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One Stroke Fountains Birdbaths

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Pasi Sunes: ‘© Miscellaneous Supplies: “Teacing paper, ox tracing passers frome the partern sheet “Teanafer paper snl stylus. for wansferting parsers Brush Plus" Brash Cleaner 20480, for cleaning brushes ‘One Steoke™ Brush Caddy 1060, for rinsing. brushes Paper towels or blotting brushes Mod Podge" far Outdoors, 8 ox. CS11220, for sealing clay pou and saucers before painting Selvent-based Polyurethane Varnish for ourdoor ase protecting pots ald saucers aficr painting O) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Using One Stroke Brushes ‘ne Steve” beushes are essential for the Ohic Sarokie™ technique, They have been designed expecially for this type af suake work, Heres a brief explanation on the wig anid purpose of each brush: originally created the scruffy by shaping the bristles of 2 od, worn out brush into arn oval after carefully cutting, therm to. uniform bengsh of abour 1/2". The One Seomke™ scruffy brushes you cam buy ate ready to use. All you have ‘to do is “Uhl the scruff” ~ remove the brush from the ny, ard fore the bristles into an oval by gen- Lh pielradaptedigrat en wieder ‘hand until thcy are a nice aval shape. Now yosite ready t ‘posance the bil into palit and begin. AA fluffed scruffy brush is used 1 pai mouse. wisteria, lilacs, and some baie and fur, fus finishes, and shading termures, This brush is poe used with water. Ta clean, poance the bristhes in dhe Bawah Caddy ~ doe’ rake thems the oacural bristles can beak. Allow che brush to diy thoroughly befare pairing: wieh it ayaits, Plat Brushes: #2, F466 #8, #10, 412, 3147, 17, FIG and L-1/2" ‘One Strolic™ flat brushes are designed wih longer bites and less thicknes. in the body of the brush than other flat rushes, so they have a much sharper chisel edge. AA harp chisel cape i essernial, as most sts legis amd end on the chisel edge “These brushes ae ready to use from the package. Simply dampen the bristles in water and diy there with a paper before loading. When cleaning far brushes, wie the take in the bottom of the Brush Caddy: Flat One Seroke™ Irnishes ae syndic and don't toad to break, but be gentle Remember everyanes comfort mone is different, While tone painter is comfortable using 4 #14, anacher pasotce tay be fast as comfortable with 4 4" far brush, Use the sine brash that is sirable for the size of your project and ‘sich which you feel meat corafortable, ‘Script liners: ‘Two ses, #2. am) #1 * The 41 script liner (omsctines referred 10 as che minh is mcd fot small detail work where 4 log of eortrel ix needed. # The #2 script finer is wed where kes control és necded, such a when painting cuslicues ot string sbbones, They are wseid with paint that is inky (thinned wath, ir oe comeing oF oR) oe Chee ch agy Tr the brush. Load. pale on your palette. Dip alte brush: in Sra agate arf ae pap twirling the brush ro load. Pull out eo the side of the palette uncil well Loaded with inky pains Glesa seripe Niners as you would fans: be gone, but dean acs: Loading One Stroke Brushes L. Wer your brush and gently ay flac of a paper towel 10 fefuae excess Water 2. Double boad paint by dipping one carer af the leu in one color and tbe opposite camer of the brush im another color, 3. Suroke the brush back and forth im a swoeping motion. Repeat step 2 once or 6 itil thee barca is full of pine rw thids of he way up he beinees. = When brush ix boaded yi your strokes should feel as though the bristles glide. Ifthe brush is courte oF i do net have enone) pains an the brush. eats FRE Rack od feel spe oe you pick up paint ~ if you do, you won't have enough pain om your beush te fish your serokes. = When loading brushes #6 and smaller. load with one calor first, then sidesteoke inta the second calor 10 double asd + When you mun auf ig and nad naa pick up touts of aint of cither coloe and start painting. ates han allowing the bore instnuctin, we Flaciog Mediu this way 10 help ese pain flow mone smoothly: 1. Squeere a puddle af Hloating Medium on your palette, 2 Lee bh wih pun ia femme 3. Dip the tips of the bristles of se Roaded bruh sizight dena isthe pull of Plating, Medi. 4, Strake the Ins n the palette wo these times, an ‘you'te ready to paint, 5. Use-only when necessary. not every stoke. Transferring Patterns ‘The patterns foe the projects for this baok ate bacated oat the partern sheets at he conser of the book. To remone the pattern sheets, open the centet staples, if ut he pattern sheets; ani close she: saples. Ter keep the pattern sheet ineact, ace pastern ov tracing paper with a pensil ar pen. To uranafer, place the item to be painted on your work warface and lay the traced pattern in position on. peoject Slip transfer paper berwees pattern and irom. Trace parte wich a seylus two eramsber it. Tips for eranslerting patterns: + Reduce or enlarge the paiterns as wecenaty of enpy imachine to accommodate the sere of your project. © Use dark transfer paper foe fight surfaces anal white fir dark sarfaces + Lightly sliding. + Tix nor necessary 1 trace every fine derail, Traner the main outlines of the punter ‘Tracing erery detail eakes sway fro the natural look you are wrying,e attain. Using the Painting Worksheets The painting worksheets in this book illustrate pe the partecn eo the surface to keep ie from WYaure a rd Painter ‘Soiesonge me techniques and stokes. To: practice, plice « plastic sheet aver the worksheet and paint the mouf right aver Donna's painting, following the arrows and instructions, Then just Temowe, wipe off your plastic sheet, and practice again. Sometinics calors or brushes listed an the worksheess may be different from chase in the peoject instructions. in those cates. se the coloes given in the project instructions and fer «0 the worksheet for guidance on techniques and peoceda GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTING FOUNTAINS Fountain Pumps and Accessories. You can use aquarium pumps for your fountait amps made expecially in tableeop four pumps and pump accessories made especi fonuntais, watls as hove wade by Fommtain Magi found at stores that sll ganda and pond cysiipmens, ot on the Web at www.fountainmagic.net, You can find aqaurium pumps at hardware stores: pet stores, garden shops, or where aquarium equipment is found, Drill and masonry drill bits, 316°, 7/32 Scull cound metal fle er Dremel rou, for eolargiog Saandand screw driver, for pump adjustments ‘Craft knife o¢ wiliry knife ‘Clear silicone, for scaling boles in poss aroun ening Heavy duty coasteaction adhesive. such as Liquid Mails for pling dhe pares of btelhuchs and fountains together Safety glasses and dust mask, for protection while drilling, and sanding Tile saw er jigsaw or hacksaw with tile-

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