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Historical Composition
G.V. Black believed that amalgam should consist of:
67% silver, 27% tin, 5% copper, and 1% zinc
Low-Copper (Traditional, Conventional) Amalgam
Silver 60%
Tin 29%
Copper <6%
Zinc <2%

General Setting Reaction:

Ag3Sn + Hg ----> Ag3Sn + Ag2Hg3 + Sn8Hg
silver-tin mercury silver-tin silver-mercury tin-mercury
gamma gamma gamma 1 gamma 2

When low-copper amalgam is triturated, mercury diffuses into the

silver-tin particles and silver and tin dissolve, to a very
limited extent, into the mercury. As this occurs, the particles
become smaller. Because the solubility of both silver and tin in
mercury is limited (0.035 and 0.6 weight percent respectively)
and because silver is much less soluble in mercury than is tin,
silver precipitates out first as silver-mercury (gamma 1)
followed by tin in the form of tin-mercury (gamma 2).

The set amalgam consists of core gamma particles surrounded by a

matrix of gamma 1 and gamma 2.

High-Copper (New-Generation, Gamma-2 Free) Amalgam

Silver 40% to 70%
Tin 12% to 30%
Copper 12% to 30%
Indium 0% to 4%
Zinc 0% to 1%
Palladium 0.5%

High-copper amalgam was developed in 1962 by the addition of

silver-copper eutectic particles to traditional silver-tin lathe-
cut particles in an attempt to dispersion strengthen or
dispersion harden the alloy.1 Although clinical tests showed
that these new alloys had better physical properties, the
improvement was not due to dispersion hardening (because the
silver-copper eutectic particles were too large and too far apart
to impede dislocation movement) but rather were the result of
formation of Cu6Sn5, the eta phase. The fact that tin had a
greater affinity for copper than for mercury meant that the

gamma-2 phase was reduced or eliminated. This resulted in the
dramatic improvement in physical properties.

It is important to note that high-copper alloys must contain at

least 12% copper to eliminate the gamma-2 phase. Compared to
their low-copper amalgam counterparts, high-copper alloys exhibit
the following physical properties: greater strength, less
tarnish and corrosion, and less creep. Overall, they are also
less sensitive to handling variables and produce better long-term
clinical results.

Purposes of Constituents in Amalgam

Silver -- increases strength and expansion
Tin -- decrease strength and expansion and lengthens the
setting time.
Copper -- increases strength, reduces tarnish and corrosion,
and reduces creep and, therefore, marginal deterioration. Copper
accomplishes these effects by tying up tin, preventing the
formation of gamma 2, the weakest, most tarnish- and corrosion-
prone phase, and the phase with the highest creep values. In
addition, it reduces creep by tying up tin and forming copper-tin
(Cu6Sn5), the eta phase, whose crystals interlock to prevent
slippage and dislocations at the grain boundaries of gamma-1
particles which is a major cause of creep in amalgam. Is added
at the expense of the silver. Copper is insoluble in mercury.
Zinc -- is added for the benefit of the manufacturer because
it prevents oxidation of the other metals in the alloy during the
manufacturing process; in so doing, it keeps the alloy from
turning dark. Zinc accomplishes this by combining readily with
oxygen to form zinc oxide. An alloy with <0.01% zinc is "zinc-
free" while an alloy with >0.01% zinc is "zinc-containing". If a
low-copper, zinc-containing alloy is moisture contaminated, it
will result in surface blistering, internal corrosion, and a
delayed expansion of up to 4% by volume beginning 3 to 5 days
after the contamination and continuing for up to six months.
This can lead to a reduction in strength of up to 24%.2
Although, moisture contamination of zinc-containing high-copper
amalgams has not been shown to cause delayed expansion,3,4
moisture contamination of all types of amalgam should be avoided
because it can cause a reduction in strength. Research has found
that high-copper amalgam alloys that contain zinc in a 1%
concentration exhibit lower rates of margin fracture than do
zinc-free alloys.5 This is believed to be due to zinc's behavior
as a sacrificial anode which delays corrosion of tin in the
Cu6Sn5 phase.

