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Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

I want to be a teacher because every student deserves an exceptional education.
Every student deserves the opportunity to succeed and to gain knowledge needed to lead
a healthy happy life. I want to make learning fun and exciting. Students should want to
participate in class discussions and activities. The classroom should be a safe
environment for students to learn and to grow with one another. Students should trust
and confide in their teacher if they do not have an adult that they can talk to at home.
Culture and diversity should be celebrated and openly discussed in the class. Students
should celebrate each others victories and accept failures and continue to try again. In
my class I will try my best to teach such important stills and lessons. I will not only
focus on important material that must be taught but life lessons and techniques needed for
the future.
Preventative Techniques
The first day of school the students will create their own class rules. The students
will sign the class rules like a class constitution, promising to follow the rules they have
created and agreed upon for everyone. I will make sure the rules include respecting and
including others. For the first week of school we will do a team building activity once a
day. After the first week we will do a team building activity once a week (Wilson, 2015).
When I put students in pairs or groups each member will respond with a, Oh yeah! and
a fist pump to keep the environment positive. Every student will be expected to do this.

Students will participate in class jobs. There will be a class reporter who says the
announcements on Monday mornings and Fridays. There will be a class botanist that
takes care of the plants, a class environmentalist that cleans up the room, tech support
that makes sure the ipads and laptops are charged, a librarian, an informant that fills in
what happened the previous day for absent students, a distributor who passes out papers,
a mediator who talks out arguments with students in the class, and an organizer that
makes sure all of the supplies are organized. Students will have to apply for class jobs.
The application includes writing a persuasive essay on how the student thinks they are the
best for the job. The jobs will change every month.
We will hold class meetings in the morning and sometimes after lunch depending
on how the day is going. During the class meetings the class will discuss what the
schedule will be for the day, expected behaviors, and to answer any questions students
might have.
Students will be arranged in groups of four to six. They will receive points as a
group based on individual behavior and group behavior. If each group gets the minimum
amount of points that week, the class will get extra recess on Friday.
There will be snacks available until the morning recess for students who missed
breakfast or who are still hungry. Students will receive a snack when they come in on
Monday in case they havent eaten all weekend.
We will begin each day with the pledge and class motto then we will form a class
meeting where all the students meet in a circle on the floor. Students will rate the rest of
the previous day and sleep from 1 to 5, 1 being not very good and that they are still tired

and 5 being a good day and that they had good sleep. This way I can gauge how they will
perform throughout the day. In our community circle we will go over the schedule for
the day and share any interesting things that happened that students want to share
(Charles, 2014). I will answer any questions and remind students of expected behaviors.
I will put tape on the floor where the students desks should sit. This will make
transitions easier when we move into groups and back. When students are transitioning
they will be given a minute to two minutes depending on what they are doing to prepare
for what we are doing next. Students are expected to do this somewhat quietly and
respectfully (Smith).
When students want to use the bathroom, get a drink, and sharpen their pencil
they will hold up the appropriate symbol for it with their hand. Once I give them the
ok nod they will be allowed to get up and do it quietly.
If a student is absent the student who is the informant will fill the student in on
what they missed. The informant will give the absent student any notes they missed and
give the student help to complete the assignment if needed.
We will have a project every two to three months. During the project I will give
students the basic amount of information in order to finish the project. A few weeks
before we complete it the class will discuss during our community circle what our rubric
should look like for the project. We will agree on items that we should add and things we
should focus on. By doing this students will feel involved in their learning and I can
gauge their comfort zones regarding the project.
We will also have a class instruction manual which will contain the instructions
to each project. It will be in a binder in the front of the class. If students have any

questions regarding our big projects they can reference the manual. For smaller activities
and daily work students will either look at the instructions on the smartboard (if they are
available) or ask the class informant.
At the end of the day students will receive an exit ticket. The exit ticket will be
given 20 minutes before school is out and will include a concept we covered during the
day. Students will be expected to complete the exit ticket in order to leave the class for
the day. After they have turned in the exit ticket and it has been checked, students will
collect their belongings and line up to leave the class.
If the school requires letter grades I will include how much progress the student
has made in the grading process. I will not only look at scores of tests, quizzes, and
homework but how far they have come since they came into the class. I will also include
effort. If I can tell the student is really trying and is making progress then that will be
included as well.
Supportive Techniques
During activities and class time I will make sure students know how much time
they have left by giving them minute warnings. I will circulate the room to make sure
students are on task and getting their work done. I will use proximity for students that get
off task easily and for students who need extra help (Charles, 2014). I will get on their
level when they have questions or when explaining directions one on one. I will always
try to stay positive and express that with my facial expressions and body language. If I
do not know how to do something I will fake it til I make it. I will also try to be
observant of my students body language. This will help me gauge how they will react
toward me and their peers throughout the day.

Intervention Techniques
Students will solve issues individually. If the issue cannot be resolved between
the two parties the classroom mediator will listen to both sides and report to me. I will
meet with both parties individually and then together. We will discuss openly ways to
resolve the issue.
If students are misbehaving during class I will give them a verbal warning. If the
behavior continues I will ask them to go get a drink and talk a walk in the back of the
room for a few minutes. If the behavior continues I will ask the student to go to the table
in the back and think about their decisions for 5 minutes. If the behavior still continues I
will have a conference with the student. We will decide whether the student needs to stay
in from recess, if we need to call home, or if the student needs to go talk to the principal.
If I need to talk to students about their behavior I will take them aside or go
outside of the class and talk with them one on one.
Communication with Parents
Newsletters will be sent home each week to update parents on upcoming events
and class assignments. We will also have a classroom website. The site will include a
calendar of events, homework assignments, upcoming tests, and pdf files of homework
that may have been lost reroute home. Calls home will also be made for positive and
negative behavior. Parents will be contacted before the school year begins to start
creating relationships with families. Parents will also be able to meet with the teacher
before or after school. For SEP conferences parents will be asked to make a list of

concerns and questions they have for the teacher ahead of time so we can be as effective
as possible. Refreshments will be provided to display a positive environment.
Charles, C.M. (2014), Building Classroom Discipline (p. 253 & 142)
Smith, Rick Conscious Classroom Management (p. 81-87)
Wilson, Margaret (2015), Teasing, Tattling, Defiance and More (p. 93)

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