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Mil STD 810c

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7 April 1981

JUN 291981 I~


New Method NQ. 50B.2


7 April 19B1

Supersedes Method No. 50B .1


10 March 1975





3. Holders of MIL-STD-810C will verify that the supersedure indicated above has been entered. This notice page will be retained as a check sheet. This issuance is a separate publication. Each notice is to be retained by stocking points until the Military Standard is completely revised or canceled.


Army - ER Navy - AS

Air Force - 11

Preparing activity:

Air Force - 11

Project No. MISC-OC73




Section I



Section I Index .

1.1 1.2 1.3

1.4 1.5 1.6

Purpose • • • . Envirofunental effects GuideHines for determining test

Procedures and test conditions

Special considerations • . • .

References •• • . . • . • • • • .

Section II

Apparatus • Preparation for test Procedures

Ifrformatlon to be recorded

11.1 11.2 II. 3 II.4

MIL-STU-BlOC 10 March 1975

50B.2-1 50B .2-1 50B.2-1

50B.2-3 50B.2-4 50B.2-5

50B.2-B 50B.2-B 50B.2-9 508.2-15

1. 2 PURPOSE. The pur.pose ot the fungus chamber test is to assess the extent to which the test item 'Will support fungal growth and hov the fungal growth may affect performance or use of the test item.

1.3 . ENY1RONMEN!fA~ EFFECTS. Fungal growth impairs the functioning or use of equipment by changing the phyM:cal properties of the equipment.

I.3.1 Damage mechanisms. The damage mechanisms are as follows:

a. Directa.t.tack on materia.ls. Non-resistant materials are susceptible to direct atta.ck a.s theftingi break the material down and use it as food. This results in deteriorationaffectlrig the physical properties of the material. Examples of non-resistant materials are:

(1) Natural materials - (Products of natural origin are most susceptible to this attack) -

(a)· Cellulosic materials (e.g. 'WoOd, paper, natural fiber textiles and oordage).

(b) Animal and vegetable based adhesives.

(c) Grease, o11s and many hydr-ocar-bon s ~

(d) Leather.


METHOD 508.2 7 April 1981


(2) Synthetic materials -

(a) PVC fermulatiens (e.g. these plasticized with fatty acid


(b) Certain pelyurethanes (e.g. pelyesters and seme polyethers).

(c) Plastics, which centain or-gan tc fillers ef lamin~ting materials.

(d) Paints and varnishes which centain susceptible censtituents.

b. Indirect attack en materials. Dama~e to' fungus resistant materials results frem indirect attack when:

(1) fungal grewth en surface depesits ef gust, grease, perspiratien and ether centaminants which find their Wayop;tpeq1.lipment during manufacture or accumulate during service can cause damage to' .theunderlying material even thcugh that material may be resistant to' direct attack.

(2) metabelic waste preducts (i.e. crganic acids), excreted by fungi, cause ccrresien ef metals, etching ef glass er staining cr degrading ef plastics and ether materials.

(3) the pr oduc t s of fungal gr-owt h on adjacent materials, which are (susceptible to' direct attack, come in centactwith the resistant materials.


Physicalinterfer.ence can cccqX" as .. fcllcws:

a. Electrical or electrcnic systems. Damage to· electrical or .electronic systems may result frem either direct er indirect attack. Fungal grewth can fcrm undesirable electric.al cenductingp~th,S aQr9ssinsql~ting ~terials or may adversely affect the electrical character.J;:s:tics cf qrittcal1y adjUsted electrenic circuits.

b. Optical systems. Damage to' cptical systems results primarily frem indirect attack. Th,efungal growth pan adyerse.lY affect light trans~.ission t-hr-ough the opt Icat system; block de . .l1cate mcving parts·; ang change non-wetting surfaces to' wetttng surfaces wit.h resulting less in performance.

1.3.3 Health and aesthetic factcrs. Fungus grcwth cn equipment can cause ph.ysiel.ogical prcblems, (e.g. allergies) or be 50. aes.thetically unpleasant tha t the users will be reluctant to' use the equipment.

1.4 GUIDEL,.INI::§.fOBDI::TP;RMINING.tl::$l'PBOCEPt1fiJ::S·AND:l'E$l' CONDITIONS. Since micrcbial detericratien is a function cf temperatUre and humidity and is an inseparable cenditicn cf hot-humid tropics and the midlatitudes, it must be censidered in the design ·of·. allst.andard. general purpose: macer rel.. 1 Methcd 508.2 (Fungus) censequently is used when an item is to' be tested to' determine if fungus gr-owt h will occur and if 50. ,hcw it wil.l affect the use ef the item.

1Frem AR 70-38, Research, Develepment, Test and Evaluaticn cf Material fcr Extreme Climatic Cenditiens, Chapter 2, Climatic Criteria.

METHOD 508.2



a. Options. The options are limited to extending the test duration and performing a functional test prior to and following the fungus test.

b. The related test conditions involve primarily:

(1) Test time (28 to 84 days).

(2·.) Test configl.l!'ation - whether the test item shall be exposed in other than an unsealed condition.

1.4.1 Choice of test phases

a. The operational purpose of the test item. Frc:)!!l the requirements, determine the functions to be performed by the equipment and any limiting conditions, (e.g. storage, human factors aspects, whether it is a large volume/low cost/ expendable item, etc.).

b. Required test data. The primary questions that may be addressed after the fungus test are:

( 1) WUl fungus grow on the item?

(2) How rapidly will it grow on the test item?

(3) How does the fungus growth affect the test item?

(4) To what extent will the fungus affect the. mission of the item?

(5) Can the test item be stored effectively in a field environment?

(6) Is the test item safe for use following fUllgal growth?

(7) Are there simple reversal processes, e.g. wiping o.ff fungal growth?

c. Selection of test phases. Three test phases are included within Method 508.2 (pre-test, chamber and per.formanceJ. Based on the test requirements document, determine which phases are appl~cable.

( 1 ) Phase I (pr e-t.eat-) - Phase I is conducted in all cases to provide baseline data.

(2) Phase II (chamber) - Phase II is the basic fungus test and is conducted ill.all cases.

(3) Phase III (performance) - Phase III h used to determine compliance with the performance requirements of the test item following the fungus chamber test.

1.4.2 . ChQiQeRf relat$!dYXstgpndiYi9ps. RecClgniz~llg that at leM.t twO of the test phases mUst be condJ,lcted ,the prim~ry deCisions must be mad.e concerning test dur-at ron and test item. configurC3,ti9n.

METHOD 508.2



a. Test duration. A test duration of 28 days is considered to be the minimum test per-t od , Since indirect effects and physical interference are not likely to occur in the relatively short time frame of the fungus test, extension of the exposure period to 84 days should be considered if a greater degree of certainty (lesser risk) concerning the existence of fungal growth or determining the effect of fungal growth is required.

b. Test i tel11 configuration. The test item configuration is an important factor. Even though equipment is to be protected by a container, the container could leak and entrap moisture. As a minimum, the tester should consider the following testing configurations:

(1) In u8ualshipping/storage container or transit case.

~'.".""."'"m __ ~ ·····'···_.·_····_·. _ _ _ .. • __ ... _ .... _.,._"_ ..... _ • _ . _._ .. ----

-~r2)· Under realistic storage and use conditions.

(3) Wi th restraints (such as wi th openings that are normally covered, or commercial equipment not deSigned for military use).

c. Additional guidelines. Review the equipment specifications and requirements documents. Apply any additional guidelines as necessary.


1.5.1 Failure analysis

a. Any fungi on the test item must be analyzed to determine if the growth is on the test item materials{s) or on contaminants.

b. Any fun~Cll growth on the. tefSt . .1 tem lJla terialCs} (~ether from the inocul um or other sources) must be evaluated by qual1fiedpersonnel for:

(1) The extent ot growth on the compbnent( s} supporting same. Table 508.2-1 can be used as a guide for this evaluation.

(2) The immediate effect that the growth has on the physical characteristics of the test item.

(3) The long range effect that the growth could have on the test item.

(4) The specific material(s) (nutrient) supporting the growth.

c. Fungal growth must not be disturbed during the operational checkout.

d. Human -factors effects must be evaluated.

I.5.2 Test interruption. This policy is designed to provide a standard m~thodology for sel~eting. a.course Of. action in t~e event of an unscheduled ir!terI'up~Jc>n jn ~.~es~\ ... ¥tyd~vi~~ion .f'l;0m tlli~policy s~all bee~pla~l'led

in the test report. Every case Of~. ~nte~rup~E!4 test,· shall beex~ined individually using the logical dec'ision process provided in this document. The fungus test, unlike other environmental tests, involves living organisms. If the test is interrupted, the fact that live organisms are involved must be considered.

METHOI) 508.2


MIL-STD ... 810C

a. If the interruption occurs early in the test, the test should be restarted from the beginning with a new test item or a cleaned item (see I1.3.3.1a).

b. If the interruption occurs late in the test cycle, examine the item for evidence of fungal growth. If the test item is biosusceptible, there is no need for a retest. If there is no evidence of fungal growth or if the interruption occurred early follow the guidance as shown below.

(1) Lowered temperature. A lowering of the test chamber temperature generally will retard fungus growth. If there is no evidence of mycological deterioration and the relative humidity has been maintained as in 1. 5.lb(3), re-establish test conditions andcon.tinue the test from the point that the temperature fell below the prescribed tolerances.

(2) Elevated temperature. Elevated temperatures may have a drastic effect on fungus growth. Any rise in temperature above 310C (680F) for a period of 4 hours or mo~e shall result in complete re-initiation of the test. Any more moderate risk in temperature without evidence of mycological deterioration, and maintaining of the relative humidity as in I.5.lb(3), re-establish test conditions and continue the test as if no interruption had occurred.

(3) Lowered humidity. Any drop in humidity levels below 90 percent, for a period of 4 hours or more shall result in complete re-initiation of the test. If a more moderate drop in relative humidity occurs that does not result in fungal deterioration, re-establish test conditions and continue the test as if no interruption had occurred.

When re-initiating a test although it is preferable to use a new test item, the same test item may be used if cleaned as specified in II.3.1a. New cotton control strips shall be placed in the test chamber and both the test item and controls will be reinoculated with the test fungi.

I.5.3 Miscellaneous

a. The fungus test is designed to economically obtain data on the biosusceptibility of materiel. It should not be used for testing of basic materials since a variety of other test procedures, including soil burial, pure culture, mixed culture and plate t·esting are available.

b. Method 508 is designed to provide optimal climatic conditions and all of the basic inorganic minerals needed for growth of the fungal species used in the test. The group of fungal species was chosen for its ability to attack a wide variety of materials commonly used in construction of military equipment.

c. The test temperature and humidity cycle selected for this test involves a 50 Celsius drop in temperature to allow moist air to enter the test item (breathing effect) and condense onto or in the internal components, thus representing a natural environment diurnal cycle.

d. The presence of moisture is essential for spore germination and subsequent growth. Generally, germination and growth will commence when the relative humidity of the ambient air exceeds 70 percent. Development will become progressively more rapid as the humidity rises above this value, reaching a maximum in the 90-100 percent relative humidity range.

METHOJ;) 508.2

508.2 ... 5


e. The speci fied temperature range 24- 310C (75-880F) is most conduc i ve for fungal growth known to cause damage to equi pmen t.

f. Control items specified in phase II are designed to:

( 1) Verify the viability of the fungal spores used in the inoculum.

(2) Establish the suitability of the chamber environment conducive for fungal growth.

g. Testing of equipment for:resistance to fungal growth is a specialized technique requiring both appropriate technical knowledge and access to proper fungus cultures and test equipment. Such testing must be pr-eformed at laboratories specially equipped for the work by trained personnel.


METHOD 508.2



TABLE 508.2-1 Microbial test evaluation scheme.

of Area of
Amount of Component
Growth Covered Grade
None 0 0
Trace 1-10 1 Slight





Or~anic Substrates

Substrate is devoid of microbial growth.

Sparse or very res.tricted microbial growth and reproduction. Substrate utilization minor or inhibited. Little or no chemical, physiqal i or stru.ctural change detectable.

Intermittent infestations or loosely spread microbial colonies on substrate surface and moderate reproduction.

Substantial amount of microbial growt.h and reprodu.ction. Substrate exhibiting chemiCa.l, physical or structural change.

Mass~Ve m~crobial growth or reproduction.- Substrate deCOmPOSed or rapidly deteriorating,







METHOD 508.2



METHOD 508.2


Section II

11.1 APPARATUS. The required apparatus consists of chambers or cabinets, together with auxiliary instrumentation capable of maintaining and monitoring the specific conditions of temperature and humidity and complies with 3.3.1, General Requirements.


a. The chamber and accessories shall be constructed and arranged in such a manner as to avoid condensate dripping on the test item.

b. The chamber shall be vented to the atmosphere to prevent the build up of total pressure.

c. Relative humidity shall be determined from the dry bulb - wet bulb temperature comparison method or an equivalent method approved by the procuring activity.

(1) When the wet bulb control method is used, the wet bulb assembly shall be cleaned and a new wick installed for each test.

(2) The air velocity across the wet bulb shall not be less than 4.6 meters per second (900 feet per minute).

(3) The wet and dry bulb sensors shall not be installed in the .discharge side of any local fan .or blower used to create the requirements of lI.2.c(2).

d. Provisions shall be made for controlling the flow of air throughout the internal test chamber space so that the air velocity shall be between 1 and 2 meters per second (197-394 ft/min).

e. Free circulation of air around the test item shall be maintained, and the contact area of fixtures supporting the test item shall be kept to a minimum (see 3.3, General Requirements, Test Facilities and Apparatus).

f. Continuous recordings of test section temperature and relative humidity conditions shall ~f taken.

g. Readout charts shall be capable of being read with a resolution within 0.60C (10F).

h. The desired humidity sr..:il be generated by using steam, or distilled, demineralized or dionized water having a pH value between 6.0 and 7.2 at 230C (730F).

METHOD 508.2




(1) Live steam sha~l not be irjected directly into the test section working space where it may have an adverse affect on the test item and microbial activity.

(2) Rust or corrosive contaminants shall not be imposed on the test item by the test facility.

i. Unless otherwise specified:

(1) All reagents shall conform to the specification of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available.

(2) References to water shall be understood to mean distilled water or water of equal purity.

j. If the test is interrupted, follow the procedure of 1.5.1.

11.3 PROCEpURES. The following test phases are provided for application in combinations as required. Prior to initiating any testing, determine:

a. The test duration(s) (I.4.2a).

b. The test item configuration(s) (I.4.2b).

II. 3.1 Pha§e I. Pre-test checkout - All items require a pre-test checkout to provide baseline data. Conduct the 'checkout as follows:

Step 1 '~D.gpare th.g.test i t~f in aCbordance With 3.2.2 General Requiremen t s , and required test item configuration (II.3b).

