Application of Multiresidue Procedures in Pesticides Residues Analysis
Application of Multiresidue Procedures in Pesticides Residues Analysis
Application of Multiresidue Procedures in Pesticides Residues Analysis
Prepared for publication by
'Mezogazdasagi és ElelmezesUgyi Miniszterium,
Novenyvedelmi és Agrokemiai Kozpont, Budapest, Hungary
2lnstitut für Lebensmittelchemie der Universität Münster, FRG
*Membership of the Commission during the preparation of this report (1983—85) was as follows:
Chairman: J. A. R. Bates (UK); Secretary: R. Greenhalgh (Canada); Titular Members:
N. Aharonson (Israel); A. Ambrus (Hungary); S. Gorbach (FRG); W. Klein (FRG); Associate
Members: J. Desmoras (France); H. 0. Esser (Switzerland); L. A. Golovleva (USSR); R. J.
Hemingway (UK); R. Hollingworth (USA); N. Kurihara (Japan); W. B. Neely (USA); S. Otto
(FRG); T. R. Roberts (UK); J. Seiber (USA); D. B. Sharp (USA); J. W. Vonk (Netherlands);
National Representatives: A. M. P. D'Angelo (Argentina); W. Lara (Brazil); Zhengming Li
(Chinese Chemical Society); J. Kovacicova (Czechoslovakia); N. Drescher (FRG); F. Dutka
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(Malaysia); G. W. Mason (New Zealand); A. Kotarski (Poland); N. Bärbulescu (Romania);
P. C. Kearney (USA).
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sion: Dr. T. R. Roberts, Shell Research Ltd., Sittingbourne Research Centre, Sittingbourne,
Kent ME9 8AG, UK.
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Application of multiresidue procedures in
pesticides residues analysis
Abstract — The fields of application of nultiresidue procedures and the proper
selection of compounds and samples to be analysed are discussed. The various
processes of well established nultiresidue procedures are reviewed and
critically assessed in order to give guidance for the analysis of compounds
being not included in current methods and to help laboratories to improve
their own methodology.
4.1 Grouping of samples
4.2 Preparation of portion of sample to be analyzed
6.1 Adsorbent column chromatography
6.2 Gel permeation chromatography
6.3 Other clean—up procedures
6.4 No clean—up
7.1 GLC analysis
7.2 Thin—layer chromatographic analysis
7.3 HPLC analysis
The introduction of new pesticides, the extension of the activities of the field of residue
analysis and the increasing requirements regarding tine, cost and safety necessitate the
regular revision and improvement of the analytical methods available. The main objective
of the use of multiresidue procedures (MRPs) is to determine as many pesticides of different
chemical structure as possible in various types of samples of known or more often of unknown
origin in a single procedure.
The analysis of pesticide residues in samples of unknown origin consists of two phases:
(1) rapid screening of residues possibly present, (2) identification (confirmation) and
quantification of residues present. The requirements regarding the processes applied in
the two phases of the determination may differ significantly. For example at the screening
stage a recovery value as low as 30% may be acceptable if the overall sensitivity of the
method enables the indication of the residue exceeding a certain limit, while for the
quantitation the method is generally considered satisfactory if the recovery is over 70—80%
with a relative standard deviation of 10% for repeatability.
The limits over which the residues should be detected depend on the purpose of the analysis
and should be determined on a case by case basis. For quantitation of those components for
which the recovery is lower than 70% an additional analysis with a specific method may be
considered necessary if an accurate result is required (e.g. the residue detected
approaches the legal limit).
For the determination of pesticide residues such a multitude of methods has been described
that a complete survey of literature is very difficult for the analyst. However, by far
the majority of these methods consist of a few working steps such as extraction with a
Mu/tires/due procedures in pesticides residues ana/ysis 1037
FIGURE 1. Very simplified scheme of the working steps in analysis of plant material
The objective of this paper is to give some guidance on the application of the various
processes used in the general scheme of MRPs (Figure 1) by comparing some well established
methods covering a wide range of pesticides.
In supervised trials, mainly specific methods are used. These should be suitable for the
determination of the quality and quantity of the parent compound and its major metabolites
and/or degradation products individually in order to provide the necessary data for the
establishment of Maximum Residue Limits (I4RLs) (1).
In total diet studies and in certain environmental monitoring programmes all residue
components of toxicological importance should be determined regardless of the way MRLs are
expressed (metabolites may or may not be included). Therefore, in addition to the MRPs,
which are mostly suitable for the determination of parent compounds only, specific methods
are also needed for the analysis of selected metabolites.
Multiresidue procedures are the preferred methods for the analysis of samples derived from
selective field surveys providing samples of known origin (2) or taken from commodities of
unknown origin which generally form the lots moving in commerce. The residues included in
the MRLs have to be analysed in these two situations as the main objectives of these studies
are either the enforcement of MRLs or the collection of information on the residues in food
items in relation to the MRL. The latter information may be used for the assessment of
possible maximum exposure of consumers to pesticide residues or for setting up priority
lists of pesticides and sampling plans for commodities which should be checked
However, there is no single multiresidue method which could cover the wide variety of
chemical—sample matrices which need to be analysed for regulatory control. In addition
there are many compounds which cannot be recovered by MRPs at all; consequently individual
methods have also to be used for the determination of their residues. Positive results
should be confirmed in each case bearing in mind the various sources of possible
interferences. Every analyst should be aware of the applicability and limitations of the
methods used concerning the type of samples and compounds involved. In order to select
the most suitable procedures, to provide the widest information on the samples within the
shortest time and/or at the lowest cost, the number of active ingredients and metabolites
to be analysed should be limited by careful selection.
Based on the results of a large number of previous analyses and on other considerations,
several countries have set up priority lists of compounds to be looked for in regulatory
analysis. Some of the compounds detected most often or included in priority lists are
given in Appendix 1. The number and kind of active ingredients registered or used in
various countries varies widely, due to the different climatic and economic conditions,
pest situation and growing practices. Therefore each country or group of countries having
similar conditions needs to define their own priority lists. On the selection of compounds
to be included in a priority list for regulatory analysis, information on the extent of
practical application, the frequency of occurrence and level of residue in samples marketed
and the toxicity of the residue has to be taken into account.
