriaandiliou.wordpress.com/ (created with WordPress)
http://bpeteet.wordpress.com/ (created with WordPress)

(created with WordPress)
http://rebeccalynntaylor.wordpress.com/ (created with
http://ellenstechportfolio.yolasite.com/ (created with Yola)
http://caitlinlblake.weebly.com/ (created with Weebly)
http://tsuimei.wix.com/jessicachung (created wtih Wix)

Free web sites that can be used to create an e-portfolio:

Google Sites: http://sites.google.com/

Wix.com: http://www.wix.com/
Weebly for Education: http://education.weebly.com/
Weebly: http://www.weebly.com/
Wikipsaces: http://www.wikispaces.com/
WordPress: http://wordpress.org/
Yola.com: https://www.yola.com/

Web sites about Weebly and E-Portfolios

Web site on creating e-portfolios (a lot of good information):

Information on Teaching Portfolios from Center for Teaching at
Vanderbilt University
Information on e-portfolios from Penn State University (requires
e-portfolios): http://portfolio.psu.edu/
Blog on creating e-portfolios using Weebly for Educators:
Time Magazine article on Weebly:
Wikipedia page on Weebly: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weebly
Weebly Site Showcase: http://siteshowcase.weebly.com/
Best Weebly web site examples:

YouTube video #1 about creating an e-portfolio with Google Sites:

YouTube video #2 about creating an e-portfolio with Google Sites:

Sample Philosophy of Education:

http://www.crlt.umich.edu/tstrategies/tstpum (from the University
of Michigan)

Your Assignment Requirements:

1. Use any of the web sites listed above under Free web sites that
can be used to create an e-portfolio to create your e-portfolio.
My detailed instructions for creating an e-Portfolio below are for
Weebly.com. If you choose another free web hosting web site,
just be sure your web site is organized and professional in

A very nice video tutorial on how to use Weebly and create

e-portfolios with it is located here:
YouTube video #1 about creating an e-portfolio with
YouTube video #2 about creating an e-portfolio with

For example, I consider these students/teacher e-Portfolio web

sites professional in the look, layout, and appearance (they may
not include all the pages/content your e-Portfolio must contain,
but they represent a professional looking web site):



2. Include the following pages in your e-portfolio

A Home Page that is an introduction to your e-Portfolio

A Teaching Philosophy page (Philosophy of Education
page). This doesnt have to be complete yet, but at least
start it with a few paragraphs. Review some of the
examples above to get an idea of what to write here.
Include page with links to at least three (3) of your CIS
221/CIS 223 assignments/lesson plans, for example:
Pinterest, Microsoft Word Lesson Plan,
Kidspiration/Inspiration, Excel Math, Wiki, PowerPoint, etc.
(or educational/lesson plan assignments from another HCC
education course).
A References/Recommendations page: create a page
that would be the beginning of your recommendations
page (teacher recommendations, employer
recommendations, etc.)
A Contact Me page with your contact information
(include a link to your email address). If you have a
LinkedIn page, you can include a link to that here.
Extra credit (2 points): include/add an extra page on the
home page on the web site with web site links to 5 of your
favorite educationally related web site (you can review my
example ePortfolio web site for an example of this).

3. Another important computer skill that you may find yourself

needing is knowledge of how to create and/or open zip files. A
zip file is a file that you can create to store one or many other
files and shrink/reduce/compress their total file size.
For this assignment, I would like you to submit: a) the web site
link to your portfolio, and b) z zip file containing your initial
lesson plan assignment with the rubric created in Microsoft Word
and your Microsoft PowerPoint assignment. So, you zip file will
have two files inside it these assignment. Copy and paste your
eportfolio web site address into the MyEducationLab submissions
section and then attach your zip file.
More information and tutorials on creating zip files is one my web
site at: https://cis.hfcc.edu/~djmaier/cis221-223/