Step 2. C0B:ductaComplete visual~xamination of the test item with. special attention to discolored areas, imperfections, or the existence of any other conditions that could be conducive to fungus growth.

Step 3. Document the results of step 2.

Step 4. Conduct an operational checkout in accordance with the approved test plan if operation is specified by reqUirements document dur ing or following the fungus test.

Step 5. Record results for compliance with 3.2.2, General Requirements.

Step 6. Proceed to phase II.

11.3.2 Phase II. Chamber test.

II. 3.2.1 Test preparation. Prep9ratlon of mineral salts solution.

a. Using clean apparatus, prepare the mineral salts solution to contain the following:

METHOD 508.2



Potassium clihyprogen

orthophosphate (KH2P04) ••••••••.•••.••• O.7g

PotassiUfll. IIlonohYclrogen

orthophosphate (K2HP04) •••••••.••••• O.7g

Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate

(MgS04.7 H20) • . . . • • • O.7g

Anlmonium. nitrate (NH4N03) Sodium chloride (NaC1) ••

. .

• 1.0g

• O.O.o5g

. . . .

Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeS04.7 H20) •••••

. . . . . . . .


Zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZnS04·7 H20) •••••


Manganous sulfate monohydrate (MnS04' H20).

" .

• .o.001g

Distilled water

• 10.o.oml

~'. Measure the, pH of the mineral salts solution. If not between 6 • .0 and 6.5, di scar-d and prepare a prop~r so,l,ut~op,.

11 .. Prepqration or IIlixecl,sp()resu~pe,J:tsion. ~: eREG.AUTION;?:

Although the fungi specified for this te~~ar~ not, p,q~mallycon~icj.ered to present a serious hazard to humans, certain people may develop allergies or other reacti.ons •. It is therefo.re. r~qqmm~nped tQqt. s,t-ancl,ardoperation pr-ocedur-es (SQPs,) fO,r safety 1?~. emp,l,.oy~cl. It ~,l!3,all!3o r~commenqed that the tests be conducted by persqnneltrain~d in mi.qrobiqlogfcal techniques.

a. Using asceptic techniques, prepare the spore suspension containing the following test fungi:


Aspergillus niger QM 386 ATCC 9642

Aspergillus flayus QM 38.0 ATCC 9643
Asperdllus versicolor QM 432 ATCC 1173.0

Penicillium funiculosum QM 474 ATCC 11797
Qbla§tQm;!.Ym gJ,QQQ§ym QM 459 ATCC 62.05 METHOD 5.08.2



*U. S. Department of Agric~lture (SeA/FR) Northern Regional Research Center

ARS Culture Collection

1815 N. University street

Peoria, II~inois 60604

(The fungi may be distributed in a lyophilized state, or on agar slants).

**American Type Culture Collection 12301 Parklawn. Drive

Rockville, Maryland 20852

b. Maintain pure cultures of these fungi separately on an appropriate medium such as potato dextrose agar except that chaetomium globosum shall be cultured on strips of filter paper overlayed on the surface of mine~al salts agar.

c. Pr-epar-e mineral salts ag;~r by dis.f\plving t5.0g;agar in a liter of the mineral salts solution descri.bedinII. 3. 2.1.1.~: Do not keep the stock cultures fpr Dlpre than 4 months .. at 6.0 !.40C(43° !70F).; after that time, prepare subcultures and use them for the new stocks.

d. Yerify the purity of funglJs cultures prior.to the ·test.

e. Incub at.e slJbculture .. s ul?ed for preparing; new stock cultures or the spore suspension at 300 ! 1.40c (860 ! 2.5°F) for 14tq 21 days.

f. Prepare .; a spore ~.~.~penf!i(:mQr each of the five ft1Ilg~ by pouring into one sUbclJ.ltq_re 0.1' each fllllgNf!10 m,J..of~rt aqueo~ssolu~ion containing 0.05g per lAterC'!, a nontox1cwetting agent such .as sOdium dioctyl sulfosuccinate or sddil.1Ill. lauryl sulfate.

g. Use a rounded glass rod to gently scrape the surface growth from the culture of the test organism.

h. Pour the spore char~~ into a 125 ml capped Erlenllleyer flask containing 45 ml of water and 50 td 75 solid glass beads, 5 mID in diameter.

i. Shake the flask vigordusly to liberate the spores from the fruiting bodies and to break the spore clumps.

j • Fil ter the di spersed fungal spore euspenaton into a flask through a 6 mm layer of glass wool contained in a glass fUrinel. ~: This process should remove large Dlycelial fragments and clumps of agar.

k. Centrifuge the filtered spore suspension anci dis.card the supernatant liquid.

1. Resuspend the residue in 50 ml of water and centrifuge. obtained from each of the fungi in this manner three times.

Wash the spores

m. Dilute the final washed r~f!id~~ with mine:.~~-salts solution in such a manner that the resultant spore suspension shall contain 1,000,000 ! 200,000 spores per ml as d~termin~d with a counting Chamber.

METHOD 508.2



n. Repeat this operation for each organism useci in the test.

o. Perform a viability check for each organism in accordance with IL3.2.1.3a.

p. Blend equal volumes of the resultant spore suspension to obtain the final mixed.sp?re. suspension •. ~:. The spore suspension may be prepared fresh. If not freshly prepared, it should be held at 60 : 40C (430 : 70F) for not more than 7 days.

II. Control items. Two types of control tests are required. Ul3ing procedure of II. verify the viability of the spore suspension arid its prep~rati~n. Using the procedure of II. 3.2.1. 3b verify the suitabili ty of the chamber environment.

a. Via.bility of spore suspension.

(1) Prior to prep~rlngthe composite spore suspension tnooul at.e sterile potato de,ctrose agar plates, wi th 0.2 t.o o. 3 milliliters of the spore suspension of each of the individual fWIgal species using separate potato dextrose agar plates for each species.

(2) Distribute the inocUlUlll over the entire surface of the plate.

(3) Incubate trie inocUlated pot~to d.ext!"'ose agar plate at 240 to 310C (750 to 880F) for 1to 10 days.

(4) After the .:ll'lcub~~io?I?e.ri.od, cpeck the .: ruil~al growth. Note: The absence or copiouSgr9w1:.h .qr fl.B-yof the tel3torg.fln.~s~soyerthe ent-ire $urface in each container will invalidate the results of any t.ests using these spores.

b. Test chamber environment.

(1) Inoculate a known susceptible substrate along wi th the test item to insure that proper conci~tionl3. are present in the~l'l9ut>ation chamber ... to promote fungal growth. ~:.'J:he CO'!)t-.rolled.substrate shall consist Of cott~n fabric strips conforming to MIL-T-43566A Tape, Textile, Cotton, General Purpose, Natural or in Colors, TYPe ~a, Class. 2, bleached, white flat construction.

(2) Prepare the following solution:


(a) 10.0 grams glycerol

(b) (c) ( d)

0.1 potassium dihydr'ogen orthophosphate (KHiP04) 0.1g ammonium nitrate (NH4N03)

0.025g magnesium sulfate (MgS04.7 H2)

( e) ( f) (g)

O.05g yeast extract

Distilled water to a total volume of 100 ml

HC 1 or NaOH to adjust the final solution pH to 5.3.

METHOD 508.2



(3) Dip the cotton strips into the above solution. After dipping, remove the excess liquid from the strips and hang them to dry before placing them in the chamber and inoculating them.

(4) Within the chamber, place the strips vertically in close proximity to and bracketing the test item so that the test strips and test iterns experience the same test environment. The length of the strips shall be at least the height of the test item.

11.3.3 Phase III. Test performance

I!. 3. 3. 1 Prepara t ion for incubation

a. Assure that the condition of the test items subjected to testing is similar to that as delivereq by the manufacturer or customer for use, or as otherwise specified. Any oleaningof the test item shall be accomplished at least 72 hours prior to the beginning of the fungus test.

b. Install the test item in the chamber or cabinet on suitable fixtures or sus pended from hangers.

c. Hold the test item in the operating chamber for at least 4 hours immediately prior to inoculation.

d. Inoculate the test item and cotton fabric chamber control items (II. With the mixed fungal sporesuspensiori ( by

spraying it on thecOll.trpl and oIl. and into the test item(s) (if not hermetically sealed) 1 in the form of affne mist frOli1 an atomizer or nebulizer. ~: In spraylngthe test and control items with cODlposltespore suspension care should be taken to cover all external and internal surfaces which are exposed during use or maintenance. If the surfaces are nonwetting, spray until initiation of droplet coalescence.

e. Replace covers of the test items loosely.

f. Start incubation immediately folloWing the inoculation. Incubation of the test item.

a. Incubate the test item(s) under a daily cycle of temperature and humidity conditions consisting of 20 hours of a relative humidity of 95 !' 5 percent at an air temperature of 3~0 !' loe (86° !' 20F) followed by a 4-hour period in which conditions of 95 ~O percent relative humidity at 25<l !' 10e (770 !' 20F) are maintained for at least 2 hours. Up to a total of 2 hours of the 4-hour period will be used for the transition{s) of temperature and relative humidity. Temperature and humidity conditions during the transition periods must be as follows: temperature 240 to 310e (750 to eeOF} snd relative humidity above 90 percent.

b. Repeat the 24-hour daily cycle for the test duration.

c. After 7 days, inspect the growth on the control cotton strips to assure that the environmental conditions in the chamber are suitable for growth.

1personnel with appropriate knowledge of the test item should be available to aid in exposing its interior surfaces for inoculation.

METHOD 508.2



For th1,s assurance, at least 90 percent of toe part of the sQrface area of each test strip located at the level of the test item should be covered by fungi when inspected visually. If not, repeat the entire test wHO the required adjustments of the chamber to produce conditions suitable for growth. Leave thecQntrol strips in the chamber fo'r' the duration of the test; note their condition at this time and record it with the test item data as described in II. 3. 1, step 3.

d. If the cotton strips show satisfactory fungus growth after 7 days, continue the test for the required period of days from the time of inoculation (1.4. 2a) . If there is a decrease in fungal growth on the cotton strips at the end of the test as compared to the 7-day results, the test is invalid.

II. 3.3.3 Inspection. At the end of the incubation period, inspect the test item immediately. If possible, inspect the item within the chamber. If the irispection is conducted outside of the chamber and not completed in 8 hours, ret urn the test item to the test chamber or' similar humid environment fOr a minimum of 12 hours. Except for hermetically sealed equipment, open the equipment enclosure and examine both the interior arid exterior of the test item. Record results of the inspection to include that information of II. 4 as applicable.~: Data shall be used for comparison with that obtained in

II. 3.1.

II.3.4 Phase III. Operation/usage (to be conducted only if required).

lI.3.4.1 If operaUOn is required (e.g. electrical equipment) j conduct the operation in the period ae specified in II. 3.3.3. D.ata ·aOall be recorde.d for comparison with the baseline data obtained in 11.3.1, step 3.. Personnel with appropriate knowledgesopuld b.eavaUaple t.P aid in exppsing interior surfaces of the item for inspection and making operational and use decisions.


a. Presence or evidence of fungal growth.

b. Location of fungus.

c. Narrative description of growth, including colors, area covered,growth patterns, density of growth, and thickness of growth.

d. Test period •


e. Effect of fungus on perfor'Dlance or use.

(1) As received from chamber'

(2) After use maintenance.




f. Test conditions.

g. Condition of test item at time of test.

h. All deviations from specified test conditions.

i. Whether directly from manufacturer.

j. Test item history (prior tests).

k. Physiological or aesthetic considerations.

* u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981-703-023/2242

METHOD 508.2


MIL-STD-81OC 10 March 1975 SUPERSEDING NIL-STD-S10B is June 1967



FSC Mtse

MIL-STD-SIOC 10 March 1975

Environmental Test Methods


1. This Mi 1 i tary Standard is approved for use by all Departments Agencies of the Department of Defense.

2. Recommended corrections, additions, or deletions should be ac to Commander, Aeronautical Systems Division, Attn: ASD/ENYESA, Wl Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433.















3.1 3.1.1 3.1. 2 3.1. 3 3.1.4 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.3 3.3.1 3.4







SCOPE Purpose

Application of test methods Numbering system

Revision of standard Revision of test methods Method of reference



Test conditions

Measurements of test conditions Tolerance of test conditions Accuracy of test apparatus Stabilization of test temperature

Operating Nonoperating

Performance of test

Pretest performance record

Installation of test item in test facility Performance check during test

Post-test data

Test data

Failure criteria

Test facilities and apparatus

Test chamber

Volume of test chamber Heat source

Location of temperature sensors Internal air circulation




International standardization agreement




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

11 11 11 11




Method No.


