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SOR-Standard Data Book (Road & Bridge)

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This SOR is based on Standard Data book for analysis of Rates for Road and Bridge Works.

No. 1238 /SOR/Communication/2009 Bhopal Date 19 /06/2009


1 Till now, for the National Highway Works, the schedule of rates issued by Chief
Engineer, National Highway was used, whereas for CRF/E&I and other centerally
funded works the schedule of rates issued by Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works
Department, Madhya Pradesh was used. It has been decided that the unified SOR may
be issued by the Engineer-in-Chief to bring uniformity in the estimates submitted to the
Govt. of India. This SOR shall be applicable for maintenance and construction of roads,
culverts and bridges. A common schedule for the entire Madhya Pradesh is issued to
facilitate easy preparation of estimates and their sanction and execution from the
Government of India.
2 Some of the items included in the SOR issued by the E-in-C, PWD/C.E. National
Highway were not based on the Standard Data Book issued by the MORT&H. The
Ministry has been insisting that the estimate should be framed on the basis of the SOR
based on the Standard Data Book. Hence the present SOR has been framed and will
be applicable for all the National Highway Works, CRF, E&I and all other centrally
funded works w.e.f. 22/06/2009.
3 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways have revised the specification of road &
bridge works in August 2001 (IVth Revision). "Standard Data Book for Analysis of
Rates" of Ministry of Road Transport & Highway, has also been published by Indian
Road Congress recently. These specifications and SOR based on Standard Data Book
are being adopted generally by all the States of India and hence the New S.O.R. has
been prepared keeping in view the specifications of Road and Bridge works IVth
Revision and on the basis of the Standard Data Book of MORT&H.

4 This S.O.R. has been prepared on the basis of the "Standard Data Book for Analysis of
Rates" of Ministry of Road Transport & Highway, published by Indian Road Congress
recently. Few of the Items which do not find place in the Standard Data Book for
Analysis of Rates have also been included in the new S.O.R. as these are required and
provided in the old S.O.R.
5 Some items have been modified in their nomenclature as per requirements. The
description of the items is kept according to Ministry of Surface Transport & Highway
(Roads Wing), Government of India, "Specifications for Road and Bridge works" (IVth
Revision) published by the IRC.
6 Standard Tables given in the specifications are annexed with the S.O.R., so as to
facilitate easy reference to the specifications during execution.
7 List of the IRC Publications available for Sale is also Annexed with the S.O.R.

8 I would like to commend Shri V.K. Bhugaonkar, Chief Engineer, (Planning), Shri
Narendra Kumar, Chief Engineer, National Highway Zone, Shri R.K. Dubey & Shri
Mahendra Shrivastava, Superintending Engineer, Shri Ajay Joshi, Shri Ajit
Ambare & Shri K.P.S. Rana, Executive Engineer, Shri Kishan Verma, Assistant
Engineer who have contributed considerably towards bringing out this schedule of rates
into effect. I would also like to commend Shri Rajiv Kuruvilla who have helped a lot in
bringing out this schedule of rates.
9 Suggestions, if any, towards further improvement to this Schedule of Rates for Road
and Bridge works will be highly welcomed.
10 This SOR is also available on the Departmental web site www.mp.gov.in/pwdmp which
can be downloaded free of cost.


1) (a) "Specifications" would refer to the "Specifications for road and bridge works" (4th
Revision) published by the Indian roads Congress August'2001, on behalf of the
Government of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highway (Roads Wing).
(b) "Clause" would refer to clauses of the specifications referred to in note (a) above.
(c) "Engineer-in-charge" would refer to the Executive Engineer of the division for the
time being.
(d) "Table" would refer to the table of the aforesaid specifications.
2) The rates have been analysed using mechanical means. Manual means for certain
items have also been provided which can be used for areas inaccessible to
machines and for small jobs. These items should be incorporated in estimate only
after site inspection by the S.E. and after getting written permission from the S.E.

3) The rates of all items include element of setting out and carrying out the work in narrow
or part width of road, where directed.
4) In the absence of any stipulation to the contrary, unit rates for different items of works are
for completing the works to the specifications I/c full compensation for all operations
detailed in the relevant sections of the specifications under "Rates". The rates are to be
considered as the full inclusive rate for the finished work covering all labour, material,
royalties, lease, rent, wastage, temporary work, plant, equipment, overhead charges and
profit, unless specified otherwise.
5) Mode of measurements shall be as per provisions contained in the relevant clauses of
the specifications unless specified otherwise. Record of levels taken before construction
must be sent to the S.E. of the circle by the E.E. 15 days before commencing
6) The rates include the element of hire and running charges of all types of plant, machinery
and equipment required to complete the work unless specified otherwise. Royalty, octroi-
duty and all other taxes are included in the rates.
7) (i) The rates include making arrangement of traffic as per clause No.112 except for
initial treatment to verge, shoulders and construction of diversion.
(ii) The rates do not include the work of boring and trial pits, which are to be
measured and paid separately.
8) The rates include all cleaning operations. The rates also include provision of coir rope
being used for premix carpet and surface dressings for providing supports to edges.
9) The rates considered for bitumen and emulsion are :
(i) Bitumen (80/100 Grade) VG-10 Rs.24147/- per tonne
(i) Bitumen (60/70 Grade) VG-30 Rs.25080/- per tonne
(ii) Bitumen emulsion Rs.21253/- per tonne
(iii) Bitumen (cut back) Rs.23000/- per tonne
(iv) C.R.M.B. - 60 Rs.27496/- per tonne
(v) P.M.B. - 40 Rs.28500/- per tonne
The above rates are exfactory i/c all taxes, cess etc.
NOTE: I] The rates for Bitumen/emulsion/steel/cement may be worked out at the
time of preparation of the estimates by taking the ex-factory/ex-depot price.
(inclusive of all taxes) from the nearest refinary/depot and difference in
rates may be added to/substracted from the basic rates in the SOR as the
case may be.
II] Only 60/70 grade bitumen will be used in all works but if in exceptional
circumstances 80/100 grade bitumen is required to be used, prior permission of
C.E. P.W.D. of the concerned Zone should be obtained, for which a reduction in
the rate of the 60/70 and 80/100 Gr. bitumen will be made on the theoritical
consumption of the quantity of bitumen. Tender premium shall also be accounted
III] Cost of drums would be charged extra in case of supply of bitumen in packed
drums at Rs.100/- each and Rs.300/- each for the drum of bitumen emulsion
respectively if these materials are supplied departmentaly.
IV] The use of PMB-40/NRMB/CRMB will be taken in the estimate after written
permission of Chief Engineer.
10) The rates also include the element of testing of samples of various materials brought by
the contractor for use on the work as well as other tests for items of work as stipulated in
the specifications as per clause 903 and its sub-clauses of specifications for road and
bridge works of MORT&H (4th revision). Frequency of such tests to be carried out must
not be less than the prescribed frequencies. Copies from Registers containing records of
tests shall have to be presented alongwith running account bills. Actual consumption of
materials like bitumen, cement and steel be worked out in each running bill before
making payment. Register (Original) shall have to be submitted alongwith the final bill.
Tests shall have to be conducted for the contractor's material by his Engineers under the
supervision of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representatives. Before making
any payment it will be the responsibility of the officer making payment to ensure that all
tests as per prescribed frequencies have been carried out.

11) The section 900 of the specification mentions "as required" against some of the tests. To
stave off disputes the following frequencies are specified :-
(a) Deleterious material. One test per 500 Cum. or part thereof.
(b) C.B.R. -----do------
12) It will not be obligatory on the part of the Engineer-in-charge to provide any assistance in
obtaining lease/permits for extraction of minor minerals. The contractor will not be
entitled to any excuse whatsoever on account of any delays in obtaining minor minerals
to be used on the work.
13) For comprehensive items, quantities of aggregates, screenings, granular materials and
binding materials etc. indicated in the specifications are loose. No extras on account of
any voids or bulkages etc. will be paid separately. Where it is proposed only to supply,
transport and stack the mineral aggregates for use in pavement courses, the quantities
indicated in the specifications shall be supplied but payment for the same shall be
regulated on the basis of volumes to be computed after deductions specified in clause
514.5. The stacking will have to be in a trapezoidal section having base 1.5 M., top width
0.5 M. and height 0.5 M. The length should be as long as conveniently possible.

14) For construction of reinforced earth retaining wall, back filling shall be paid separately as
per Chapter-3 "Earth work, erosion control and drainage"
15) For WBM Grade-I and Grade-II broken stone can be used, for WBM Grade-III, only
crushed stone shall be used.
16) Metal to be used for all bituminous courses and cement concrete shall be crushed in
mechanical crushers.
17) If any work is found to be sub-standard, but the Engineer-in-charge is of the opinion that
the same can be accepted at a reduced rate, then the Engineer-in-charge shall submit
proposals for the same, supported by an analysis i.e. justification of such reduction,
through a D.O. letter to the Superintending Engineer concerned, to obtain his approval
expeditiously (ordinarily within 15 days). The approved analysis along with orders of the
Superintending Engineer should be appended to the final bill of the contractor.

18) The use of vibratory roller is essential for all the items where ever
compaction/consolidation is to be done with rollers unless specified otherwise.
19) The surface regularity of the completed sub-grade, sub-base, base courses, widening of
surfaces and bituminous courses in the longitudinal and transverse directions shall be
within the tolerances indicated in the table 900-1 of the specifications. For checking,
specifications clause 902 shall apply. Failure to rectify the same will call for similar action
as provided for in note 14 above.
20) The work of shoulders must preceed the work of sub-base and base courses and
succeed the bituminous courses and cement concrete pavement.
21) a) Rates of items would apply for work order/piece work system also.
b) Rates payable for any work to be done departmentally on work order/piece work
may either be at-par or below rates in this SOR.
22) a) Rates for transportation in Chapter No. 1 of "Carriage of Material" include :-
i) Loading and unloading into transport vehicle with incidental leads upto 100 M. at
each place and all lifts.
ii) Stacking at suitable places as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the weights of
the container of any material shall be ignored.
23) The measurements of rock excavation are to be done as per clause 301.8. However, if
the excavated rock is utilised by conversion into aggregtes also, then a deduction at the
rate of 45% shall be made from the stacked quantity of aggregates. To compute the
volumes of rock excavation size of the stacks should be as large as convenient.
24) Rubble available from excavation of hard rock, shall be used for conversion into coarse
aggregates or for other constructions and shall be issued to the contractor at Rs.100 per
cubic meter of rock excavated.
25) Wherever an existing boulder soling or WBM pavement is required to be excavated, it
shall be presumed that the following quantities of rubble and coarse aggregates would be
available for re-use and issued to the contractor at the rate indicated against each :-

a) Rubble :- 1 Cubic meter of rubble for every cubic meter of excavated boulder
soling @Rs.115 per cubic meter of soling.
b) Coarse Aggregate :- 1.10 Cubic meter for every cubic meter of excavated WBM
@ Rs.120 per cubic meter of excavated WBM. (Excavated WBM should be
screened to segregate metal from moorum before re-use).
26) For each compacted cubic meter of items of bituminous, base and surface courses the
approximate loose quantities required will be 1.4 cubic meter unless other wise specified.

27) For items of BUSG, surface dressing and seal coat type-A, the aggregates shall be
stacked at site, measured and recorded in M.B. prior to their use on work. No separate
payment shall be made for stacking and payment for these items shall be regulated as
per SOR items.
28) Where laying of open graded premix carpet (OGPC) or seal coat Type-B with
machanical mixing is not feasible, use of Mixers are a MUST for open graded premix
carpet or seal coat Type 'B' using bitumen/emulsion. But this item can be used only with
prior approval of C.E.
29) Only cement of required specifications at the rate of 2% by weight of total aggregate will
be used as filler for bituminous work wherever filler is to be provided. Lime will not be
used as filler.
30) The pavement camber or cross fall shall be provided as per provisions of IRC-73-1980.

31) Bitumen & modified bitumen shall be obtained from reputed oil refinaries and emulsion
should be ISI marked only.
32) In case of any contradiction in the provisions of the specifications and this schedule of
rates, the provisions of the later would take precedence.
33) Dismantling of utilities will be done under the supervision of concerned departments with
prior information to the users.
34) For narrow and restricted areas, plate compactors shall be used for compaction to
achieve the desired density.
35) The actual quantities of materials shall be as per job mix formula for bituminous works.
36) Latest I.R.C. Codes shall be followed.
37) Reflective sign board should not be installed on M.D.R. and on any other road having
traffic intensity less than 450 commercial vehicles per day without prior approval of the
Chief Engineer in writing.
38) The girth of trees shall be measured at 1.00 Metre (One Metre) above ground level.
39) Rates of site clearance include jungle clearance levelling and dressing.
40) All wood obtained from the tree shall be property of the government and shall be
deposited at P.W.D. store as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

i) All works below ground level or low water level, whichever is higher but not above
soffit level shall be termed as foundation work.
ii) Low water level shall be the average water level met with at the time of doing the
foundation work. The maximum and minimum water levels should be recorded by the
Assistant Engineer, just before starting the particular foundation and within a
reasonable time at the close of that foundation work, the average of these two levels
will be the L.W.L. for that foundation work. In case of major bridges such records will
be taken by the Executive Engineer.

