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Eng 307 Lesson Plan 1

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AEN Lesson Plan Template

Lesson #, Lesson Title
Date (including day of
Grade Level & Class Title
Period or Block (# of

Piffany Rosa
Lesson 1, Racial Tension in the U.S.
February 23, 2016
7th Grade English
45 minutes

Instructional Context
What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson? Are
there any particular student strengths, interests, background needs
related to the lesson?
Majority of my students are of African American descent and those that are
not have lived in the same environment as African American children/people.
They interact with them in school and understand the struggles the students
face as black people. Also, my students have learned about Martin Luther
King and the Civil Rights Movement. They understand the current events that
have happened and continue to happen in their neighboring areas and the
news in general.

How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lessons?
What prior knowledge have students acquired?
This lesson connects to the previous lesson because they have read To Kill a
Mockingbird. The students will continue to work with the text and will also
use the text in their upcoming writing assignments.

Essential Question(s)
o Which of your essential questions is/are relevant to this lesson plan?
What are the issues presented in the book that relate to some of the current
events today?
What are some of the racial tensions occurring in our society today?
How much has our country changed in regards to race and gender
Central Focus
o What is the central focus for the content in the learning segment?
The central focus is for students to learn more about current events that
affect the black community in our country.
o List Common Core standards addressed in the lesson.
Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and
a historical account of the same period as a means of understanding how
authors of fiction use or alter history.
Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text
(e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence

AEN Lesson Plan Template

ideas or events).
Learning Objectives and Assessments
List the specific content learning objectives for the lesson. What do I want
my students to know, understand and do? How will I assess these
Learning Objectives (Students will be
Assessments (Informal and/or Formal)
able to)
Long-term objectives/unit objectives
Informal assessments (free writes,
Students will be able to identify the
handouts, revision/editing work,
racial tension that is still prevalent in
checklists, rubrics, grammar
our country.
exercises, reading exercises, exit
slips, etc.)
Students will be able to understand
the racial inequalities that were
occurring in the text To Kill a
Reading exercises
Exit slips
Students will be able to learn about
the past reforms and movements that
were put together to empower as
well as build equality for black men
and women.
Students will be able to compare and
contrast To Kill a Mocking Bird to the
performance Beyonc presented at
the super bowl as well as current
events in the news today.
Short-term objectives (scaffolded
steps to help students arrive at longterm)
The students will be able to read a
passage and understand what the
passage is saying about race
Students will be able to compare and
contrast how other people react to
the text presented in class today.

SWBAT identify the range of production

choices including the position of the
performance, the images Beyonc has
chosen and her wardrobe.

Formal assessments (writing

assessments papers/portfoliosrubrics, checklists, written feedback;
reading assessments-poems,
diagrams, concept maps, textual
annotations, rubrics for socratic
seminars, dramas, and literature
circle products; oral/visual
assessments-rubrics for
presentations, powerpoints, prezis,
performances, etc.)
Oral presentations
Reading assessment
Writing assessment

SWBAT analyze how these choices are

combined to the issue occurring in society
today and racial issue that are evident in

AEN Lesson Plan Template

the book To Kill a Mockingbird
Academic Language
o List the academic language function for this lesson.
Students will demonstrate the ability to read a passage and interpret the
passage in their own words.
Academic language demands
Instructional supports to help
students use the language function
(e.g. vocabulary, syntax, discourse)
and address language demands.
The students will get a prompt in a
handout they should answer in their
Black Panthers
The students will be watching a
YouTube clip of Beyoncs
The students will be talking about
their interpretation of the text and
their understanding of the issues in
the text.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)
o Launch/HookHow will you start the lesson to engage and motivate
students in learning?
Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks/Questions Rationale/Resear
to Ask
ch & Theory
Read the following passage and explain in a small The students
minut paragraph what is the issue with this statement
will begin to
and what is he accusation being made? What are
identify some of
some of the tensions in relation to race that are
the inequalities
evident in this passage as well as in the book?
black people
faced during the
I said come here, nigger, and bust up this
time period of
chiffarobe for me, I gotta nickel for you. He coulda the text.
done it easy enough, he could. So he come in the
yard an I went in the house to get him the nickel
and I turned around an fore I knew it he was on
me (Lee 205).

