State Finance Nature 2023
State Finance Nature 2023
State Finance Nature 2023
State of Finance
for Nature
The Big Nature Turnaround
Repurposing $7 trillion to combat nature loss
© 2023 United Nations Environment Programme
ISBN: 978-92-807-4108-7
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Suggested citation: United Nations Environment Programme (2023). State of Finance for
Nature: The Big Nature Turnaround – Repurposing $7 trillion to combat nature loss. Nairobi.
United Nations Environment Programme
Nathalie Olsen, Ivo Mulder, Qian Hang, Giorgia Maria Malandrino, Aurelia Blin
Global Canopy
Andrew Mitchell, Pei Chi Wong
Andrew Deutz (The Nature Conservancy), Courtney Lowrance (Citi), Giulia Carbone (WBCSD),
Juliano Assunção (Climate Policy Initiative), Onno Van den Heuvel (UNDP Biofin), Padraig Oliver
(UNFCCC), Snorre Gjerde (Norway Sovereign Wealth Fund)
Graphic Design
The authors would like to thank the technical advisory group members, webinar participants and
reviewers for their valuable contributions. However, the content and the positions expressed are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the perspectives of those who provided input nor
of the organisations to which they are affiliated.
In support of:
Biodiversity The variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter
alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological
complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species,
between species and of ecosystems (United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity [UNCBD]).
Biodiversity offset Measurable conservation outcomes that result from actions designed to
compensate for significant residual biodiversity loss that arise through
development projects (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services [IPBES]).
Capital expenditure (investments) Expenditure used to purchase and create assets that generate services
for more than one year.
Finance gap The difference between current financial flows and future investment
needs to achieve climate, biodiversity and land degradation neutrality
Natural capital The world’s stocks of natural assets, which include geology, soil, air,
water and all living things. It is from natural capital that humans derive a
wide range of services, often called “ecosystem services”, which make
human life possible (UNCBD).
Nature All the existing systems created at the same time as the Earth, all
the features, forces and processes, such as the weather, the sea and
mountains (UNCBD).
Nature-based solutions (NbS) Actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage
natural or modified terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine
ecosystems, which address social, economic and environmental
challenges effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing
human well-being, ecosystem services and resilience and biodiversity
benefits (United Nations Environment Assembly [UNEA]).
Nature-harming/negative Nature-negative financial flows refer to finance flows for activities that
finance flows could potentially have a negative effect on nature (Deutz et al. 2020).
Nature-positive A high-level goal and concept describing a future state of nature (e.g.
biodiversity, ecosystem services and natural capital) that is greater
than the current state.
Nature-related risk Potential threats posed to an organisation linked to its and other
organisations’ dependencies on nature and nature impacts. These
can derive from physical, transitional and systemic risks.
Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB; 2021) Framework
application guidance for biodiversity-related disclosures; The
Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD;
2017) Final report: recommendations on climate-related financial
Net zero A state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are
balanced by removal from the atmosphere.
Sustainable Land Management “The use of land resources, including soils, water, animals and plants,
for the production of goods to meet changing human needs, while
simultaneously ensuring the long-term productive potential of these
resources and the maintenance of their environmental functions”
(World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
[WOCAT] 2023). Sustainable land management (SLM) in chapter 4
includes both conservation and regenerative agricultural practices.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements iii
Glossary v
Foreword ix
Executive Summary x
Chapter 4 How much investment in nature-based solutions is needed to reach Rio Targets 27
4.1 Annual investment needs and opportunities 28
4.2 Nature-based solutions finance needs by region 31
4.3 Who will finance the required investment in nature-based solutions? 33
4.4 The Forecast Policy Trajectory – a more likely scenario? 34
4.5 Benefits of nature-based solutions investment 35
4.6 Methodology, data and limitations for nature-based 37
solutions investment needs
4.7 Concluding remarks 38
References 52
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Comparing SFN and OECD analysis of NbS and biodiversity in ODA
Table 4.1 Cumulative NbS investment needs by region
Table A1.1 Public finance flows – description of data used
Table A1.2 Scaling factors used to adjust domestic sectoral expenditure to NbS
Table A1.3 Scaling factors to identify NbS in ODA budgets
Table A1.4 Private NbS finance flows data description
Table A1.5 Private NbS finance flows assumptions
Table A1.6 Rio-aligned and Forecast Policy Trajectory scenario descriptions
Table A1.7 Scenario modelling assumptions
Table A1.8 NbS types and definitions
Table A1.9 Costs estimated in MAgPIE
Table A1.10 Investment needs analysis and approach outside MAgPIE
Table A1.11 Off modelling analysis data sources
Table A2.1 GHG abatement potential by NbS
List of Boxes
Box 1 Exploring Rio Convention synergies in restoration - a case study from Rwanda
Box 2 Note on public nature-negative finance
Box 3 Official Development Assistance funding for NbS and biodiversity
Box 4 Finance for biodiversity protection
Box 5 Sustainable and certified commodity markets
Box 6 Agri-food sector impact investing for conversion free supply chains
viii Box 7 Biodiversity credits
Inger Andersen Nature is the beating heart of human wellbeing and prosperity. Yet
the triple planetary crisis – the crisis of climate change, nature and
Executive Director, UN biodiversity loss and pollution and waste – is causing nature to atrophy,
Environment Programme and with it our chances of ending poverty, hunger and inequity through
the sustainable development goals. Nations have recognized this. In
response, they have built an interlocking framework of multilateral
agreements: from the Paris Agreement to the Kunming-Montreal Global
Biodiversity Framework to land degradation neutrality targets and more.
Protecting nature has huge benefits across the board, including for
climate mitigation and adaptation. Governments should prioritize funding
for public goods, alongside incentives and regulations that catalyze
private finance for sustainable land management and restoration.
Innovative financial instruments such as green bonds, blended finance
and debt for nature swaps can further boost private sector action. At
the same time, we need to see a just transition to an inclusive financial
system that protects the human right to safe, clean, healthy and
sustainable environment.
Jochen Flasbarth There are encouraging signs. Just a few months ago, The Taskforce on
State Secretary in the Federal Nature-Related Financial Disclosures released recommendations to guide
Ministry for Economic businesses and financial institutions to report and act on nature-related
Cooperation and Development dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. Emerging national laws
(BMZ), Germany. like the Kenyan Restoration Act and the Indian Restoration Law show a
growing emphasis on legal frameworks for the restoration and protection
of nature. However, action must accelerate and spread across the
globe. This report is a clear call for governments and the private sector
to repurpose nature-negative investments and scale up investment in
nature. It is a call the world must heed.
| Photo by Explore with Joshua on Unsplash
Executive Summary
The State of Finance for Nature (SFN) annual of additional NbS finance by 2030. Given the
report series tracks finance flows to nature-based scale of degradation globally, restoration provides
solutions (NbS) and compares them to the finance massive opportunities to strengthen ecosystem
needed to maximise the potential of NbS to help function and resilience to deliver the ecosystem
tackle climate, biodiversity and degradation services that people rely so heavily upon.
challenges. For the first time, this edition estimates
the scale of nature-negative finance flows from However, despite the sizeable investment
both public and private sector sources globally. potential of NbS, the single most impactful action
The figure is daunting – almost US$7 trillion per to reduce and halt nature loss is the realignment
year - and is likely to be an underestimate given it of nature-negative finance flows. Due to their
includes only direct impacts. Private finance flows massive scale, realignment of public and private
that have a direct negative impact on nature are nature-negative finance flows will have a very
US$5 trillion, which is 140 times larger than private significant impact and is necessary to avoid
investments into NbS. undermining investment in NbS. While more
public finance for NbS is critical, more action is
On the public side, environmentally harmful needed to repurpose harmful subsidies. In parallel,
subsidies have increased 55 per cent to US$1.7 governments need to put in place regulation and
trillion since the last report, despite government economic incentives to turn private finance flows
commitments and driven by fiscal support for away from nature harming activities and toward
fossil fuel consumption. The combined impact of nature and nature-based solutions. Meanwhile,
public and private nature-negative finance flows is the financial sector and the business community
enormously destructive and undermines potential at large cannot wait for a fully developed enabling
increases in finance for NbS. However, this policy environment. There is much they can and
misalignment represents a massive opportunity must do now to urgently transform unsustainable
to turnaround private and public finance flows to business models.
align them with Rio Convention targets.
In short, a major turnaround for nature is
Meanwhile, NbS remain severely underfunded. needed. Unless the real economy and financial
Current finance flows to NbS are US$200 billion, system reduce financing of nature-negative
only a third of levels needed to reach climate, activities (i.e. greening finance), actions to
biodiversity and land degradation targets scale up investment in NbS (i.e. financing
by 2030. Governments continue to provide green) will be insufficient to tackle the climate,
most funding for NbS (82 per cent). Despite biodiversity and degradation crises.
the irrefutable need for action and growing
commitments, e.g. zero-deforestation pledges in
the agri-food sector, NbS finance has increased
only 11 per cent since the 2022 edition.
Current finance flows to NbS of US$200 billion are
massively outweighed by finance flows with direct $200 billion Total finance
flows to NbS
ODA, 2.2
$ 0.35 $ 0.35 Sustainable agriculture, Environmental policy
Protection of biodiversity and landscapes, 75.9 forestry and fishing, 41.5 and other, 13.5
harmful subsidies Private Finance
Flows, 35
4.6 markets, 1.5 1.5
Fossil Fuels
In 2022, fossil
Less than 1% >50%
increase fuel subsidies
to consumers Fisheries $ 0.02 of private nature-negative via biodiversity offsets and
from 2021
doubled Forestry
$ 0.16 finance flows sustainable supply chains
$5 trillion
Oil and Gas
Services, 53
Commercial REITs, 81
Residential and
Coal, 42
Uranium, 3
Electric Utilities and IPPs, 445
Construction and Engineering, 570
of private finance flows
x140 bigger
Oil and Gas, 390 Energy, 29 Real Estate Operations, 424
Utilities, 17
Water and Related
with a direct negative Utilities, 88
Natural Gas
Consumer Consumer Healthcare, 196
than private finance to
Utilities, 40
Cyclicals. Non-Cyclicals, 402
impact on nature Basic Materials
NbS (US$35 billion) 558
Machinery, Tools, Passenger Pharmaceuticals, 150
Heavy Vehicles, Transportation
Trains and Ships, 243 Services, 192 Homebuilding Healthcare Equipment
and Construction Automobiles and and Supplies, 46
Retailers, 10
Personal and
Transport Aerospace and Hotels and Leisure
Paper and Forest Containers and Construction Entertainment Textiles and Products, Semiconductor Computers,
$737bn $737bn
$436bn Cumulative land area under NbS category (Mha) Protection represents
Restoration 80% of additional land
$200bn 3500
Sustainable Land Management to its cost-effectiveness
$436bn 1500 while absorbing only
Protected areas
20% of additional NbS
Agroforestry - silvopasture
Agroforestry - silvoarable
finance by 2030
Almost US$7 trillion
1 a big nature
| Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Chapter 1
In the time between the 2022 edition of State of biodiversity loss (Global Biodiversity Framework
Finance for Nature (United Nations Environment [GBF]), reverse land degradation (United Nations
Programme [UNEP] 2022a) and this 2023 edition, Convention to Combat Desertification [UNCCD]
the planet has experienced the hottest period Land Degradation Neutrality [LDN]) and other
ever recorded in June, July and August 2023 on crises, implementation is far from sufficient
the back of the unfolding climate crisis and this (UNCCD 2023b). The underlying drivers of climate
year’s El Nino phenomenon (Gayle 2023). The change, biodiversity loss and land degradation
United Nations (UN) Secretary General, Antonio include global systems of production, energy and
Guterres, has referred to humanity’s inaction to infrastructure that extract from nature in pursuit
tackle the most defining challenges of the 21st of economic growth without regard to ecological
century in stark terms: “we are on a highway to limits. Seventy-five per cent of energy consumed
climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator” still comes from fossil fuels. Thirty-seven per
(UN 2022b) and “we must end the senseless cent of global land area is used for agriculture,
and suicidal war against nature” (UN 2022a). one of the largest drivers of biodiversity loss with
Underpinning such remarks is a growing body of agricultural expansion linked to 90 per cent of
science and evidence on accelerating biodiversity deforestation (Food and Agriculture Organisation
loss and land degradation, rising emissions and [FAO] 2020; Portfolio Earth 2021). Governments
temperature increases and impacts on economic continue to provide massive subsidies and
growth, food security, human health and well- tax rebates for economic activities that lead
being (Ripple et al. 2019; Bradshaw et al. 2020). to climate change, biodiversity loss and land
degradation while failing to embed environmental
Despite global agreements to tackle climate costs in the price of goods and services.
change (Paris Climate Agreement), halt
The consequences of insufficient action to Since 1954, the rate of biodiversity loss due to
tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and land human activity has been greater than at any other
degradation are becoming clearer. time in human history due to habitat loss from
infrastructure and agriculture, over-exploitation,
Even though greenhouse gas emissions need pollution, invasive species and climate change
to fall by 45 per cent this decade, emissions (Centre for Sustainable Systems 2023). World
of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide Wildlife Fund (WWF)'s Living Planet Report 2022
reached their highest levels ever in 2021 (World reveals an average decline of 69 per cent in wildlife
Meteorological Organisation [WMO] 2023). populations since 1970 (WWF 2022). More than
Without immediate reductions in emissions, many 50 per cent of the human population lives within
people will by 2070 be exposed to average annual 3km of a freshwater body – this human proximity
temperatures warmer than nearly anywhere today. has resulted in a severe decline of 83 per cent in
These conditions are currently experienced by just freshwater wildlife populations since 1970. Without
0.8 per cent of global land areas, and they mostly immediate action, accelerated biodiversity loss will
occur in the hottest parts of the Sahara Desert. result in the collapse of ecosystem services such
By 2070, these conditions could spread to 19 per as wild pollination and the provision of food and
cent of global land areas, potentially affecting timber, thereby causing a dramatic loss in global
over three billion people (Xu et al. 2020) and GDP of US$2.7 trillion by 2030 (The World Bank
leading to mass involuntary migration and serious [WB] 2021).
socio-economic upheaval. Extreme weather
events, including floods, droughts, wildfires, UNCCD estimated that up to 40 per cent of the
storms and extreme temperatures, are increasing planet’s land is degraded, impacting half of the
in frequency and intensity (The Intergovernmental human population and risking half of the world’s
Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] 2021). By mid- GDP (US$44 trillion; UNCCD 2022). If this trend
century, the world stands to lose 11–14 per cent continues, 95 per cent of land could become
of GDP based on the current trajectory of 2°C to degraded by 2050 (UN 2019). This crisis not
2.6°C (Swiss Re Institution 2021).1
A carbon tax of US$100/tCO2e in the utilities, materials and energy sectors would decrease earnings per share by 40-80 per cent
Chapter 1
only jeopardizes the world's ecosystems but Expected impacts in low-income and lower-
also poses a significant threat to billions of middle-income countries are staggering with
people. Over 100 million hectares (twice the size anticipated falls in GDP of over 10 per cent (WB
of Greenland) of healthy, productive land was 2021). Women and other vulnerable groups
lost between 2015–2019, directly affecting 1.3 are particularly at risk, especially those living
billion people living on degraded land (UN 2023), in regions with high levels of inequality (United
especially women smallholder farmers who Nations Development Programme [UNDP] 2016).
make up the largest share of the impoverished Women and other vulnerable groups, for example,
rural population (Gurung 2023). Unsustainable Indigenous Peoples, are often marginalised in
land-use practices are leading to increased terms of political and economic empowerment
degradation and loss of soil fertility with and have limited access to the finance and
devastating effects on the delivery of ecosystem technology which are crucial for resilient,
services and food security (Intergovernmental sustainable and secure livelihoods. Marginal and
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and degraded lands are often inhabited by the most
Ecosystem Services [IPBES] 2018). Negative vulnerable populations. Consequently, as critical
environmental, socio-economic and health effects resources diminish, poverty in rural communities
caused by the current agri-food system are increases, amplifying the vulnerability and
estimated at US$19.8 trillion, more than twice the insecurity experienced by women (Bechtel 2010)
market value of global food consumption (Riemer and Indigenous Peoples.
et al. 2023).
