Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Makaela Harmon
Mr. Mudd
28 April 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Topic: What characteristics are essential for making a successful nurse?
5 Professional Nursing Skills You Need to Launch Your Career. US Official News, Rasmussen
College. 26 Aug. 2015. Web. LexisNexis. 22 Feb. 2016.
5 Professional Nursing Skills You Need to Launch Your Career describes several key
insights into the nursing field: Effective communication, flexibility, critical thinking, desire to
learn, and attention to detail. This article is meant to help those pursuing a nursing job with skills
the author believes are essential to obtaining that job. The nursing shortage has led to many jobs
in the nursing field; the author believed that because of this nurses going into the career should
know what skills will make them the most successful. Antonio Pizarro says The most effective
nurses are curious and avid learners. This article will help me give examples of what
characteristics are need for a successful nurse.
The information in this article is very reliable because it comes from an academic source
on the Emporia State website. This article is written by US Official News which makes sure all
their information is accurate before printing it. This article is very up-to-date since it is from
6 Personality Traits of Successful Nurses. The University of Arizona. Online Master of Science
In Nursing Clinical Systems Leadership, Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
6 Personality Traits of Successful Nurses is about helping people in the nursing
profession realize if the are cut out to be nurse based on their personality. The six personality
traits needed for a successful nurse are tenacious, gregarious, methodical, optimistic, patient, and
empathetic. This article gives explanations into why those personality traits are important. A
nurse who feels empathy for other people, though, becomes more in-tune with their patients and
can provide better care (6 Personality Traits). I will use this article for examples of
characteristics needed to be a nurse.
The information in this article is reliable because it comes from the University of
Arizona. It is written by the department of nursing at the university so it is based of what they
think is necessary for a nurse. The article is very up-to-date because it was published in 2016 and
only three months ago. The reading level of this article is very minimal because it has be able to
be understood by high school students as well as college students.
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Adams, Ann and Senga Bond. Hospital nurses job satisfaction, individual and organizational
characteristics. Journal of Advanced Nursing 32.3 (2000): 536-543 Web. 2 March 2016.
Ann Adams and Senga Bond wrote Hospital nurses job satisfaction, individual and
organizational characteristics which is about nurses personal characteristics relating to nurses
job satisfaction. Over eight-hundred nurses were surveyed in England. This survey also looked
at the effectiveness of hospital care as measured by patient outcomes. In this survey individual
nurse characteristics were found not to be associated with job satisfaction (Adams 536). This
article will be used as a reference for the opposition in my research paper about what makes a
nurse successful. One of my major points in my research paper will be that individual
characteristics make a successful nurse and this will help me provide an opposite view point and
disregard it.
The information in this article is very accurate because it comes from the journal of
advanced nursing. Ann Adams and Senga Bond have had several years in the nursing field which
makes them have the expertise to write this article. This article is a little harder to understand
because it is in an academic journal and isnt structured like an article so so critical thinking
skills are required. This article is a little out of date because it came out sixteen years ago but is
still very current.
Burgess, May Ayres. What Makes a Good Nurse? American Journal of Nursing 32.12 (1932):
1238-1240. Web. 2 March 2016.
What Makes a Good Nurse? by May Burgess is about the qualities that are essential to
being a nurse. This article stresses the importance of physical skills as a quality of being a good
nurse. Physical skills are a much harder quality to maintain because it requires more work. The
muscles have to be trained to do certain things such as shaking down the thermometer, or lifting
the patient, or administering a hypodermic (Burgess 1238). This article will be used in my
research paper by introducing a new characteristic that nurses need to be successful.
This article is very accurate because it comes for the American Journal of Nursing which
is an academic source and was written by a doctor. The article in this journal came out many
years ago so most would say it is not very reliable but it still has information that applies today.
May Ayres Burgess was a Doctor that practiced for over twenty years. This article is very easy to
read because of the way it is written.
Choi, Sandy Pin-Pin, Kin Cheung, and Samantha Mei-Che Pang. "Attributes Of Nursing Work
Environment As Predictors Of Registered Nurses' Job Satisfaction And Intention To
Leave." Journal Of Nursing Management 21.3 (2013): 429-439. Health Source:
Nursing/Academic Edition. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
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Sandy Pin-Pin Choi, Kin Cheung, and Samantha Mei-Che Pang, the authors of
Attributes Of Nursing Work Environment As Predictors Of Registered Nurses' Job Satisfaction
And Intention To Leave wrote about how the nursing work environment and nursing outcomes
are related. This article is about the connection between nurses and their patients. This article is
unique because of the fact that it is a study that came up with results that identified five
dimensions: professionalism, co-worker relationship, management, staffing and resources, and
ward practice. Attributes of the nursing work environment have significant bearing on nurses
job satisfaction and intention to leave (Sandy Pin-Pin Choi, Kin Cheung, and Samantha MeiChe Pang 429). This article explains that nurses have to be at the top of their game and thrive in
all work enviornments.
This article is very reliable because it comes from a nursing journal and from google
scholar which is all academic source that have been checked. Sandy Pin-Pin Choi, Kin Cheung,
and Samantha Mei-Che Pang are all at the University of Hong Kongs nursing department; they
are staff and also practice as nurses. This article is very up-to-date, it was published in the past
three years.
