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Drawing Birds in Color

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Lee Hammond BIRDS DEL CITY LIBRARP §b09 SUUTMEAST.FIFTEENTA ‘NEL CITY, OKLAHOMA ABAAB Lee Hammond METROPOLITAN LIBRARY SYSTEW "SERVING OKLAHOMA COUNTY" Acknowledgments Fre time E begin che manuséript for ‘Thank yous Greg Albers for always new book, Tam amazed by how ening an ear tea comping or an icky Fam, I remember what scems idea —but mast ofall for always hay- ke vesterday, saying to myself, ing faith is Thanks te- Michael Someday Tsure wauld like to have a ‘erger for his wondeeful editing and ‘book published.” That dream obvi- patience ously came ¢rue ina big way, wih Abo, | would like to thank my his hook being number ewelve. It wonderful students, who sometimes cemisids me of how much Lappre. —go.0n the back burner in aeder for cinge the endless opporrunity that me to mweet a deadline. Noh Light Bookshas provided me. And, most ofall, a huge thankst0 [will never take this opporunity for my family, who has somehow man= sranted, aged to survive ital, Hove you! brawing in Glo: Bins Copy © 200 by Bee Hamm Slimvlncuc in Chinn, Allights fseved.Npar of hock may be epee any ont oh abr ektcmi a mashancal means inching foro aorage andrei fle eho pecmieion i wting jem the pubnben, essen Ba reeves way uot rie postage + aevien. tube Nor Ligh Books. imp of FSW Pubic tae 480% Dona Avenor, Cea, Os 45207. 00) SHUM, Fi cdi, Loerie Noh Lah Books are aval fc iy oo ds een the poke loca koe at mp mas 02 a1 s4ant rey of Congen Cabin ublcaion Daa Sei ‘taumonoalabine 1997- Fos ‘bonis / Lee Hamed, St re earl om chin Sinhe SEN Fn. Gh sah yr oe Snare) ord p g-Teigi Te BS Se Shi sow meat si “ata aeonowemn es Seems flue Mia Roser Oaeee Prenat Ree Fen i Fradasion connor: Mark GR Asspecial nove: Many ofthe pie- tures taken far this book were shot at the Carolina Raptor Center, in Charlotte, North Carolina. 1 want to thank everyone there for being so helpful. It was a special treat spendl= ing the day with you. ‘Tins book is fondly dedicated to tue of may clasest fiends. ould lke to Say a resounding thank you to Laura Tiedt iying loyalty and frieadship over the laseclecade, ny life would nov be nearly as meaningful snows Through her kind words and huge heart, she true friendship is all about. ‘And I-would also like ta thank Lanny Arnett for al of his help. He has taken slasses from me longer than anyone else—almost twenty years—and has been my right hhand-man through icall. With his constant support and unshakable confidence in me, my career has been able to flourish, Thank you for always being there, to pick up where [eave off About the Author oily “Lee” Hammond i an illstravor an art instructor from the Kansas Gity area. She owns and operates the Midwest School of Ilustration asd Fine Art, Ine, where she teaches real- istic drawing and painting. In the year 2001, che name of her business ‘will change to Take ict Art? She was raised and educated in Linoaln, Nebraska, and built her career in illuscration and teaching in Kansas City, Although she has lived all over the county, she will always ceonsider Kansas City home. Lee has been an author with North Light Books since 1994, She also writes and illustrates articles for other publications, such as Artists Magazine, Lee is continuing to develop new art instrustios books for North Light, and is expanding her career into children’s books, which she will also illustrate. Fine art and limited ceition prints of her work will san he offered, Lee resides in Overland Park Kansas, along with her fan ‘Note: You may contact Lee via e-mail a Pollylee@aolcom cor vist her Web site at bbrpyLeeHammond.com © Takeitto Art isa registered trademark for Lee Hammond, Table of Contents _ CHAPTER ONE You Can Do lr! ; CHAPTER TWO Getting Started i CHAPTER THREE The Different “Looks” of Colored Pencils CHAPTER FOUR Technique 2 CHAPTER FIVE Graphing « CHAPTER SIX Beaks, Feet & Feathers 3 CHAPTER SEVEN Verithin Pencils CHAPTER EIGHT Prismacolor Pencils CHAPTER MINE Prismacolor Pencils on Suede & Velour Blending With Studio Pencils «« CHAPTER ELEVEN ‘Watercolor Pencils Cortnion 78 Index 30 Foreword Sense childhood, [have had a fascina- ‘pon with colorful chings. It was surely we to the aspiring arvst within, beg- sang to be sr free. [remember my frst ruc artistic desire being motivated by 1 epi of Captain Kangaroo, syola Crayons sponsored that sow, and The Caprain was holding up very realistic drawings dame with vem. Mr eyes opened wide when 1 ‘ow one particular drawing. Ie was a ‘oinbou trout, with all of ts vibrant hues It looked just lke a phoco- graph. | couldn't believe ir was «drawn with crayons, and it reared a burning desire to learn. 