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Rephrase (Con Soluciones

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1.- You are more beautiful than I thought you would be.

I didn’t think… you would be so beautiful.

2.- Someone had taken away the fire extinguishers.

The… fire extinguishers had been taken away

3.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Who was Mary going out with when she met Ian?

Mary was going out with Ian when she met Lucas.

4.- Did the story interest you?

Did you find… the story interesting?

5.- Please, don’t ask so many questions.

Please, stop… asking so many questions.

6.- “How much money have you put into the account?”, they asked.

They asked him… how much money he had put into the account.

7.- I’m sorry I can’t speak English perfectly.

I wish… I could speak English perfectly.

8.- She can’t come to the party because she is so busy.

If… she wasn’t so busy she would come to the party.

9.- He bought his car five years ago.

He has… had his car for five years.

10.- The film was very amusing. I couldn’t stop laughing.

The film was so… amusing that I couldn’t stop laughing.

11.- I smoked a lot when I was younger but I don’t any more.

I used… to smoke a lot when I was younger.

12.- Although the weather was good, we stayed indoors.

Despite… the good weather, we stayed indoors.

13.- It isn’t necessary for you to do this homework.

You… needn’t do this homework.

14.- It is easier to express fear than disgust.

Fear… is easier to express than disgust.

15.- I’m so tired that I can’t pay attention.

I’m too… tired to pay attention.

16.- Could you please open the window?

Would you… mind opening the window?

17.- Someone will cut your hair.

You… will have your hair cut.

18.- A shop assistant spoke to me. She was very polite.

The shop… assistant who spoke to me was very polite.

19.- When I say something, you never agree with it.

You never… agree with what I say.

20.- Did you post that letter? Can you remember?

Can you remember… posting the letter?

21.- Peter hasn’t seen Kate for several years.

The last time… Peter saw Kate was several years ago.

22.- She suggested that we should go to a good disco.

“What about… going to a good disco?”

23.- I must find a job or I’ll starve.

If… I don’t find a job I will starve.

24.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

Who is the Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister is Gordon Brown.

25.- People think that this subject is easy.

It’s … thought that this subject is easy.

26.- You have organized that a painter is going to paint your room.

You are… going to have your room painted.

27.- The ring had belonged to my grandmother. It is a diamond.

The… ring that had belonged to my grandmother is a diamond.

28.- Although there were a lot of people, we could buy all the food.

In … spite of the fact that there were a lot of people, we could buy all the

29.- Politics have never interested me.

I… have never been interested in politics.

30.- Henry said he had not stolen the jumper.

Henry denied… having stolen the jumper.

31.- The last time I saw Jill was in January 2006.

I… haven’t seen Jill since January 2006.

32.- I’m so sorry we can’t stay longer.

I wish… we could stay longer.

33.- “Don’t open that window, Daniel!”, said the teacher.

The teacher…told Daniel not to open that window.

34.- London didn’t impress me as much as Paris.

I didn’t think… London was as impressive as Paris.

35.- The film was so good that Henry wanted to see it again.

It… was such a good film that Henry wanted to see it again.

36.- Have you got any intention of offering Sally the job?

Are you… going to offer Sally the job?

37.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

Where were you when it started to rain?

I was in the park when it started to rain.

38.- Some people say that England is a good country.

England is… said to be a good country.

39.- Sarah lives in a house with a small garden.

The house… where Sarah lives has got a small garden.

40.- His tiredness after the long trip didn’t stop him from finishing his work.

He finished his work although… he was very tired after the long trip.

41.- People don’t like her because she doesn’t tell the truth.
If… she told the truth people would like her.

42.- “Will you open the window, please?”, he asked me.

He asked me …. to open the window.

43.- We visited a town yesterday, but I didn’t like it.

I didn’t… like the town we visited yesterday.

44.- I´d rather go to the cinema.

Let´s… go to the cinema.

45.- “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful”, he said.

He said… that he had never seen anything so beautiful.

46.- Mary believed Tom’s story because she had very little experience of

If… Mary had had more experience of men, she wouldn’t have believed
Tom’s story.

47.- He is too short to be a policeman.

He isn’t… tall enough to be a policeman.

48.- They have set up an investigation.

An… investigation has been set up.

49.- “Let’s have a Chinese meal”, he said to me.

He suggested… having a Chinese meal.

