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ASSAB DF-3 ASSAB yN PNSI Dole) Assas da W unoeHoum Sr ON 1s XW SVERKER 240) (6300) (x02) ara waa ia a 7S faa Er a WAKER WAKER “at Ta ee ec ‘eno vesuPnene ‘eno vosurnene ‘This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is incended to provide genera notes on our products and their uses. Ieshould noc therefore be construed as a warranty of specie properties of the products described ora warranty for feness for a parteuar purpose. Edicion 090619 STN) General Properties DF.3 isa general purpose oil-hardenin tool steel PHYSICAL PROPERTIES sultable fora wide variety of cold work aplicatons Hardened and tempered co 62 HRC ies tnaincharacerstis include Temperature ac | 200 | sore = Good machinabiley Good dimensional stability during hardening — - = A good combination of high surface hardness and ‘glen? 7850 7750 7700 toughness after hardening and tempering Saar od of earcy 190000 ‘These characteristics combine to give a steel suitable i. 195000 | 170000 for the manufacture of tooling with good too! ie and SRE production economy, ermalerpanson | | 126x10* | 124x108 perc from a0°C DF-3 canbe supplied in various surface executions = including hot rolled, pre-machined, ine machined and ie » b u precision ground. Ie also avalable inthe form of a hollow bar. Specie hea rare wo |. - clmlajw]v Typealanalyss® | 955 | 11 | 06 | 0 | 01 Seneardapees | Ns1O1, wwe 125105453 Daley CORA | Sot annealed to max. 230 HB COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH | vain. Approximate compressive strength at room temperature. Hardoes sonnc] ss Rc |soHnc] 6 HRC icati Conprenive 1700 | 2200 | 2700 | 3000 Applications cee |mlelele BLANKING, CUTTING, FORMING Compressveyield | 1350 | 1900 | 2150 | 2200 AND OTHER APPLICATIONS Soupnnone | vee | wee | ee | re Work ‘Application material | Manders Mlkness Teak fo Spultnt be uted fre ho yer Beau of he reed ok fencing ASSAB DF-3 Machining recommendations ‘The cutting data below are to be considered as guiding MILLING values and as starting points for developing your own, best practice. Face and square shoulder milling Condition: Soft annealed condition ~190 HB TURNING es cs) 70-250 | 250-290 ‘nin Feed) , 02-04 10-02 Dep ofan) Cutting speed mm 28 st 0 teo-210 | 210-200 | 20-25 = cre mono | PIO Pe Bee c.22,0%9,, | connie Fed) so creme aa-04 | 005-02 | a0s-03 Benet 24 | os2 | 05-3 ; End milo Carbide P20- P30 as 4 i designation Coares | Sout - ss coo | abideer uring ped 6 ss0-190 | teo-220 | 25.20 DRILLING niin i is ‘Feed (f) 2 2 2 High speed stl cwist dri ed) | 002-02" | 008-02" | 005-038 carve | com | r20-r0 Gein | ‘Cound | “Cound | — so crvae | ceoie 008-020 020-030 = Depending al Spt of and 030-03 035-040 For cote HS GRINDING ‘Wheel recommendation Carbide drill Face grinding AaeHV AMeHY straight wheel Free grinding Amav Away segments Cylindrial grinding | AAG LY AgoKy Cutting speed 6) 200-720 | 10-140 | 70-90 ‘nmin Invern gsnding Aas Aco 005-025 | 010-025 | 015 -a2s* Profile grinding ‘A100 iv At20v "brit with imera coin chee and resect STN) Electrical discharge machining — Further information IFEDM is performed inthe hardened and tempered For further information, Le. steel selection, heat condition, che EDMé surface is covered with a ‘treatment, application and availability, please contact our resolidifid layer (white layer) and a rehardened and ASSAB office” nearest to you untempered layer, both of which are very brittle and See back cover page. hence detrimental to the tool performance, When a profile is produced by EDM, ics recommended to finish with “fine-sparking”,ie., low current, high frequency. For optimal performance, the EDM'd surface should be groundipolished to remove the white layer ‘completely. The tool should then be retempered at approx. 25°C below the highest previous tempering ‘temperature Relative comparison of ASSAB cold work tool steels MATERIAL PROPERTIES AND RESISTANCE TO FAILURE MECHANISMS i Fatigue cracking resistance iy | Dinesion Duca! to chipping ASSAB grade lz DES CALMAX ‘CALDIE (ESR) wo ASSAB a8 wen xws \VANADIS4 EXTRA YVANADIS 40 \VANCRON 40 AsP23 ASP20 ASP 60 Asia ri =SEEE or ET TTT | rit i IAUUNATAN HNN Ay "TEs Ele F2icooup Head otce Micuna hoop ot No, Mos ron N26 ti Assan da [donc kona! a Sate RCo P™nvonesia (Le) saran KOREA UW vovenoun Piste So aly ner ers nia Mae PHILIPPINES Uplate IP P™\sincarore» ASSA8 tah Sun awn in cob, wan’ Assn sta Ts Evernam® ‘ASSAB TOOL STEELS have been in Asia since 1945, Our customers associate ASSAB brand with tooling materials that are high in quality and consistency. “The ASSAB sales companies and distributors coffer you well assorted stocks in a rumber cof places covering the Asia Pacific region. To further shorten the lead time, ASSAB will rill, grind, drill and even wire-cut the tool steel to mest your requirements. ASSAB also provides state-of-the-art vacuum heat ‘treatment services to enhance the steel properties (Our engineers and metallurgists are always ready t0 assist you in your choice of the ‘optimum steel grade and the best trearent for each application. We always carry out material examinations at our local. mini Ihboratories and at the central laboratory in Sweden. (Our stect mil in Sweden, Uddcholin Tooling, Is one of the few steelworks in the world that i dedicated to the manufacture of tool steels only, Uddeholm Tooling is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. (Our forging press is one of the most modern of ins kind nthe works, Besides tool steels, the ASSAB services for +001 makers include: Welding electrodes for repair welding of tools High strength aluminium for tooling purposes Copper alloys (eg. beryllium copper) for inserts in moulds Alloy machinery steels Cold rolled strip steels for saws, compressor valves, coater blades, etc. 1m High Performance Steels (HPS) 1 Granshot

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