This looming existential crisis puts humanity at a drop to 25 per cent if conservation investments
crossroads between the current path of climate are immediately increased (Isbell et al. 2022).
change, biodiversity loss and land degradation Biodiversity provides enormous economic benefits –
and a path to a future in which ecosystems are Campaign for Nature (CFN) estimated the economic
protected and restored and the planet remains benefits from achieving the 30x30 target of up to
habitable, providing the foundation for sustainable a US$454 billion increase in annual revenues from
and equitable economic growth. Now is the time protected areas and nature, agriculture, forestry and
to implement global commitments to reverse fisheries (Waldron et al. 2020).
biodiversity loss and land degradation as well as to
urgently reduce emissions while scaling up efforts The economic benefits of sustainable land
to support adaptation and mitigation, particularly management could be as high as US$75.6 trillion
for vulnerable communities. If we can achieve the annually, with improved food production worth up
targets we set, what does the future look like? to US$1.4 trillion (Economics of Land Degradation
[ELD] 2015). Restoring natural ecosystems can
The Paris Agreement has spurred investment in be very cost effective – restoring grasslands can
low-carbon and nature-based solutions, although have a benefit/cost ratio as high as 35 (De Groot
much action is still needed. Net-zero goals are et al. 2013). Working towards LDN not only brings
being set by governments and businesses. United economic opportunity but promotes biodiversity
Nations Framework Convention on Climate while protecting and enhancing carbon stores.
Change (UNFCCC; 2023) has estimated that by Restoration promotes sustainable livelihoods by
2030, zero-carbon solutions could be competitive supplying clean water, providing biomass fuel and
in emission-heavy sectors representing 70 per producing forest products.
cent of global emissions. UNEP’s Emission Gap
Report (2023b) estimates a 66 per cent chance Social and gender equity could be improved
that climate change is limited to 2°C throughout through policy and institutional adjustments that
the century if all the nationally determined promote equity in the implementation of NbS.
contributions (both unconditional and conditional) Indigenous Peoples, women and other vulnerable
and net-zero targets are achieved. More is needed, groups can be empowered by expanding access
but progress has been made. to financial resources, enabling them to scale
transformative change through regenerative
The current trend of rapid biodiversity loss will practices and their connection to nature. Financial
continue, with 37 per cent of species threatened access and land rights for marginalised groups
or extinct by 2100, unless dramatic action in line remain a significant challenge to be addressed.
with the GBF is taken. However, this share could
Chapter 1
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap report focuses on climate change adaptation, has a chapter on finance and explores the sectoral distribution of
finance targeting both adaptation and mitigation simultaneously (identified as cross-cutting) between 2017 and 2021 (UNEP 2023a).
Chapter 1
Box 1. Exploring Rio Convention synergies in restoration - a case study from Rwanda
Bringing together national action plans siloed under the UNCCD, CBD and UNFCCC frameworks
provides the opportunity to align targets and commitments for land restoration, realise multiple
benefits and maximise returns on investment (Figure 1.1; UNCBD 2022; UNCCD 2023a). A
case study from Rwanda provides evidence of the economic benefits of an integrated versus a
siloed approach to land restoration across the Rio Convention (ELD 2023).
To achieve its 2030 targets, Rwanda needs to invest US$300 million per year in land
restoration, conservation and sustainable land management. Coordinated action can increase
both the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions to implement Land Degradation
Neutrality (LDN), National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs). In Rwanda, coordinated action of land-based activities under
the Rio Conventions can reduce transaction costs of the current siloed approach by almost
56 per cent or US$45.6 million per year. Efficiency gains from coordinated action especially
arise through joint monitoring and evaluation, resourcing, capacity building and the raising of
awareness. More efficient implementation translates into higher return on investment from
land restoration, which can provide an incentive for funding activities under LDN, NBSAP and
NDC (ELD 2023).
United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification
Mitigation and
Sustainable Use
Restoration of
NDCs Land Resources
Nationally Determined NBSAPs
Contributions National Action Plans to
Halt Biodiversity Loss
Genetic Diversity
United Nations Framework Convention on
Convention on Climate Biological Diversity
Chapter 1
The State of Finance for Nature (SFN) The analysis aims to inform policymakers,
report series explores the potential for businesses and financial institutions about
nature to contribute to tackling global what the actual disbursement amounts are
crises. The report focuses on current levels to NbS and how much additional finance is
of NbS implementation and finance and needed for NbS.
how much finance for NbS is needed to
reach specific Rio targets – limit climate Calculating finance flows to NbS
change to 1.5°C, protect 30 per cent of land is challenging. The methodology,
and sea by 2030 (30x30 target) and reach assumptions and data sources used in this
land degradation neutrality (LDN) by 2030. report series are continuously improved
The NbS finance gap is the difference but remain a “work in progress”. New to
between current finance flows and the this edition are:
Rio-aligned scenario NbS finance needs.
Conservation agriculture involves the application of three principles: no or minimum mechanical soil disturbance, biomass mulch
soil cover and crop species diversification in conjunction with complementary agricultural practices of integrated crop and production
management (Kassam et al. 2018).
How much finance
is driving negative
impacts on nature?
| Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash
Chapter 2
Finance flows to economic activities that harm There is an important conceptual distinction
nature are very large and continue to grow. While between NbS and nature-negative. Nature-negative
there is widespread recognition of the large scale finance flows are not the negative equivalent of
of nature-negative finance flows globally, there are positive finance flows to NbS. NbS are activities
few estimates of the volume of these finance flows using nature to tackle climate and biodiversity
due to lack of data and agreed methodologies. loss while the estimation of nature-negative
flows from private sources considers sectors and
This chapter provides estimates of finance flows activities with a negative impact on nature, not just
from public and private sources that damage those that are nature based. As a result of these
nature and affect livelihoods and vulnerable conceptual differences, a net finance flow to NbS
populations. This includes a review of data cannot be derived.
and estimates of environmentally harmful
public subsidies. Despite committing through Annual finance flows from public and private
the Rio Conventions to reduce emissions and sources that have direct negative impact on nature
tackle biodiversity loss and land degradation, are estimated at almost US$7 trillion per year. The
governments continue to support unsustainable combined impact of public and private nature-
agriculture, forestry, fishery and fossil negative finance flows is enormously destructive
fuels production and consumption through and undermines potential increases in finance
environmentally harmful subsidies. for NbS. This chapter identifies the sources and
volumes of these nature-negative finance flows so
In addition, for the first time, private finance flows that they can be better understood and reformed.
with direct negative impacts on nature have been
quantified. Many economic activities are based on
inaccurately valued and priced natural capital, and
incentives for protection and sustainable use are
often lacking. As a result, natural capital continues
to be severely depleted.
Tracked nature-negative public finance flows are • Fisheries – support for fishing capacity to
estimated at US$1.7 trillion in 2022, a 55 per cent develop beyond the maximum sustainable
increase from 2021 levels (Figure 2.1) and more yield of fish stocks.
than 10 times greater than public finance flows
to NbS (US$165 billion). This increase is despite • Forestry – support for logging and timber
documented inefficiencies and negative impacts products that incentivises harvest above
on nature and climate of environmentally harmful sustainable rates.
subsidies and despite commitments to reform
and repurpose environmentally harmful subsidies In 2022, roughly 90 per cent of tracked negative
under the Rio and other Conventions. This estimate public flows were directed towards energy
includes measured public subsidies for nature- (US$1.16 trillion or 69 per cent) and agriculture
negative activities in 2022 in four sectors: (US$0.35 trillion or 20 per cent).
Full details of data and methodology are in the technical annex.
Chapter 2
2021 2022
-1.09 -1.69
Fossil Fuels
0.02 Fisheries
0.16 Forestry
Sources: FAO, UNDP and UNEP (2021), IEA (2023), OECD (2020, 2022e), Environmental Markets Lab (2018), Skerritt and
Sumaila (2021), WB (2021), Koplow and Steenblik (2022).
Globally, fossil fuel subsidies to consumers fossil fuel prices resulting from the Russian
doubled from US$563 billion in 2021 to US$1.16 invasion of Ukraine and the consequent global
trillion in 2022 (Figures 2.1 and 2.2) based on energy crisis. Nevertheless, evidence suggests
IEA data.5 This dramatic increase is primarily that governments continue to prioritise the
driven by subsidies to protect consumers from shielding of consumers over phasing out
high fossil fuel prices due to the Russian invasion subsidies in the context of high and volatile fossil
of Ukraine. In addition to this increase in fossil fuel prices. This wedge between market and
fuel consumption subsidies, IEA has estimated consumer prices for fossil fuels slows a much-
extra spending of US$500 billion to lower energy needed reduction in consumption and production
costs in 2022, with roughly US$350 billion of of fossil fuels and, thereby the transition to
that amount spent in Europe (IEA 2023). This is renewable energy while absorbing scarce public
more than the additional spend in other advanced money (IEA 2023).
economies, emerging markets and developing
economies combined. Similarly, gas and
electricity subsidies have doubled due to policies
to shield consumers from high fossil fuel prices
and are concentrated in emerging markets and
developing economies (IEA 2023).
Country-level results have not yet been released for 2022 by the OECD/IEA. However the IEA preliminary assessment notes that in
2022 many fossil fuel exporters kept domestic prices lower than international benchmarks, which is counted as a subsidy. The IEA
(2023) data used here is the preliminary estimate for 2022 fossil fuel subsidies, and it may be updated later in 2023. IEA data focuses
on consumer subsidies.
Chapter 2
Figure 2.2. Environmentally harmful subsidies to fossil fuels, $ billion (2023 US$)
663 673
624 617
478 477 470
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
The Production Gap Report (UNEP 2023c) (OECD 2022e). Based on current trends, support
estimates that fossil fuel production will be to producers could reach almost US$1.8 trillion by
much higher than production levels consistent 2030, channelling limited public funds away from
with limiting climate change to 1.5°C for coal social spending and investment into NbS (UNEP,
(460 per cent), oil (29 per cent), and gas (82 per UNDP and FAO 2021).
cent). This disconnect between governments’
climate and nature pledges and fossil fuel In addition to absorbing limited fiscal resources,
production and associated subsidies is a major poorly designed subsidies can incentivise
driver of the persistence of very large nature- behaviours harmful to nature. Price incentives
negative finance flows. for certain products (e.g. beef, rice, milk) using
different fiscal subsidies (e.g. coupled subsidies,
Environmentally harmful subsidies to agriculture which are linked to the use of inputs, such
are estimated at over US$345 billion, reflecting as fertilisers, or to the volume of production
that agriculture receives the highest level of of outputs) are known to have a potential
support of the land-use sectors considered.6 An negative impact on nature. A World Bank (2023)
analysis of data covering 54 countries estimated analysis has recently demonstrated the causal
total support to the agricultural sector of US$817 link between agricultural subsidies and global
billion per year between 2019 and 2021, mostly deforestation, estimating that agricultural price
via support to producers (71 per cent). In contrast, supports are responsible for the annual loss of
budget support for public goods and services, 2.2 million hectares of forest.
which are key to the development of NbS-based
infrastructure and services, received only 13 per
cent of total support to the agriculture sector
Note that the estimates for subsidies to agriculture, forestry and fishing are for 2021; 2022 data was not available at the time
of analysis.
Chapter 2
Nature-negative activity is defined here as “any activity with a direct negative impact on nature”
– including a negative impact on biodiversity, land quality or climate change interconnected
with the societal repercussions for the most disadvantaged.7 SFN estimates of public nature-
negative finance flows differ from some other studies due to differences in scope and methods
(Figure 2.3). Taking these differences into account, estimates across studies are likely to be
consistent. This report focuses on estimates of targeted subsidies in the agriculture, forestry,
fishery and fossil fuels sectors. The Dasgupta Review, for example, looks more broadly at
explicit and implicit subsidies and captures undercharging for environmental costs and general
consumption taxes (Dasgupta 2021). Similarly, the inclusion of implicit subsidies leads to large
differences in estimates of fossil fuel subsidies with the estimate used here of US$1.4 trillion
consistent with IEA (2023) and IISD (2023), while the International Monetary Fund, which
includes implicit subsidies, estimates them at US$7 trillion in 2022.
Definition based on Deutz et al. (2020): Nature-negative financial flows refer to financial flows for activities that could potentially
have a negative effect on nature. Financial flows in the form of subsidies are those that induce production or consumption activities
that exacerbate nature loss.
Chapter 2
Private finance flows to activities with direct and independent power producers, real estate
negative impacts on nature were estimated to be operations, oil and gas, and food and tobacco
at least US$5 trillion in 2022. This is 140 times (Figure 2.4). These industries received 43 per cent
greater than current private finance flows to NbS. of nature-negative financial flows but represented
only 16 per cent of total private investment
Nature-negative private finance flows were flows. Therefore, actions to address impacts on
identified across most economic sectors. The nature and climate by these industries would
five industries receiving the most financing were have a disproportionate effect on preventing and
construction and engineering, electric utilities reversing nature-negative impacts.
