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A Romance With Roses
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A Romance With Roses
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A Romance With Roses
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Use your liner and thinned down Hi-Lite Flesh and pull thin lines from the ontside in (1 usually pull these little lines in where the flower comes to a point.) Use thinned down Emperor's Gold and pull stamens fram the inside out, Use your Stylus and put little dots in the smite Ribbons - Refer to Ribbon Worksheet Mix one part Soft Lilae with faur parts Falux Glazing Medium, (Tip: The glaze will make the ribbon wrauspareni, so adjust to vour liking) Use the $/8" angular brush and paint in the ribbons Shade with Pansy Lavendar and highlight with Titanium White. See Ribbon Worksheet. Leaves- Refer to Leaf Worksheet ‘These leaves are based with Avocada and Black Green, Use Mint Julep Green to pull a vein from one end to the ather end of the leaf. Use the edge ; ofa 1/2” angular brush, While the vein is wet, pull down some “feathers”. Use the same brush and pull in Mint Julep Green from the outside in and let dry. Use your liner and mix Titanium White and Mint Julep Green together and add veins to your leaf, Use your liner and pull from the outside in and only on one side with Emperor’s Gold. Ido not thin the paint when I paint these little accents on the leat, Curlicnes Use thinned Avocado and your liner brush, Roll the brush in the mixture and start making small circles and then slowly lower the brush to the surface. (Tip: Stay on the very tip of the brush...his will kelp make very thin curlictes.) Finishing \ Let your piece dry completely and seal with JW. Exterior Varnish (Gloss). Tuse a large soft brush to put this varnish on. Ipaint in one direction... et dry...and paint the other direction. T love the texture that the brush leaves®. I put at least three coats of varnish on, Pattern on PulloutMornin y - Wateri - Finishing cont Gold Edging - Use Emperor's Gold. (Tip: Fuse my finger ©. have found Ihave more control with my finger thax Edo with a brush.) Lot vour plece dry completely and seal with J.W, Wipe-On Varnish. 1 pour a little varnish ona damp cloth and gently rub over my piece. (Tip: Store the damp cloth ia a ziplock bag and use mazy, many tines.)Dae athe Asan acs Cet Ta Ces aiac na Cee Cer“Slop Je\ueo UI Ind PUR ence aa @8/ ‘Ino 4eIUas Woy SOUL JIM i ‘PION suoIedWS pauUTy es ech exo umop pouUNA 287) i "1 uo pusig gees au ue se — SHTHH UNA SUIS WIE “ETT YOS: cepa Mt o8eg “Ysrug zeinoue .8/e esr au umop pure ays 49pun 9peys 10109 es puoges © pue eee =Helpful Hint: When painting ribbon, lay your brush horizontally when shading and hightighting. Helpful Hint When painting leaves, use many different ealors to paint the "feathers". Casualty choose colors that are in my projects. Have Fun!Bap ay Morning Glory Heart Wall Pocket Palette - DecoArt Americana Hi-Lite Flesh Green Mist Pansy Lavender Titanium White Mint Julep Green Soft Lilae Black/Green Dioxazine Purple Avocado Brush'n Blend Brushes - Loew Cornell #10 Flat #2, 43 Round #10/0 Liner " Angular Shader Other Supplies Graphite Paper Fine Block Sander Tack Cloth Large Sponge Brush stylus ‘Metal Heart Wall Pocket (Painter’s Paradise) Lightly sand and use tack cloth. Use the large sponge brush and basecoat the heart with Mint Julep Green. Let dry. Ifyou choose to use the patterns, naw is the time to trace them on, Use the graphite paper and the stylus to trace pattern on the heart Morning Glories Base both Moming Glories and the buds with Soft Lilac using cither the flat brush or the angle brush. Let dry Use yourangle brush with Hi-Lite Flesh on the tip and Brush n’ Blend on the heel, Blend very well on your palette and paint the “smile” on your Moning Glories. Purple Morning Glories - Refer to Morning Glories Worksheet Tused a flicking motion to achieve the thin lines in the Morning Glories. Use your #3 found, mix a litle Brush n? Blend-with Pansy Lavendar and “flick” all the way around the flower (Tip: Flatten your round brush in the paint and blending gel. Start on the outside of your flower, start on chisel edge and “flick” toward the middle of