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Brugg Cables User Guide

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Technical User Guide

High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide


1. General information on High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems ______________ 3

1.1. Introduction _______________________________________________ 3
1.2. Cable selection process _____________________________________ 3
1.3. Service life ________________________________________________ 4

2. Cable layout and system design ___________________________________ 6

2.1. Electrical field _____________________________________________ 6
2.2. Capacity, charging current ___________________________________ 6
2.3. Inductance, Inductive reactance _______________________________ 7
2.4. Losses in cables ___________________________________________ 7
2.5. Earthing methods, induced voltage _____________________________ 8
2.6. Short-circuit current capacity __________________________________ 10
2.7. Dynamic forces ____________________________________________ 11
2.8. Metallic sheath types ________________________________________ 11

3. XLPE Cable System Standards ____________________________________ 13

4. Technical data sheets ___________________________________________ 14

500 / 290 kV XLPE Cable
400 / 230 kV XLPE Cable
345 / 200 kV XLPE Cable
220 / 127 kV XLPE Cable
132 / 76 kV XLPE Cable

5. XLPE Cable Reference Projects from Brugg __________________________ 20

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

1. General information on High Voltage

Cable Systems

1.1 Introduction
The development of high voltage XLPE Cable
Systems goes back to the 1960’s. Since then
production and material technology have
improved significantly, providing reliable and
maintenance-free products to the utility industry.
At present, numerous high voltage XLPE cable
systems with nominal voltages up to 500 kV and
with circuit lengths up to 40 km are in operation
Cable systems are equipped with accessories,
which have passed the relevant type tests
pursuant to national and international standards,
such as long-duration tests. As one of the first
XLPE cable manufacturers worldwide Brugg
Cables passed a Prequalification Test on a Typical sample of a 2500mm2 500 kV XLPE cable
400 kV XLPE Cable System according to the
relevant international standard IEC 62067 (2001). Modern XLPE cables consist of a solid cable core,
This test required one year of operation, along a metallic sheath and a non-metallic outer
with the thermal monitoring of all cables, joints covering. The cable core consists of the
and terminations installed. It was successfully conductor, wrapped with semiconducting tapes,
completed at CESI Laboratory in Milan, Italy in the inner semiconducting layer, the solid main
2004. insulation and the outer semiconducting layer.
These three insulation layers are extruded in one
process. The conductor of high voltage cables can
be made of copper or aluminium and is either
round stranded of single wires or additionally
segmented in order to to reduce the current
Depending on the customer’s specifications it can
be equipped with a longitudinal water barrier
made of hygroscopic tapes or powder. The main
insulation is cross-linked under high pressure and
temperature. The metallic sheath shall carry the
short-circuit current in case of failure. It can be
optionally equipped with fibers for temperature
monitoring. Finally, the outer protection consists of
extruded Polyethylene (PE) or Polyvinylchloride
(PVC) and serves as an anti-corrosion layer.
Optionally it can be extruded with a
Test Setup of Prequalification Test semiconducting layer for an after-laying test and
additionally with a flame-retardant material for
As one of just a few providers worldwide, Brugg installation in tunnels or buildings if required.
Cables can offer a broad range of both XLPE
cables (up to 500 kV) and oil-filled cables (up to
400 kV) as well as their accessories.

1.2 Cable selection process

This broad product range together with a application. Additionally, our consulting engineers
systematic analysis of the technical requirements can assist you in the development of customized
enables the user to find the right solution for every solutions.

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

Customer Load, Voltage level,

requirements Short-circuit current,
Laying condition

Type of Cable type

Insulation and design

Economic Conductor
aspects Material (Cu, Al)
(Price, Losses)

Route length Earthing method

and layout of sheath

Economic Conductor Short-circuit and

aspects, cross-section thermal rating
Safety margin

Indoor or Outdoor Selection of Leakage path

cable accessories requirements

Losses, Determination of Local boundaries,

Economic Laying condition Safety regulation

Selection process of cable design

1.3 Service life

Cables are among the investment goods with a Regarding the material technology Brugg Cables
high service life of over 40 years. The service life has many years of experience and investigation
of a cable is defined as its operating time. It is together with extensive experience in the field of
influenced by the applied materials, the cable systems gained over the years.
constructive design, the production methods and
the operating parameters.