Commercial REITs, 81
Residential and
Coal, 42
Uranium, 3
Electric Utilities and IPPs, 445
Construction and Engineering, 570
Oil and Gas, 390 Energy, 29 Real Estate Operations, 424
Utilities, 17
Personal and
Transport Aerospace and Hotels and Leisure
Diversified Industrial Paper and Forest Containers and Construction Entertainment Textiles and Products, Semiconductor Computers,
• Industrials finance activities with high nature- • Consumer non-cyclicals: While direct finance
negative impacts (US$1.4 trillion), thereby flows to this sector are a relatively small share
contributing to air and soil pollution and the (8 per cent) of total nature-negative finance,
clearing of natural habitats. food, agriculture, forestry and fishing generate
large nature-negative impacts.
• Basic materials: Metals and mining is a
key industry for the climate transition but
is also investing US$224 billion a year with
Chapter 2
In the agriculture, forestry, fishing and food impacts but were a much smaller share of
sectors and value chains, downstream activities, finance flows (17 per cent).
such as manufacturing, retail and distribution,
which have typically been thought to have lighter These findings indicate that there is scope for
direct nature impacts, received most of the greater investment in sustainable production
private investments (83 per cent) compared modes in upstream activities in these sectors as
to upstream activities.8 Conversely, upstream well as for prevention and mitigation of nature-
activities related to primary production of raw negative impacts and risks to livelihoods security.
materials potentially drove the largest direct
Public nature, negative-finance flows were The estimates are approximate due to challenges
estimated using existing research and data on in tracking nature-negative finance flows. First,
environmentally harmful subsidies in agriculture there are significant gaps in the data, particularly
(FAO, UNDP and UNEP 2021; OECD 2022a), fossil the absence of comprehensive and detailed
fuels (IEA database), fisheries (Sumaila et al. private finance flow data and inadequate sector-
2019; Skerritt and Sumaila 2021) and forestry level granularity on nature-negative activities
(Koplow and Steenblik 2022). Where 2022 data and impacts. Consolidated private finance data
was not available, the most recent estimate was exists at a high granularity level but is frequently
used as a proxy and converted to 2023 USD. not publicly available. Data on public finance
Further details on methodology and data sources flows (e.g. OECD and IMF COFOG) tend not to
can be found in the technical annex. provide breakdowns of sector-level spending to
isolate nature-negative expenditures. Estimation
Nature-negative-finance flows from private of environmentally harmful subsidies is
sources were estimated based on the following available only for some sectors, leading to an
methodology: underestimate of nature-negative public finance.
• Data was collected on corporate loans, bonds Second, the absence of a widely accepted
and equity proceeds in 2022 with coverage of classification system or green taxonomies at the
approximately US$14.5 trillion as classified by sector level prevents easy identification of nature-
the Refinitiv Business Classifications (TRBC) negative, positive or neutral, and NbS activities
economic sectors and activities. and spending. While several national or regional
taxonomies have been or are being developed
• Two approaches were used to estimate to help identify green activities (e.g. EU Green
sector-level and activity-level flows, which Taxonomy, Common Framework of Sustainable
returned similar outcomes, thereby providing Finance Taxonomies for Latin America and the
more confidence in how sectors with direct Caribbean), they tend to focus on climate mitigation
nature-negative impacts were identified. and adaptation rather than NbS or nature.
• ENCORE9 tool was used to calculate the Finally, there is not yet widespread application
share of production processes with high of tools and frameworks to assess the scope
or very high impacts on nature within each of activities affecting nature. Economic sectors
subindustry. that have a negative impact on climate can be
identified based on their emissions intensity.
• All industry activities were reviewed and However, measuring effects on nature is more
tagged as nature-negative based on complex. While there is an increasing number of
literature and expert insights. high-quality frameworks and tools to measure
nature impacts, dependencies and risks,
• Aggregate negative finance flows across application of these is nascent.
tagged sub-industries and activities.
Only direct impacts from downstream activities have been captured. Indirect nature impacts from downstream activities in
supply chains have not been quantified. For example, water pollution as a direct result of manufacturing would be captured but not
deforestation from commodity production in the manufacturer's supply chain.
ENCORE – Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure is a web-based tool which assesses nature-related risks.
Chapter 2
3 How much finance
is directed to NbS
| Photo by Justin Kauffman on Unsplash
Chapter 3
This analysis estimates that total annual finance protection and to sustainable agriculture, forestry
flows to NbS in 2022 were roughly US$200 billion and fishing. Private finance for NbS remains
(Figure 3.1). As in previous editions, public finance modest at US$35 billion (18 per cent of total
remains the main source of finance at 82 per cent finance flows to NbS). More than half (57 per
(US$165 billion) of total NbS finance flows. Over cent) of private NbS finance is channelled through
71 per cent (US$117 billion) of public finance for biodiversity offsets and credits and sustainable
NbS is directed to biodiversity and landscape supply chains.
Figure 3.1. Public and private finance flows to NbS in 2022, $ billion (2023 US$)
Biodiversity Sustainable
offsets and supply
Water resources, Pollution credits, 11.7 chains, 8.6
and wastewater abatement,
management, 16.2 15.4
NGO and
other,1 3.9
ODA, 2.2
PES, 3.5
Sustainable agriculture, Environmental policy investing, Carbon
Protection of biodiversity and landscapes, 75.9 forestry and fishing, 41.5 and other, 13.5 4.6 markets, 1.5 1.5
Note: 1. The “other” grouped with philanthropy and conservation NGOs is private finance mobilised through the Global
Environment Facility (GEF), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
Sources: OECD (2023e); IMF (2021); OECD (2023a; 2023b; 2023c; 2023d; 2023e) (ODA, Philanthropy, private finance
mobilised by ODA); Financial reports from five NGOs: CI (2022), RSPB (2022), TNC (2022), WCS (2022) and WWF
(2022); FAO (2018b; 2018c); Rainforest Alliance (2022a; 2022b); RTRS (2022); Solidaridad (2019); De Jong (2019);
GIIN (2020); Capital for Climate NbS Funds (2023); Impact Yield (2023); Partnership for Forests (2023); Ecosystem
Marketplace (2022); Kassam et al. (2019)
This analysis only includes expected and actual disbursements, rather than commitments, to ensure estimates are based on real
finance flows.
Chapter 3
Total traceable finance flows to NbS in 2022 As noted earlier, the largest share of public NbS
increased by 11 per cent (US$20 billion) finance (US$76 billion or 46 per cent) goes toward
relative to 2021 levels. This increase is largely protection of biodiversity and landscapes. This has
attributable to a US$17 billion increase in public grown by 7 per cent from US$71 billion to US$76
funding of NbS, almost half through increased billion since SFN 2022. More than half of finance
funding (US$9 billion) for sustainable agriculture, for NbS to tackle biodiversity loss originates in four
forestry and fishing (Figure 3.2). This was driven countries (US, France, Italy and Germany) – the
by post COVID-19 “Build Back Better” spending global increase is related to increased spending in
and targeted conservation spending by the US the US on wildlife conservation and in the EU under
Department of Agriculture. In fact, 76 per cent of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2030. China also has
finance flows for sustainable agriculture, forestry significant expenditure on biodiversity, with roughly
and fishing comes from China, the US, Canada, US$35 billion spent since 2017 (China, Ministry of
Japan and Turkey. It is thus not surprising that Foreign Affairs 2020).
significant increases in any of these countries are
reflected in global estimates.
Figure 3.2. Breakdown in public finance flows to NbS, $ billion (2023 US$)
70.9 SFN 2022
SFN 2023
2.2 2.2
Note: An additional nine countries were included in SFN 2023. Therefore SFN 2022 numbers were revised to include
those nine countries for comparison.
Sources: United States of America, Fish and Wildlife Service (2022); European Commission (2023); China, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs (2020); United States of America, Department of Agriculture (2022a and 2022b); FAO, UNDP and
UNEP (2021); IEA (2023); OECD (2020; 2023a; 2023c; 2023e); Environmental Markets Lab (2018); Skerritt and Sumaila
(2021); Interpol (2020); WB (2021)
Chapter 3
SFN estimates for public development finance to NbS delivered via Official Development
Assistance (ODA) differ from estimates of biodiversity-related ODA from some other studies
(OECD 2022b; TNC 2023) due to differences in scope and methodology, despite using the same
data source (OECD Creditor Reporting System). Table 3.1 summarises key differences.
Table 3.1. Comparing SFN and OECD analysis of NbS and biodiversity in ODA
On scope, the OECD estimates development finance that is marked for biodiversity at the source.
SFN tracks public development finance to NbS. As there are no markers for NbS, the SFN analysis
applies scaling factors. These scaling factors represent the percentage of investment in the
sector that can be confidently considered as NbS.11 A further adjustment is made for uncertainty
to reflect the level of confidence in identifying NbS related expenditures. SFN aggregates the
scaled value of expenditures on biodiversity and additional sub-sectors, for example, forestry and
fishing, and the mitigation of the impacts of fuelwood and mineral exploitation.
ODA estimates also differ due to what is being measured. For all finance flows, including ODA,
SFN measures actual and expected disbursements. While OECD CRS data provides both
commitment and disbursement level data, studies on biodiversity finance in the OECD (2022b)
and TNC (Deutz et al. 2020) focus on commitments.
See technical annex for detail on scaling factors
Chapter 3
Figure 3.3. Funding for biodiversity protection as a share of national budgets (by region)
biodiversity spending
0.1% 0.3%
0.3% Europe
Asia 20 countries including Brazil, Croatia,
Denmark, Hungary and South Africa
North America
recorded a decline in biodiversity
spending between 2020-21
0.1% Africa 0.3%
Latin America
5 ofspent
the most biodiverse countries
on average <100m in 2021
Note: 1. Average share across all countries for which data was available; 2. Middle eastern and reforming economies;
3. US, China, Italy, France and Germany.
Sources: Mongabay (2016); Seidl et al. (2020); Nature Based Solutions Initiative (2022); BIOFIN (2022).
Despite global commitments for protection of biodiversity, a large financing gap remains:
SFN 2023 and related biodiversity finance analyses estimate current public biodiversity finance
between US$80-120 billion
US$100-200 billion is the current biodiversity funding gap annually for the 30x30 biodiversity target
>190 countries have committed to the 30x30 target (50 in 2021, and rest in 2022), establishing more
ambitious targets and higher financing needs for the future
Chapter 3
Figure 3.4. Private finance flows to NbS, by channel, $ billion (2023 US$)
15 11.7
5 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.3 0.7
Total Biodiversity Sustainable Impact PES Conservation Carbon Farmer’s Philanthropy Private finance
offsets and supply chains Invesing NGOs Markets investments mobilised by DAC,
credits GEF, GCF
Sources: OECD (2023b; 2023d; 2023f); CI (2022); RSPB (2022); TNC (2023); WCS (2023); WWF (2022); FAO (2018b;
2018c); Rainforest Alliance (2022a; 2022b); RTRS (2022); RSPO (2022); Solidaridad (2019); De Jong (2019); GIIN
(2020); Capital for Climate (2023); Impact Yield (2023); Partnership for Forests (2023); Ecosystem marketplace
(2021); Kassam et al. (2018); Bennett et al. (2017); Hamrick (2017).
Biodiversity offsets represent compensation for negative impacts on biodiversity.
Blue bond - A debt instrument issued by governments, development banks or others to raise capital from impact investors to
finance marine and ocean-based projects that have positive environmental, economic and climate benefits (WB 2018).
Rhino bond - The world’s first Wildlife Conservation Bond, which was issued by the World Bank to help increase the population of
the endangered Black Rhino species in South Africa (WB 2022b).
Chapter 3
This report estimates that roughly US$11.7 billion In the mitigation hierarchy, biodiversity offsets are
was invested in biodiversity offsets in 2022.14 defined as a last resort mechanism, which comes
Mandatory biodiversity offsetting schemes, after avoiding, minimising and rehabilitating (Kujala
such as Biodiversity Net Gain in the UK (Natural et al. 2022). However, there are concerns that
England 2022) or the New South Wales (NSW) biodiversity offsets do not provide “net biodiversity
Biodiversity Offset Scheme in Australia, are gains” and that they can provide disincentives
emerging as a key regulatory requirement. This to reduce the footprint of economic activities on
estimate is likely to be an underestimate as nature (Hahn et al. 2022). This analysis includes
only a subset of schemes provides accurate biodiversity offsets, with the rationale that, in
reporting. More than 100 countries have their absence, there would be a greater loss of
policies on biodiversity offsetting (Biodiversity biodiversity. Mandatory offsetting schemes help to
Consultancy 2016). In the US, the Clean Water Act ensure that biodiversity loss is less than it would
compensatory mitigation requirements stimulated be if these schemes were not in place.
the creation of mitigation banking programmes
that annually issue more than one million
water and stream credits. Mitigation banking is
expected to grow by 13 per cent per year over the
next five years (Facts and Factors 2022).
Private investment in sustainable supply chains Finance flows to sustainable supply chains are
provides the second largest finance flow at estimated based on volume and value of certified
US$8.6 billion in 2022. Sustainable supply forest and agricultural and seafood products.
chain certification is a major market with a Investment into certified forest products is
third of cocoa and half of coffee production the largest source of finance for sustainable
under some sustainability certification, and supply chains at US$3.26 billion (almost 40 per
demand is increasing (Centre for Promotion of cent). The certified forest products market is
Imports 2020). Direct investment of farmers valued at roughly US$220 billion (UNDP 2020).
into conservation agriculture provides a further FSC is a major player – in 2017, 12 per cent of
US$1.5 billion per annum, bringing total finance global wood production was sourced from FSC
flows to sustainable agriculture to US$10.1 certified forests (FSC 2018). The second largest
billion per annum. While a significant share of market absorbing investment is certified organic
total private finance to NbS, private finance to agricultural goods at US$2.9 billion per year,
sustainable agriculture is only a fraction of the roughly one-third of total investment in certified
value of agricultural commodity markets of US$4 products globally.
trillion annually (US$1.3 trillion is traded globally;
Taskforce on Nature Markets 2022). This small
share stands in stark contrast to the evident need
and potential of transforming food systems.
This estimate is based on a subset of biodiversity offset flows included in the Forest Trends 2016 survey of four major mitigation
banking programs and 103 compensation funds programs.
Chapter 3
Figure 3.5. Private finance flows to sustainable supply chains, $ billion (2023 US$)
Note: 1. Estimate has not been updated since SFN 2022 due to a lack of data. 2. Certified agricultural good reflects the
organic agriculture market based on Statista (2022).