the flower.) ‘Do this same technique with Dioxazine Purple. (Tip: “Flick” in various spots...notall the ‘way around the flower.) This is the fun part! Use an angle brush, dip the tip in Dioxazine Purple and Brush n° Blend on the heel, Blend well before painting on your surface. Laying the brush almost horizontally, make small strokes all the way around the Moming Glory following the shape of the flower,fy eart Wall Fock i Atthis point also shade on both sides of the neck of the flower. Use the chisel edge and pull ina few lines on the neck. Use your liner and thinned down Hi-Lite Flesh and pull thin lines from the outside in (1 usually pull these lite lines in where the flower comes to a point) Use thinned down E'mperor’s Gold and pull stamens from the inside out. Use your Stylus and put little dots in the smile. M Clory Bude-R Morning Glory ‘Your buds are based in with Soft Lilac at this point, Use Dioxazine Purple on the tip and Brush n’Blend on the heel of your angle brush. Follow the pattem to put the lines in the buds. - af Worksheet Base the leaves with Avocado and Black Green, On this project J used Mint Julep Green to pull a vein from one end to the other end of the leaf with the chisel edge of my 2/8" angular brush. While the vein is wet, pull down some “feathers”. Use the same brush and pull in Mint Sulep Green from the outside in and let dey Pull in Pansy Lavender trom the outside in (just like you did wich the Mint Jutep Green) Use your liner and mix Titanium White and Mint Julep Green together and add veins to your leaf, Use your liner and pull fram the outside in and only on one side with Emperor’s Gold. | do nat thin the paint shen I paint these little accents on the leaf. [used a #2-round with Titanium White. 1 just touched and pulled in varius spots. Finishing Let your piece dry completely and seal with J.W. Wipe-On Varnish. Tuse a damp cloth and varnish to seal my piece. (Tip Keep your demp used cloth in a ziplock bag, Use i over and 13‘Brushes - Loew Cornell U2" Angle Brush #100 Liner ‘Old Flat Brush (for painting pages) Prep IS Decorative Rose Books (Yard Sale Finds©) " a Avocado French Mauve Emperor's Gold Black Green Cranberry Wine Light Buttermilk Mint Julep Green Lemon Yellow ant ‘Antique Mauve Evergreen Bum Umber Olive Green Brush’n Blend Faux Glazing Medium 3/4" Scheewe Foliage Angular S8037 Graphite Paper ‘Sea Sponge \ Stylus ‘Used Books (Vard Sale Finds) |S To basecoat the hook, use a sea sponge ane pounce three colors, Tip: Soak she sponge until it Becomes verysofi...wrap and squeeze in a towel to get all te excess water owt.) Pounce in the Mint Julep Green first. Do the same procedure with the Evergreen und Light Buttermilk. Do not wash out the previous color. (Tip Da not ever pounce! Ifvour three colors took tike one solid colar ajier you are finished..,vou have pounced soo mitch ®. Let dry and start again), Use Emperer’s Gold and an ol at brush and paint the edge of the pages. This gives a finished look to the project. Let book dry completely. IF you choose to use the pattems, now is the time to trace them on, Lise the graphite paper and the Stylus te trace pattem on the book Roses - Refer to Rose Warksheet Ihave painted three colors of roses on this piece. | used Cranberry Wine/Light Buttermilk, Antique Mauve/Light Buttermilk, and French Mauve /Light Buttermilk. Base in three rose shapes. Cranberry Wine (middle rose}, Antique Mauve (bottom right) and French Mauve (top). Refer t the photograph for rose placement. Let dry. Let's finish these roses®,,.Using the gular brush, dip the tip in Light Buttermilk and the heel of the brush in Cranberry Wine (or whatever base color rose you are working on), Blend and load until your brush is fully loaded... about 3/4" way up your bristles... (Tip: {usually dip and blend at least four times befare I'm ready: to paint) Use the Rose Worksheet as a guide, Start at the top. ..and while the top strokes ure drying, skip down and do the sides and botiom. Come back and {ill in the middle. All three roses are painted exactly the same way,ty D ive 0 "After these rases are completely dry, blend a little Lemon Yellow on the tip and glaze on the heel ofthe 1/2" angle brush. Stroke over a few of the lighter areas with