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Classroom Managment Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Welcome to



Classroom Management Plan


Classroom Management Plan

Table of
Layout for


My Classroom


Layout, Features, and Reasons
Classroom Operations


Classroom Management Plan

Student Records
Student Materials
Procedure for New Students
Procedure for Substitute Teachers
Discipline Procedures and Class Code of Conduct
Clip Chart
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Referral to the Office



Routines and Procedures

First Day of School
Student Jobs
Small Group Activities
Leaving the Classroom for Services
Bathroom Procedures
Lunch Choices


Student Differentiation

Parental Involvement


Taras Classroom Layout for Kindergarten

Classroom Management Plan

My Classroom Mission Statement


In our classroom, we are kind, helpful, and promise to work together so we

can enjoy school and achieve our goals!

Classroom Management Plan


Physical Classroom Organization

The main purpose of my classroom is to inform and engage children.
Children will be informed by abundant bulletin boards and student created
art projects, which connect to the standards and objectives being taught.
Children will be engaged by the different areas of the classroom which allow
students to explore interests and gain further understanding of concepts.

Basic Classroom Layout, Features, and Reasons

The kindergarten classroom is designed to allow whole group instruction,

small group conferencing, and individual choice time. For example, the large
carpet provides plenty of space for morning meeting and group time. There
is a quiet reading corner for students wanting a calm choice time activity.
Dramatic play is located near the art table as they both can be noisier
centers. In addition, art is located near the sink as it can be messy. The
kidney table on the other side of the room allows the teacher to be able to
conference with small groups, while students are at centers. The teacher is
facing all the students to monitor them while at the kidney table or teacher
desk. Storage in the back contains science and math manipulatives and
games, as well as literacy games, which students can work on at their tables
during choice time.

Classroom Operations
Classroom operations are essential for effective transitions, organized
lessons, and the fair treatment of all students. These operations include
establishing systems for collecting and organizing materials and records,
enacting discipline procedures, and encouraging students to contribute to
the classroom.

Student Records

Student records collected will be determined by the school district, building

principal, and individual teacher. Some of these records in individual student
folders will relate to basic student information, such as the students
emergency contacts and if an IEP has been created. Academic records will
include both summative and formative assessments done throughout the
school year. Since records are confidential information, I will have them on a
password protected teacher laptop or locked in a filing cabinet near the
teachers desk. The student folders will be for the teachers benefit, and
student portfolios will be for students and families to view progress. Weekly,
students will take an activity or worksheet they are most proud of and add it
to their portfolio. Portfolios will be shared with families at conference times,
as well as sent home monthly.

Student Materials

Classroom Management Plan


Student supplies will be kept in supply caddies

and kept on a shelf. When students need
supplies, they will need to talk as a table and
decide who is getting the supplies. This will
provide students communication practice, as
well as providing more table space when
supplies are not needed.

Procedure for New Students

If a new student comes once the year has

begun, I will make them feel welcome by
having their name labeled throughout the
room on their table, coat hook, and bulletin
boards. Before they come, I will pre-teach the
skill of getting a new friend and asking them
to play. I will do so by having a puppet as our
new friend and having each student practice
introductions on the puppet. I will ask a
student, who is especially responsible, to
partner with the new student and sit by them at
lunch, play with them at recess, and help them
as needed.

Procedure for Substitute Teacher

In case of an unplanned emergency, I will have

a sub binder on my desk. It will contain lesson
plans, class transitions, a class list, important
emergency information about the school,
information about if any students have an IEP or
leave the classroom during the day, duty
assignments, and people to rely on for help. I
will email a teacher on my grade level team to
let them know I am gone and to please help the
sub as needed.

Discipline Procedures and

Classroom Code of Conduct
"Children may not remember everything you
taught them, but they will ALWAYS remember
how you made them feel." When effective
discipline procedures are in place, then the teacher can maximize instruction
time, as well as individual time with students. Besides our classroom mission
statement, I will have the following rules in place:
1. Be respectful
2. Be responsible
3. Be safe
I will send home a letter to families informing them I have discussed these

Classroom Management Plan


rules and consequences with their child. I will ask that they please review the
rules and consequences with their child before signing a form so students
know parents are aware of the rules as well. I will keep parents informed of
their child's behavior, as needed, by phone calls or emails depending on
what the parents prefer. Students who behave appropriately will be positively
awarded with awards, verbal praise, stickers, free time, and class parties.

Clip Chart

In order to monitor the class code of conduct

rules, I will utilize a clip chart. Students will be
able to clip up and down on the chart, in order
for them to understand that behavior can
always be changed and improved if they have
clipped down that day. If they must clip down, I
will verbally state the choice they made that
they have to clip down for. I will ask them how
that can be avoided in the future. If the
behavior occurs during whole class instruction, I
will pull them aside to avoid embarrassing and
shaming them.

