St. Ambrosc University Associate Professor recommends Mark Cleve for judgeship. Mark is a kind man who balances empathy with practicality, secretary says. Sen. Boyd says He has been a witness to Mark's development as a lawyer to a judge.
St. Ambrosc University Associate Professor recommends Mark Cleve for judgeship. Mark is a kind man who balances empathy with practicality, secretary says. Sen. Boyd says He has been a witness to Mark's development as a lawyer to a judge.
St. Ambrosc University Associate Professor recommends Mark Cleve for judgeship. Mark is a kind man who balances empathy with practicality, secretary says. Sen. Boyd says He has been a witness to Mark's development as a lawyer to a judge.
St. Ambrosc University Associate Professor recommends Mark Cleve for judgeship. Mark is a kind man who balances empathy with practicality, secretary says. Sen. Boyd says He has been a witness to Mark's development as a lawyer to a judge.
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é _ S'Ambrose
Universi ty
Dr. Naney Hayes.
Associate Professor, English
St. Ambrose University
518 W, Locust Street
Davenport, Towa 52803 RECEIVED
January 6, 2011 JAN 21 201
David K. Boyd
Des Moines, IA 50319
Dear Secretary Boyd:
My association with Mark Dana Cleve goes back twenty years, during which time we
shared parenting experiences with our sons, who attended schoo! together. In addition,
we have shared interests in symphony, theater, and biking. We support many of the same
cultural institutions in the Quad Cities, and are long term friends, I have been able to see
his son blossom here at St. Ambrose, end the uniqueness of our friendship grows out of
the fact that T am a devoted advocate of his son Zachary. ‘Through the last fwo decades 1
have been a witness to Mark’s development from a congenial, proficient, and extremely
ntelligent lawyer to a judge, one who has taken his mission to administer justice
profoundly to heart, Mark is a kind man, one who balances empathy with practicality,
employing common sense while demonstrating a generous understanding of human
nature, He seems fo me (0 possess a rare combination of being a warm person who cares
fervently about his family and community as well as an individual with a sharply defined
and solid understanding of what is right and good.
I recommend Mark highly for the lowa Supreme Court judgeshi
fowey Mayle
1 518 Wes: Locust, Davenpor, Towa $2803, 319/333-6000The Court of Common Pleas it
Butler County
Judges: 315 High Street Judge
Cmnig D. Hedrie
Anew Nast (613) 887-3283
ee or (513) 887-3285 Fax
Soni. Bowes ut tercomntpebioorg RECEIVED
Michaci J. Sage
Keith M, Spaeth JAN 18 2011
January 7, 2011
David K. Boyd
State Court Administrator
1111 East Court Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Inte: Judge Mark D. Cleve
2316 E. 46" Place
Davenport, lowa 52807
Dear Mr. Boyd,
It is my honor to give my greatest possible recommendation for a position on the lowa
‘Supreme Court to Judge Mark D. Cleve. As a sitting judge in the Ohio court system for over 20
years | am frequently asked to give recommendations for individuals. | am very reluctant to do
0 however, in Judge Cleve's case | thought it very important that | make an exception.
I have known Judge Cleve through the National Judicial College for over ten years. Both
of us serve as faculty members on the National Judicial College and we are both involved with
the New Judge's Program which we participate in every other year. Judge Cleve has continually
exhibited those characteristics that one would expect from only the highest performing judge.
Judge Cleve stands heads and shoulders above his peers. He is widely recognized for
his excellent demeanor, wisdom and fair-mindedness. In the New Judges Program he very
quickly gains the respect of the new judges who are assigned to him along with the immediate
respect that he commands from the peers on the faculty of the National Judicial College.
When | think of what values a supreme court justice should have I think of intelligence,
fair-mindedness, basic core values and judicial experience. Judge Cleve brings all of those
qualities to the table. | simply believe that | can give no stronger recommendation than what
can to Judge Cleve. | value his friendship and | value his wisdom that he has shared with his
fellow judges at the National Judicial College quring our acquaintance.
