Drug Mode of Indication and Adverse Drug Interaction Nursing Health Teachings
Classification Mechanism/ Contraindications Reaction Consideration
Antipyretic Antipyeretic: INDICATION -Headache, Increased toxicity Do not exceed the Do not exceed
Analgesic Reduces fever by with long-term, recommended recommended
acting directly on For common colds, -Chest pain excessive ethanol dosage. dose; do not take
the flu, other viral and ingestion. for longer than
hypothalamic bacterial infections -Dyspnea Increased risk of Avoid using multiple 10years.
heat-regulating with pain and fever. hepatoxicity and preparations
center to cause Arthritis and -Myocardial possible containing Take the drug only
vasodillation and rheumatic disorders damage decreased acetaminophen. for complaints
sweating, which involving therapeutic effects indicated; it is not
helps dissipate musculoskeletal -Hepatic with barbiturates, Give drug with food an inflammatory
heat. pain. toxicity and carbamaze-pine, if GI upset occurs. agent.
failure rifampin
Contraindicated with -Jaundice preparations.
allergy to Report rash,
acetaminophen. -Acute Renal unusual bleeding
failure or bruising,
Use cautiously with yellowing of skin
impaired hepatic -Rash or eyes, changes
function, chronic in voiding pattern.
alcoholism, -Fever
pregnancy, lactation.