Sources : Rainforest Alliance (2022a; 2022b) ; RTRS (2022) ; Solidaridad (2019) ; De Jong (2019) ; UNDP (2020) ; Deutz
et al. (2020); Naphade (2020); Statista (2022); FAO (2018a; 2018b); Allied Market Search (2021); Expert Market Search
(2022); Research and Market (2022).
Chapter 3
The size of the certified forest products market is estimated at ~US$220 billion.
About 5 per cent of the seafood market is certified as Marine Stewardship Council
(MSC), with an estimated market size of ~US$5 billion.
The market size of Rainforest Alliance certified coffee and cocoa was estimated at
US$40 billion and $1.5 billion respectively. Certified production represent about 6-8
per cent of global production volumes.
About 5 per cent of global palm oil production volume is certified under RSPO, with a
market value estimated at US$15.8 billion in 2019.
About 1 per cent of global soybean production volumes was certified under the RTRS
in 2022. The sustainable soybean market was estimated at around US$2.2 billion.
Sources: UNDP (2020); Naphade (2020); Rainforest Alliance (2022a; 2022b); Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(2021); Bermudez et al. (2022).
For the first time, this edition estimates private agricultural investment from farmer retained
finance flows to NbS via farmer investment in profits (see technical annex for details).
conservation agriculture. Farmer use of their
own profit to invest in conservation practices15 The results indicate that US$3.9-4.2 billion is
is distinct from sustainable supply chain finance, invested annually into conservation agriculture.
which is based on downstream corporate Of this total, US$1.4-1.6 billion is financed by
investment in supply chains. No publicly farmer retained profit. Figure 3.6 highlights
available data sets exist on farmer investment countries with high levels of farmer investment
into conservation agriculture. This analysis in conservation agriculture. Together, the US,
uses a bottom-up approach based on annual Australia and Argentina account for over half of
growth in areas under conservation agriculture, private investment into conservation agriculture.
average capex per hectare and the share of total
These investments are like the economic decisions of households/individuals on climate finance that are tracked in the Climate
Policy Initiative Global Landscape of Climate Finance reports. Households and individuals accounted for about 20 per cent of total
private climate finance in 2019/2020 (CPI 2021).
Chapter 3
USA Bolivia
Argentina Uruguay
11% 17%
Note: Only conservation agriculture on cropland is considered here as global data on the extent of broader
regenerative practices are not publicly available.
Obstacles to equal participation in agri-food For example, closing the gender gap in farm
systems impedes productivity and contributes productivity and wage disparity could boost
to wage disparities. For example, women in global GDP by 1 per cent (almost US$1 trillion)
agriculture often receive lower wages and have and reduce global food insecurity by 2 per
lower productivity than men, primarily due to cent, benefitting 45 million people (FAO 2023).
discriminatory social norms that restrict women Providing financial support and credit access
from some agricultural activities and technologies. to rural women and other marginalised groups
They have limited access to assets and resources can support the transformation of the agri-
like irrigation, livestock and land ownership, food system into one that is more productive,
finance and technology. In many countries, land regenerative and equitable.
ownership and legal protection are limited for
vulnerable groups, which has consequences for
access to technical support, critical financing for
inputs and access to markets. Addressing social
and gender disparities in agri-food systems is
essential to advance not only social and gender
equality but also to promote global food security
and nature and climate-positive economic growth.
Women and Indigenous Peoples hold valuable
ancestral knowledge about such matters as crop
diversity and regenerative practices.
Chapter 3
Note: 1. The “other” category captures activities that directly support NbS implementation, such as technical
assistance and environmental policy development.
Most governments and companies do not yet on the Sustainable Budgeting Approach also
report financial data using NbS or nature tags. aims to provide more granular data on public
However, the UN Statistical Division and the OECD finance flows that are relevant for nature and
are exploring how to better capture environmental have positive, negative or neutral impacts on
spending in national expenditure data (United natural capital. These efforts may allow future
Nations Statistics Division [UNSD] 2022; OECD SFN reports to disaggregate NbS financial flows
2023e). Joint UNEP–University of Oxford work in greater detail.
The flows depicted by the arrows are illustrative but not exhaustive; that is, there are links between types of finance flows and types
of NbS that may not be indicated.
Chapter 3
SFN 2023 calculates a “best estimate” of NbS Public funding for NbS from governments and
finance flows in 2022: public financial institutions was estimated
based on domestic expenditures across five
• When 2022 data was unavailable, data from governmental budget lines, the largest of which
previous years was used as a proxy. was protection of biodiversity and landscapes as
well as sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishing.
• In the absence of NbS-tagged financial
datasets, SFN 2023 combined finance flow The situation is more complex for data on
data with informed assumptions about NbS private finance flows to NbS. Due to the format
relevance to estimate NbS finance flows.17 of available data, private finance flows to NbS
were estimated based on finance flows from
• The risk of double counting when finance businesses and corporations, private financial
flows are included in multiple categories institutions, specialised funds, eNGOs and
within data sets was minimised by philanthropy, and farmers, households and
triangulating data between sources and individuals. Data sources are listed in the annex.
When tracking investments into NbS, it is critical to
• Changes in estimates over time are recognize gender dimensions, including women’s
real changes and are presented in 2023 contributions. National statistics should be moving
USD. When there were changes in scope, towards gender-disaggregated data at the sector
methodology or data in SFN 2023, estimates level, including participation rates, access to
in SFN 2022 were recalculated on the same resources, decision-making power and the impacts
basis so they remain comparable. of nature-based solutions on different genders. It
also helps in tracking progress and identifying
areas that require specific interventions.
This chapter has documented the volume and While there has been increased finance flowing to
channels of finance flows to NbS. Total finance NbS, these flows are vastly overshadowed by the
flows to NbS have been estimated at US$200 nature-negative finance flows (chapter 2). Finance
billion in 2022. Public finance remains the main flows to NbS are less than three per cent of the
source, with 82 per cent (US$165 billion) of the volume of nature-negative finance flows. The
total flow. ODA flows have stagnated, and the contrast is starker for private NbS finance flows,
share of ODA going to nature remains small (1 per which are less than one per cent of private nature-
cent in total finance flow to NbS). negative finance flows. Unless nature-negative
finance is tackled and redirected, increases in
Private finance to NbS has remained low. The NbS finance will have only marginal impacts.
largest component, biodiversity offsets, is
driven by regulatory requirements, which can The next chapter looks at how NbS can
be effective in generating the needed change in contribute to meeting global goals around
business and finance. While sustainable supply climate, biodiversity and land degradation and
chains provide significant private finance to NbS, the associated investment needs. Current
the share of organic products and deforestation finance flows are compared to investment needs
and conversion-free products in agricultural to estimate the finance gap that is preventing
production remains very small, indicating that achievement of the Rio targets.
many unrealised opportunities remain.
See technical annex for assumptions and adjustment factors
How much
investment in
NbS is needed to
reach Rio Targets
| Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash
Chapter 4
This chapter estimates how much investment in Based on modelling of potential financial returns
NbS is needed to use the potential of ecosystems of NbS, this report estimates the likely relative
(the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use share of public and private finance for NbS over
contribution) to reach Rio Convention targets time. Investment needs are compared to current
to limit global warming to below 1.5°C, halt finance flows to estimate the gap between current
biodiversity loss by ensuring that 30 per cent finance and what is needed. Note that investment
of land and sea is protected by 2030 and reach in NbS needs to enhance gender equality, reduce
land degradation neutrality by 2030. Investment poverty, increase resilience and empower
needs are calculated for different types of marginalised communities. Although not explicitly
NbS, suggesting how much money needs to be analysed in SFN 2023, urban-NbS will become
invested and where. Further granular analysis increasingly important as currently 56 per cent of
by region provides information on the different the global population lives in urban areas and the
needs and opportunities for protected areas18 urban population is forecast to, which will double
and other protection-related NbS,19 ecosystem by 2050 (WB 2023b).
restoration20 and sustainable land management.21
Annual financial flows to NbS need to more than Figure 4.1 depicts the additional finance needed
double by 2025 (from US$200 billion to US$436 for NbS each year from 2025–2050. This
billion) and nearly triple to US$542 billion by analysis assumes that current finance flows are
2030 to reach climate, biodiversity and land committed to current projects and that future
degradation targets. projects required to meet Rio Convention targets
will require additional finance.
Figure 4.1. Additional annual investment needs to reach Rio targets, $ billion (2023 US$)
Avoided grassland conversion
Avoided peatland conversion
Avoided deforestation
737 Protected areas Protection
Avoided seagrass conversion
Restoration of peatlands
Current, 200
Restoration of mangroves
A protected area is a clearly defined geographical space that is recognised, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective
means to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values (UNEP WCMC 2016).
Protection-related NbS refers to NbS activities that avoid conversion and degradation of ecosystems.
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration frames restoration as activities to prevent, halt and reverse degradation. Restoration is
based on a continuum of practices for rehabilitation and ecological restoration and includes ecosystem management (WB 2022a).
Sustainable land management in this report uses the WOCAT definition that has been agreed upon by governments through
the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (WOCAT 2023): “The use of land resources, including soils, water, animals
and plants, for the production of goods to meet changing human needs, while simultaneously ensuring the long-term productive
potential of these resources and the maintenance of their environmental functions” (WOCAT 2023). SLM in chapter 4 includes both
conservation and regenerative agricultural practices.
Chapter 4
The 16 NbS included in the analysis are grouped investment at US$125 billion per year by 2025
into three NbS types or categories – sustainable and over US$177 billion per year by 2030. Three
land management, restoration and protection of the five types of NbS that will absorb the most
(Figure 4.1). While this pragmatic grouping of finance are based on restoration: reforestation,
NbS supports analysis and the development seagrass and peatland restoration. Restoration
of policy recommendations, the distinction can be costly due to high levels of inputs and the
between restoration, protection and SLM is high opportunity costs of switching land use. For
admittedly artificial, as there is significant overlap example, the costs of transitioning from cropland
between categories. The five NbS treated as to forest include the foregone financial returns
restoration (reforestation, restoration of peatlands, from using the land for crop production. As a
mangroves, seagrass and saltmarshes) are those result, restoration may absorb over half of NbS
NbS that have the primary objective of restoration. finance each year until 2030.
However, some NbS classified here as SLM have
restorative functions, for example, cover crops Of the additional US$342 billion needed
and improved grazing improve soil fertility and annually by 2030 for NbS, protection-related
reduce erosion. Restoration can also occur in NbS (including protected areas and avoided
areas under protection. conversion of forests and other ecosystems)
absorb US$66 billion (roughly 20 per cent of
Sustainable land management investment additional NbS finance). Additional finance for
needs are based on the potential expansion protection-related NbS needs to increase quickly
of agroforestry (silvopastoral and silvoarable), from US$48 billion in 2025 to US$66 billion in
covers crops and optimal grazing intensity 2030 as countries implement the 30x30 target.
practices. Its relative contribution to achieving Finance for protection-related NbS includes
environmental targets increases over time. the establishment of new protected areas and
Annual investment opportunities in SLM avoided conversion of key ecosystems, for
increased fourfold from US$63 billion in 2025 example, avoided deforestation and degradation
to US$241 billion by 2050. The share of finance of peatlands and mangroves. Finance for
for SLM also increases over time relative to protection is likely to remain roughly constant
restoration and protection, with 27 per cent of after 2030 once the 30x30 target has been met.
additional NbS finance going to SLM in 2025,
increasing to 45 per cent by 2050. As many NbS Quantifying the financial value of investment
based on SLM generate financial revenues, SLM needed in NbS indicates the NbS that are likely
provides an important opportunity for private to absorb most of the financing. To understand
investment and is thereby critical to scale NbS the physical scale of implementation of different
finance. types of NbS, Figure 4.2 provides an overview
of the cumulative additional areas needed for
Due to their relatively high cost, restoration protection, sustainable land management and
NbS potentially require the highest levels of restoration and how that evolves over time.
Figure 4.2. Cumulative additional land area by NbS 2025–2050, Rio-aligned, Mha
Chapter 4
Protection-related NbS represent roughly 80 indicates that to meet the 30x30 target, land
per cent of additional land area needed for and seascape protection (including avoided
NbS by 2030 while absorbing only 20 per conversion of forests, mangroves, peatlands
cent of additional NbS finance due to its cost- and seagrass ecosystems) needs to rapidly
effectiveness. Per hectare costs are significantly increase to roughly 900 million hectares by
lower for protection than for restoration, which is, 2025 and to 1.9 trillion hectares by 2030. Figure
on average, six times more costly (Cook-Patton 4.3 illustrates that protected areas are the
et al. 2021). Protection is preferred if possible dominant form of protection-related NbS, with
because restoration is not consistently able to avoided deforestation of a smaller but increasing
return ecosystems to their full function (Holl and importance after 2030. Once 30 per cent of land
Brancalion 2020) and may not yield the same and seascapes are protected by 2030, further
biodiversity benefits as protection. Figure 4.3 expansion of areas to be protected may slow.
Figure 4.3. Cumulative additional area by NbS category 2025–2050, Rio-aligned, Mha
Sustainable Land
Protection Management Restoration
2500 2500 2500
0 0 0
2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Protected areas Avoided deforestation Grazing-optimal intensity Cover crops Reforestation Restoration of peatlands
Avoided grassland conversion Avoided peatland conversion Agroforestry - silvoarable Agroforestry - silvopasture Restoration of mangroves
Note: The land required for protected areas in this chart represents the estimated additional land required to meet
30x30 targets and so does not include land currently under protection.
The area under sustainable land management reduce soil erosion and promote soil fertility and
can expand significantly from 80 million hectares biodiversity – the 14 million hectares under cover
in 2025 to 335 million hectares by 2030 and crops by 2025 can expand to 65 million hectares
1.4 billion hectares by 2050. This expansion by 2030 and 340 million hectares by 2050.
is based on improving the management of
unsustainably managed lands and seas for While absorbing over half of annual NbS finance
food and commodity production. Converting by 2030, the cumulative area under restoration
areas of livestock production to optimal grazing (roughly 370 million hectares) is only 9 per
is essential to ensure production of livestock cent of total NbS area by 2050. Restoration
products that minimises loss of biodiversity and NbS includes reforestation and peatland and
GHG emissions due to ecosystem conversion. mangrove restoration (saltmarsh and seagrass
The area under improved grazing can potentially areas are very small). Figure 4.3 illustrates the
expand by a further 40 million hectares in 2025, dominance of reforestation in the restoration
reaching over 150 million hectares by 2030 and portfolio. Over time, the area dedicated to NbS
almost 600 million hectares by 2050. The area restoration increases, while protection stabilises.
under agroforestry can potentially increase from This can be due to expected declines in the cost
27.5 million hectares in 2025 to 113 million of restoration associated with higher carbon
hectares by 2030 and over 450 million hectares by prices for reforestation and better technology.