50.- The last time my husband had a bath was five years ago.

My husband.. hasn’t had a bath for five years.

51.- I asked you to do something. Was it so difficult?

Was… what I asked you to do so difficult?

52.- A man grabbed my arm. He was a store detective.

The man… who grabbed my arm was a store detective.

53.- Someone once told me I could learn English in my sleep.

Once I… was told I could learn English in my sleep.

54.- I am not as good at football as he is.

He is… better at football than I am.

55.- It isn’t necessary to leave a tip but you can if you want to.

You… don’t have to leave a tip but you can if you want to.

56.- The programme was terrifying. I had bad dreams after watching it.

The programme was so… terrifying that I had bad dreams after watching

57.- Don’t complain all the time.

I wish… you wouldn’t complain all the time.

58.- “I’ll be there on time”, Alan said.

Alan promised… to be there on time.

59.- Do you mind if I open this window?

Would it…. be all right if I opened this window?

60.- “Is john having a party on Friday?”, he asked.

He asked… if John was having a party on Friday.

61.- Maria doesn’t know many words in English.

Maria knows… few words in English.

62.- Football bores me.

I find... football interesting.

63.- I want to go back to England because I have lots of friends there and I
want to visit them.

I want to go back to England so… that I can visit my friends there.

64.- Maths is considered to be a difficult subject.

Students consider… that Maths is a difficult subject.

65.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

How long had she been studying when the lights went out?

She had been studying for four hours when the lights went out.

66.- I am sure Tina was terribly worried when her son was arrested.

Tina… must have been terribly worried when her son was arrested.

67.- The wind was cold this morning, but we went for a walk.

Despite… the cold wind we went for a walk.

68.- I spent an hour travelling to Mexico City.

It… took me an hour to travel to Mexico City.

69.- When did you move into your new flat?

How long… have you lived in your new flat?

70.- Eating raw vegetables can be dangerous in hot countries.

It… can be dangerous to eat raw vegetables in hot countries.

71.- I don’t want to revise any more.

I’m tired… of revising.

72.- I like gardening more than I like cycling.

I prefer… gardening to cycling.

73.- “Have you had any strange dreams?”, my brother said.

My brother asked… if I had had any strange dreams.

74.- He didn’t a accept the job. He didn’t earn a lot of money.

If… he had accepted the job, he would have earned a lot of money.

75.- Charles is said to be a rich man.

They say… that Charles is a rich man.

76.- The fire destroyed the school in a matter of minutes.

The school… was destroyed in a matter of minutes by the fire.

77.- Sitting in the sun too long can be dangerous.

It… can be dangerous to sit in the sun too long.

78.- The last time I took an exam was three years ago.

I… haven’t taken an exam for three years.

79.- Hurry up or you’ll miss the train.

If you… don’t hurry up you’ll miss the train.

80.- I said something to you. Did you understand it?

Did you… understand what I said?

81.- I think an easier way to learn English has to be found.

I think someone… has to find an easier way to learn English.

82.- I hadn´t realized the meal would be so expensive.

The meal was… more expensive than I had realized.

83.- I prefer not to answer that question.

I’d rather… not answer that question.

84.- Don’t talk to each other during the exam.

You… mustn’t talk to each other during the exam.

85.- Even though he has a pleasant manner, he isn’t a good doctor.

In spite… of his pleasant manner, he isn’t a good doctor.

86.- This was a very interesting book. I could hardly put it down.

This was such… an interesting book that I could hardly put it down.

87.- “I’ll take you out tomorrow”, Ronald told Julia.

Ronald promised Julia that… he would take her out the following day.

88.- I’m sorry I didn’t get here earlier.

I wish… I had got here earlier.

89.- I’m going to take the car this evening, all right?

You don’t mind if… I take the car this evening?

90.- “I have nothing to conceal”, he claimed.

He claimed… that he had nothing to conceal.

91.- I’m sure it won’t embarrass you.

I’m sure you won’t … be embarrassed. / find it embarrassing.

92.- Fred was very excited because his family was moving to Australia.

As… his family was moving to Australia, Fred was very excited.

93.- I will tell a gardener that he has to clean my garden.

I… will have my garden cleaned.

94.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Why didn’t you take the exam?

I didn’t take the exam because I hadn’t studied.

95.- Some feeling are difficult for me to describe.

I find… some feeling difficult to describe.