Other constituents which may also be present are:

Indium: one study found that an indium-containing admixed

high-copper amalgam exhibited a reduction in creep and an
increase in strength.6 A clinical study found that 5% and 10%
indium-containing alloys exhibited less margin breakdown but a
darker appearance and a rougher surface than Dispersalloy.7 A
five-year clinical study found that there was no significant
difference in surface luster or texture between indium-containing
alloys (5% and 10%) and Dispersalloy. Marginal breakdown was
significantly less for the indium-containing alloys, but the
difference was not felt to be clinically significant.8 Indium
added to an alloy in concentrations of 8% (or more) by mass also
was found to significantly reduce the amount of mercury vapor
emitted from the restoration, partially because indium decreases
the surface tension of liquid metals and therefore reduces the
amount of mercury necessary for trituration.9 Youdelis also
found that less mercury is required for mixing amalgam when it
contains indium in concentrations up to 10%.10,11 A second reason
for lower mercury emission is that amalgam prepared with indium
rapidly forms indium oxide and tin oxide films which reduce
mercury release.12 The indium must be in an admixed form,
however, to have these beneficial effects. If the indium is
added to the molten metal and atomized to produce spherical
particles, these effects are not seen. An example of this latter
type of indium-containing amalgam was Shofu's Indiloy which
contained 4% indium. Biological tests of indium-containing
amalgam show that it is no more cytotoxic or hemolytic than
standard ADA Certified amalgam.13,14 One currently marketed
indium-containing amalgam is Indisperse (Indisperse Distributing
Company), which contains 5% admixed indium.
Palladium: (in a 0.5% concentration in Ivoclar's Valiant
and Valiant PhD to reduce tarnish and corrosion); palladium-
containing alloys in vitro have been found to exhibit reduced
corrosion rates and in vivo have a slightly greater luster than
non-palladium alloys; they do not, however, have significantly
lower rates of marginal deterioration.15 In vivo, palladium has
been found in the gamma-1 and eta phases in high-copper amalgams.

Types of High-Copper Amalgams

Single-composition lathe-cut (e.g., Epoque, Jentalloy
III, ANA 2000)
Single-composition-spherical (e.g., Valiant, Tytin,
Megalloy, Logic+, Sybraloy)
Admixture of lathe-cut with spherical silver-copper
eutectic particles (e.g., Dispersalloy, Original D,
Indisperse, Contour)
Admixture of lathe-cut with single-composition spherical
(e.g., Valiant PhD)

Single-Composition-Spherical (SCS) Amalgams

As a general rule the SCSs are harder, stronger in
compression, and have lower creep and corrosion currents, while
the admixed lathe-cut with single-composition sphericals have
higher creep and corrosion currents. SCS alloys leak more than
admixed and lathe-cut ones.16 This may be due to the less
intimate adaptation the SCS amalgams exhibit to the walls of the
preparation.17 With SCS amalagams, mixes of proper plasticity
(i.e., wetter mixes) and good condensation techniques can reduce
the size of the gap between the amalgam and tooth structure.18
Generally the SCS alloys require a lower mercury-to-alloy
ratio than other types of high-copper amalgams. Some are as low
as 41%.

General Setting Reaction:

Ag-Sn-Cu + Hg -----> Ag3Sn + Ag2Hg3 + Cu6Sn5
silver-tin-copper mercury silver-tin silver-mercury copper-tin
gamma gamma 1 eta

Note that NO gamma 2 is formed.

When SCS high-copper amalgam is triturated, mercury diffuses into

the silver-tin-copper particles and silver and tin dissolve, to a
very limited extent, into the mercury. Silver is much less
soluble in mercury than is tin, so silver precipitates out first
as silver-mercury (gamma 1). Copper in the particles combines
with tin to form Cu6Sn5 crystals which form on the surface of the
particles and in the gamma-1 matrix.

The set amalgam consists of core gamma particles in the matrix of

gamma 1 and Cu6Sn5.