The primary source of information on the level and the behaviour of the residue in the
commodities are the reports on supervised trials carried out before registration. A great
number of these and other data are collected in the series of "Pesticide Residues in Foods,
Evaluations" published by FAO yearly (4). The monographs on individual compounds summarize
the most essential toxicological and residue data, metabolic pathway and evaluations of
the results. Those data obtained from trials where the rate of application, the growing
stage and the preharvest intervals were close or similar to the use patterns registered
should be considered first.
The limited number of supervised trials are mainly concentrated on major crops and varieties
and designed to indicate the probable maximum residues level at the time of harvest.
Consequently, the data from such trials cannot generally give sufficient information on the
residue distribution in lots treated on a large scale under average farming practice
conditions. The exceptions are those compounds which can only be applied presowing or at
the beginning of growing season and the use of which does not result in measurable residues
at the time of harvest. For these compounds the results of supervised trials provide
sufficient information and further regulatory control is usually not necessary.
For the other compounds the residue patterns reflecting the practical use and weather
conditions have to be determined during the first few years after the commencement of the
large scale use. Therefore, all these compounds should be included in the priority list
and should be regularly checked in all commodities in which their use is permitted or
Having collected sufficient information on the residue distribution further selection can
be made. It is proposed that the priority list should include compounds which
may be applied close to harvest or marketing;
— lead to residues disappearing at an apparent half life of 4 or more days;
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1039
— are preferred by farmers and, either their use night be extended to those crops excluded
from the registered uses or they might be applied closer to harvest than the pre—harvest
intervals established permit (possible misuses).
In devising the sampling plans higher priority should be given to crops requiring intensive
plant protection (e.g. apple, citrus fruits, tomato etc.) and which form an appreciable
part of the diet.
TABLE 1. Some clean—up procedures used for analysis of organochlorine (OC) and
organosphosphorus (OP) pesticides in plant samples
First author Pesti— Anal. Extraction Au— Dilution Parti— Column Elution
cides sample (ml) quot (ml) tioning Chromatography (ml)
Becker (19a) OC, OP 100 200 Ac 1/5 250 W, 2x50 Dichlm 15 g Silica gel 140 Dichlm/Tol/
others 25 NaClsat. + I g C, 5 g Ac 10+2+2
Silica gel
8 g Alumina N 30 Hex
(19% W) 30 Hex/Eth 7+3
25 g Alumina B 80 Hex
(16% W) 75 Hex/Eth 2+1
Ebing (19b,c) OP 100 200 Ac 1/5 250 W, 2x5O 375 ml Sephadex 450 Ethanol
35 NaClast. Dichlm LH—20
— — —
AOAC (Sc). OC, OP 25 125 EtAc Sweep—Co—
— — — 150 Tol/Ac/EtAc
Watts (18,21) OP 50 250 EtAc 10 gC/MgO/Cel.
1+2+4 2+1+1
It should be emphasized that none of the subgroups is sufficiently uniform for the various
samples to be treated similarly at cleanup. Depending on the method of detection some of
the materials require additional procedures in order to remove interfering constituents.
For instance the sulfur—containing compounds which interfere with the ECD determination
must be removed from extracts of onion, leek, certain cabbages etc. with a specific
procedure such as the silver nitrate/aluminium oxide column chromatographic method (9).
In the case of MRPs the extracting solvent must be suitable for the extraction of compounds
with a wide range of polarity from various matrices containing different amount of water,
fat, sugar and other substances. In order to provide suitable conditions for the transfer
of residues from the samples to the extracting solvent the analytical sample needs to be
disintegrated in high speed homogenizers or choppers in the presence of one solvent or a
solvent mixture. The type of solvent and the blender used in extraction may influence
materially the efficiency of extraction. The differences caused by the use of various
equipment can be reduced by shaking the solvent sample mixture for an hour after
homogenization (8). For the extraction of systemic and contact pesticide residues
simultaneously the differences in the hydrolytic stability of the compounds, especially
the sensitivity of some contact pesticides, have to be considered (12).
In MRPs the most widely used solvents are acetonitrile and acetone. Both ae miscible with
water, consequently the actual extracting agent is their mixture with the water derived
from the sample. Methods based on the extraction of plant materials with acetonitrile and
acetone are summarized in Table 1. The cleanup procedures mainly used for fats are given in
Table 2. Table 3 lists the compounds reported to be covered by the most widely used methods.
Stijve (19i) 1 (Soln in FE) 25 g Florisil 300 PE/Dichim 8+2 Bz can be mostly replaced
(3% W) by Tol, Chlfm by Dichlm.
6 Luke: Ac/Dichlm, no clean—up (AOAC 1984 + PAM Table 2011 + PAN Section 232.4)
7 Specht: Ac/Dichlm, GPC, Silica, 5 eluates
Structural analogies indicate that pesticide can probably be determined with the procedure
(including column clean—up).
e, f, p, n, s, h corresponds to detectors E, F, P, N, 5, H.