500.1 501.1 502.1 503.1 504.1 505.1 506.1 507.1 508.1 509.1 510.1 511.1 512.1 513.2 514.2 515.2 516.2 517.2 518.1 519.2

Low Pressure (Altitude) High Temperature

Low Temperature Temperature Shock Temperature-Altitude Solar Radiation (Sunshine) Rain



Salt Fog

Dust (Fine Sand) Explosive Atmosphere Leakage (Immersion) Acceleration Vibration

Acoustical Noise Shock

Space Simulation (Unmanned Test) Temperature-Humidity-A1titude Gunfire Vibration, Aircraft

500.1-1 - 500.1-2 501.1-1 - 501.1-3 502.1-1 - 502.1-2 503.1-1 - 503.1-2 504.1-1 - 504.1-1: 505.1-1 - 50S.1-4 S06.1-1 - 506.1-3 507.1-1 - 507.1-1J 508.1-1 - 508.1-5 509.1-1 - 509.1-8 510.1-1 - 510.1-3 511.1-1 - 511.1-11 512.1-1 - 512.1-3 513.2-1 - 513.2-8 514.2-1 - 514.2-41 51S.2-1 - 515.2-11 516.2-1 - SI6.2-1l S17.2-1 - SI7.2-13 518.1-1 - S18.1-3 519.2-1 - S19.2-63


Table 1. Recommended test sequence (Read down) 8-10
Table S04.1-I Equipment Categories for Temperature-
Altitude Tests 504.1- 2
Table S04.l-II Test Conditions for Temperature-Altitude
Tests 504.1-9
Table 513.2-1 G Levels for Structural Test (Procedure I) S13.2-3
Table S13.2-II G Levels for Operational Test
(Procedure II) 513.2-4
Table 514.2-II Test Procedure and Time Schedule Chart
for Equipment Installed in Prope11or 514.2-21
Airplanes Equipment Category b.1
Table 514.2-IIA Random Vibration Test Criteria for Jet
Aircraft Equipment, Category b.2 S14.2-23
Table S14.2-III Test Procedure and Time Schedule Chart
for Equipment Installed in He1icopters- 514.2-25
Equipment Category (c) iv

fable 514.2-1V Vibration Criteria for External Stores Carried On Airplanes Categories d.l and d.2

"ab l e 514.2- IVA Cycling Period and Rate, and Time Schedule Chart for Externally Carried Stores for Helicopters, Category d.3

'able 514.2-V Test Procedure and Time Schedule Chart

for Equipment Installed in Ground Launched Missiles, Equipment Category e

'able 5l4.2-VI Test Procedure and Time Schedule Chart

for Equipment Installed in Ground Vehicles, Equipment Category f

Test Procedure and Time Schedule for the Transportation of Cargo, Equipment Category g Acoustical Noise Test Category

Acoustic Test Levels for Assembled Externally

Carried Aircraft Stores

Transi t Drop Test (Procedure II)

Pressure Level for Effects Simulation Average Radiation Characteristics of Planets Solar Simulator Classification

Solar Electromagnetic Energy Distribution Solar Simulator, Instrumentation Perfor-

mance Requirements

Significant Parameters for Solar Simulation

Typical Gun Configurations Associated with Aircraft Classes

Ballistic Tables for Typical Gun Configurations (English Units) Ballistic Tables for Typical Gun

Configurations (Met r i c Units) Conversion Table-English to Metric Units Secondary Structure Transfer Functions .Associated with Equipment Categories Gunfire Test Tolerances

'able 514.2-VII
'able 515.2-1
'able 515.2-11
able 516.2-1
able 517.2-1
able 5l7.2-II
able 5l7.2-III
able 517.2-IV
able 5l7.2-V
able 517.2-V1
able 5l9.2-IA
able 519.2-IB
able 5l9.2-1C
able 5l9.2-ID
able 519.2-II
able 519.2-1II CONTENTS

TABLES (Cont'd)










515.2-8 - 515.2-9 516.2-4







519.2-27 - 519.2-28

519.2-29 - 519.2-30

519.2-31- 519.2-32 519.2-33

519.2-34 - 519.2-35 519.2-36


Figure 504.1-1
Figure 504.1-2
Figure 504.1-3
Figure 504.1-4
Figure 505.1-1
Figure 507.1-1
Figure 507.1-2
Figure 507.1-3
Figure 507.1-4
Figure 509.1-1
Figure 509.1-2
Figure 509.1-3
figure 511.1-1
F'.igure 511.h2
Figure 511.1-3
Figure 513.2-1
Figure 514.2-2
Figure 5l4.2-2A
Figure 514.2-3
Figure 514.2-4
Figure 514.2-4A CONTENTS



Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Categories 1 through 5 Equipment

Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Category 6 Equipment Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Category 7 Equipment Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Category 8 Equipment Accelerated Solar Radiation Cycle

(Procedure II)

Humidity Cycle - Procedure I

Humidity Cycle Procedure II and III Humidity Cycle - Procedure IV Humidity Cycle - Procedure V Variations of Specific Gravity of Salt

(NaCI) Solution with Temperature Salt Solution Filter

Location of Salt Solution Filter Weight of Air Charge vs Temperature Specific Gravity vs Temperature

Fuel Weight to Gage Indicated Weight Correction Factor

Direction of Vehicle Acceleration Vibration Test Curves for Equipment Installed in Airplanes, Excluding Helicopters, Equipment Category b.l Random Vibration Test Curve and Mass

Loading Reduction Factor for Jet Aircraft Equipment

Vibration Test Curves for Equipment Installed in Helicopters, Equipment Category c

Vibration Test Levels for Equipment Installed in External Stores Carried on Airplanes

Vibration Test Curve for Assembled External Stores Carried on Airplanes





505.1-4 507.1-4 507.1-5 507.1-10 507.1-11

509.1-4 509.1-5 509.1-5 511.1-5 511.1-6

511-1-7 513.2-5







Figure 514.2-4B

Figure 514.2-4C

Figure 514.2-40

Figure 514.2-4E

Figure 514.2-4F

Figure 514.2-5

Figure 514.2-6

Figure 514.2-7

.Figure 514.2-10 Figure 515.2-2

Figure 515.2-5 Figure 516.2-1

Figure 516.2-2

Figure 516.2-3 Figure 517.2-1

Figure 518.1-1


FIGURES (Cont'd)

Vibration Test Curves for Cycling Test for Externally Carried Stores

for Helicopters, Equipment Category d.3 Time Curves for Dwell Test for Externally Carried Stores for Helicopters, Equipment Category d.3

Vibration Test Curves for Dwell Tests, Vertical Axis, for Externally Carried Stores for Helicopters, Equipment Category d.3

Vibration Test Curves for Dwell Tests, Transverse Axis, for Externally Carried Stores for Helicopters, Equipment Category d.3

Vibration Test Curves for Dwell Tests, Longitudinal Axis, for Externally Carried Stores for Helicopters, Equipment Category d.S

Vibration Test Curves for Equipment Installed in Ground Launched Missiles, Equipment Category e

Vibration Test Curves for Equipment Installed in Ground Vehicles, Equipment Category f

Vibration Test Curves for Equipment Transported as Secured Cargo, Equipment Category g

Logarithmic Sweep

Octave Band Spectrum for the Acoustical Noise Test

Typical Store Profile

Terminal-peak Sawtooth Shock Pulse Configuration and its Tolerance Limits Half Sine Shock Pulse Configuration

and its Tolerance Limits

Shock Measuring System Frequency Response Geometrical Relationship of Solar Subtense and Incident Angle Temperature-Humidity-Altitude Cycle (Procedure I)




. 514.2-30







514.2-40 514.2-41

515.2-10 515.2-11


516.2-10 516.2-11




Figure 519.2-1

Figure 519.2-2 Figure 519.2-3

Figure 519.2-4

Figure 519.2-5

Figure 519.2-6 Figure 519.2-7

Figure 519.2-8

Figure 519.2-9

Figure 519.2-10 Figure 519.2-11

Figure 519.2-12 Figure 519.2-13

Figure 519.2-14

Figure 519.2-15

Figure 519.2-16

Figure 519.2-17

Figure 519.2-18

Figure 519.2-19

Figure 519.2-20


FIGURES (Cont'd)

Low frequency sinusoida1s superimposed on random vibration

Sinusoidal vibration prediction surface Random vibration prediction surface,

high frequency

Random vibration prediction surface, _ low frequency

Test level reduction, ~H' due to gun standoff parameter, hlc

Example of gun configuration, free air Test level reduction, ~R' due to depth parameter Rs

The distance parameter, 0, and the depth parameter, Rs

Test level reduction, ~W' due to equipment mass loading

Multiple guns, closely grouped

Locator frequency, fo~ for high frequency random prediction surface

Multiple guns, dispersed

Determining the OAMS from the random test curves

Normalized area under the low frequency random curve as a function of flf and

Bf 0

Normalized area under the high frequency random curve as a function of flf and o


Slope factor, 8f, for the low frequency random surface

Slope factor, 8f. for the high frequency random surface

Transfer function for isolated equipments, Category I (a)

Transfer functions for non-isolated equipments, Category I(b)

Basic test tolerance (A) for gunfire spectrum (W < 10 1bs)




519.2-38 - 519.2-2

519.2-40 - 519.2-4

519.2-42 - 519.2-4

519.2-44 519.2-45

519.2-46 519.2-47

519.2-48 519.2-49

519.2-50 519.2-51









Figure 519.2-21

Figure 519.2-22 Figure 519.2-23 Figure 519.2-24


FIGURES (Cont'd)

Gunfire test tolerance CB) for

Gr max ~ 0.1 g2/Hz

Gunfire test tolerance (c) for W > 10 lbs Single direction example

Example of test spectrum for secondary structure (instr. panel)




519.2-60 519.2-61 519.2-62



MIL-STD-BlOC 10 March 1975



1.1 Purpose. This standard establishes uniform environmental test methods for determining the resistance of equipment to the effects of natural and induced environments peculiar to military operations. It provides environmental test methods in order to obtain, as much as possible, reproducible test results. The test methods described herein are intended to be applied by the contractual documents.


1.2 Application of test methods. Test methods contained in this standard



1.3 ~urnbering system. The test methods are numbered sequentially as they are introduced into this standard with the first method being number 500.

1.4 Revision of standard. Any general revision of this standard which results in a revision of sections 1, 2, or 3 will be indicated by revision letter after this standard number, together with the date of the revision.

1.5 Revision of test methods. Any revision of test methods is indicated by a decimal following the method number. For example, the original number assigned to the first test method is 500; the first revision of that method is 500.1, the second revision is 500.2, etc.

1.6 Method of reference. Test methods contained herein shall be referenced by specifying:

a. This standard number

b. Method number

c. Procedure number of required

d. Other data as called for in the individual test method.

(For example: MIL-STD-8l0C, Method 500.1, Procedure I including Method 500.1

paragraph entitled, Summary.) .

MIL-STD-810C 10 March 1975


2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein:


Military MIL-P'::1l6 MIL-S-901

MIL-G-S572 MIL-A-859l

MIL-C-9435 MIL-C-45662




Military MIL-STD-167 MIL-STD-2l0 MIL-STD-33l

Preservation-Packaging, Methods of

Shock Tests, H.I. (High Impact), Shipboard Machinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for

Gasoline, Aviation, Grades 80/87, 100/130, 115/145 Airborne Stores and Associated Suspension Equipment, General Specification for

Chamber, Explosion-Proof Testing

Calibration System Requirements

Preservation, Packaging, and Packing Materials, Test Procedures

Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment Climatic Extremes for Military Equipment

Fuze and Fuze Components, Environmental and Performance, Test For

(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)

2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.

American Society for Testing and Materials

E-297-70 Standard Methods for Calibration of Ionization Vacuum Gauge Tube

E-491-73 Standard Recommended Practice for Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Testing of Spacecraft

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)


MIL-STD-8l0C 10 March 1975

American Geophysical Union

liThe Relation of Raindrop Size to Intensity" - Laws and Parsons, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Part II, paragraphs 452-459, 1943.

(Copies of the above publication may be obtained from the American Geophysical Union, 2100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 435, Washington, D.C. 20037.)

American National Standards Institute, Inc.

S1.1 (1960 S1. 6 Z24.l0



Acoustical Terminology (Including Mechanical Shock and Vibration)

Preferred Frequencies for Acoustical Measurements Octave-Band Filter Set for the Analysis of Noise and Other Sounds

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American National Standards Institute, Incorporated; 1430 Broadway; New York, New York 10018.)

U.S. Committee on Extension to the Standard Atmosphere

U.S. Standard Atmosphere, Supplement, 1966.

(Copies of the above publication may be obtained from the Svperintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.)


3.1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the equipment specification, measurements and tests shall be made at standard ambient conditions. Standard ambient conditions are:

a. Temperature

Relative humidity

50 percent ± 30 percent

Atmospheric pressure

725 +50 mm. Hg. (28.5 +2.0 in. Hg.)

-75 -3.0

When these conditions must be closely controlled, the following shall be maintained:

b. Temperature Relative humidity

23° ± 1.4°C (73° ± 2.5°F) SO percent ± 5 percent

Atmospheric pressure

725 +50 mm. Hg. (28.5 +2.0 in. Hg.)

-75 -3.0


MIL-STD-BIOC 10 March 1975

3.1.1 Measurements of test conditions. All measurements of test condition shall be made with instruments of the accuracy specified in 3.1.3.

3.1.2 Tolerance of test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, tolerance of test conditions shall be as fOllows:

a. Air temperature at the control sensor ±1.4°C (±2.Sop). The equipment sensor response time (T) shall be 20 seconds or less. Temperature gradient across the cross-sectional area occupied by the test item shall not exceed 0.3°C (O.SOp) per foot in any direction, but never more than 2.2°C (4°F) total (equipment nonoperating).

b. PTessure: When measured by devices such as manometers, ±S percent or ±l. 5 lmIt. (0.059 inch) of mercury, whichever provides the greatest accuracy. When meas~ed by devices such as ion gages, ±10 percent to 10-5 Torr.

c. Relative humi~ at the control sensor: ±S percent.

d. Vibration amplitude: Sinusoida~ tlO percent Random: See Method 514.2.

e. Vibration frequency: ±2 percent, or ±1/2 Hz below 25 Hz.

f. Acceleration: ±10 percent.

NOTE: (T) is the time required for the sensing system to respond to 62.3 pert:ent of a step change in temperature in the measured environment.

3.1.3 Accuracy of test apparatus. The accuracy of instruments and test equipment used to control or monitor the test parameters, shall be verified and shall satisfy the requirements of MIL-C-4S662 to the satisfaction of the procuring activity. All instruments and test equipment used in conducting th~tests specified herein shall:

a. Conform to laboratory standards whose calibration is traceable to the prime standards at the U.S. Bureau of Standards.

b. Have an accuracy of at least one-third the tolerance for the variable to be measured. In the event of conflict between this accuracy and a requirement for accuracy in anyone of the test methods of this standard, the latter shall govern.


MIL-STD-8l0C 10 March197S

3.1.4 Stabilization of test temperature Operating. Unless otherwise specified, temperature stabilization will have been attained when the temperature of the part of the test item considered to have the longest thermal lag is changing no more than 2.09C (3.6°F) per hour. Exceptions may occur on large test items. Nonoperating. Unless otherwise specified, temperature stabilization will have been attained when the temperature of the part of the test item considered to have the longest thermal lag reaches a temperature within 2.0°C (3.6°F) of the presc'r.ibed temperature, except that any critical component (e.g., battery electrolyte for engine starting test) will be within 1°C (1.8°F). Exceptions may occur on large test items. When changing temperatures, the temperature of the chamber air may be adjusted up to SoC (9°F) beyond the desired end point for a period of time of up to 1 hour to reduce stabilization time, provided that the stabilization requirements of this paragraph are ultimately attained relative to the specified end point temperature, and provided the extended chamber temperatures will not cause damage to the test item.

3.2 Performance of test

3.2.1 Pretest performance record. Prior to proceeding with any of the environmental tests, the test item shall be operated under standard ambient conditions (see 3.1) to obtain data for determining satisfactory operation of the item as specified in the equipment specification, before, during and after the environmental test, as applicable. A record of specific pretest data shall be made to determine that the test item performs within prime item specification requirements. The pretest record shall also include the following, as applicable:

a. The functional parameters to be monitored during and after the test, if not specified in the equipment specification. This shall include acceptable functional limits (with permissible degradation) when operation of the test item is required.

3.2.2 Installation of test item in test facility. Unless otherwise specified, the test item shall be installed in the test facility in a manner that will simulate service usage, making connections and attaching instrumentation as necessary. Plugs, covers, and inspection plates not used in operation, but used in servicing shall remain in place. When mechanical or electrical connections are not used, the connections normally protected in service shall be adequately covered. For tests where temperature values are controlled, the test chamber shall be at standard ambient conditions when the test item is installed. The test item shall then be operated to determine that no malfunction or damage was caused due to faulty installation or handling. The


MIL-STD-8l0C 10 March 1975

requirement for operation following installation of the test item in the test facility is applicable only when operation is required during exposure to the specified test.

