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03 23 2010 DR 1

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E(rni" isanInldaFstatement i'i irr{|[ | ! r' ] t"'
E ttris is an emended' Statamentof Organization
' g€/&fu|cJnt
mud be fild wihin 10 daj6 of @mmitt?€/ Comm.8
inanringdebfsex@dng $750. tunemlments
rnasfDe Indered
Eftc{hre January 1,2010, all slatemenb and reporb fled by new forstgte off@ must be ffld Au<liH
andefrcilve January1,2O12,all statements
andreportsfiledby all commltbes6r s.lateofie
mustbe filedelecfonlcally.

COMMITTEE NAME $ J (A candldat€ tastnameln he nameof thecommlttee.)

s commllh mustIndudethe candldate's lf amendlngcommft@name,
putoklnameln ( ).

IuPORTAI{T: lndlcate type ol comrnltlee you are |lpor{ng ion

I lstafiillderloglrlatlwlJudge PAG( 3 |StatePafy ( 4 )CountyCantal Comiltbo
Standlng for Rstandon Candldste
lSlGltyCandldab{TlschoolBmrdorOfllerPotldcalSubdhrblonGandld$ (SlGoumyPAC(9lGltyPAC

*T t tbndo- fi.)rasborn-
NameJ {
ManinsAddcss MalllngAddreso J J
{dA Bo"^J strue-+
Ctty,StabJ J zpCode J J

pr,o*r5l5r H3A- 159 rl Phone ( )

*o,u In.tnvStfotu)@ aMall
II{DICATE PURPOSEgF O9UilIITTEE - Ched<One Box Ll Advocabbrlagalrretcandldate(e)L Advocatetur banothsue(s)
Commentor dascriotion: r
Advocele aoalnsl befiot lssuelsl

#fU|l,ff '*A" te- Cc-J'^qR.c'"nC<-rl-

Countyrlocal Candldatos and Ballot lssuo @mmllloe8 Ent3n

Polifcal Party (lt apptlcable) (]f acfive
Dlsfrict_ --T6T(f Dab ofElecfion:
v^6" sl.rvll'i G^? Elar+l^n.

*""1T* (muslmatqlcomm|ueo
name, @or@
J J AfEllab.orSooneor
t'o^ii.Fl*e,o dl€lad\fe ro,iea-Rar',Li^S^,R*^oL Vro"ttoo"- Ro--dr,"..
Namoof Flnandallnsttuton/typ€otAccomt .1,J MallngAddress J C
Bmne Ba-,k q-Tt,-st (, / ch<cK*q
- l\ \q ftfa,rshe,l\ €*cee-V
M etty .t J Sttale + Ap t U
l tto 3 ttn s* 3co".e- J:ft 5c,eEb
@l5l 432-aO(oo
&>orr-. zA - .qoo% sMantd-fAtnve-f @ ua-Lrso , (-onn


1. Theoommitbeandanpenmsconrededwiththecommitte€mdenilandthattheyar€subjectbtfielawshloraCodec@e(36EAand6EBandthedmln|sfah€
rubs h Cilxapbr351 of the lom Admhlsfidne Codg.
2. That to*a Cde cecdon68A4U! ard rule 351-4.9 requfrathe ffllngol (ffsclcLr€ reporteard that th6 €nure b fils tt@ repdtBo or beforethe requheddue dat€3
wbJectgtl€ candldabor drallp€rson(ln the caseof @mmmesooth€rthan a canddatds commttFe)b tlE aubrnatc 6€Nne|t ot a ci\rilpomtty Endthe possible
impGffiond ot|er crlnhal and dvil silefiorE
3. That lovraCodes€c0on6EAzl05and rules351-4.38 firorrgh 4.43 r€quir€the placementot the ttDrds'pald for bt,, and tho nameof the committeeon all pdlMl
'peld for b}| snd
matErlalsercspt for thce ltemseremptedby dafub or rule. A commitbothatwlshesb r€glsbr a commitbenamefor pqrpces ot udtXgthe shorbr
doeanot lnbnd to cro€othe Sruo fflingthl€hdd shallfrlethe Fom DR€FA bm ln lleJ of fllng thls form.
4. Thd loiva Codesecdon68A6@ a|d rulcs 351--{ .44 fr:r/rJ|rgh.l2prohlblt the reaelptd comordEoontbutons by a[ commitbeoerept br htht lsstF PAC8.
5. AcardldalBa|dacardfttab'EcqflrdtFemayonlyofndcamFlgnfrJndoaspennittedbyloracodse€dionsffiso1 ttuough68A"303andrub351-4.25.
6. Thd tl€ commiuBowill corfinueto fib dlsdosur€r€portsuntilall acSW has oe6ed, commltbeftnds spent deb r@h€d, and a final reponand a stabnEnt ot

,f )3,nw*

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