1 prom ised myself on hae very day, atthe ‘pe age of ive, thar someday I would draw like that! ‘Well, that day has come, and | couldn’ be happier or more ful filled. Ik was an answer to my prayers. Buc it we also the result of a lot of hard work. As I drew the illustrations for this book, Twas once again filled with the childlike joy of producing such magnificent colors. Tam sure that you will enjoy the same type of feeling as you learn to draw birds. Like me, you will need a lot of peag- tice and dedication to achieve the realistic wore am a testimonial to what ean happen 8 you work hard. I did't have much ‘guidance, and caughe myself these techniques. Allow me to guide you, and you will be drawing greatslook~ ing binds in no time. Introduction Bekome wo che wandesful world oF desing binds. Few subject matters in 5 world will offer you such a wide say of colors, shapes and ses. iandreds of books have been written bout thee magnificent creatures. housands of varieties of sm which you can choose ta y hold for usan endless Sppeewnity for creating masterpieces, pencil is a wonderful cool Seessprunng them No other medium Bee Se versity 0 create all of the sts 2nd textures so realistically Bet me tniide youto some of the | drawings you'll ever that there are quite a is book. Thar is Bee oy birth name is Polly (1 up! You guessed it— cracker?) wvgh | didn’tenjoy the mesh. Ic had a fondness for [es al of my life. Lape you will [ee looking at them as much as I Se Seowing them. (Oehapter One > You Can Do onchas doubts about the Iris imperative that you Teara to ive abilities at first. Trying. some: see the "shapes" of what you are drawing, The shapes of a bied are very recognizable, We usually think ‘of birds as being perched on a limb, fr soaring i light, wings out stretched, Seeing these obvious we new is mever easy, You have chased this book because you like «ds and have iscically. That is exactly wharit Il teach you to do. This book is not a “bird book” in re te sense of the phrase. Ir will wot deserihe the various species and und, Tewill noe here they am be you their particular diets, mating vals or the origins of the species field guide can tell you that This book is designed to make you vo at birds in ad way, An hings differently, You fe with much of what 1 subject “is and see it for “what roks like.” This is the process for swing everything, not Lam fortunate in the respect that | t) mot only an artist bur also a pho- igraphet, The photos in this baok ill allows ire my own, Having, this to first caprure on film the subject tend to-drave. For those of you ho do not excel in photography, 1 ‘commend practicing drawing f azine photos, There are many resting ones available, There is also an excellent book It! shapes is the First step t0 dra realistic birds As children, even at an early age, we begin co capeure our world w pictures. We can all remember hav ‘RD SILMOUETTES ye ahauettes here chow the sbious ‘outlines ofboth abirdin fight and a bid perched on ait ware captured more than arhers, such as our families, our houses, wees and pets. But birds are around us all f che time, Unfortunately, as adults wwe don't notice them as much as we did as children. A child sees them and capeures them carly in their art, At firs, the shapes are simple, and only most obvious AN ADULT DRAWING art. Bur as we ger older, we add more information into the picture. And ing and prac ‘once we add some tra tice, look out! Take @ look at the drawings on this page, andl see what a guidance and training ca is the type of result you expect. By following the step-by-step 1s in this book, yu will over come any fears you might have shout colored pencil. Ihe! a terible beginning when I fire ried ther. ‘Without any guidance, [struggled with them, and my dravvings lookes like they had been drawn with ns: Bur, [never gave up. Now: itis one of my favorive mediums AFTER SOME TRAINING ‘er showed her what to look for asan artis. his seco This isa 9pialreriton o bie eacld dauiner dew ft Although the general features ofthe bird 2-00 more realistc uals. Aer Letnre praciced the colored fraps and colar have boss captured, the artsticrealsm is pil tadiniques ad then zpplied ther to her drawing; the bird ing look wonder The realism af the bil hs been captures Orang by tafeme Hemnond Arsum ay an adal My sateen (Chapter Two Getting Started neils Using the Proper P crisp lines. They are good syering colors without the colors Each brand of colored pencil hasa ened toa very fine point. They appearance when used, compatible with Prismacole Hach pene ic made differently to more limited in their solor range, together. The