Lifetime curve of XLPE cables

Breakdown stress
1,0E+00 1,0E+01 1,0E+02 1,0E+03 1,0E+04
Cable lifetime (hours)

Lifetime curve of XLPE cables

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

The following rules apply for all organic insulation Other operating parameters of decisive
materials in general: importance are:
- An increase of the operating temperature by 8 - Voltage level and transient voltages such as
to 10°C reduces the service life by half. switch operations, lightning impulses
- An increase of the operating voltage by 8 to - Short-circuit current and related conductor
10% reduces the service life by half. temperatures
- Mechanical stress
The influence of the voltage on the service life is
- Ambient conditions like humidity, ground
expressed in the following service life law
temperatures, chemical influences
(see graph above):
- Rodents and termites in the vicinity
t  En = const
E = Maximum field strength at the conductor
surface of the cable
n = Exponent stating the slope
t = Time

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

2. Cable layout and system design

The dimensioning of a high voltage cable system - Ambient conditions:

is always based on the specifications and  Type of installation
demands of the project at hand. The following  Ambient temperatures (incl. external effects)
details are required for calculation:  Special thermal resistance of the ground
- The type of cable insulation
- Nominal and maximum operating voltage The calculation of the admissible load currents
- Short-circuit capacity or short-circuit current with (ampacity) and the cable temperatures is
statement of the effect time performed in accordance with the IEC publication
- Transmission capacity or nominal current 60287. At Brugg Cables, professional computer
- Operating mode: permanent operation or partial programs are in use for the calculation of the
load operation (load factors) various cable data.

2.1 Electrical field

In initial approximation, the main insulation of a E

high voltage XLPE cable can be regarded as a
homogenous cylinder. Its field distribution or
voltage gradient is therefore represented by a
homogenoius radial field. The value of the voltage
gradient at a point x within the insulation can
therefore be calculated as:

Ex  (kV/mm)
r 
rx  ln a 
 ri  ri rx ra
Uo = Operating voltage (kV) x
rx = Radius at position x (mm)
ra = External radius above the insulation (mm)
ri = Radius of the internal field delimiter (mm)

The electrical field strength is highest at the inner

semiconductor and lowest above the insulation
(below the external semiconductor, rx = ra).

Field distribution within a high voltage XLPE cable

2.2 Capacity, charging current

The operating capacity depends on the type of d = Diameter over inner semiconducter (mm)
insulation and its geometry. The following formula Single-core high voltage XLPE cables represent
applies for all radial field cables: an extended capacitance with a homogenous
radial field distribution. Thus a capacitive charging
5.56   r current to earth results in the following formula:
Cb  (F/km)
D I C  U 0   C b (A/km)
ln 
with Uo = Operating voltage (kV)
r = Relative permittivity (XLPE: 2,4)  = Angular frequency (1/s)
D = Diameter over main insulation (mm) Cb = Operating capacity (µF/km)

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

2.3 Inductance, Inductive reactance

The operating inductance in general depends on Laying formation: flat

the relation between the conductor axis spacing
and the external conductor diameter. Practically, 2r
two cases have to be considered: a a
Laying formation: trefoil The mean operating inductance for the three
phases calculates as

 a' 
Lm  2 10  4  ln  (H/km)
a a  0,779  rL 

a a’ = 3 2  a Mean geometric distance (mm)
The operating inductance for all three phases a = Phase axis distance (mm)
calculates as: rL = Diameter of conductor over inner
 a  semiconducting layer (mm)
L  2 10  4  ln  (H/km)
 0,779  rL 
The inductive reactance of the cable system
with calculates for both cases as:
a = Phase axis distance (mm) X    L [/km]
rL = Diameter of conductor over inner with
semiconducting layer (mm)  = Angular frequency (1/s)

2.4 Losses in cables

Voltage-dependent and current-dependent power II) Current-dependent losses

losses occur in cables.
The current-dependent losses consist of the
I) Voltage-dependent losses following components:
Voltage-dependent power losses are caused by - Ohmic conductor losses
polarization effects within the main insulation. - Losses through skin effect
They calculate to: - Losses through proximity effect
- Losses in the metal sheath
Pd  U o2   C b  tan  (W/km) Ohmic conductor losses
The ohmic losses depend on material and
with temperature. For the calculation of the ohmic
Uo = Operating voltage (kV) losses R I², the conductor resistance stated for
20°C (Ro) must be converted to the operating
 = Angular frequency (1/s)
Cb = Operating capacity (µF/km) temperature  of the cable:

Dielectric power loss factors tan for typical cable R = Ro [1 +  (  - 20°C )] [/km]
insulations are:
XLPE (1,5 to 3,5) 10–4 with
EPR (10 to 30) 10–4  = 0.0393 for Copper
Oil cable (18 to 30) 10–4  = 0.0403 for Aluminium

The conductor cross-section and admissible DC

resistances at 20°C (Ro) correspond to the
standards series pursuant to IEC 60228.

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

Losses through skin effect

Losses in the metal sheath
The losses caused by the skin effect, meaning the
High voltage cables are equipped with metal
displacement of the current against the conductor
sheaths or screens that must be earthed
surface, rise approximately quadratic with the
frequency. This effect can be reduced with
suitable conductor constructions, e.g. segmented
conductors. Sheath losses occur through:
- Circulating currents in the system
Losses through proximity effect
- Eddy currents in the cable sheath
The proximity effect detects the additional losses (only applicable for tubular types)
caused by magnet fields of parallel conductors - Resulting sheath currents caused by induced
through eddy currents and current displacement sheat voltage (in unbalanced earting systems)
effects in the conductor and cable sheath. In
practice, their influence is of less importance, The sheath losses, especially high circulating
because three-conductor cables are only installed currents, may substantially reduce the current
up to medium cross-sections and single-conductor load capacity under certain circumstances. They
cables with large cross-sections with sufficient can be lowered significantly through special
axis space. The resistance increase through earthing methods.
proximity effects relating to the conductor
resistance is therefore mainly below 10%.