96.- I’ve never seen such an untidy room.

This is… the most untidy room I’ve ever seen.

97.- It’s possible that he has made a big mistake.

He… may have made a big mistake.

98.- I paid someone to make this dress for me.

I… had this dress made.

99.- It’s ages since I last went to the dentist.

I… haven’t been to the dentist for ages.

100.- We played so bad that we lost the match.

If… we hadn’t played so bad, we wouldn’t have lost the match.

101.- I´m sure that someone is following me.

Someone… must be following me.

102.- Earl wrote that book in three months.

It took… Earl three months to write that book.

103.- “Where have all the people gone?”, he asked.

He wondered… where all the people had gone.

104.- She shot him because he was so terrible to her.

If… he hadn’t been so terrible to her, she wouldn’t have shot him.

105.- He is not old enough to vote.

He is too… young to vote.

106.- You should speak so clearly that everyone can understand you.

You should speak clearly… enough to be understood.

107.- Unless it stops snowing, we won’t get home.

If… it doesn’t stop snowing, we won’t get home.

108.- I haven’t seen a good film for ages.

It’s … ages since I saw a good film.

109.- “Why don’t you ring your lawyer?”, she said to him.
She suggested… that he should ring his lawyer.

110.- She hasn’t written to him for ages.

It… has been ages since she wrote to him.

111.- She suggested setting up a company together.

“I think we… should set up a company together.”

112.- A man came to see me later. He was the manager.

The man… who came to see me later was the manager.

113.- You will be given your money back tomorrow.

I… will give you your money back tomorrow.

114.- Don’t ask so many questions!

I wish… you wouldn’t ask so many questions.

115.- “I won’t lend you a penny”, my father shouted.

My father refused… to lend me a penny.

116.- Chris is a very fluent Spanish speaker.

Chris speaks … Spanish fluently.

117.- She doesn’t think that music is interesting.

She isn’t… interested in music.

118.- “I don’t know”, I told them.

He told the officials … that he didn’t know.

119.- If you come to the party, you’ll see her.

Come… to the party and you’ll see her.

120.- Pete and Jenny are using the Internet because they want to find their
dream holiday.

In… order to find their dream holiday, Pete and Jenny are using the

121.- ……………………………………………………………………………………..

How long was the film?

It was a long film, about three hours.

122.- It’s believed that next year is going to be better.

People… believe that next year is going to be better.

123.- In spite of the heat in the afternoon, we decided not to go for a swim.

Although… it was very hot in the afternoon, we decided not to go for a


124.- It was wrong of you to come home so late without telling us.

You… shouldn’t have come home so late without telling us.

125.- I’ve never stayed in such a good hotel.

This is the… best hotel I’ve ever stayed in.

126.- Could you come back a bit later?

Would… you mind coming a bit later?

127.- My sister earns much more than my father.

My father’s salary… is much smaller than my sister’s.

128.- I can’t stop playing games because I’m addicted to them.

I am… addicted to playing games.

129.- Ellen last went abroad three years ago.

Ellen hasn’t… been abroad for three years.

130.- People say that fish is good for you.

Fish is… said to be good for you.

131.- Danny was sorry he ate that salad.

Danny wished… he hadn’t eaten that salad.

132.- Take some cash because the bank might be shut.

Take some cash in… case the bank is shut.

133.- I haven´t seen Anne for ages.

It´s… ages since I saw Anne for the last time.

134.- The invention was a success because it was very useful.

The invention was so… useful that it became a success.

135.- I failed my driving test because I was very nervous .

If I … hadn’t been so nervous, I wouldn’t have failed the driving test.

136.- You were supposed to send in the form three weeks ago.
You… should have sent in the form three weeks ago.

137.- What he saw astonished him.

He… was astonished with what he saw.

138.- Although he was ill, he visited all the museums in town.

Despite… his illness, he visited all the museums in town.

139.- It was difficult to reach the other city.

The other… city was difficult to reach.

140.- “Don’t be afraid”, he said.

He said… not to be afraid.

141.- Mary was shy with boys because her father didn’t let her meet them.

If… Mary’s father had let her meet boys, she wouldn’t have been so shy.

142.- Remembering lists of words is often difficult.

It is… difficult to remember lists of words.

143.- They have found the stolen money.

The… stolen money has been found.

144.- How will learning English help me?

How will it… help me if I learn English?