Prismacoloes sceate an unique effec. can't easily which isthiry-six, J use Verithins ang work a paineed appear ower which or whenever | wantthe paper te show ane; the Verithins give your work hich one Like the most really through because they canoe build up more-of a “drawn” look depends on the final outsome and the toa heavy coverage, They can give you look” want my work to have. Rorely will use just one brand of pencil to complete a projest, Any one f chen 3 ime. 1 vavefound that by using a combin ation of pencils, Lean create more variery in my techniques. This vales meto achieve the laok Fm ryinigto accomplish. The following ‘san overview of the six types of pencils I like the most. PRISMACOLOR PENCILS cmacolor pencils have a thi sed Ikad that provides a heavy application of color. They are Priemacsior penis jpaque and will completely cover the paper surface, They are excellent for achieving smooth, shiny surfaces and brilliant colors. The colors can be casily blended to produce an almost ted” appearance to your work. a huge selection of VERITHIN PENCILS within alsis have wax- ba hut have a Bardes, th Prismacolors, Because 0 avy consistency, they can be sharp vethin pect ‘COLERASE PENCILS macoler and Verithin, ep They can also be blended with: camp of tortllion, giving them the erased, out apply like only STUDIO PENCILS somewhat likea compesite of the ocher brands, They area clay-based wo eS Dy ea Dd ud pa De DT De tc Dee ac De Pres) They the Ar shasper poi ic will ns re deep, dark hues. Applied he bie algo have a sister pencil called nt, Also, because itis sP of a mare (nonglossy) fin Coberase penal Studio perc lead diameter, WATERCOLOR PENCILS Watereator pencils are unique artistic tools that ean be used to cornbine the techniques af rawing and painting. They contain actual watercolor pig put into a pencil form, They can be used w draw with, just like any other cakoced pencil Bur with application ofa lide water and a paintbrush, rhe pigment dissolves » paint, hanging, the look entirely. These are a fun break from tx ‘sonal colored pencils NEGRO PENCILS Using, the Negro clay-hased black pencil is an excellent way to achieve ef rich black in your work w hazy wax buildup, This isthe blackese pigment I've ever found in a colored pencil. It comes in five degrees of hardness, eanging frony soft (1) wo hard (5), Wazeroler pencils Neqro pencils Tools of the Trade ‘Aswith anything we do, the quality of our colared pencil artwark is cletermined by the quality of the tools ‘we employ for che job. The following is a lst of supplies you will need to succeed. PAPER ‘The paper you use with colored pen cils is critical 0 your sucess, There are many fine papers on the market today. You have hundreds of options of sizes, calors and textures, AS you tay vartous types, you will undoube edly develop your personal favorites. Before [willeven try a paper for Strathmore Reraxal paper has soft cols witthe lok oFtmy flere in it ‘Again, ali by Stathmone, hs. 3 specided appearance senddeeper color, Both haves emeath surface, colored pencil, always check the sweight. Akhough there are marty [beautiful papers available, feel ‘many of them are just too thin to: ‘work with, [ earned this the hard way, afer doing a beautiful drawing ofmy dangheer only to have the ppaper buckle when I picked it up. The crease formed! was permanent, and no amount of framing kept my ye from Focusing on it fist. From that point on, Inever used a paper that could easily bend when picked up. The more rigid the better! Strathmore has many papers that | use often, The following isa hist of Prismacolr penciis.on sued bows the ones I personally like to use the sncst and ecommed x0 my scudent. Arcapiin—Artagain is @ resycled paper by Strathmore thas has sor \witat af a flannel appearance to it. This 604. (13¢gsm} cover-weight paper comes ina goad variety of col vis.austy as wells black and white. ishough it has a speckled appear- ance, its surface has no noticeable “eommre. Iti available in bath pads und single sheets for larger projects. Renewal—Renewal is anocher Strath more paper, very similat to Areagai, but it has the look of fibers init instead of speckles, Hike it for is soft cath tomes. (Crescant Mat Board—Miy personal favorite is Crescent because of the firmness of the board. Iris already’ sidand doesn’t have to be taped sown to a drawing board, This makes it-very easy to transport in a portlo~ lio. Issswide range of colors and tex tures is extremely attractive. Not only do [match the-coloe fo the subjeet | am drawing, [ will often use the same ‘olor of mar hoard when framing the piece to make it color

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