: The part of the bridge structure below the a)Soffit level of the deck slab/beams and or
b)Springing level for arch spans, but above the ground level or L.W.L. which ever is
higher, shall be taken as sub structure of the bridge part. Complete RCC box section
will also be considered as sub-structure.
: The work above (a)Soffit level for deck slabs/beams and (b)Springing level for arch
span, including kerbs, railing, expansion joints, beams, slabs etc. shall be termed as
super structure of the bridge part.
a) Major Bridge : Having total length between abutments at cap level 60 M.
and above.
b) Medium Bridge : Having total length between faces of abutments at cap
level, 6 M. and above but less than 60 M.
c) Culverts : Having total length less than 6 M.
i) The specifications of works shall be carried out as per 4th revision of "Specifications
for Road and Bridge works" (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) - subject to such
changes as are incorporated in the wording of the items and notes below. The work
will be governed by the design considerations and specifications contained in I.R.C.
codes of practice for Road/Bridges issued upto the date of receipt of tender.

ii) The materials of construction shall be governed as per relevant I.S. Codes.
iii) In the matters of interpretation in respect of any provision contained in the documents
referred in para (i) to (ii) the decision of the concerned Chief Engineer shall be final.

a) The mixing of the concrete, transportation, placing in compaction shall be done
as per clause 1708 and 1709 of the Specifications of Road and Bridge Works,
b) For production of concrete -
i) for overall bridge length of less than 200m. - batch type concrete mixer diesel or
electric operated, with a minimum size of 200 liters, automatic water measuring
system and integral weigher (hydraulic/pneumatic type).
ii) For overall bridge length of 200m or more - concrete batching and mixing plant fully
automatic with minimum capacity of 15 cu.m. per hour.
c) Equipment used for the production, transportation and compaction of conctrete shall
be as per clause 1707 of the Specifications for Road and Bridge works, MORT&H.

d) The rates of both ordinary and controlled concrete of any mix include the cost of
preparing and testing concrete cubes as per specifications laid down.
e) All concrete shall be compacted to produce dense and homogeneous mass with the
assistance of vibrators unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge for
exceptional cases, such as concreting under water where, vibrators can not be used.

f) Concrete poured under water shall be provided with 10% additional cement as per
"Specifications for Roads & Bridges works" Ministry of Road Transport & Highway
(4th Revision).
g) Finishing of concrete by plastering the surface shall not be done without obtaining
written permission from the Executive Engineer. No extra for plastering shall be
payable. Light touching up and rubbing the uneven surfaces by carborandum stone
shall be done within the specified rates.
h) The grading, size, quality of coarse aggregates shall be strictly according to the
specifications for Road and Bridge works" (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) 4th
Revision and respective IRC Codes.
i) The size and quality of aggregate, mixing etc. for plain concrete or R.C.C. work
should be as given in "Specification for Road and Bridge works" of MORT&H (4th
j) A mix leaner than M-15 may be used for non structural parts of the Bridge as
specified in Approved design/drawing.
k) The rates of concreting items include the cost of form work and centering.
l) Super plasticizer admixtures should be used for the concrete work to improve the
workability with reduced water cement ratio and shall be provided as per clause 1705
of specifications.
7) STEEL :
ii) TMT Steel confirming to IS-1786 can be used in place of Tor Steel.
iii) Steel used as reinforcement steel shall be measured as per clause 1608 of
Specifications of Road and Bridge works, MORT&H.
i) If the cement is brought by the contractor, the contractor shall be responsible for
ensuring the quality of cement and would be bound to conduct any of all tests at his
cost for ensuring its quality as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. The
theoritical consumption of cement shall be worked out at regular interval and shall be
verified with actual cement brought to the site
ii) The theoritical consumption of cement should be worked out after including all
contingent works I.e., cement godowns, casting plat forms, bed blocks etc. which are
necessary for the work in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge and have actually been
constructed, but shall not include items, which are executed for setting right the
imperfections in work.
i) All the stone masonry work shall be strictly as per detailed specifications given in
"Specification for Road & Bridge works" of MORT&H (4th Revision).
ii) In place of stone headers, precast (M-15 Concrete) shall be used. Cast-in-situ
concrete headers are not permitted.
iii) Generally for all stone masonry subjected to exposure of water flow (e.g. piers,
abutments, returns etc.) C.R. Masonry first sort shall be used unless otherwise
provided in the approved drawing.
iv) In case where width of stone masonry is more than one meter, the central portion of
stone masonry (Hearting) shall be done with uncoursed randum rubble masonry.
Payment for the C.R. Masonry will be limited to 1/2 meter width on either faces and
the balance will be paid as uncoursed Randum Rubble Masonry.
i) The basic rates at site for important materials considered in this S.O.R. are as follows
a) Cement Rs.5200/- Per M.T.
b) HYSD Bars Rs.32000/- Per M.T.
c) Mild Steel Bars Rs.32000/- Per M.T.
d) Structural Steel Rs.36000/- Per M.T.
e) High Tensile Steel Rs.70000/- Per M.T.
ii) Cost of Transportation of all materials from the place of delivery upto site of work is
included in the rates of the item of this Schedule of Rates.
iii) Materials, as may be required to be issued to the contractor by department shall be
specified in the N.I.T. with place of delivery and their issue rates.


: The rates in all items of this S.O.R. are inclusive of all lead, lift and transportation of
material except otherwise specified in the item. No extra on this account is payable
unless otherwise specifically mentioned in any particular item.
: Royalty, Octroi duty and all other taxes are included in the rates. No extra on this
account shall be payable.
: The rates include the complete cost of dismantling and shifting away the dismentled
material to place at site of work as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and also the rates
include the serviceable dismentled material to be properly stacked at river bank at a
location directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
14) MODE OF MEASUREMENTS : The mode of measurements shall be as per
provisions contained in the relevant clauses of the specifications unless specified
15) The rate includes the element of hire & operational charges of all types of plants,
machinery and equipment required to complete the work unless specified otherwise.

16) Rates include provisions of necessary precautionary devices and other arrangements
etc. for traffic control, e.g. provision of caution boards, red lights, watchmen flags and
flagmen but do not include construction of temporary diversion.
17) The rates do not include the work of trial pits, which are to be measured and paid
18) The contractor is bound to install at the site of work a test laboratory capable of
conducting all specified field tests as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge and the
specified tests of material would be conducted in the presence of department's
supervisory staff.
19) Detailed measurements for steel and concrete for items of R.C.C. approach slab,
R.C.C. Railing and R.C.C. wearing coat shall also be recorded in M.B. However the
payment shall be regulated as per the item and rates given in the S.O.R.

20) The specifications mentioned under section 2900 shall also be applicable to items of
Hume Pipe Culverts in addition to those given in the items.

21) The measurement of rock excavation are to be done as per clause specified in the
Book "Specification of Road and Bridge works" of MORT&H. All serviceable rock
excavated shall be issued to the contractor at the rate of Rs.100/- per Cum.

1) The excavation shall be paid as per the area of foundation concrete block, multiplied
by the depth below average ground level at the location of foundation. The rates
include the extra quantity of excavation required for providing the excavation in steps
or slope as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
2) Excavated hard rock shall be stacked at suitable places at the bank as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. No extra for stacking lead, lift and transportation shall be
3) Back filling upto original bed level shall be done as per clause 304.3.7 of
"Specification for Road and Bridges". No extra shall be payable on this account.
4) The concrete mix used in bottom plug of wells shall have a minimum cement content
of 330 kg/cum.
5) The rates of well sinking include the charges of labour, plant, cost of P.O.L. and other
materials and accessories. The rates also include the cost of diversion of channel,
making of island, if required to be done for laying the cutting edge, kerb and steining.
the permissible tilt and shift in well in its final position shall be as per IRC-78-1983.
The rates include the cost of rectification of tilt and shift in excess of permissible limit.
No extra over these rates are payable for sinking of well.

6) For the purpose of the computation of the volume in well sinking, the cubic content of
well shall be measured by the portion contained in outer diameter of well steining.
Projection of R.C.C. kerb, if any shall not be measured.

7) the rates of concreting in all types of foundation include also the cost of form work,
staging etc. complete.


1) The rates of bearing are inclusive of the charges required for testing of bearing,
procurement, transport, if required greasing while storing and at the time of fixing etc.
all complete.
2) The use of A.C. Pipes for weep holes is permitted only in PCC/RCC/Brick masonary
sub-structure. In stone masonry inbuilt weep holes of size 80mm x 150mm shall be
constructed and no extra for this work is payable. No deduction for the recess or for
pipes due to weep holes shall be made in the measurement of stone/brick masonary,
PCC and RCC.
3) The rates of concreting in all items include the cost of form work and staging.
4) For elastomeric bearing pads the concrete surface shall be levelled such that the
variation is not more than 1.5mm from the straight edge placed in any direction across
the area.
5) The bearings should be procured only from those manufactures who have not been
disqualified by MORT&H.

6) Only finished weight of bearings as brought to the site and fixed in position shall be
taken into account for measurement.

7) For hume pipe culverts, hume pipes must be procured through MP LUN and pipes
shall be ISI marked or DGS&D certified only and a certificate should invariably be
produced to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge before getting the pipes fixed at
site. E.E. will see that the pipe are strictly as per specifications and IS Codes.
1) The rates of concreting include the cost of form work, centering staging etc. complete.

2) For super structure only steel form work will be accepted. The thickness of steel plate
shall not be less than 3 mm. The form work shall be adequately stiffened by brackets
and angles not more than 15 cm. apart in such a manner that it is free from distoration
during handling and vibration of concrete. No extra for form work shall be payable.

3) Centering made up of steel trusses below soffit shall not be supported in recess made
in sub-structure. The contractor may provide steel trusses supported on suitably
designed bracket, anchored to the pier/pier-cap. Providing safe centering shall be
solely contractor's responsibility. The contractor shall remove all bolts, anchors
protruding beyond the pier/pier-cap after removal of centering. No extra for centering
shall be payable.
4) Contractor shall have the option to adopt launching of super-structure but in such
cases prior permission of the department be obtained by getting launching
arrangement initially approved. No deduction in the rate of concrete would be done
nor any extra would be paid in case the launching is resorted to.
5) The rate of prestressing of H.T. steel is complete rate including hire and running
expenses of plant and machinaries, labour involved in stressing operations,
anchorages and ducts or sheathing etc., complete including grouting.
6) The rates of wearing coat is inclusive of reinforcement provided, construction joints
between panels and the form work at the panels. Construction joints in panel shall be
10 mm. wide and shall be filled with premoulded joint filler. Filling of expansion joints
between span over piers/abutment or at articulation is not included in the rate.

7) The payment of railing includes the construction of required intermediate posts and
end posts. The length of railing for payment purposes on each side separately, be
measured from the outer edges of end posts.
8) New type expansion joints may be obtained from prequalified suppliers by MORT&H
and the firm will have to give warranty of 10 years of trouble free performance.
Item No. Unit Rate

(Volume to be computed as per provisions in clause 514)
Loading and unloading of stone boulder / stone aggregates / sand / kanker /
moorum/ earth/ surkhi/ stone dust/ hotmix asphalt material/ tar/ paint/ bitumen.
1.1 cum 70.00
(Placing tipper at loading point, loading with front end loader, dumping, turning for return
trip, excluding time for haulage and return trip)
1.2 Loading and Unloading of Boulders by Manual Means cum 65.00
1.3 Loading and Unloading of Cement or Steel by Manual Means and stacking. tonne 85.00
1.4 Cost of Haulage Excluding Loading and Unloading
(i) Surfaced Road tonne.km 2.20
(ii) Unsurfaced Gravelled Road tonne.km 2.70
(iii) Katcha Track and Track in river bed / nallah bed and choe bed. tonne.km 5.40
Supply of mineral aggregate like broken stone/crushed stone (crushed in mechanical
1.5 crusher) as per clause 514 at road site including all lead and stacking etc. complete.

i) 75mm standard size broken stone cum 277.00

ii) 63mm standard size broken stone cum 316.00
iii) 45mm standard size broken stone cum 348.00
iv) 45mm standard size crushed stone cum 475.00
v) 26.5mm standard size crushed stone cum 555.00
vi) 22.4mm standard size crushed stone cum 555.00
vii) 13.2mm standard size crushed stone cum 634.00
viii) 11.2mm standard size crushed stone cum 475.00
ix) 6.7mm standard size crushed stone cum 396.00
1.6 Supply as per clause 514 including all lead and stacking etc. complete.
i) Crusher stone dust (clause 507.2.3) cum 198.00
ii) Sand/Shingle/Kanker/Laterite cum 198.00
iii) Moorum with CBR not less than 20 and P.I. Not exceeding 6. cum 159.00
Supply of binding material at road site having P.I. Value less than 6 confirming to clause
1.7 cum 159.00
In case of suitable binding material having a P.I. Value of less than 6 is not available
within reasonable distances. The contractor (at his own cost) may add an admixture of
Note : lime to lower down the P.I. to bring it within the above range. A factor of safety of 2
should be applied to the results of laboratory to decide the percentage of lime to be
Supply and stacking of aggregates, precoated with 1% of its weight with bitumen as per
clause 514 work site.
i) 22.4 mm size cum 746.00
ii) 13.2 mm size cum 780.00
iii) 11.2 mm size cum 610.00
iv) 6.7 mm size cum 555.00
Item No. Unit Rate

Cutting of Trees, including Cutting of Trunks, Branches and Removal (Cutting of
trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps, roots, stacking of
serviceable material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 mtrs and earth filling in the
(i) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm each 112.00
(ii) Girth from 600 mm to 900 mm each 221.00
(iii) Girth from 900 mm to 1800 mm each 398.00
(iv) Girth above 1800 mm each 728.00
Clearing and Grubbing Road Land . (Clearing and grubbing road land including
uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm,
removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and
stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 metres
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness.)