Representative SCS Alloys:

Tytin (SDS/Kerr)
-developed by Kamal Asgar
-first introduced in 1975
-is a ternary alloy containing silver, tin, and
-contains Ag 59%, Sn 28%, Cu 13%
-mercury content is 42.5%
-gamma particles are spheres formed by aerosol spray
into an argon atmosphere
-no gamma-2 phase is formed
-come supplied as 400 mg (blue caps), 600 mg (grey
caps), and 800 mg (white caps)

Valiant (Ivoclar Vivadent)

-is a quaternary alloy containing silver, tin,
copper, and palladium

-contains Ag 49.5%, Sn 30%, Cu 20%, Pd 0.5%
-mercury content is 42.7% Hg
-palladium is added to increase corrosion resistance
of the silver phase

Lojic+ (Southern Dental Industries)

-surface texture of the spherical particles as well
as a wide range of spherical particle size (2 to
56 µm) gives product resistance to condensation
-is a quaternary alloy containing silver, tin,
copper, platinum
-contains Ag 60.1%, Sn 28.05%, Cu 11.8%, Pt 0.05%
-mercury content is 42.2% Hg
-platinum is added to increase product=s tensile and
compressive strength by five percent

Admixture of lathe-cut with spherical silver-copper eutectic

particles (ALE) Amalgams

General Setting Reaction:

Ag3Sn + Hg + Ag3Cu2 -----> Ag3Sn + Ag2Hg3 + Sn8Hg + Ag3Cu2
silver-tin mercury silver-copper silver-tin silver-mercury tin-mercury silver-copper
gamma eutectic gamma gamma 1 gamma 2 eutectic

The second portion of the reaction involves the gamma 2 and the
silver-copper eutectic.

Sn8Hg + Ag3Cu2 -----> Cu6Sn5 + Ag2Hg3

tin-mercury silver-copper copper-tin silver-mercury
gamma 2 eutectic eta gamma 1

As admixed high copper amalgam is triturated, mercury diffuses

into the silver-tin particles and silver and tin dissolve, to a
very limited extent, into the mercury. Silver from the silver-
copper eutectic particles also enters the mercury. Copper
combines with tin forming a ring of Cu6Sn5 around the eutectic
particles while the silver precipitates out as gamma 1.

The final set amalgam consists of core gamma and silver-copper

eutectic particles in a matrix of gamma 1. The eutectic
particles are surrounded by the eta phase.

Representative ALE Alloys:

Dispersalloy (Dentsply/Caulk)
-first introduced in Canada by Youdelis in 1968 as
the first high-copper alloy; was the first
"dispersion hardened" amalgam; development was
based upon dispersion hardening (strengthening)

of metals which occurs when a large volume
fraction of ultra fine particles (usually <1
micron) is dispersed throughout the metal; it
was believed that the silver-copper particles
would act to impede dislocation movement and
strengthen the amalgam; the properties did
improve but the improvements were a result of
the higher concentrations of copper tying up tin
and reducing gamma 2 formation
-is 2/3 conventional lathe-cut alloy with 3% Cu,
and 1/3 eutectic consisting of 71.9 weight% Ag,
and 28.1 weight% Cu
-contains 69.3% Ag, 17.9% Sn, 11.8% Cu, 1% Zn; 50%
Hg is triturated with this alloy

Original D (Wykle Research, Inc.)

-manufactured since 1988
-contains 69.5% Ag, 17.5% Sn, 12% Cu, 1% Zn, and
49.9% Hg

Admixture, Lathe-cut plus Single Composition Spherical

As a general rule the ALSCSs have higher creep and corrosion
currents than the other three types of high-copper amalgams.

