Lube Tech025 Oil Cleanliness
Lube Tech025 Oil Cleanliness
Lube Tech025 Oil Cleanliness
The effectiveness of lubricants in preventing wear can be seriously required cleanliness levels. The current standard provides a 3-part
compromised by the presence of contaminants such as particulates code to represent the number of particles per millilitre (ml) of fluid
and water in the lubricant. greater than 2 11m, 5 11m, and 15 11m, respectively. The current
Where sliding surfaces are separated by an oil film (hydrodynamic standard is ISO 4406:1987(E). The ISO is now circulating a draft
lubrication), wear rates of the two surfaces arising from the presence proposal. ISO/DFIS 4406:1999(E), for contamination levels measured
of particulate contaminants increase rapidly when the sizes of the with automatic particle counters calibrated in accordance with ISO
particles exceed the running clearances between sliding surfaces. 11171. In the proposed standard, the three parts signify the number
of particles/m! greater than 4!lm, 611m, and 14!lm respectively (scale
The quantity and size of particulates in the lubricant is therefore one
or range numbers R41RG/R,4). ) Many laboratories will report either a
of the most important factors affecting the service life of the
2-part code, or a 3-part code, as specified by the user. The 2-part code
lubricated components of all machinery. (For the purposes of this
refers to particle counts in the 5 11m and 15 11m size ranges. A 3-part
article, and in keeping with common industry practice, the terms
code of 17/14/12, for example, would indicate 640 to 1,300
"clean" and "cleanliness" refer to the amount and size of particulate
particles/m! greater than or equal to 2 11m, 80 to 160 particles/m!
contamination in a lubricating or hydraulic fluid). The effect of
greater than or equal to 5 11m, and 20 to 40 particles/m I greater than
particulate contamination varies with the type of system and
or equal to 15 11m. Notice each step in the ISO code represents either
lubrication environment, in that some environments are more
double or half the particle count relative to an adjacent code. lt is
sensitive to particulate contamination than others. In hydraulic
important to note the "/" character in the written form of the code is
systems, for example, clean fluid is absolutely essential for successful
merely a separator, and does not signify a ratio of the scale numbers.
long-term operation. Also, machines equipped with rolling element
bearings are especially sensitive to particulate contamination, Studies of "new" turbine oils, crankcase oils, hydraulic fluids, and
although machines using fluid-film bearings are not immune to such bearing oils delivered to customers indicate varying degrees of
damage. Many sources cite dramatic improvements in expected cleanliness, with ISO codes from a low of 14/11, to as high as 23/20.
machine life resulting from even modest improvements in lubricant Drum-delivered products were generally found to be cleaner than
cleanliness. bulk-delivered products. Referring to Table 1, one might think twice
before putting "new" oil with an ISO 23/20 measurement in a
QUANTIFICATION OF PARTICULATE CONTAMINATION. machine. Improper storage procedures can contribute additional
The question of quantification of oil cleanliness raises a number of contamination to new oil. Poor handling practices are another source
issues such as of new oil contamination . lt is important to identify all vessels are
• How clean is "new" oil? used in the plant for transporting and adding makeup oil, and to
ensure that they are in an adequate state of cleanliness. After
• How clean does the oil need to be?
implementing cleanup programs, many users find the dirtiest oil in
• What improvements in machine life can you expect from cleaning their plant is incoming "new" oil. lt is clear that proper filtering of
up your oil? new oil during or before filling is a prudent and highly desirable
• What about other types of contamination? practice to extend machine life. Each machine class should be
• What steps can you take to clean up your oil? evaluated for cleanliness levels appropriate to the application. In
general. machines with tight clearances and/or anti-friction (rolling
The standard test procedure for assessing the cleanliness of hydraulic element) bearings benefit greatly from very clean oil. Turbine electro-
fluids is ISO 4406, which establishes the relationship between particle hydraulic control (EHC) systems and many aero-derivative gas turbines
counts and cleanliness. Although originally developed for application are examples of industrial machines that require extremely clean oil
to hydraulic fluids, common practice for proper performance and long life. Filter systems rated to remove
ISO Code Minimum Maximum
has now extended the application of particles as small as 3 11m to 7 11m are commonly used in such
the standard to many other types of 10 5 10
11 10 20 applications. Hydraulic systems' targets should also be adjusted to
lubricants. This international cleaner levels for higher system operating pressures.
12 20 40
standard uses a code system to 13 40 80
quantify contaminant levels by Table 2 presents some typical base lubricating oil cleanliness targets
14 80 160
particle size in micrometers (!lm). 15 160 320 for common machines and machine elements. Like most guidelines,
Using ISO 4406, a machine 16 320 640 these targets are suggested as
Machine/element ISO Target
17 640 1300 starting points. lt may be
owner/operator can set simple limits Roller bearing 16/14/12
18 1300 2500 necessary to make adjustments to
for excessive contamination levels, 19 2500 5000 JournaTOearing 17/15/12
based on quantifiable cleanliness these levels once the response of Industrial gearbox 17/15/12
20 5000 10000
measurements. 21 10000 20000 machinery on a particular site has MoblTe gearbox 17/16/13
22 20000 40000 been evaluated. D1esel engine 17/16/13
Table 1. ISO 4406 fluid cleanliness Steam turbine 18/15/12
23 40000 80000 Table 2. Typical base cleanliness
codes (particles per ml.). Paper marnine 19/16/13
Table 1 illustrates the ISO 4406 cleanliness codes. (The ISO standard
calls the codes "scale numbers." They may also be referred to as Studies performed in many industries all show dramatic extensions in
"range numbers" and represented as Rs/R,s for 2-part codes and · expected machinery life by improving lubricant cleanliness. In one
Rz/Rs/R,s for 3-part codes.) This standard allows the quantification of example, a reduction of particles larger than 10 11m from 1000/ml to
current particulate cleanliness levels and also to set targets for 100/ml resulted in a 5-fold increase (Continued on Page 11)
in machine life, which must be an attractive return on cleanup removes some, but not all, wear particles. In fact, many full -flow
investment. An additional benefit of cleaner oil is a lower noise floor filtration systems are only effective in removing particles larger
for wear particle detection measurements. lt is much easier to detect than 40 11m. Concentrating on the hardest and most abrasive
subtle changes in the amount of wear debris in a clean system than in particles is an effective strategy for this category of contam inants.
