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Radio Frequency Identification - RFID

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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID


This paper provides a survey on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Initially RFID
tags were developed to eventually replace barcodes in supply chains. Their advantages are that
they can be read wirelessly and without line of sight, contain more information than barcodes,
and are more robust. The paper describes the current technology, including the frequency
ranges used and standards. With the increasing ubiquity of RFID tags, however, privacy became
a concern. The paper outlines possible attacks that can violate one's privacy and it also
describes counter measures. The RFID technology did not stop at item-level tagging. The paper
also presents current research that focuses on locating and tracking labeled object that move.
Since the uses for RFID tags are so widespread, there is a large interest in lowering the costs for
producing them. It turns out that printing tags might become a viable alternative to traditional
production. The paper reviews the current progress. Keywords: Radio Frequency IDentification,
RFID, RFID tags, Electronic Product Codes, EPC, Supply Chain Management, Security, organic
printing, Location and Tracking.

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID


The Government, by means of this Request for Information (RFI), seeks to identify
superior remote data capture technologies for recording entries and exits of travelers through
Ports of Entry (POEs), determine the state of those technologies, and what production capacity is
available near term (9-18 months out). Firms that have the prerequisite background knowledge,
experience, and capacity to be able to successfully meet or exceed the requirements described
herein are invited to respond. The Government is seeking to identify equipment and expertise
that offers significant improvements in performance and interoperability with similar solutions.


RFID is an area of automatic identification that is gaining momentum and is considered

by some to emerge as one of the most pervasive computing technologies in history. In its
simplest form, RFID is a similar concept to bar coding. It is seen as a means of enhancing data
processes and is complementary to existing technologies. It is a proven technology that has been
in use since the 1970s. Amore complex description is an electromagnetic proximity identification
and data transaction system. Using ‘‘RFID tags’’ on objects or assets, and ‘‘readers’’ to gather
the tag information, RFID represents an improvement over bar codes in terms of non-optical
proximity communication, information density, and two-way communication ability. Operational
RFID systems involve tags and readers interacting with objects (assets) and database systems to
provide an information and/ or operational function. RFID is used for a wide variety of
applications ranging from the familiar building access control proximity cards to supply chain
tracking, toll collection, vehicle parking access control, retail stock management, ski lift access,
tracking library books, theft prevention, vehicle immobilizer systems and railway rolling stock
identification and movement tracking. While RFID systems can yield great productivity gains,
they also expose new the eats to the security and privacy of individuals and organizations.

2. A brief history

One of the earliest papers exploring RFID is a landmark paper by Harry Stockman
‘Communication by Means of Reflected Power’’ published in 1948. This came on the heels of
the radar and radio research undertaken during the Second World War. There are also several

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
technologies related to RFID, such as long range transponder systems of IFF (Identification
Friend or Foe) systems for aircraft. It was, however, 30 years before technology caught up with
theory, for example, the development of the integrated circuit, the microprocessor and changing
business practices. In the 1950s there was a theoretical exploration of RFID techniques with a
number of pioneering research and scientific papers being published. In the 1960s various
inventors and researchers developed prototype systems. Some commercial systems (for example,
Sensormatic and Checkpoint) were launched with the electronic article surveillance (EAS)
equipment used as an anti-theft device. These systems used 1-bit tags detecting the presence or
absence of a tag and were used in retail stores attached to high value items and clothing. This
Proved an effective anti-theft measure and is arguably the first and most widespread commercial
use of RFID. In the 1970s there was a great deal of interest in RFID from researchers, developers
and academic institutions including such organizations as Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and
the Swedish Microwave Institute Foundation. There was much development work in this period
and such applications as animal tagging became commercially viable.
In the 1980s RFID applications extended into a number of areas. In Europe animal
tracking systems became widespread and toll roads in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Norway
were RFID equipped. The 1990s were significant with the widespread adoption of
electronic toll collection in the United States. In 1991 an electronic tolling system opened in
Oklahoma where vehicles could pass toll collection points at highway speeds (no toll
booths). In Europe there was also considerable interest in RFID applications including toll
collections, rail applications and access control. RFID tolling and rail applications appeared in
many countries including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, South Africa, Singapore and Thailand.
Developments continued in the 1990s with integrated circuit development and size reduction
until microwave RFID tags were reduced to a single integrated circuit. Currently there is
considerable work being undertaken in the rationalization of frequency spectrum allocation
between countries, development of standards and the introduction of many commercial
applications. There are now over 350 patents registered with the US Patent Office related to
RFID and its applications.