Lemon Yellow. ‘Leaves - Refer to Leaf Worksheet Ri Base the leaves with Avocada aid Black Green, | fic the leaves in and around the roses. Oh this project I used Olive Green to pull a fine line fiom one end to the other end of the leat with the chisel edge of my 1/2” angular brush. While the vein is wet, pull down some feathers”. Use the same brush and pull in Olive Green from the outside in. [pulled in some of the French Mauve from the outer part of the leaf toward the middle. fp: I pul in all kinds of colors depending on she colors J used in wy project. This Is my favorite part of the painting a leaf @.) Use your Linerand mix Light Buttermilk and Olive Green together and add veins to your Teal, (Tip: Use plenty af water with your paint when pulfing in veins.) Refer Lt Mix one part Mint Julep Green with four parts of Faux Glazing Medium. (Tip: The glaze will make (he ribbon transparent, so adjust the color to your liking.) Use 8 1,2" angular brush for the ribbon, but you can also get the same results by using. flat brush ‘Always start on chisel edge, press the bristles to the side, pull bark up on chisel edge. Shade the skinny parts of your ribbon with Green Mist on the tip and glaze in heel. Highlight the fa parts of your ribbon with Light Buttermilk in tip and glaze in heel. (Tip: Use the Green Mist and Light Buttermitk sparingly and blend very weil before shading and highlighitng. - Rel hh use watered down Burnt Umber and my liner brush to paint the little twigs. (Tip: As ow fare painting the twigs, voll your brush Berween your fingers...it will make the avtgs look a little more realistic.) - r iller FI ‘Use the tip of the Foliage Brush and tap in Light Buttermilk where you feel the need (Tip: Let the drush sit in water for a couple of minuies before wsing. It will saften the bristles and make it easicr le use.) Finishing Let your piece dry completely and seal with J.W. Wipe-On Varnish. 1 pour a frtle varnish of damp elath and gently rub over my piece. (Tips Stare rhe damp cloth in a ziplock hag and use many, many times).a7 Shabby Chie White Tray Pp: | Soft Lilac Green Mist Titanium White Black Green Cadmium Yellow. Avocado Emperor's Gold Deep Periwinkle 2 Lemon Yellow Blend n’ Brush Faux Glazing Medium Sa) DY. Brushes - Loew Cornell 5/8" Angular #1000 Liner #3 Filbert Old Scruffy Brush for stencifing background Other Supplies ed ~~ e Fine Sanding Block and Tack Cloth J.We Wipe On Varnish Graphite Paper Stylus Distressed White Tray Delta Stencil Magic - Chintz 4958611013 Prep ‘This tay was already painted white, Use a fine sanding block and sanded some of the paint off to give ita shabby chic look. After sanding, use a tack eloth to remave all dust Background Stencil This stencil fits perfectly on the inside of this tray. Use an ok seruffy brush and tap in Soft Lilac. (Zip: Lise very little paint for thes process.) Let dry Roses = Refer to Rose Worksheet These roses were painted with a 5/8" angular brush. Basecoat these with Deep Periwinkle and let dry, With Titanium White on the tip and Deep Periwinkle on the heel paint all three roses the same, Afler these roses are dry, use your 5/8" angular brush with Lemon Yellow on the tip and glaze on the heel. Highlight » fer of the petals. Use Emperor's Gold and your Stylus to paint in the little dots in the middle of the roses, Mix one part Soft Lilae with four parts of Faux Glazing Medium. (Tip: The glaze will make the ribbon transparent, so adjust the color ta your liking.) Use a 5:8" angular brush for ribbon, bur you con also get the same results by using a flat brush. Always start on chisel edge, press the bristles ta the side, pull back up on chisel edge. Reler to worksheet, Vused my liner brush and thinned down Titanium White and painted littic lines across the ribbon (these ribbons would look good with or without the lines}. Shade with Deep Periwinkle and highlight with Titanium White.18 Shabby Chie White Tray continued ayes - Refer to Leaf Worksheet Use the 5:8” angular brush and base che leaves with Avecado and Black Green, Let dry. Using the same brush, pull a vein from one end co the other end of the leat with the chisel edge. While the vein is wet, pull down some “feathers” with Green Mist. Highlight an the opposite