A In area of light jungle hectare 19944.00

B In area of thorny jungle hectare 26820.00
Dismantling of Structures (Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges,
retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work,
2.3 steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled
material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all
lifts and lead of 1000 metres)
(i) Lime /Cement Concrete
A Lime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10 and below cum 178.00
B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 cum 205.00
C Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above cum 502.00
(ii) Dismantling Brick / Tile work
A In lime mortar cum 126.00
B In cement mortar cum 152.00
C In mud mortar cum 116.00
D Dry brick pitching or brick soling cum 110.00
(iii) Dismantling Stone Masonry
A Rubble stone masonry in lime mortar cum 137.00
B Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar. cum 152.00
C Rubble Stone Masonry in mud mortar. cum 126.00
D Dry rubble masonry cum 121.00
E Dismantling stone pitching/ dry stone spalls. cum 116.00
Dismantling boulders laid in wire crates including opening of crates and
F cum 126.00
stacking dismantled materials.
Wood work wrought framed and fixed in frames of trusses upto a height of 5 m
(iv) cum 303.00
above plinth level
Steel work in all types of sections upto a height of 5 m above plinth level
excluding cutting of rivet.
A Including dismembering tonne 713.00
B Excluding dismembering. tonne 516.00
C Extra over item No( V ) A and( V ) B for cutting rivets. tonne 6.00
Item No. Unit Rate
(vi) Scraping of bricks dismantled from brick work including stacking.
In lime/Cement mortar 1000
A 457.00
In mud mortar 1000
B 163.00
(vii) Scraping of Stone from dismantled stone masonry
A In cement and lime mortar cum 184.00
B In Mud mortar cum 39.00
(viii) Scarping plaster in lime or cement mortar from brick/ stone masonry sqm 6.00
Removing all type of hume pipes and stacking within a lead of 1000 metres
including earthwork and dismantling of masonry works.
A Up to 600 mm dia metre 68.00
B Above 600 mm to 900 mm dia metre 92.00
C Above 900 mm metre 157.00
Dismantling of Flexible Pavements (Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of
2.4 dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately)
I By Manual Means
A Bituminous courses cum 326.00
B Granular courses cum 244.00
II By Mechanical Means
A Bituminous course cum 175.00
Dismantling of Cement Concrete Pavement (Dismantling of cement concrete
pavement by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding
2.5 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled cum 964.00
materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials
Dismantling Guard Rails (Dismantling guard rails by manual means and disposal of
2.6 dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable metre 37.00
materials and unserviceable materials separately.)
Dismantling Kerb Stone (Dismantling kerb stone by manual means and disposal of
2.7 metre 9.00
dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metre)
Dismantling Kerb Stone channel (Dismantling kerb stone channel by manual means
2.8 and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metre) metre 13.00

Dismantling Kilometre Stone (Dismantling of kilometre stone including cutting of earth,

2.9 foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m and
back filling of pit.)
A 5th KM stone each 174.00
B Ordinary KM Stone each 100.00
C Hectometre Stone each 20.00
Dismantling of Fencing (Dismantling of barbed wire fencing/ wire mesh fencing
including posts, foundation concrete, back filling of pit by manual means including
2.10 metre 23.00
disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking
serviceable material and unserviceable material separately. )
Dismantling of CI Water Pipe Line (Dismantling of CI water pipe line 600 mm dia
including disposal with all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres and stacking of serviceable
2.11 metre 60.00
material and unserviceable material separately under supervision of concerned
Item No. Unit Rate
Removal of Cement Concrete Pipe of Sewer Gutter (Removal of cement concrete
pipe of sewer gutter 1500 mm dia under the supervision of concerned department
2.12 including disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres and stacking of metre 75.00
serviceable and unserviceable material separately but excluding earth excavation and
dismantling of masonry works.)
Removal of Telephone / Electric Poles and Lines (Removal of telephone / Electric
poles including excavation and dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the
2.13 supervision of concerned department, disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 each 81.00
metres and stacking the serviceable and unserviceable material separately)
Item No. Unit Rate

Excavation in Soil by Manual Means(Excavation for roadway in soil including loading
3.1 in truck for carrying of cut earth to embankment site with all lifts and lead upto1000 cum 73.00
Excavation in ordinary rock by Manual Means (Excavation in ordinary rock including
3.2 loading in a truck and carrying of excavated material to embankment site with in all lifts cum 101.00
and leads upto 1000 metres )
Excavation in Hard Rock (requiring blasting) with disposal upto 1000 metres
(Excavation for roadway in hard rock (requiring blasting) by drilling, blasting and
3.3 breaking, trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, cum 156.00
grades and cross sections, loading and disposal of cut road with in all lifts and leads upto
1000 metres )
Excavation in Soil using Hydraulic Excavator and Tippers with disposal upto 1000
metres. (Excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator of0.9 cum bucket
3.4 capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in cum 39.00
accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to
the embankment location within all lifts and lead upto 1000m)
Excavation in Ordinary Rockusing Hydraulic ExcavatorCK-90 and Tippers with
disposal upto 1000 metres. (Excavation for roadway in ordinary rock with hydraulic
excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, transporting
3.5 to embankment site within all lifts and lead upto 1000 m, trimming bottom and side slopes cum 52.00
in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections.)

Excavation in Hard Rock (blasting prohibited) (Excavation for roadway in hard rock
(blasting prohibited) with rock breakers including breaking rock, loading in tippers and
3.6 cum 278.00
disposal within all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres, trimming bottom and side slopes in
accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections.)
Excavation in Hard Rock (controlled blasting) with disposal upto 1000 metres
(Excavation for roadway in hard rock with controlled blasting by drilling, blasting and
3.7 breaking, trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, cum 162.00
grades and cross sections, loading and disposal of cut road with in all lifts and leads upto
1000 metres )
Excavation in Marshy Soil (Excavation for roadway in marshy soil with hydraulic
excavator 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers and disposal
3.8 cum 45.00
with in all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres, trimming of bottom and side slopes in
accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections.)
Removal of Unserviceable Soil with Disposal upto 1000 metres (Removal of
unserviceable soil including excavation, loading and disposal upto 1000 metres lead but
3.9 cum 40.00
excluding replacement by suitable soil which shall be paid separately as per clause 305.)

Scarifying Existing Granular Surface to a Depth of 50 mm by Manual Means

3.10 (Scarifying the existing granular road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of sqm 12.00
scarified material within all lifts and leads upto 1000 metres. )
Scarifying existing bituminous surface to a depth of 50 mm by mechanical means
3.11 (Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of sqm 3.00
scarified material with in all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres.)
Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits (Construction
of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads,
3.12 cum 130.00
transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet
requirement of table 300-2)
Item No. Unit Rate
Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cutting
(Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway
3.13 cum 60.00
cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and
compacted to meet requirement of table 300-2)
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders (Construction of subgrade and
earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts & leads,
3.14 cum 159.00
transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet
requirement of table No. 300-2)
Surface Drains in Soil (Construction of unlined surface drains of average cross
sectional area 0.40 sqm in soil to specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions to the
3.15 metre 26.00
requirement of clause 301 and 309. Excavated material to be used in embankment within
a lead of 50 metres (average lead 25 metres))
Sub Surface Drains with Perforated Pipe (Construction of subsurface drain with
perforated pipe of 100 mm internal diameter of metal/ asbestos cement/ cement
concrete/PVC, closely jointed, perforations ranging from 3 mm to 6 mm depending upon
3.16 287.00
size of material surrounding the pipe, with 150 mm bedding below the pipe and 300 mm
cushion above the pipe, cross section of excavation 450 x 550 mm. Excavated material
to be utilised in roadway at site )
Aggregate Sub- Surface Drains (Construction of aggregate sub surface drain 300 mm
3.17 x 450 mm with aggregates conforming to table 300-4, excavated material to be utilised in metre 84.00
roadway )
Construction of Rock fill Embankment (Construction of rock fill embankment with
broken hard rock fragments of size not exceeding 300 mm laid in layers not exceeding
3.18 500 mm thick including filling of surface voids with stone spalls, blinding top layer with cum 34.00
granular material, rolled with vibratory road roller, all complete as per clause 313)

Excavation in Hill Area in Soil by Mechanical Means (Excavation in soil in hilly area
3.19 by mechanical means including cutting and trimming of side slopes and disposing of cum 91.00
excavated earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres)
Excavation in Hilly Area in Ordinary Rock by Mechanical Means not Requiring
Blasting. (Excavation in hilly area in ordinary rock not requiring ballasting by mechanical
3.20 cum 137.00
means including cutting and trimming of slopes and disposal of cut material with all lift
and lead upto 1000 metres )
Excavation in Hilly Areas in Hard Rock Requiring Blasting (Excavation in hilly areas
3.21 in hard rock requiring blasting, by mechanical means including trimming of slopes and cum 198.00
disposal of cut material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres.)
Embankment Construction with Fly ash/Pond ash available from coal or lignite
burning Thermal Plants as waste material. (Construction of embankment with fly ash
conforming to table 1 of IRC: SP: 58 - 2001 obtained from coal or lignite burning thermal
3.22 power stations as waste material, spread and compacted in layer of 200mm thickness cum 102.00
each at OMC, all as specified in IRC: SP: 58-2001 and as per approved plans.)
Item No. Unit Rate

4.1 Granular Sub-base with Close Graded Material (Table:- 400-1)
Plant Mix Method (Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded
Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work
A site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting
with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 )

(i) for grading- I Material cum 860.00

(ii) for grading- II Material cum 869.00
(iii) for grading-III Material cum 868.00
By Mix in Place Method (Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded
material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by
mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401)
(i) for grading- I Material cum 461.00
(ii) for grading- II Material cum 470.00
(iii) for grading-III Material cum 469.00
Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material ( Table:- 400- 2) (Construction of
granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with
4.2 motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC,
and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
clause 401)
(i) for grading- I Material cum 521.00
(ii) for grading- II Material cum 526.00
(iii) for grading-III Material cum 535.00
Lime Stabilisation for Improving Subgrade (Laying and spreading available soil in the
subgrade on a prepared surface, pulverising, mixing the spread soil in place with
4.3 rotavator with 3 % slaked lime having minimum content of 70% of CaO, grading with
motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to the desired density to form a
layer of improved sub grade)
A By Mechanical Means cum 366.00
B By Manual Means cum 345.00
Lime Treated Soil for Sub- Base (Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared
sub grade, pulverising, mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator with 3 % slaked lime
4.4 with minimum content of 70% of CaO, grading with motor grader and compacting with cum 445.00
the road roller at OMC to achieve at least 98%of the max dry density to form a layer of
sub base.)
Cement Treated Soil Sub Base/ Base (Providing, laying and spreading soil on a
prepared sub grade, pulverising, adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread
4.5 soil, mixing in place with rotavator, grading with the motor grader and compacting with cum 612.00
the road roller at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength and to
form a layer of sub-base/base.)
Cement Treated Crushed Rock or combination as per clause 403.2 and table
400.4in Sub base/ Base (Providing, laying and spreading Material on a prepared sub
grade, adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread Material, mixing in place
4.6 with rotavator, grading with the motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC
to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength and to form a layer of sub-
(i) For Sub-Base course cum 978.00
(ii) For Base course cum 969.00
Item No. Unit Rate
Making 50 mm x 50 mm Furrows (Making 50 mm x 50 mm furrows, 25mm deep, 450
to the center line of the road and at one metre interval in the existing thin bituminous
wearing coarse including sweeping and disposal of excavated material within 1000
metres lead)
a) 25mm deep furrow cutting sqm 2.00
b) 50mm deep furrow cutting sqm 3.00
Water Bound Macadam (Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading
in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to
4.8 proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding
Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the
required density.)
A By Manual Means
(i) Grading- I (Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel)
(a) Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel cum 690.00
(b) Using Screening Type-A (13.2mm Agg.) cum 784.00
(ii) Grading- II (Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel)
(a) Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel cum 733.00
(b) Using Screening Type-A (13.2mm Agg.) cum 768.00
(c) Using Screening Type-B (11.2mm Agg.) cum 812.00
(iii) Grading- III (Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel)
(a) Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel cum 791.00
(b) Using Screening Type-B (11.2mm Agg.) cum 870.00
B By Mechanical Means:
(i) Grading- I (Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel)
(a) Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel cum 649.00
(b) Using Screening Type-A (13.2mm Agg.) cum 742.78
(ii) Grading- II (Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel)
(a) Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel cum 691.00
(b) Using Screening Type-A (13.2mm Agg.) cum 727.00
(c) Using Screening Type-B (11.2mm Agg.) cum 770.00
(iii) Grading- III (Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel)
(a) Using Screening Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel cum 750.00
(b) Using Screening Type-B (11.2mm Agg.) cum 829.00
Crushed Cement Concrete Sub-base / Base (Breaking and crushing of material
obtained by breaking damaged cement concrete slabs to size range not exceeding 75
mm as specified in table 400.7 transporting the aggregates obtained from breaking of
4.9 cement concrete slabs at a lead of L km., laying and compacting the same as sub base/ cum 131.00
base course, constructed as WBM to clause 404 except the use of screening or binding
Penetration Coat Over Top Layer of Crushed Cement Concrete Base (Spraying of
bitumen over cleaned dry surface of crushed cement concrete base at the rate of 25 kg
4.10 per 10 sqm by a bitumen pressure distributor, spreading of key aggregates at the rate of sqm 14.00
0.13 cum per 10 sqm by a mechanical gritter and rolling the surface as per clause
Wet Mix Macadam (Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone
aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water
4.11 at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in cum 1094.00
uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and
compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density.)
Item No. Unit Rate
Construction of Median and Island with Soil Taken from Roadway Cutting
(Construction of Median and Island above road level with approved material deposited at
4.12 cum 71.00
site from roadway cutting and excavation for drain and foundation of other structures,
spread, graded and compacted as per clause 407)
Construction of Median and Island with Soil Taken from Borrow Areas
4.13 (Construction of median and Island above road level with approved material brought from cum 149.00
borrow pits, spread, sloped and compacted as per clause 407)
4.14 Construction of Shoulders (A. Earthen Shoulders)
A. Earthen Shoulders
The rate as applicable for sub-grade construction may be adopted.
B. Hard Shoulders
Rate as applicable for sub-base and or base may be adopted as per approved design.