145.- You were supposed to give the letter to Peter.

You should… have given the letter to Peter.

146.- You really ought to clean the floor.

The floor needs… cleaning.

147.- My wife hasn’t spoken to me for years.

It… has been years since my wife last spoke to me.

148.- She suggested calling for an ambulance.

“Let’s… call for an ambulance.”

149.- If I can’t afford something, I never buy it.

I never buy… what I can’t afford.

150.- Someone is repairing my car.

My car… is being repaired.

151.- The exam was so difficult that I couldn´t finish it.

It was… such a difficult exam that I couldn´t finish it.

152.- Even though they disliked him, they agreed to help.

Despite… their dislike of him, they agreed to help.

153.-Bill can sing and dance.

Not only… can Bill sing, but he can dance as well.

154.- I’m bored with this book and I don’t want to read it any more.

I’m tired… of reading this book and I don’t want to read it any more.

155.- Everybody expected the weather to be colder.

The weather is… warmer than expected.

156.- It is easier for my husband to conceal his emotions than to express


My husband… finds it easier to conceal his emotions than to express


157.- Because English people drive on the left, it’s difficult for them to drive

English people are… not used to driving on the right, so it’s difficult for
them to drive abroad.

158.- Despite the high price of petrol, big cars are still popular.

Although… the price of petrol is high, big cars are still popular.

159.- I’d like to live in a big house but I don’t.

I wish… I lived in a big house.

160.- “I’ll take you to court if you don’t stop following me”, she told him.

She threatened… him to take him to court if he didn’t stop following her.

161.- This is a dangerous game. Children shouldn’t be allowed to play it.

This is such… a dangerous game that children shouldn’t be allowed to

play it.

162.- “I’m sorry I’m late again”, he said the next day.

The next day he apologized… for being late again.

163.- She doesn’t intend to leave.

She has… no intention of leaving.

164.- Computers don’t interest me.

I’m not… interested in computers.

165.- His wife cooks wonderful Chinese food. She’s from Hong Kong.

His… wife, who is from Hong Kong, cooks wonderful Chinese food.

166.- My friends went to a hairdresser’s and she cut their hair.

My friends… had their hair cut in a hairdresser’s.

167.- I don’t find it difficult to study late at night.

I am… used to studying late at night.

168.- I don’t want to argue with you any more.

I am tired… of arguing with you.

169.- …………………………………………………………………………………

How did you play tennis when you were a boy?

I played tennis very well when I was a boy.

170.- Laura’s father didn’t allow her to see Jake.

Laura’s father didn’t let… her see Jake.

171.- I don’t watch TV programmes because they bore me.

TV programmes… are boring for me.

172.- I can’t speak French, so I’m not going to live in France.

If… I could speak French I would live in France.

173.- We couldn’t stop laughing because the play was very funny..

It was… such a funny play that we couldn’t stop laughing.

174.- Mary spent three weeks cleaning her grandmother´s house.

It… took Mary three weeks to clean her grandmother’s house.

175.- I expect you are exhausted after your long trip.

You… must be exhausted after your long trip.

176.- They say the people in this tribe believed in rain gods.
The people in this tribe… used to believe in rain gods.

177.- I want to know who you saw yesterday

Who... did you see yesterday?

178.- I started learning Japanese two years ago.

I… have been learning Japanese for two years.

179.- The goalkeeper saved the penalty. We won the match.

If… the goalkeeper hadn’t saved the penalty, we wouldn’t have won the

180.- This is an extraordinary story.

What… an extraordinary story!

181.- Stephens wanted to see the ruins.

Stephens was looking… forward to seeing the ruins.

182.- It is essential that the road is finished before next summer.

The road… must be finished before next summer.

183.- Remind me again. I might forget.

Remind me again in… case I forget.

184.- The police know the identity of one of the victims.

The identity… of one of the victims is known by the police.

185.- You are speaking so fast that I can’t understand you.

You are speaking too … fast for me to understand.

186.- It is usually better to tell the truth than it is to lie.

Telling… the truth is usually better than lying.

187.- Give me that money or I’ll shoot.

Unless… you give me that money, I’ll shoot.

188.- Perhaps he went to London.

He… might have gone to London.

189.- He hasn’t written to his parents for two months.

The last time… he wrote to his parents was two months ago.

190.- He suggested that he should look after the money.