3.2.3 Performance check during test. When operation of the test item is required during the test exposure, suitable tests shall be performed to determine whether the test exposure is producing changes in performance when compared with pretest data.

3.2.4 Post-test data. At the completion of each environmental test, the test.item shall be inspected in accordance with the equipment specification and the results shall be compared with the pretest data obtained in accordance with 3.2.1.

3.2.5 Test data. Test data shall include complete identification of all test equipment and accessories. The data shall include the actual test sequence used and ambient test conditions recorded periodically during the test period. The test record shall contain a signature and data block for certification of the test data by the test engineer.

3.2.6 Failure criteria

a. The item shall have failed the test when any of the following occur:

(1) Monitored functional parameters deviate beyond acceptable limits established in 3.2.1.

(2) Catastrophic or structural failure.

(3) Mechanical binding or loose parts, including screws, clamps, bolts, and nuts, that clearly result in component failure or a hazard to personnel safety .•

(4) Malfunction.

(5) Degradation of performance beyond pretest record or equipment specification requirements established in 3.2.1 (record to be made after test).

NOTE: Certain types of equipment (e.g., propellants and electrically driven devices) are often expected to demonstrate lesser performance at an environmental extreme, particularly low temperature. A failure would occur only

if degradation is more than expected.

(6) Any additional deviations from acceptable criteria established before the test and recorded according to 3.2.1.


MIL- STD- 81 OC 10 March 1975

(7) Deterioration, corrosion, or change in tolerance limits of any internal or external parts which could in any manner prevent the test item from meeting operational service or maintenance requirements.

b. Any additional or different failure criteria shall be as specified in the equipment specification.

3.3 Test facilities and apparatus. Test facilities, chambers, and apparatus used in conducting the tests contained in this standard shall be capable of meeting the conditions required.

3.3.1 Test chamber Volume of test chamber. The volume of the test chamber shall be such that the bulk of the item under test will not interfere with the generation and maintenance of the test conditions. When testing multiple sample items simultaneously, the test chamber shall be of sufficient size so that each test unit is provided uniform environmental conditions and is not SUbjected to nontest environments. Heat source. The heat source of the test facility shall be so located that radiant heat from the source will not fall directly on the test item, except where application of radiant heat is one of the test condi t i on s . Location of temperature sensors. Unless otherwise specified, thermocouples or equivalent temperature sensors utilized to determine or control the specified chamber temperature shall be located centrally within the chamber, in the supply airstream, or in the return airstream whichever provides the specified test conditions at the bulk under test and shall

be baffled or otherwise protected against radiation effects. Internal air circulation. The conditioned air flow shall be suitably baffled to provide uniform air flow around the test item. If multiple test items are tested, they shall be so spaced as to provide free circulation between the test items and the chamber walls.

3.4 Test data. Test data shall include complete identification of all test equipment and accessories. The data shall include the actual test sequence used and ambient test conditions recorded periodically during

the test period. The test reco~d shall contain a signature and date block for certification of the test data by the test engineer.


4.1 See table I for recommended test sequence.


MIL-8TD-B10C 10 March 1975


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MIL-STD-SIOC 10 March 1975

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MH,...STD-810C 10 March 1975



, . 1

Individual methods for environmental testing fol1ow~

I •


. 1 Worldwide climatic environmental conditions are enumerated in MIL-STD-2lOB, limatic Extremes for Military Equipment. ASTM E491-73, Standard Recommended ractice for Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Testing of Spacecraft lists pecific solar simulation techniques .

. 2 International standardization agreement. Certain provlslons of this tandard are subject of international standardization agreement STANAG 3518 AE. hen amendment, revision, or cancellation of this standard is proposed which ffects or violates the international agreement concerned, the preparing ctivity will take appropriate reconciliation action through international tandardization channels including departmental standardization offices,

f required.


Army - EL Navy - AS

Air Force - 11

Preparing activity:

Air Force - 11

Project No. MISC-0896

~view activities:

Army - MI, MD, ME, AV, GL, TE, Mr, AT, CE Navy - SH, OS, YO, EC

Air Force - 10, 18, 19

lternationa1 interest (see 6.1)



MIL-STD-810C 10 March 1975

METHOD 500.1


PURPOSE. The altitude test is conducted to determine the effects of duced pressure on equipment. This method is applicable for the purpose determining the ability of equipment to withstand reduced pressure encounred during shipment by air and for satisfactory operation under those presre conditions found at high ground elevations.

General effects. Degrading effects may include leakage of gases or fluids )m gasket-sealed enclosures and rupture of pressurized containers. Under low :ssure conditions, low density materials may change their physical and chemi-

properties. Erratic operation or malfunction of equipment may result from :ing or corona. Greatly decreased efficiency of convection and conduction

, occur as heat transfer mechanisms under low pressure conditions are ountered.

APPARATUS. Altitude chamber.


Procedure I

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2 and maintain standard ambient temperature during the entire test.

Step 2 - Decrease the chamber pressure to 429.1 mm of Hg (16.9 inches of

Hg or 15,000 feet above sea level) at a rate not to exceed 2,000 fpm. Maintain this pressure for not less than 1 hour and then operate

the test item where applicable and obtain results in accordance

with General Requirements, 3.2. (If a sudden loss of pressure in the cargo compartment could cause failure of the test item which could damage the aircraft, the equipment shall also be tested to withstand an altitude of 40,000 feet, non-operating.)

Step 3 - With the test item not operating, return the chamber to standard ambient conditions at a rate not to exceed 2,000 fpm.

Step 4 - Operate and inspect the test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.


METHOD 500. 1 10 March 1975


3.2 Procedure II. DISCONTINUED. (See Method 504.1, procedure I).

4. SUHHARY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment specification:

a. Pretest data required

b. Failure criteria

c. Length of time required for operation and required measurements.

METHOD 500.1


MIL-STD-8l0C 10 March 1975

METHOD 501.1


1. PURPOSE. The high temperature test is conducted to determine the resistance of equipment to elevated temperatures that may be encountered during service life either in storage (without protective packaging) or under service conditions.

1.1 General effects. In equipment, high temperature conditions may cause the )ermanent set of packings and gaskets. In items of complex construction, )inciing of parts may also result due to differential expansion of dissimila~ naterials. Rubber, plastic, and plywood may tend to discolor, crack, bulge, :heck, or craze. Closure and sealing strips may partially melt and adhere to :ontacting parts .

.. 2 Procedure I is intended to approximate the exposure of equipment to a ligh temperature storage condition for a period of time prior to operation .

• 3 Procedure II is intended to approximate the cyclic high temperature ;tresses that equipment is exposed to during storage and operation.

APPARATUS. Temperature chamber.


.1 Procedure I

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 2 - Raise the internal chamber temperature to 71°C (160°F) or as specified in the equipment specification.

Step 3 - Maintain the internal chamber temperature for a period of 48 hours or as specified in the equipment specification while insuring the relative humidity is not in excess of 15 percent.

Step 4 - Adjust the internal chamber temperature to the highest operating temperature for which the test item is designed to operate and maintain until temperature stabilization of the test item is reached.


METHOD 501.1 10 March 1975


Step 5 - Operate the test item until the item is stabilized or as specified in the equipment specification, and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.4.

Step 6 - Return the test item, nonoperating to standard ambient conditior and stabilize.

Step 7 - Operate and inspect test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

NOTE: The rate of temperature change (steps 2. 4, and 6) may be the maximum attainable by the chamber, but shall not exceed IOoe (ISoF) per minute.

3.2 Procedure II

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 2 - Raise the internal chamber temperature to 49°e (120°F).

Step 3 - Maintain internal chamber temperature for 6 hours at 49°e (l20°F

Step 4 - Raise the internal chamber temperature to 7loe (160°F) within

a time period of 1 hour and then maintain at that temperature fo 4 additional hours.

Step 5 - Lower the internal chamber temperature to 49°e (120°F) within a time period of 1 hour.

Step 6 - Repeat steps 3, 4. and 5 two additional times (making a total of three l2-hour cycles).

Step 7 - Adjust the internal chamber temperature to the highest operating temperature under which the test item is designed to operate and maintain until temperature stabilization of the test item is reached.

Step 8 - Operate the test item until the item is stabilized or as specified in the equipment specification and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

METHOD 501.1



Step 9 - Return the test item, nonoperating, to standard ambient conditions and stabilize.

Step 10- Operate and inspect the test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

4. SU~~RY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment specification:

a. Procedure number

b. Pretest data required

c. Failure criteria

d. Highest operating temperature at which the test item is designed to operate

e. Length of time required for operation and required measurements

f. Internal chamber temperature if other than 71°C (160°F)

g. Internal chamber temperature dwell time if other than 48 hours.


t-fETHOD 501.1


MIL-STD-810C 10 March 1975

METHOD 502.1


1. PURPOSE. The low temperature test is conducted to determine the effects of low temperature on equipment during storage without protective packaging and service use.

1.1 General effects. Differential contraction of metal parts, loss of resiliency of packing and gaskets, and congealing of lubricants are a few of the difficulties associated with low temperature.

2. APPARATUS. Temperature chamber.


3.1 Procedure I

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 2 - Lower the internal chamber temperature to the storage temperature -57°C (-70°F) or as specified in the equipment specification and maintain for a period of 24 hours after stabilization or for the period specified in the equipment specification.

Step 3 - Inspect the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 4 - Adjust the internal chamber temperature to the lowest temperature under which the test item is designed to operate as specified in the equipment specification and maintain until temperature stabilization of the test item is reached.

Step 5 - Operate the test item until the item is stabilized or for the time specified in the equipment specification and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 6 - Return the test item, nonoperating, to standard ambient conditions and stabilize.


METHOD 501.1 10 March 1975


Step 7 - Operate and inspect the test item and obtain the results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

NOTE: The rate of temperature change (steps 2, 4, and 6) may be the maximum attainable by the chamber but shall not exceed IO°C (ISop) per minute.

4. S~~RY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment sped ficat ion:

a. Pretest data required

b. Failure criteria

c. Storage temperature and duration if different from step 2

d. Lowest operating temperature

e. Chamber air velocity, where the heat transfer rate from the surface of the test item is important

f. Length of time required for operation and required measurements.

~IETHOD 502.1


MIL-STD-810C 10 March 1975

METHOD 503.1


1. PURPOSE. The temperature shock test is conducted to determine the effects on equipment of sudden changes in temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.

1.1 General effects. Adverse effects could occur in service due to rapid altitude changes during shipments and airdrops.

2. APPARATUS. A high temperature chamber and a low temperature chamber.


3.1 Procedure I

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements 3.2 and raise the internal chamber temperature to 71°C (160°F). Maintain for a period of not less than 4 hours or until the test item stabilizes.

Step 2 - At the conclusion of this time period, the test item shall be transferred, within 5 minutes, to a cold chamqer with an internal chamber temperature of -57°C (-70°F).

Step 3 - The test item shall be exposed to this temperature for a period of not less than 4 hours or until the test item stabilizes.

Step 4 - At the conclusion of this time period, the test item shall, within 5 minutes be returned to the high temperature chamber maintained at 71°C (160°F).

Step 5 - The test item shall be exposed to this temperature for a period of not less than 4 hours or until the test item stabilizes.

Step 6 - Repeat steps 2 through 5.

Step 7 - Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Step 8 - Return the test item to standard ambient conditions and stabilize.


~!ETHOD 503.1 10 March 1975


Step 9 - Operate and inspect the test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.4.

~OTE: For step 2 and step 4, when authorized by the procuring activity, large or heavy test items shall be transferred from one chamber to the other in the minimum practical times.

4. SUMr.IARY. The following details shall be specified in the equipment specificat ion:

a. Pretest data required

b. Failure criteria.

METHOD 503.1


MIL-STD-SlOC 10 March 1975

METHOD 504.1


1. PURPOSE. The temperature-altitude test is conducted to determine the ability of equipment to operate satisfactorily under simultaneously applied varying conditions of low pressure and high/low temperature. The equipment category, as used in this method, is determined by the required altitude operating range and the required sea level continuous operating temperature delineated in table 504.1-1.

1.1 General effects. Deleterious effects to be anticipated include leakage of gases or fluids from sealed enclosures, rupture of pressurized containers, congealing of lubricants, cracking or rupture of materials due to contraction or expansion, short circuiting of electrical wiring and other damaging effects which might be expected from exposure to any of the above environments singly. In addition, equipment dependent on a convection type cooling system may be affected due to the reduction of efficiency of heat dissipation in less dense air.

2. APPARATUS. Temperature-altitude chamber and auxiliary thermal sensors with associated recording devices (see note (a)).


3.1 Procedure I. The test item shall be prepared in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. In general, the testing schedule outlined in table 504.1-11 shall be fOllowed. However, each step in table 504.1-11 represents a condition which the test item may encounter in service; therefore, each step may be applied independently of the others. For operating conditions other than

those specified in table 504.1-1, the alternate temperature-altitude conditions in figures 504.1-1, 504.1-2, 504.1-3, or 504.1-4 shall be used. When changing chamber conditions from those required for one step to those required for any other step, in the sequence given in table 504.1-11 or in any sequence, the rates of temperature and pressure changes may be the maximum attainable by the chamber, but these rates shall not exceed 1°C (l.SOF) per second for airborne equipment or 10°C (lSOF) per minute for test equipment and 0.5 inch of mercury per second. Pressures for altitude tables are contained in U. S. Standard Atmosphere supplement, 1966.


METHOD 504.1 10 March 1975


TABLE 504.l-I. Equipment Categories for Temperature-Altitude Tests


AL T I Too£ RANGE (Fr)




NONI--~--"""'I-NT-E-~-'-T--r--S-HO-R"'~-- --hPERAT I


Su Leyel to " 70;000

-54 to 71 71 to 95 :';6.2 to .. 95.


)( -
)( Sh LeII'll til 30,000

Scia Li,vtl to

!i'o ,000

-6~ to 85

Sea Lev,l to 100,000 (9S0C Continuous Se, Level Oper,t ion)

-54 to 95

1,25 to 150 -6~to J25


S .•. ~/L.~'l to 1()q,999.JJ250~ C9~tjnl.I.':'~f. Sell levP.l CTp.,..t io~)

·,54' to 125

l:;;i to 150 1')010 2M

-1>2 to l~O

x - Applicable equipment mode at specified temperature and altitude Notes:


2. 3.