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID

Our requirement is to capture information on all entries and exits. The embedded device
can be sensed remotely, passively, and automatically. While these requirements are not
completely met by the RFID technology in Proof of Concept testing, the Government requires
that a-IDs be read under circumstances that include the device being carried in a pocket, purse,
wallet, in traveler’s clothes, or elsewhere on the person of the traveler. The device must be
readable when the traveler walks into a POE or crosses the border at a POE while riding in a
conveyance (e.g. car, truck, or bus). The traveler should not have to do anything to prepare the
device to be read, or to present the device for reading (i.e., passive and automatic use). Readers
are located in doorways and in individual pedestrian and vehicle lanes to allow identification of
where the token is read and to allow association of the token with the individual and, if
applicable, the vehicle in which the token is carried. The device must be readable under all kinds
of indoor and outdoor conditions at both the northern and the southern borders of the U.S. and
while carried by pedestrians or vehicle occupant (e.g. cars, trucks or buses).


Information is now sought regarding remote data capture technologies. To be considered,

technology must include both the device carried by the traveler and the reader of that device. The
maturity of the technology and the ease of integration into the existing communication interfaces
and infrastructure will also be a consideration in the government’s evaluation of the information
submitted. Other considerations will be power consumption, reliability, maintainability,
availability and degree of difficulty in installation; operation and maintenance, spatial footprint,
EMI emissions, security, and practicality of use on a national scale at land border POEs. The
technology solution shall completely with applicable safety guideline levels for human health.
This RFI is seeking a solution that processes data captured remotely from an object carried by
individual pedestrians and vehicle occupants during entry and exit from the United States at the
50 largest land border POEs. A successful solution has the potential to be used in other
operational environments (e.g. air and sea ports) and by other federal agencies. Thus, the
potential application of technologies identified via this RFI is broad. While not required for this
RFI, the strategic goal is to seek a secured solution capable of supporting biometric verification,
while protecting the privacy of the individuals carrying the object. Relevant information gathered

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
during the RFI process will be summarized and shared by US-VISIT stakeholders, including
CBP, USCIS, DOS and DOT. This information may also be considered for use in establishing
international standards in border control, passenger processing and travel facilitation systems.

High-level goals apply to this RFI:

• The enterprise solution developed for the government shall be developed with an Open
Architecture and in accordance with International Standards (e.g. ISO 18000.6(b) or
• The solution must support the need to identify the exact location of the read such as a
specific pedestrian or vehicle lane in which the token is read.
• The solution presented must sense the remote data capture technology carried by a
pedestrian traveler (i.e., the “token”) at distances up to 25 ft.
• The solution presented must sense all tokens carried by travelers seated in a single
automobile, truck, or bus at a distance up to 25 ft while moving at speeds up to 55 mph.
For bus traffic, the solution must sense up to 55 tokens
• The accuracy and reliability goals of the data capture process are 100%.
• For a successful read, the traveler should not have to hold or present the token in any
special way to enable the reading of the token’s information. The goal is for the reader to
sense a token carried on a traveler’s person or anywhere in a vehicle.
• The token will be embedded in or attached to an official travel document and shall not
be adversely affected by laser printing, hand stamping, folding, or normal handling of
such a document.
• The solution shall be compatible with the current processes, procedures and
operations of US-VISIT and all other stakeholders identified in this RFI.
• The solution shall minimize facilities modifications; however further development of
existing infrastructure is allowed if not extensive.
• Tag and antenna read rates shall exceed 90%, read ranges shall extend to a minimum of
25 feet, and error rates shall not exceed 10%.
• Compatibility and non-interference in performance of antennas to tags across vendor
• Reader fault tolerance, remote diagnostics, field repair, and field upgradeability