“Wouldn’t it be… a good idea if I looked after the money.”

191.- I haven’t had a holiday for ages.

It has… been ages since I had a holiday.

192.- You said something to me, but I didn’t hear this.

I didn’t… hear what you said.

193.- People speak English all over the world.

English… is spoken all over the world.

194.- Someone should redecorate your house.

You… should have your house redecorated.

195.- I don´t want to go to Scotland for the summer.

I would rather… not go to Scotland for the summer.

196.- Prices here are higher than I thought they would be.

I didn’t think… prices here would be so high.

197.- Even though they quarrel regularly, Jack and Mary still say they love
each other.

In spite… of the fact that they quarrel regularly, Jack and Mary still say
they love each other.

198.- I’m upset because I have to do so much work.

I wish… I didn’t have to do so much work.

199.- I can’t go on holiday because I can’t afford it.

If I… could afford it I would go on holiday.

200.- “I have made a mistake”, he admitted.

He admitted….. that he had made a mistake.

201.- This kind of exercise bores me.

I am… bored with this kind of exercise.

202.- The film is about a town in Italy. My sister lives there.

The film… is about a town in Italy where my sister lives.

203.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Who were you working for when you were fired?

I was working for the BBC, but I was fired.

204.- It was thought that French is more important than English.

French was… thought to be more important than English.

205.- Anna’s boss forced her to resign.

Anna’s boss made… her resign.

206.- He had no qualifications, but he convinced everyone he was a doctor.

Despite… his lack of qualifications, he convinced everyone he was a


207.- I’m really sorry I forgot your birthday.

I’d like to… have remembered your birthday.

208.- She said to the tourists: “Please, don’t take photographs in the

She asked… the tourists not to take photographs in the museum.

209.-She makes a lot of mistakes because she doesn’t concentrate hard


If… she concentrated hard enough, she wouldn’t make a lot of mistakes.

210.- He started playing football six months ago.

He has… played football for six months.

211.- You shouldn’t eat raw fruit.

You had… better not eat raw fruit.

212.- He was so ill he couldn’t go on the excursion.

He was too… ill to go on the excursion.

213.- Because of his hard work, he made a success of his business

He worked … so hard that he made a success of his business.

214.- “Try and remember your dream”, said the doctor to Sue.

The doctor asked… Sue to try and remember her dream.

215.- This are the most difficult questions I´ve ever seen.

I… have never seen such difficult questions.

216.- Tom wanted to marry her because she was rich.

If… she hadn’t been rich, Tom wouldn’t have wanted to marry her.
217.- Fire officers sometimes inspect stadiums.

Stadiums… are sometimes inspected by fire officers.

218.- It has been years since you last wrote to me.

You… haven’t written to me for years.

219.- She suggested that they should go to Paris immediately.

“Why… don’t we go to Paris immediately.”

220.- I saw a man later. He was the manager.

The man… I saw later was the manager.

221.- People say English is easy to learn.

English… is said to be easy to learn.

222.- The meal cost us far more than we thought it would.

We didn’t think… the meal would cost us so much.

223.- In spite of their love for each other, they have broken up.

Even though… they love each other, they have broken up.

224.- It is forbidden for you to park here.

You… mustn’t park here.

225.- I’m sorry I asked that question.

I wish… I hadn’t asked that question.

226.- “Let me give you the money”, my mother said.

My mother offered… to give me the money.

227.- Do they allow you to smoke in British cinemas?

Is… smoking allowed in British cinemas?

228.- I hope it won’t disappoint you.

I hope you… won’t be disappointed. / won’t find it disappointing.

229.- Few people in England speak Chinese.

Not… many people in England speak Chinese.

230.- Debbie paid a mechanic and now her car is repaired.

Debbie… has had her car repaired.

231.- My father smokes these cigarettes. They are English.

The… cigarettes my father smokes are English.

232.- ………………………………………………………………………………..

Who didn’t act in that film?

Brad Pitt didn’t act in that film.

233.- I don’t like getting up early and I never do it.

I’m… not used to getting up early.

234.- The kidnapper told them that contacting the police would be

The kidnapper warned… them not to contact the police because it would
be dangerous.

235.- My written English is better than my spoken English.

I am… better at writing English than at speaking.

236.- The show was so successful because Joey’s pictures were very good.

