8 Semantic Roles 2015
8 Semantic Roles 2015
8 Semantic Roles 2015
Graciela Palacio
2014 (revised 2015)
The verb is the most important element in a sentence because it determines the number of
elements that go with it. Haegeman (1991) compares the verb to the script of a play, in the
sense that its meaning determines the number of actors or participants needed to represent its
meaning. In the same way as actors in a play are assigned roles, the verb also assigns roles to
its arguments. These roles are semantic roles. For example, in the sentence:
The man killed the bear.
the man is described as the agent (i.e. the entity that performs the action that causes the bear
to be dead) and the bear is the patient (i.e. the entity affected).
Technically speaking, these roles are called thematic roles or theta roles. Now linguists do
not agree with respect to the type and number of theta roles that should be recognised. We
will first consider the most common thematic roles that we find in the literature on the
1) Agent:
The agent has to be an animate being. It is the causer of the happening denoted by the
verb, the doer of the action. An element of volition or causation is present. Notice that
agents combine with dynamic verbs, it is not possible to have a doer of an action if there is
no action:
Margaret is mowing the grass.
The gamekeeper wounded him.
Jack fell down on purpose. (on purpose: volitional adverbial).
Verbs of attention (look, listen, smell, taste, and feel) take agentive subjects, for example:
I'm looking at some photographs.
We listened carefully but heard nothing.
(You) Smell this and tell me what it is.
He tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it.
She felt the material to see if it was soft enough for the baby.
2) External Causer:
The unwitting (= unintentional) cause of an event. It is generally inanimate, e.g.:
The avalanche destroyed several houses.
The electric shock killed him.
3) Experiencer:
The living entity that experiences something. Experiencer subjects occur with stative verbs
and adjectives. They contrast with agents and causers. We find experiencer subjects with:
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a) verbs and adjectives that express emotions (modality verbs and modality adjectives
expressing volition), e.g.:
Modality verbs expressing volition:
Tom liked the play.
We respect the truth.
Everyone hates John.
Mary envies Johns talent.
Angie loves French films.
Modality adjectives expressing volition:
The workers are angry.
Tom is unhappy.
b) verbs and adjectives that express knowledge, belief or expectation (modality verbs and
modality adjectives expressing cognition)
Modality verbs expressing cognition:
He knows the truth.
Jane believed the story.
Modality adjectives expressing cognition:
I'm aware that he has done it.
Tom was sure that Mary had done it.
c) verbs of perception (see, hear, smell, taste, feel), which contrast with verbs of
I can see somebody at the door.
Did you hear him go out?
Can you taste the garlic in this stew?
I could smell (that) he had been smoking.
I feel disappointed.
4) Patient:
The entity that exists before the action is performed and that is affected by it.
Norman smashed a window in his father's car.
I'm digging the ground.
I baked some potatoes.
The fish is frying.
The fish is being fried. (passive sentence)
5) Resultant:
The entity that does not exist before the action is performed but which is the result of that
I'm digging a hole.
Baird invented television.
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animate and it performs the action voluntarily. In the second sentence, however,
consider means think or have the opinion. It is a stative verb and the theta roles
that it assigns are experiencer and theme/ proposition. The idea is the abstract object
located in Johns mind. The second theta role is assigned to the whole unit the
problem difficult. It is not that John thought the problem, John thought that the
problem was difficult.
Rothstein (1995) notes that we can say John considers that problem difficult, even though he
has never considered the problem (itself) at all.
Consider the following sentences:
1. John kicked the bucket. (cf. Juan pate el balde) (literal meaning)
2. John kicked the bucket. (cf. Juan estir la pata) (idiom)
In the first sentence the verb kick assigns first a theta role to the bucket, the theta-role of
affected participant or patient. Then the two together, i.e. kick + the bucket, will assign a
theta-role to John, the role of agent.
In the second sentence kick the bucket means die so the theta-role that John receives from the
idiom is not agent but affected participant or theme (in the sense that it is an entity that
undergoes motion, it goes from the state of being alive to the state of being dead).
Consider these other examples:
3. John threw a party. (John is an agent)
4. John threw a fit. (John is an affected participant) (cf. Tuvo un ataque de nervios)
The predicator first assigns a theta-role to the argument that follows it and then the two
elements together (i.e. compositionally) assign a theta role to the subject.
Lesson 8 Activity 1: (to be discussed in class)
Do the semantic analysis of the following sentences:
1. The man made a fire.
2. John gave Peter a radio.
3. Peter was given a radio. (Passive sentence)
4. He gave the door a kick.
5. The demonstration was yesterday.
6. Tom was sure that Mary had stolen the money. (Here there are two predicators)
Lesson 8 Activity 2: (to be discussed in class)
Account for the ungrammaticality of:
1. *John believed what I said but Mary didnt do so.
2. *John carefully knew Greek.
3. *Yesterday it was my birthday.
Lesson 8 Activity 3: (To be handed in as Assignment 8)
Do the semantic analysis of the following sentences:
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Haegeman, L. (1991) Introduction to Government and Binding Theory, Blackwell.
Haegeman, L. & J. Guron (1999) English Grammar: A Generative Perspective, Blackwell.
Quirk, R., S. Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of the
English Language. Longman.
Radford, A. (1997) Syntactic Theory and the structure of English: A minimalist approach.
Rothstein, S. (1995) Small Clauses and Copular Constructions, in A. Cardinatelli and M. T.
Guasti (eds.) Syntax and Semantics, Volume 28, Small Clauses, 27-48, Academic Press.
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