2010 08 09 - dr1
2010 08 09 - dr1
2010 08 09 - dr1
Walters 641€58€166
ElThlsbanhrfrFSEtemertolOrganEdon l.T
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Phorc Phone164118S€199
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GreenBeltBank and Trus1 34122230rhSt
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616 Wshington Ave Etdora lma ffi27
cfiy + + siEreJ I Ztp .l I plpns 1641) 85&3166
lowa Falls loara 50126
STATEUENTOF AFFIRUATION:By ttlhg ffils tbcunsnt tlre cqrmtba dnrn tts fottorring:
1..ThEcomnfr@-€td-allp€GotlsonrreDledsffilhe(l'nrdt€€rsderstandthet0rey aesubFctbtre b{ysinlomraCodedtap€rs68A€nd68Bard treedmint*"fivs
ru16 In Chaptorlltil ot rF llwa Admhtsfidve Co&.
2. That lq',a Co€ secdonmA4O2 aild rub 351-4-9 r€QdnaOFfiing ot dbdosur ropot8 axt thatthe lblurs b fils lt€e reporb o.r cr beforehe teouiredduedateg
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impooiudrof othe[.rlmirEl ed clvilsaEtidts.
3- ThatleecodeiatoneA4o5€|drules35l---4-38thto.Eh4.43-1Eqrdrethegtaenertdtheuods"@lbby'andthenarEdfoEcilrmit@01a!potifEl
rnsbtiaF€r@gplfrrfieiemeremBedbyEtah.deotruls. AcqnrnitbetratststtesOegstsraconmidesrEne-bpurposeeotrdrUheshorE "paddrhf mO
dGnothtendtooc the$i7'150
4. That lova Codes€riiqr 0tA"50il andru|€ 3lt1--{.44 tltot€h 452 Ft{rbil,th€ reedtr d colrre conbibutionsg atrsnmitbeg sefl hr ba&nKp pACs
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O Tht tfie csnnfree bfll €rdirue b fb disdoflre rePotbutdl dl addg has eas€4 @nudtbe frJndssg€rt &s r€sdr€d. anda final rEportard a staHnent d
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