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Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math

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Our Classroom Helpers:

Kindergarten 2 December 13, 2010

Mrs. Naumann M, Th
Mrs. Albrecht T, W
Week 16

Jesus Time Language Math

This week we will be reviewing
memory work and songs for This week in Reading and This week we will:
the Christmas Service. Writing we will: • Write numerals 1, 2, 3,
• Read family words 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 using a
God Has a Special Message geoboard
for Mary • Play a game making
vowel consonant seg- • Working with pattern
We will see that God had cho-
ments block shapes
sen a mother for Jesus. We
see how an angel came to At, ad, am, if, is, it, on, up, us. • Review counting pennies
share that news with her. Work to use those parts to up to 10 cents
make words. • Identify the numeral that Special points of interest:
Jesus the Savior is Born • Review rhyming, abc comes before and after Saturday Practice 9:30-10:30
After many years, the Savior order, captain capitals, numerals.
Rest in the afternoon
promised Savior has arrived. animal actions • Play bingo
Thank you God for keeping Christmas Service Arrival 5:10 in class-
• Word themes: • Count room
your promise to save us. Compassion and persever-
Thank you for sacrificing your • Children dress in best clothes for
life for us. Help us to live for church
you. • Drop off child in the classroom
• Parents/family/friends sit in

• Children will sit together in the

church with teacher

• Pick up child at the classroom

after church

Inside this issue:

Music P.E. Social Studies/
Science Parent Homework 2

Songs: practice songs and P.E. Social St/Science Child’s Homework 2

recitations Please wear comfortable M, W: Complete project for Collecting 2
Concepts: - shoes for running. gift, Gingerbread House Calendar 4
Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker T, Th: work on a Christmas
Friday: move to the beat Project
F: Activity with Chapel Bud-
Parent Homework ity. Do what can be done,
Other but since there is no per-
Enjoy our last week of fection this side of heaven,
school with your child as they will be fine. They are
doing very well, sometimes
we celebrate Jesus’ birth.
a bit goofy but why not.
Who knows what the days
ahead will be like for the ‘Tis the season to be jolly,
children, we will roll with fa la la la la la la la la.”
them. There is the ideal
for them and there is real-

Homework to Do With Your Child

Tuesday: identify numerals, tell which 2:15 gift exchange and treats
numeral comes next or before Parents are welcome
Read books to your child Prepare red, green, or white clothes for Wear something with stripes, like a
everyday. Wednesday. candy cane.
Monday: Look for a couple of Wednesday: make a card or cards to
Friday: ———-
words with 2-3 of these segments in send to loved ones
them am, ad, at, if, is, it, on, up, us. I Find or make a Christmas hat /antlers to Saturday: 9:30 a.m. practice
see “am” in this line. Show me where wear Thursday. The only time we will not Pick up child at 10:00 at class-
“am” is. Great! You found “am” as in wear it is during the Christmas practice.
Sam. Thursday: Play a game
Look for silly socks to wear on Tuesday. Return at 5:10 p.m. Drop off

For the School: Box Tops for Educational Coke Rewards for School
Place these items in the Supplies
little wooden basket by the

Kindergarten 2 Page 2
Helpful Hints from “Resources for Education”
Q&A “Do talking purple dinosaurs really real. What is our rule about having
Telling the truth exist? Let’s look up snacks before dinner?”
Q: For the third time this week, dinosaurs in the encyclopedia and Pointing out when your youngster
find out.”
my child told a lie. They weren’t tells the truth will help build
Kids also lie to avoid embarrassment.
big ones, but how can I get her honest
Confronting your child about
to stop? Why is she doing this? behavior. Write down when
eating a cookie without permission
A: Youngsters have vivid she admits to doing something
may prompt her to say a monster
imaginations and are learning wrong or tells you about what she
ate it. Remind her to tell the truth,
the difference between fantasy has done before you are aware of it.
even if she’s done something she Review the list with
and fact. Talk with your daughter
shouldn’t. “It’s fun to pretend her, and tell her you’re proud of her
about what’s real and what isn’t.
there are monsters, but they aren’t honesty. ♥

Family Games from “Resources for Education”

dren: pocket and let your youngsters sort it.
Waiting Play word games. Start Then, show them how to count it out.
games with a simple
word like up, and take
Count the pennies. Look at the coins.
One side is called the head, it has the
Waiting has become a turns thinking of head of a former president. The other
part of our everyday side is called tails. Play a game and
opposites or alternative
lives. The next time you have your child call heads or tails.
hear, You flip the coin and have them call
Examples: up, down, left, right.
“How much longer?” try one it.
Take all the change out of your
of these ideas to occupy your chil- Practice counting. If your child can

Learning Guidelines from “Resources for

Education” www.rfeonline.com
count to 100, count by 10’s. Say sters. Be on the lookout for notes
each number and ask them to repeat it When parents get involved in learn- from their teachers, and mark
after you. ing, kids are more successful. Help important dates on the calendar.
Try an alphabet search. One person your • Sharing at dinnertime is helpful.
finds an object that begins with the youngsters get off to a good start in “I see that you have Gordo go-
school by creating habits like these at rilla (peeling a banana) and
letter a. The next person finds some-
home: Honey horse (galloping). Show
thing beginning with b, and so on.
the action that they do. Tell me
• Make time each day to look over
the sound that Gordo and Honey
school papers with your young-

Kindergarten 2 Page 3
Our Classroom Helpers:
Mrs. Naumann M, Th
Mrs. Albrecht T, W

Calendar Items
Apostles Lutheran School
5828 Santa Teresa Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95123 Monday-
Monday-Wednesday, Dec. 13-15 Bring gifts to school
School Phone: 408-578-4800
Miss S: lschleusener@apostlessj.org Tuesday-silly
Tuesday socks or mismatched socks
School & Church: www.apostlessj.org
WELS (church group) website: www.wels.net Wednesday-wear
Wednesday green, red, or white
Thursday a hat/antlers
Friday-wear something striped like a candy cane
Look for our blog at http//:
apostlesk2.blogspot.com Thursday, Dec. 16 2:00-2:45 p.m. Christmas Party
We will exchange gifts. It will be a surprise until the day of the party
where names will be chosen out of a hat.
Boys will buy a gift for a boy.
Girls will buy a gift for a girl.
On the gift tag write:
To: A Girl or A Boy
From: Your Child’s name
Saturday, Dec. 18 Practice 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Rest in the afternoon before arriving for the service.
Saturday Dec. 18 Children’s Christmas Service 5:30 p.m.
Children arrive 5:10

Monday: arrive after 8:00 Half-day at 11:45 cane.
Half-day at 11:45 Full day 3:00 Return folder.
Full Day 3:00 Half-day at 11:45
Review folder Thursday: arrive after Full Day3:00
8:00 Saturday
Tuesday: arrive after 8:00 Wear a hat or antlers Practice
ce 9:30-
wear silly socks (except during practice). Rest in the afternoon
Full Day P.E. wear running shoes 5:10 p.m. arrive for the
P.E. wear running shoes 2:15 Children’s Gift Ex- Christmas Service
Dismissal at 3:00 change
Full day 3:00
Wednesday: arrive after
8:00 Friday: arrive after 8:00
Wear something with red, Chapel
green, or white. Wear stripes like a candy

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