x probably no recovery
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Organohalogen pesticides
Aidrin -H-El -H-El ++E -I-I-E ++El ++H -H-El
Brompropylate -H-E23 -f-i-H ++E34
Captafol /E3 -H-H3 ++E -H-E -H-H -H-E3
Captan /H3 -H-H3 ++E ++E +1-H -H-E3
Chiorbenside -H-El -H-El e -f-I-H /E3
Chlorbenzilate -H-E23 -H-El -H-H -H-E34
Camphechior -H-Hi -H-El e h -H-El
Chiordane -H-El -H-El e -1--I-H -H-El
Chiordecone +E23 — — h ++E4
Chlorfenprop—methyl h -H-E23
Chlorfenson ++E2 -H-E2 e h -H-E12
Chlorfensulphide -H-H e
Chloroneb -H-Hi -H-E2 e h -H-H2
Chlorpropylate -H-H23 /E3 +1-H h ++E34
Chiorthal -H-H -H-H -H-El h -H-H2
Chiorthalonil -H-El -H-H -H-H2
Cymoxanil -H-H -1-1-4
DDD (TDE) -H-El -H-El -H-H -H-El -H-H -H-El
DDE -H-El -H-El -H-H - -H-El -H-H -H-El
DDT -H-El -H-El -H-H -H-Hi -H-H -H-El
Dichlobenil +E2 +H2 -H-H -H-El -H-E2
Dichlofluanid -H-H -H-H ++E23
Dichloran +H23 ++E2 /E +El -H-H -H-H2
Dichlorbenzamid -H-E4
Diclof op—methyl h -H-E3
Dicofol +El2 -H-E12 -H-H -H-H +H -H-H -H-Hl2
Dieldrin -I-I-/2 -H-E2 ++H -H-El -H-H -H-E2
n—Endosulfan -H-H2 -H-H2 -H-H -H-El h -H-Hl2
5—Endosulfan -H-H23 — e
Endosulf ansuif ate -H-E3
-H-E2 - -H-H
Endrin -H-E2 -H-H2 -H-El -H-H -H-E2
TABLE 3. (contInued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Organophosphorus pesticides
TABLE 3. (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pyrethrins, Pyrethroids
TABLE 3. (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Urea herbicides
Benzthiazuron x x
Buturon x x +4-cL +4- 23
Chlorbromuron x x -I--I-cL ++N +4-gE
Chioroxuron x x ci +4-N ++N12 ++E34
Chiortoluron x x ci + -H- 12 n
Cycluron x x +4-N45
Difenoxuron x x ci -H-N2 n
Diflubenzuron x x
Dimefuron x x
Diuron — — ci +N n n
Fenuron x x +4-cL n n
Isonoruron x x
Isoproturon x x ci +N +N
Linuron x x ci +4-N ++Ni2 -H-N +4-N34
Methabenzthiazuron x x +4-N +4-Ni ++N4
Metmercapturon x x +4-N +4-N2 N
Metobromuron x x +4-cL +4-N ++Ni2 ++N234
Metoxuron x x -I-I-cL
Monolinuron x x +4-cL +4- +4- 12 ++N34
Monuron — — +4-cL n n
Neburon — — +4-cL n ++E4
Triazine herbicides
Ametryne -H-N ++N12 +4-S -H-gN
Atrazine /N3 — -H-N -H-N ++N2 +4-N34
Aziprotryne ++N -H-N -H-Ni2 a -H-gN
Cyanazine - -H-N ++N2 +4-N4
Cyprazine n n
Desmetryn +4-N n a +N45
Dipropethryn n a +4-gN
Methoprotryn +4-N n +-I-N45
+N3 —
Prometryn -H-N +4-N -H-N12 -H-S -H-gN
Propazine +N23 — -H-N n +4-N34
Simazine — - -H-N IN -H-N2 +4-N34
Terbumeton +4-N +4-N2 n
Terbuthylazine +N23 -H-N -H-Ni2 -H-N34
Terbutryn +1-N +4-N ++Ni2 a ++gN
Trietazine n +4-N34
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1045
TABLE 3. (contInued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Other pesticides
Alachior — /E3 ++EN3
Allidochior — —
Amitraz ++gN
Anilazine ++E2 ++E2 ++E3
Benodanil -H-gE
Bentazon —
Benzoylpropethyl ++E23
Benzoxlmate —
Bifenox ++E23
Bitertanol -H-N4
Bromacil — — ++E ++E4
Brompyrazon ++N45
Bupirimate ++N ++N -H-N
Carboxin -H- -H- 1 +N12
Chinomethionate -H- 1 -H-S -H- 23
Dimethachior -H-N34
Diphenaniid ++ 1 -H-N34
Diphenylainine +-I-gN
Ethiritnol —
Ethofumesate -H- -H- 23
Fenarimol -H- + -H-EN4
Fenazaflor -H-E2
Fluotrimazol -H-EN34
Imazalil -H-N5
Iprodione -H-E -H-E -H-E -H- -H-E3
Isomethiozin -H-gN
Lenacil -H-N4
Metalaxyl -H-N -H- -H-N4
Metamitron -H-N45
Metolachior -H-E34
Metribuzin -H- -H- 12 -H-S -H-gN
Molinate -H- / 1 -H-gN
Napropamid -H- -H-N34
Nitrapyrin -H-El
Norfiurazon -H-E4
Nuarimol +E +E
Oxadiazon -H-E2 -H- -H- 1 -H-EN3
Procymidon -H-E -H-EN3
Propachior -H- 1 -H-E3
Propanil +E3 -H-E -H-E34
Propargite -H- 1 -H-S -H-E23
Propiconazol +E -H-N45
Propyzaniid -H-E + +1 -H-N ++E3
Rabenzazol -H-N3
Terbacil — /E23 -H-N4
Triadimef on -H- -H- -H- 12 -H-FN34
Triadimenol -H-N45
Vinclozolin -H- -H- -H- 1 -H-H -H-EN23
TABLE 3. (continued)
It should be borne in mind that many of the methods are suitable for the determination of
additional pesticides which were not in use at the time of the publication of the methods.
Using the tabulated data an estimation can be made on the applicability of certain methods
or processes for the analysis of new compounds based on the similarities of chemical
structure and physico—chemical properties.
The merit of acetonitrile is that much lipophilic plant material such as fats and waxes is
not extracted. The extract therefore contains only a minor load of co—extractives.
Disadvantages are high cost, toxicity, difficulties in purification and some difficulty in
removing it, if necessary, before the final determination.
With both solvents, crude extracts are obtained which contain the water extracted from the
plant matrix. The extracts cannot be evaporated directly to dryness, as pesticide residues
would be lost via distillation with water. Residues are therefore transferred into a low
boiling solvent immiscible with water. The low polarity petroleum ether or the moderately
polar methylene chloride are used almost exclusively for this purpose, with or without
previous dilution of the crude extract with additional water.
Partitioning with petroleum ether is an excellent cleanup step for analysis of non—polar
residues (e.g. organochlorines, PCBs, some low polarity fungicides and herbicides), for
only low polarity co—extractives (fats, waxes, carotenoids) are transferred into the
petroleum ether with the pesticides.