Thirty minutes of operation followed by a fifteen-minute de-energized Ten minutes of operation followed by a fiftr;:?· , .. minute de-energized per Air transp"rtation to 15,000 ft except where a sudden loss of pressure the cargo¢ompartment could cause failure of the test item which could d~fW~<the aircraft, the equipme1)it shall also he tested to withstand a altitude of 40,000 feet, non-operating.

METHOD 504.1



Step la -

With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber temperature to that specified in step la of table 504.1-11. After

the test item temperature has stabilized, the chamber pressure shall be adjusted to simulate the altitude specified in step

la of table 504.1-11. Maintain these test conditions for at least the length of time specified in step la of table 504.1-11. At the conclusion of this time period the test item shall,

to the extent practical, be visually inspected for the presence of deterioration which would impair future operation.

(Equipment Categories 1 & 2 only)

Step lb -

With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified instep 16 of table 504.1-11. After the test item temperature has stabilized, maintain

these test conditions for at least the length of time specified in step lb of table 504.1-1I. Where it is possible, without changing the test conditions, the test item shall be visually inspected for the presence of deterioration which would impair future operation.

(All Equipment Categories)

Step 2 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified in step 2 of table 504.1-11. These chamber test conditions shall be maintained throughout this step. After the test item temperature has stabilized, the test item shall be operated at the lowest specified input voltage (see note (b)). The test item shall operate satisfactorily immediately following the specified warmup time (see note (c)). The test item shall be de-energized and restabilized at the temperature

specified in step 2 of table 504.1-11. The above operational sequence shall be repeated two additional times.

Step 3 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber temperature to that specified in step 3 of table 504.1-11. The test item temperature shall be stabilized. The test item shall be energized at the highest specified input voltage (see note Cd)) and the chamber pressure adjusted

to simulate the altitude specified in step 3 of table 504.1-Il. Upon reaching the specified chamber pressure and while maintaining the chamber temperature, the test item shall

be checked for satisfactory operation and the results



METHOD 504. 1


Step 4 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified in step 4 of table 504.1-11. After the test item temperature has stabilized, the chamber door shall be opened and frost permitted to form on the test item (see note (e)). The door shall remain open long enough for the frost to melt, but not long enough for the moisture to evaporate. The chamber door shall be closed and the test item operated at the highest specified. input voltage (see note (d)) to ascertain satisfactory operation immediately following the specified warmup time. The test item shall be energized and deenergized at least three times.

Step 5 - Adjust the chamber test conditions to standard ambient conditions. After the test item temperature has stabilized, an operational and performance check of the test item shall be made and the results compared with the data obtained in General Requirements, 3.2.1, and evaluated using the failure criteria of General Requirements, 3.2.4.

Step 6 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified in step 6 of table 504.1-11. The test item temperature shall be stabilized and then maintained for at least the length of time specified in step 6 of table 504.1-U. At the conclusion of this time period, where practicable, the test item shall be visually inspected for any deterioration.

Step 7 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified in step 7 of table 504.1-11. After the test item temperature has stabilized and while maintaining the chamber temperature. operate the test

item continuously at the highest specified input voltage (see note Cd)) for the length of time specified in step 7

of table 504.1-11. Thermal sensor readings of the test iterr temperature shall be recorded every 30 minutes. At the

end of the ti~e period specified in step 7 of table 504.1-11 and while maintaining the test conditions, the test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation and the results recorded.

METHOD 504.1



Step 8 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified in step 8 of table S04.I-II and maintain until completion of the fourth operating time period. After the test item temperature has stabilized, the test item shall be operated at the highest specified input voltage (see note (d)) for four time peri~ds each of the duration specified in step 8 of

table 504.1-1I. The first three time periods of operation shall be fOllowed by a IS-minute period with the test

item de-energized. The test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation during each operating time period and the results recorded. Thermal sensor readings of the test item temperature shall be recorded every 10 minutes of test item operation.

Step 9 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber test conditions to those specified in step 9 of table 504.1-11 and maintain until completion of the fourth operating time period. After the test item temperature has stabilized, the test item shall be operated at the highest specified input voltage (see note (d)) for four time periods each

of the duration specified in step 9 of table 504.1-11. The first three periods of operation shall be followed by a IS-minute period with the test item de-energized. , The test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation during

each operating time period and the results recorded. Thermal sensor readings of the test item temperature shall be recorded at the beginning and end of each operating time period.

Step 10 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber temperature to that specified in step 10 of table 504.1-11. The test item temperature shall be stabilized. The test

item shall be operated at the highest specified input

voltage (see note Cd)) and the chamber pressure adjusted

to simulate the altitude specified in step 10 of table 504.1-11. Maintain these test conditions for the length

of time specified in step 10 of table 504.1-11. Thermal sensor readings of the test item temperature shall be recorded every 30 minutes. At the end of the time period specified in step 10 of table 504.1-11, and while maintaining the test conditions, the test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation and the results recorded.


METHOD 504.1


Step 11 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber temperature to that specified in step 11 of table 504.1-11 (see note (f)), and maintain until completion of the fourth operating time period. The test item temperature shall be stabilized. The test item shall

be energized at the highest specified input voltage

(see note Cd)) and the chamber pressure adjusted to simulate the altitude specified in step 11 of table 504.l-I1. The test item shall be operated for four

time periods each of the duration specified in step 11 of table 504.1-I1. The first three time periods of operation shall be followed by a IS-minute period with the test item de-energized. The test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation during each operating time period and the results recorded. Thermal sensor readings of the test item temperature shall be recorded every 10 minutes of test item operation.

Step 12 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber temperature to that specified in step 12 of table 504.1-II (see note (f)). The test item temperature shall be stabilized. The test item shall then be energized at the highest specified input voltage (see note Cd)) and the chamber pressure adjusted to simulate the altitude speci-

-fied in step 12 of table 504.l-1I. Maintain these test conditions for the length of time specified in step 12

of table 504.1-11. Thermal sensor readings of the test item temperature shall be recorded every 30 minutes. At the end of the time period specified in step 12 or table 504.I-II, and while maintaining the test conditions, the test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation and the results recorded.

Step 13 - With the test item de-energized, adjust the chamber temperature to that specified in step 13 of table 504.1-II (see note Cf)), and maintain until completion of the fourth operating time period. The test item temperature shall be stabilized. The test item shall be energized

at the highest specified input voltage (see note Cd)) and the chamber pressure adjusted to simulate the altitude specified in step 13 of table 504.1-II. The test item

shall be operated for four time periods as specified in

step 13 of table 504.1-11. The first three time periods

of operation shall be followed by a IS-minute period with the test item de-energized. The test item shall be checked for satisfactory operation during each operating time period and the results recorded. Thermal sensor readings shall be recorded every 10 minutes of test item operation.


METHOD 504.1


Step 14 - WHh tne ,tes~~~~JIl:c:l~~ep~rgizeq,adjuS,tthechamper temRera~Hrtto. tha~~:p.ec~fied in~tep.~4 of:tahh~ .p04.l-II (Scee1')ot~.(f))~ .rnd Fai~tain untd l. co.lIlpletio.n(o.f t.he

fo.urth o.peratingtime perio.d. The test item temperature

S.rallpt.~ta.bi,1ized, .. 'I'he test itelP,sha.llbe eJ)erg·ized a~th~ <h~~hes,t sp<~cift~ditl:PH;t . vQ:J, tage(s~e . no.te • (d) )

and the ch~uJlber pressure adjusted to. simnlate the a l t i.-

tH~~spetified in step.!4jof tap+e S04.klI. Thert es t

i~em s~al1 .. Pe o.perat~QfQu;rt.imy. p.~riOds,j,ea.ch of the 9}lration;s,pectfie9.ip .. s.~ep 14,o.f;able ', 504,,1:11, and shan b~) fo.l~9weQ 'py 8., 15-lIlip\l}ep~riqcI'iHht~e testi~em deenergized. The test item shall be checked fo.r satisfacto.ry

o.peTr~Jqll c:lurin¥e8.Cro.Perating,~imepe;rio.d8.n<lthe results recprded. " .The;rl!lal~el1So.r readi.p.gs( of: the test .itero temperat\lre shr14" p,e r~co:rd~Q at the. begillnillg and end. of each o.perating time periQd.

Step 15 - Adjust the cha.I!lb~r t~st .. co.l1ditio.ns to. st andard ambiep} co.nditio.ns. After the test item temperature hasstabitized, an o.perationa1 and perfo.rmance check o.f the test item shall be made and the results compared w.ith the data o.btained in General Requirements, 3.2.1, and evaluated using the, criteria pi GeneraL. Requi:reroent.s 3.2.4.


a. The following guidelines are provided for co.nsideration when determining location of thermal sensors used to. monitor the test, items:

(1) One 0.1' mo.re sensors in the ambient air within each major unit.

(2) Contact temperature on the largest mass in each major unit.

(3) Contact temperature on the partes) where the highest surface temperature is expected.

(4) Contact temperature o.n the partes) whose temperature is likely to. limit equipment perfo.rmance.

b. For equipment other than electronic equipment, the input conditions shall be such as to produce the minimum internal physical st r ess .


METHOD 504.1


c. All characteristics which are likely to be affected by low temperatures shall be checked first. Should the time required to check the test item exceed 15 minutes beyond the warmup time, the test item shall again be stabilized at the temperature specified for step 2 in table 504.1-I1 and the operatio~al check continued.

d. For equipment other than electronic equipment, the input condition~ shall be such as to produce the maximum internal physical stress.

e. When the chamber door is opened it is intended that frost will form; however, should the relative humidity of the air be such that frost will not form, an artificial means shall be used to ~rovide the relative humidity necessary to have frost form.

f. Following those steps where a change in temperature at low pressure is required, the pressure may be increased to ambient before changing the temperature and then returned to the required pressure following temperature stabilization.

4. SUMMARY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment specifications:

a. Pretest data required

b. Pertinent equipment operation parameters limits (input voltage, etc.)

c. Failure criteria.

METHOD 504.1




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METI-lOD 504.1









I- 40 UJ UJ u,


o _', ... _." '_


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I- 20



, .... 'It . _. ~ ._



I 40

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1. Curve A'- Design and Test Requirements fo~ continuous operation.

2. Curve B - Design and Test Requi~ement8 for intermittent ope~ation.

,j, Operating requirements for Catego~y 1 equipmen t ar6 fo~ continuous operation with temperatu~e extremes of' OOc and 55°C.

FIGURE 504.1-1 Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Categories 1 through 5 Equipment.

METHOD 504.1 504.1-10








140 176


U- 50
or:( -54



60 71 80




1. CUl'Ve A - Design anti test r e q ui remen t e fol' continuous opel'ation.

2. CUl've B - Design and test requirements fol' i"te~mi~tent op e r a t i on,

fGURE 504.1-2 Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Category 6 Equipment.


METHOD 504.1



-22 32 50 86 122 158 194 230 266 302

I.&J 70
0 60
I.&J 50
- 40
, .. ~.
NOTES: ....... ~...,_-~----CURVE A \..--~---CURVE B ~--CURVE. C


1. CUl've A - De e i.qn and test r eo u i nemen z e foro continuous opel'ation of equipment designed to opel'ate ~t 95°C at sea l.eue l.,

2. 'CUroV6 B - Design and test roequiroements foro intel'mittent operoation of equipment.designed to operate continuously at B5°C' at sea level.

3. CUl'TJe C - Design and test l'equil'ements foro e h a rt: tim« operation of equipment desi.gned to opel'ate continuously

at '95°C at sea' t eve l •. .'

FIGURE 504.1-3 Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Category 7 Equipment.

METHOD 504.1 504.1-12






212 '




UJ 70
0 60
Z 50
0 40
t- 30
10 ." .......
~54 20 60 100 125 150 180 220 260

1. Curve A - Design and test »e qu i r emen t e for eon t in uoue operation of equipment designed to operate at 125°C at sea level.

2. Curve B - Design and test requirements for intermittent operation of equipment designed to operate continuously ~ 125°C at sea level.

3. Curve C - Design and test requirement. for short time operation of equipment designed to op_rate continuously at 125°C at sea level.

FIGURE 504.1-4 Temperature Versus Altitude Operational Requirements for Category 8 Equipment.


METHOD 504.1


MIL-STD-810C 10 March 1975

METHOD 505.1


1. PURPOSE. The sunshine test is conducted to determine the effect of solar radiation energy on equipment in the Earth's atmosphere. For the purpose of this test, only the terrestrial portion of the solar spectrum is considered. The limits and energy levels specified herein provide the simulated effects of natural sunshine. The ultraviolet portion simulates natural sunshine in

a general way and is considered to be representative of irradiation in most geographical locations. The sunshine tes!s are applicable to equipment which may be exposed to solar radiation during service or unsheltered storage at the Earth's surface or in the lower atmosphere.

1.1 General effects. Heating effects may cause bending, differential expansion, bulging, cracking, crazing, softening and melting, overheating, binding, permanent set of gaskets, etc. Degradation from spectral energy input is manifested as fading of fabric colors, checking of paints and deterioration of natural rubber and plastics.

1.2 Procedure I. Accelerated steady state, solar radiation test; equipment nonoperating.

1.3 Procedure II. Accelerated cycling temperature and solar radiation test. This procedure is intended to simulate natural cycling temperature and solar radiation conditions. It is used either for evaluating heating effects on a real time basis, or for determining the temperature equipment reaches under the severest required conditions.

2. APPARATUS. Solar radiation chamber.

2.1 Chamber. The test chamber volume shall be a minimum of ten times that

of the volume of the envelope volume of the test item. The chamber's simulated solar radiation source area shall be a minimum of 125 percent of the horizontal area projection of the test item.

2.2 Solar radiation source. For the purposes of this test, the following spectral distribution of solar radiation is acceptable: 50 to 72 watts/ft2 of infrared (of wavelengths above 7,800 angstrom units), 4 to 7 watts/ft2

of ultraviolet (of wavelengths below 3,800 angstrom units), and the balance visible. The radiation source shall be located at least 30 inches away from any outer surface of the test item. (Lamp vendor's spectral distribution curves may be used in establishing the spectral distribution within the above specified limits. U. S. Bureau of Standards traceability of this vendor data is waived).


METHOD 505.1 10 March 1975


2.2.1 Lamps. Tests which are conducted for degradation and deterioration of materials, as well as heat buildup within the test item, may use one of the following acceptable radiation sources:

a. Mercury vapor lamps (internal reflector type only)

b. Combination of incandescent spot lamps (including infrared filters) together with tubular type mercury vapor lamps with external reflectors

c. Combination of incandescent spot lamps (including infrared filters) togeth~r with mercury vapor lamps with internal reflectors

d. Ca~bon arc lamps with suitable reflectors

e. Merc~ry xenon arc lamps with suitable reflectors

f. Mercury vapor and Luco l ux lamps with suitable reflectors, or

g. Multivapor lamps with suitable reflectors.