2.5 Earthing methods, induced voltage

High voltage cables have a metallic sheath, along sufficiently to the earthing system. The following
which a voltage is induced as a function of the table gives an overview of the possible methods
operating current. In order to handle this induced and their characteristics:
voltage, both cable ends have to be bonded

Standing voltage Sheath voltage

Earthing method Typical application
at cable ends limiters required
Substations, short connections,
Both-end bonding No No hardly applied for HV cables,
rahter for MV and LV cables
Usually only for circuit lengths
Single-end bonding Yes Yes
up to 1 km

Only at cross- Long distance connections

Cross-bonding Yes
bonding points where joints are required

Overview of earthing methods and their characteristics

Both-end bonding
Both ends of the cable sheath are connected to
the system earth. With this method no standing
voltages occur at the cable ends, which makes it
the most secure regarding safety aspects. On the
other hand, circulating currents may flow in the
sheath as the loop between the two earthing U
points is closed through the ground. These
circulating currents are proportional to the
conductor currents and therefore reduce the cable
ampacity significantly making it the most
disadvantegous method regarding economic
Induced voltage distribution at both-end bonding

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

Single-ended Bonding
One end of the cable sheath is connected to the
system earth, so that at the other end (“open
end”) the standing voltage appears, which is earth continuity
induced linearily along the cable length. In order
to ensure the relevant safety requirements, the
“open end” of the cable sheath has to be U
protected with a surge arrester. In order to avoid
potential lifting in case of a failure, both earth
points have to be connected additionally with an
earth continuity wire. The surge arrester (sheath
voltage limiter) is designed to deflect switching
and atmospheric surges but must not trigger in x
case of a short-circuit.
Induced voltage distribution at single-end bonding

This earthing method shall be applied for longer sheath crossing after each section. The
route lengths where joints are required due to the termination points shall be solidly bonded to earth.
limited cable delivery length. A cross-bonding
system consists of three equal sections with cyclic

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3




Induced voltage distribution at cross-bonding

Along each section, a standing voltage is induced. Very long route lengths can consist of several
In ideal cross-bonding systems the three section cross-bonding systems in a row. In this case, it is
lengths are equal, so that no residual voltage recommended to maintain solid bonding of the
occurrs and thus no sheath current flows. The system ends in order to prevent travelling surges
sheath losses can be kept very low with this in case of a fault.
method without impairing the safety as in the two- In addition to cross-linking the sheaths, the
sided sheath earthing. conductor phases can be transposed cyclicly. This
solution is especially suited for very long cable
engths or parallel circuits.

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

Calculation of the induced voltage

The induced voltage Ui within a cable system and where LM is the mutual inductivity between
depends on the mutual inductance between core core and sheath (H/km).
and sheath, the conductor current and finally on
the cable length:
The mutual inductivity between core and sheath
U i  X M  I  L (V) LM calculates as follows:

XM = Mutual inductance between core and sheath For installation in trefoil formation:
(/km)  2a 
I = Conductor current per phase (A) L M  2 10  7  ln  (H/km)
L = Cable length  dM 
Two cases must be considered for the
determination of the maximum occurring voltage For installation in flat formation:
and for the dimensioning of the surge arresters:
 2 3 2  a 
I = IN Normal operating current (A) L M  2 10  7  ln  (H/km)

I = Ic Three-pole Short-circuit current (A)  d M 
The mutual inductance between core and sheath
calculates from the following formula: with
X M    LM (/km) a = Axial spacing (mm)
dM = Mean sheath diameter (mm)
 = Angular frequency (1/s)

2.6 Short-Circuit current capacity

For the cable system layout, the maximum short-

circuit current capacity for both – the conductor Insulation
and the metallic sheath – have to be calculated. material XLPE Oil
Both values are depending on material Cu Al Cu
- the duration of the short-circuit current kA kA
mm2 1s; 90..250°C 1s; 85..165°C
- the material of the current carrying component
2500 358 237 260
- the type of material of the adjacent
2000 287 190 208
components and their admissible temperatue
1600 229 152 166
1400 201 133 -
The duration of a short circuit consists of the
inherent delay of the circuit breaker and the relay 1200 172 114 125
time. 1000 143 95 104
800 115 76 83
630 90 60 66
Short-Circuit current capacity of conductors 500 72 47 52
The following table contains the maximum 400 57 38 42
admissible short-circuit currents Ik,1s for 300 43 28 31
conductors acc. to IEC 60949 with a duration of 240 34 23 25
1 second for the different conductor and insulation
types. Admissible short-circuit currents