Partitioning with methylene chloride is much less effective for cleanup, but will be
necessary for sufficient recovery of the more polar pesticides which are not soluble in
petroleum ether. In more recent methods, the crude extract is not diluted with water, but
is diluted with methylene chloride only, yielding the co—extracted water as a separate
aqueous layer. This is optimal for maximum recovery of nearly all (even highly water—
soluble) pesticides, but has little if any cleanup effect.
Some other solvents have been used, mainly for the extraction of organophosphorus compounds.
The major advantage of ethyl acetate (21) and butanol is the fact that one can directly use
an aliquot of dried extract because of the limited solubility of water in ethyl acetate.
The extraction procedure is therefore extremely quick, no partition step is required and
it gives cleaner extracts than with acetone (15). Benzene, methanol (14) and chloroform
have also been used in some methods but their use is limited by their toxicity.
Although the efficiency of the extraction with mixtures of water—immiscible and water—
miscible solvents is very good, they are not widely used, possibly because of emulsion
problems and difficulties in obtaining representative aliquots for the analysis (16).
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1047
Techniques for dry crops after they have been ground to powder include extraction with
acetonitrile containing 35% water (5,6) or with dichlornethane (8). Powdered naterial can
be efficiently extracted with chloroforni/nethanol 1+1 in a colunn after nixing it with
Celite 545 but the adoption of the nethod is limited by the toxicity of the solvents.
Extraction in a chromatographic colunn was also found to be very efficient for a wide range
of conpounds and samples with medium and high water content (17). The sample is homogenized
with the addition of a small amount of water, if required. A portion of the pulp is mixed
with Florisil, activated at 450°C, to provide a constant ratio of Florisil to water of
1.67. The free-flowing dry mixture of sample pulp and Florisil is transferred onto a column
over a 5 mm layer of anhydrous sodium sulphate. The pesticides are extracted with 100 ml
of dichloromethane/acetone mixture, 9+1. The concentrated extract is clean enough to
determine organophosphorus compounds directly with the phosphorus selective TID, although
in other cases additionally cleanup is necessary.
For the extraction of acidic pesticides (e.g. chlorphenoxy herbicides or phenols), the use
of a slightly alkaline solution is the best. Partitioning from organic phase into a
slightly alkaline aqueous solution, acidification and re—extraction into an organic layer
is a very efficient tool for separating residues from co—extractives.
The efficiency of extraction is a very important parameter of any method. Special attention
should be paid to testing the extraction efficiency for any new compounds which are
intended to be analysed by a given method. It must be emphasised that the recovery of a
pesticide from fortified samples does not give accurate information on the extraction
efficiency and can only be used for testing the percentage loss of the compound added to
the sample. The efficiency of extraction may be checked by analysing field—treated samples
with a specific method of known efficiency and with the method to be tested.
6.1 Adsorbent column chromatography
Most multiresidue methods include a cleanup using adsorption columns, in particular
Florisil, alumina and carbon. Reproducible results depend both on the material used and
on some external conditions. For example, separation is influenced by quality, quantity
and particle size of the sorbent and its activity, the relative humidity of the air,
polarity and composition of the eluting mixture, activation or deactivation of the sorbent
by the solvents, temperature, nature of the residues and the co—extractives and loading of
the column. Host adsorbent columns will achieve a good cleanup only when they are eluted
with solvent mixtures of low polarity, eluting less polar residues and leaving more polar
co—extractives behind on the column. The more the eluting solvent polarity is increased,
the greater will be the portion of interfering substances eluted and the less effective
the cleanup. Solvents of high polarity used for carrying the sample into the column can
deactivate the adsorbent immediately and may change the elution profile of some compounds
(12). Therefore the type and amount of solvent applied in a method should not be altered
without adequate checking if similar results are sought.
6.1.1 Florisil
Of all the sorbents used in residue analysis, Florisil has gained the greatest attention.
Although it is sometimes used as activated material (130°C), it is more often used in
deactivated form (addition of 2—7% water). As Florisil retains some lipids preferentially
(25 g Florisil with 3% water will retain 1 g fat), it is particularly well suited for the
cleanup of fatty foods. When a Florisil column is eluted with solvent mixtures of low
polarity, non—polar residues are recovered almost quantitatively. The eluates are very
clean for GLC with ECD as well as for TLC detection on silver nitrate coated plates. The
most widely used eluants are mixtures of petroleum ether with a low percentage of diethyl
ether or dichloromethane. There have been many attempts to improve cleanup efficiency by
more complex solvent mixtures, but without particular success. Florisil is one of the
most useful absorbents for cleanup in the analysis of organochlorines and PCBs in fatty
foods. Miniaturization is readily possible. A major disadvantage is, however, that
activity may vary from one batch to another, so that Florisil needs always to be
standardized very carefully, otherwise poor cleanup or recovery will result.
For the analysis of plant material, Florisil is of minor importance, although it has been
often recommended in the framework of multiresidue procedures for fruits and vegetables.
The main reason is that the cleanup is poor when more polar pesticides need to be eluted
from the column and, in addition, even well—deactivated Florisil will decompose several
pesticides (e.g. the phthalimide fungicides); will oxidise organophosphates with thio—ether
groups or will adsorb the oxons of some organophosphates irreversibly. Examples of
elution possibilities of some organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds are given in
Tables 4 and 5.
Florisil quantity 20 g 30 g 5 g 25 g
Water content — 5 5 3
(g/100 g)
HCB + + + +
Lindane + + + +
Aldrin + + + +
Heptachlor + + + +
p,p'—DDE + + + +
p,p'—DDT + + + +
PCB + + + +
Heptachlor—epoxide + + + +
Methoxychlor + + + +
Dieldrin + + + +
Endrin + + + +
Carbophenothion + (+) +
Ethion + + +
Fenchiorphos + + +
— — +
Disulfoton (+)
Chlorpyrif Os + + +
Parathion + + +
Parathion—methyl + + (+) +
Diazinon + + (+) +
Malathion (+) + + +
Azinphos—ethyl (+) + +
Dimethoate — — +
— — — — —
Dichlorvos (+)
— —
— —
6.1.2 Alumina
In many cases, Florisil can be replaced by alumina, particularly for the analysis of fatty
foods. Basic alumina shows similar elution and cleanup characteristics for the removal
of lipids but does not exhibit the problems of varying activity to the sane degree.