Representative ALSCS Alloy:

Valiant Ph.D. (Ivoclar Vivadent)
-is 40% lathe-cut alloy with 60% spherical
-contains 19% Cu and also 0.5% Pd to increase
corrosion resistance
-contains 47.6% Hg

Mercury Content
Residual mercury refers to the amount of mercury present in the
fully reacted alloy. It does not refer to free elemental
mercury, because none exists; it is all consumed within two hours
of trituration.19 Residual mercury levels are highest on the
surface and at the margins of a restoration. Certain
manipulative factors such as poor condensation technique and
delaying between trituration and condensation can increase
residual mercury levels.20 Using alloys which require high
mercury-to-alloy ratios can also result in high residual mercury

Amalgam restorations contain approximately 41% to 51% mercury by

weight.21 The ideal range of residual mercury is from 44 to
48%;22 mercury concentrations should not exceed 55% as this leads
to decrease in strength.23 It may also result in decreased

tarnish and corrosion resistance and increased creep because the
mercury converts gamma to gamma 1 and gamma 2.

Single-composition spherical amalgam alloys require a lower

mercury-to-alloy ratio because their spherical particles have a
smaller surface area; less mercury is required to wet them
compared to the particles found in single-composition lathe-cut
or admixed alloys. Admixed alloys, on the other hand, contain
lathe-cut particles with cracks and flaws, so they require a
higher mercury-to-alloy ratio and longer trituration times to wet
the particles adequately with mercury.

It is desirable from a physical property standpoint to make the

amalgam with the smallest amount of mercury necessary to produce
a workable mix; anything in excess of this amount will be used to
produce more of the gamma-1 and gamma-2 phases.

As amalgam corrodes, mercury is released and reacts with the

unreacted alloy (gamma).24 Because the phases in amalgam are not
in equilibrium, mercury is rearranged within it as some of the
phases form and some decompose.24

Manufacturing of Amalgam Alloy

Lathe-cut alloys are produced by cooling molten 72% silver and
28% tin and forming an ingot. The alloy is heated for 8 hours at
400°C to homogenize its composition. The homogenization heat
treatment is required to modify the alloy's composition which
affects it setting time. After the ingot is lathe-cut to produce
the particles, they are further ball-milled to reduce their size.
Since these two machining operations impart energy to the
particles and introduce stresses which could alter the clinical
working time, they are heated for several hours at 100EC to
reverse these effects through the recovery stage of annealing.
Particle size ranges from 25 to 50 microns.

Single-composition-spherical alloys are produced by atomizing

the molten alloy in a chamber filled with an inert gas such as
argon. The molten metal falls through a distance of
approximately 30 feet and cools as it does. This results in the
characteristic spherical particle shapes. Particle size ranges
form 5 to 40 microns.

Different sized spherical particles are used in formulating a

single-composition spherical alloy to improve its condensation
characteristics. Early sphericals did not use this method of
formulation and exhibited poor condensation properties.

General Characteristics of Amalgam
--ease of manipulation
--acceptable marginal adaptation
--technique insensitivity
--self sealing
--good wear resistance
--low cost

Physical Properties of Amalgam

Dimensional Change
--in the first 30 minutes after amalgam is triturated,
mercury diffuses into the silver and tin particles and, to a
slight extent, they dissolve in the mercury; as a result a small
amount of contraction occurs
--expansion follows as crystallization of the new phases
begins; the expansion is caused by the outward thrust of the
growing crystals
--whether the alloy exhibits a net contraction or expansion
depends on several factors: (1) the specific alloy being used
(single-composition spherical alloys contract more than single-
composition lathe-cut or admixed ones); (2) condensation
technique (the more mercury expressed from the alloy, the more it
will contract), and trituration time (overtrituration causes
--most high-copper amalgams undergo a net contraction
--is limited by ADA Specification No. 1 to "20 microns/cm
measured between 5 minutes and 24 hours after trituration