Besides the Video links above that show you how to create an eportfolio with Weebly, the following are some helpful instructions:
1. Create your Weebly account: http://www.weebly.com/
2. Choose the option to create a Site (versus Blog or Store)
3. Choose a Theme. Look for one you think is appropriate for an
e-portfolio. Note: you can change the theme later if you want.
Think about whether you want your main menu to be horizontal
(at the top) or vertical (usually along the left side). I chose one
with a left vertical menu because I thought it would make it
easier to have many menu items and not run out of space.
Choose the option for Use a Subdomain of Weekly.com and
type in a sub-domain. For example, I typed in cis221223 which
was available, so my Weebly e-portfolio web address will be:
4. You can watch a video now on Weebly.
5. Now choose Build my site. Now you can build your e-portfolio
web site.
6. You can drag elements to the page, such as a title, text, image
an d text, a gallery, a slide show, a map, a contact form, divider,
a search box, a video, audio file, a document, a file, a YouTube
video, a poll, a forum, a block quote, etc.
7. My page started with three links: Home, About and Contact this
is a good start.
8. I began by clicking on the title text at the top of the page to edit
and change the title. I changed mine to CIS 221 / CIS 223 ePortfolio. You will want to change yours to your name and ePortfolio. For example, look at this U of M example:
9. Next, I dragged the Image + Text element onto the Home page
and created an title page. You can view my demonstration ePortfolio web site at:
Next, I didnt want an About page so I clicked the Pages
button at the top, then click the About menu on the left, then
changed its name to Teaching Philosophy, then clicked the
Save and Edit button. Now you can drag the Title element and
Text element from the left side to the right to add your title
text. Review the examples of Teaching Philosophies I provided
above and begin yours. Again, view my page to see this.
To add new/additional pages, click the Pages button at
the top, then click Add Page. I will add several new pages:
Resume, Lesson Plans, References, Reflections, Community
Involvement, and Educational Web Sites. I added all my pages
as Standard Pages. You could make one a Blog if you want.
You can re-arrange the order of your main menu by dragging

then. If the new page that gets created has a header image you
do not want, you can click an icon in the top right corner of the
image, and choose No Header.
Remember, make sure you have a page that includes links
to at least three (3) of your assignments/lesson plans from our
course, or another education course youve had at the college.
Lastly, you will click the Publish link in the top right
corner, then choose a category for your site (Education >
Teacher) (note: you may have to verify you are human by
entering a CAPTCHA). Do not click the option to buy a domain
name. My site is: http://cis221223.weebly.com/
Your Grading Rubric

Home page

0 pt
e-Portfolio web
site does not
contain a
home page


0 pts
e-Portfolio web
site does not
contain a

Lesson Plan

0 pts
e-Portfolio web
site does not
contain a
Lesson Plan

ion page

0 pts
e-Portfolio web
site does not
contain a

1 pt
e-Portfolio web
site contains a
home page, but
with no
introductory text
on it
1 pt
e-Portfolio web
site contains a
Philosophy, but
without an early
draft on a
1 pt
e-Portfolio web
site contains a
Lesson Plan
page, but does
not have
working links to
at least 3 of
from class

2 pts
e-Portfolio web site
does contain a
home page with
introductory text on
4 pts
e-Portfolio web site
contains a Teaching
Philosophy with an
early draft on a
Philosophy on it
sufficient amount
of content (200
9 pts
e-Portfolio web site
contains a Lesson
Plan page with at
least 3 of your
assignments from

2 pts
e-Portfolio web site
contains a


on page
Contact Me

0 pts
e-Portfolio web
site does not
contain a
Contact Me


0 pts
appearance of
web site is
0 pts
Zip file was not
included in

Zip file

page (does not
need content on it)
2 pts
e-Portfolio web site
contains a Contact
Me page with
contact information
on it

1 pt
e-Portfolio web
site contains a
Contact Me
page, but
without contact
information on it
2 pts
3 pts
Overall appearance
appearance of
of web site is
web site is
professional and
professional and
2 pts
3 pts
Zip file was
Zip file was
included, but
included in
could not be
submission and
opened or did
contained the
not have
required files
required files
inside it
Total Assignment Score:

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