Miniaturized nethods are also available. As with Florisil, experience has shown that
alumina can remove some special types of plant co—extractives but it cannot be unequivocally
recommended for cleanup of plant material. Basic alumina will readily decompose some
organophosphates, and some more polar pesticides are not or only partially recovered from
neutral or acidic alumina (Table 6). To achieve maximum efficiency, one should carefully
consider optimum conditions in relation to both substrates and pesticides to be analysed.
Silver nitrate coated alumina can be of special value for eliminating interfering sulfur—
containing substances from kale, onions etc. for ECD detection. In this case alumina acts
mainly as support for reactive silver nitrate (9).
°Trichlorf on °Difenzoquat
XTriadimef on
Notes: No mark: the pesticide elutes in fraction 1 with recovery higher than 80%
b : the pesticide elutes in fraction 2 0 : recovery lower than 40% or not recovered
TABLE 7. Examples for the separation of pesticides having similar GLC relative
retention times (RRT) on a silica gel column (31).
GLC column: 3% OV—22 on Gas Chrom Q (100—120 mesh), temp. 180°C. Column
chromatography: 5 g Silica gel (Woelm no. 02747), containing 5% water.
Elution fractions: I: 10 ml Hex; II: 16 ml Hex/Bz 4+6; III: 16 ml Bz;
IV: 20 ml Bz/EtAc 1+1; V: 50 ml EtAc.
IV Phosphamidon II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HCB 95 5
a—HCH — 25 75
— — 26
8—HCH 54 20
°-HCH - 40 60
f—HCH — — — — 5 35 45 15 — —
Heptachlor 36 64
— — 50 50
Dieldrin 9 37 41 13 —
Endrin 7 26 47 20 —
o,p'—DDT 30 70
p,p'—DDT 20 80
p,p'—DDE 41 59
— 70 30
6.1.4 Magnesia
Magnesium oxide is valuable in some situations for removing some interfering co—extractives
from plant extracts known to contain sulfurous material. It is not used as such for basic
cleanup but only for additional cleanup (see also mixed adsorbents).
6.1.5 Carbon
Unlike other adsorbents mentioned above, carbon shows different elution characteristics due
to its lipophilic nature. It adsorbs preferentially non—polar, lipophilic and high
molecular weight substances. It is particularly suitable for cleanup of extracts with
high chlorophyll content (vegetables) but no so effective for the removal of plant wax in
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1051
the analysis of organophosphates. Efficiency is, however, affected by type and pre-
treatment of the carbon, so that results reported in the literature are often not directly
comparable. As finely—divided carbon columns have poor flow characteristics, the material is
diluted with diatomaceous earth used in granular form or is used in adsorbent mixtures.
— — 57
2.9 0.7 2.2 cellulose 200 Chlfm,
200 Bz
TABLE 10. Examples for the separation of residues by GPC with Bio Beads S—X3 in an
automatic device
of more than 300 pesticides (19 j). Dextran gels have also been used for cleanup of
organophosphorus compounds but they require much more time and solvent and exhibit
additional interactions between gel and pesticides.
Under the conditions used for plant extracts, GPC with Bio Beads can be applied in the
analysis of fats and oils effectively removing lipids before analysis of organochlorines
and less polar organophosphates. Another valuable feature is that GPC can be carried out
in an automatically controlled device. This versatile technique can be used as a general
cleanup step for almost any type of pesticide and substrate and may be supplemented if
necessary by an specific purification.
6.4 No cleanup
Due to the high selectivity and/or sensitivity of some GLC detectors, crude extracts can be
analysed in principle without any cleanup. This is, however, only possible for organo—
phosphorus or organonitrogen pesticides with the FPD or the Hall electrolytic conductivity
detector and for some fruits with the thermionic detectors operated in phosphorus node.
Co—extractives may, however, rapidly shorten the life—time of the GLC column. In practice,
this mode of of operation can only be recommended if the load capacity of the detector and
the column has been carefully determined and the working parameters (capacity and inertness
of the column, selectivity and sensitivity of the detector) are regularly observed and
7.1 GLC analysis
At present gas—liquid chromatography employing specific detectors (ECD, TID, FPD, Hall
electrolytic conductivity detector) is the most widely used technique for the identification
and quantitation of the compounds in the sample extract.
Table 11 shows chromatographic conditions applied in some IIRPs. The most important
parameter in the selection of supports, packing and chromatographic equipment is inertness.
Because of the high sensitivity of many residues to the surface activity only the most
inert supports (e.g. Gaschrom Q, Chromosorb W HP) are recommended for use with a minimum
coating of 3% liquid phase. It is essential to use pyrex glass injectors and columns washed
with hydrochloric acid and treated with dimethyl dichlorosilane. Acid washed pyrex wool
should be used for closing the packings but quartz wool gives better results. The inertness
of the column varies depending on the contaminating substances injected and on the quality
of the solvents and carrier gas used. Therefore the regular control and the maintenance
of the column inertness are advisable. The injection of a carbaryl/prophan mixture was
found to be valuable for testing the inertness of the column. If the response ratio of
carbaryl/propham is equal to or higher than 0.5 at a 5 ng level with a nitrogen specific
detector the Inertness of the system is suitable for the analysis of labile pesticides
(33). If the first few cm of the packing and the quartz wool are changed regularly the
life of columns can be reasonably extended. The inertness of the column can be improved
by the injection of few ul Silyl 8 column conditioner or a similar agent. It was found
necessary to change the quartz wool used after silylation (33).
