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Basic Mantras

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The text discusses the basic mantras of Mahajrya, including the five elements, five introductory mantras, and ten basic mantras. Charging mantras through repetition on a mala is recommended to awaken their energies and effects.

The five basic mantras discussed are the earth, fire, spirit, water, and air mantras. The five introductory mantras are the peace, compassion, 3 suns, Atma yoga, and immortality process mantras.

Charging mantras through repetition on a mala for 9 malas per day for 12 consecutive days is recommended to awaken every aspect of spirituality and release blockages. It prepares the energies of the mantras to be used for supporting spiritual actions and interventions.

The Basic Mantras of the Mahajrya

The Five Elements and Five Introductory Mantras

Before we can use a mantra effectively, it has to be charged. The ten basic mantras
are charged on a mala, using the formula of nine (9) malas per day for twelve (12) days.
One mala equals reciting the mantra once on each bead for the entire length (108
beads) of the mala. If you dont have a mala, you can use your fingers. Malas are
available in our Shop.
The mala is a string of beads used to assist in the recitation of mantras or prayers. Use
the thumb or major finger to count the beads. We use a mala to have more energy
around us. Its a method to bring the energy into the physical plane, and the charges
you complete are in the mala. When we wear the mala around our neck, this energy lifts
us to a higher consciousness and helps create a transformation in the four planes:
physical, vital, emotional, and mental.
Mantra is a Sanskrit word that means to set free from the mind. Mantras are physical
vibrations in the form of sound which produce energizing effects in our physical and
subtle bodies. Chanting mantras affects both our physical bodies and spiritual
For example, if we use the Compassion mantra and we want to have a greater effect,
we observe where we are not in compassion. When we charge a mantra on the mala,
we bring this energy into the body, into our flesh. The more we integrate what is related
to the mantra, the more we have this energy on our body.
What is the mental attitude or state of being that we need?
To have a good influence on ourselves or another person, we must be in a state of
peace and happiness. If we are not in peace and happiness, we are not effective.
Prayers put us in a Divine State of Being; therefore, we use prayers to put us in the
correct attitude.
Reiki combined with mantras can help a person. Sometimes the emotion is deep and
the person cannot integrate. If the practitioner puts some energy, such as Reiki with a
mantra, the person begins to feel, have more energy, and be happier.
During a treatment, we recite the mantra and visualize the energy as much as we can.
At the same time, we visualize the person, part of the body, or organ already healthy.
During the treatment, we must be convinced that the person is perfect. We must have
the attitude that the person is in happiness. We accept that this person is normal and
well. There is nothing to do except to just realize that the person is perfect.
The practitioner has to develop a way to stay in happiness every day, and to maintain
positive thinking. The more we develop this capacity, the more we have the power to
influence a person in a positive way.

The Basic Mantras of the Mahajrya

The Ten Basic Mantras of Mahajrya

Minor Mantras of the Five Elements:
The five elements are the building blocks of the universe at the spiritual level. They are
more than the tangible elements we think of as earth, fire, spirit, water and air. The
spiritual five elements refer to their concept, rather than their physical manifestation. For
more information, see The Maha Technique. We charge the five elements in order:
earth, fire, spirit, water, and air. They are all charged on a mala at 9 malas per day for
12 consecutive days.
Charging the five elements awakens every aspect of our spirituality. They give biological
wisdom to the body, open spiritual doors, release blockages and purify our energies.
The five elements are an important part of teaching our mind, heart and body to interact
with nature and go beyond its illusionary limitation. Nature was created with the spiritual
concepts of the five elements.
These elements give us the basic tools required to advance faster in our training
whether it be physical, mental or spiritual. They must be fully charged before we start
using them. Until we learn how to use these energies, we keep them for ourselves.
They will support every other spiritual action we take.

Om prithividhatu Bhumideviya (Om, earth-element of Goddess Earth)
Most people think of the earth as a symbol of stability. The spiritual concept of earth is
generation. The Earth mantra is used to ground the energy in the body. Using it helps
protect against illness by offering stability. We begin an intervention with the Earth
mantra to set up a protective barrier. This mantra combats fear, anxiety and stress. For
these reasons, we recite the Earth mantra longer than the other mantras to bring more
stability to the person. The earth element is the most important element to keep the
energy system elevated. It is the base of mental health.
While charging the earth element, think of the life-giving aspect, the generating aspect
of plants, and the support of electro-magnetic fields. The earth element stabilizes and
purifies Chi, life energy. It supports protection circles around us at the physical and
spiritual levels.
Om tejasdhatu Agnaya (Om, fire-element of Goddess Agni)
The fire element is not the concept of burning and destruction. Fire takes matter from a
certain level of vibration and brings it to another higher level. It purifies dense stagnant

