Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
I will greet my students every morning as they enter the classroom. They will enter
the classroom and place their backpacks, coats, and other miscellaneous items in
their locker or cubby. From there they will place parent notes, permission slips, and
homework into the designated location inside of the classroom; they will bring their
personal devices to the device box for me to lock up until the end of the school day.
Students will pass around a sign in for attendance during their morning work.
They will also make their lunch choice on this sheet as well. Once all of the present
students have signed, I will get the sheet and enter the attendance into the computer
After the students have put away their things, they will begin their morning work.
They will use a weekly sheet to place their answers. This will consist of four daily
questions related to the subject area(s). Students will have around 5 minutes to
complete this before class begins. If students finish early, they may read silently.
While students are completing morning work, I will enter attendance into the
computer and gather supplies needed for my lesson. I will make sure I have extra
pencils sharpened and pull up technologies I may be using.
Routine Procedures
procedures provide children with consistency that helps with behavior issues. Also,
having proper routine procedures ensure you are getting the most out of your allotted
instructional time.
Water Fountain
for Help
in Work
To teach my students the procedure for lining up, I will practice the method
several times the first week of school. I will teach this procedure to all of my classes,
repeating it everyday. Students will make a habit of this procedure from all of the
practice they will receive.
I will do a centers activity once or twice within a unit. Centers will be created
based on the material students are studying at the time. I will have 4-5 centers, based
on the number of students I have in my classes.
Time at
Each Center
Where to
Go Next
When to
Leave Center
During the last 10 minutes of the school day, students will silent read or I will play
an educational video that will enhance the unit I have been teaching. This will make
the going home transition time more relaxed. By switching between reading and
videos, students dont get bored with the same daily routine and they will receive
differenciated instruction to review at the end of the day.
Students will label assignments with their name, homeroom teachers last name,
and date and the top of the right hand side of their paper. I will gather papers after
each assignment by asking students to place their papers in the middle of their group
or table. This way I can quickly walk around the room and pick up each stack and put
them in their homeroom teachers basket. This will keep all of my classes separate and
easy to grade and record.
I will call students by group or table to get their stuff to go home. Parent pick up
students may be a separate, earlier group, depending on the schools release time for
pick up and bus groups. Once they get their things, students will return to their seats
and continue end of the day activities.
If students remain at the end of they day, they will be asked to work on
homework assignments or read silently. Students may also choose to help the teacher
with classroom chores such as straightening the bookshelf or sharpening pencils. I will
also be willing to help these students on assignments if needed.
Listen to the teacher
and follow directions
and procedures at all
This rule speaks for itself. Students should not run, hit,
throw, etc. during any point in the school day. These
types of horseplay can result in accidents and will result in
a negative consequence.
Do my best
come first at any age. After the warning, a student will be reprimanded for negative
actions. In a K-2 (primary) classroom, I would opt to use the clip chart method. When
using a clip chart, the student can move their clip up or down. Moving up for good
behaviors and down for negative. Each time a student clip is moved down, they lose
time off of recess or a different privilege. A student moving their clip to the very bottom
would require a parent contact. Students will color in a calendar daily and parents
must sign and return every morning.
In grades 3-5 (elementary), I would have students use behavior charts. Students
keep their own behavior chart, and are asked to mark when making bad decisions.
The first mark will be a warning, the second mark will be full loss of recess, and the third
mark will call for a parent contact. Parents will sign the chart weekly and students will
return at the beginning of each week. If student behavior is becoming an issue, it may
be time to try a behavior contract. I have attached my classroom behavior contract
on the following page of my classroom management plan.
My Behavior Goals:
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Teacher Signature