Everyone will pair up and share their thoughts.

They will read each others response

This will give the

students an
opportunity to
share before
they have to

AEN Lesson Plan Template

share as a class.
Some students
perform better
this way.
As a class I will ask 2 students to read their
This will get the
minut responses. We will get into the conversation
students ready
about race. We will talk about the elements that
to discuss
the author is bring into question.
imagery and
also relate this
passage to the
issue the video
of Beyonc at
the super brings
to question as
o Middle of the lessonWhat will you do to engage students in
developing understanding of the lesson objectives?
Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks/Questions Rationale/Resear
to Ask
ch & Theory
Watch the video of Beyoncs performance at the This will allow
minut Super bowl 2016. I will ask the students to focus
the students to
on her wardrobe and who is the audience she is
understand that
speaking to. I will also ask the students to focus
there is a point
on her words. What is the message of song she is to the video. It
singing? How does her performance make you
will lead the
feel and how are you reacting to it?
class discussion
and the overall
message of the
lesson plan.
In their journal they will write about the following
This will get the
minut prompt?
students to
brainstorm the
What is the performer, Beyonc Knowles, doing in purpose of the
the video? Who are the people present? Who are
video and also
the people watching? What is the message of the
they will begin
to form a
connection with
the text.
Pick a partner and share your responses. Talk
The students
about the similarities and difference that you
will see a
found. Talk about your connection/disconnections
pattern in the
to the video and how it made you feel.
class. They will
also be able to
learn about
themes and
presented in the
video. They will
connections or

AEN Lesson Plan Template


As a class some students will share their

After the responses we will take notes and
compare and contrast what they have learned.
We will compare the video to the passage. We will
see what are some similarities and difference and
where they overlap. The students will begin to
realize that both are discussing the issue of race
and inequalities. I will explain that although
Beyonc is talking about police brutality currently
police brutality is a bigger issue in the black
community. I will explain that Mayella lied about
Tom Robison raping her because she knew she
could get him in trouble because he was black
and a black mans word meant nothing during the
time period.

different kinds
of text.
This will bring all
of the class
work together
and the
students will
understand the
issue with race.
This will also
lead to the
discussion of the
research topics
later in the
marking period.

o Closing the lessonHow will you end the lesson?
Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks/Questions
to Ask
Exit Slip:
minut In their journals I want them to write what have
you learn about racial issue in the past compared
to racial issue today? Do you think there are any
more potential problems that relate to racial
inequalities? What kind of research do you think
you can find that relates to this topic? Have you
heard of anything on the news recently?

ch & Theory
This will get the
students to
leave with
closure but with
an open mind
that there is
more to learn.
They will
more in the next
lesson and can
continue asking

AEN Lesson Plan Template

Materials and Resources

Attach the handouts, notes, books, and other materials you will need
for the lesson.
Differentiation/Planned Support For Students

How will you differentiate your instruction to connect with a wide variety
of learners? What strategies will you implement for responding to
individual students or groups of students with similar learning styles,
needs, IEPs or 504, ELL? What alternative approaches do you have for
teaching content to these students? The students will have read the book
and will receive the assignment before everyone else. They will also be
able to speak to me and I will explain the assignment to them. There is a
co-teacher in the room as well that will be able to help them if they start
to fall behind.
How will you support students with gaps in their prior knowledge? There
will be help in the room but the students are receiving direct instruction of
what is expected of them and they have all read the book.
What strategies will you implement for responding to common errors and
misunderstandings? What alternative approaches do you have for
teaching content if you need it? I will make sure to write down every step
for the students. I will give out handouts. I will go back and cover any
material that seems to be misunderstood.


Analysis of your teaching

What worked? What did not? For whom? Why?
Based on your planned assessment, describe the varying levels of
achievement and student learning in this lesson:
Needs work
On target
Based on the evidence from your assessment, how would you improve
this lesson?

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