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1053
Specht [19h] 200 x 0.2 15% QF—1 + 10% DC—200 1:1 200 60 organochlorine
Gas Chrom Q and OP
70—100 mesh
Stijve [19i] 160 x 0.3 1.5% OV—17 + 1.95% QF—1 210 40 organochlorine
Chrom W—DMCS and OP
100—120 mesh
Notes: a particle sizes 60—80, 80—100, 100—120 mesh are equivalent to 0.25—0.177, 0.177—0.15,
0.15—0.125 = respectively
b flow rate is selected to achieve optimum performance of the specific detectors
Most of the methods recommend chromatographic columns of unnecessary large capacity which
results in long analysis time (50 to 98 mm for certain compounds) (16) and loss of
sensitivity of the detection. These disadvantages may be partly compensated by increasing
carrier gas flow rate and temperature. However, the former may adversely affect the
detector performance while the latter increases the decomposition of labile compounds.
Narrow (i.d. 2 mm) and short (50—120 cm) columns eliminate the disadvantages mentioned above
(13,31). With appropriate selection of particle size of packing and inner diameter of the
column the greatest number of effective plates per unit time can be achieved at an optimal
flow rate for the specific detector used (33).
Because of the great number of pesticides which can be analysed by GLC, even if 180—200 cm
long columns of large capacity are used and the interferences from plant materials and
reagents are eliminated, any single peak on the chromatogram may represent more than one
pesticide. The detected compounds must be investigated further, at least on another column
of different polarity. On the other hand, it is rare to find in an extract more than one
compound having similar biological effects except for chlorinated hydrocarbons. Thus the
use of slow large capacity columns has no advantage over the quick short columns.
As column materials, borosilicate glass or fused silica are suitable. In earlier years most
glass columns commercially available were very expensive and not sufficiently deactivated
for residue analysis. Workers in this field often made the capillaries in their own
laboratory by using a glass drawinging machine and carried out the pretreatment and coating
operations themselves. Unlike glass columns, fused silica capillaries cannot be drawn in
the laboratory. The columns commercially available are very thin but are covered by a
protective polyimide coating which makes them very flexible. When rolled up, their ends
remain straight and are always ready for installation; a section broken off can be reused
immediately. A further advantage is that the inner surface can be easily and thoroughly
Workers with limited experience with the capillary technique are recommended to use coated
fused silica columns commercially available. In recent years their performance has been
improved considerably and there are now several types which meet the high demands of residue
analysis. The most important aspect is deactiation which plays such an important role in
trace analysis.
Particularly promising are commercial capillaries with immobilised stationary phases, where
the coating is cross—linked and bound to the surface by covalent chemical bonds, e.g.
Durabond (J & W), CB phases (Chrompack), Ultra (Hp), Mega (Erba) etc. Phases of this kind
exhibit very low bleeding and can even be rinsed with some solvents to removing extraneous
deposits which may lead to tailing peaks after some routine use.
Commercially coated columns, however, are rather expensive and may sometimes not offer the
optimal solution for a specific separation problem (e.g. in PCB analysis). In such cases
it is advisable to start with blank glass or fused silica columns and to coat them with the
selected phase in one's own laboratory.
When injecting 1—2 ul of the solution to be analysed, the resulting volume of solvent vapour
is so large that with the usual carrier gas flow of only 2—3 ml/min, pesticides would arrive
at the column not as a small band but only as a diffuse zone. For analysis of the
TABLE 12. Examples for GLC conditions for separating some pesticide groups with glass or
fused silica capillary columns
organochiorine compounds with the ECD, sensitivity is usually high enough for a split system
to be used which results in a proportion (e.g. one tenth) of the injected solution as a
sharp band on to the column. In other cases, however, e.g. for total diet studies or when
working with other selective detectors, the highest sensitivity nay be required.
Recommended techniques include injection at low temperature followed by a rapid temperature
rise to start separation; the on—column injection with a very thin needle using a special
valve inlet; or the moving—needle injector evaporating the solvent on a needle tip before
introducing it into the carrier gas stream.
Table 12 shows some examples for separation conditions described in the literature for the
analysis of pesticide residues in food matrices. As can be seen, methyl silicone gums such
as SE—30 and similar phases (SE—52, SE—54, OV—1701) when used with the ECD provide
particularly good separations for the organochlorine compounds and PCBs. Less viscous
phases are not as satisfactory for some risk remains that some volatile components may
enter the ECD contaminating it seriously. Non—polar as well as more polar columns are
suitable for organophosphates, triazines etc. They can be combined with all types of
selective detectors including mass spectrometry. In most cases a temperature programme
will provide the best separation conditions for the numerous representatives of a certain
pesticide group. Extracts injected on to capillary columns should be reasonably clean
although there are no special cleanup requirements. The same multiresidue cleanup
procedures used for GLC with packed columns are satisfactory.
The loadability of capillary columns with pesticides plus co—extractives depends on the
thickness of the film of stationary phase. Optimum film thickness for residues is about
0.1 Urn. Heavier coating will result in peak broadening and is not recommended for best
separation and sensitivity. Even for 0.1 Um films, loadability is still sufficiently high
in most cases if extracts have been properly cleaned up. Overloading will be easily
perceptible for it results in a typical peak distortion (usually called "leading", slowly
ascending and sharply descending peaks). If overloading occurs, a smaller injection volume
or a diluted solution should be used.
The AFID, FPD and HECD are element selective while ECD detects all compounds having electron
absorbing properties such as nitro, 1,2—diketo, and halogen derivatives. All detectors
have undergone continuous development, resulting in improved selectivity, sensitivity and
stability but their limitations have to be borne in mind when they are used in NRPs. The
performance of the detectors depend considerably on the construction and on the operating
conditions and it may vary even when detectors of sane make are compared. Some changes in
the detector parameters also occur as a function of operation time.
Application of ECD requires properly cleaned sample extracts which can only be achieved
with solvents and adsorbents of high purity. In addition to the cleanup, special attention
should be given to the interpretation of the results due to the variation of recovery and
detector response from compound to compound.