If… Joey’s pictures hadn’t been so good, the show wouldn’t have been so

237.- …………………………………………………….

Was your mum at work yesterday?

No, my mum wasn’t at work yesterday.

238.- People were very interested in that story.

People found… that story very interesting.

239.- A cigarette probably started the fire.

The fire… was probably started by a cigarette.

240.- The car won’t start if there isn’t enough petrol in the tank.

The car… won’t start unless there is enough petrol in the tank.

241.- I said something to you at the party. Did it offend you?

Did… what I said at the party offend you?

242.- Don’t forget that you have to pay the bill.

Remember to… pay the bill.

243.- Our lessons were held in a very cold classroom.

The classroom…. were our lessons were held was very cold.

244.- I find it easier to understand English than to speak it.

Speaking English is not… as easy as understanding it.

245.- I don’t work in that shop any more but I did once.

I used… to work in that shop.

246.- In spite of her illness, my mother always had a smile on her face.

Even… though my mother was ill, she always had a smile on her face.

247.- I’m upset because you did that.

I wish… you hadn’t done that.

248.- “I’ll kill you if you ever see my sister again”, Julia’s brother told

Julia’s brother threatened… Ronald to kill him if he ever saw her again.

249.- Can I sit here?

Do you… mind if I sit here?

250.- The next unit will fascinate you.

You will… be fascinated by this story.

251.- “You’ll find out later!”, they told him.

They told him… he would find out later.

252.- What a pity I don’t know the answer to that question.

I wish… I knew the answer to that question.

253.- “I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your last letter”, he said.

He apologized to me… for not having replied to my last letter.

254.- It’s three months since she started learning English.

She has… been learning English for three months.

255.- I’ shocked when I hear bad language. It’s not usual for me.

I’m not… used to hearing bad language.

256.- I like you, even though you have a strange sense of humour.

In… spite of your strange sense of humour, I like you.

257.- You aren’t allowed to take guns with you on the plane.
You… mustn’t take guns with you on the plane.

258.- Criticizing is easier than making good suggestions.

It is… easier to criticize than to make good suggestions.

259.- It is more dangerous to ride a motorbike than to drive a car.

Riding… a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car.

260.- Someone has built a new house for Candy.

Candy… has had a new house built.

261.- A new report on this issue has been sent to me.

They… have sent me a new report on this issue.

262.- I spoke to a shop assistant. She was very polite.

The shop… assistant I spoke to was very polite.

263.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Which sweater do you really prefer?

I really prefer the black sweater.

264.- My uncle has employed an expert to install an alarm in his house.

My uncle… has had an alarm installed in his house.

265.- We can’t leave the house in this mess.

We must… leave the house tidy.

266.- I think I’ll read this book instead of watching TV.

I’d… rather read this book than watch TV.

267.- You were careless. You had an accident.

If… you hadn’t been careless, you wouldn’t have had an accident.

268.- I haven’t read it for a long time.

It has… been a long time since I read it for the last time.

269.- The book was so interesting that people couldn’t put it down.

It was… such an interesting book that people couldn’t put it down.

270.- They managed to return to New York nine months later.

They succeeded… in returning to New York nine months later.

271.- Don’t talk so loud! Perhaps the boss is listening.

Don’t talk so loud in… case the boss is listening.

272.- I’m sorry that I can’t help you.

I wish… I could help you.

273.- Marie thinks French food is better than Italian food.

Marie prefers… French food to Italian food.

274.- The last time I saw a good film was six months ago.

It… has been six months since I saw a good film.

275.- “Why don’t we buy a fast car?”

He suggested… that he should buy a fast car. / buying a fast car.

276.- He will only phone if he changes his mind.

He won’t… phone unless he changes his mind.

277.- Does the teacher need to explain this structure?

Does this structure… need explaining?

278.- The computer is so small it will fit into your briefcase.

The computer is small… enough to fit into your briefcase.

279.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

Who will never go out with me?

She will never go out with me.

280.- The waiter gave us the menu. It is very expensive.

The menu… the waiter gave us is very expensive.

281.- Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

Penicillin… was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

282.- I think it will be great to see Janet again.

I am… looking forward to seeing Janet again.

283.- Anna worked in a language school. She met Kostas there.

If… Anna hadn’t worked in a language school, he wouldn’t have met


284.- I’ve never seen such a beautiful place as this.

This… is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.

285.- I’m upset because you said that.