side with Green Mist, let dry, Afier leaf is dry, pull through some Soft Lilac, Use your liner and mix Titanium White and Green Mist with water. Add the veins to the leaf’ ‘Use your liner and pull from outside in and only on one side with Emperor's Gold. Ido not thin the paint when | paint these little accents on the leaves + Flow: r n Use the #3 Filbert and Titanium White and press and pull some little filler flowers here and there, Use your stylus and Cadmium Yellow: to put small little dats in the centers. Finishing Let your piece completely dry and seal with J.AY. Wipe-On Vamish. Tuse a damp cloth and varnish to seal my piece, ATTACH PATTERN HEREWOODEN ROSE FRAME Ce Peta ae nes hese ern) ume ROSE VOTIVE CANOLE HOLDERS PAGES 22-23Rose 1 : ay : Use angle brush Use angie brush. White on tipand The second and third steps are arditeaeccal: Cranberry Wine Gn heel. Start with strokes from one end to the ath: ‘center and work out to the sides. ‘Attar putting the bud in place, take ‘While letting the top partion dry, pat _Fill in the middle of the rose w rokes from eacl Se nia iain In the sides and bottom. comma strokes, Gold dots in mi Leaf Worksheet Using an angle brush make Using same angle brush, pul Base coat fully with Avocado. curved line with Mint Julep ‘Mint Julep Green from the Base top portion with Black Green. Pull feathers from outside in. Green. ‘curved line. Pull in French Mauve from the Use finer brush and pull Use liner brush and pull Gol outside In. ‘through vines. accent lines In.n Goes 4 é - se CUS Rose Votive Candle Holders a8 ps a Py - ana Avocado Fleshtone Black Green Silver Sage Green Heritage Brick Green Mist Emperor's Gold Light Buttermilk Titanium White Blendn’ Brush Faux Glazing Medium Brushes - Loew Cornell 3/8", 1/4" Angular #10 Flat #100 Liner Other Brushes 14" Scheewe Foliage Angular $8033 _ Other Supplies IW, Bic, White Lightning Fine Sanding Block and Tack Cloth Large Sponge Brush IW. Wipe-On Varnish Graphite Paper Stylus Wooden Wative Holders (set of 3 - Artist’s Club) Lightly sand wooden votive candle holders until smooth to the touch. Wipe with tack cloth to remove any dust, Mix J AW. White Lighting and Silver Sage Green. Use the large sponge brush and basecoat the votive holders. (Tip: Fuse equal paris of paint and White Lightning.) Lightly sand again, and base one mote time if desired. Let dry, ‘Top Rims Paint the top of each candle with Black Green (1 used two coats and my #10 flat trush)...let dry. Use the small foliage brush and lightly tap Emperor's Gold. Refi Worksh: ‘Use a 3/8" angular shader and base the roses with Heritage Brick. Use Light Buttermilk on the tip and Heritage Brick on the heel. Leaves - Refer to Leaf Worksheet Base leaves with Avocado and Black Green using a 1/2" angular shader. Let dry. Follow Leaf Worksheet to build the rest of the leaf, Use Mint Julep Green for the “feathers” on each side the eaves, Use Mint Julep Green, Titanium White and water for the veins. Pull in Emperor’s Gold on one side of the leaf: Mix one part Green Mist with four parts of Faux Glazing Medium. Use the 3/8" angular brush. Always start on chisel edye, press the bristles to the side, pull back up on chisel edge.Shade the skinny ports of your ribbon with Green Mist on tip and glaze in heel Highlight the fat parts of your ribbon with Titanium White in tip and glaze in heel Little White Highlights Use Titanium White and the simall foliage brush and tap in a little white here and there, ‘Let your piece completely dry ane seal with J.Ws Wipe-On Varnish. use damp cloth and varnish to seal my piece, Enjoy painting this piece!!25 w - Votiv Holders conti ‘Leaves - Refer to Leaf Worksheet Base the leaves with Avocado and Black Green. Use Mint Julep Green to pull a vein from one end to the other end of the leaf with the chisel edge of my 3/8" angular brush. While the vein is wet, pull in some “feathers” Use the same brush and pull Mint Julep Green from the outside in and let dry, [pulled in some of the French Mauve. Pull in just like you did the Mint Julep Green, (Tip: 1 pall in alf kinds of colors depending on the eators I wsed in. my project. This is my favorite part af painting a leaf) @ Use your liner and mix Titanium White and Mint Julep Green