--strength develops slowly, taking 24 hours or longer to
reach a maximum; by 1 hour, most alloys have achieved from 40% to
60% of their 24-hour compressive strength (e.g., Tytin 45% and
Dispersalloy 51%); by 24 hours, most alloys have reached 90% or
more of their final strength
--amalgam is considered a brittle material with much higher
compressive strength than tensile or shear strength; compressive
strength is 7 times that of tensile strength
--is weak in thin sections; unsupported edges fracture
easily; a 90° butt joint yields maximum strength while a 70°
angle of amalgam at the margins yields only 50% strength
--if loaded rapidly, amalgam will fracture quickly; if
loaded slowly, it will deform somewhat prior to fracture
--spherical alloys not only harden faster but are stronger
in compression than lathe-cut alloys; they are harder because
they require less mercury during trituration so less of the weak

matrix portion forms
--must have a minimum 1-hour compressive strength of 11,600
psi (80 MPa) as required by hour as specified by ADA
Specification No. 1

Plastic Deformation (Creep)

--creep is the time dependent response of an already
hardened material to stress; the response is one of plastic
deformation and may be static or dynamic depending on the stress
involved; creep occurs near the melting temperature of the
material (on the Absolute scale)
--occurs with amalgam because gamma 1 and 2 are functioning
at 78% and 94% of their melting temperatures (on the Absolute
scale) at oral temperatures
--occurs due to slippage of grain boundaries of gamma-1
particles; the particles "slide" across each other
--gamma 1 also facilitates creep because it is a fine-
grained structure with grain size of about 2 microns; this
produces a great deal of grain boundary slipping
--creep is detrimental to amalgam because it causes amalgam
to flow out over margins where the thin amalgam fractures; this
results in marginal deterioration or Aditching@
--the association between static (and dynamic creep) and
marginal deterioration was first demonstrated by Mahler et al25
--is higher when the gamma-2 phase is present because gamma
2 is plastic and allows gamma-1 slippage
--high-copper alloys reduce creep in two ways: copper ties
up the tin preventing tin-mercury (gamma 2) from forming; and
copper ties up the tin, forming Cu6Sn5 (eta phase), whose
crystals interlock and prevent slippage at gamma-1 grain
--a net copper concentration >12% is required to eliminate
the gamma-2 phase
--any factor that acts to increase residual mercury levels
increases creep; a delay between trituration and condensation
increases residual mercury and therefore increases creep;
increased condensation pressures reduce residual mercury and
therefore reduce creep
--marginal areas always have higher levels of residual
--is limited to 3% by ADA Specification No. 1
--creep is not as significant an indicator of the tendency
for high-copper amalgams to undergo marginal deterioration as it
is for low-copper amalgams because the former exhibit creep rates
under 1% and these rates result in clinically insignificant
amounts of marginal deterioration


--while corrosion is capable of reducing the strength of a
restoration by 50% in five years, a beneficial aspect of
corrosion is that the by-products that form act to seal the
cavity margin
--low-copper amalgams form corrosion products of tin oxides
and tin chlorides at both the tooth/amalgam interface (to seal
the margins and prevent leakage)26 and in the interior of the
amalgam; the most corrosion-prone phase in these alloys is gamma
2 (Sn8Hg)
--high-copper amalgams form corrosion products similar to
those formed by the low-copper alloys (tin oxides and tin
chlorides); in addition they form copper chloride;27 they corrode
slower than low-copper amalgams; it takes from 6 months to 2
years28 for high-copper alloys to self-seal their margins because
they contain little or none of the most corrosion-prone
phase, gamma 2; the most corrosion-prone phase in high-copper
amalgams is the eta phase (Cu6Sn5);29
--evidence indicates that zinc may reduce marginal fracture
by preferentially corroding instead of tin in the eta phase; this
reduces the rate of marginal corrosion and deterioration

Thermal Conductivity
--amalgam transmits temperature changes readily to the pulp
because of its relatively high thermal conductivity

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

--the value for amalgam is 22 times that of dentin; this
difference promotes microleakage

Microleakage of Amalgam
--factors that promote microleakage
---the 2- to 20-micron-wide gap that always exists
between the amalgam and tooth structure
---poor condensation techniques that result in
marginal voids
---a lack of corrosion by-products necessary to seal
the margins
---a coefficient of thermal expansion for amalgam
which is 22 times greater than the coefficient
for tooth structure
---use of single-composition-spherical alloys which
leak more than lathe-cut or admixed alloys;21,30
this may be because they do not adapt as well to
the margins of the preparation31