2050. The planting of trees in crop and livestock Restoration will be the “optimal” solution in
production systems supports the transition of some areas in the future due to, for example, its
food systems to more resilient diverse systems high carbon capture benefits.
with livelihood, biodiversity and climate benefits.
Cover crops provide a cost-effective means to
Chapter 4
Together, SLM and restoration NbS will cover 1.7 As MAgPIE models the most cost-effective land
billion hectares by 2050. Restoration may also use given specific economic, environmental and
occur in protected areas, a potential overlap not policy constraints, lower cost protection and
currently modelled. In short, this analysis provides SLM are prioritised. Protection is prioritised by
very conservative estimates of investment treating the 30x30 target as an input into the
opportunities for restoration NbS. Nevertheless, model, which then optimises food production and
it is likely that the area dedicated to ecosystem carbon sequestration subject to a set of variables
restoration NbS will be smaller than protection (population growth and diets, carbon price, etc). It
NbS given the large difference in costs. is possible that the relative benefits of restoration
are underestimated here.
To better target finance flows, the analysis In Africa, NbS opportunities are predominantly
looks at the regional distribution of investment protection-related and, therefore, financing needs
opportunities. As noted, MAgPIE seeks the lowest appear to be relatively low. Baseline land use –
cost land-use pathway that satisfies economic, particularly high rates of deforestation – provides
demographic and policy constraints. It optimises significant opportunities for cost-effective
land use to satisfy multiple constraints, including avoided deforestation through protection.
urban growth, population growth, demand for Moreover, restoration is particularly high cost
food and materials and increasing carbon prices. in Africa relative to protection due to the high
It also accounts for existing commitments (NDCs, opportunity cost of land driven by relatively rapid
30x30), baseline land use, opportunity costs and population and GDP growth. Under alternative
deforestation rate. While a range of factors helps scenarios, NbS finance needs in Africa may
to explain regional differences, three factors are be higher given the high mitigation potential
particularly important: national commitments, assessed in other studies (Roe et al. 2021).
baseline land use and the opportunity cost of land.
Figure 4.4. Additional NbS investment needs per year by region, Rio-aligned, $ billion (2023 US$)
117 107
35 41
26 24 19 25 21
12 15
Chapter 4
Modelling suggests that investment needs are Cumulative additional investment needs are
likely to be greatest in Asia with an additional relatively high in Asia, at US$1,037 billion by 2030
US$167 billion per year needed per year by 2030, (Table 4.1). This is driven by ambitious restoration
rising to US$203 billion per year by 2050 (Figure commitments in NDCs of some Asian countries.
4.4). The Middle East and Reforming Economies China has committed to plant 70 billion trees by
and Latin America also absorb relatively high 2030 (WEF 2022c), and India’s NDC commits to
levels of NbS finance. expand forested land by 30 million hectares by
2030 (Carbon Brief 2022).
With Rio alignment, NbS finance need is greatest in developing and emerging economies.
Regions where NbS opportunities are predominantly protection-related have a relatively low finance need.
Cumulative finance
Largest NbS need by 2030 (US$
by land area billion), Rio-aligned Key facts
US$430 billion for 170Mha of reforestation by 2050
Consistent with reforestation ambition in Asia, e.g. China’s commitment
Asia Agroforestry 1,037 to plant 70 billion trees by 2030 (WEF 2022) and India’s NDC committing
to expand forested land by 30Mha by 2030 (Carbon Brief 2022)
US$40 billion investment required for protected areas to achieve North America’s
Protected areas Canada and US committed to 30x30, requiring protected area expansion of
North America Agroforestry 90 340Mha (Government of Canada 2022; Natural Resources Defense Council 2022)
Middle East and Reforming Economies include United Arab Emirates; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Belarus; Algeria; Egypt; Western
Sahara, Georgia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Republic
of Moldova; Mongolia; Oman; Palestine, State of; Qatar; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic; Tajikistan;
Turkmenistan; Tunisia; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Yemen. List of states or areas for other regions can be found in the technical annex.
Chapter 4
In recent years, there has been a strong push Figure 4.5 presents an overview of additional
for the private sector to increase funding for NbS finance needed annually from public and
biodiversity, restoration and climate action given private sources. While both public and private
perceived limits to the ability of governments to NbS finance flows are likely to steadily increase to
increase direct public investment. In response, 2050, private sources will provide a growing share
some research (Kedward et al. 2022) has looked of total NbS finance.
at the business case for private investment and
has found critical limitations and a continued By 2030, annual private finance can potentially
strong case for public investment in public goods. increase by almost US$70 billion on top of current
flows of US$35 billion per year (18 per cent of
This analysis of investment needs considers total NbS finance). Total annual NbS finance from
whether finance for different types of NbS is private sources will then reach over US$100
likely to be provided by public or private sources. billion by 2030, almost three times current levels.
The private–public finance split is assessed by An additional US$210 billion/year would bring
analysing how NbS returns, country market risk total (current and forecast) private NbS finance to
scores, NbS readiness levels and risk associated almost US$250 billion per year by 2050 (roughly
with project lifetimes will evolve over time. A 33 per cent of total needed NbS finance).
model is then calibrated to historical relationships
between these variables and financing from a
range of public and private instruments to assess
projected finance from private and public sources.
Figure 4.5. Additional NbS investment needs from public and private sources, Rio-aligned, $ billion (2023 US$)
Current NbS finance Additional public Additional private
500 69
Current NbS
finance flow
100 165
2022 2025 2030 2050
Chapter 4
However, given the scale of investment needed by private actors, including the high opportunity
and characteristics of NbS, public investment cost of land, high market risk in countries with
will continue to play a critical role. Government high NbS potential, high transaction costs as well
spending on NbS should quickly more than as the public goods nature of many ecosystem
double from current levels (US$165 billion/year) services provided by NbS. However, lessons can
to US$359 billion/year by 2025 (an increase of be learned from climate finance. While climate
US$194 billion) and to triple to US$439 billion/year finance remains insufficient to fully implement
by 2030 (an increase of US$274 billion). While the mitigation and adaptation targets, high levels
relative share of private finance increases over of public investment and incentives have been
time from 18 per cent to 33 per cent, government successful in catalysing private climate finance.
expenditure will continue to provide most of the Half of climate finance came from private sources
finance for NbS and, therefore, must dramatically in 2020 and recent analysis suggests the private
increase to ensure Rio targets are met. sector could deliver 70 per cent of investment
needed to meet net zero goals (UNFCCC 2021).
The dominance of public funding for NbS to However, much more is needed.
address climate, biodiversity loss and land
degradation is likely to continue. Features
associated with investing in NbS may limit uptake
Most countries have agreed to the goals and Finance flows for NbS under this scenario are
targets of the Paris Agreement, GBF and UNCCD. only sufficient to support the protection of 20 per
However, national commitments and actions to cent of land by 2030. Only 6 per cent of global
implement those targets are not well-aligned land area is under restoration by 2050. Figure 4.6
with global targets. For example, current illustrates the forecast policy trajectory, that is,
emissions reductions in NDCs fall well short of the likely trajectory of NbS finance if countries do
emissions reductions needed under the Paris not take strong and urgent action to align national
Agreement and point to a 2.8°C temperature commitments with full implementation of the
rise by the end of the century (UNEP 2023b). A Rio Convention targets. A cumulative shortfall of
new scenario is thus introduced to reflect the roughly US$600 million by 2030 grows to almost
inadequacy of current climate, biodiversity and US$5 trillion by 2050 with serious implications
restoration commitments. for actions needed to tackle climate change,
biodiversity loss and land degradation.
The Forecast Policy Trajectory scenario (FPS) is
based on the Inevitable Policy Response – FPS
+ Nature scenario developed by UN-backed
Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)
for use by investors (UNPRI 2023). Based on
current commitments, the likelihood of policy
implementation and market trends, this scenario
models how countries fall short of protected
area, restoration and climate commitments. This
scenario analysis is based on the MAgPIE model
combined with additional analysis.
Chapter 4
12 Rio-aligned
Forecast policy trajectory
10 Historical
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
BII estimates how much of an area’s natural biodiversity remains by assessing the average abundance of native terrestrial species
compared to their abundance in the absence of pronounced human impacts (De Palma et al. 2021). BII proxies for global change in
ecosystem services or nature outcomes. The BII level is extrapolated backwards to 1970 based on the rate of change modelled in BAU.
Chapter 4
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
In the Rio-aligned scenario, net deforestation to climate mitigation (Deng et al. 2022) - the
would end, and reforestation would scale NbS included in this analysis can produce GHG
significantly by 2030, resulting in 7.7 GtCO2e per removals to close over one third of the emissions
year in GHG removals. More costly NbS, such as gap of 22GtCO2e in 2030 (UNEP 2023b) to the
peatland restoration and agroforestry, would scale limit climate change to below 1.5°C.
significantly to 2050, contributing to a total of
15GtCO2e per year in removals. There is growing
evidence that nature can contribute significantly
Restoration of mangroves
Restoration of saltmarshes
Restoration of seagrass Restoration
Restoration of peatlands
10 Reforestation
Cover crops
Chapter 4
SFN combines land use modelling and international commitments, market trends
supplementary analysis based on scientific and the probability of policy implementation
literature to estimate investment needs for NbS. affect mobilisation of finance for NbS and
To note: associated outcomes.
c. MAgPIE’s costs and land use change e. Cost and area data (constrained by MAgPIE
outputs are used to calculate annual and variables where possible) are used to
cumulative finance needed for NbS from calculate capital investment and operations
2023 to 2050. expenditure from 2023 to 2050.
Chapter 4
A weakness of the model is that it does not Future editions can be expanded to include a
capture the effects of climate change. For broader range of NbS, such as NbS in urban
example, while climate change is a big driver of areas including green roofs, natural stormwater
biodiversity loss, the model does not capture management and urban forests, which contribute
how an increase in wildfires, extreme flooding significantly to reaching climate, biodiversity and
and droughts will affect investment needs. A restoration targets.
further limitation is the high level of uncertainty
around the potential for restoration in marine
ecosystems. Compared with terrestrial NbS,
there is more uncertainty around both potential
area and costs of marine ecosystem restoration.
Finally, SFN 2023 provides estimates of
investment needs for the 16 NbS activities with
the greatest potential impact.
5 Key findings and
| Photo by Dimitris Poursanidis on Grida
Chapter 5
This report provides policy makers, businesses and financial institutions with an evidence-based
snapshot of the very large scale of nature-negative finance flows, which at almost US$7 trillion per
year dwarfs finance flows to NbS of US$ 200 billion per year (Figure 5.1). Urgent action to tackle
nature-negative flows is critical. Unless the real economy and financial system reduce the financing
of nature-negative activities (“greening finance”), actions to scale up investment in NbS (“financing
green”) will be insufficient to reach Rio targets and transform the economic system to be more
nature-positive and equitable.
Nevertheless, investing in NbS enables the use of nature’s potential to help cost-effectively tackle
climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation. Current investment is far from what is needed.
Tripling NbS finance flows to US$542 billion by 2030 can make a massive contribution to reach Rio
targets. The solution requires a new dual approach scaling up public and private investment into NbS
whilst reducing nature-negative capital flows from both public and private sources.
The first requirement is to continue to upscale investment into NbS for climate and nature
conservation and restoration. This is often the only tangible funding available to directly stem the
tide of nature’s loss and to protect, maintain and restore vital ecosystems. This report documents
the huge opportunities for impact by investing in protection, sustainable land management and
restoration. The science, evidence, frameworks and policy tools as well as financial innovation are
well-developed. What is needed now is implementation by governments, businesses and financial
Second, greater emphasis is needed to create incentives to realign finance away from nature-
negative activities and towards creating nature-positive outcomes. Investment opportunities in NbS
are increasing through the transformation of the global food system, extractive sectors, real estate
and infrastructure, sectors that are mostly closely linked to nature’s loss. These opportunities will be
at least as large as those that have emerged in response to the climate crisis.
Chapter 5
This section provides an overview of the key findings and messages, followed by high-level
recommendations on required action. Recommendations are high level as further work is required to
identify the policy and financial instruments with the greatest ability to catalyse finance for NbS and
effectively tackle nature-negative investment.
For the first time, global private finance flows that have a direct negative impact on nature have been
estimated, and they are very large indeed at US$5 trillion per year (around 5 per cent of global GDP).
• Private nature-negative finance flows are 140 times larger than tracked private investments into NbS.
• This is likely to be an underestimate as nature-negative finance with indirect impacts is not included.
• The five industries channelling most of the negative financial flows – construction, electric utilities , real
estate, oil and gas, and food and tobacco – represent 16 per cent of overall investment flows in the
economy but 43 per cent of nature-negative flows.
Tracked nature-negative public finance flows, estimated at almost US$1.7 trillion in 2022, are more than 10
times greater than public finance flows to NbS (US$165 billion).
• Almost 90 per cent of tracked negative public flows (EHS) are directed to fossil fuels (66 per cent) and
agriculture (20 per cent).
• Fossil fuel subsidies to consumers doubled from US$563 billion in 2021 to US$1,163 billion in 2022.
• In addition to the US$600 billion increase in fossil fuel consumption subsidies, IEA estimates extra
spending of US$500 billion to lower energy costs in 2022, with US$350 billion in Europe following the
Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Chapter 5
• Governments continue to lead, providing 82 per cent (US$165 billion) of total NbS finance
flows. Nevertheless, public finance flows to NbS were less than one-tenth of public spending on
environmentally-harmful subsidies in 2022.
• Private finance for NbS remains modest at US$35 billion (18 per cent of total NbS finance flows). Over
half is channelled through biodiversity offsets and sustainable supply chains.
• Private finance flows to NbS are less than one per cent of private finance flows that have a direct harmful
impact on nature.
• Annual NbS investment opportunities in sustainable land management can increase fourfold from US$63
billion in 2025 to US$241 billion by 2050.
• As many SLM NbS generate financial revenues, SLM provides an important opportunity for private
investment and is critical to scale private NbS finance.
• Restoration NbS potentially requires the highest levels of investment at over US$177 billion per year
by 2030, which is over half of annual NbS finance due to its relatively high cost and the global extent
of degradation.
• Protection-related NbS represent roughly 80 per cent of additional land area needed for NbS by 2030
while absorbing only 20 per cent of additional NbS finance This reflects the increase in area of protection
needed to reach the 30x30 target and the relative cost effectiveness of protection.
