Customer Survey: Questionnaire: 1. What Is Your Age?
Customer Survey: Questionnaire: 1. What Is Your Age?
Customer Survey: Questionnaire: 1. What Is Your Age?
Name of interviewer:
7. Which of the following brands have you bought since the last six
□ Fa
□ Old Spice
□ Palmolive Godrej
□ Axe
□ Denim
□ Gillette
□ Park Avenue
□ Dettol
□ Blue Stratos
□ V-John 7O’Clock
□ Nivea
□ Others (Please Specify)
9. How satisfied are you with Gillette shaving foam/gel? (if used)
□ Highly Satisfied
□ Moderately Satisfied
□ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
□ Moderately Dissatisfied
□ Highly dissatisfied
10.If your FIRST preference is not available then what do you do?
□ Purchase some other brand from the same shop/ store.
□ Purchase the same brand from some other store.
11.If the price of your most preferred brand increases what would
you do?
□ Shift to another brand
□ Still buy the same brand
12.If you choose to shift then which Brand will you prefer?
□ Fa
□ Old Spice
□ Palmolive Godrej
□ Axe
□ Denim
□ Gillette
□ Park Avenue
□ Dettol
□ Blue Stratos
□ V-John 7O’Clock
□ Nivea
□ Others (Please Specify)