This list is not intended to exclude new lamps available by advanced technology.

2.2.2 Tests which are conducted only for heat buildup within the test item may use infrared lamps of the incandescent type or other radiant heating source ~pproved by the procuring activity.

2.3 Solar radiation measurement. Solar radiation intensity shall be measured with a pyranometer in accordance with General Requirements, 3.1.3.


3.1 Procedure I. Accelerated steady state, solar radiation test, equipment nonoperating. The test item shall be placed in the test chamber in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.2, and exposed to radiant energy at the rate of 104 ±4 watts per square foot (355 ±14 BTU per square foot per hour) or as specified in the equipment specification. The period of the test shall be

48 hours (or longer if specified in the equipment specification) during which time the chamber temperature shall be maintained at 49 ±2°C (120°F). At the conclusion of the exposure period, and with the chamber temperature maintained as specified. the test item shall be operated and the results obtained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. The test item shall then be returned. to room temperature, inspected, and results obtained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

~[ETHOD 505.1



2 Procedure II. Accelerated cycling temperature and solar radiation test. e test item shall be prepared in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. ise the chamber air temperature to 32°C (gO°F). The test item shall then

exposed to three continuous 24-hour cycles of controlled simulated solar jiation and dry bulb temperature as indicated in figure 505.1-1 or as spe2i~d in the equipment specification. Tolerances for control of radiation

111 be ±S watts/ft2. Tolerances for air temperature control shall be ±2 ).6°F). At the beginning and end of each test cycle, the chamber relative nidity (uncontrolled) shall be less than 40 percent. The air velocity in

: chamber shall be maintained within 3 to 6 knots (300 to 600 ft/min). ~~en ?cified in the equipment specification, at 1,500 houFs of the third cycle

7 at the approximate point of peak test item temperature), the test item

ill be operated for I hour and results shall be obtained in accordance with leral Requirements, 3.2. At the conclusion of the last exposure, the test ~m shall be removed from the chamber and operated and inspected and results :ained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. If the test item is 'rated during the test, it shall be returned to room ambient before the

lal operation; otherwise the final operation shall be performed as soon as

, test item is removed from the chamber.

°E: The test item mayor may not be operated throughout the test at the ion of the equipment specification. When evaluation of heating effects is lortant, operation at least at peak temperature should be specified. For 'tain one-shot items (e.g., rockets) thermocouples affixed t ovc r i t i ca I porns of the test item should be used to determine time and value of peak

rpe rat ure . The time of operat ion shall coincide with peak temperature.

Sill'~RY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment cification.

Procedure number

Pretest data required

Failure criteria

Number of cycles if other than three (Procedure II)

Temperature and solar radiation intensity, if other than given in procedure I procedure II

Indicate the operation and inspection required of the test item or to be formed (if any) on the test item during the test cycles, including the

rt and duration of each indicated operation or inspection of the test item.


~fETHOD 505. I


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UJ a..

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a:: 26 <t




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o 6 f 1 12 15 18 20



CYCLE·· - ..


Figure 505.1-1. Accelerated Solar Radiation Cycle (Procedure II)

METI-lOD 505. 1 505.1- 4

MIL-STD-S10C 10 March 1975

METHOD 506.1


1. PURPOSE. The rain test is conducted to determine the effectiveness of protective covers or cases to shield equipment from rain. This test is applicable to equipment which may be exposed to rain under service conditions. Where a requirement exists for determining the effects of rain erosion on radomes, nose cones, etc., a rocket sled test facility or other such facility should be considered. Since any test procedure evolved would be contingent

on requirements peculiar to the test item and the facility employed~ a standardized test procedure for rain erosion is not included in this test method.


2.1 Procedure I. Rain chamber with wind source.

2.2 Procedure II. Rain chamber.

2.3 Chamber. The rain chamber shall have the capability of producing falling rain and for procedure I a facility for producing wind blowing at the rates specified herein. The chamber temperature shall be uncontrolled, except as regulated by water introduced as rain, throughout the test period. The rain shall be produced by a water distribution device of such design that the

water is emitted in the form of droplets having a diameter range between 0.5 and 4.5 millimeters. The temperature of the water shall be between 11° and 35°C (52° and 95°F). The water distribution shall be such that, with the

wind source turned off, the rain is dispersed completely over the test item and an additional test area to accomplish the wind blown rain effects on the equipment. The wind source shall be so positioned with respect to the test item that it will cause the rain to beat directly, with variations up to 45° from the horizontal, and uniformly against one side of the test item. The wind source shall be capable of producing horizontal wind velocities up to

40 miles per hour. The wind velocity shall be measured at the position of

the test item, prior to placement of the item in the chamber. No rust or corrosive contaminants shall be imposed on the test item by the test facility.

(A recommended method of measuring raindrop size is the flour pellet method as referenced in "The Relation of Raindrop Size to Intensity" by Laws and Parsons, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Part II, pps 452 to 459, -1943).


METHOD 506.1 10 March 1975



3.1 Procedure I (cycling). The procedure is intended for evaluating equipment used outdoors under blowing rain conditions. The test item shall be placed in the chamber in its normal operation position in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. The test item shall be exposed to a simulated rain at a rate of

2 ±O.S inches per hour for 10 minutes. The rate of rainfall shall then be raised to 5 ±l inches per hour and held at this rate for 5 minutes. The rate shall then be reduced to 2,±0.5 inches per hou~ for the next IS minutes. Starting 5 minutes after the initiation of the rain, the wind source shall be turned o.n and adjusted to produce a horizontal wind velocity of 40 miles per hour (3,.500 feet per minute). The wind source shall be maintained at this velocity for 15 minutes after which the wind source shall be turned off.

NOTE: If specified in the equipment specification, the test item shall be operated during the last 10 minutes of the 30-minute rain. Each of the sides of the test item that could be exposed to blown rain shall be subjected to the rain for a period of not less than 30 minutes, for a total test duration of not less than 2 hours. At the conclusion of the test period, the test item shall be removed from the test chamber. operated, inspected, and results obtained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. The protective cover or case shall, where possible, then be removed and the test item inspected for compliance with General Requirements, 3.2.

3.2 Procedure II, For simulation of steady-state rainfall.

St~p 1 - Place the test item in the chamber in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.2 and orient in such a manner as to allow impingement of the rain on the item normal (90°) to its horizontal plane.

Step 2 - Produce a simulated falling rain in the test chamber stabilized at a constant rate of 2 ±O.S inches per hour.

Step 3 - Reorient the test item to an angle of 45° from the horizontal plane of step 1 and index the item around its center axis periodically to allow exposure to rainfall of all the significant surfaces of the test item.

Step 4 - Expose the test item to the simulated falling rain for a total time of not less than 2 hours, which shall represent the sum of equal exposure periods in the orientation modes of steps 1 and 3.

METHOD 506.1 506.1-2


Step 5 - If specified in the equipment specification, execute performance checks on the test item during exposure to the rain as prescribed in General Requirements, 3.2.3.

Step 6 - At the conclusion of the rain exposure, remove the test item from the chamber, sponge or lightly wipe accumulated moisture from its exterior surfaces, open its case or protective covers, if possible, and visually inspect the test item for compliance with General Requirements, 3.2.6.

Step 7 - Upon completion of the step 6 visual inspection, perform operational checks on the test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

4. SU~~~RY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment specification:

a. Procedure number

b. Pretest data required

c. Failure criteria

d. Whether equipment is to operate during rain and length of time required for operation and measurements.


METHOD 506.1


MI L-STD-81 OC 10 March 1975

METHOD 507.1


1. PURPOSE. The humidity test is conducted to determine the r e s i st ance of equipment to the effects of exposure to warm, highly humid atmosphere such as is encountered in tropical areas. This is an exaggerated environmental test, accomplished by the continuous exposure of the equipment to high relative humidity at cycling elevated temperatures. These conditions impose a vapor pressure on the equipment under test which constitutes the major

force behind the moisture migration and penetration.

1.1 General effects. Corrosion is one of the principal effects of humidity. Hygroscopic materials are sensitive to moisture and may deteriorate rapidly under humid conditions. Absorption of moisture by many materials results in swelling, which destroys their functional utility and causes loss of physical strength and changes in other important mechanical properties. Insulating materials which absorb moisture may suffer degradation of their electrical and thermal properties. Cycling temperature and humidity may causecondensation of moisture inside of the equipment which could cause the equipment to malfunction due to electrical shorts or cause binding due to corrosion or fouling of lubricants between moving parts.

2. APPARATUS. Humidity-temperature chamber and associated equipment.

2.1 Chamber. The chamber and accessories shall be constructed and arranged

in such a manner as to avoid condensate dripping on the test item. The chamber shall be trap-vented to the atmosphere to prevent the buildup of total pressure. Relative humidity shall be determined from the dry bulb-wet bulb thermometer comparison method or an equivalent method approved by the procuring activity. When readout charts are used, they shall be capable of being read with a resolution within 0.6°C (l°F). When the wet bulb control method is used, the wet bulb and tank shall be cleaned and a new wick installed at least every 30 days. The air velocity flowing across the wet bulb shall be not less than 900 feet per minute. Provisions shall be made for controlling the flow of air throughout

the internal chamber test space where the velocity of air shall not exceed

150 feet per minute. Steam or distilled, demineralized, or deionized water having a pH value between 6.0 and 7.2 at 23°C (73°F) shall be used to obtain

the specified humidity. No rust or corrosive contaminants shall be imposed

on the test item by the test facility.


METHOD 507.1 10 March 1975



3.1 Procedure I. Airborne electronic equipment.

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2. Prior to starting the test, the internal chamber temperature shall be at standard ambient with uncontrolled humidity.

Step 2 - Gradually raise internal chamber temperature to 65°C (149°F) and the relative humidity to 95 +5 -3 percent over a period of 2 hours.

Step 3 - Maintain conditions of step 2 for not less than 6 hours.

Step 4 - Maintain 85 percent, or greater, relative humidity and reduce internal chamber temperature in 16 hours to 30°C (86°F).

Step 5 - Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for a total of 10 cycles (not less than 240 hours). Figure 507.1-1 is an outline of the humidity cycle for this procedure.

Step 6 - At the end of the tenth cycle, while still at 30°C (86°F) and 85 percent relative humidity, operate the test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 7 - Remove and inspect the test item and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

3.2 Procedure II. Ground and airborne electronic equipment.

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2, except that initial measurements are taken in step 4.

Step 2 - Dry the test item at 54°C (129°F) for 24 hours.

Step 3 - Condition the test item at 23°C (73°F) and 50 flO percent relative humidity for 24 hours.

Step 4 - Take initial measurements in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.1

METHOD 507.1



NOTE: The test item may be readjusted or realigned. as necessary, to meet specification requirements. No further realignment or readjustment shall be permitted throughout the test period, other than with accessible controls employed for operation of the test item. No repair or replacement of parts shall be permitted. Equipment shall be operated only when specified test measurements are being performed.

Step 5 - Raise the internal chamber temperature to 30°C (86°F) and. the relative humidity to 94 ±4 percent.

Step 6 - Subject the test item to five continuous 48-hour cycles in accordance with figure 507.1-2. Take measurements in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.3 at the periods shown on figure 507.1-2, unless otherwise specified in the equipment specification. Prior to measurements, accumulated moisture

may be removed by turning the test item upside down or shaking. Wiping is not permitted. (Certain operating procedures require an effective preconditioning of the test item environment prior to operation. When this occurs, the period of measurement shall be kept as short as possible.)

Step 7 - After completion of step 6 cycling, condition the test item for 24 hours at 23°C (73°F) and 50 ±10 percent relative humidity.

Step 8 - Operate the test item, adjusting for optimum performance only as permitted in step 4 note, and compare with data obtained in step 4.

Step 9 - Inspect the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.4 within an hour.

3.3 Procedure III. Ground and airborne sealed electronic equipment (other than hermetic sealed).

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

Step 2 - Dry the test item at 54°C (129°F) for 24 hours.

Step 3 - Condition the test item at 23°C (73°F) and 50 ±10 percent relative humidity for 24 hours.

Step 4 - Take initial measurements in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.1.

NOTE: The test item may be realigned or readjusted as necessary to meet specification requirements. No further realignment or readjustment shall be


METHOD 507.1



~ 60

r'I n • . )

{ . . ~

FJ 40

~ ?O




95% t ABOVE 05%



o 2 8







FIGURE 507.1-1. Humidity Cycle - Procedure I

METHOD 507.1 507.1-4



L150 I litO

~ 130 g:.

120 .......

I f'1

r110 ~ J-100 ~


90 ~

80 ~



ILl ~

~ 40 t:1 35







u o


r 2 4 6 8 10 12 1" 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 '0 ~2 44 46 41
I .. I
~ 1 CYCLE • 48 HOURS
FIGURE 507.1-2. Humidity Cycle Procedures II and III NOTES:

1. Tolerance during temperature change shall be not greater than 3°e (SOp).

2. Relative humidity shall be maintained at 94 +4 percent at all times, except that during the descending temperature period, the relative humidity may be permitted to drop as low as 85 percent.

3. Rate of temperature change between 30° and 6Soe (860 and 149°p) shall be not less than 8°e (14.4°F) p~r hour.

4. The temperature increase in this portion of the curve shall be not less than lODe (18°p).

S. Test measurements shall be taken only at the period specified in the applicable equipment or system specification.

METHOD 507.1



permitted throughout the test period other than with accessible controls employed for operation of the test item. No repair or replacement of parts shall be permitted. Equipment shall not be operated, except when specified test measurements are being performed.

Step 5 - Raise the internal chamber temperature to 30°C (86 of) and the relative humidity to 94 ±4 percent.

Step 6 - Subject the test item to five continuous 4S-hour cycles in acco ance with figure 507.1-2. The relative humidity shall be maintained at 94 ±4 percent at all times. Take measurements in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.3 at the periods show on figure 507.1-2 unless otherwise specified in the equipment specification. Prior to measurements, accumulated moisture may be removed by turning the test item upside down or shaking. Wiping is not permitted. (Certain operating procedures require. an effective preconditioning of the test item environment prior to operation. When this occurs, the period of measurement shal be kept as short as possible.)

Step 7 - After completion of the step 6 cycling, open the test item and remove the chassis from its enclosure, in the test chamber.

Step 8 - Maintain the internal test chamber temperature at 30°C (86°F) with the relative humidity at 94 ±4 percent for 480 hours. During the last 5 hours of exposure, take measurements as specified in the equipment specification. Additional measurements may be made at the end of each 24-hour period, if so specified in the equipment specification. Prior to measurement accumulated moisture may be removed by turning the test item up si~~ n0wn or shaking. Wiping is not permitted. For electronic eqi, ';Il1"nt, if removal of the test chassis from its enclosure will, of itself, adversely affect the operation of the test ite! the test item may be replaced in its enclosure for measurements

Step 9 - After completion of the 480-hour test, condition the test item at 23°C (73°p) and 50 ±IO percent relative humidity for 24 hour:

Step 10 - Adjust the test item to optimum performance only as permitted in the step 4 note.