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

Based on these reference values, the short-circuit transfer from the current carrying componen to its
currents for other durations can be converted with adjacent components is allowed.
the following formula:
1 Short-Circuit current capacity of metallic sheaths
I k,x   I k ,1s In addition to the above mentioned, the short-
tc circuit current capacity of metallic sheaths
depends on their layout. The short-circuit current
with capacity is different for tubular sheats and wire
Ikx = Short-circuit current during x seconds [kA] screens, but generally the total short-circuit
tc = Duration of short-circuit [s] current capacity of a metallic sheath is the sum of
Ik,1s = Short-circuit current during 1 second [kA] the capacity of its components.

The above stated values were calculated on a Typical metallic sheath layouts with their
non-adiabatic basis, which means that heat constructional details are listed in a separate

2.7 Dynamic forces

Single-core cables have to be fixed in their Radial force

position at certain intervals. The calculation of
The dynamic force that a spacer has to absorb is:
dynamic forces for cable systems is important for
the determination of the fixing interval and the Fr    Fs
layout of the fixing devices. It has to be Fs = Dynamic force [kN/m]
distinguished between radial (e.g. clamps,  = Layout factor (typical value for mid phase:
spacers) and tangential (belts etc.) forces. 0.866)

The amplitude of a dynamic force in general is

calculated applying the following formula: Tangential force
The dynamic force that a fixing belt has to absorb
2 10 7  I s2 is:
Fs  (kN/m)
a Ft    Fs
Fs = Dynamic force [kN/m]
with  = Layout factor (value for trefoil: 0.5)
a = Phase axis distance (mm)
I s    2  Ic

ls = Impulse short-circuit current [kA]
 = surge factor (usually defined as 1.8)
lc = Short-circuit current [kA]

2.8 Metallic sheath types

The metallic sheath of high voltage XLPE single Since high voltage XLPE cables are very sensitive
core cables has to fulfill the following electrical to moisture ingression, the metallic sheath also
requirements: serves as radial moisture barrier. There are
- Conducting the earth fault current several modes of preventing water and moisture
penetrating into the cable and travelling within it
- Returning the capacitive charging current
along its length. Solutions for closed metallic
- Limitation of the radial electrostatic field sheathes can be based on welding, extruding or
- Shielding of the electromagnetic field gluing. Some typical sheath layouts as available
from Brugg Cables are shown in the following

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

Typical metallic sheath types

Brugg type XDRCU-ALT Brugg type XDRCU-ALT

Aluminium laminated sheath Aluminium laminated sheath

with Copper wire screen with Copper wire screen and
integrated fibres for temperature sensing
Features: Features:
- Low weight - Low weight
- Low losses - Low losses
- Low cost - Low cost
Typical application: Typical applications:
Installation in tunnels, trenches or ducts Installation in tunnels, trenches or ducts

Brugg type XDRCU-CUT Brugg type XDCUW-T

Copper laminated sheath Copper corrugated sheath

with Copper wire screen
Features: Features:
- Low weight - 100% impervious to moisture
- Low losses - flexible
- Low cost - resistant to deformation, pressure and
- welded
Typical applications: Typical applications:
Installation in tunnels, trenches or ducts All installations in soil, especially in locations
with shallow ground water level
Special application:
Installation in vertical shafts (up to 220 m)

Brugg type XDPB-T Brugg type XDRCU-PBT

Lead sheath Lead sheath

with Copper wire screen
Features: Features:
- 100% impervious to moisture - 100% impervious to moisture
- seamless - seamless
- extruded - extruded
- increased short-circuit capacity through
additional copper wire screen
Typical applications: Typical applications:
All installations in soil All installations in soil

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

3. XLPE Cable System Standards

Brugg Cables´ XLPE cable systems are designed to meet requirements set in national and international
standards. Some of these are listed below.

XLPE cable systems specified according to IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) are among
many other standards accepted.

Some frequently used standards are:

IEC 60183 Guide to the selection of high-voltage cables.
IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables.
IEC 60229 Tests on cable oversheaths which have a special protective function and are applied by
IEC 60287 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating.
IEC 60332 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions.
IEC 60811 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables.
IEC 60840 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltage above
30 kV (Um=36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV). Test methods and requirements.
IEC 60853 Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables.
IEC 61443 Short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with rated voltages above
30 kV (Um=36 kV)
IEC 62067 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltage above
150 kV (Um=170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um=550 kV) - Test methods and requirements

In Europe, cable standards are issued by CENELEC. (European Committee for Electrotechnical
Standardisation.) Special features in design may occur depending on national conditions.
HD 632 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltage above
36 kV (Um=42 kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV). Part 1- General test requirements.

Part 1 is based on IEC 60840 and follows that standard closely.