Both public and private finance flows to NbS will need to dramatically increase to close the finance gap
between current finance flows and the investment needed to meet Rio targets.
• While both public and private NbS finance flows will steadily increase to 2050, private finance can
potentially increase its share of NbS finance from 18 per cent currently to 33 per cent by 2050.
• Total annual NbS finance from private sources can reach over US$ 100 billion by 2030, almost three
times current levels.
• Public investment will continue to play a critical role. Government annual expenditure on NbS needs to
quickly increase from current levels (US$165 billion) to US$359 billion (an increase of US$194 billion) by
2025 and to US$439 billion (an increase of US$274 billion) by 2030.
Chapter 5
Governments are very unlikely to meet their international climate, nature and land degradation targets
based on current funding commitments, likely policy implementation and market trends.on current funding
commitments, likely policy implementation and market trends.
Figure 5.1 provides an overview of some of the key findings. US$7 trillion per year in nature-negative finance
flows vastly overshadow efforts to increase finance for NbS, which is currently at US$200 billion per year.
Finance flows to NbS are also much smaller than investment needs and opportunities, which call for the
tripling of NbS finance by 2030 to meet Rio targets. The next section focuses on high-level recommended
actions to put us on a pathway to a nature and climate positive future, for which investing in NbS is essential.
Figure 5.1. Current finance flows to NbS, nature-negative finance and investment needs
Almost $7 trillion
Current environmentally
harmful finance flows
Sources: OECD (2020; 2022a; 2023e); IMF (2021); OECD (2023b; 2023d; 2023f): ODA, Philanthropy, private finance mobilised
by ODA; Financial reports from five NGOs: CI (2022), RSPB (2022), TNC (2022), WCS (2022) and WWF (2022); FAO (2018b;
2018c); Rainforest Alliance (2022a; 2022b); RTRS (2022); RSPO (2022); Solidaridad (2019); De Jong (2019); GIIN (2020); Hand
et al. (2020); Capital for Climate NbS Funds (2023); Impact Yield (2023); Partnership for Forests (2023); Funds for Nature
(2023); Ecosystem Marketplace (2022); Kassam et al. (2019); Bennett et al. (2017); Hamrick (2017); United States of America,
Fish and Wildlife Service (2022); European Commission (2023); China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020); United States of
America, Department of Agriculture (2022a; 2022b); FAO, UNDP and UNEP (2021); IEA (2023); Environmental Markets Lab
(2018); Skerritt and Sumaila (2021); Interpol (2020); WB (2021); Koplow and Steenblik (2022); ENCORE; Refinitiv.
Chapter 5
5.2. Recommendations
To tackle private nature-negative finance flows, disclosure frameworks are instrumental. They act as a guide
through the maze of emerging pressures for reform driven by COPs and pending regulator activity. For
example, the recently launched TNFD provides practitioners with a new language of risks, dependencies,
impacts and opportunities. However, frameworks alone are not sufficient to change behaviour unless those
that disclose get benefits over those that do not. Such benefits might include lowering the costs of capital to
disclosers as well as compliance and reputational benefits.
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) of the International Financial Reporting Standards has
created S1 (general) and S2 (climate) standards, now adopted by the International Organization of Securities
Commissions, indicating how global standards can merge. This is also likely to happen for nature. TCFD will
be absorbed into ISSB in 2024. The ISSB has already announced that it will consider nature as a possible
next global standard, building on the work of the TNFD. A social standard may also follow. Together, these
can create a welcome level playing field for business on ESG and can stimulate private sector flows towards
Rio Convention targets and SDG goals. Market leaders should continue to push for regulation and mandatory
higher standards to level the playing field.
It is also critical for finance and business to commit to targets that reduce biodiversity and climate impacts.
An increasing amount of guidance and tools are available to support this process, including the Science-
based Targets Network (SBTN) and Business for Nature’s Assess, Commit, Transform and Disclose (ACT-D)
framework that help companies to assess, commit, transform and disclose impacts on nature. The UNEP
Finance Initiative has recently launched the Principles for Responsible Banking Nature Target-Setting
Guidance that provides a practical framework for banks to address nature loss and align with the Global
Biodiversity Framework.
Chapter 5
Governments should place greater emphasis on realigning public subsidies away from climate- and nature-
negative incentives and towards NbS, climate and nature-positive ones. There are internationally agreed
upon targets to reform subsidy regimes, including target 18 in the GBF to eliminate, phase out or reform
incentives that are harmful to biodiversity by at least US$500 billion a year. There is a wealth of evidence
and experience on the need to reform harmful subsidies and how to do it. However, there has been limited
success to date due to political and social barriers to reform. Vested interests, for example, large-scale
farms and businesses, frequently benefit from subsidy regimes and are effective lobbyists.
The World Bank (2023a) surveyed all cases of subsidy reform globally, including successes, failures and reform
reversals. Experience suggests that to be successful, governments should prioritise subsidy reform that:
Upon taking office earlier this year, Nigeria’s president eliminated the fuel subsidies that cost the nation
US$522 million per month. Fuel prices shot up by 175 per cent overnight and have increased further since.
Removing subsidies and having people pay market prices for energy has focused attention on more
efficient sources of energy. As a result, Nigeria is projected to reach 1.6 gigawatts of solar capacity within
a year, three times the previous forecast. In a country where 70 per cent of households are not connected
to the grid and those who are suffer frequent blackouts, a faster transition to solar will have a massive
impact on access to electricity. Moreover, the estimated 51 million tons of GHG emitted from Nigeria’s 22
million generators would be much reduced (Ibukun 2023).
Governments must encourage and consider mandating assessment, reporting and disclosure of nature risks,
impacts, dependencies and opportunities by business and finance. While voluntary action is increasing
based on an improved understanding of the materiality of nature risks and impacts, it has been and is likely
to continue to be insufficient.
Increased use of regulation and incentive mechanisms are critical tools for governments to shape private
sector action and behaviour. Requiring due diligence and offering tax breaks for the transformation of
unsustainable and nature-negative supply chains need to be scaled. Requirements for strict adherence to
the mitigation hierarchy24 and biodiversity offsetting for investment and development need to be widely
adopted. Fiscal instruments remain critical tools to ensure that ecosystem services and biodiversity are
correctly valued and managed, internalising externalised costs. Incentive structures are needed to ensure
that sustainable alternatives are less costly than unsustainable business models.
The mitigation hierarchy can be defined as: ‘the sequence of actions to anticipate and avoid impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem
services; and where avoidance is not possible, minimize; and, when impacts occur, rehabilitate or restore; and where significant
residual impacts remain, offset' (Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative 2013).
Chapter 5
Embed biodiversity, restoration and climate targets in law with targets on finance
Real change will require countries to embed targets in law and put strategies in place for implementation
(e.g. in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans [NBSAPs] and Nationally-determined
Contributions and Land Degradation Neutrality plans) with sufficient and targeted financing and policy
instruments. The European Commission’s Nature Restoration Law, for example, requires assessment of
restoration finance needs and gaps as well as solutions to close the gaps within 12 months and includes
a dedicated EU instrument (European Parliament 2023). Clarifying and enforcing land tenure rights and
access to land will provide the legal basis, incentives and access to needed finance for land managers like
Indigenous Peoples.
Governments provide 82 per cent of finance for NbS, and direct expenditures will continue to provide
the bulk of finance for NbS. The establishment and management of protected areas will continue to rely
on public funding, and protected areas and avoided conversion should be treated as a solutions for the
cost-effective provision of critical ecosystem services, thereby providing local and global public goods.
When possible, governments can increase direct funding for protection and restoration as well as promote
demand for investment in NbS via green public procurement.
Given much of the responsibility for climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation lie with the
developed countries and given much of remaining biodiversity and nature-based carbon stores are located
and under threat in developing countries, there is a strong case for scaling up concessional and grant
development finance to developing countries. Given that NbS can deliver multiple benefits for people,
climate and biodiversity in an integrated manner, they should be prioritised in ODA programming. ODA
funds should also be used in a more strategic manner via blended finance structures to use scarce public
money to catalyse private investment in NbS. Finally, ODA flows are small and are likely to remain small
considering political pressures in donor countries. It is therefore critical to ensure that the flow of finance
for NbS from developed to developing countries is not limited to ODA. Innovative financial instruments are
needed to facilitate private investment in NbS where they are most cost effective.
Government policies play a key role in creating an enabling environment for the private sector to invest in
NbS. Regulation and incentives are key tools for governments to direct private finance to investments
in nature and climate-positive goods and services. Market signalling through green taxonomies and
transparency measures through corporate sustainability reporting requirements demonstrate how
governments can also play a "soft" role to entice markets to direct private finance to NbS.
Incentives – Government provision of incentives for investment in NbS needs to be scaled. For example,
investment in regenerative agriculture will significantly increase in response to government incentives. The
US Department of Agriculture recently committed to incentivise farmers to double cover crop planting by
2030 (Plume 2022). As an example, Box 6 provides details of incentives for sustainable agriculture via rural
credit programmes in Brazil.
Chapter 5
Regulation – Government regulation can be a powerful tool when private sector action is critical.
Regulation that would make biodiversity offsetting mandatory has driven private sector investment in
actions to conserve and restore biodiversity in many countries, for example, in Australia and France.
Both the EU and the UK ensure sustainable supply chains through due diligence legislation that tackles
illegal conversion and deforestation in global supply chains by making it illegal for certain companies
to use forest-risk commodities (e.g. soy, palm oil and cocoa) that have been produced on land that has
been illegally converted or occupied. The Brazilian Forestry Code promotes agroforestry by mandating a
minimum of 20 per cent to 80 per cent natural vegetation on farmland.
Blended finance – Governments can incentivise private investment by reducing the costs and/or risks for
private entities through blended finance instruments. For example, concessional and sub-ordinate loans,
credit guarantees and grants that use public capital (domestic public funding or ODA) can be used to
catalyse private investment in activities that the investors would otherwise consider too risky or unfamiliar.
It is most efficient to build on existing structures as it takes time to build new blended finance structures.
Blended finance needs to be scaled, and this can be facilitated by developing leaner governance structures.
Other key tools for governments to catalyse private investment in NbS include supporting the development
of high-integrity nature markets and mandatory compliance by the private sector as well as developing
green, sustainable and/or NbS taxonomies and harmonisation across geographies and sectors. NbS may
be identified through technical screening criteria and incorporated into taxonomy reporting requirements
for business and finance.
Businesses and financial institutions need to not only assess, manage and disclose nature-negative
impacts but also to increase investment in Nbs and transform economies to nature and climate positive.
There exists now a critical mass of knowledge and experience of a range of mechanisms to support
scaling private finance for NbS, including prioritising investment in sustainable supply chains and in
high-integrity nature markets and expanding the use of innovative green financial instruments (e.g.
conservation or sustainable bonds and green insurance products). NbS may be developed as an asset
class in a wider portfolio of nature assets.
Investing in sustainable supply chains, prioritising conservation and regenerative practices in agriculture,
forestry and fisheries
Businesses and financial institutions must build on their growing understanding of their nature-related
impacts and dependencies to prioritise investment in sustainable supply chains. Large businesses and
financial institutions can influence suppliers and producers that are in their supply chains. Certification
and sustainability standards clearly signal where investments should go. As noted, government regulation
around trade in nature-risk commodities is only going to increase, and private entities that do not quickly
adapt will become obsolete.
Using tools for tracking deforestation and forest-risk commodities, such as Global Forest Watch Pro, Trase.
Earth, Spott and Forest 500, can assist the food sector to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains
and comply with new regulations, such as the EU’s new Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
Chapter 5
Box 6. Agri-food sector impact investing for conversion free supply chains
Over 160 global consumer goods companies and 57 financial institutions have committed to
halt forest loss associated with agricultural commodity production in the Brazilian Cerrado
(Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return [FAIRR] 2017). Eighty-five per cent of conversion of
native vegetation for soy – a key commodity in the Cerrado – is legal under the Brazilian forest
code. While there is abundant cleared or degraded land, financial incentives are needed to
prioritise the use of degraded land over native vegetation.
In 2022, the Responsible Commodities Facility (RCF) piloted annual crop finance for soy
farmers of US$11 million, with reduced interest rates in exchange for not deforesting their
land (including no legal deforestation). Three retailers (that had made zero deforestation
commitments) financed the scheme at below market rates, allowing interest rate reductions
on crop finance loans to farmers. The RCF reached US$47 million in 2023 and aims to scale to
over US$100 million in 2024. Similar investment schemes (Innovative Finance for the Amazon,
Cerrado and Chaco [IFACC]) have been developed. However, relative to the value of the soy
export market in Brazil alone (US$28 billion in 2021), these and other sustainable supply chain
initiatives are very small and need to scale quickly (IFACC 2023).
Develop nature as an asset class to create non-traditional revenue streams, for example, biodiversity and
carbon credits
A key barrier to private investment in some NbS has been the absence of consistent and monetisable
revenue streams. The development of carbon revenues has in some cases made investment restoration
and sustainable land management financially viable. This is particularly important to cover any costs or
lost productivity as, for example, food systems transition from extractive monoculture to regenerative
agricultural systems.
While compliance-led biodiversity offsets are currently a large source of private finance (US$12 billion
in 2022) for NbS, the market for biodiversity credits is currently very small at around US$2–8 million,
with only a few operational schemes. However, several initiatives aim to go to market within the next
two to three years and to rapidly scale financial flows through credit markets. In addition, a shift in
regulatory requirements from biodiversity offsetting to biodiversity net gain is expected to stimulate rapid
compliance-led growth of biodiversity credit markets.
Chapter 5
Note: Data availability on current biodiversity credits sale is limited, with only a few public records on bilateral deals. The
current estimates are thus likely to be an underestimate of actual flows, but reviews from experts suggest that these remain
of small scale (in millions).
Source: WEF (2022a), WEF (2022b), The Biodiversity Consultancy (2016), Manuell (2023), Reflev (2023), Taskforce on Nature
Markets (2023), Bennett et al. (2017)
Scale and further develop innovative financial instruments to facilitate investment in NbS, for example,
sustainable/green bonds and insurance products
NbS have characteristics that prevent private investment. We have already noted the public goods nature
of the services provided. Additional barriers are that NbS tend to be small and complex projects with
long investment horizons, they tend to lack early-stage financing and they are often subject to regulatory
uncertainty. Lack of standardisation of NbS as an asset class makes it less investible for institutional
money managers with strict mandates. As a result, financing is challenging, and innovation and further
development of financing structures and products is needed. Many NbS projects in the EU, for example,
are financed by a combination of different products based on large debt issuances from multiple backers
(European Investment Bank [EIB] 2023). Tailored structures work best for NbS because they can combine
different funding, financing and revenue streams for different elements.
