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Arch-Centurion Carnac Commodus

Commander of the XXIII Tyrant’s Legion, the Bloody Scourge of Shaprias

A mere neophyte when Lugft Huron ascended to the mastery of the on Badab Secundus and the Tyrant’s outer colonies. As he rose
Astral Claws Chapter, Commodus was a fanatical and vicious warrior in rank and favour during the Badab War Commodus also grew
who, upon his initiation to the Chapter, was diverted into the newly- in hubris and spite, and few were more devoted to the Tyrant’s
formed Tyrant’s Legion. As well as proving to be a relentless and will. Due to his loyalty and brutality he was given overall military
unforgiving fighter he also quickly gained a reputation as a vocal command of the Tyrant’s secret operations on Shaprias, and his
advocate of the right of the Astartes to rule those humans in their bloodlust and desire to please his master at any cost would lead to
charge as living gods, and as a leader of the dreaded Retaliator the infamy of the ‘Red Hour’.
squads he commanded numerous bloody purges of the ‘unworthy’

ARCH-CENTURION CARNAC COMMODUS...................................................................................................................................105 POINTS

Wargear: Special Rules:

WS BS S T W I A LD SV • Power Armour (Void • And They Shall Know No Fear
Carnac 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+ Hardened) • Combat Tactics
• Blood Biter • Independent Character
• Bolt Pistol • Cut Them Down!
Unit Composition: Unit Type: • Frag and Krak Grenades • The Tyrant’s Due (when chosen
• 1 (Unique) • Infantry • Iron Halo as part of a Tyrant’s Legion
army only)

Blood Biter: Blood Biter is an ornate and unusually powerful chain- Cut Them Down!: Commodus delights in the savage and merciless
blade captured as a prize of war from the heretek renegades that haunt destruction of a defeated or broken foe, and he and any squad he
the Vysos Rapids within the Maelstrom. Using it, Commodus’s close- joins may re-roll their Sweeping Advance rolls and add +1 to the total
combat attacks are at Strength 5 and have the Rending special rule. number of wounds inflicted on a defeated Fearless enemy in hand-to-
hand combat.

Arch-Centurion Commodus may be chosen as a HQ choice for either a

Codex Space Marines army, or for a Tyrant’s Legion army (see Imperial
Armour Volume 9.) If this is the case, he counts as the required
Centurion selection for the army, if used.

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