HD 632 is completed with a number of parts and subsections for different cables intended to be
used under special conditions which can vary nationally in Europe.


For North America cables are often specified according to
- AEIC (Association of Edison Illuminating Companies)
- ICEA (Insulated Cable Engineers Association)
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or
The most frequently standards referred to are:
AEIC CS7-93 Specifications for crosslinked polyethylene insulated shielded power cables rated
69 through 138 kV.
ANSI / ICEA S-108-720-2004 Standard for extruded insulation power cables rated above 46 through
345 kV

ISO Standards
Our systems comply with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and are certified by Bureau Veritas
Quality International.

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High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

4. Technical data sheets

500 / 290 kV XLPE Cable - Technical data and Ampacity

400 / 230 kV XLPE Cable - Technical data and Ampacity

345 / 200 kV XLPE Cable - Technical data and Ampacity

220 / 127 kV XLPE Cable - Technical data and Ampacity

132 / 76 kV XLPE Cable - Technical data and Ampacity

Brugg Cables Page 14

500/290 kV XLPE Cable

Single-core XLPE High Voltage Cable

with Aluminium laminated sheath
Cable layout Production process XDRCU-ALT
 Copper conductor, stranded, cross-sections of The inner semiconductive layer, the 500/290 kV
1000 sqmm and above segmented, optionally XLPE main insulation and the outer
with longitudinal water barrier semiconductive layer are extruded in a
 Inner semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to the single operation.
XLPE insulation Special features of metallic sheath
 XLPE main insulation, cross-linked  Copper wire screen as short-circuit
current carrying component
 Outer semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to
the XLPE insulation  Aluminium foil, overlapped,
0,25 mm thick, as radial diffusion
 Copper wire screen with semi-conductive barrier
swelling tapes as longitudinal water barrier  Low weight, low cost,
 Aluminium lamninated sheath internationally proven design
 HDPE oversheath, halogen-free, as mechanical Applicable standards
protection, optionally: with semi-conductive IEC 62067 (2001)
and/or flame-retardant layer

Technical data
Copper conductor Outer Cable weight Capacitance Impedance Surge Min. bending Max. pulling
cross-section diameter appox. (90°C, 50 Hz) impedance radius force
approx. •••
mm kcmil mm kg/m µF/km Ω/km Ω mm kN

630 1250 122 18 0.12 0.22 54 2450 38

800 1600 123 20 0.14 0.20 49 2500 48
1000 2000 127 23 0.16 0.19 47 2550 60
1200 2400 128 24 0.17 0.19 44 2600 72
1400 2750 129 26 0.19 0.18 42 2600 84
1600 3200 135 29 0.19 0.18 42 2700 96
2000 4000 143 34 0.19 0.17 40 2900 120
2500 5000 144 40 0.23 0.17 37 2900 150

Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil In free air In free air
• • •
•• •• ••• ••• •• •••
Load Factor 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 - -
mm kcmil A A A A A A

630 1250 954 806 1026 882 1053 1152

800 1600 1076 901 1170 998 1211 1341
1000 2000 1268 1055 1377 1166 1452 1608
1200 2400 1369 1134 1497 1261 1588 1772
1400 2750 1473 1215 1622 1361 1728 1944
1600 3200 1561 1286 1718 1440 1835 2068
2000 4000 1711 1403 1901 1585 2045 2326
2500 5000 1873 1522 2120 1751 2301 2670

Calculation basis:
Conductor temperature 90°C, 50 Hz, soil temperature 25°C, laying depth 1200 mm, soil thermal resistivity 1.0 Km/W,
phase distance at flat formation 30 cm, air temperature 35° - Earthing method: Single-end bonding or Cross-bonding

© 05.2006 Subject to modifications 1/1

400/230 kV XLPE Cable

Single-core XLPE High Voltage Cable

with Aluminium laminated sheath
Cable layout Production process XDRCU-ALT
 Copper conductor, stranded, cross-sections of The inner semiconductive layer, the 400/230 kV
1000 sqmm and above segmented, optionally XLPE main insulation and the outer
with longitudinal water barrier semiconductive layer are extruded in a
 Inner semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to the single operation.
XLPE insulation Special features of metallic sheath
 XLPE main insulation, cross-linked  Copper wire screen as short-circuit
current carrying component
 Outer semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to
the XLPE insulation  Aluminium foil, overlapped,
0,25 mm thick, as radial diffusion
 Copper wire screen with semi-conductive barrier
swelling tapes as longitudinal water barrier  Low weight, low cost,
 Aluminium lamninated sheath internationally proven design
 HDPE oversheath, halogen-free, as mechanical Applicable standards
protection, optionally: with semi-conductive IEC 62067 (2001)
and/or flame-retardant layer

Technical data
Copper conductor Outer Cable weight Capacitance Impedance Surge Min. bending Max. pulling
cross-section diameter appox. (90°C, 50 Hz) impedance radius force
approx. •••
mm kcmil mm kg/m µF/km Ω/km Ω mm kN