Thank you very much.
MuSisiS'Ambrose UNnIVErSty sive iscse + vscryoestva sn + wwsauads
i 11, 2011
JAN 1 4 2011
eased eng atin eee
It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Mark Cleve, a judicial applicant for the Towa Supreme
Court. Ihave known Mark for many years and in many capacities; asa friend, father of one of my students, fellow
follower of culture, over of nature and finally, a bike-iding partner. Interestingly, the one area I lack knowledge in is
that of Mark’s work in the legel arena. I've seen him in robes leaving his chambers once when visiting a friend at the
courthouse, but this sas close as ve come to seeing Mark at work. So its with humility and honor f weit this letter
| best know Matk a8 a consumer of culture. I see him frequently at the symphony, at the Figge, at local gallery
openings and dance performances. I find him diverse and surprising in his interests. He frequents our former's
‘market, our Quad City Bagle Days, and our local bike elub chapter meetings. He isa great champion and supporter
‘of our local eulture. Mark defines being a humanitarian in this capacity. But what I most enjoy is what makes Mark s0
very human, At anytime, cunning into him at any venue, 1 always feel Mark as being very present, engaged and
Invested in the moment, His interest is refreshingly genuine, his curiosity intoxicating, his intellect, humble and
‘Asa painter and professor of art I pride myself on my powers of observation yet riding bikes with Mark has proven
my visuol acuity is lacking, Riding along with Mark is like having your own dedicated naturalist to interpret the flora
and fauna, There isa soft sandy bank on a creck that borders our local bike path that thanks to Mark, Tow know
is a great spot to sve soft-sholled turtles. 1 slow down each time I pass and thank Mark for showing me this turtle
hiding place. One day early this summer another friend and I were out on a tide and came across Mark along our
route, He asked if we had seen the dead map turle ten miles back. "Why no,” we responcled, and with his excited
‘encouragement he rode back with us to see the victim. l anticipated a giant, loggerhead-sized beast spanning the bike
path so was surprised by the teeny, delicate ornamental turtle split in two on the very edge of the path. Surely,
‘would have dismissed this as stone. I acimire his respect for the natural world and his attention to detail.
Mack isa very good man, [know him tobe trustworthy, observant, scholariy and skilled. He's an outstanding Iowan
and would honorably and capably serve onthe Towa Supreme Court. [am pleased to have had this opportunity to
zecommend him to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions
Kristin Quinn,
Professor of Art, St, Ambrose University,
quinnktistin@sau.edJOHN KORN
January 9, 2011 JAN 12 2011
Mr. David K. Boyd STATE COURT,
1111 East Court Avenue ee atOn
Des Moines, 1A 50319
Re: Mark D, Cleve
Dear Mr. Boyd,
Lam writing to you today to recommend Mark Cleve as a nominee for one of the
‘openings on the Iowa Supreme Court.
Tam fortunate enough in my life to not have had much experience with the court
systems other than jury duty. Therefore I cannot comment on Mark in a professional
manner. However, Ihave known Mark since Junior High School and I am writing with a
recommendation based on what I know best about him — his character, integrity and
ethics. |
Mark is a person for whom I have always had great admiration and respect. Going back
to our childhood, Mark has possessed the enviable combination of a great intellect and
an ability to connect with people from all walks of life, He's exceptionally bright but lacks
the ego that often goes along with exceptionally bright people. When he chose to seek
a position as a judge many years ago, I was very supportive because I felt that his skill
set combined with his personality was a great formula for a fair and responsible judge.
My few experiences in a courtroom have, as mentioned above, been limited to jury duty.
What I've come away from those experiences with is a feeling that our judicial system
really does do everything possible to make each trial fair and just. IFT were asked to
pick anyone I know who would be a good fit for a judge, Mark Cleve would be the first
to come to mind as a person I would want in that chair.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about why I am supporting
Mark in his bid for a position on the Iowa Supreme Court.
Best regards,
Phone: 563-324-3640 Cel
Fax: 563-324-7559