First Offense

If a child chooses to break a rule, the 1st time

they clip down to Owl Try Harder will simply
be a verbal reminder of what positive behavior
they should be engaging in instead.

Second Offense

The 2nd time a child clips down to Not A Wise

Choice they will miss 5 minutes of the next
recess. This will allow me to conference with
the student in private, but still allows them the
majority of recess.

Third Offense

The 3rd time a child clips down to Not Hooting Anymore, they will miss all of
the next recess. This will provide the child time to reflect on their behavior,
and meet with the guidance counselor if available.

Referral to the Office

I will only refer students to the principal in the case of extreme violent
behaviors, where the student and others are in eminent danger. I would
explain to the principal in advance, through a phone call or email, why that
student is being sent. I would follow up with the principal about
consequences, prevention steps so the offense does not reoccur, and
whether or not the childs family was contacted.

Routines and Procedures

Classroom Management Plan


Establishing and maintaining classroom routines

and produces maximizes the efficiency of a
classroom. These include behavioral, working,
classroom supplies, and transitional routines and
procedures. A checklist will ensure I have covered
teaching all of these within the first couple weeks
of school. I will explain, model, and have students
practice these routines and procedures starting the
first day of school.

First Day of School

I want my students to feel safe, respected, and

cared for in their classroom. I will welcome parents
to walk their child to their classroom. I will be by
the door to individually greet students as they
come in. Instead of academic morning work, I will
have play dough at tables. Once all the students
arrive, we will start morning meeting and the daily
routine so students start adjusting right away. I will
read the book First Day Jitters so students know teachers are just as nervous
as students. As a class, we will talk about the mission statement and class
code of conduct rules. The students will sign their names on the class code of
conduct as a visual reminder to be posted in the classroom. At the end of the
day, we will go over the schedule for the next day to excite students for the
next day of kindergarten.

Students Jobs

I will have a few daily student jobs, in order to give students ownership of
their classroom. I will have a line leader, paper passer, lunch counter, and
calendar helper. The line leader and paper passes help the teacher
throughout the day. The lunch counter will tally and share how many
students picked each lunch at morning meeting time. The calendar helper
will report what the weather is like today and help lead the class in counting
how many days of school have occurred. The students will be rotated to jobs
by the teacher.

Small Group Activities/Centers

Depending on my school district and curriculum, I will be working with small

groups for language arts, math, or both. This small group time will happen
when the independent practice for that content area occurs. For example,
when students are working on silent reading, I will work with reading small
groups. I will first call a few students to come over to the kidney bean table.
For the next group, I will ask students currently in small group to quietly tap
a teacher selected student to come to small group next.

Leaving the Classroom for Services

Classroom Management Plan


As students come and go from services, it is important the classroom teacher

knows where they are. I ask when my students leave for special education,
TITLE I, resource, ELL, speech, and other services they give me a high five
first. This creates minimal distraction, whether I am helping one student or
teaching the whole class, but allows me to know they are leaving.

Bathroom Procedures

If I have a bathroom outside of my class, I will have a pass located near the
door. The students will put the pass on their desk, and be responsible for
hanging it back up when they are finished.

Lunch Choices

When my students come in they will hang up their

coats and bags, empty their backpacks, make a
lunch choice, and start in on morning work at their
table. Students will move their name clip to the
lunch choice they want or a packed lunch. There
will be pictures of each food above the choices.

Student Differentiation
I will differentiate all lessons for gifted students,
struggling students, and English Language
Learners. It is important to make both
accommodations and modifications. These include
shortening or adding to activities, as well as
changing time restraints and providing further supports, including visual
supports. While differentiation takes additional time, it is necessary to ensure
students make academic as well as social gains. As a teacher, I can utilize
fellow special education, resource, and ELL teachers as a resource.

Parental Involvement
Parental involvement will be welcomed always in my classroom. To keep
families up to date, I will send home a weekly newsletter. I will send home
notes and emails not just about misbehavior, but about positive
accomplishments from children as well. Family members can be guest
readers and share a favorite book with the class, I just ask that they email in
advance to plan a time and so I can preview the book. If parents are able to
volunteer on a weekly basis, I will have them pair up with struggling readers
to listen to them read or pull out a few children at a time to play file folder
games related to a content area. Parental involvement for some families
means donating supplies, rather than time. I will have a class giving tree with
items we could use in the classroom Parents are their childs first teacher and
advocate, and should be utilized as a valuable resource.
Classroom Floor Plan Website: http://classroom.4teachers.org

Classroom Management Plan


Pictures from Pinterest Boards: Classroom Ideas and Classroom Dcor/Organization

@ Tara Soule

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