together and add veins to your leaf. Use your liner and pull from the outside in and only of one side the Emperor's Gold. Do not thin the paint when I paint these little accents on the leaf. Filler Berries - Refer to Berry Warkshcet Talways have a pencil with an unused eraser or eotton swabs, Use the end of the craser or the cotton swabs to make these litle berries. (Tip: J use these litle bervies instead of “filler flowers on a fot of projects.) Dip into a little Faux Glaze Medium first, then dip into Mint Julep Green on one side and Emperor's Gold on the ather. (Tip: Pousrce a couple times before putting directly on your surface.) Use your liner and thinned down Titanium White and put little dots in each berry. Outlined Blossoms ‘Use the liner brash and watered down Emperor's Gold and roughly outline the blossoms and leaves. ‘Twigs - Refer to Twig Worksheet Tuse watered down Burnt Umber and my liner brush to paint the little twigs, (ip: As you are painting the nwigs, roll vour brush between your fingers....i¢ will make the prigs look @ Hule more realistic.) Finishing Let your piece completely dry and seal with J,W. Wipe-Gn Varnish. Use a damp cloth ‘and varnish to seal the piece. ©Wild Ro: sms Pull in some of the French Mauve. Pull in just like you did the Mint Julep Green. Use your lincr and mix Titanium White and Mint Julep Green together and add veins to your leaf. (Tip: Be sure to thin down paind mixture before painsing veins.) LUse your liner and pull from the outside in and only an one side the Emperor's Gold. eaves = 1d ww Leaf Work: “Use the #10 or#12 flat brush to make these shadow leaves, Mix Avocado with Emperor's Gold. (Tip: Use more Emperor’s Gold than Avacade.) Mix in a couple of drops of Faux Glazing Medium and paint the shadow leaves. ‘Branch - Refé igs/B wi Tse watered down Burat Umber and.my liner brush to paint the little twigs, ‘Pinishing Let your piece completely dry and seal with J.W. Wipe-On Varnish. Tuse a damp cloth and vamish to seal my piece. Wild Rose Blossoms - Crackled Clack Palette - DecoArt Americana Avocado French Mauve Emperor's Gold ‘Black Green Titanium White Antique Mauve = Hi-Lite Flesh Cadmium Yellow Burnt Umber Mint Julep Green Bosenberry Pink = Winter Blue French Grey Blue Brush n’ Blend Faux Glazing Medium Brushes - Loew Cornell 3/8", $8" Angular #10/0 Liner #12, #6 Flat #2 Round Other Supplies Tack Cloth JW. Wipe-On Varnish Graphite Paper Stylus Crackled Clock (Artist’s Club)\d Rose Blossoms - Ribbon continued Shade the skinny parts of your ribbon with French Grey Blue on tip and glaze in heel, Highlight the fat parts ‘of your ribbon with Titanium White im tip and glaze in heel. (Tip: Use the Titanium White and Freneh Grey Blue sparingly and blend very well before shading/ highlighting.) Filler Berries - Refer to Berry Worksheet Talways have a pencil with an unused eraser or cheap Qtipson my table. Use the end of the eraser or the Quips to make these little berries, (Tip: [use these little berries instead of filler flowers on a tol of projects.) Dip into alittle Faux: Glaze Medium first, then dip into French Mauve and a litle Emperor’s Gold. Use your liner and dab a litde Titanium White on each berry as highlights. Tw hi t Tuse watered down Burnt Umber and my liner brush to paint the littls twigs Hints Let your piece completely dry and seal with JS¥, Wipe-On Varnish. [use a damp cloth and varnish to seal my pices, Painting Tip: Whon ise Faux Glazing Medium, f pour er smaifamount into a SOLO 202 cup, (These ave used for condiments.) Never mix glazing medfum with warer The two wark against eack other2 Shabby Chie White Mirror Palette - DecoArt Americana Soft Lilac Green Mist ‘Titanium White Black Green ‘Wisteria Avocado Emperor's Gold Deep Periwinkle Olive Green Blend n’ Brush Faux Glazing Medium Bi = aw Hl 19" Angular #10°0 Liner #43 Filbert Old Scruffy Brush for stenciling background33 Other Supplies Fine Sanding Block and Tack Cloth JW. Wipe On Varnish, Graphite Paper Tape Stylus Distressed White Mirror Delta Stencil Magic - Chintz #938611013 Base this wooden mirror with Titanium White, Let dry completely, Lise the sanding block and “rough up" some of the edges. Usé the tack cloth to remove any dust, | only put one coat of paitit