a dirty one Once the contamination sources are identified, you can concentrate
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) studies have shown engine on the areas most likely to generate your target cleanliness levels.
wear reductions of 50% when filtering crankcase oil to 30 11m, and Consider the case of a typical practical application, i.e. a diesel
70% when filtering to 15 11m, as compared with filtering to 40 11m . crankcase lubricant filtration system.
However, some investigators have reported that the presence of a
A full-flow Barrier filter will normally have a pore size ranging from
certain concentration of fine sub-micron particles was beneficial as
15-50 11m, although differences often arise in the figures quoted due
they aided polishing of bearing surfaces over an extended period
to confusion over the use of absolute vs. nom inal f ilter ratings. Such
thereby reducing friction.
barrier media filters are therefore normally only capable of removing
Lubricant film thickness in fluid-film journal bearings is substantially the largest contaminant particles, and w ill not cope with
larger than that found in rolling element bearings, and hydrodynamic accumulation of soot, the pore sizes being at least an order of
pressures are typically lower. However, the Babbitt in these bearings, magnitude larger in pore size than the majorit y of particles circulating
being composed primarily of lead and tin, is susceptible to oxidation in the lubricant. To provide a full-flow f ilter wh ich would remove
damage from water and oxygen. Water can also reduce the load- particulate debris of less than 111m, the filter wou ld need to be
carrying capacity of a fluid-film bearing lubricant sufficiently to cause unacceptably large in order to obtain acceptable f low rates and
journal-to-bearing contact (wiping). The reduction in film thickness pressure drops. However, if a small proportion, normally some 10%, of
also increases the in order to establish and maintain an oil clean-up the lubricant is diverted through some form of by-pass fi lter which is
programme it is necessary to: - effective in retaining these very small particles, the lubricant will
• Measure and evaluate current cleanliness levels to establish eventually achieve a high level of cleanliness, if the f iltration removal
baselines for comparison. rate exceeds the generation rate of the small particulates, wh ich is the
• Examine and evaluate current storage and handling practices. case in practice. A variety of by-pass filter types have been evaluated,
all of which are generally effective in purifying the lubricant to a
• Set cleanliness targets based on your goals for longer machine life
greater extent than is possible with the normal full -f low f ilter, but
and/or reduced maintenance and downtime costs.
there are differences in qualitative and quantitative performance
• Evaluate, select, and implement the improvements in filtration, levels according to the filter type. A number of papers have been
storage, and handling procedures required to achieve the goals. published on the subject of the use of by-pass filtrat ion systems
• Measure and trend your progress. Barrier filtration of particulate material to the sub-micron level is
• Document the impact of your investment on availabil ity, possible, but the system suffers from a number of drawbacks. As the
maintenance expense, and machine life. filter becomes progressively loaded with contaminant, the flow rate
With these elements delineated, some of the practical aspects of through the filter drops, falling to zero when the filter becomes
improving filtration, storage, and handling procedures can be completely blocked. However, before this stage is reached, the filter
addressed. membrane may well rupture or channel at high inlet pressures,
allowing unfiltered oil to pass through . Filtration Ratings of barrier
Many improvements to your filtration, storage, and handling
med ia filters is expressed as either the Filtration Ratio ~' or the
procedures can be made with minimal cost. A little time spent simply
Filtering Efficiency 11·
reviewing your current storage and handling procedures can be
revealing . During the evaluation phase, it is important to identify ~ = Cup I Coown
contamination sources as well as the levels. Contamination sources Where Cup =Concentration of particle entering the filter
may include: Coown = Concentration of particles leaving the filter
• Contaminated new oil. As previously mentioned, new oil is The particle count size is normally expressed as a subscript, e.g . a filter
often not as clean as you might think, usually becoming with a rating of "~ 2 = 100" would allow one particle through for
contaminated during transportation, storage, and handling. every 100 particles of size 2 11m entering the f ilter. The Filtering
• Built-in contamination. Machine components can become Efficiency 11 is defined as the Upstream- Downstream Particle Count
contaminated from handling practices encountered during of a given size (x) divided by the Upstream Particle Count, i.e.
overhauls or rebuilding processes. lt is important to review shop 11x = (1-1/~x) X 100
procedures relating to cleanliness of internal wetted parts, hoses, There are a number of standard test procedures to evaluate filter
and lubricant piping. efficiencies over a period of time as the f ilter blocks. Since filter
• Ingested contamination. Unfiltered sump vents and faulty seals blocking results in an increase in the differential pressure drop across
are common problems, which can result in contaminants (including the filter, test procedures also measure this pressure drop. In Test
water as well as particulates) entering the lube system from the Procedure J1858, the times taken for the pressure drop to increase by
outside environment. Minor modifications to vent systems can 80% and 100% respectively are recorded, and upstream and
reap rewards in this area . downstream particle counts are evaluated simultaneously every 10
• Internally-generated contamination. Recirculating wear minutes. This test procedure stipulates the use of test oil conforming
particles through machine components can create a self-fulfilling to SAE J1260, and a contam inant conforming to SAE 5-80 11m.
prophecy of machine destruction. Normal full-flow filtering Test Procedure ISO 4572 records the time taken for the initia l pressure