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How has the inquiry project experience advanced my understandings of what good health

Student No. 2154516

education might be, and why?

For the inquiry project my group agreed on studying the progression of nutrition. As our study
continued we decided to narrow the broad topic of nutrition down into 4 different health related
illnesses due to poor nutrition. These included Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease,
and Hemochromatosis. To be engaging, we conducted a survey based around ones eating habits,
and how they thought they could improve. This project had a positive effect on my growing
understanding of health education and helped me comprehend why health education is important,
paticurlary in the lives of young children. From participating in this project I believe it will benefit me
as I want to be a PE/Health teacher in future years.

After looking into the broad topic of nutrition and focusing on the health related issues associated
with this subject I was able to develop a greater understanding of what makes good health
education. We found through the use of surveys that 42 children admitted to having a healthy diet,
with 79 saying that their diet was average, and 0 saying that their diet was unhealthy. Another
interesting statistic found from these surveys was from the question, How often do you consume
fruit? We found from this question that 77 children or 61.6% consume at least 3-5 pieces of fruit
each day. The sole focus with this question was to get a response from the children, which we
could then relate back to the 2 fruit 5 vegetable campaign to see how they compared. This statistic
could mean that the children have perhaps been educated well around this area. This campaign is
one of many used to educate children about health, in a fun, interesting way. I found that the survey
we provided however was perhaps focused to much on what the students consumed, instead of
asking questions to do with the education or advertisement they had seen that stopped them from
eating these unhealthy foods. I believe that if we as a group fixed this minor survey issue, and went
into further analysis on these results, the final outcome of the project would have been of higher
quality. I then looked into current health promotion campaigns that were linked to overweight and
obese people and how these policies were presented to children. I found a South Australian policy,
Rite Bite , and linked their healthy eating policy to the statistics we found through conducting
surveys. I found that this particular policy was a good example of an effective, educating health
campaign and helped me understand what good health education can be. I believe that if these
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policies were publicised through mass media, such as childrens sports, social media and
magazines, more students, young adolescents and adults would be more educated on what to eat
and what not to eat.

I believe by completing this project, I have learnt a lot about nutrition and the effects a poor diet can
have on the body. Before the research and presentation, whilst still in the planning stage of the
project, my group decided to look into the illnesses associated with a poor diet. After being
designated obesity I began researching causes, symptoms and statistics that can be used in the
presentation to reinforce the survey results. Prior to this stage, I assumed that the rate of
Australians who are overweight or obese would have been less than the 63% I found from the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website (AIHW, 2016). This being a worrying statistic on
the rise, I came to the conclusion that not enough is being done to educate children and adults.

Answering the question, How has the inquiry project experience advanced my understandings of
what good health education might be, and why?, I believe the most impacting aspect through
doing this project was the perspective of others, paticurlary within different age groups. This is why
we conducted a survey based towards two school based age groups. I believe that by targeting a
specific age group we were able to get the most accurate, consistent results. To improve on this
however, I think more year levels should have been targeted. This way, we could have then
analysed the results to see if there was any correlation between year levels, and to ultimately see if
health education is improving ones eating habits as they grow older. Perhaps surveys should have
been sent to every second or third year level, which would allow for more accurate results.

As well as my own inquiry project, I also benefitted from watching and listening to other groups
present. Staying with the idea of hearing different perspectives, by watching other groups present I
was again given the chance to hear completely different outlooks. Listening to these other
presentations, again helped me comprehend what good health education can be, now
understanding that their can be great differences and similarities that makes up a good education
system. In terms of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hemochromatosis in
relation to poor nutrition, I believe current teachers could perhaps start to educate children at a
younger age, so that they understand the risks that come with consuming unhealthy, innutritious
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foods and drinks. I believe health should be a major aspect of a childs schooling alongside the
usual subjects such as maths, science and PE; as the health of an individual, in my opinion, should
always be the priority. I believe that introducing health education to younger students will
encourage them to start consuming more nutritious foods, which would eventually develop into a
habit, resuming this as they grow older. All aspects mentioned throughout have helped me develop
a greater understanding of what health education means, and will influence the way I teach my
health classes in future years.

Reference List
http://www.aihw.gov.au/overweight-and-obesity/, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016
http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/eatwellsa/files/links/Easy_Guide_Updated_June.pdf, The Easy Guide
to Healthy Food and Drink Supply for South Australian Schools and Preschools, Right Bite

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yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

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