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
• Fit to mission, with a special emphasis on multi-occupant vehicular traffic moving at
speed (0-55 mph)
• Fit to environment, with a special emphasis on electromagnetic interference (EMI) and
FCC Regulations
• Privacy of travelers shall not be compromised
• Resistance to forgery/counterfeiting attempts 4.2 Standards The government’s intention
is as follows:
• For all technologies, the intent is to specify open non-draft standards that are not
encumbered by proprietary intellectual property.
• Reader communication with a middleware host (intended to mediate at least one
remote data capture system, and perhaps two or more such systems at each POE) and
with a reader maintenance/management system is desired to be via standard-compliant
network communications and protocols, and use standard data structures and commands.
• Encryption, where applicable, shall comply with FIPS PUB 140-2 (Security
Requirements for Cryptographic Modules).

5.What is RFID?

Today RFID is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically
identify people or objects. There are several methods of identification, the most common of
which is to associate the RFID tag unique identifier with an object or person. An RFID system
(Figure 1) will typically comprise the following:

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
 an RFID device (tag);
 a tag reader with an antenna and transceiver; and
 a host system or connection to an enterprise system

Figure 2: RFID working components

6. Tags

RFID devices fall into two broad categories: those with a power supply (a battery) and
those without. An RFID device that actively transmitted to a reader is known as a transponder
(TRANSmitter/resPONDER). Unpowered passive devices are known as ‘‘tags’’. More recently,
common usage has described transponders as ‘‘active tags’’ and unpowered devices as ‘‘passive
tags’’. Active tags are typically also read/write devices while passive tags are generally read
only. Active tags are larger and more expensive than passive tags.
The use of a battery places a limit on the life of the device,
although with current battery technology this may
be as much as 10 years. Passive tags have an unlimited life,
are lighter, smaller and cheaper. The trade-off is limited data
storage capability, a shorter read range and they require a higher-power reader. Performance is
reduced in electromagnetically ‘‘noisy’’environments. There are also semi-passive tags where
the battery runs the chip’s circuitry but the device communicates by drawing power from the
reader.Tags are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and protective housings. Animal
tracking tags, which are injected beneath the skin, are approximately 10mm long and 1 mm in

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
Diameter. Some tags are encapsulated in credit card sized packages, typically building access
cards. Others are for use in harsh environments such as container tracking applications and can
measure 120 _ 100 _ 50 mm. The smallest devices commercially available measure 0.4 _ 0.4 mm
and are thinner than a sheet of paper.
7.Tag data

Tags can incorporate read only memory (ROM), volatile read/write random access
memory (RAM) or write once/read many memory (WORM). ROM is used to store security data,
a unique device identifier and operating system instructions. RAM is used for data storage during
transponder interrogation and response. Data will comprise a unique identifier and mayalso
 an operating system;
 data storage (volatile or non-volatile); and
 an electronic product code (EPC – the successor to the barcode).

8. Tag operation

Passive tags draw their power from the transmission of the reader through inductive
coupling. The passive tags will then respond to the enquiry. Inductive coupling usually requires
close proximity. Active tags usually communicate through propagation coupling and respond to
the reader’s transmission drawing on internal power to transmit.

Figure 3: How RFID works

Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
9. Frequency ranges

Frequency allocations are generally managed through legislation and regulation by

individual governments. Internationally, there are differences in frequencies allocated for RFID
applications although standardisation through ISO and similar organizations is assisting in
compatibility. For example, Europe uses 868 MHz for UHF and the US uses 915 MHz Currently
very few frequencies are consistently available on a global basis for RFID applications. Three
frequency ranges are generally used for RFID applications In general, low-frequency passive
tags have an effective range of approximately 30 cm, high-frequency passive tags
around 1mand UHF passive tags from 3 to 5m.Where greater range is needed, such as in
container tracking and railway applications, active tags can boost the signal to a range of 100 m.