500 1000 113 16 0.12 0.23 56 2300 30

630 1250 114 17 0.13 0.22 53 2300 38
800 1600 115 18 0.15 0.20 48 2300 48
1000 2000 118 21 0.17 0.19 45 2400 60
1200 2400 122 24 0.19 0.19 43 2450 72
1400 2750 123 25 0.20 0.18 41 2450 84
1600 3200 128 28 0.20 0.18 40 2600 96
2000 4000 135 33 0.21 0.17 39 2700 120
2500 5000 136 38 0.26 0.17 35 2700 150

Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil In free air In free air
• • •
•• •• ••• ••• •• •••
Load Factor 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 - -
mm kcmil A A A A A A

500 1000 853 723 912 788 924 1006

630 1250 972 819 1049 900 1068 1173
800 1600 1098 917 1199 1020 1228 1367
1000 2000 1298 1076 1416 1195 1478 1647
1200 2400 1402 1158 1534 1290 1612 1804
1400 2750 1509 1241 1665 1394 1755 1980
1600 3200 1600 1315 1767 1477 1869 2112
2000 4000 1760 1440 1956 1628 2078 2376
2500 5000 1931 1565 2190 1804 2347 2739

Calculation basis:
Conductor temperature 90°C, 50 Hz, soil temperature 25°C, laying depth 1200 mm, soil thermal resistivity 1.0 Km/W,
phase distance at flat formation 30 cm, air temperature 35° - Earthing method: Single-end bonding or Cross-bonding

Values apply for cables with rated voltages from 380 kV to 400 kV acc. to IEC 62067

© 05.2006 Subject to modifications 1/1

345/200 kV XLPE Cable

Single-core XLPE High Voltage Cable

with Aluminium laminated sheath
Cable layout Production process XDRCU-ALT
 Copper conductor, stranded, cross-sections of The inner semiconductive layer, the 345/200 kV
1000 sqmm and above segmented, optionally XLPE main insulation and the outer
with longitudinal water barrier semiconductive layer are extruded in a
 Inner semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to the single operation.
XLPE insulation Special features of metallic sheath
 XLPE main insulation, cross-linked  Copper wire screen as short-circuit
current carrying component
 Outer semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to
the XLPE insulation  Aluminium foil, overlapped,
0,25 mm thick, as radial diffusion
 Copper wire screen with semi-conductive barrier
swelling tapes as longitudinal water barrier  Low weight, low cost,
 Aluminium lamninated sheath internationally proven design
 HDPE oversheath, halogen-free, as mechanical Applicable standards
protection, optionally: with semi-conductive IEC 62067 (2001)
and/or flame-retardant layer ANSI / ICEA S-108-720-2004

Technical data
Copper conductor Outer Cable weight Capacitance Impedance Surge Min. bending Max. pulling
cross-section diameter appox. (90°C, 50 Hz) impedance radius force
approx. •••
mm kcmil mm kg/m µF/km Ω/km Ω mm kN

500 1000 113 16 0.12 0.23 56 2300 30

630 1250 114 17 0.13 0.22 53 2300 38
800 1600 115 18 0.15 0.20 48 2300 48
1000 2000 118 21 0.17 0.19 45 2400 60
1200 2400 122 24 0.19 0.19 43 2450 72
1400 2750 123 25 0.20 0.18 41 2450 84
1600 3200 128 28 0.20 0.18 40 2600 96
2000 4000 135 33 0.21 0.17 39 2700 120
2500 5000 136 38 0.26 0.17 35 2700 150

Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil In free air In free air
• • •
•• •• ••• ••• •• •••
Load Factor 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 - -
mm kcmil A A A A A A

500 1000 859 728 918 793 927 1009

630 1250 980 825 1056 906 1072 1176
800 1600 1108 925 1208 1027 1233 1371
1000 2000 1311 1087 1427 1205 1485 1652
1200 2400 1416 1170 1547 1301 1619 1810
1400 2750 1526 1255 1680 1407 1763 1987
1600 3200 1617 1329 1783 1491 1877 2120
2000 4000 1780 1456 1975 1643 2088 2384
2500 5000 1956 1586 2214 1825 2359 2750

Calculation basis:
Conductor temperature 90°C, 50 Hz, soil temperature 25°C, laying depth 1200 mm, soil thermal resistivity 1.0 Km/W,
phase distance at flat formation 30 cm, air temperature 35° - Earthing method: Single-end bonding or Cross-bonding

Values apply for cables with rated voltages from 330 kV to 345 kV acc. to IEC 62067

