2011 01 12 - DR 1
2011 01 12 - DR 1
2011 01 12 - DR 1
J J 6 candaate'scommltGernrstlndudethecandldate's
tastnameln thenameof thecommfnee.)
lf amentlingornmfre name,
putoldnamein ( ).
r Uan <burtfl
comnltb you ar€ r?prdng fior:
d€tlsgrhladvstJudge_Standlngfor Retontloo @ndldate (2 lgtabt|de pAC (3lsbto party (4 lGounfyCenfd ComlnlEgo
Cardldab ( I lotty Gandhlfib ( 7 ,schod B€rd or Othil Po$flcal Subdivisiod Ganrndab ( 8 fGountyPAc ( s )ctty PAc =]t
d ln muldDls cltn counhr brllot ;_:rrl
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llz L+ tilu la f==e
H::I, MM
rbtD.dEffir: NOt, 2" ZZ.O
aTATEUENTOF AFFlRf,rl'RO*: $ frfng tr'd8rkrmol|t ttF e@n&e ffifms theFfidng:
1. InecommnFandanpel8onsaontrBctBdwfitt€commueeuncffinOtlEttneyefesuDJectb&el,alrronloflaCqtecnaFelaffiAAnC6EBandneAtlnmss'att,g
rulesln Chapb 351 ot the lqra Adminlffiiw Code.
2. That lora CodeEeciloneAA.rOzand rub 351-4.9 rcqulrethe filing of dkder.ra reporb andtrat tE tallue b ns tlece r€porb on or bobr€ n1er€qulreataluea6es
subJectsttE} catdldataor chaLperson0n tha casad oommil@' dtrg than a candldalEs.commueE)b' ttElarnomdc.as"essticrt O a clUtWratty anCt|a posslue
Irnpositionoidlercflminal and cMl sancdono.
3. Thd lowaCodesecfion68A'.O5and rute 351--4.38though 4.ztgregulreth€ placemefltof the rFds 'pqld for qf ald ttre narF of ths commttt@on afl polithal
dos nd k&ndtoeostha STSOfillngthrehddehalflsths Fqdr DR€FAOrn tn tler otningthls6rm"
4- Thd lqia Codesdon 6AAS(XIand rul€s351--4.44ihtough4.52 prohbli the rccelptof coDo|atecontlbutons by all commith€s€@pt for baltothsr.e pACo.
5' A @ldlttsle atd a caldldate'scommttF mayonlyo@nd campalgnfrrftb 4| permltbd by lowacodedons @A3Ol ttfough 6AAACIand ruts g5.t--425.
6. Thd the oqru|dtb rvfllcorilnue to file dsclogrrerepofg un0lanacf\rnyrhasceined, aommn€ofmds spstt, debtg@lvd, andafnal ]eportanda slaieE€ntof
dlei{ildisn (Dn€) h* heerrfll€d.
lf -60 -ea#?ffia