C. Paved shoulders
The rate may be adopted as applicable for different layers of pavement depending upon
approved design of paved shoulders.
Footpaths and Separators (Construction of footpath/separator by providing a 150 mm
compacted granular sub base as per clause 401 and 25 mm thick cement concrete grade
4.15 sqm 394.00
M15, over laid with precast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1:3 including provision of all
drainage arrangements but excluding kerb channel..)
Crusher Run Macadam Base (Providing crushed stone aggregate, depositing on a
prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading and mixing with a motor grader,
watering and compacting with a vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of sub-
A By Mix in Place Method
(i) For 53 mm maximum size cum 705.00
(ii) For 45 mm maximum size cum 739.00
B By Mixing Plant :
(i) For 53 mm maximum size cum 1034.00
(ii) For 45 mm maximum size cum 669.00
Lime, Fly ash stabalised soil sub-base (Construction of Sub-base using lime - fly
ash admixture with granular soil, free from organic matter/ deleterious material or
clayey silts and low plasticity clays having PI between 5 and 20 and liquid limit
less than 25 and commercial dry lime, slaked at site or pre-slaked with CaO
4.17 content not less than 50%, fly ash to conform to gradation as per clause 4.3 of cum 441.00
IRC: 88-1984, lime + fly ash content ranging between 10 to 30%, the minimum un-
confined compressive strength and CBR value after 28 days curing and 4 days
soaking to be 7.5kg/sq, cm and 25% respectively, all as specified in IRC: 88-1984. )
Item No. Unit Rate

Prime coat (Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared
5.1 surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the sqm 19.00
rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means.)
Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure
5.2 distributor on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom
and as per relevant clauses of section-503.
(i) @ 0.25 kg per sqm (normal bituminous surfaces) sqm 8.00
@ 0.30 kg per sqm (dry & hungry bituminous surfaces/granular surfaces treated
(ii) sqm 10.00
with primer)
(iii) @ 0.35 kg per sqm (Non-bituminous surfaces) cement concrete pavement. sqm 11.00
(iv) @ 0.40 kg per sqm (Non-bituminous surfaces) granular base not primed. sqm 13.00
Bituminous Macadam (Providing and laying bituminous macadam using crushed
aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site, laid
5.3 over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level and
alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction)

Using 100-120 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading I ( 40 mm nominal size ) cum 4331.00
(ii) for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) cum 4327.00
Using 40-60 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading I ( 40 mm nominal size ) cum 3988.00
(ii) for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) cum 3984.00
Bituminous Penetration Macadam (Construction of penetration macadam over
prepared Base by providing a layer of compacted crushed coarse aggregate using chips
5.4 spreader with alternate applications of bituminous binder and key aggregates and rolling
with a smooth wheeled steel roller 8-10 tonne capacity to achieve the desired degree of
A 50 mm thick sqm 214.00
B 75 mm thick sqm 285.00
Built-Up-Spray Grout (Providing, laying and rolling of built-up-spray grout layer over
prepared base consisting of a two layer composite construction of compacted crushed
coarse aggregates using motor grader for aggregates. key stone chips spreader may be
5.5 used with application of bituminous binder after each layer, and with key aggregates sqm 162.00
placed on top of the second layer to serve as a Base conforming to the line, grades and
cross-section specified, the compacted layer thickness being 75 mm)

Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam (Providing and laying dense bituminous

macadam using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder @ 4.0 to 4.5% by weight of total mix of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to
5.6 work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required
grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 507 complete in
all respects.)
Item No. Unit Rate
Using 100-120 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading I ( 40 mm nominal size ) cum 5243.00
(ii) for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) cum 5264.00
Using 40-60 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading I ( 40 mm nominal size ) cum 5063.00
(ii) for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) cum 5084.00
Semi - Dense Bituminous Concrete (Providing and laying semi dense bituminous
concrete using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder
@ 4.5 to 5 % of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a
5.7 hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 508 complete in all respects)

Using 100-120 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading I ( 35-40 mm thickness )with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30) cum 5454.00
(ii) for Grading I ( 35-40 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 5758.00
(iii) for Grading I ( 35-40 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 5884.22
(iv) for GradingII (25-30 mm thickness) with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30) cum 5820.00
(v) for Grading II ( 25-30 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 6157.00
(vi) for Grading II ( 25-30 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 6297.00
Using 40-60 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading I (35-40 mm thickness )with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30) cum 5274.00
(ii) for Grading I (35-40 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 5578.00
(iii) for Grading I (35-40 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 5704.00
(iv) for GradingII (25-30 mm thickness) with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30) cum 5640.00
(v) for Grading II (25-30 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 5977.00
(vi) for Grading II (25-30 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 6117.00
Bituminous Concrete (Providing and laying bituminous concrete using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 % of mix
and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher
5.8 with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth
wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects)
Using 100-120 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading-I ( 50-65 mm thickness ) with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30) cum 5962.00
(ii) for Grading I ( 50-65 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 6306.00
(iii) for Grading I ( 50-65 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 6450.00
(iv) for Grading-II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) with 60/70 bitumen(VG-30) cum 5960.00
(v) for Grading II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 6305.00
(vi) for Grading II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 6448.00
Using 40-60 TPH Batch mix Plant and Paver Finisher Hydraustatic with Sensor
(i) for Grading-I ( 50-65 mm thickness ) with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30) cum 5778.00
(ii) for Grading I ( 50-65 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 6123.00
(iii) for Grading I ( 50-65 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 6266.00
(iv) for Grading-II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) with 60/70 bitumen(VG-30) cum 5777.00
(v) for Grading II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) with CRBM-60 cum 6121.00
(vi) for Grading II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) with PMB-40/NRMB cum 6264.00
Item No. Unit Rate
Surface Dressing (Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in single
coat using crushed stone aggregates of specified size on a layer of bituminous binder
laid on prepared surface and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller)

Case -1 19 mm nominal chipping size sqm 52.00

Case - II 13 mm nominal size chipping sqm 44.00
Open - Graded Premix Surfacing (Providing, laying and rolling of open - graded
premix surfacing of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates either
using penetration grade bitumen or cut-back or emulsion to required line, grade and level
5.10 to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable
plant, laying and rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, finished to
required level and grades.)
Case - I: Mechanical method using Penetration grade Bitumen and HMP of
(i) sqm 87.00
appropriate capacity not less than 75 tonnes/hour .
(ii) Case - II: Open-Graded Premix Surfacing using cationic Bitumen Emulsion sqm 104.00
Close Graded Premix Surfacing/Mixed Seal Surfacing (Mechanical means using
HMP of appropriate capacity not less than 75 tonnes/hour. Providing, laying and
rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness composed
of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-a) or 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-b) aggregates
5.11 using penetration grade bitumen to the required line, grade and level to serve as
wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable
plant, laying and rolling with a Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, and
finishing to required level and grade. )

a) with 60/70 butumen (VG-30) sqm 110.00

b) with CRMB-60 sqm 117.00
c) with PMB-50/NRMB sqm 120.00
Seal Coat (Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid
5.12 to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using Type A and B seal coats)

(i) Case - I : Type A sqm 39.00

Case - II : Type B (Providing and laying of premix sand seal coat with HMP of
(ii) appropriate capacity not less than 75 tonnes/ hours using crushed stone chipping 6.7 sqm 32.00
mm size and penetration bitumen of suitable grade.)
Mastic Asphalt (Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing course with
paving grade bitumen meeting the requirements given in table 500-29, prepared by using
mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after cleaning the surface, including
providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated fine-grained hard stone chipping of
5.13 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of 0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an approximate sqm 378.00
spacing of 10 cm center to center in both directions, pressed into surface when the
temperature of surfaces not less than 1000C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic
surface, all complete as per clause 515.)
Slurry Seal Providing and laying slurry seal consisting of a mixture of fine aggregates,
portland cement filler, bituminous emulsion and water on a road surface including
cleaning of surface, mixing of slurry seal in a suitable mobile plant, laying and compacting
to provide even riding surface)
(i) 5 mm thickness sqm 40.00
(ii) 3 mm thickness sqm 27.00
(iii) 1.5 mm thickness sqm 17.00
Item No. Unit Rate
Recycling of Bituminous Pavement with Central Recycling Plant (Recycling
pavement by cold milling of exiting bituminous layers, planning the surface after cold
milling, reclaiming excavated material to the extent of 30 % of the required quantity,
hauling and stock piling the reclaimed material near the central recycling plant after
5.15 carrying out necessary checks and evaluation, adding fresh material including cum 4351.00
rejuvenators as required, mixing in a hot mix plant, transporting and laying at site and
compacting to the required grade, level and thickness, all as specified in clause 517.)

Sand Asphalt Base Course (Providing, laying and rolling sand-asphalt base course
composed of sand, mineral filler and bituminous binder on a prepared sub-grade or sub-
5.16 cum 5384.00
base to the lines, levels, grades and cross sections as per the drawings including mixing in
a plant of suitable type and capacity, transporting, laying, compacting and finishing.)

5.17 Crack Prevention Courses

Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) crack width less than 6 mm (Providing and laying
of a stress absorbing membrane over a cracked road surface, with crack width below 6
mm after cleaning with a mechanical broom, using modified binder complying with clause
(i) sqm 39.00
521, sprayed at the rate of 9 kg per 10 sqm and spreading 5.6 mm crushed stone
aggregates @ 0.11 cum per 10 sqm with hydraulic chip spreader, sweeping the surface for
uniform spread of aggregates and surface finished to conform to clause 902.)

Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) with crack width 6 mm to 9 mm (Providing and

laying of a stress absorbing membrane over a cracked road surface, with crack width 6 to 9
mm after cleaning with a mechanical broom, using modified binder complying with clause
(ii) sqm 48.00
521, sprayed at the rate of 11 kg per 10 sqm and spreading 11.2 mm crushed stone
aggregates @ 0.12 cum per 10 sqm, sweeping the surface for uniform spread of
aggregates and surface finished to conform to clause 902.)
Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) crack width above 9 mm and cracked area
above 50 % (Providing and laying a single coat of a stress absorbing membrane over a
cracked road surface, with crack width above 9 mm and cracked area above 50 % after
(iii) cleaning with a mechanical broom, using modified binder complying with clause 521, sqm 64.00
sprayed at the rate of 15 kg per 10 sqm and spreading 11.2 mm crushed stone aggregates
@ 0.12 cum per 10 sqm, sweeping the surface for uniform spread of aggregates and
surface finished to conform to clause 902.)

Case - IV : Bitumen Impregnated Geotextile (Providing and laying a bitumen

impregnated geotextile layer after cleaning the road surface, geotextile conforming to
(iv) sqm 236.00
requirements of clause 704.3, laid over a tack coat with 1.05 kg per sqm of paving grade
bitumen 80 - 100 penetration and constructed to the requirement of clause 704.4.5)
labour only for Laying and rolling of Bituminous coursesi/c primer and tack
coat (excluding cost of bitumen & metal) with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10
tonne capacity i/c hire charges & running expenses, finished to required level
and grades and as per relevant clauses of section-500.
i) 20mm Open Graded Premix Carpet sqm 12.50
ii) 75mm Built-up Spray Grout sqm 15.50

Providing, laying and rolling of open - graded premix surfacing of 20 mm thickness

composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates using 60/70 grade bitumen, including PCC as
a integral part of it, to required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a
5.19 Cum. 4350.00
previously prepared base, including mixing in hot mix plant, laying with paver finisher and
rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, finished to required level and
grades excluding primer and tack coat and as per relevant clauses of section-500.

NOTE This item shall be executed only after prior approval of the C.E.
Item No. Unit Rate

Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing / mixed seal surfacing
material of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-b) aggregates using
penetration grade bitumen, including PCC as a integral part of it, to the required line,
5.20 grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including
mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne
capacity, and finishing to required level and grade and as per relevant clauses of section-
Type-B aggregate
with 60/70 butumen Cum. 5500.00
NOTE This item shall be executed only after prior approval of the C.E.
Item No. Unit Rate

Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub- base (Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub-
base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383,
the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to
exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement
6.1 content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined cum 2103.00
during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days,
mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor,
compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing.)