10. RFID usage categories

RFID devices can be classified into four usage categories:

EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance);
 portable data capture;
 networked systems; and
 positioning systems.

10.1. EAS
These are typically 1-bit systems used to sense the presence or absence of an object. The most
common use is in retail stores as an anti-theft device. Tags are attached to clothing or other
items and trigger an alarm if the goods leave the store before the tag is deactivated. These have
been in widespread use for some years and are found in a variety of retail stores including
clothing, small appliances, electrical goods and book stores.
10.2. Portable data capture
Used with portable devices where data required from the tagged object may vary. Some devices
incorporate sensors to record, for example, temperature, movement (seismic) and radiation. Data
can be stored on the portable device for later download and processing.
10.3. Networked systems
These systems are characterized by fixed position readers and used to track the movement of
tagged objects. Usually directly connected to an enterprise system, this is a typical inventory
Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
application of the technology.
10.4. Positioning systems
These systems are used where objects (vehicles, animals or even people) are tagged and provides
automatic location and navigational support.

Figure 4: RFID tracking system

11. Applications

Used mainly in transportation, logistics, manufacturing, processing and security, typical

applications of RFID include
12. RFID standards

The lack of standardisation and the lack of harmonisation of frequency allocation are
hampering growth in this industry. There is a proliferation of incompatible standards with major
RFID vendors offering proprietary systems. ANSI and ISO have been working to develop RFID
standards and some have been adopted for such applications as animal tracking (ISO 11784 and
11785) and supply chain goods tracking (ISO 18000-3 and ISO 18000-6).

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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
13. Advantages

The principal advantages of RFID system are the non-contact, non-line-of-sight

characteristics of the technology. Tags can be read through a variety of visually and
environmentally challenging conditions such as snow, ice, fog, paint, grime, inside containers
and vehicles and while in storage. With a response time of less than 100 ms, an RFID reader
Can read many (several hundred) tags virtually instantaneously. Tags coupled with sensors can
provide important information on the state of the goods. For example, refrigerated goods
can be monitored for temperature, problem areas identified and alarms raised.

14. Some developments and uses

The US military has used RFID technology since the early 1990s with the first
deployment to Bosnia in the mid 1990s. The United Kingdom armed forces adopted RFID in
2003 and negotiations are in progress with NATO partners.
The US Department of Defense and Wal-Mart require their major suppliers to implement
RFID technology in their supply chains by 1 January 2005.
All cartons and pallets must be equipped with RFID tags. This will provide a major
impetus for the widespread adoption of the technology in the US. UK’s Tesco supermarket chain
has begun work to roll out an RFID network that tracks shipments from its central distribution
centre to all 98 Tesco Extra Superstores by Christmas 2004.
This is the first stage of a plan to implement RFID across more than 2000 stores and
distribution centres in the UK. In January 2003, Gillette announced an order for 500 million
RFID tags to be incorporated into razor and razor blade packaging.
In March 2003, Benetton announced similar plans to weave RFID tags into its designer
clothes, although this was reversed in the face of an organised consumer boycott. Mastercard and
American Express have been testing RFID cards. Mobil has been promoting its ‘‘Speedpass’’
fuel card since 1997. Most high-end cars are now equipped with an RFID tag in the car keys.
Delta Airlines is testing RFID on some services, tagging 40,000 bags.
Many other airlines have tested RFID technology but Delta is the first airline to commit
to using RFID technology.
Delta currently misplaces 4 out of every 1000 bags costing US$100 million per year to
recover, deliver or replace them. British Airways announced recently that they will also be
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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
investing in RFID technology. British Airways currently misplace 18 bags per 1000 costing an
average of US$100 per bag. The airline suffered significant difficulties in 2004 when 11,000
bags were lost following strikes.
The seaport operators, who account for 70% of the world’s port operations have agreed to
deploy RFID tags to track the 17,000 containers that arrive at US ports daily. Star City Casino in
Sydney has placed RFID tags in 80,000 employee uniforms in an attempt to curb the theft of the
uniforms. The new Wynn Las Vegas casino has incorporated RFID into betting chips to curb the
use of fake chips, misuse of credit facilities and late placement of bets.
Michelin is planning to build RFID tags into its tyres. The tag will store a unique number
for each tyre, associated with the vehicle’s identification number (VIN). The tag can also
measure tyre wear. The European Central Bank is planning to embed RFID tags into high-
denomination bank notes as an anti-counterfeiting measure, by 2005. The bank notes already
incorporate such measures as holograms, foil strips, special threads, microprinting, special inks
and watermarks. At present, the US dollar is the world’s most counterfeited currency. However,
with the growth of the European Union, Euro will become the most common currency in the
world due to its growing use.
The Mexican Government implanted RFID chips into its top judicial officials to provide
tracking if the official is kidnapped. It is also used for access control.
These are some examples of current usage of RFID tags. There are other applications
under consideration, for example, the incorporation of RFID tags into important documents such
as birth certificates, driver licenses, educational certificates, manuscripts, medical registrations
and so on. In fact it is used in any document where authenticity and veracity are essential.

