12B OilAnalysis
12B OilAnalysis
12B OilAnalysis
Sessions 12B
Condition Monitoring using Oil Analysis
1. An Introduction to Oil Analysis
For those machines that have circulating oil as the principal means of lubrication and cooling it is
essential that the condition of the lubricating oil be routinely checked. This process is generally
referred to as oil analysis and is one of the important condition monitoring technologies.
Machines that are usually the subject of oil analysis are gearboxes, high speed machines with sleeve
bearings, turbo-machinery, hydraulic systems and most mobile plant. For the purposes of this short
introduction we will not refer to mobile plant (typically diesel engines, drive lines and final
transmissions or electric wheels) because that represents a special category of oil analysis. We will
consider oil analysis as applied to fixed plant only.
The process of oil analysis involves (a) routine sampling of the oil while the machine is in
operation; (b) quality assessment of the oil for any change in its condition; (c) examination of the
oil for contamination, and (d) reporting of the results.
2. Routine Sampling.
It is essential that the small amount of oil drawn off for analysis (typically 50 100 ml) represents a
good sample of the oil in circulation. Therefore sampling must be done very carefully to procedures
specified for each machine by a person thoroughly trained in the procedure. Usually sampling
procedures are put in place by a person who is expert in the technology, and that service is offered
by most oil analysis service laboratories.
Each sample is sealed in a sterile container and immediately marked with all the details required to
properly identify the sample for the laboratory.
3. Oil Condition.
Some oil analysis programmes focus only on looking for contaminants in the oil sample. However,
from a predictive and preventative perspective it is good value to check that the oil condition is still
as was intended by the machine designer.
Therefore the first tests done in a good laboratory concern the quality of the oil. Most importantly
viscosity is checked. If this is not found to be within the specified range then there may be reason to
suspect that the wrong oil has been used and this could put the health of the machine at significant
risk. An out-of-tolerance viscosity sample may lead to more sophisticated analysis to examine
additive levels, the type of oil (mineral or synthetic) and the like. Speak to any oil analyst and they
will be able to recount numerous cases of even new oils being way out of specification.
If the oil has lost its oilyness it may well have reached the end oif its service life and must be
replaced. However, most decisions to replace oil are made for other reasons than this and often oil
is replaced that is fundamentally in good condition but perhaps only in need of filtration.
4. Oil Contamination.
Common contaminates are water (from condensation), dust, dirt, wear particles (from the mating
surfaces in the machine), other lubricants (eg grease), chemicals from process, particles from filter
breakdown, and the like.
Generally for analysis purposes, contaminants break into two categories; (1) liquids and fine solids
< 15 microns, and (2) particles >15 microns in size.
The test for moisture is a very simple sputter test on a hot-plate. Low levels of water
contamination may be permissible but need to be carefully monitored.
The analysis of the chemical composition of the oil and its small size contaminants is usually done
by advanced oil spectroscopy and infra-red analysis procedures. These machines are very expensive
to buy and maintain but they are essential to good quality analysis.
Analysis of the chemical composition of the oil and the elements that have caused the
contamination can be very useful for early warning of fault condition. However, there are some who
put a higher value on the analysis of the larger wear particles as being more useful for condition
monitoring purposes.
Wear particle analysis uses techniques that separate the wear particles from the oil. Common
procedures are filtergrams and magnetic ferrography. Having separated the wear particles from the
oil a process of inspection usually follows to identify the nature of the wear particle and its possible
Using a powerful microscope a skilled operator can identify the shape of the wear particle to help
identify its source. This technique is known as morphology and has an increasing band of
supporters in the world of diagnostic analysis and root cause investigations.
5. Reporting.
Because the technology of oil analysis has always been seen as a chemical process it has often
been conducted by people who were essentially trained as chemists but had little practical
machinery knowledge. Therefore reports were often presented as a chemical analysis that didnt
mean a lot to the hard-pressed maintenance planner who was looking for practical advice on what to
do with the machine!
Integrated condition monitoring allows for people who understand the chemical analysis and have
engineering training to produce recommendations for action that may also be influenced by the
outcomes of other condition monitoring procedures.
6. Summary.
Oil Analysis has great potential to contribute to machinery availability and reliability. The concept
of integrating the outcomes of oil analysis with vibration monitoring and other observations has the
potential to realise even greater benefits.