The AFID is specific to phosphorus and nitrogen. In case of heated bead detector the ratio
of P/N sensitivity can vary between 10 and 50 depending on the construction and operating
conditions. As the plant extracts usually contain naturally occurring nitrogen compounds,
the cleanup needs to be almost as rigorous as in case of ECD, in contrast to the earlier
detectors which contained an alkali salt tip over the flame. Therefore the direct injection
of concentrated plant extracts is rarely possible in case of heated bead AFID in spite of
its excellent selectivity expressed in terms of response ratio of phosphorus and hydrocarbon
The FPD is one of the most reliable GLC detectors. Its performance is mainly influenced by
the design, oxygen/hydrogen ratio and by the total oxygen and carrier gas flow. Carbon
compounds produce peaks in the microgramne range only, therefore the interference from
carbon compounds is not usually a problem. It was found that interference from S in the P
node is more likely to occur than from P in the S node, unless working at S levels near the
detection limit (84). For example, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onions, peas
and radish give significant peaks with the FPD in the P mode at a sensitivity range of
about 0.1—5 ng residues (13). Hence, the positive response in the P mode should always be
The Hall extrolytic conductivity detector detects Cl, N, or S with good selectivity, but
its sensitivity is lower than in case of other detectors. Its performance largely depends
on the operating conditions and it is rather difficult to achieve and especially to maintain
the optimal operating conditions. It is used routinely in relatively few laboratories.
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1057
Anibrus (56) Silica gel H EtAc or Dichlm chlorine vapor, o—tolidine + carbamates,
potassium iodide ureas, triazines,
Silica gel H EtAc or Dichlm horse blood serum, acetyl thio— OF,
choline iodide + 2,6—dichloro— carbamates
phenol indophenol
DDR—Manual (66) Silica gel G Bz/Ac 95+5 or 66+34 bovine liver extract, OP,
8—naphthyl carbamates
Delley (71) Silica gel Tol/Ac 85+15 chlorine vapor, potassium triazines
iodide + starch
Abbott (72) Silica gel Chlfm/Ac 9+1 brilliant green, bromine capor triazines
It has been demonstrated that by the proper application of TLC methods reproducible results
can be obtained even at the 0.05—0.1 mg/kg residue level for many pesticides. It is
recommended to spot reference compounds on each plate at the limit of detection in order to
indicate whether the optimum condition for the detection and elution has been achieved or
not. In the latter case the reference spot may not be properly visible or its Rf value
differs from the usual one (56). The reference compound should be selected from those
which are seen on the plates only when the detection has been carried out properly.
It was found that the elution order of 120 pesticides tested did not change regardless the
relative humidity of the air in the developing chamber or the mode of saturation of the
chamber (12) though the latter especially, greatly affects the Rf values. Consequently
spotting two or three compounds of different Rf values on the plates and comparing their Rf
values to those found in the sample significantly increases the probability of correct
identification of the residues which is very important at the screening stage. Particularly
suitable are commercially available factory—coated plates which are easier to handle,
yield more defined spots and permit better quantification.
Sample material carried over into the concentrated extract influences both the separation
and the detectability. Overloaded plates cannot be used for either qualitative or
quantitative determination. The loadability of the layer depends on the mode of detection
and to some extent on the developing solvent.
Table 14 gives some examples from the results of a systematic study carried out with
different plant materials under various chromatographic conditions applying the extract
obtained with the column chromatographic extraction method (17) described in Section 5.
In addition to the described procedure the samples were extracted in a column which
contained 7 g of mixed adsorbent (see Table 9, Ref.8) under the Florisil and sodium sulfate
layer. The preparation of detecting reagents and the developing methods were similar to
those described in Ref. 56. The samples selected were considered to represent the most
difficult cases in various sample groups, so the results obtained can be used as a guide
for the other samples as well. However, it has to be emphasized that the co—extractives
from different samples may have different Rf ranges and intensity and therefore, the
applicability of the given method has to be checked for each sample.
TABLE 14. Loadability of TLC plates: Grams of sample aliquots which can be spotted from extracts obtained
with column chromatographic extraction on Florisil (CE) (17) or with additional mixed adsorbents (CE+MA)
Onion Dichlm 0.2 1 0.5 1 0.1 0.2 <0.2 <0.2 0.5 1 0.2 0.5
PE/Eth 1+2 — — 0.5 1 0.05 0.1 <0.2 <0.2 0.5 1 0.2 0.5
EtAc 0.2 0.5 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 <0.2 <0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.2
Carrot PE/Eth 1+2 — — 1 2 0.1 0.5 <0.2 <0.5 0.2 0.5 0.25 2
EtAc 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.5
Lemon Dichlm 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.2 0.2 <0.2 0.5 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.5
PE/Eth 1+2 — — 1 2 0.5 0.5 <0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.5
EtAc 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.2 0.5 <0.2 <0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5
Spinach Dichlm 0.25 0.5 0.25 1 0.05 0.25 0.5 1 0.25 1 0.2 1
Raisin Dichlm 0.2 0.5 2 2 0.05 0.1 0.2 1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5
PE/Eth 1+2 — — 1 2 0.05 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5
EtAc 0.2 0.5 2 2 0.05 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.4
The UV detector with variable wavelength is mostly used in multiresidue analysis. Its
selectivity is best for pesticides with absorption maxima at high wavelengths. The
sensitivity depends largely on the extinction coefficients of pesticides and co—extractives
present but usually the detection limit will not be better than 0.1—0.5 mg/kg even if up to
100 ul are injected for analysis.
The more efficient fluorescence detection was originally suitable only for individual
pesticides exhibiting proper fluorescence of the molecule, but is now of increasing
application for post—column derivatisation in multiresidue analysis of methylcarbamates
using dansyl chloride (81) or o—phthalaldehyde/2—mercaptoethanol (82).
Separation is performed on 5—10 im silica gel and usually reversed—phase or other surface
modified material is used. As a rule, reversed—phase conditions are particularly versatile
for residue analysis of low polarity pesticides because of broad applicability and low
risk of irreversible contamination of the column by co—extractives. Separation qualities
of column packings commercially available may, however, differ widely according to the
brand. Very promising is the combination of columns with different separation properties
by column—switching techniques (83).
When a broad spectrum cleanup procedure is used (e.g. gel permeation chromatography) the
cleaned extract may well be used for both GLC and HPLC determinations, each of them covering
different groups of pesticides. It should be kept in mind, however, that most current
cleanup methods have been elaborated and proved for GLC analysis with selective detectors
and will not necessarily offer the best performance when used with HPLC. As in GLC all
identifications based on HPLC will need a confirmation by another suitable procedure.