Selecting a Type of Amalgam

--the most important information upon which to base the
selection of an alloy is long-term clinical results

--no evidence exists that creep is a predictor of clinical
performance for high-copper amalgams; the reason is that creep
rates for these alloys are much less than 1% and, at these low
levels, creep does not result in clinically significant marginal
--strength is probably the least important characteristic
because all commercially available amalgams easily exceed the
minimum requirement found in ADA Specification No. 132
--a selection should also be based on the handling
characteristics that the clinician wants; for instance:
*spherical alloys
+advantages: are easier to condense into areas of
difficult access (such as around pins) because they
provide less resistance to condensation pressures;
they harden rapidly; are smoother for carving,
burnishing, and polishing
-disadvantages: are difficult to achieve tight
interproximal contacts with because of their
Aplashy@ nature

*lathe-cut alloys
+advantages: are easier to achieve tight
interproximal contacts with because they resist the
forces of condensation well
-disadvantages: are more difficult to condense into
areas of difficult access (such as around pins)
because they provide greater resistance to
condensation pressures; they harden more slowly
than spherical alloys which means a greater chance of
marginal ridge fracture during matrix band
removal; are not as smooth for carving, burnishing, and

*admixed alloys
have the advantages of spherical alloys but not
their disadvantages; have the "body" of lathe-cut
alloys when condensing; are easily condensed with
good adaptation

--the purpose is to remove oxide layers from the alloy
particles, to coat each alloy particle with mercury, and to
provide a homogeneous mass for condensation
--manufacturers provide a range of recommended trituration
times for each alloy; the time needs to be adjusted depending on
the triturator being used
--signs of a good mix: a shiny, homogeneous mass that

adheres together
--undertrituration (i.e., triturating for shorter than the
recommended time) results in a crumbly mix that is very weak; it
decreases tensile and compressive strength values (for spherical
alloys) and increases creep; never undertriturate
--overtrituration (i.e., triturating for longer than the
recommended time) results in a mix that is warm and has a dull
surface; often the mix sticks to the capsule; it shortens setting
time (because the amalgam mass becomes heated), increases
contraction, and increases creep; also increases tensile and
compressive strength values (for lathe-cut alloys), decreases
tensile and compressive strengths (for spherical alloys);
overtrituration by 10% is acceptable

One study has found that substantial changes in trituration times

have the potential for causing statistically significant changes
in the compressive strengths for high-copper amalgams.33 The
changes did not, however, result in strengths below those
suggested to be the minimum required for clinical success (310
Mpa or 45,000 psi). Creep rates were also found to be
significantly altered but were still well below the 1% level
which represents clinical significance.

One way of determining the proper trituration time for a brand of

--set the frequency as recommended by the manufacturer
--set the mixing time 6 seconds shorter than that
recommended by the manufacturer
--triturate the capsule and examine the mixed amalgam
--increase the time incrementally by one second and make a
test mix; when the first plastic mix is produced, increase the
time by two seconds and use this as the mixing time

The frequency (i.e., cycles per minute) at which the amalgam is

triturated can also have affect the alloy. One study34 found
that alloys which contain lathe-cut particles (e.g., single-
composition lathe-cut amalgams and admixed amalgams) will have
their working times (i.e., the time available for condensing and
carving) significantly reduced when triturated at too high a
frequency. A lengthening of working time is seen if trituration
at too low a frequency occurs.