15. Growth in usage

Radio Frequency Identification systems are emerging as a practical means of auto-

identification in a wide variety of applications from access control to animal tracking. RFID
systems are likely to supersede bar codes in some applications and complement bar codes in
others. RFID is expected to help in reducing costs of supply chain management and inventory
management in addition to the many other applications outlined above. Cost savings have been
estimated to be as high as 8–10% of inventory associated costs. While RFID usage is limited at
present, Evans Data Corporation, an IT market research organisation, is predicting that RFID

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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
usage will increase by 450% in 2005 and a further 96% in 2006. The widespread adoption of
RFID is a foregone conclusion, according to some industry commentators, a major driving force
being the adoption of the technology by such influential organizations as the US Department of
Defense, Wal-Mart and Tesco.

16. More on standards

The EPC system defines technical protocols and creates a data structure for the stored
information. The EPC system was researched and developed at the Auto-ID Center at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in November 2003 responsibility for the
commercialisation and management of the EPC system was transferred to EPCglobal Inc. This
organization is an affiliate of the Uniform Code Council (UCC) and EAN International (EAN);
EAN and UCC created and maintain the EAN.UCC System, which covers global e-business
communications standards, numbering schemes, uniqueness management, and bar code
symbology standards, including the U.P.C. and EAN bar code symbols used on consumer goods
around the world. While there are some differences with the ISO standards, these organizations
are now working together to rationalise standards. EPC specifications have defined five tag
classes, based on functionality. The current version of the Electronic Product Code (EPC)
Tag Data Standard specifies the format for encoding and reading data from 64- and 96-bit RFID

17. Privacy and security

Simple RFID readers can cost as little as US$2019 and circuits and articles have been
published in electronics and enthusiasts magazines20 to enable the building of their own readers.
There are security and privacy concerns with this technology which fall broadly into the
following areas:
1) location privacy;
2) customer information;
3) corporate espionage;
4) insecure operating environments;
5) denial of service;
6) spoofing;
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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
7) technical attacks; and
8) compromise of supporting systems.
17.1. Location privacy
Data can be extracted from tags and used to track individuals, thus violating location privacy.
This is not unique to RFID systems as other systems including cell phones, many Bluetooth
and other wireless enabled devices may be subject to the same privacy issue.
17.2. Customer information
Where a customer has made multiple purchases, information on buying patterns or the
identification of high value items can result.
17.3. Corporate espionage
If unprotected RFID tags are used a retailer’s stock may be monitored or tracked by competitors,
marketing organizations, news media, private investigators or information brokers. This can
yield sales, marketing, product mix and other valuable commercial information.
17.4. Insecure environments
RFID tags often operate in hostile environments and can be subject to intense electronic or
physical attacks. Examples include container tracking, supply chains and manufacturing.
17.5. Denial of service
Denial of service may be caused by ‘‘flooding’’ an area with RF energy, thus incapacitating the
17.6. Spoofing
Spoofing occurs where tags are replicated from data transmitted by the tag. This is a particular
risk with access control systems. It is technically feasible that attackers may alter the contents of
a tag to facilitate theft, disguise the identity of the tagged item or to remove items from the
17.7. Technical attacks
Because they are wireless, passive RFID tags may be susceptible to fault induction, timing
attacks or power analysis attacks. Again all wireless devices may be susceptible to
these types of attack. Lukas Grunwald, a consultant with a German technology organisation, has
created a software tool, RFDump, that reads and can re-programme some RFID
tags. This tool is available from the Internet.

