Acetaminophen Supp. Drug Study
Acetaminophen Supp. Drug Study
Acetaminophen Supp. Drug Study
Acetaminophen Suppository RESPONSIBILITY
Antipyretic: Reduces fever by
(N-acetyl-p-aminophenol) acting directly on the hypothalamic CNS: Headache Assessment & Drug Effects:
heat-regulating center to cause
CV: Chest pain, dyspnea, myocardial -Monitor for S&S of hepatotoxicity,
vasodilation and sweating, which
damage when doses of 5-8 g/day are even with moderate acetaminophen
helps dissipate heat.
ingested daily for several weeks or doses, especially in individuals with
Analgesic: site and mechanism of when doses of 4 g/day are ingested for poor nutrition or who have ingested
action unclear. 1 year. alcohol over prolonged periods;
poisoning usually from accidental
BRAND NAME: INDICATION GI: Hepatic toxicity and failure
ingestion or suicide attempts;
Acephen, Anacin-3, Anuphen, jaundice
-Analgesic-antipyretic in patients potential abuse from psychological
with aspirin allergy, hemostatic GU: Acute kidney failure, renal dependence (withdrawal has been
disturbances, bleeding diatheses, tubular necrosis associated with restless and excited
DRUG ILLUSTRATION: upper GI disease, gouty arthritis.
Hematologic: Methemoglobin mia- responses)
-Arthritis and rheumatic disorders cyanosis; hemolytic anemia-
involving musculoskeletal pain (but hematuria, anuria; neutropenia,
Patient & Family Education:
lacks clinically significant leukopenia, pancytopenia,
antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory thrombocytopenia, hypoglycemia -Do not take other medication (e.g.,
effects) cold preparations) containing
Hypersensitivity: Rash, fever
acetaminophen without medical
-Common cold, flu, other viral
advice; overdosing and chronic use
infections with pain and fever.
can cause liver damage and other
-Unlabeled use: Prophylactic for toxic effects.
children receiving DPT vaccination
to reduce incidence of fever and pain. -Do not self-medicate adults for pain
more than 10d (5d in children)
without consulting a physician
Antipyretic -Hypersensitivity to acetaminophen
or phenacetin -Do not use this medication without
Analgesic (non-opioid)
-Use cautiously with impaired medical direction for fever persisting
hepatic function, chronic alcoholism,
longer than 3d, fever over 39.5°C
pregnancy, lactation
DOSAGE/ FREQUENCY/ (103°F), or recurrent fever.
250mg Suppository PRN -Do not give children more than 5
doses in 24 h unless prescribed by