Chapter 5
There are real inclusion and human rights challenges with the current approaches to incentivising
conservation and restoration of nature. They frequently fail to involve all stakeholders, namely
Indigenous Peoples, women and other marginalised groups, and do not work towards more just
and inclusive financial systems.
Funding for the expansion of protected areas will increase as countries implement 30x30. Given
that 80 per cent of what remains of global biodiversity is found within Indigenous Lands, the
30x30 target will have a significant impact on Indigenous Peoples. The eviction of Indigenous
Peoples and other human rights violations have occurred and continue to occur in the context of
protected area establishment. Expansion of protection must represent best practice and apply
the highest standards and environmental and social safeguards.
The scale-up of NbS finance in line with Rio targets needs to include finance for activities that
enhance the role of Indigenous Peoples in the management of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Indigenous groups manage half of the world’s lands and, as noted, protect 80 per cent of global
biodiversity, but they receive little finance to support their activities. For example, Indigenous
groups have received less than 1 per cent of international climate finance over the last decade
and an even smaller share has reached Indigenous Peoples organisations (Rainforest Foundation
Norway 2021).25 This is in large part due to the lack of tenure rights of Indigenous Peoples. Lack
of tenure rights is a problem further compounded for women. While 43 per cent of farmers
globally are women, only 15 per cent of land holdings are owned by women (FAO 2018a).
Embedding the rights of Indigenous Peoples, women and other marginalised groups into law and
policy is needed to ensure access to finance.
Governments need to lead. In addition to providing the legal and policy frameworks, public money
can be used as blended and concessional finance to support the development of Indigenous
Peoples- and women-led nature-based enterprise. As NbS investment scales, governments need
to ensure social safeguards are embedded in incentive mechanisms to mobilise finance for NbS
and social and gender impacts represented in ESG frameworks. Business and finance need to
consistently apply social and environmental safeguards in line with international best practice
and guidelines for responsible business conduct.
Over the last 15 years in Canada, for example, First Nations have had significant success
based on Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) models that ensure stable, long-term funding
for conservation projects and the development of small businesses by providing representation,
flexibility and capacity building. The experience of Coast Funds in Canada has inspired similar
conservation funding mechanisms in Brazil, Costa Rica, Bhutan, Colombia and Peru. At
RFN 2021 finds that projects supporting Indigenous Peoples tenure and forest management received approximately US$2.7
billion between 2011–2020 from bilateral and multilateral donors and private philanthropies – just US$270 million per year. This is
equivalent to less than one per cent of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for climate change mitigation and adaptation over the
same period.
Chapter 5
COP15, Trudeau announced an additional C$800 million (US$580 million) investment in four
Indigenous-led conservation models funded through PFPs. This type of financing directly to
Indigenous Peoples needs to dramatically increase. It is encouraging that the GEF’s Global
Biodiversity Fund was recently established with a framework that proposes to allocate 20 per
cent of funding to Indigenous Peoples and with efforts to develop possible modalities and
details in the coming months.
Nature markets need to be developed to work more justly and efficiently in favour of Indigenous
Peoples and other marginalised groups, including women, who successfully steward nature,
often facing serious challenges. The Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA) recently published a
discussion paper to engage stakeholders in the development of biodiversity credit markets to
learn from challenges encountered in carbon markets (BCA 2023).
This third edition of the State of Finance for Nature has for the first time estimated the
global scale of public and private nature-negative finance. Until governments and private
businesses and financial institutions redirect finance from nature-damaging activities
at scale, the impacts of mobilising additional finance for NbS will be limited, and we will
continue to erode the natural capital that provides the foundation for economies, human
well-being, gender implications of climate change and planetary health.
This report also showcases how much public and private finance is currently being
allocated to NbS relative to how much is needed to maintain a stable and liveable planet.
NbS provide a critical tool – scaling up finance and implementation is desperately needed
and is, indeed, very doable. Protection of nature is the least cost NbS with critical benefits
for biodiversity and climate. Governments should prioritise public funding for public goods.
Government incentives and regulation are key tools to catalyse private finance flows to
sustainable land management and restoration. In addition, scaling of innovative financial
instruments, for example, green bonds, blended finance funds and debt for nature swaps,
can support the scaling of private action that is needed to reach Rio targets.
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A Technical Annex
| Photo by Dimitris Poursanidis on Grida
Technical Annex
A multi-billion-dollar opportunity – harming finance flows in agriculture is based on
Repurposing agricultural support to transform 87 per cent of annual average price incentive and
food systems (Food and Agriculture fiscal subsidy support from 2013-2018.
Organization [FAO], United Nations
Development Programme [UNDP], and United Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
Nations Environment Programme [UNEP] 2021). 2022: Reforming Agricultural Policies for
Climate Change Mitigation (Organisation for
The report emphasises that price incentives and Economic Co-operation and Development
fiscal subsidies are forms of government support [OECD] 2022). This report estimates agricultural
that may have significant negative impacts on support between 2019 and 2021 for 54
food systems. It finds that 87 per cent of this type countries based on the OECD Agriculture
of support incentivises production practices and Statistics database.26 SFN aggregates support
behaviours that might be harmful to the health, based on commodity output and input use in
sustainability, equity, and efficiency of foods 2021 as the lower bound estimate of potential
systems. The upper bound of potential nature nature harming finance flows.
The database measures and monitors support to agriculture, defined as the annual monetary value of gross transfers to agriculture
from consumers and taxpayers arising from governments policies that support agriculture. The support is expressed in monetary
terms, including Total support Estimate (TSE) transfers represent the total support granted to the agricultural sector, and consist of
producer support (PSE), consumer support (CSE) and general services support (GSSE). PSE transfers to agricultural producers are
measured at the farm gate level and comprise market price support, budgetary payments and the cost of revenue foregone.
Technical Annex
Fossil Fuels
The International Energy Agency (IEA; 2023) as the midpoint of public nature-negative
database provides estimates of subsidies to finance flows. In SFN 2022, a combined OECD-
fossil fuels, including electricity, oil, coal and IEA estimate was used as the upper bound,
natural gas, which are consumed directly by however, it is unavailable at the time of analysis.
end-users or consumed as inputs to electricity Therefore, no range is provided for fossil fuels
generation across 49 countries.27 IEA’s initial in SFN 2023.
estimate for 2022 fossil fuel subsidies is used
Sumaila et al. (2019) and Skerritt and and Sumaila (2021) use the same dataset but
Sumaila (2021) compiled information on exclude nine countries with insufficient data.
government financial transfers to the fishing In SFN, lower and upper bound estimates of
sector and estimate the likely magnitudes capacity-enhancing subsidies are derived from
of fisheries subsidies in countries for which the 2021 and 2019 publications respectively.
this information was not available. Sumaila Fuel subsidies are excluded as they are
et al. (2019) estimates subsidy values using included in energy sector estimates.
2018 data for 152 maritime countries. Skerritt
Koplow and Steenblik (2022) estimate excluded due to lack of data. The paper uses
environmentally harmful subsidies (EHS) data from the International Criminal Police
in forestry based on the value of illegally Organization and the World Bank.
harvested wood. Other types of subsidies were
SFN 2023 applies a bottom-up approach (including resale) with issue dates in 2022. The
to estimate global nature-negative private estimation only accounts for direct (Scope 1)
finance flows across thirteen sectors defined impacts of economic activities to be consistent
by The Refinitiv Business Classification (TRBC). with the scope of NbS investments.28 The following
Estimation is based on the share of activities data and method was used to estimate nature-
within each sector flagged as nature-negative negative finance flows, summarised in Figure A1.1.
and covers corporate loans, bonds and equities
The estimation of subsidies is based on the price-gap approach, which compares average end-user prices paid by consumers with
reference prices that correspond to the full cost of supply. The price gap is the amount by which an end-use price falls short of the
reference price and its existence indicates the presence of a subsidy.
Nature-negative is not a negative equivalent of NbS. Nature-negative is here defined as any activities with a direct negative impact
on either biodiversity, ecosystems or climate.
Technical Annex
Figure A1.1. Hierarchy of data used to estimate nature-negative finance flows by sector and activity
Production processes are the level at which links with the environment are assessed in ENCORE. Production processes are different
to activities in that one process can be applied to multiple industries while activities are industry-specific.
Technical Annex
Figure A1.2. Share of production processes with high or very high impact on nature by sector
Step 3: Aggregation
Private nature-negative finance flows across subindustry in ENCORE results in the tagging of
sub-industries and activities tagged as nature- some large industries as 100 per cent nature-
negative were aggregated. negative e.g. construction and engineering
(an industry of the industrials sector). We
The two approaches used in step 2 produced will continue to explore how to improve the
similar results. The main differences arise in measurement of nature-negative impacts and
specific industries. The activity level approach finance flows in future editions.
is better able to filter out activities with no direct
impact on nature within certain industries that
have a high impact on nature. This produced
lower estimates of nature-negative finance flows
for real estate (US$170 billion lower) and fishing
and farming (40 per cent lower). Moreover, the
limited number of processes identified for each
Technical Annex
The study estimates public finance flows to NbS 2022 data is not available the most recent data
using the latest data available on actual and is annualised and average annual disbursement
expected disbursement. SFN 2023 aggregates is estimated. For all countries, data used is
public finance flows from domestic government actual expenditure and excludes pledged or
expenditure and Official Development Assistance budgeted funding.
(ODA) data from sources listed in Table A1.1. If
The Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) data sets provide first- and second-level data on government expenditure
data from the System of National Accounts by the purpose for which the funds are used. First-level COFOG splits expenditure data
into 10“functional”groups or sub-sectors of expenditures (such as defence, education and social protection), and second-level COFOG
further splits each first-level group into up to nine subgroups. For the purpose of this report, we have extracted the second-level data
and triangulated these against both OECD sectoral guidance on inclusions and exclusions within each category and subcategories,
and other major reports and studies in each of the sectors that can potentially contribute to NbS, including those on biodiversity,
peatland and agriculture.
Technical Annex
Technical Annex
As there is no global database that tracks activities within a COFOG and ODA sector which
public NbS expenditure, the analysis uses can confidently be identified as NbS. Scaling
scaling factors with sectoral guidance from the factors for COFOG and ODA sub-sectors are
OECD. Scaling factors represent the share of summarised in Table A1.2 and A1.3.
Table A1.2. Scaling factors used to adjust domestic sectoral expenditure to NbS
Technical Annex
Sources of data on private finance flows are • Biodiversity Credits: this category refers
listed below. New data has been included when to investment in programmes intended
available to broaden the scope (see Table A1.4). to increase biodiversity levels (net gain).
Biodiversity credits were not included in
• Carbon markets: private finance flows previous editions. Only a few credit schemes
via carbon markets use 2021 data from are in place in 2022. A Terrasos estimate is
Ecosystems Marketplace (2022), which used as a lower bound. An upper bound is
tracks carbon offset transactions in based on the higher BloombergNEF estimate
voluntary carbon markets across different (Carbon Pulse 2023).
projects, such as forestry, renewable
energy and waste disposal. A lower bound • Impact investing: this category includes
estimate is calculated for voluntary carbon private or public equity and debt investments
market transactions of forestry, land use intended to generate positive, measurable
and agriculture projects, while an upper ESG impact alongside a financial return.
bound includes value of forestry, land use, Sources include State for Private Investment
agriculture and waste disposal projects. in Conservation (SOPIC) report (2016
extrapolated to 2022), Global Impact Investing
• Sustainable supply chains: SFN 2023 makes Network (GIIN) survey (2020), Impact yield
the assumption that 1-1.5% of the certified (2023), Funds for Nature (2023), Capital for
commodity market is assumed to be invested Climate (2023). A lower estimate is from SFN
in biodiversity-related NbS (Deutz et al. 2020) 2022 but extrapolated to 2023. The upper
based on findings from the forestry sector. bound uses the amount invested from the
Included in the estimation are seven types GIIN survey and the upper limit of percentage
of certified product supply chains: forestry of the Assets Under Management (AUM)
products, palm oil, organic agricultural goods, reported for 92 funds in funds for nature,
seafood, soy, coffee and cocoa. Estimates capital for climate and impact yield.
of certified forestry products, palm oil, and
seafood were extrapolated from data • Philanthropy: Data is sourced from OECD
used in SFN 2022 as updated data was not CRS up to 2021 (includes Bezos Earth Fund)
available. Estimation of soy, coffee and cocoa (OECD 2023a). Upper limit: Disbursements
was based on updated sources (annual tagged to biodiversity plus biosphere
reports 2022 from Rainforest Alliance and protection. Lower limit: Disbursements
RTRS, market statistics on global production tagged to biodiversity only.
volumes). A new approach was used to
estimate finance flows to certified organic • Conservation non-governmental
agricultural goods, which replaced BIOFIN organisations (NGOs): Data is sourced from
(2020) estimates (used for SFN 2021 and annual expenditure reported by the largest
2022) with organic market size (Statista conservation NGOs, including Conservation
2022) to avoid double counting. International and affiliates, Royal Society for
the Protection of Birds (RSPB), The Nature
• Biodiversity offsets : this category refers Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society
to finance flows to programmes intended (WCS), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Any
to compensate for unavoidable impacts of funding received from public institutions
development projects after prevention and and philanthropy is excluded to avoid
mitigation measures have taken place. This double counting.
analysis projects 2016 values from Bennett
et al. (2017) using two different compound • Payments for ecosystem services (PES):
annual growth rates (CAGR). A lower bound voluntary finance flows between ecosystem
applies six per cent annual growth, starting at service users and providers conditional on
US$2.6 billion in 2016. An upper bound applies agreed rules of resource management for
13 per cent annual growth (based on Facts generating ecosystem services (Wunder
and Factors’ market research on the global 2015). Data is obtained from the OECD:
mitigation market) starting at US$7.3 billion Tracking Economic Instruments and Finance
(Bennett et al. 2017; Facts and Factors 2022). for Biodiversity study which captures PES
Technical Annex
Since private finance mobilised for the ocean economy include flows towards all ocean-based industries and some of them may not
be NbS relevant (e.g. renewable marine energy), this analysis estimates the average share of sustainable ocean economy ODA relative
to ocean economy ODA between 2010 and 2019, equal to 34%, and scales down the size of private finance by this share to derive an
upper bound of private finance in marine NbS. The lower bound scales down ocean economy flows more conservatively, by 10%.