on this mirror, “Tape steneil on top ofthe wooden partof tis piece, Use an old scruffy brash and tap in Deep Pertwinkle. (Tip: Use very litle paint for this process.) Let ry = we t ‘These roses were painted with a 1/2" angular brush, Basecoat one rose with Wisteria and the other two with Deep Periwinkle. Let dry, With Titantum White on the tip and Deep Periwinkle on the heel, paint two of the roses. With Titanium White on the tip and Wisteria on the heel, paint onc rose. Refer to Rose Worksheet for painting the rese buds. Use Emperor's Gold and your Stylus to-paint in the little dots in the middle of the roses. Wor ‘Mix one part Soft Lilac with four parts of Faux Glazing Medium, Use a 1/2" angular rush for ribbon, but you can algo get the same results by using a flat brush, Always start on chisel edge, press the bristles ta the side, pull back up on chisel edge. Shade with Deep Periwinide and highlight with Titanium White,BASKET OF Se ice4 ‘Wooden Rose Frame continued vhi lights — i ‘Use Light Buttermilk and pull in little filler flowers here and there. wigs - Refer to Worksheet Use thinned down Burnt Umber and your liner brush to paint the twigs. (Tip: Rolf ihe brush between your fingers fo make a more natural looking ig.) ‘Shadow Leaves - Refer to Workshect Mix Faux Glazing Medium and a small amount of Emperor's Gold ta make the stroke Ieaves. Lused the #10 flat brush. Finishing Let your piece completely dry and seal with J.W. Wipe-On Varnish, [use a damp cloth and varnish to seal my piece. Enjay painting this piece!Basket of Roses Mailbox UM -D ricana ‘Avocado Burnt Umber French Mauve Black Green Cadminm Yellow Heritage Brick Emperor's Gold Green Mist ~ Tight Buttermilk Titanium White MintJolep Green Blend n’ Brush Faux Glazing Medium a Bs : 4", $78" Angular #10/0 Liner #16, 1" Flat #4 Filbert Other Brushes. 3:4" Schoewe Foliage Angular (88037) Other Supplies ‘Alcohol Paper Towels ee J.W. Exterior Varnish Graphite Paper Neue Stylus Large Sponge Brush ar ‘Metal Mailbox (Lowe's or Home Depot) { Prep Hove painting maitboxes.,.no prep!!! Just wipe walcohol, let dry and paint. There is front and back on this piece... see pattern designs Basket “These baskets are so easy to paint, | use this same technique on all shapes of baskets. (Tip: Use plenty of pains so shar this basket will ave texture when dry). Baseeost the basket with Burne Umber using the 1 flat brush, Use two coats...letting dry berween oats, /Tp: This basket will go uhrough an wely stage.clon t panie@)) Use the #16 Nat brush and Light Buttermilk te paini on the vertical lines on the basket, Stay on chisel edge and pull toward the bottom of the basket ‘To: paint the horizomual wicker fines, use the same dirty brush, Pick up Light Buttermilk cecone side of the brush and Burnt Umber on te other. Start-on chisel edge and pull from one side to the other (this blends the two colors together). Altemate the wicker lines. see pattem for placement. To ty up the sides, mm your brash on a-vertical angle and pull from the top toward the bottom. ‘Arfer the basket is dry, pull Emperor's Gold through some of the basket, ..see photograph for placement. mn 1 don't spend a lot of time on thg background folinge because T paint over most oF it anyway. (Tip: Let the foliage’ brush stim water to saften the brisifes. afer the ruse is soft, tap the background on the maithox first, ét gives it “tooth” sa that the roses andRea ey BLACK CHALKBOARD eee [emery WILD RO! Arelirtoy coyin cayman Lot dry and brash & ‘Mint Julep Green over the Avo teaves are made with glaze and teft over color in brugh.Palette - DecoArt Americana ‘Awocade French Mauve Emperor's Gold Black Green Cranberry Wine Titanium White Mint Julep Green Cadmium Yellow Green Mist ‘Brush'n Blend Medium Brushes - Loew Cornell 5/8” Angle: #100 Liner #4 Filbert Other Supplies Graphite Paper Stylus Fabric Lamp Shade Peep Decorative Rose Lamp ‘No preparation. [ove these no prep surlaces, Ifyou choose to use the pattems, now the time te trace them on, Use the graphite paper and the Stylus 1 lightly trace the patlern on the fabric shade ft ts {have put two colars of roses on this piece. 