Step 11 - Operate and inspect the test item, and obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2, within 1 hour.

METHOD 507.1



3.4 Procedure IV. Ground fire control and shipboard equipment.

Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements 3.2.

Step 2- Dry the test item at a temperature of not less than 400t (104 of nor more than SO°C (l22°p) for not less than 2 hours.

Step 3 - Condition the test item at 2So ±SOC (77° ±9°p) and 50 percent relative humidity for 24 hours.

Step 4 - Take initial measurements as specified in the equipment specification in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

NOTE: The test item may be readjusted or realigned as necessary to conform to the equipment specification requirements. No further realignment or readjustment shall be permitted throughout the test period other than with accessible controls, external to the test item, employed for operation of the test item. If repairs, replacement of parts, or adjustments other than by the accessible external controls are made at any time prior to completion of the measyrements required at the end of the fifth cycle, all five of the 24-hour cycles"~hall be repeated. Repairs include any change to the test item that is not made by use of the accessible controls external to the test item. ,The test item shall only be operated when specified test measurements are being performed.

Step 5 - Subject the test item to five 24-hour cycles in accordance with figure 507.1-3. A 24-hour cycle consists of 16 hours

at 60° ±5°C (140° ±9°p) and approximately 8 hours at 300±SoC (86° ±9°p) (includes transition times). The relative humidity shall be maintained at 9S percent, or greater, at both temperatures. Each transition time between 30° ±SOC (86° ±9°P) and 60° ±SOC (140° ±90F) shall be not greater than 1-1/2 hours.

The relative humidity during each transition need not be controlled. Approximately 2 hours after stabilization during the high temperature and low temperature portions of the first or second cycle, a sampling of the atmosphere in the chamber shall be made to determine that the conditions of temperature and relative humidity are uniform throughout the chamber.

Measurements as specified in the equipment specification shall be made during the second cycle at 60° ±5°C (140° ±gOp) immediately prior to decreasing to 30° ±SOC (86° ±90F).

The test item shall be energized only a sufficient time to allow the required warmup and measurements specified in the equipment specification.


METHOD 507.1

Step 6 - After completion of the fifth cycle with the test item in the chamber and the chamber at 30° ±SOC (86° ±gOp) and a relative humidity of not less than 95 percent, take measurements spcc i fied in the equipment specification (no repair, realignment, readjustment or replacement of parts shall be made, except as specified herein). Obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.


Step 7 - Condition the test item at 25° ±5°C (77° ±90F) and 50 ±s percer relative humidity for not less than 12 hours nor more than

24 hours.

Step 8 - While at 25° ±5°C (77° ±gOp) and 50 percent relative humidity, take measurements as specified in the equipment specification.

Step 9 - Inspect test item to detect evidence of physical degradation (such as corrosion of metal parts, distortion of plastic parts, and insufficient lubrication of moving parts) in accordance wit General Requirements, 3.2.

3.5 Procedure V. Ammunition and natural environment cycles.

'Step 1 - Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2, except that initial measurements are taken in step S.

'Step 2 - Dry the test item at 54°C (l2g0p) for 24 hours.

Step 3 - Condition the test item at 23°C (73°p) and 50° ± 10 percent relative humidity for 24 hours.

Step 4 - Gradually raise the internal chamber temperature to 40.5 °c (105°p) and gO percent relative humidity in 2 hours.

Step 5 - Take initial measurements in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

NOTE: The test item may be readjusted or realigned as necessary to meet specification requirements. No further readjustment or realignment shall be permitted throughout the test period other than w i th accessible controls employed for operation of the test item. No repair or replacement of parts shall be permitted. Equipment shall be operated only when specified test measurements are being performed.

METHOD 507.1



Step 6 - Maintain the internal chamber temperature at 40.SoC (lOSoF) and the relative humidity at 90 percent for 16 hours.

Step 7 - Gradually decrease the internal chamber temperature to 21°C (70°F) and increase the relative humidity to 95 percent in 2 hours.

Step 8 - Maintain the internal chamber temperature at 21 °c (70°F) and the relative humidity at 95 percent for 4 hours.

Step 9 - Repeat steps 4, 6, 7, and 8 for a total of 20 cycles (480 hours).

Take measurements as specified in the equipment specification. Prior to measurements, accumulated moisture may be removed by turning the test item upside down or shaking. Wiping is not permitted. Figure 507.1-4 is an outline of the humidity cycle for this procedure.

Step 10 - After completion of step 9 cycling, operate the test item adjusting for optimum performance only as permitted in step 5 note, and inspect the test item to obtain results in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2 within 1 hour.

4. SUMMARY. The fOllowing details shall be specified in the equipment specification:

a. Procedure number

b. Pretest data required

c. Failure criteria

d. Periods at which measurements are to be taken

e. Method for determining purity of water if a more precise method is desired. (An alternate to pH criteria is to perform a conductivity measurement. The maximum acceptable value would be that resistance which is equivalent to 3.5 parts per million total ionized SOlids.)

f. If test item must be exposed to extreme temperature prior to test (procedure I).

g. Number of cycles if other than 20 (procedure V, step 9).

h. Whether cycle is to be limited to first 24 hours (procedure II, step 6).


HETHOD 507.1


METHOD 507.1

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METHOD 507.1


MIL-STD-810C 10 March 1975

METHOD 508.1


1. PURPOSE. The fungus test is used to. determine the resistance ef equipment to. fungi and to. determine if such equipment is adversely affected by fungi under cenditiens favorable fer their development, namely high humidity, warm atmesphere. and presence ef inorganic salts.

1.1 General effects. Typical prob l ems caused by fungi grewing on equipment are:

a.- Micre-organisms digest organic materials as a nermal metabolic precess thus degrading the substrate. reducing the surface tension, and increasing moisture penetratien.

b. Enzymes and ergan.ic acids preduced during metabelism diffuse out ef the cells and onto the materials and cause metal corresien. glass etching. hardening of grease, and ether physical and chemical changes to the materials, such as insulatien resistance and arcing.

c. The physical presence of micro-organisms preduce living bridges acress cempenents which may result in electrical failures.

2. APPARATUS. The apparatus required to. cenduct this test censists ef chambers or cabinets together with auxiliary instrumentatien capable ef maintaining the specified cenditien cf temperature and humidity. Previsicns shall be made to. prevent cendensation from dripping cn the test item. There shall be free circulaticn cf air areund the test item and the ccntact area ef fixtures supporting the test item shall be kept to. a minimum.

When fcrced air is emplcyed, the flew shculd net exceed 1 meter per second cver the surface ef the test specimen.


3.1 Procedure I

3.1.1 Preparatien ef mineral-salts solution. The solution shall centain the fellcwing:

Petassium dihydrcgen

erthephcsphate (KH2P04) 0.7 g

Potassium menohydregen erthephcsphate (K2HP04)

.. 0.7 g


METHOD 508.1 10 March 1975


Magnes-ium sulfate heptahydrate (MgS04'7H20) .....

0.7 g

Sodium chloride (NaCl)

LOg 0.005 g

Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeS04'7H20) .....

. 0.002 g

Zinc sulfate heptahydrate

(ZnS04"7H20) •.•.

. 0.002 g

Manganous sulfate monohydrate (MnS04 ·H20) ••

0.001 g

Distilled water.

1000 ml

Sterilize the mineral salts solution by autoclaving at 12loC (250°F) for

20 minutes. Adjust the pH of the solution by the addition of 0.01 normal solution of NaOH so that after sterilization the pH is between 6.0 and 6.5. Prepare sufficient salts solution for the required tests.

3.1.1. 2 Purity of water. Unless otherwise specified, references to water shall be understood to mean distilled water or water of equal purity. Purity of reagents. Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless. otherwise specified, it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the specification of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available.

3.I.a Preparation of mixed spore suspension. The following test fungi shall be used:

No. 1/ No. 2/
9642 386
9643 380
11730 432
11797 474
6205 459 Aspergillus niger Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus versicolor Penicillium funiculosum

Chaetomium globosum l! American Type Culture Collection, 12301 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, Marylar 20852

2/ Pioneering Research Division, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, Massachusetts 01760

~IETI-iOD 508. 1



Maintain cultures of these fungi separately on an appropriate medium

such as potato dextrose agar. However, the culture of chaetomium globosum shall be cultured on strips of filter paper on the surface of mineral salts agar. (Mineral salts agar is identical to mineral salts solution described

in 3.1.1, but contains in addition l5.0g of agar per liter). The stock cultures may be kept for not more than 4 months at 6° ±4°C (43° ±7°F) at which time subcultures shall be made and new stocks shall be selected from the subcultures. If genetic or physiological changes occur, obtain new cultures

as specified above. Subcultures used for preparing new stock cultures or the spore suspension shall be incubated at 30°C (86°F) for 9 to 12 days or longer. Prepare a spore suspension of each of the five fungi by pouring into one subculture ~f each fungus a 10-ml portion of a sterile solution containing 0.05g per liter of a nontoxic wetting agent such as sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate or sodium lauryl sulfate. Use a sterile platinum or nichrome inoculating wire to scrape gently the surface growth from the culture of the test organism. Pour the spore charge into a sterile 125-ml glass-stoppered Erlenmeyer flask containing 45 ml of sterile water and SO to 75 solid glass beads, 5 mm in diameter. Shake the flask vigorously to liberate the spores from the fruiting bodies and to break the spore clumps. Filter the dispersed fungal spore suspension, through a 6 mm layer of glass wool contained in a glass funnel, into a sterile flask. This process should remove large mycelial fragments and clumps of agar which could interfere with the spraying process. Centrifuge the filtered spore suspension aseptically, and discard the supernatant liquid. Resuspend the residue in 50 ml of sterile water and centrifuge. Wash the spores obtained from each of the fungi in this manner three times. Dilute the final washed residue with sterile mineral-salts solution in such

a manner that the resultant spore suspension shall contain 1,000,000 ±200,000 spores per ml as determined with a counting chamber. Repeat this operation for each organism used in the test and blend equal volumes of the resultant spore suspension to obtain the final mixed spore suspension. The spore suspension may be prepared fresh each day or may be held at 6° ±4°C (43° ±7°F) for not more than 7 days.

3.1.3 Viability of inoculum control. With each daily group of tests place each of three pieces of sterilized filter paper, I-inch square, on hardened mineral-salts agar in separate Petri dishes. Inoculate these with the spore suspension by spraying the suspension from a sterilized atomizer l/ until initiation of droplet coalesence. Incubate these at 30°C (86°F) at a relative humidity not less than 85 percent and examine them after 7 days of incubation. There shall be copious growth on all three of the filter paper control specimens. Absence of such growth requires repetition of the test .

.!./ An atomizer capable of providing 15,000 ±3,000 spores per square centimeter.


t-IETHOD 508. I


3.1.4 Control items. In addition to the viability of inoculum control, known susceptible substrates shall be inoculated along with the test item to insure that proper conditions are present in the incubation chamber to promote fungus growth. The control items shall consist of cotton duct 8.25-ounce strips that are 1. 25 inches wide, that have been dipped into a solution containing 10 percent glycerol, 0.1 percent potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (KH2P04), 0~1 percent ammonium nitrate (NH4N03), 0.025

percent magnesium sulfate (MgS04·7H20), and 0.05 percent yeast extract (pH 5.3) and from which the excess liquid has been removed. The strips should be

hung to air dry before. being inoculated and placed into the chamber.

3.1.5 Inoculation of test and control item

a. Mount the test control _items on suitable fixtures or suspend from hangers. No cleaning of the test item shall be permitted for 72 hours prior to the beginning of the fungus test. Equipment handling prior to and during the fungus test shall be accomplished without contamination of the equipment.

b. Precondition the chamber and its contents at: 30°C (86°F) and 97 ±2 percent relative humidity for at least 4 hours.

c. Inoculate the test and control items with the mixed fungus spore suspensior (3.1.;.2) by spraying it on and into the test and control items (if not hermetic" sealed) in the form of a fine mist from a previously sterilized atomizer or nebulizer. In spraying the test and control items, care should be taken to SpI

fa surfaces which are exposed during use or maintenance. If the surfaces are wetting, spray until initiation of droplet coalescence. Incubation is to be arted immediately following the inoculation.

3.1.6 Incubation of test items

a. Incubate test items under cyclic temperature and humidity conditions to include 20 hours of relative humidity at 95 ±5 percent at an air temperature of 30° ±loC (86° ±2°F) followed by 4 hours of 100 percent relative humidity at 25° ±loC (77° ±2°F).

b. After 7 days, inspect the growth on the control items to be assured that the environmental conditions are suitable for growth. If inspection reveals that the environmental conditions are unsuitable for growth, the entire test shall be repeated.

c. If the control items show satisfactory fungus growth, continue the test for a period of 28 days from the time of inoculation or as specified in the equipment specification.

METHOD 508.1



3.1.7 Inspection. At the end of the incubatiJn period, the test item shall be removed from the test chamber and inspected in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2, except for hermetically sealed equipment, the equipment enclosure shall be opened and the interior examined for evidence of fungus growth or damage. The test item shall be operated when specified in the equipment specification and the results obtained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.

NOTE: Conductive solutions used as a spore media and growth accelerator may affect operational tests.

4. SUMMARY. The following details shall be as specified in the equipment specification:

a. Pretest data required

b. Failure criteria

c. Test period if other than 28 days (see 3.1.6 c)

d. Whether test item shall be operated (see 3.1.7).


METHOD 508.1


MIL-STD-SIOC 10 March 1975

METHOD 509.1


1. PURPOSE. The salt fog test is conducted to determine the resistance of equipment to the effects of a salt atmosphere. The specified concentration of moisture and salt is greater than is found in service. The test is applicable to any equipment exposed to salt fog conditions in service.

1.1 Application. This test is valuable for determining the durability of coatings and finishes exposed to a corrosive salt atmosphere. For other applications. this test should be applied only after full recognition of its deficiencies and limitations which are as follows:

1.1.1 General effects Deficiencies

a. The successful withstanding of this test does not guarantee that the test item will prove satisfactory under all corrosive conditions.

b. The salt fog used in this test does not truly duplicate the effects of a marine atmosphere.

c. It has not been demonstrated that a direct relationship. exists between salt-fog corrosion and corrosion due to other media.

d. This test is generally unreliable for comparing the corrosion resistance of different materials or coating conditions. or for predicting their comparative service life. (Some idea of the service life of different samples of the same, or closely related metals, or of protective coating-base metal combinations exposed to marine or seacoast locations can be gained by this test provided

the correlation of field service test data with laboratory tests that such

a relationship does exist, as in the case of aluminum alloys. such correlation tests are also necessary to show the degree of acceleration, if any, produced by the laboratory test.) Limitations

a. The salt fog test is acceptable for evaluating the uniformity (1. e. , thickness and degree of porosity) of protective coatings, metallic and nonmetallic, of different lots of the same product, once some standard level of performance has been established. eMlen used to check the porosity of metallic coatings, the test is more dependable when applied to coatings which are cathodic rather than anodic toward the basic metal.)