Technical Annex
MAgPIE v4.1 was used to model majority of the future NbS financial flows for Rio-aligned scenario. However, the latest version,
MAgPIE v4.3, was used to model peatland restoration (Humpenöder et al. 2020). v4.5 was used to model FPS scenario.
Technical Annex
Scenario created by SFN 2022 using the UN PRI Inevitable Policy Response –
MAgPIE land use model and additional Forecast Policy Scenario + Nature. This
analysis drawing on academic literature scenario was also developed using MAgPIE
on NbS technical potential. combined with additional analysis.
Technical Annex
FPS+nature Baseline
Variable Description Source (Rio-aligned) Rio-aligned Scenario
scenario1 scenario
Lowers economic
incentive for CO2
emissions reduction
from avoided
factor for CO2 - 0.5 - -
and afforestation
compared to carbon
price level
Bioenergy production
2nd generation aligned with national
Defines demand for
bioenergy demand renewable energy SSP2 National
second generation
IIASA Database and PIK increases to 18 EJ/year regulations and Policies
3.Bioenergy bioenergy crops
integrated assessment by 2050. strategies and Net Zero Implemented
trajectory (only used for fuel
modelling exercise targets, 17EJ in 2030, (NPi) consistent
production, not for
SSP2 RCP2.6 90EJ in 2050 (all 2nd trajectory
consistent trajectory. generation bioenergy
by 2050)
SSP2 – ‘Middle
SSP2 – ‘Middle of SSP2 – ‘Middle of
Sets trajectories of the road’
4.Population SSP database the road’ consistent the road’ consistent
based on SSPs consistent
pathways pathways
SSP2 – ‘Middle
SSP2 – ‘Middle of SSP2 – ‘Middle of
Sets trajectories of the road’
5.GDP SSP database the road’ consistent the road’ consistent
based on SSPs consistent
pathways pathways
Defines trajectory of
area under protection
Protected areas expand
as per WDPA UNCBD - Global All countries meet GBF
6.Protected to 20% of global no change from
categories plus all Biodiversity Framework protected areas 30x30
areas terrestrial land by 2030 current levels
proposed areas (GBF) target target
and 24% by 2050
and key biodiversity
Note: 1. This list is not exhaustive and derived from the FPS+nature scenario overview (UN Principles for Responsible
Investment [PRI] 2023b). The FPS+nature scenario results from the combination of a set of levers which includes FPS
energy-related policy levers, land related policy levers and includes additional assumptions on nature markets: (i) increasing
biodiversity credit prices, (ii) soil nitrogen uptake efficiency increases to 65 per cent in 2050, (iii) food waste falls globally by
23 per cent between 2020 and 2050 (UNPRI 2023a).
Technical Annex
Urban Biochar Fire management Improved
Sustainable fishing
SFN 2022 & aquaculture
and 2023
Grazing - improved
Restoration of Marine Avoided mangrove Restoration Avoided seagrass feed
seagrass protected areas conversion of saltmarshes conversion
Avoided woodfuel
Natural forest Cropland nutrient Sustainable rice Avoided saltmarshes
management management cultivation conversion
Technical Annex
Agroforestry (silvopasture and SFN 2021 focused on silvopasture, which is the combination of trees and
silvoarable) livestock; SFN 2022 included silvoarable agroforestry, which is the planting
of trees in croplands. Following Wilkinson et al. (2020), two silvoarable types
are considered: tree intercropping and multistrata agroforestry. SFN2023
continues the 2022 categorisation.
Restoration of seagrass Restoration of damaged and degraded global coastal seagrass meadows.
Area closures that can help reduce conversion and degradation of marine
Protected area
and terrestrial ecosystems, including deforestation and forest degradation.
Regional analysis
SFN 2023 and MAgPIE’s modelling results are Island; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Curaçao;
presented by region based on aggregation Cayman Islands; Dominica; Dominican Republic;
countries and areas based on the following list. Ecuador; Falkland Islands; Guadeloupe; Grenada;
Guatemala; French Guiana; Guyana; Honduras;
Oceania: Australia; Heard Island and McDonald Haiti; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia;
Islands; New Zealand; Saint Martin (French part); Mexico; Montserrat;
Martinique; Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Puerto Rico;
North America: Canada; Saint Pierre and Miquelon; Paraguay; South Georgia and the South Sandwich
United States of America; Islands; El Salvador; Suriname; Sint Maarten (Dutch
part); Turks and Caicos Islands; Trinidad and
Latin America: Aruba; Anguilla; Argentina; Tobago; Uruguay; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;
Antarctica; Antigua and Barbuda; Bonaire, Sint Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of); Virgin Islands
Eustatius and Saba; Bahamas ; Saint Barthélemy; (British); Virgin Islands (U.S.);
Belize; Bermuda; Bolivia; Brazil; Barbados; Bouvet
Technical Annex
Europe: Åland Islands; Albania; Andorra; Austria; Asia: Afghanistan; American Samoa; French
Belgium; Bulgaria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Southern Territories; Bangladesh; Brunei
Switzerland; Cyprus; Czechia; Germany; Denmark; Darussalam; Bhutan; Cocos (Keeling) Islands;
Spain; Estonia; Finland; France; Faroe Islands; China; Cook Islands; Christmas Island; Fiji;
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Micronesia (Federated States of); Guam; Hong
Ireland; Guernsey; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Kong; Indonesia; India; British Indian Ocean
Croatia; Hungary; Isle of Man; Ireland; Iceland; Territory; Japan; Cambodia; Kiribati; Republic
Italy; Jersey; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; of Korea; Lao People's Democratic Republic;
Latvia; Monaco; North Macedonia; Malta; Sri Lanka; Macao; Maldives; Marshall Islands;
Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Myanmar; Northern Mariana Islands; Malaysia;
Portugal; Romania; Svalbard and Jan Mayen; San New Caledonia; Norfolk Island; Niue; Nepal; Nauru;
Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Sweden; Turkey; Pakistan; Pitcairn; Philippines; Palau; Papua New
Holy See; Guinea; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea;
French Polynesia; Singapore; Solomon Islands;
Africa: Angola; Burundi; Benin; Burkina Faso; Thailand; Tokelau; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu;
Botswana; Central African Republic; Côte d'Ivoire; Taiwan; United States Minor Outlying Islands; Viet
Cameroon; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Nam; Vanuatu; Wallis and Futuna; Samoa;
Congo; Comoros; Cabo Verde; Djibouti; Eritrea;
Ethiopia; Gabon; Ghana; Guinea; Gambia; Guinea- Middle East and Reforming Economies: United
Bissau; Equatorial Guinea; Kenya; Liberia; Lesotho; Arab Emirates; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain;
Madagascar; Mali; Mozambique; Mauritania; Belarus; Algeria; Egypt; Western Sahara, Georgia;
Mauritius; Malawi; Mayotte; Namibia; Niger; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Iraq; Israel; Jordan;
Nigeria; Réunion; Rwanda; Senegal; Saint Helena, Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya;
Ascension and Tristan da Cunha; Sierra Leone; Morocco; Republic of Moldova; Mongolia; Oman;
Somalia; South Sudan; Sao Tome and Principe; Palestine, State of; Qatar; Russian Federation;
Eswatini; Seychelles; Chad; Togo; Tanzania, the Saudi Arabia; Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic;
United Republic of; Uganda; South Africa; Zambia; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Tunisia; Ukraine;
Zimbabwe; Uzbekistan; Yemen.
Technical Annex
MAgPIE’s modelling outputs were adjusted to 2023 no increase in finance flows to NbS over time. The
USD prices and aggregated with off-model analysis difference in costs between the modelled scenario
to estimate annual investment needed between and the BAU scenario represents the additional
2023 and 2050. investment needed to achieve climate, biodiversity
and land targets, such that for each time period, t:
The Rio-aligned scenario is compared with a
business as usual (BAU) scenario which assumes
Investment Needst = Costst, Rio-aligned or forecasted policy Scenario - Costst, BAU Scenario
In MAgPIE, land is a limited resource which is demand. First, expanding protected areas to
allocated to either agricultural production (food, include biodiversity hotspots as well as setting
feed and other materials) or carbon sequestration. aside land to meet Nationally Determined
This allocation process minimises costs incurred Contributions (NDC) commitments reduces
by the land use system to meet demand for the hectares of land available for agricultural
agricultural products. Demand for agricultural production. Additionally, the introduction of a price
products is a function of both population and on greenhouse gases has two direct effects on
income. The former relationship is straightforward the land use system: on one hand, it increases
– more food and fibre will be needed to feed and production costs for emission-intensive activities,
clothe a growing population. The latter reflects such as production of beef and animal feed; on the
that, as people become richer, their budget other hand, it increases the benefits associated
constraint loosens, allowing individuals to demand with non-productive activities, such as regrowth
more than “strictly” needed. As both population of natural vegetation for carbon sequestration.
and GDP are set to increase, demand will grow, To meet demand under increasingly stringent
and the agricultural sector will have to produce land constraints and with cleaner/ less-costly
more using the same amount of land. This will production systems, the land use system faces
intensify competition among land uses, leading substantial transition costs both in the form of
to investment in innovation, higher production investments to increase efficiency as well as
efficiency and higher food prices. operational costs associated with more intensive
production systems.
The introduction of climate policies puts additional
pressure on the land use sector, increasing
the costs associated with meeting agricultural
Technical Annex
Indirect cost 5. Cost of forest management Cost associated with forest management
Split into
To estimate investment needs, the analysis Total investment needs between 2023 and 2050
focuses on differences in indirect costs of policy are calculated as the difference in cumulative
action. Focussing on this category of cost allows discounted cashflows of indirect costs of climate,
estimation of investment in NbS needed to meet biodiversity and land degradation neutrality action
climate, biodiversity and land degradation targets. between policy and baseline scenario:
2050 2050
Technical Annex
Blue Carbon: The Potential of Coastal and Oceanic Climate Action (Mckinsey 2022)
Coral reef restoration is not included due to ambiguity around its carbon sink properties.
Technical Annex
NbS Approach
Area of land use change is taken from Humpenöder et al. (2020). An upper bound
Avoided peatland
aligned with the 1.5°C target uses estimates of land available for rewetting that are not
conversion and
constrained by socioeconomic factors based on Griscom et al. (2017) and Wilkinson et
restoration of peatlands
al. (2020).
Agroforestry and optimal Based on land use patterns from Wilkinson et al. (2020), assuming linear growth from
managed grazing 2020 to 2050.
In the lower bound scenario, the report uses an average of estimates from Griscom et
Cover crops
al. (2017), Roe et al. (2021) and Wilkinson et al. (2020). This is extended to an upper
bound by using Griscom’s figure for technical potential. Costs are taken from World
Economic Forum’s Nature Net Zero (WEF 2021).
Avoided grassland Based on the historical rate of conversion of natural grasslands to cropland from 1980
conversion to 1990. Costs are taken from Vivid Economics analysis.
Avoided mangrove
Based primarily on Mckinsey (2022), Worthington and Spalding (2018) and Griscom et
conversion and
al. (2020).
restoration of mangroves
Following Macreadie et al. (2021), the upper bound for land suitable for mangrove
restoration is set at 0.812Mha. This is less than ten percent of the total land available
(9-11Mha). Mckinsey (2022) estimates that the feasible land for restoration, given
biophysical and socioeconomic constraints, is 0.6Mha. Roe et al. (2021) estimates
that only 0.2Mha is ‘practically’ available at a cost-effective level. This is set as the
lower bound.
Avoided conversion and
restoration of seagrass In contrast, global estimates of land available for seagrass meadow and salt-marsh
and saltmarsh restoration are unconstrained, due in part to a lower volume of research and incomplete
global mapping. The upper bound in each case is set at 11.8 and 5.5Mha, respectively.
We set lower bounds at a similar ratio to that for mangroves to capture the uncertainty
in feasibility once biophysical and socio-economic constraints are introduced, that is at
0.65 and 0.3Mha respectively.
Costs for marine restoration are taken from Bayraktarov et al. (2016).
Area of projected land use change is based on historical rates, following Griscom et al.
(2017). Costs are from Vivid Economics analysis.
Technical Annex
Agroforestry - Silvopasture
McKinsey 2022
Avoided seagrass meadows conversion
Stowers et al. 2003
Technical Annex
potential Abatement potential
NbS type Source
(tCO2e/ha/ per year (GtCO2e/year)
By 2030 By 2050
Agroforestry - Silvoarable
1.7 0.65
(tree intercropping)
Agroforestry - Silvoarable Wilkinson et al. 2020 4.5
(multistrata agroforestry)
Agroforestry - Silvopasture 2.7 1.1
Agroforestry - Silvoarable Griscom et al. 2017 0.37 1.0
WEF 2021 0.3
Agroforestry - Silvoarable
Girardin et al. 2021 1.9
and silvopasture
Roe et al. 2021 1.1 – 3.2
Cover crops Wilkinson et al. 2020 0.25-0.78
Cover crops Griscom et al. 2017 0.32 0.41
Girardin et al. 2021 0.37
WEF 2021 0.45
Optimal managed grazing Wilkinson et al. 2020 0.6 0.7
Griscom et al. 2017 0.3
Girardin et al. 2021 0.22
Peatland restoration Humpenöder et al. 2021 1.0
Wilkinson et al. 2020
Girardin et al. 2021 0.39
Griscom et al. 2017 0.82
Roe et al. 2021 0.6
WEF 2021 1.0
Avoided peatland
Humpenöder et al. 2021 0.9
Girardin et al. 2021 0.68
Griscom et al. 2017 0.75
Roe et al. 2021 0.2
WEF 2021 0.9
Avoided grassland
Griscom et al. 2017 0.12
Girardin et al. 2021 0.04
Mangrove restoration Worthington et al. 2018
Griscom et al. 2017 0.6
Mckinsey 2022 23.5 0.6
Roe et al. 2021 0.006
Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010 0.16-0.25
Seagrass meadows
Griscom et al. 2017 0.21
Mckinsey 2022 12.5 0.21
Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010 0.03-0.05
Salt-marshes restoration Griscom et al. 2017 0.036
Mckinsey 2022 0.03-0.04
Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010 0.01-0.03
Technical Annex
Avoided mangrove
Griscom et al. 2017 0.13
McKinsey 2022 42.9 0.13
Roe et al. 2021 0.065
Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010 0.02-0.04
Avoided seagrass
Griscom et al. 2017 0.13
meadows conversion
McKinsey 2022 17.4 0.16
Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010 0.19-0.65
Avoided saltmarshes
Griscom et al. 2017 143 0.42
McKinsey 2022 0.04-0.06
Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010 0.04-0.07
A2.2. Biodiversity
Technical Annex
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Chapter 5