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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
17.8. Compromise of supporting systems
Microsoft is writing a code to accommodate RFID for its Axapta, Great Plains and Navision
systems and is expected to have the software RFID-ready by the middle of next year. SAP is
embracing RFID and Oracle announced recently that its 10 g database and application server are
able to interface with RFID data streams. The passive (classes 0 and 1) tags that we can expect to
find in general retail use can store very little information and generally have no writable
memory. They do, however, contain unique identifiers which, when linked to a supporting
application or system (database), can store additional information and activity related to that
item. They also store tag ‘‘kill’’ codes to deactivate tags. Clearly, and in this case, the valuable
data are in the database not in the tag. The rules on protecting the confidentiality of this
information do not change when the collection mechanism changes (RFID tags and readers). The
question of liability can also arise. This applies whether the information is commercially
sensitive or deals with an individual’s privacy. Supporting systems constitute the greatest risk of
information compromise, but a risk, which is relatively well understood.

18. Legislation

Several privacy advocate groups have proposed frameworks to manage consumer privacy
in relation to the use of RFID. These frameworks emphasize individual rights to location privacy
and have three basic elements:
 RFID must undergo a formal technology assessment, and RFID tags should not be
affixed to individual consumer products until such assessment takes place. This may be
accompanied by a ‘‘seal of approval’’ to indicate that the tags in use conform with
approved guidelines.
 RFID implementation must be guided by existing privacy legislation and good privacy
practice. This may include clear notice, consumer education and consumer choice; and
 Certain uses of RFID should be prohibited, for example, tracking individuals with RFID
tags in consumer purchases. However, another essential element is an organisation’s
ability to track products in the supply chain in the most cost-effective and efficient
manner without excessive compliance costs. This could be viewed as a fundamental part
of doing business. While there is considerable debate on RFID and privacy concerns, no
specific legislation to deal with RFID has yet been passed. In the US, bills have been

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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
proposed in California and Massachusetts and legislators from the Virginia General
Assembly intend to study RFID as an ‘‘invasive technology’’, along with facial
recognition, hidden cameras, spyware and Internet wiretaps. The need to legislate or
regulate to manage the public policy aspects is gaining momentum.

19. Costs

A major constraint on the widespread use of RFID technologies is the cost of the tags.
The most widely used tags are Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS, class 0) tags, which cost
between 1 and 6 US cents each. Over 6 billion of them are used annually. These EAS tags are a
1-bit tag and contain little or no information, merely indicating presence or absence.
Passive tags (class 1) with some data storage cost between 5 and 10 US cents each in
large quantities (several million). High value items, cartons and pallets are being tagged (class 2–
4)and here costs may be up to US$100 per tag. At current prices it is not economic to incorporate
tags into every retail item.
Prices will fall as manufacturing technologies improve and there is a prediction that 10
billion tags will be used annually by 2007 with 1 trillion being delivered in 2015. In the last 50
years only one billion RFID passive tags (other than EAS tags) and 500 million active tags have
been sold. While the use of RFID technologies is predicted to grow significantly, it may take
several years to get to the point where the majority of retail items are tagged.