Cement Concrete Pavement (Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain

cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg
per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved
mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread,
6.2 compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, cum 4782.00
expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant
primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing )

Rolled Cement Concrete Base (Construction of rolled cement concrete base course
with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS:383, the size of coarse aggregate not
exceeding 25 mm with minimum, aggregate cement ratio15:1 and minimum cement
content of 200 kg/cum, aggregate gradation to be as per table 600-4 after blending,
6.3 mixing in batching plant at optimum moisture content, transporting to site, laying with a cum 2418.00
paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes smooth wheeled vibratory
roller to achieve, the designed flexural strength, finishing and curing.)

Construction of Base/Sub-base of pavement with lean concrete - fly ash.

(Construction of Base/sub-base using cement, sand, fly ash and coarse aggregates
proportioned as per table 4 of IRC: 74/1979 and with water content ratio, slump and
compressive strength as defined in the said table, mix prepared in a batching and mixing
6.4 plant and compacted with a vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes capacity within the time limit laid cum 2026.00
down vide clause 7.6.3 of IRC: 74-1979, construction joints properly formed at the end of
day's work, cured for 14 days, all as specified in IRC: 74-1979 and as per approved
Cement - Fly ash concrete pavement. (Construction reinforced-reinforced, dowel
jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, replacing cement by fly ash to the extent of 15% and
sand by 10%, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design,
6.5 transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and cum 4778.00
finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion,
construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint
sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound,
finishing to lines and grades as per drawing )

6.6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe 300mm dia NP-4 for
RM 385.00
service ducts below concrete pavement.
Item No. Unit Rate
6.7 Providing, fixing and lowering, laying and jointing Double Walled Corrugated
(DWC) Pipes of HDPE in 6m. length bar with IS-14930-II in prepared trenches
in grade and level including cost of couplers and testing of pipes at factory as per
the stipulation in relevant IS codes etc. complete.
i) 145mm outer diameter / 123mm inner diameter RM 339.00
ii) 200mm outer diameter / 174mm inner diameter RM 518.00
Item No. Unit Rate

Sub- Surface Drain with Geotextiles (Construction of sub surface drain 200 mm dia
using geotextiles treated with carbon black with physical properties as given in clause
7.1 702.2.3 formed in to a stable network and a planar geocomposite structure, joints metre 733.00
wrapped with geotextile to prevent ingress of soil, all as per clause 702 and approved
drawings including excavation and backfilling)
Narrow Filter Sub- Surface Drain (Construction of a narrow filter sub- surface drain
consisting of porous or perforated pipe laid in narrow trench surrounded by a geotextile
7.2 metre 455.00
filter fabric, with a minimum of 450 mm overlap of fabric and installed as per clause 702.3
and 309.3.5 including excavation and backfilling)
Laying Paving Fabric Beneath a Pavement Overlay (Providing and laying paving
fabric with physical requirements as per table 704-2 over a tack coat of paving grade
Bitumen 80-100 penetration, laid at the rate of 1 kg per sqm over thoroughly cleaned and
7.3 repaired surface to provide a water resistant membrane and crack retarding layer. sqm 123.00
Paving fabric to be free of wrinkling and folding and to be laid before cooling of tack coat,
brooming and rolling of surface with pneumatic roller to maximise paving fabric contact
with pavement surface)
Laying Boulder Apron in Crates of Synthetic Geogrids (Providing, preparing and
laying of geogrid crated apron 1 m x 5 m, 600 mm thick including excavation and
backfilling with baffles at 1 metre interval, made with geogrids having characteristics as
per clause 704.2, joining sides with connectors/ring staples, top corners to be tie
tensioned, placing of suitable cross interval ties in layers of 300 mm connecting opposite
7.4 side with lateral braces and tied with polymer braids to avoid bulging, constructed as per cum 554.00
clause 704.3. filled with stone with minimum size of 200 mm and specific gravity not less
than 2.65, packed with stone spalls, keyed to the foundation recess in case of sloping
ground and laid over a layer of geotextile to prevent migration of fines, all as per clause
704 and laid as per clause 2503.3 and approved design.)

Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall (Reinforced earth retaining walls have four main
components as under: a) Excavation for foundation, foundation concrete and cement
concrete grooved seating in the foundation for facing elements (facia material). b) Facia
material and its placement. c) Assembling, joining with facing elements and laying of the
reinforcing elements. d) Earthfill with granular material which is to be retained by the
(i) Facing elements of RCC sqm 977.00
(ii) Assembling, joining and laying of reinforcing elements.
A With reinforcing element of steel / Aluminium strips / polymeric strips.
Type 1 1.Galvanised carbon steel strips metre 333.00
Type 2 2.Copper Strips metre 267.00
Type 3 3.Aluminium Strips metre 267.00
Type 4 4.Stainless steel strips metre 267.00
Type 5 5.Glass reinforced polymer/fibre reinforced polymer/polymeric strips metre 399.00
B With reinforcing elements of synthetic geogrids sqm 204.00
Item No. Unit Rate

Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M20 kerb (Construction of cement concrete kerb with
top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade PCC on
8.1 M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb
stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all
complete as per clause 408)
A Using Concrete Mixer metre 173.00
B Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant metre 176.00
Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb with Channel (Construction of cement
concrete kerb with channel with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250
mm high in M 20 grade PCC on M10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, kerb channel 300
8.2 mm wide, 50 mm thick in PCC M20 grade, sloped towards the kerb, kerb stone with
channel laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as
per clause 408)
A Using Concrete Mixer metre 320.00
B Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant metre 330.00
Printing new letter and figures of any shade (Printing new letter and figures of any
8.3 shade with synthetic enamel paint black or any other approved colour to give an even
Hindi ( Matras commas and the like not to be measured and paid for Half letter shall
cm height
(i) be counted as half ) 0.50
per letter
English and Roman
cm height
(ii) 0.30
per letter
Retro- reflectorised Traffic signs (Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised
cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of encapsulated lens
type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick
8.4 supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the
ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45
cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing)

(i) 90 cm equilateral triangle each 3416.00

( ii ) 60 cm equilateral triangle each 2242.00
( iii ) 60 cm circular each 3010.00
( iv ) 80 mm x 60 mm rectangular each 4202.00
(v) 60 cm x 45 cm rectangular each 2932.00
(vi ) 60 cm x 60 cm square each 3476.00
( vii ) 90 cm high octagon each 5364.00
Direction and Place Identification signs upto 0.9 sqm size board. (Providing and
erecting direction and place identification retro-reflectorised sign asper IRC:67 made of
encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium
8.5 sheeting, 2 mm thick with area not exceeding 0.9 sqm supported on a mild steel single sqm 7490.00
angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed
foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 x 45 x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level
as per approved drawing)
Item No. Unit Rate
Direction and Place Identification signs with size more than 0.9 sqm size board.
(Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro- reflectorised sign asper
IRC :67 made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick with area exceeding 0.9 sqm supported on a mild steel
8.6 angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm, 2 Nos. firmly fixed to the ground by means of sqm 12935.00
properly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement concrete45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm,
60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing)

Painting Two Coats on New Concrete Surfaces (Painting two coats after filling the
8.7 surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered concrete surfaces) sqm 42.00

Painting on Steel Surfaces (Providing and applying two coats of ready mix paint of
8.8 approved brand on steel surface after through cleaning of surface to give an even shade) sqm 43.00

Painting Lines, Dashes, Arrows etc on Roads in Two Coats on New Work
(Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in two coats on new work with ready mixed
8.9 road marking paint conforming to IS:164 on bituminous surface, including cleaning the
surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control )

(i) Over 10 cm in width sqm 58.00

(ii) Up to 10 cm in width sqm 50.00
Painting Lines, Dashes, Arrows etc on Roads in Two Coats on Old Work (Painting
lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in two coats on old work with ready mixed road
8.10 marking paint confirming to IS: 164 on bituminous surface, including cleaning the surface
of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control )

(i) Over 10 cm in width sqm 38.00

(ii) Up to 10 cm in width sqm 41.00
Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising
Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface (Providing and laying of hot applied
thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms
8.11 per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per sqm 717.00
IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.)

Kilo Metre Stone (Reinforced cement concrete M15grade kilometre stone of standard
8.12 design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc)

(i) 5th kilometre stone (precast) each 2146.00

(ii) Ordinary Kilometer stone (Precast) each 1295.00
(iii) Hectometer stone (Precast) each 369.00
Road Delineators (Supplying and installation of delineators (road way indicators,
hazard markers, object markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level, painted black and
8.13 white in 15 cm wide stripes, fitted with 80 x 100 mm rectangular or 75 mm dia circular each 271.00
reflectorised panels at the top, buried or pressed into the ground and confirming toIRC-
79 and the drawings.)
Boundary pillar (Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade boundary pillars of standard
8.14 design as per IRC:25-1967, fixed in position including finishing and lettering but excluding each 313.00
Item No. Unit Rate
G.I Barbed wire Fencing 1.2 metre high (Providing and fixing 1.2 metres high GI
barbed wire fencing with 1.8 m angle iron posts 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm placed every 3
metres center to center founded in M15 grade cement concrete, 0.6 metre below ground
8.15 level, every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both metre 198.00
sides and end post on one side only and provided with 9 horizontal lines and 2 diagonals
interwoven with horizontal wires, fixed with GI staples, turn buckles etc complete as per
clause 807 )
G.I Barbed wire Fencing 1.8 metre high (Providing and fixing 1.8 metres high GI
barbed wire fencing with 2.4 m angle iron posts 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm placed every 3
metres center to center founded in M15 grade cement concrete, 0.6 metre below ground
8.16 level, every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both metre 328.00
sides and end post on one side only and provided with 12 horizontal lines and 2
diagonals interwoven with horizontal wires, fixed with GI staples, turn buckles etc
complete as per clause 807 )
Fencing with welded steel wire Fabric 75 mm x 50 mm (Suggestive) (Providing 1.20
metre high fencing with angle iron posts 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm at 3 metre center to
center with 0.40 metre embedded in M15 grade cement concrete, corner, end and every
8.17 10th post to be strutted, provided with welded steel wire fabric of 75 mm x 50 mm mesh metre 466.00
or 75 mm x 25 mm mesh and fixed to iron posts by flat iron 50 x 5 mm and bolts etc.
complete in all respects.)
Tubular Steel Railing on Medium Weight steel channel ( ISMC series) 100 mm x 50
mm (Providing, fixing and erecting 50 mm dia steel pipe railing in 3 rows duly painted on
8.18 medium weight steel channels (ISMC series) 100 mm x 50 mm, 1.2 metres high above metre 1480.00
ground, 2 m centre to centre, complete as per approved drawings)

Tubular Steel Railing on Precast RCC posts, 1.2 m high above ground level
(Providing, fencing and erecting 50 mm dia painted steel pipe railing in 3 rows on precast
8.19 M20 grade RCC vertical posts1.8 metres high (1.2 m above GL) with 3 holes 50 mm dia metre 1143.00
for pipe, fixed 2 metres centre to, complete as per approved drawing)

Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier (Provision of an Reinforced cement

concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and
medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to
IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-
8.20 moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per
design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24
June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the
Engineer, all as specified)
(i) M 20 grade concrete metre 2588.00
8.21 Metal Beam Crash Barrier
Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a "W" metal
beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm
above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm
spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts
A and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and metre 2926.00
IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel
section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 810)
Item No. Unit Rate
Type - B, "THRIE" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a "Thrie"
metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail,
85 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x
5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 2 m high with 1.15 m below ground level, all steel
B parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 metre 3999.00
and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a space of channel
section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 546 mm long complete as per clause 810)

Flexible Crash Barrier, Wire Rope Safety Barrier (Providing and erecting a wire rope
safety barrier with vertical posts of medium weight RS Joist (ISMB series) 100 mm x 75
mm (11.50 kg/m), 1.50 m long 0.85 m above ground and 0.65 m below ground level, split
at the bottom for better grip, embedded in M 15 grade cement concrete 450 x 450 x 450
mm, 1.50 m center to center and with 4 horizontal steel wire rope 40 mm dia and
8.22 anchored at terminal posts 15 m apart. Terminal post to be embedded in M 15 metre 1934.00
gradecementconcretefoundation2400 x 450 x 900 mm (depth), strengthened by a strut of
RS joist 100 x 75 mm, 2 m long at 450 inclination and a tie 100 x 8 mm, 1.50 m long at
the bottom, all embedded in foundation concrete as per approved design and drawing,
rate excluding excavation and cement concrete.)