Drach-Zahavy, Anat, and Olga Shilman. "Patients' Participation During A Nursing Handover:
The Role Of Handover Characteristics And Patients' Personal Traits." Journal Of
Advanced Nursing 71.1 (2015): 136-147. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition.
Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
Anat Drach-Zahavy and Olga Shilman created a research project with a cross sectional
design that aims to describe the quality and scope of patients participation in the handover
process, in relation to their personal attributes and the handover encounters characteristics
(136). The main part of the article that is unique is the big-5 personality traits. These five traits
are agreeableness, conscientiousness, Neuroticism, extraversion, and openness to experiences.
The big-5 theory was being looked at in this study to see how patients personality attributes are
linked to patients participation. This article can be used as examples of characteristics for a
successful nurse and it gives in-depth explanations that can be used.
This journal is very accurate because of the source it comes from which is the Journal of
Advanced Nursing. Anat Drach-Zahavy has her PhD and researchs nurses health, she also
works at the Cheryl Spencer Institute for Nursing research. This other is very qualified to write
an article about nurses because of her research on nurses specifically. This journal is a little hard
to follow because of the scientific and psychological terms used. The article is very up-to-date
because it was written in the last year.
March, Paul L and Anne McPherson. The important attributes of a nurse from the perspective of
qualified and student nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 24.4 (1996): 810-816. Web. 2
March 2016.
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Paul March and Anne McPherson did a survey called The important attributes of a nurse
from the perspective of qualified and student nurses. In this survey the researchers had a
questionnaire in which nurses were asked to put attribute in order of importance. The one that
was not agreed upon my many was intelligence. The conclusion was that The only clear
message from a distillation of these various studies is that a certain level of intelligence ability is
essential in a nurse, but higher intellectual ability is not associated with better nursing (Paul
March and Anne McPherson 810). This article will help me support my claim that intelligence is
not as important for being a successful nurse.
The information is this article is extremely accurate because of the journal it comes from.
This article is a little out of date because it was published in 1996 but I think it is important to
have aspects of characteristics that nurses have found to be important not only from current
generations but from previous ones also. Anne McPherson was a general practitioner at Oxford
who co-authored 32 original papers and and more than 20 books. I would say this author was
more than qualified to write this article.
McCabe, Susan. What Does It Take to Make a Nurse? Considerations of the CNL and DNP
Role Development. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 42.4 (2006): 252. Web. 22 Feb.
Susan McCabe, the author of What Does It Take to Make a Nurse? Considerations of the
CNL and DNP Role Development, identified and structured what it takes to be a nurse.
Education is an important part to becoming a nurse. This article is trying to show why nurses
have so many certifications and why its important. Most people think that all it takes to be a
nurse is to care. The word nurse is a resonant term having clear, visceral identity that
engenders compassion, caring, a collective comfort, and yields respect for our profession
(McCabe 252). This will help me support the example that compassion is a big part of being a
nurse and is one of the characteristics that is needed to be a successful nurse.
The information in this article comes from the journal of psychiatric care and was found
through google scholar so it has been checked for credibility and accuracy. Susan McCabe is an
associate professor of Nursing at the University of Wyoming. This article was published in the
past ten years so is still pretty current and up-to-date. This article is not very easy to read because
it is in a huge journal will several pages that have hard medical terms to understand.
Merrill, Alison S, et al. "Do They Really Care? How Trauma Patients Perceive Nurses' Caring
Behaviors." Journal Of Trauma Nursing: The Official Journal Of The Society Of Trauma
Nurses 19.1 (2012): 33-37. MEDLINE. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
Alison Merrill who wrote Do They Really Care? How Trauma Patients Perceive Nurses
Caring Behaviors designed a study to assess how caring behaviors in nurse affect trauma
patients. One hundred and five patients agreed to be in her study. To conduct this study, she used
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a interview process that had the patient rate a nurse from one to six on forty-two different items
about a nurses behavior. Results were very good besides Touching the patient to communicate
caring and Being hopeful for the patient (Merrill et al. 33). This article can be used in my
research project as one thing that nurses should really focus on because it was rated very low
compared to other qualities.
This information is very accurate because it comes from google scholar and the Journal
of Trauma Nursing. Alison Merrill works at the University of Northern Colorado and has
expertise in emergency medicine and traumatology. This article is very up-to-date because it was
only published in the past four years. This article was very easy to follow even though it was a
study, the results and research were easy to understand.
Qualities of a Good Nurse. University Alliance. Jacksonville University, Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
In the article Qualities of a Good Nurse there are three major qualities that are touched
upon. The three characteristics are caring, communication skills, and responsibility. What is
unique about this article is that it comes from Jacksonville University and what they believe
nursing students need are those specific criteria. They give not only their book knowledge, but a
piece of their heart to each and every patient they care for (Qualities of a Good Nurse). This
article provides first hand information that a college believes all nursing students need to be
successful. I can use this article to display more characteristics that are needed to be a prosperous
This article is reliable because it comes from Jacksonville University. This article has no
known author but was supported by the university. The article was up dated this year for the
school of nursing in Jacksonville. This article was easy to follow that even a middle school
student could understand what the article was talking about and analyze it.