© 05.2006 Subject to modifications 1/1

220/127 kV XLPE Cable

Single-core XLPE High Voltage Cable

with Aluminium laminated sheath
Cable layout Production process XDRCU-ALT
 Copper conductor, stranded, cross-sections of The inner semiconductive layer, the 220/127 kV
1000 sqmm and above segmented, optionally XLPE main insulation and the outer
with longitudinal water barrier semiconductive layer are extruded in a
 Inner semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to the single operation.
XLPE insulation Special features of metallic sheath
 XLPE main insulation, cross-linked  Copper wire screen as short-circuit
current carrying component
 Outer semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to
the XLPE insulation  Aluminium foil, overlapped,
0,25 mm thick, as radial diffusion
 Copper wire screen with semi-conductive barrier
swelling tapes as longitudinal water barrier  Low weight, low cost,
 Aluminium lamninated sheath internationally proven design
 HDPE oversheath, halogen-free, as mechanical Applicable standards
protection, optionally: with semi-conductive IEC 62067 (2001)
and/or flame-retardant layer ANSI / ICEA S-108-720-2004

Technical data
Copper conductor Outer Cable weight Capacitance Impedance Surge Min. bending Max. pulling
cross-section diameter appox. (90°C, 50 Hz) impedance radius force
approx. •••
mm kcmil mm kg/m µF/km Ω/km Ω mm kN

300 600 99 12 0.11 0.25 59 2000 18

500 1000 99 13 0.13 0.23 54 2000 30
630 1250 100 15 0.15 0.22 51 2000 38
800 1600 105 17 0.18 0.20 46 2100 48
1000 2000 111 20 0.19 0.19 44 2250 60
1200 2400 112 22 0.22 0.19 41 2250 72
1400 2750 115 24 0.22 0.18 40 2300 84
1600 3200 116 26 0.25 0.18 38 2350 96
2000 4000 119 30 0.27 0.17 36 2400 120
2500 5000 129 37 0.28 0.17 34 2600 150

Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil In free air In free air
• • •
•• •• ••• ••• •• •••
Load Factor 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 - -
mm kcmil A A A A A A

300 600 670 571 714 621 707 768

500 1000 877 739 945 813 944 1038
630 1250 1001 838 1090 930 1092 1213
800 1600 1130 939 1241 1051 1252 1405
1000 2000 1339 1106 1462 1231 1508 1687
1200 2400 1450 1192 1595 1336 1651 1863
1400 2750 1561 1280 1725 1440 1791 2031
1600 3200 1657 1353 1847 1536 1919 2195
2000 4000 1824 1482 2060 1703 2147 2490
2500 5000 2002 1618 2282 1876 2397 2815

Calculation basis:
Conductor temperature 90°C, 50 Hz, soil temperature 25°C, laying depth 1200 mm, soil thermal resistivity 1.0 Km/W,
phase distance at flat formation 30 cm, air temperature 35° - Earthing method: Single-end bonding or Cross-bonding

Values apply for cables with rated voltages from 220 kV to 230 kV acc. to IEC 62067

© 05.2006 Subject to modifications 1/1

132/76 kV XLPE Cable

Single-core XLPE High Voltage Cable

with Aluminium laminated sheath
Cable layout Production process XDRCU-ALT
 Copper conductor, stranded, cross-sections of The inner semiconductive layer, the 132/76 kV
1000 sqmm and above segmented, optionally XLPE main insulation and the outer
with longitudinal water barrier semiconductive layer are extruded in a
 Inner semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to the single operation.
XLPE insulation Special features of metallic sheath
 XLPE main insulation, cross-linked  Copper wire screen as short-circuit
current carrying component
 Outer semiconductive layer, firmly bonded to
the XLPE insulation  Aluminium foil, overlapped,
0,25 mm thick, as radial diffusion
 Copper wire screen with semi-conductive barrier
swelling tapes as longitudinal water barrier  Low weight, low cost,
 Aluminium lamninated sheath internationally proven design
 HDPE oversheath, halogen-free, as mechanical Applicable standards
protection, optionally: with semi-conductive IEC 60840 (2004-04)
and/or flame-retardant layer AEIC CS7-93
ANSI / ICEA S-108-720-2004

Technical data
Copper conductor Outer Cable weight Capacitance Impedance Surge Min. bending Max. pulling
cross-section diameter appox. (90°C, 50 Hz) impedance radius force
approx. •••
mm kcmil mm kg/m µF/km Ω/km Ω mm kN
240 500 73 6 0,13 0,26 59 1500 14
300 600 76 7 0,14 0,25 49 1550 18
400 800 77 8 0,16 0,23 49 1600 24
500 1000 83 9 0,16 0,22 49 1700 30
630 1250 86 10 0,18 0,22 49 1750 38
800 1600 87 12 0,24 0,20 42 1800 48
1000 2000 91 14 0,27 0,19 39 1850 60
1200 2400 95 15 0,30 0,19 37 1900 72
1400 2750 96 21 0,34 0,18 34 1950 84
1600 3200 99 22 0,35 0,18 33 2000 96
2000 4000 104 27 0,39 0,17 31 2100 120
2500 5000 111 33 0,43 0,17 29 2250 150

Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil Buried in soil In free air In free air
• • •
•• •• ••• ••• •• •••
Load Factor 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 - -
mm kcmil A A A A A A
240 500 607 513 657 569 631 698
300 600 687 579 745 642 721 799
400 800 789 660 861 737 837 936
500 1000 896 748 979 836 960 1074
630 1250 1020 847 1123 953 1107 1249
800 1600 1154 949 1292 1086 1275 1467
1000 2000 1377 1126 1530 1276 1550 1776
1200 2400 1488 1212 1661 1380 1691 1947
1400 2750 1605 1302 1810 1497 1843 2147
1600 3200 1699 1377 1925 1589 1964 2297
2000 4000 1869 1507 2147 1763 2195 2603
2500 5000 2050 1643 2396 1954 2456 2969

Calculation basis:
Conductor temperature 90°C, 50 Hz, soil temperature 25°C, laying depth 1200 mm, soil thermal resistivity 1.0 Km/W,
phase distance at flat formation 30 cm, air temperature 35° - Earthing method: Single-end bonding or Cross-bonding

Values apply for cables with rated voltages from 132 kV to 138 kV acc. to IEC 60840

© 05.2006 Subject to modifications 1/1

High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Techincal User Guide

5. XLPE Cable Reference Projects from Brugg

BRUGG CABLES XLPE cable system experience above 220 kV dates back to the year 1990. Since then,
more than 70 systems have been put in operation sucessfully in this voltage range all over the world.

Furthermore, BRUGG CABLES is one of the leading suppliers of oil-filled cables in the Middle East.

Brugg Cables Page 20

XLPE Cable Projects

345kV Circuits K-Street #1 and #2
115kV Circuit Hyde Park

Boston, USA

NStar Electric & Gas

Scope of supply BRUGG:

345kV-XLPE-Kabel 1x2750kcmil (1400mm2 )
total length: 2‘910 ft (0,9 km)
12 GIS Terminations 345kV

115kV-XLPE-Kabel 1x4000kcmil (2000mm2 )

total length: 900 ft (0,3 km)
12 GIS Terminations 115kV
Photo by courtesy of Mass Electric Co.
Spring 2006

© Brugg Kabel AG 2006

XLPE Cable Projects

Piacenza Repowering Project
380kV Connection lines

Piacenza, Italy

(Joint Venture Edison, Italy & Atel, Switzerland)

Main contractor:
Consortium Piacenza 800
(Techint, Fiat Engineering, Siemens)

Scope of supply BRUGG:

2.4 km 380kV-XLPE-Kabel 1x800mm2
12 GIS Terminations 380kV

July 2005

© Brugg Kabel AG 2005

XLPE Cable Projects

220kV Connection line
Combined Cycle Power Plant, Block A 800

Ludwigshafen, Germany


Main contractor:
Siemens AG, Erlangen

Scope of supply BRUGG:

20.5 km 220kV XLPE Cable 1x 2000mm2
6.5 km 220kV XLPE Cable 1x 400mm2
9 Outdoor Terminations
15 GIS-/Transformer Terminations
12 Cross-Bonding Joints
33 Straight Joints

October 2004

© Brugg Kabel AG 2005

XLPE Cable Projects

400kV & 220kV Connection lines, Shuweihat IWPP

United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA)

Main contractor:
Siemens AG, Erlangen

Scope of supply BRUGG:

9.2 km 400kV-XLPE-Kabel 1x 630mm2
15 Outdoor Terminations 400kV
15 GIS Terminations 400kV
0.8 km 220kV-XLPE-Kabel 1x1600mm2
3.7 km 220kV-XLPE-Kabel 1x 630mm2
12 Outdoor Terminations 220kV
12 GIS Terminations 220kV

Autumn 2003

© Brugg Kabel AG 2005

XLPE Cable Projects

275kV Connection lines, Substation Creux de Chippis

Switzerland (Valais)

Power Stations Gougra Ltd.

Scope of supply BRUGG:

2 km 275kV XLPE Cable 1x 1200mm2
0.5 km 275kV XLPE Cable 1x 1600mm2
1 km 275kV XLPE Cable 1x 400mm2
36 GIS Terminations 300kV
10 Transformer Terminations 300kV
24 Outdoor Terminations 300kV

May 1997

© Brugg Kabel AG 2005

XLPE Cable Projects

HPP Stalden
Replacement of two 275kV Cable connections

Valais, Switzerland

KWM Kraftwerke Mattmark

Scope of supply BRUGG:

2.3 km 275kV XLPE Cable 1x400mm2
6 Outdoor Terminations 275kV
6 GIS Terminations 275kV

Stage 1: November 2004
Stage 2: December 2005

© Brugg Kabel AG 2006

© 08.2006 Brugg Kabel AG
Business Unit Power Systems
Klosterzelgstrasse 28
CH-5200 Brugg (Switzerland)

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