Most of the multiresidue procedures considered in this paper were developed some years ago
and are capable of identifying and determining a large number of pesticide residues. In
the meantime, many of them have undergone some standardization by national or international
bodies. The advantage of the use of standardized processes is evident. The comparison and
assessment of various processes indicate, however, that the procedures used in analytical
practice are not necessarily restricted to the pesticides specified by the authors but may
cover many more compounds. This is particularly true for pesticides introduced in recent
years. There is therefore a great demand for information on which of the pesticides of
current importance will be included in a certain method. Thus it would be for the benefit
of the analysts if the demonstrated extension of standardized procedures was published,
regularly providing information on both positive as well as negative results.
A study of the results of monitoring programmes indicates that most of the compounds
detected can easily be determined by MRPs. This approach may mislead those who are not
familiar with the preconditions of the analytical programme and are interested only in the
results and the actual residue situation. Exclusive use of MRPs will therefore draw
attention to a specific number of compounds and will not provide information on the
existence or significance of other pesticide residues. For this reason the MRPs should
never be applied uncritically in routine analysis and the pesticides specified in market
control, selective field survey and environmental monitoring programmes should not be
selected according to the analytical possibilities of HRPs but rather by considering actual
use patterns and practice, the probability of the appearance of a residue and its toxicity.
The detailed list of compounds which were looked for should be specified in every report.
Most standardized IIRPs were developed on the basis of partitioning and adsorption column
chromatography clean—up steps. In the meantime, gel permeation chromatography has proven
its efficiency as an excellent basic cleanup step removing the surplus of co—extractives or
lipids in the crude sample extract. The aliquots of an extract precleaned by GPC can be
used directly for certain GLC or TLC analyses or can be further purified with specific
processes to meet the requirements of the various pesticides and sample matrices.
Since speed and low cost of analysis (46) are priorities in most laboratories the most
promising way of achieving this is the use of miniaturized methods for cleanup involving a
basic GPC precleaning step.
The mode of detection of residues may vary from one laboratory to another depending on the
facilities available. The degree of sample concentration and cleanup requirement depend
strongly on the mode and condition of detection. The operating conditions have to be
optimized individually in each laboratory. The actual detecting parameters govern the kind
and sequence of cleanup steps, and every laboratory has to establish its own internal
procedure, including confirmation which is preferably based on standardized processes of
widely used, internationally accepted methods.
1. Report of 1983 FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues, FAO Plant Production and
Protection Paper 20, Rome 1980.
2. Report of 1979 FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues, FAO Plant Production and
Protection Paper 56, Rome 1984.
3. Report of the 14th Session of Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues.
4. FAO/WHO, Pesticide Residues in Food, Evaluations, FAO Plant Production and Protection
c. 232.2.
d. 211, 231.
e. 410, 411.
f. 421.
g. 432.
h. 331, 333 A.B.C.
7. Manual on Analytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in Foods, Health Protection
Branch, Ministry of Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa.
8. A. Ambrus et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 64, 733—742 (1981).
9. P.A. Greve, H.A.G. Heusinkveld, Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent., 46, 317—324
10. IUPAC Commission on Pesticide Chemistry, Pure Appl. Chem., 54, 1361—1450 (1982).
11. Codex Alimentarius Commission, Codex Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticide Residues,
CAC/Vol. XIII Ed. 1.
12. J. Lantos, A. Ambrus, E. Visi, in: J. Miyamoto, P.C. Kearney (ed.), Pesticide
Chemistry: Human Welfare and the Environment, Vol. 4.
13. M.A. Luke et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 64, 1187—1195 (1981).
14. C. Krause, J. Kirchhoff, Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch., 66, 194—199 (1970).
15. P.A. Greve, personal communication 1983.
16. A. Kiviranta, in: J. Miyamoto, P.C. Kearney (ed.), Pesticide Chemistry: Human Welfare
and the Environment, Vol. 4, p. 117—122, Pergamon Press, Oxford 1983.
17. L. Kadenczki, in: Proceedings of 8th Annual Meeting on Chromatography, Hung. Chem.
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18. Report by the Panel on Determination of Residues of Certain Organophosphorus
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19 • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), RUckstandsanalytik von Pflanzenschutzmitteln,
1.—8. Lieferung, Verlag Chemie Weinheim etc. 1985.
a. G. Becker, Method S—8.
b. W. Ebing, J. Pflugmacher, Method S—17.
c. W. Ebing, J. Pflugmacher, Method XII—3.
d. W. Ebing et al., Method XII—2.
e. M. Eichner, Method S—12.
f. W. Ebing et al., Method S—13.
g. W. D. Weinmann et al., Method S—23.
h. W. Specht, H.P. Thier, Method S—10.
i. T. Stijve, H.P Thier, Method S—9.
j. W. Specht, Method S—19 and Method XII—6.
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25. Report by the Panel on Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Foodstuffs of
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32. H. Steinwandter, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 304, 137—140 (1980).
Multiresidue procedures in pesticides residues analysis 1061
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aldrin acephate
DDT, DDD, DDE and isomers azinphos—methyl
dieldrin azinphos—ethyl
endosulfan bromophos
HCH isomers bromophos—ethyl
hexachlorobenzene carbopheno thion
lindane chlorfenvinphos
quintozene chlorpyrifos
captafol dialifos
captan diazinon
chlorothalonil dichlorvos
dichlof luanid dimethoate/omethoate
dicloran ditalimfos
dithianon ethion
folpet fenitrothion
Dithiocarbamates malathion
Triazines methidation
atrazine parathion
parathion methyl
Carbamates phosalone
carbaryl pirimiphos—methyl
chlorpropham sulfotep
ethiofencarb tetrachlorvinphos
pirimicarb triazophos
propham trichloronate
benomyl cypermethrin
carbendazim deltamethrin
chinomethionate fenvalerate
chlormequat permethrin
dinobuton Other residues from pesticides
dinoseb—acetate bromide ion
fenarimo 1