20. Countermeasures

RFID tag standards incorporate a 64-bit region that cannot be modified and remains
unique to the tag itself. This can be used to authenticate the tag and defends against tag spoofing.
Where class 2, 3 or 4 RFID tags are used in access cards, a new bitstream (possibly
cryptographically signed) can be uploaded each time the card is used. This reduces the
opportunity for a spoofed card to be used and significantly increases the risk of discovery, as
legitimate cards that are not accepted by the system will soon be reported. Replay attacks can be
protected against through the use of a ‘‘hidden’’ authentication bitstream or serial number on the
tag and use a challenge/response mechanism using the hidden number to establish the tag’s
credentials. The hidden number is never transmitted. To successfully replace bar codes, RFID
devices must be very low cost. To keep the cost down, these are generally passive devices with
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limited functionality. Affordable tags cannot yet perform standard cryptographic operations
necessary for privacy and security having only 500–5000 gates. By contrast, the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) requires some 20,000–30,000 gates to manage cryptographic
security. Security for the current generation of passive RFID tags therefore represents a
considerable challenge. Two techniques have been proposed to address eavesdropping of RFID
devices. One, proposed by MIT, is known as ‘‘silent tree walking’’. If two or more tags respond
to a reader at the same time, a collision occurs. When this happens, the reader performs a binary
tree walk-through the address space, one bit at a time, until a unique response can be determined.
The other technique, proposed by RSA Laboratories involves the use of pseudonyms with tags
having multiple identifiers, which are rotated. Legitimate systems will recognize all identifiers
associated with a particular tag. So while eavesdroppers will be able to read the tags, they will
need to know all identifiers associated with a tag to interpret the data or successfully track a tag.
RSA have also designed a ‘‘blocker tag’’ technology that prevents RFID devices from being
read. This system is software based and prevents readers from gathering data from other tags in
their immediate vicinity. RFID readers are unable to read multiple tags simultaneously. Anti-
collision protocols allow multiple tags to be read within a very short timeframe. However,
‘‘blocker tags’’ confuse the reader by always responding and thereby prevent any tags from
being read. Blocker tags could, for example, be incorporated into shopping bags as provided at
the checkout. Without this technology, readers could access any tag within range. The Auto-ID
Center specification includes a ‘‘kill’’ command to permanently deactivate a tag. Earlier kill
codes were 8 (Class 1) and 24 (Class 0) bit codes, which are relatively trivial defence to a brute
force or DOS attack. The new specification for Class 1 tags incorporates a 32-bit kill code.
Separate and random kill codes for each RFID tag, which would then have to be retrieved from a
secure database, can be used and activated at the checkout. A variation is to disable the tag’s
unique identifier. Keeping other identifiers in the chip, such as what the item is, could be useful,
for example, for sight impaired people who can use a reader to identify medicines and dosages.
One further technique proposed is using antenna energy analysis to enhance security. There are
two variations in this technique. In the first, signal analysis estimates the reader distance,
distance implying degrees of trust with greater distance equating to less trust. In the second,
antenna energy is used to power a tiered authentication scheme in which tags provide more
information to more trusted readers.

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In New Zealand
There is some use of RFID in New Zealand, mainly EAS, access cards and similar access
control applications and some dairy applications for animal tracking and husbandry. Indications
are, however, that increasing use can be expected over the next few years. While EAS tags have
been used in New Zealand by retailers for many years, one of the early adopters of new
developments in RFID technologies is the Manukau City Council’s library in Botany Downs.
The library is the first in New Zealand to use RFID tags to track and manage its book collection.
Wellington Libraries are expected to follow suit in two to three years. Libraries in the US and
UK are deploying the technology with about 250 libraries in the US already using the
technology. Singapore implemented the technology in 1998 under the leadership of the National
Library Board. Supermarket group Progressive Enterprises, which includes
Woolworths, Foodtown and Countdown, is trialling RFID to track meat from processing plants
to its butcheries. RFID tags will be incorporated into specialised meat containers to
assist in supply chain management. Hastings based Richmond Meats has been evaluating RFID
for animal tracking. This will allow shipments to be traced through processing plants back to the
livestock. Preliminary discussions between a Canadian RFID vendor, Advanced ID and New
Zealand sheep industry officials are underway to establish field demonstrations of RFID
21. Some practical issues

At present, RFID systems do not have high reliability, particularly in a retail

environment. UHF tags are virtually unreadable near the human body because of its high water
content. Many retailers have difficulty in getting an accurate and consistent reading when the tag
is any distance (sometimes more than a few centimeters) from the reader. With low-cost,
passive tags, readers have to be in close proximity to the tag. Many Customer Relations
Management (CRM) systems today store more data than organizations can use, which raises
the question why they would want to incur the expense and trouble of collecting more data. The
technology does not yet reliably exist for a retailer to drive through a suburb collecting
information from the roadside and again there is little desire for retailers to do so. RFID
technologies have been in use for many years (for example access control, toll collection and
animal tracking systems) without any significant privacy or security violations.