I wish… You hadn’t said that.

286.- “Can you lend me some money?”, John asked Mary.

John asked if… Mary could lend him some money.

287.- Julia saw Ronald almost every day not so long ago but doesn’t any

Julia used… to see Ronald not so long ago.

288.- Tourists keep coming here despite the terrible weather.

Although… the weather is terrible, tourists keep coming here.

289.- Don’t wait for me if you want to leave.

You… don’t need to wait for me if you want to leave.

290.- I think Rome is more beautiful than Paris.

I prefer… Rome to Paris.

291.- They will give me a prize if I can learn this.

I… will be given a prize if I can learn this.

292.- He wrote a best-selling novel. He earned a lot of money.

If… he hadn’t written a best-selling novel, he wouldn’t have earned a lot of


293.- That’s the silliest question I’ve ever heard.

I’ve never… heard such a silly question.

294.- Do you like fruit more than vegetables?

Do you prefer… fruit to vegetables?

295.- Someone almost certainly saw him leaving the building.

He must… have left the building.

296.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

Who made me learn the list of irregular verbs?

My teacher made me learn the list of irregular verbs.

297.- He robbed a bank. They sent him to prison.

If… he hadn’t robbed a bank , they wouldn’t have sent him to prison.

298.- They didn’t let me stay in the country.

I wasn’t… allowed to stay in the country.

299.- “Please, bring me another cup of coffee”, I said to the waiter.

I asked… the waiter to bring me another cup of coffee.

300.- I’m sorry I haven’t got a lot of money.

If only… I had a lot of money.

301.- You are a good student. You could easily pass the examination.

You are such… a good student that you could easily pass the

302.- It isn’t difficult for me to travel long distances to work because I’ve
done it before.

I am… used to travelling long distances to work.

303.- Disgust is more difficult for most people to express than fear.

Most people… find it more difficult to express disgust than fear.

304.- We like the countryside more than the town.

We prefer… the countryside to the town.

305.- Jack got someone to paint his house while he was away.

Jack… got his house painted while he was away.

306.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

Who has never flown in a plane?

My grandfather has never flown in a plane.

307.- My teacher said: “If I were you, I’d do some more reading”.

My teacher suggested… that I should do some more reading.

308.- Running a large house is no problem for my mother as she has done it
for some time.

My mother is… used to running a large house.

309.- Don’t say things like that.

I wish… you wouldn’t say things like that.

310.- This is a difficult problem. Nobody can solve it.

This is such… a difficult problem that nobody can solve it.

311.- I like eating in restaurants sometimes, but I prefer coking my own


I prefer… cooking my own meals to eating in restaurants.

312.- Adam was more attractive than Jane had expected.

Jane hadn’t… expected Adam to be so attractive.

313.- We are going to teach you what you need.

You… are going to be taught what you need.

314.- They took me to see a man. He was their boss.

The man… they took me to see was their boss.

315.- You must help me or I am lost.

If… you don’t help, I am lost.

316.- This machine is so heavy that I can’t carry it.

This machine is too… heavy for me to carry.

317.- They took him to hospital.

He… was taken to hospital.

318.- You won’t get into university without passing your exams.

Unless… you pass your exams, you won’t get into university.

319.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

Who are one of the most important music bands in history?

The Rolling Stones are one of the most important music bands in history.

320.- Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose.

The window… was almost certainly broken on purpose.

321.- “How many times have you been to Spain?” they asked me.

They asked me… how many times I had been to Spain.

322.- I’d like to be rich, but I’m not.

I wish… I were rich.

323.- This story will shock you.

You will be… shocked with this story.

324.- He finds it easier to talk about work than to do it.

It is… easier for him to talk about work than to do it.

325.- Someone can repair your shoes in an hour.

You… can have your shoes repaired in an hour.

326.- We haven’t had Chinese food for a year.

The last time… I had Chinese food was a year ago.

327.- “I think we should rent an office.”

She suggested… that they should rent an office. / renting an office.

328.- Doctors have treated many people for shock.

Many… people have been treated for shock by doctors.

329.- She was attracted to Tom because he seemed so pleasant.

If… Tom hadn’t been so pleasant, she wouldn’t have been attracted to

330.- …………………………………………………………………………………..

Who is studying in Harvard?

My sister is studying in Harvard.

331.- I was bored by the film on TV.