1 used Cranberry Wine/Titanium White for one rose and then French Mauve /Titanium White on the other two. t have found when painting on fabric, you need to put down aheavy baseeoat before starting your rose. So-when I paint fabric, { bounce aronnd a lot because | hate wating for paint 10 dry! Base:in the roses and the rose buds using the colors listed. Let dry = i aT " hate...hot..hate...Waiting for paint to dry! Let's paint the leaves while we are waiting to the roses to dry, Base the leaves with Avecade and Black Green, At this time also put the ealyxes around the buds, See Leaf Worksheet for shape and technique. [fit the Ieaves inand around the basecoated roses, Lt dry and then we will come back and finish them. = i wi t sally mix one part Mint Julep Green with four parts of Faux Glazing Medium. (Tig ‘The glaze will make the ribbon transparent, so-aibust he colar te vout liking) 78° & '5/8" angular brush forthe ribbon. You can also get the same results by USIDE flat brush, ‘Always start on chisel edge, press the bristles to the side, pull back up on chisel edge. shade the skinny parts of yourribbon with Green Mist onthe tip and glaze in heel. Highlight the fat parts of your ribbon with Titanium White in tip and glaze in heel. (7p: Use the Green Mist and Ttanitera White sparingly and blend very well before shading/Green Mist cand highlighting’ Titanium White.)Decorative Rose Lamp continued = Worl Let's finish these roses® Using the 5/8” angular brush, dip the tip in Titanium White and the heel of the brush in Cranberry Wine, Blend and load until your brush is fully joaded... about 3/4" way up your bristles...(Tip: Fuswally dip and blend at feast four times before I’m ready to paint). Use the Rose Worksheet as a guide. Start at the top...and while the top strokes are drying, skip down and do the sides and bottom, Come back and fill in the middle. (Tip: {f your brush starts t0 drag..dip it in just a tule bit of Brusk'n Blend Medium, blend and paint again, Ajier you paint a few rases, you will need 10 clean your brush and reload again.) ™ Use Mint Julep Green to pull a vein from one end to the ather end of the leaf with the chisel edge ofa 5/8" angular brush, While the vein is wet, pull down some “feathers”. Use the same brush and pull in Mint Julep Green from the opposite side toward the middle. Let dry. Here is the fun part! I pulled in some of the Freneh Mauve, Pull in just like you did the Mint Julep Green, (Tip! J pull in all kinds of colors depending on the colars E uses in my praject.. This is my favorite part of the painting a feaf,)@ Use your liner and mix Titanium White and Mint Julep Green together and add veins to your leaf, ‘Use your liner and pull from the outside in and only on one side the Emperor's Geld, Do not thin the paint when painting these little accents on the leaf. Tuse a #4 Filbert and Titanium White to pull in these little filler flowers,Talways have a pencil with an unused eraser or cotton swabs on my table, Use the end of the eraser or the corcon swabs to make these litle berries. (Tip: 1 use these litle berries instood of filler flowers on a lot of projects.) Dip into a litle Faux Glaze Medium first then dip into Mint Julep Green. (ip: Pounce a couple times before puting directly on ‘your surface.) Do this same techrique and use French Mauve, Use your lier and thinned down Titanium White and put little dots in each berry. Tuse watered down Burnt Umber and my liner brush to paint the litle twigs. (Tip: As yow are painting tke nwigs, ral your Brush between your fingers... wall make the Meigs look a little more realistic.) Finishing Let your piece-completely dry and seal with JW. Wipe-On Vamish, Tuseadamp cloth and varnish 10 seal my piece. DO NOT get this vamish on the chalkboard portion of your project. [hope you enjoyed this project! Pattern on Pullout Lhope you enjoyed the book! Pam Childress e-mail: pamspaintedpretties2@ yahoo.com"SHURA wun Yawn UBIIYBIY “nis Aas UoueLs uum apeus “Yenud seinBue gis & Bujsn uoqgy wed PUB UNIpeW azRID xNES YAM apeU aeinBue 75 & Guysn ucagu ued pue wnipayy eze1D -xnes Lyn onig aq, oD saavaTy Mopoyy ‘sbi, zChalk 1 Up ‘With Roses (Black Chalkboard) ~ YN ESSean Ad see | Ce a eer Assets re ser Be + i Pegs 8 60873ec Ceram es a i cen ron aa) ee eo eels) otc oe te ae
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