--to adapt amalgam to the walls and floors of the
preparation, around pins, etc.
--to eliminate voids in the amalgam mass
--to remove excess mercury which leads to a stronger


Rules of Condensation:
--have a constant supply of amalgam
--constantly condense
--condense laterally as well as apically
--condense with adequate force

Condensation depends upon:

--plasticity of the mass
--size of the amalgam increment: a larger mass will
dissipate forces at a shallower level of the mass which can
result in incomplete condensation and a layering of the alloy
--condenser size: the smaller the condenser face, the
greater the force
--direction of force
--amount of force
--when condensing spherical alloys, use larger condensers
because smaller ones will displace the spherical particles rather
than condense them
--it is important during condensation to constantly
condense, to condense laterally as well as apically, and to
condense with adequate force
--admixed alloys generally require 8 to 10 pounds of force
for proper condensation and most practitioners only exert 3 to 4
--the entire mass should be condensed within 32 minutes
from the start of trituration

--it is best to overpack the cavity preparation and carve to
the margins in order to reduce the mercury-rich surface layer
--occlusal anatomy should be kept somewhat shallow to
preserve bulk of the alloy at the margins; you do not want an
acute angle of amalgam at the margins
--some operators advocate a two-step burnishing technique;
the initial burnishing is done following condensation and helps
to improve marginal integrity; the second burnishing is done
after carving to reduce surface roughness
--burnishing has also been shown to reduce leakage;35,36 pre-
and post-carve burnishing together are more beneficial in
reducing leakage than is pre-carve or post-carve burnishing
--some clinicians avoid burnishing because they believe it
draws mercury to the surface of the restoration, however this has
not been shown to be the case
--increasing the percentage of spherical particles in the

alloy improves carvability and polishability

Finishing and Polishing

Benefits of Polishing:
--improves marginal adaptation by removing flash
--reduces tarnish and corrosion (especially concentration
cell corrosion)
--helps to facilitate plaque control because the surface is
smoother and easier to clean
--polishing may not be necessary for small restorations of
high-copper alloys because they tend to be self-polishing
--one study found no significant difference in marginal
integrity between polished and unpolished high-copper amalgam
--another study found no significant difference in marginal
quality between unpolished, immediately polished, and 24-hour
polished amalgam restorations39

Polishing Procedure:
--begin with a pre-carve burnishing; this is really an
extension of condensation which removes mercury from the surface
--follow with initial carving and removal of the matrix
--perform final carving
--do post-carve burnishing
--you must burnish the amalgam before it is set; if it looks
shiny during burnishing, the burnishing is probably not doing
much good because the amalgam has already set
--use a small instrument (e.g., ball burnisher, Dycal
applicator) and apply light pressure down the margins and in the
--Leinfelder has proposed that this burnishing is a useful
step if you do not intend on polishing the restoration
--following post-carve burnishing, use a prophy cup with
prophy paste to lightly polish the restoration; this gives it a
smooth matte finish which helps to reduce the time necessary at a
future appointment for polishing

Be aware of the need to use light pressure with rubber points and
cups because they can otherwise generate heat. If the
temperature of the amalgam exceeds 140°F, the pulp may be injured
and mercury will leach to the surface of the restoration leaving
the marginal areas mercury-rich. This can result in more
marginal ditching and fracture. A water coolant is always
advised when polishing and finishing amalgam restorations.40

1. Innes DBK, Youdelis WV. Dispersion strengthened amalgams. J
Can Dent Assoc 1963;29:587-593.

2. Phillips RW, Swartz ML, Boozayangool R. Effects of moisture
contamination on compressive strength of amalgam. J Am Dent
Assoc 1954;49:436-438.
3. Yamada T, Fusayama T. Effect of moisture contamination on
high copper amalgam. J Dent Res 1981;60:716-723.
4. Osborne JW, Howell ML. Effects of water contamination on
some properties of high copper amalgam. Am J Dent 1994;7:337-
5. Osborne JW, Berry TG. Zinc-containing high copper amalgams:
A 3-year clinical evaluation. Am J Dent 1992;5:43-45.
6. Johnson GH. A laboratory evaluation of two new dental
amalgam alloys [Abstract]. J Dent Res 1985;64:277.
7. Johnson GH, Bales DJ, Powell LV. Clinical evaluation of
high-copper amalgams with and without admixed indium. Am J Dent
8. Johnson GH, Bales DJ, Powell LV. Effect of admixed indium on
the clinical success of amalgam restorations. Oper Dent
9. Powell LV, Johnson GH, Bales DJ. Effect of admixed indium on
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