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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
A greater privacy concern is, for example, the cell phone and particularly the latest feature-rich
devices with cameras and location tracking. Loosely speaking, your cell phone is a sophisticated,
active RFID tag! Privacy concerns are unlikely to constrain the use of cell phones. Using RFID
tags in pallets and cartons to facilitate consignment, distribution and inventory management does
not raise major privacy issues. However, where tags are related to individual products, there are
legitimate privacy and security concerns. These will have to be addressed if RFID is going to
find the same widespread acceptance as bar codes. As with many new technologies there is
potential for great benefit and misuse, particularly in supply chain management.
But before we see widespread adoption of RFID, tag prices will have to fall significantly,
clear benefits will have to be demonstrated and consumers will have to embrace the technology.
Chris Roberts is a qualified Chartered Secretary, Management Accountant and Information
Systems Auditor. Chris has over 30 years of IT, commercial and audit experience with extensive
experience in IT consulting, information security and assurance. He has also worked extensively
in the areas of e-fraud, other IT related investigations and computer forensics. He has provided
specialized assistance to a wide variety of government, state-owned enterprises, financial and
other private sector organizations. He has also worked extensively with international AID
organizations such as USAID, CIDA, UNDP, SIDA and World Bank sponsored projects for
government ministries, departments and state-owned enterprises in several countries.

22. Conclusions

ADS representatives declined requests to submit a chapter to this volume or to be

interviewed for this chapter. Nevertheless, many of the claims made by ADScan be evaluated in
the context of RFID technology in general. The first important point is that just as the chip can
be easily implanted with a 12-gauge needle, it can be easily removed with a penknife or a
machete, provided that the person removing the device is not concerned about any damage that
may be done to the surrounding tissue. It thus seems advisable that the chip not be used for
guarding acces to high-security areas unless a secondary form of identification is used;
otherwise, an attacker could simply hack off a person’s arm, recover the chip, and implant it in
him or herself. In fact, it may not be necessary to engage in such gruesome exploits. If the ADS
annual report on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is without error, the
VeriChip transmits a simple serial number when it is stimulated with an RF beam and does not
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Radio Frequency Identification – RFID
participate in a challenge-response protocol. Therefore, the chip can be cloned or otherwise
hacked by someone using technology, Hacking the Prox Card. VeriChip says that its chip might
be usable in deterring identity theft, but this claim is substantiated. One of the mechanisms
fueling identity theft is the use of unchangeable identifiers such as Social Security numbers as
keys into online databanks. Once a person’s VeriChip number is compromised, presumably the
same sort of access could take place. For example, a home computer running a financial
application might be equipped with a VeriChip reader to guard against unauthorized access, but
if this number is transmitted to a remote Web site, it would be very difficult for the remote Web
site to distinguish between a number that had been read by the scanner and one that had been
typed on the computer’s keyboard and then sent over the Internet through use of a hacked device
driver. Although RFID devices have been used for identifying laboratory animals and livestock
for nearly 20 years, no one is experienced in using these devices in an adversarial environment
against an active attacker. Just as numerous privacy and security problems surfaced when
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer made its transition from the laboratory to the marketplace, we are
likely to find numerous problems with the VeriChip and the computational infrastructure on
which the identification system depends.
23. References
RFID and RFID privacy, http://www.rsasecurity.com
Technical characteristics of RFID http://www.rsasecurity.com.
Internet New http://www.internetnews.com/security/article.php/3381261.
Blogs http://blogs.fanbox.com/Debasish

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