The Basic Mantras of the Mahajrya

energies and transforms them in a higher nature, unclogging our energy circuitry. Fire
brings change and renewal. It generates energy and makes every other process
powerful. While charging this mantra, contemplate the power generating forces and the
elevating effect.
The Fire mantra elevates our energy to permit us to dissolve or transform the emotion
related to a condition. We can use it for purification and transformation. It is used to
reduce inflammation or infection. After using the fire mantra, we use the water mantra to
wash away anything that was dissolved.
Spirit or Heaven (choose your tradition)
Om Akashadhatu Shivaya (Om, sky-element of Lord Shiva; Hindu tradition)
Om Akashadhatu Avalokiteshwaraya (Buddhist tradition)
Om Akashadhatu BaghavAtmaya (Christian tradition)
The heaven element is of the highest spiritual nature. It invokes the action of God or the
Supreme Being in our life. It is the spiritual element and the tool of all spiritual activity.
Charging this element elevates consciousness. Heavens or Spirit mantra is only used
for ourselves.
Water (choose your tradition)
Om apsadhatu Durgaya (Om, water-element of Mother Divine; Hindu tradition)
Om apsadhatu Taraya (Buddhist tradition)
Om apsadhatu Mariaya (Christian tradition)
The Water mantra brings life. Water is the supporting substance in which all life dwells.
Water fashions earth, and it represents the womb of the universe. Everything is within a
form of water of a higher nature that encompasses, penetrates and pervades the entire
universe. There is no matter without this primordial water. It is the infinite light of
creation, in a tangible form. It is the base constituent of Chi and life force. After charging
this mantra, our level of energy increases. The heart becomes more stable while the
mind becomes more flexible.
The water element connects us with life, movement and the universe. It is in the
primordial water that we extend our consciousness. Charging the water element
connects us to the flow of life. It purifies the body, heart and mind. It soothes our aches
and cares for us.
We use it to cleanse what was transformed with the fire mantra. It works on the blood,
lymph, hormones, body and all that is steeped in water. We use the Water mantra to
clean-up in and around the body because it represents the Divine Mother.

The Basic Mantras of the Mahajrya

Air (choose your tradition)

Om vayudhatu Hanumantaya (Om, air-element of the son of Hanuman; Hindu
Om vayudhatu Bodhicittaya (Buddhist tradition)
Om vayudhatu CittAmalaya (Christian tradition)
It is through air that information is shared and movement takes places. Air supports all
kinds of vibration while altering them in the least. Air lets light through and it is where
sounds travel. This mantra opens the mind and other senses to information. It helps us
perceive in every way, and also takes part in any kind of traveling and motion. The air
mantra frees our mind from limiting thoughts, broadening perception of the universe and
of ourselves.
The Air mantra is used for communication problems, balance, and moving. We finish a
treatment by using this mantra. We use the Air mantra to help the body communicate
the transformation or movement. It is used to help the body move and for breathing

The Five Introduction Mantras:

The five introductory mantras are all charged on a mala by doing 9 malas per day for 12
consecutive days. They must be charged prior to their use. Each mantra help us
observe something. After each days charge, we recommend spending about twenty
minutes in integration or observation.
Peace mantra
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Om, peace, peace, peace)
This mantra brings peace to the mind, heart and body. Its very efficient in calming the
mind and helps almost everyone to get a sense of peace when needed. It helps us see
where we are not in peace in our life so that we can resolve conflict.
To help another person, we need to have a peaceful state of being. We need to find
peace from anger, grief, anxiety and worry. When the body, emotion and mind relaxes
and finds peace, we become more efficient. The Peace mantra is the most powerful
mantra to stop a person from thinking, fighting themselves, and wanting to control
Compassion mantra
Om Mani Padme Hum (Om jewel of the lotus; Divine precious consciousness)
This mantra is very popular among Buddhists. Its mostly used to calm and sooth the

The Basic Mantras of the Mahajrya

The Compassion mantra helps us feel compassion for ourselves and others. We feel
the unity behind the creation and let go our perception of separation and judgment. The
compassion mantra helps the person see the experience behind the suffering so they
are less in drama. At the same time, this mantra can make the suffering more intense
so we can see what we need to observe. This can increase a depression, especially
when the person cannot integrate.
3 suns mantra
Om Vajra Agni (Om lightning fire)
This mantra increases energy. Its about pure energy. You MUST have charged the
peace and compassion mantras before you start charging the 3 suns mantra. If you are
capable, visualize a shining sun in your third eye, one in your solar plexus, and one at
your base chakra from time to time during the charging process.
We never use it for a person who is depressed, because they receive more energy than
they are able to manage. Also, if a person is angry, we can increase their anger.
First mantra of Atma Yoga (I am conscious that I am consciousness.)
Aham Nivedin
Aham Atma
This mantra is used for ourselves. It helps us realize that we are not just a body. We are
a soul and our body is the container for the soul. We use it to connect more with the
soul so that we can become aware that we are consciousness.
First mantra of Immortality process
NI NA RA RA HUM RA (Bija, seed mantras: Long life, mantras of 3 living forces)
We use this mantra only for ourselves, not for other people. By using this mantra, we
awaken the living forces within our body. Our vital energy increases. When our body is
filled with life all the cells of the body awaken and communicate, causing us to live a
longer, healthier life.
As taught by: Master Maha Vajra (Great Lightning)

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