Cable Duct Across the Road (Providing and laying of a reinforced cement concrete
pipe duct, 300 mm dia, across the road (new construction), extending from drain to drain
in cuts and toe of slope to toe of slope in fills, constructing head walls at both ends,
providing a minimum fill of granular material over top and sides of RCC pipe as per
8.23 IRC:98-1997, bedded on a 0.3 m thick layer of granular material free of rock pieces,
outer to outer distance of pipe at least half dia of pipe subject to minimum 450 mm in
case of double and triple row ducts, joints to be made leak proof, invert level of duct to be
above higher than ground level to prevent entry of water and dirt, all as per IRC: 98 -
1997 and approved drawings.)
(i) Single Row for one utility service metre 1202.00
(ii) Double Row for two utility services metre 2239.00
(iii) Triple Row for three utility services metre 3284.00
Road Markers/Road Stud with Lense Reflector (Providing and fixing of road stud
100x 100 mm, die cast in aluminium, resistant to corrosive effect of salt and grit, fitted
8.24 with lense reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic surface by drilling hole 30 mm upto each 668.00
a depth of 60 mm and bedded in a suitable bituminous grout or epoxy mortar, all as per
BS 873 part 4:1973)
Traffic Cone (Provision of red fluorescent with white reflective sleeve traffic cone made
of low density polyethylene (LDPE) material with a square base of 390 x 390 x 35 mm
8.25 each 195.00
and a height of 770 mm, 4 kg in weight, placed at 1.5 m interval, all as per BS 873)

Portable Barricade in Construction Zone (Installation of a steel portable barricade

with horizontal rail 300 mm wide, 2.5 m in length fitted on a 'A' frame made with 45 x 45
x 5 mm angle iron section, 1.5 m in height, horizontal rail painted (2 coats) with yellow
8.26 each 2115.00
and white stripes, 150 mm in width at an angle of 450, 'A' frame painted with 2 coats of
yellow paint, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001 )

8.27 Permanent Type Barricade in Construction Zone

With Steel Components (Construction of a permanent type barricade made of steel
components, 1.5 m high from road level, fitted with 3 horizontal rails 200 mm wide and
A 4 m long on 50 x 50 x 5 mm angle iron vertical support, painted with yellow and white each 3384.00
strips, 150 mm in width at an angle of450, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001 )
Item No. Unit Rate
With Wooden Components (Construction of a permanent type barricade made of
wooden components, 1.5 m high from road level, fitted with 3 horizontal planks 200
B mm wide and 3.66 m long on 100 x 100mm wooden vertical post, painted with yellow each 3675.00
and white striups, 150 mm in width at an angle of450, complete as per IRC:SP:55-
2001 )
With Bricks (Construction of a permanent type barricade made with brick work in
C mud mortar, 1.5 m high, 4 m long, 600 mm thick, plastered with cement mortar 1:6, each 6073.00
painted with yellow and white strips)
Drum Delineator in Construction Zone (Provision of metal drum/empty bitumen drum
delineator, 300 mm in diameter, 800 mm high, filled with earth for stability, painted in
8.28 each 383.00
circumferential strips of alternate black and white 100 mm wide fitted with reflectors 3
Nos of 7.5 cm dia, all as per IRC:SP:55-2001)
Flagman (Positioning of a smart flagman with a yellow vest and a yellow cap and a red
8.29 flag 600 x 600 mm securely fastened to a staff 1 m in length for guiding the traffic) each 348.00

Providing and fixing guard stones 220x220x1000mm made of hammer dressed

stones and fixed 400mm into the ground in moorum and broken aggregates
8.30 each 235.00
block of size 500x500x500 mm and given two coats of paints with white and
black bands i/c excavation etc. complete.
Item No. Unit Rate

PCC 1:3:6 in Foundation (Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 mix with crushed stone
9.1 aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and cum 2518.00
compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days.)
Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipe NP4/prestrssed concrete pipe on first
class bedding in single row . (Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe
NP4/prestrssed concrete pipe for culverts on first class bedding of granular material (cost
9.2 of bedding included) in single row including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head walls and parapets . )
A 1000 mm dia metre 5675.00
B 1200 mm dia metre 8228.00
Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipe NP 4 /prestrssed concrete pipe on first
class bedding in double row . (Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe
NP4 /prestrssed concrete pipe for culverts on first class bedding of granular material
9.3 (cost of bedding included) in double row including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head walls and parapets . )
A 1000 mm dia metre 11418.00
B 1200 mm dia metre 16528.00
Providing concrete craddle bedding in M-15 grade concrete as per clause 2900 and as
9.4 cum 3285.00
per section 1700 and 2900.
Item No. Unit Rate

Filling Pot- holes and Patch Repairs with open - graded Premix surfacing, 20mm.
(Removal of all failed material, trimming of completed excavation to provide firm vertical
faces, cleaning of surface, painting of tack coat on the sides and base of excavation as
10.1 per clause 503, back filling the pot holes with hot bituminous material as per clause 511, sqm 87.00
compacting, trimming and finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous surface, all
as per clause 3004.2)
Repair of joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar Repair of spalled joint grooves of
10.2 contraction joints, longitudinal joints and expansion joints in concrete pavements using metre 1066.00
epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete)
Repair of old Joints Sealant (Removal of existing sealant and re sealing of contraction,
10.3 longitudinal or expansion joints in concrete pavement with fresh sealant material) metre 16.00

Land Slide Clearance in soil (Clearance of land slides in soil and ordinary rock by a
10.4 cum 40.00
bull-dozer D 80 A-12, 180 HP and disposal of the same on the valley side)
Land slide Clearance in Hard Rock Requiring Blasting (Clearing of land slide in hard
10.5 rock requiring blasting for 50% of the boulders and disposal of the same on the valley cum 90.00
Providing painting, figuring and numbering as per IRC specifications complete with
Synthetic Enamal Paint for 5th Km. Stone.
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 246.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 187.00
Providing painting, figuring and numbering as per IRC specifications complete with
Synthetic Enamal Paint for ordinary Km. Stone.
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 98.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 63.00
Providing painting, figuring and numbering as per IRC specifications complete with
Synthetic Enamal Paint for 0.2 Km. Stones or Boundary Stones.
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 25.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 16.00
Providing painting, figuring and numbering to culvert upto 6m. Span complete with
Synthetic Enamal Paint.
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 78.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 60.00
Providing painting, figuring and numbering to minor bridges upto 30m. Linear water-
way complete with Synthetic Enamal Paint .
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 104.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 90.00
Providing painting, figuring & numbering to major bridges, linear water-way
exceeding 30m. Complete with Synthetic Enamal Paint .
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 171.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 137.00
Providing painting to angle Iron posts of road sign boards complete with Synthetic
Enamal Paint.
(i) Two coats on new work. Each 73.00
(ii) One coat on old work. Each 67.00
10.13 Providing painting and figuring of road sign boards (excluding posts/kerbs)
(i) Two coats on new board. sqm 217.00
(ii) One coat on old board. sqm 189.00
Item No. Unit Rate

a) Planting Permanent Hedges including Digging of Trenches (Planting
permanent hedges including digging of trenches, 60 cm wide and 45 cm deep, refilling
11.1 metre 163.00
the excavated earth mixed with farmyard manure, supplied at the rate of 4.65 cum per
100 metres and supplying and planting hedge plants at 30 cm apart)
Planting of Trees and their Maintenance for one Year (Planting of trees by the road
side (Avenue trees) in 0.60 m dia holes, 1 m deep dug in the ground, mixing the soil
11.2 each 340.00
with decayed farm yard/sludge mannure, planting the saplings, backfilling the trench,
watering, fixing the tree guard and maintaining the plants for one year)
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard, in 2nd class Brick, internal diametre 1.25 metres,
and height 1.2 metres, above ground and 0.20 metre below ground (Half brick
circular tree guard, in 2nd class brick, internal diametre 1.25 metres, and height 1.2
11.3 metres, above ground and 0.20 metre below ground, bottom two courses laid dry, and each 738.00
top three courses in cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement 6 sand) and the intermediate
courses being in dry honey comb masonry, as per design complete)

Edging with 2nd class Bricks, laid dry lengthwise (Edging with 2nd class bricks,
laid dry lengthwise, including excavation, refilling, consolidation, with a hand
11.4 packing and spreading nearly surplus earth within a lead of 50 metres) metre 14.00

Tree Guard with MS Angle Iron and Steel Wire (Providing and fixing tree guard 0.60
metre square, 2.00 metre high fabricated with MS angle iron 30 x 30 x 3 mm, MS iron each tree
11.5 2014.00
25 x 3 mm and steel wire3 mm dia welded and fabricated as per design in two halves guard
bolted together)
Item No. Unit Rate

Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as per
drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom
and backfilling with approved material.)
I Ordinary soil
A Manual Means
(i) upto 3 m depth cum 50.00
(ii) 3 m to 6 m depth cum 64.00
(iii) Above 6 m depth cum 86.00
B Mechanical Means
(i) Depth upto 3 m cum 45.00
(ii) Depth 3 m to 6 m cum 51.00
(iii) Depth above 6m cum 61.00
II Ordinary rock (not requiring blasting)
A Manual Means
(i) Depth upto 3 m cum 71.00
B Mechanical Means cum 58.00
III Hard rock ( requiring blasting )Manual Means cum 275.00
IV Hard rock ( blasting prohibited )Mechanical Means cum 463.00
V Marshy soil
(i) upto 3 m depth cum 71.00
A Manual means cum 242.00
B Mechanical Means cum 71.00
VI Back Filling in Marshy Foundation Pits cum 196.00
Add extra as follows in the rates of the above items if dewatering is resorted to
a) upto 3 m depth 50% extra
b) beyond 3 m to 6 m depth 75% extra
c) Above 6 m depth 100% extra
Filling Annular Space Around Footing in Rock (Lean cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal
12.3 2795.00
mix. Rate may be taken as per items 12.4.)
Sand Filling in Foundation Trenches as per Drawing & Technical Specification
12.4 cum 993.00
PCC 1:3:6 in Foundation (Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix in foundation with
12.5 crushed stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in foundation cum 2795.00
and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days.)
Brick masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete excluding
12.6 cum 2833.00
pointing and plastering, as per drawing and technical specifications
12.7 Cement mortar1:3 (1cement :3 sand) cum 3196.00
B Cement mortar1:2 (1cement :2 sand) cum 3988.00
C Cement mortar1:4 (1cement :4 sand) cum 2671.00
D Cement mortar1:6 (1cement :6 sand) cum 2164.00
Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete as drawing and
Technical Specification
(a) Square Rubble Coursed rubble masonry( first sort ) cum 2799.00
(b) Random Rubble Masonry cum 2849.00
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open foundation complete as per drawing
and technical specifications
A PCC Grade M15 cum 3285.00
Item No. Unit Rate
B PCC Grade M20 cum 3751.00
Item No. Unit Rate
C RCC Grade M20
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 3793.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4316.00
D PCC Grade M25
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4136.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4660.00
E RCC Grade M25
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4183.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4704.00
F PCC Grade M30
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4169.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4687.00
G RCC Grade M30
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4196.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4718.00
H RCC Grade M35
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4285.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4803.00
Providing and laying cutting edge of mild steel weighing 40 kg per metre for well
12.10 tonne 63365.00
foundation complete as per drawing and technical specification.
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in well foundation complete as per drawing
and technical specification
A Well curb
(i) RCC M20 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4378.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4980.00
(ii) RCC M25 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4839.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5698.00
(iii) RCC M35 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4993.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5864.00
B Well steining
(I) PCC M15 Grade cum 3475.00
(ii) PCC M20 Grade cum 3968.00
(iii) RCC M20 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4013.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4565.00
(iv) PCC M25 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4385.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4941.00
(v) RCC M25 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4436.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5223.00
(vi) PCC M30 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4432.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4982.00
(vii) RCC M30 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4461.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5015.00
(viii) RCC M35 Grade
Case I Using concrete mixer cum 4577.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5375.00
Item No. Unit Rate
(ix) RCC M40 Grade 5439.00
C Bottom Plug
(i) PCC Grade M20
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4294.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4648.00
(ii) PCC Grade M25
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4533.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4885.00
(iii) PCC Grade M30
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4576.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4931.00
(iv) PCC Grade M35
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4677.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 5029.00
D Intermediate plug
(I) Grade M20 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4109.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4471.00
(ii) Grade M25 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4338.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4697.00
(iii) Grade M30 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4378.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4740.00
E Top plug
(i) Grade M15 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 3159.00
(ii) Grade M20 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 3608.00
(iii) Grade M25 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 3986.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4492.00
(iv) Grade M30 PCC
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4029.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump cum 4529.00
F Well cap
(i) RCC Grade M20
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 3750.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4272.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4183.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4705.00
(iii) RCC Grade M30
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4196.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4717.00
(iv) RCC Grade M35
Case I Using Concrete Mixer cum 4285.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4803.00
(v) RCC M40 Grade cum 5128.00
Sinking of 6 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
12.12 against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth
of sinking is reckoned from bed level.
Item No. Unit Rate
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 2830.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 4109.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 5427.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 10181.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) 12217.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m metre
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) 24192.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) metre 29030.00
Labour .
B Clayey soil ( 6m dia. Well )
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 4119.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 9346.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 12343.00
the previous meter
b) Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 12960.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 23151.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering of the cost, if required metre 30385.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 28938.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 55001.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 69302.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 66002.00
C Soft rock (6m dia well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 11177.00
D Hard rock (6m dia well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 12825.00
Sinking of 7 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
12.13 against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth
of sinking is reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 8656.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 5959.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 7870.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 14761.00
the previous meter
Item No. Unit Rate
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) metre 17713.00
Labour) .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 35068.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b) metre 42082.00
Labour etc.
B Clayey soil ( 7m dia. Well )
(I) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 5959.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 8635.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 11405.00
the previous meter
b) Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 11975.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 21393.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 28079.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 26742.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 50827.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 64043.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) 60993.00
C Soft rock ( 7m dia well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 10409.00
D Hard rock ( 7m dia well )
(i) Depth upto 3 m metre 14461.00
Sinking of 8 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth
of sinking is reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 5388.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 6677.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 8819.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 16542.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) metre 19850.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 5815.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b) metre 6977.00
Labour etc.
B Clayey soil ( 8m dia. Well )
(i) Depth upto 3.0 M metre 7289.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 10084.00
Item No. Unit Rate
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 13318.00
the previous meter
b) Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 13984.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 24982.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 32789.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 31228.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 59355.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 74787.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 71226.00
C Soft rock ( 8m dia well )
(i) Depth in soft rock strata upto 3m metre 11471.00
D Hard rock ( 8m dia well )
(i) Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m metre 14321.00
Sinking of 9 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth of
sinking is reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 5430.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 7332.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 9684.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 18164.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) metre 21797.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 43154.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b) metre 51785.00
Labour etc.
B Clayey soil ( 9m dia. Well )
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 7669.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 10878.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 14367.00
the previous meter
b) Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 15085.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 26949.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 35371.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 33687.00
Labour ).
Item No. Unit Rate
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 64027.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 80673.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 76832.00
C Soft rock ( 9m dia well )
(i) Depth upto 3m metre 14484.00
D Hard rock ( 9m dia well )
(i) Depth of hard rock strata upto 3 m metre 16704.00
Sinking of 10 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth
of sinking is reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 6614.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 7718.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 10191.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 19116.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) metre 22939.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 45416.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b) metre 54499.00
Labour etc.
B Clayey soil (10m dia. Well )
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 8284.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 10640.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 14053.00
the previous meter
b Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 14756.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 26359.00
the previous meter
'b Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 34597.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c metre 32949.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 62624.00
the previous meter
b Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 78906.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c 75149.00
C Soft rock (10m dia well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 14790.00
D Hard rock (10m dia well )
(i) Depth of hard rock strata upto 3 m metre 19666.00
Item No. Unit Rate
Sinking of 11 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
12.17 against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth
of sinking is reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth from bed level upto 3.0 M metre 15454.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 11523.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 15218.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 28545.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b metre 34254.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 67823.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b metre 81387.00
Labour etc.
B Clayey soil (11 m dia. Well )
(i) Depth from bed level upto 3.0 M metre 13814.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 21850.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 28856.00
the previous meter
b Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 30299.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 54125.00
the previous meter
b Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 71039.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c metre 67656.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 128591.00
the previous meter
b Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 162025.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c metre 154309.00
C Soft rock (11m dia well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 33102.00
D Hard rock (11m dia well )
(i) Depth of hard rock upto 3 m metre 44415.00
Sinking of 12 m external diameter well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking )
through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown
12.18 against each case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth
of sinking is reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) I) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 31561.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 35072.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 46319.00
the previous meter
Item No. Unit Rate
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 86881.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b metre 104257.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 206417.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b metre 247700.00
Labour etc.
B Clayey soil (12 m dia. Well )
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 34094.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 55306.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 73042.00
the previous meter
b Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 76694.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 137007.00
the previous meter
b Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 179822.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c metre 171259.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a metre 325508.00
the previous meter
b Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 410140.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c metre 390610.00
C Soft rock (12m dia well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 78224.00
D Hard rock (12m dia well )
(i) Depth of hard rock strata upto 3 m metre 103237.00
Sinking of Twin D Type well ( other than pneumatic method of sinking ) through all
types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil and rock as shown against each
12.19 case, complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is
reckoned from bed level.
A Sandy soil
(i) Depth from bed level upto 3.0 M metre 7175.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 7725.00
(iii) Beyond 10m upto 20m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 10203.00
the previous meter
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 19141.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
b) metre 22969.00
Labour .
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 45479.00
the previous meter
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement, and
b) metre 54574.00
Labour etc.
Item No. Unit Rate
B Clayey soil (Twin D Type Well )
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 M metre 8335.00
(ii) Beyond 3m upto 10m depth metre 11824.00
(iii) Beyond 10 m upto 20 m
Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 15616.00
the previous meter
b) Add for dewatering @ 5% of cost, if required. metre 16397.00
(iv) Beyond 20m upto 30 m
Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 29293.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering on the cost, if required metre 38447.00
Add 25% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 36616.00
Labour ).
(v) Beyond 30m upto 40 m
Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for
a) metre 69597.00
the previous meter
b) Add 5% of cost for dewatering, if required metre 87692.00
Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading arrangement and
c) metre 83516.00
C Soft rock (Twin D Type well )
(i) Depth of soft rock strata upto 3m metre 17370.00
D Hard rock (Twin D Type well )
(i) Depth of hard rock strata upto 3 m metre 21251.00
12.20 Sand filling in wells complete as per drawing and technical specifications cum 993.00
Providing steel liner 10 mm thick for curbs and 6mm thick for steining of wells
12.21 tonne 58170.00
including fabricating and setting out as per detailed drawing
Bored cast-in-situ M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding reinforcement complete as per
12.22 drawing and technical specifications and removal of excavated earth with all lifts metre 4622.00
and lead upto 1000 m. (Pile diameter-750 mm)
Bored cast-in-situ M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding reinforcement complete as per
12.23 drawing and technical specifications and removal of excavated earth with all lifts metre 7592.00
and lead upto 1000 m. (Pile diameter-1000 mm)
Bored cast-in-situ M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding reinforcement complete as per
12.24 drawing and technical specifications and removal of excavated earth with all lifts metre 9769.00
and lead upto 1000 m. (Pile diameter-1200 mm)
Driven cast-in-place vertical M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding reinforcement
12.25 complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Pile diameter - 750 mm) metre 4739.00