~1ETHOD 509. 1 10 March 1975


b. This test can also be used to detect the presence of free iron contaminating the surface of another metal by inspection of the corrosion products.

2. APPARATUS. The apparatus used in the salt fog test shall include the following:

a. Exposure chamber with racks for supporting test items.

b. Salt solution reservoir with means for maintaining an adequate level of solution.

c. Means for atomizing salt solution, including suitable nozzles and compressed air supply.

d. Chamber heating means and control.

e. Means for humidifying the air at a temperature above the chamher temperature.

2.IChamber. The chamber and all accessories shall be made of material

that will not affect the corrosiveness of the fog, e.g., glass, hard rubber, plastic, or kiln dried wood other than plywood. In addition, all parts which come in contact with test items shRII be of materials that will not cause electrolytic corrosion. The chamber and accessories shall be constructed and a~ranged so that there is no direct impingement of the fog or dripping of the condensate on the test items, that the fog circulates freely about ,all test items to the same degree, and that no liquid which has come in contact with the test items returns to the salt-solution reservoir. The chamber shall be properly vented to prevent pressure buildup_ and allow uniform distribution of salt fog. The discharge end of the vent shall, be protected from strollS drafts which can create strong air currents

in the test chamber.

2.2 A~omizers. The atomizers used shall be of such design and construction as to produce a' finely divided, wet, dense fog. Atomizing nozzles shall

be made of material that is nonreactive to the salt solution.

2.3 Air supply. The compressed air entering the atomiZer shall be essentially free from all impurities, such as oil and dirt. 4eans shall

be provided to humidify and warm the compressed air as required to meet the operating conditions. The air pressure shall be suitable to produce a finely


METHOD 509.1


divided dense fog with the atomizer or atomizers used. To insure against clogging the atomizers by salt deposition, the air should have a relative humidity of at least 85 percent at the point of release from the nozzle. A satisfactory method is to pass the air in very fine bubbles through a tower containing heated water which should be automatically maintained at

a constant level. The temperature of the water should be at least 35°C ,(95°F). The permissible water temperature increases with increasing volume of air and with decreasing insulation of the chamber and the chamber's surroundings. However, the temperature should not exceed a value above which an excess of moisture is introduced into the chamber (for example 43°C (109°F) at an air pressure of 12 psi) or a value which makes it impossible to meet the requirements for operating temperature.

2.4 Preparation of salt solution. The salt used shall be sodium chloride containing on the dry basis not more than 0.1 percent sodium iodide and not more than 0.5 percent of total impurities. Unless otherwise spec i fd ed , a

5 ±1 percent solution shall be prepared by dissolving five parts by weight

of salt in 95 parts by weight of distilled or demineralized water. Thesolution shall be adjusted to and maintained at a specific gravity between the limits shown on figure 509.1-1 by utilizing the measured temperature and density of the salt solution. Sodium tetraborate (common borax) may be added to the salt solution in a ratio not to exceed 0.7 gms (1/4 level teaspoon) sodium tetraborate to 20 gallons of salt solution as a pH stabilization agent.

2.4.1 Adjustment of pH of the salt solution shall be so maintained that

the solution atomized at 35°C (95°F) ~id collected by the method specified in 3.1.3 will be in the pH range of 6.5 to 7.2. Only diluted C.P. hydrochloric acid or C. P. sodium hydroxide shall be used to adjust the pH. The addition of sodium tetraborate as recommended in 2.4 will aid in maintaining a stable pH value. The pH measurement shall be made electrometrically, using a glass electrode with a saturated potassium chloride bridge, or by a colorimetric method, such as bromothymol blue, provided the results are equivalent to those obtained with the electrometric method. The pH shall be measured when preparing each new batch of solution and as specified in 3.1.4.

2.5 Fi1ter.A filter fabricated of noncorrosive materials similar to

that shown in figure 509.1-2 shall be provided in the supply line and immersed in the salt solution reservoir in a manner such as that illustrated in figure 509.1-3.


METHOD 509.1


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..... Figure 509.1-1 Variations of Specific Gravity of Salt (NaCl) Solution with T~perature


METHOD 509.1 509.1-4




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GLASS TUBE 1-1/4 1.0.





Figure 509.1-2 Salt Solution Filter




Figure 509.1-3 Location of Salt Solution Filter


METHOD 509.1



3.1 Procedure I

3.1.1 Temperature. The test shall be conducted with a temperature in the exposure zone maintained at 35°C (9S0P). Satisfactory methods for controlling the temperature accurately are by housing the apparatus in

a properly controlled constant temperature room, by thoroughly insulating

the apparatus and preheating the air to the proper temperature prior to atomiz at ion , or by jacketing the apparatus and controlling the temperature of the water or of the air used in the jacket. The use of immersion heaters within the chamber for the purpose of maintaining the temperature within the exposur~ zone is prohibited.

3.1.2 Atomization. Suitable atomization has been obtained in chambers having a volume of less than 12 cubic f~et under the following conditions;

a. Nozzle pressure shall be as low as practicable to produce fog at the required rate.

b. Orifices between 0.02 and 0.03 inch in diam~ter.

c. Atomization of approximately 3 quarts of salt solution per 10 cubic feet of chamber volume per 24 hours.

When using large size chambers having a volume considerably in excess of 12 cubic feet, the conditions specified may require modification to meet the requirements for operating conditions.

3.1.3 Placement of salt fog collection receptacles. The salt fog conditions maintained in all parts of the exposure' zone shall be such that a clean

fog collecting receptacle placed at any point in the exposure zone will collect from 0.5 to 3 milliliters of solution per hour for each 80 square centimeters of horizontal collecting area (10 centimeters diameter) based

on an average test of at least 16 hours. A minimum of two receptacles

shall be used, one placed nearest to any nozzle and one farthest from all nozzles. Receptacles shall be placed so that they are not shielded by

test items and so no drops of solution from test items or other sources

will be collected.

3.1.4 Heasurement of salt solu~ion. The solution, collected in a manner specified in 3.1.3, shall have the sodium chloride content and pH specified in 2.4 when measured at a temperature of 35°C (9S0p). The salt solution from all collection receptacles used can be combined to provide that quantity required for the measurements specified.


HETHOD 509.1

MIL-STD-SlOC Measurement of sodium chloride content. The solution. maintained

at the specified temperature, can be measured in a graduate of approximately 2.5 centimeters inside diameter. A small laboratory type hydrometer will

be required for measurement within this volume. Measurement of pH.

The pH shall be measured as sped fied in2. 4. 1. Ti~e sf measurements. The meaSurement of both sodium chloride content and pH shall be made at the following specified times:

a. For salt fog chambers in continuous use, the measurements shall be made following each test.

b. For salt fog chambers that are used infrequently, a 24-hour test run shall be accomplished followed by the measurements. The test item shall not be exposed to this test run.

3.1.5 Preparation of test item. The test item shall be given a minimum

of handling, particularly on the significant surfaces, and shall be prepared for test immediately before exposure. Unless otherwise specified, uncoated metallic or metallic coated devices shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil,

dirt, and grease as necessary until the surface is free from water break.

The cleaning methods shall not include the use of corrosive solvents nor solvents which deposit either corrosive or protective films, nor the use

of abrasives other than a paste of pure magnesium oxide. Test items

having an organic coating shall not be solvent cleaned. Those portions

of t~st items which come in contact with the support and, unless otherwise specified in the case of coated devices or samples, cut edges and surfaces not required to be coated, shall be protected with a suitable coating of

wax or similar substance impervious to moisture.

3.1.6 Performance of test. The test item shall be placed in the test chamber in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.2, and exposed to the salt fog for a period of 48 hours or as specified in the equipment specification. At the end of the exposure period, unless otherwise specified, the test item shall be operated and the results compared with the data obtained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.1. The test item shall be inspected for corrosion in accordance with General Requirements 3.2.4. If necessary to aid in examination, a gentle wash in running water not warmer than 38°C (100°F) may be used. The test item shall then be stored in an ambient atmosphere for ~8 hours or as specified in the equipment specification for drying. At the end of the drying period, when specified, the test item shall be again operated and the results compared with the data obtained in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.1. The test item shall then be inspected in accordance with General Requirements, 3.2.4.


METHOD 509.1


4. SUMMARY. The following details shall be specified in the equipment specification:

a. Pretest data required

b. Failure criteria

c. Applicable salt solution, if other than 5 percent

d. Salt fog exposure period if other than 48 hours (see 3.1.6)

e. Drying period if other than 48 hours (see 3.1.6)

f. Inspection and operation after 24 hours of salt fog exposure where buildup of salt deposits are critical to the proper operation of the test item

g. Specify if operation of electrical system is required (see 3.1.6).

METHOD 509.1


1. PURPOSE. The dust test is used to ascertain the ability of equipment to resist the effects ofa dry dust (fine sand) laden atmosphere. Thi,s, test simulates the effect of sharp edged dust (fine sand) particles,l.ip

to 150 microns, in size. Which, may ~enet:r~1:e i~.tQ<;rac~s, .. clevice.?,beMings, and joint,s ... ' Thi§t'eSt . isappliqaplT. tdall~ecb~.~ic~l}tlef1:\i<::9-J,·elSc-

t ron ic , Tle.<;1;rpcl1emiqal, and eJectrom.efhanical·dtyi&,t?.for> ~biph . e;x~().,s~Fe

to the ... effects'.·pf.a •. "(iry ·dqst ffi1)e' Sand) ... 1 fclTn .•. ~7mp.Sphets .i.s ..• c: .apt if~pa.teicl.· Hpweyer., t:hiSmethod isnotapplicfible toSoqthea.s'tAs'iaD ,dus.t.con.4i ti on.s

1 .1 Genet<ilr.effe c~s. G~neral '. ef£e.t~sfesU 1 fi'I1(~tpIn ·"~~'e.pene'tra.Jiop can ccu1geda variet:?,,'9f Clamagesuch.' 8,$. f0t.ll~n?m2V4:!l'g.J)a.:rt.s, .: ma1<+J)R,rel in,op.era't;:ive.. f.o:rmicng·· electricall'yconductivebri~ges.w~t~.resul1:i1)p and acting as a nucleus for the collection of water vapor, and hence a source of possible corrosion and malfunction of equ~Prnent.

1. 2 MaJ)¥,items)suchas:rifle~ r'yerIicl~~ta1)d he1if9plers, •. Vi pI encounter sand FHH'tic;les4p to 1, QOO micronst asp.pposedJPlhe 1~~tn~5rpRmaximum for 14D-mesh s;iij.ca flOlJrsand.tests,that would . require alTlqph.<;pafser formulation thaJith'at covered by tbismetbod.

MIL-STD-BIOC 1 o March 1975



2. APPARATUS. The test faci,li t~ shalt .co~s.is! p{ a cQamR;y.:rand acces.scr i es to control dustconcelltrationV veloci'tf '. ~eJIlPera'tu~.e,and.pumicli.ty of dust ladew:air.,.ln order to,.prpvidladequ~~eiciorct.llati?119~ the.~us't laden air, no more than 5.0 percentofthec:ross-sectiona1 area enoma1 to 'air flow) and

3D percent of the volume.or thecham~e.~ fhal.lBrOfc~.pitd.bytpei testitem(s). The cba.mPer~l1al1l)e :pr()v~ded:. with }SU~!f.bleme~1)s .. oftn~intaiJ).iJ)g and v er i -

fying the dust 'concentration .. in citct.ll~tiBJ). A.rn.~n~~ulJlacce~~aple means for

doing this, is pyus.e· o:f a~roperlYfali1;>ra~7q }.JIlpke .meJ.er find .~tandard light source. The dust laden airsh~11 be ... intl'0d'fced ~~roi'the.;t:~$t ". space in such a manner as to a110\-\,1t to become appro x iJIlaie ly laminar in flow before it strikes the test item.

2.1 Dust reqtlir.emerrts. The dust used in 'tills te,ft ·$~alJ.be~ fine sand (97-99 · .. percent p}r weigptSi02) -. t'?f'~ry¥b~~rslrtlft:pre, and<~haJJ have the fo11owingsize distribution as determined bywe.ight, usi1)g 1he U.S. Standard Sieve series:

a. 1.0.0 percent of this dust shall pass through a 1 DO-mesh screen

b. 98 ±2 percent of the dust shall pass through a l40-mesh screen


METHOD 510. 1 1.0 March 1975


c. 90 ±2 percent of the dust shall pass through a 200-mesh screen

d. 75 ±2 percent of the dust shall pass through a 325-mesh screen.

NOTE: 140-mesh silica flour as produced by the Ottawa Silica Company,

Ottawa, Illinois, or equal, is satisfactory for use in the performance of these tests.


3.1 Procedure I. Prepare the test item in accordance with General Requirements 3.2, positioning the test item as near the center of the chamber as practicable. If more than one item is being tested, there shall be a mini-

_mum clearance of 4 inches between surfaces of test items or any other material or object capable of furnishing protection. Also, no surface of the test

i tern shall be closer than 4 inches from any wall of the test chamber. Orient the. item so as to expose the most critical or vulnerable parts to the dust stream. The test item orientation may be changed during the test if so required by the equipment specification.

Step I - Set the chamber controls to maintain an internal chamber temperature of 23°C (73°F) and a relative humidity of less that 22 percent. Adjust the air velocity to 1,750 ±250 feet per minute. Adjust the dust feeder to control the dust concentration at 0.3 ±O. 2 grams per cubic foot. With the

test item nonoperating, maintain these conditions for 6 hours.

St~p 2 - Stop the dust feed and reduce the air velocity to 300 ±200 feet per minute. Raise the internal chamber air temperature to 63°C (145°F). Hold these conditions 16 hours.

Step 3 - While holding chamber temperature at 63°C 145°F) adjust the air velocity to 1,750 ±250 fpm. Adjust the dust feeder to control the dust concentration at 0.3 ±0.2 gms per cubic foot. Unless otherwise specified, with the test item nonoperating, maintain these conditions for 6 hours.

Step 4 - Turn off all chamber controls and allow the test item to return to standard ambient conditions. Remove accumulated dust from the test item by brushing, wiping, or shaking, care being taken to-avoid introduction of additional dust into the test item. Dust shall not be removed by either air blast or vacuum cleaning.

~IETHOD 510.1


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