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Inquiry Based Learning Lesson Plan

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Arie Kazmierczak

Inquiry Based Learning Lesson Plan

Subject Areas

Taxonomy and Dichotomous Keys

General Science: Biology

Grade Level
Summary of

8th Grade
Students will continue learning about taxonomy and how to use
dichotomous keys to classify and identify known species. Through inquiry
based learning students will create their own dichotomous keys.
3.1.7.B5- Compare and contrast observable patterns in the physical
characteristics across families, strains and species.
3.1.8.A9- Know that both direct and indirect observations are used by
scientists to study the natural world and universe. Formulate and revise
explanations and models using logic and evidence. Recognize and analyze
alternative explanations and models.
What is a Dichotomous Key? How do we use a Dichotomous Key? What
are the uses?



Estimated Time

Students will be able to:

Identify patterns in the physical characteristic of a species.
Create a dichotomous key that will be used to identify a set of
known species.
Asses the validity of a dichotomous key.
Dichotomous Key: A step by step approach to identify an organism using a
series of paired statements.
50 Minutes.
PowerPoint on Dichotomous Keys, Computers, Microsoft Word (or similar


Before (~5 minutes)

Write bell ringer question on board, along with todays objectives.
Bell Ringer Question: Name the five different Kingdoms? (Discuss results
with class as a whole)
Read objectives: Students will be able to define taxonomy and classify
species using a dichotomous key.
During (~ 35 minutes) Begin presentation. Review material from
yesterdays lesson, go over an example of a dichotomous key.
Main assignment: Using a computer, have student find 8 images of various
animals (have students stick with the same type, for example all dogs, or all
Students will then use the skills they have learned over the past few days to
create their own dichotomous key using the images they selected.
(While students are doing this, casually walk around the room making sure
students are staying on task and help answer any questions that may arise.
However, this is an inquiry based lesson, so guide students to the write
answer rather than telling them it.)
After (~10 minutes)
Students will switch dichotomous keys with a partner, in order to ensure
that they are an effective tool.
Have students give feedback to their partners.
If there is time have two groups come up and demonstrate their keys for the
Collect students dichotomous keys.

s Adaptations

Various questions throughout the lesson. Classroom activity: Bird Dich.

Power point handouts, computers.
I will follow the guidelines and procedures that are included in the IEPs of
the students.
Student made dichotomous key

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