I thought… the film on TV was boring.

332.- “Then we know more about your money than you do”, they said.

The officials said that… they knew more about his money than he did.

333.- Alcohol is bad for you and so are cigarettes.

Neither… alcohol nor cigarettes are good for you.

334.- I’m sorry I did that.

I wish… I hadn’t done that.

335.- It’s been a long time since I saw him.

I… haven’t seen him for a long time.

336.- I must pass my exams or my parents will be angry.

Unless… I pass my exams, my parents will be angry.

337.- They will have to rebuild many houses after the earthquake.
Many… houses will have to be rebuilt after the earthquake.

338.- All this happened because her father was so foolish.

If… her father hadn’t been so foolish, all this wouldn’t have happened.

339.- …………………………………………………………………………………..

When is the party going to be?

The party is going to be on Friday night.

340.- The boss said something. It made everybody laugh.

What… the boss said made everybody laugh.

341.- Don’t make that noise.

I wish… you wouldn’t make that noise.

342.- This problem is easy. Even you can solve it!

This problem is so… easy that even you can solve it.

343.- Will you post this letter for me, please?

Do you mind… posting this letter for me?

344.- “What do you mean?”, he asked.

He asked them… what they meant.

345.- I got here earlier than I had planned.

I had planned… to get here later.

346.- Will going to England improve my pronunciation?

Will my pronunciation… be improved if I go to England?

347.- Mary married Tom because she thought he really loved her.

If… Mary had thought Tom didn’t love her, she wouldn’t have married

348.- ……………………………………………………………………………………

How much is that bike?

That bike is about $90.

349.- The intense heat burned many of the rescuers.

Many… of the rescuers were burned by the intense heat.

350.- Please, don’t do that.

I wish… you wouldn’t do that.

351.- You are speaking quickly. I can’t understand you.

You are speaking so… quickly that I can’t understand you.

352.- Do they allow people to park here?

Is… it allowed to park here?

353.- “Why didn’t you make an appointment earlier?, the doctor asked.

The doctor asked… her why she hadn’t made an appointment earlier.

354.- They are selling English books in that shop.

English books… are being sold in that shop.

355.- They went to find a shop assistant. She was the girl I had spoken to

The shop… assistant they went to find was the girl I had spoken to before.

356.- I haven’t heard from Kevin for a long time.

The last time… I heard from Kevin was a long time ago.

357.- Turn off that radio or I’ll break it.

Unless… you turn off that radio, I’ll break it.

358.- Mary’s father liked Tom because he thought that he was a good boy.

If… Mary’s father hadn’t thought he was a good boy, he wouldn’t have
liked him.

359.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

How often does your brother light a candle before exams?

Your brother always lights a candle before exams.

360.- You did something at the party. It was terrible.

What… you did at the party was terrible.

361.- Have I met you before? I can’t remember.

I can’t remember… meeting you before.

362.- Please don’t play your music so loudly.

Would you mind….. not playing your music so loudly?

363.- Older people interpret body language better than younger people do.
Older people are… better at interpreting body language than young

364.- I didn’t go out yesterday because the weather was so bad.

If… the weather hadn’t been so bad yesterday, I would have gone out.

365.- ……………………………………………………………………………………

Whose is that computer?

That computer is mine.

366.- People were watching the match on TV.

The match… was being watched on TV.

367.-“ But perhaps I’ve forgotten a few things”, he admitted.

He admitted that… he had perhaps forgotten a few things.

368.- It is easier for you to criticize than to make good suggestions.

You… find it easier to criticize than to make good suggestions.

369.- “Everything I’ve told you is true”, he insisted.

He insisted that… everything he had told them had been true.

370.- We had planned the meeting to end earlier.

The meeting ended… later than we had expected.

371.- Someone must tell him the truth.

He… must be told the truth.

372.- There is a chance you’ll need this money, so take it.

Take this money in… case you need it.

373.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

How tall was your father when he was ten?

When my dad was ten, he was 1.85 m. tall.

374.- The train arrived much later than I expected.

I hadn´t… expected the train to arrive so late.

375.- Someone must develop this film for me.

I… must have this film developed.

376.- I hadn’t expected this exercise to be so difficult.

This exercise… is more difficult than I had expected.

377.- Perhaps one day someone will find a cure for cancer.

Perhaps one day a… cure for cancer will be found.

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