Driven cast-in-place vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement

12.26 complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Pile diameter - 1000 mm) metre 7075.00

Driven cast-in-place vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement

12.27 complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Pile diameter - 1200 mm) metre 9377.00

Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement complete
12.28 as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Pile Diameter=500 mm) metre 4118.00

Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement complete
12.29 as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Pile Diameter=750 mm) metre 4950.00

Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement complete
12.30 as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Pile Diameter=1000 mm) metre 6770.00
Item No. Unit Rate
Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement complete
12.31 as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Size of pile - 300 mm x 300 mm) metre 3360.00

Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement complete
12.32 as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Size of pile - 500 mm x 500 mm) metre 3782.00

Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding reinforcement complete
12.33 as per drawing and & Technical Specification (Size of pile - 750 mm x 750 mm) metre 5313.00

Driven vertical steel piles complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification
12.34 (Section of the pile - H Section steel column 400 x 250 mm (ISHB Series) ) metre 4258.00

Driven vertical steel piles complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification
12.35 (Section of the pile - H Section steel column 450 x 250 mm (ISHB Series) ) metre 4801.00

12.36 Pile load test on single vertical pile in accordance with IS:2911(Part-IV) tonne 364.00
Cement concrete for reinforced concrete in pile cap complete as per drawing and
Technical Specification
A RCC Grade M20
(i) Using Concrete Mixer cum 3753.00
(ii) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4289.00
B RCC Grade M25
(i) Using concrete mixer. cum 4167.00
(ii) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4707.00
C RCC Grade M30
(i) Using concrete mixer. cum 4220.00
(ii) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4755.00
D RCC Grade M35
(i) Using concrete mixer. cum 4329.00
(ii) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4869.00
Levelling course for Pile cap PCC in M-15 below Pile cap as per drawing and as
12.38 cum 3120.00
per section 1100 and 1700.
Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated HYSD bar reinforcement in foundation
12.39 tonne 46195.00
complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated Mild steel reinforcement complete in
12.40 tonne 46351.00
foundation as per drawing and technical specification
Taking, exploratory boring 100mm dia at the location of piers and abutments or
12.41 for high embankments in approaches in all types of strata as per IRC-78-1983 and
section 2400 of specifications.
a) Upto 1.0 m below bed level metre 2058.00
b) Beyond 1.0 m depth upto 5.0 m metre 2153.00
c) Beyond 5.0 m depth metre 2246.00
Providing and laying 1.5 m deep in rock and 1.5 m above rock 25mm dia tor steel
dowel bar in foundation including drilling 65mm dia bore hole in rock necessary
12.42 bending, hooking tying reinforcement in position and grouting etc. complete as each 883.00
per drawing and specifications.
Item No. Unit Rate

Brick masonry work in 1:3 in sub-structure complete excluding pointing and
13.1 cum 2854.00
plastering, as per drawing and technical specifications
13.1A Add extra to item 2.1A above if fly ash bricks are used. cum 208.00
Pointing with cement mortar (1:3 ) on brick work in substructure as per Technical
13.2 sqm 37.00
Plastering with cement mortar (1:3 ) on brick work in sub-structure as per
13.3 sqm 85.00
Technical specifications
Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 for substructure complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications
A Random Rubble Masonry cum 2924.00
B Coursed rubble masonry (first sort ) cum 3008.00
C Ashlar masonry ( first sort ) cum 3539.00
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub-structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications
A PCC Grade M15
(p) Height upto 5m cum 3475.00
B PCC Grade M20
(p) Height upto 5m cum 3968.00
C PCC Grade M25
(p) Height upto 5m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4385.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4941.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4544.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5121.00
(r) Height above 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4744.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5345.00
D PCC Grade M30
(p) Height upto 5m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4432.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4982.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4593.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5163.00
(r) Height above 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4794.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5389.00
E RCC Grade M20
(p) Height upto 5m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4013.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4565.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4159.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4731.00
(r) Height above 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4342.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 4939.00
F RCC Grade M25
(p) Height upto 5m
Item No. Unit Rate
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4436.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5223.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4581.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5394.00
(r) Height above 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4799.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5650.00
G RCC Grade M30
(p) Height upto 5m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4461.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5015.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4586.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5157.00
(r) Height above 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4765.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5357.00
H RCC Grade M35
(p) Height upto 5m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4577.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5375.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4677.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5493.00
(r) Height above 10m
Case I Using concrete Mixer cum 4826.00
Case II With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump cum 5669.00
Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure complete
13.6 tonne 46245.00
as per drawing and technical specifications
Supplying, fitting and placing Mild steel reinforcement complete in sub-structure
13.7 tonne 45932.00
as per drawing and technical specification
Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/Reinforced concrete abutment,
wing wall/return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full width of
13.8 the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per each 102.00
drawing and Technical specifications
Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification
A Granular material cum 437.00
B Sandy material cum 1071.00
Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH
specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards
13.10 the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface cum 755.00
behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm
condition complete as per drawing and technical specification.

Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level sliding plate bearing
with PTFE surface sliding on stainless steel complete including all accessories as tonne
13.11 per drawing and Technical Specifications and BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 (for 253.00
PTFE) and clause 2004 of MoRTH Specifications.
Item No. Unit Rate
Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level elastomeric bearing
conforming to IRC: 83 (Part-II) section IX and clause 2005 of MoRTH specifications cubic
13.12 complete including all accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications. centimetr 0.75
Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level sliding plate bearing
with stainless steel plate sliding on stainless steel plate with mild steel matrix tonne
13.13 complete including all accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications. 252.00

Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing
consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or unreinforced elastomer
confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface sliding
against stainless steel mating surface, completre assembly to be of cast tonne
13.14 steel/fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 87.00
83 part-I & II respectively and other parts conforming to BS: 5400, section 9.1 &
9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH Specifications complete asper drawing and
approved technical specifications.
Providing and fixing in position bituminous paper bearing for slabs as per
13.15 sqm 43.70
approved drawing and confirming to IS:1398.
Item No. Unit Rate

Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in super-
structure as per drawing and Technical Specification
A RCC Grade M20
Case I Using Concrete Mixer
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 4327.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 4508.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 4688.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 4508.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 4688.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 4868.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 4929.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5134.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5339.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5134.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5339.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5545.00
B RCC Grade M25
Case I Using Concrete Mixer
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 4805.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5005.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5206.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5005.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5206.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5406.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5412.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5638.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5863.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5638.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5863.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6089.00
C RCC Grade M 30
Case I Using Concrete Mixer
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 4877.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5080.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5283.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5080.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5283.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5487.00
Item No. Unit Rate
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump.
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5474.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5702.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5930.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5702.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5930.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6158.00
D RCC/PSC Grade M35
Case 1 Using concrete mixer.
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 18-28% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 4920.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5128.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5337.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 23-33% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5128.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5337.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5545.00
(iii) For box girder and balanced cantilever, 38-58% of cost of concrete.
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5754.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 6171.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6588.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 18-28% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5504.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5737.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5971.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 23-33% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5737.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5971.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6204.00
(iii) For box girder and balanced cantilever, 38-58% of cost of concrete.
(p) Height upto 5m cum 6437.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 6903.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 7370.00
E PSC Grade M-40
Case 1 Using concrete mixer.
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 20-30% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5367.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5590.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 5814.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 25-35% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5590.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 5814.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6037.00
Case II Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) For solid slab super-structure, 18-28% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 5840.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 6087.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6335.00
(ii) For T-beam & slab, 23-33% of (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 6087.00
Item No. Unit Rate
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 6335.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6582.00
(iii) For box girder and balanced cantilever, 38-58% of cost of concrete.
(p) Height upto 5m cum 6830.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 7325.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 7819.00
F PSC Grade M-45
For solid slab/voided slab super-structure, 16-26% of cost of concrete (a+b+c)
(p) Height upto 5m cum 6041.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 6301.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6562.00
For I-beam & slab including launching of precast girders by launching truss upto
40 m span, 21-31% of cost of concrete.
(p) Height upto 5m cum 6301.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 6562.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 6822.00
For cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction and balanced cantilever, 36-
56% of cost of concrete.
(p) Height upto 5m cum 7083.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 7603.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 8124.00
G PSC Grade M-50
For cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction and balanced cantilever, 35-
55% of cost of concrete
(p) Height upto 5m cum 7280.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 7819.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 8358.00
H PSC Grade M- 55
For cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction and balanced cantilever, 35-
55% of cost of concrete
(p) Height upto 5m cum 7671.00
(q) Height 5m to 10m cum 8239.00
(r) Height above 10m cum 8807.21
a) Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super-structure
14.2 tonne 46894.00
complete as per drawing and technical specifications
High tensile steel wires/strands including all accessories for stressing, stressing
14.3 operations and grouting complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications tonne 105346.00

Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including
14.4 cum 8099.00
reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications
Mastic Asphalt (Providing and laying 12 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing course on top
of deck slab excluding prime coat with paving grade bitumen meeting the requirements
given in table 500-29, prepared by using mastic cooker and laid to required level and
slope after cleaning the surface, including providing antiskid surface with bitumen
14.5 precoated fine grained hard stone chipping of 9.5 mm nominal size at the rate of sqm 202.00
0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm center to center in both
directions, pressed into surface when the temperature of surfaces not less than 100 deg.
C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, all complete as per clause 515.)
Item No. Unit Rate
Construction of precast RCC railing of M30 Grade, aggregate size not exceeding
12 mm, true to line and grade, tolurence of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in
14.6 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, metre 1316.00
leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion, complete as per
approved drawings and technical specifications.
Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm nominal size
aggregate, true to line and grade, tolurence of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1
14.7 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, metre 1281.00
leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion, complete as per
approved drawings and technical specifications.
Providing, fitting and fixing mild steel railing complete as per drawing and
14.8 metre 2287.00
Technical Specification
14.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and Technical specification each 756.00
PCC M15 Grade leveling course below approach slab complete as per drawing
14.10 cum 3159.00
and Technical specification
Reinforced cement concrete approach slab including reinforcement and formwork
14.11 cum 6995.00
complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Providing anti-corrosive treatment to HYSD reinforcement with Fusion Bonded
14.12 Epoxy Coating (FBEC) (To be taken as per the prevailing market rates.) tonne

Precast - pretensioned Girders (Providing, precasting, transportation and placing in

14.13 position precast pretensioned concrete girders as per drawing and technical cum 19046.00
14.14 Providing and fixing Helical pipes in voided concrete slabs metre 271.00
Painting on concrete surface (Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement
14.15 paint to unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust, oil, grease, metre 65.00
efflorescence and applying paint @ of 1 litre for 2 Sq.m. )
Burried Joint (Providing and laying a burried expansion joint, expansion gap being 20
mm, covered with 12 mm thick, 200 mm wide galvanised wieldable structural steel plate
as per IS: 2062, placed symmetrical to centre line of the joint, resting freely over the top
surface of the deck concrete, welding of 8 mm dia. 100 mm long galvanised nails spaced metre
300 mm c/c along the centre line of the plate, all as specified in clause 2604.)

14.17 Filler joint

Providing & fixing 2 mm thick corrugated copper plate in expansion joint
(i) metre 1225.00
complete as per drawing & Technical Specification.
Providing & fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre board in expansion joint
(ii) metre 267.00
complete as per drawing & Technical Specification.
Providing and fixing in position 20 mm thick premoulded joint filler in expansion
joint for fixed ends of simply supported spans not exceeding 10 m to cater for a
(iii) horizontal movement upto 20 mm, covered with sealant complete as per metre 143.00
drawing and technical specifications.
Providing and filling joint sealing compound as per drawings and technical
(iv) metre 11.00
specifications with coarse sand and 6% bitumen by weight
Asphaltic Plug joint (Providing and laying of asphaltic plug joint to provide for
horizontal movement of 25 mm and vertical movement of 2 mm, depth of joint varying
from 75 mm to 100 mm, width varying from 500 mm to 750 mm (in traffic direction),
covered with a closure plate of 200mm x 6mm of wieldable structural steel conforming to
14.18 IS: 2062, asphaltic plug to consist of polymer modified bitumen binder, carefully metre 657.00
selected single size aggregate of 12.5 mm nominal size and a heat resistant foam
caulking/backer rod, all as per approved drawings and specifications.)
Item No. Unit Rate
Elastomeric Slab Steel Expansion Joint (Providing and laying of an elastomeric slab
steel expansion joint, catering to right or skew (less than 20 deg., moderately curved
with maximum horizontal movement upto 50 mm, complete as per approved drawings
14.19 and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their metre 13881.00
authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for
installation and clause 2606 of MoRTH specifications for road & bridge works.)

Compression Seal Joint (Providing and laying of compression seal joint consisting of
steel armoured nosing at two edges of the joint gap suitably anchored to the deck
14.20 concrete and a preformed chloroprene elastomer or closed cell foam joint sealer metre 6634.00
compressed and fixed into the joint gap with special adhesive binder to cater for a
horizontal movement upto 40 mm and vertical movement of 3 mm.)
Strip Seal Expansion Joint (Providing and laying of a strip seal expansion joint
catering to maximum horizontal movement upto 70 mm, complete as per approved
14.21 drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their metre 11105.00
authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for
Modular Strip / Box Seal Joint (Providing and laying of a modular strip Box steel
expansion joint including anchorage catering to a horizontal movement beyond 70 mm
and upto 140mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be
14.22 metre 15859.00
installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring
compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation.)

Modular Strip / Box Seal Joint (Providing and laying of a modular strip box seal
expansion joint catering to a horizontal movement beyond 140mm and upto 210mm,
14.23 complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the metre 17184.00
manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the
manufacturer's instructions for installation.)
Testing of span of bridge for deflection due to live load with platforms for loading
14.24 arrangements apparatus for meaurement including unloading etc. complete as tonne 684.00
per approved drawing.
Providing and fixing in position structural steel work for the superstructure of
bridges including cutting, rivetting, bolting or welding as per the approved design
14.25 and including hoisting in position etc. complete as per section 1900 of MT 57613.00
Providing and fixing in position Marble Plates of size 0.9 m. x 1.2 m. with inscribed
14.26 each 1150.00
details as per detailed drawings.
Item No. Unit Rate

Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour
15.1 with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per drawing
and Technical specification.
A Boulder laid dry without wire crates. cum 832.00
Boulder apron laid in wire crates (Providing and laying of boulder apron laid in wire
crates made with 4mm dia GI wire conforming to IS: 280 & IS:4826 in 100mm x 100mm
15.2 cum 1100.00
mesh (weaved diagonally) including 10% extra for laps and joints laid with stone boulders
weighing not less than 40 kg each.)
Cement concrete blocks (size 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m) (Providing and laying of apron with
cement concrete blocks of size 0.5x0.5x0.5 m cast in-situ and made with nominal mix of
15.3 cum 3351.00
M-15 grade cement concrete with a minimum cement content of 250 kg/cum as per IRC:
Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including
15.4 boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications
A Stone/Boulder cum 832.00
Cement Concrete blocks of size 0.3x0.3 x0.3 m cast in cement concrete of
B cum 3351.00
Grade M15
Providing and laying Filter material underneath pitching in slopes complete as per
15.5 cum 828.00
drawing and Technical specification
Geotextile Filter (Laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment slopes
on which pitching is laid to prevent escape of the embankment material through the voids
15.6 sqm 224.00
of the stone pitching/cement concrete blocks as well as to allow free movement of water
without creating any uplift head on the pitching.)
Toe protection (A toe wall for toe protection can either be in dry rubble masonry in case
of dry rubble pitching or pitching with stones in wire crates or it can be in PCC M15
nominal mix if cement concrete block have been used for pitching . Rates for toe wall can
be adopted from respective clauses depending upon approved design. The rate for
excavation for foundation, dry rubble masonry and PCC M15 have been analysed and
given in respective chapters.)
Providing and laying Flooring complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications laid over cement concrete bedding.
A Rubble stone laid in cement mortar 1:3 cum 3192.00
B Cement Concrete blocks Grade M15 cum 4413.00
15.9 Dry rubble Flooring cum 1000.00
15.10 Curtain wall complete as per drawing and Technical specification
A Stone masonry in cement mortar (1:3) cum 2799.00
B Cement concrete Grade M15 cum 3285.00
Flexible Apron :Construction of flexible apron 1 m thick comprising of loose stone
15.11 cum 843.00
boulders weighing not less than 40 kg beyond curtain wall.
Gabian Structure for Retaining Earth (Providing and construction of a gabain
structure for retaining earth with segments of wire crates of size 7 m x 3 m x 0.6 m each
divided into 1.5 m compartments by cross netting, made from 4 mm galvanised steel
wire @ 32 kg per 10 sqm having minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa conforming to
15.12 IS:280 and galvanizing coating conforming to IS:4826, woven into mesh with double cum 1144.00
twist, mesh size not exceeding 100 x 100 mm, filled with boulders with least dimension
of 200 mm, all loose ends to be tied with 4 mm galvanised steel wire)
Item No. Unit Rate
Gabian Structure for Erosion Control, River Training Works and Protection works
(Providing and constructing gabain structures for erosion control, river training works
and protection works with wire crates of size 2 m x 1 m x 0.3 m each divided into 1m
compartments by cross netting, made from 4 mm galvanised steel wire @ 32 kg per 10
15.13 sqm having minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa conforming to IS:280 and galvanizing cum 1702.00
coating conforming to IS:4826, woven into mesh with double twist, mesh size not
exceeding 100 mm x 100 mm, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, all
loose ends to be securely tied with 4 mm galvanised steel wire.)
Item No. Unit Rate

Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its disposal
complete as per Technical specification without causing any detrimental effect to
16.1 any part of the bridge structure and removal of dismantled material with all lifts sqm 107.00
and lead upto 1000m (Thickness 75 mm)
Removal of existing asphaltic wearing coat comprising of 50 mm thick asphaltic
16.2 concrete laid over 12 mm thick mastic asphalt including disposal with all lift and sqm 81.00
lead upto 1000m.
Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar applied with compressor after
16.3 cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy complete as per Technical specification sqm 1147.00

Providing and inserting nipples with approved fixing compound after drilling
holes for grouting as per Technical specifications including subsequent
16.4 cutting/removal and sealing of the hole as necessary of nipples after completion each 72.00
of grouting with Cement/Epoxy
Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting
complete as per Technical specification.
A Cement Grout kg 28.00
B Cement mortar (1:1) Grouting kg 71.00
Patching of damaged concrete surface with polymer concrete and curing
16.6 compounds, initiator and promoter, available in present formulations, to be sqm 1845.00
applied as per instructions of manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer.
Sealing of crack / porous concrete with Epoxy Grout by injection through nipples
16.7 kg 1173.00
complete as per clause 2803.1.
Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed and spalled concrete
16.8 surface and exposed steel reinforcement complete as per Technical specification sqm 873.00

Removal of defective concrete, cleaning the surface thoroughly, applying the

shotcrete mixture mechanically with compressed air under pressure, comprising
of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water and quick setting compound in the
proportion as per clause 2807.1., sand and coarse aggregates conforming to IS:
16.9 383 and table 1 of IS: 9012 respectively, water cement ratio ranging from 0.35 to sqm 299.00
0.50, density of gunite not less than 2000 kg/cum, strength not less than 25 Mpa
and workmanship conforming to clause 2807.6.

Applying pre-packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 Mpa at 28 days

16.10 sqm 121.00
for replacement of spalled concrete
16.11 Eproxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete sqm 962.00
Providing external prestressing with high tensile steel wires/strands including
drilling for passage of prestessing steel, all accessories for stressing and
16.12 stressing operation and grouting complete as per drawing and Technical tonne 306318.00
16.13 Replacement of Expansion Joints complete as per drawings metre 2666.00
16.14 Replacement of damaged concrete railing. metre 118.00
16.15 Replacement of crash barrier. metre 195.00
16.16 Replacement of damaged mild steel railing metre 102.00
Repair of crash barrier (Repair of concrete crash barrier with cement concrete of M-30
grade by cutting and trimming the damaged portion to a regular shape, cleaning the area
16.17 metre 140.00
to be repaired thoroughly, applying cement concrete after erection of proper form work.)
Item No. Unit Rate
Repair of RCC Railing (Carrying out repair of RCC M30 railing to bring it to the original
16.18 metre 91.00
16.19 Repair of steel Railing (Repair of steel railing to bring it to the original shape) metre 223.00
Item No. Unit Rate

Providing and carrying out video shoting of roads, bridges, buildings, other
programmes including hiring of vehicle equipments for video shooting, titling,
lightening, mixing, lettering, editing, including cost of two colour CDs of
approved makes and quality etc. complete.
i) Within 50 Kms. Per day 2500.00
ii) Beyond 50 kms. Per day 2700.00
iii) Work upto 5 hours per day only. Per day 1500.00
Shooting of still photographs outdoor and indoor of construction and other works
of building, bridges, roads etc. at any distances.
i) Post Card size 3 Nos. 60.00
ii) 4"x6" size 3 Nos. 85.00
iii) 5"x7" size 3 Nos. 135.00
iv) 8"x12" Size (A-4 Size) 3 Nos. 250.00
v) 20''x30'' size (Banner Size) 1 No. 600.00
Extra Copies :
Post Card size 1 No. 8.00
4"x6" size 1 No. 12.00
5"x7" size 1 No. 15.00
8"x12" Size (A-4 Size) 1 No. 50.00
20'x30' size (Banner Size) 1 No. 450.00

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