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Interview Rubric

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Rubric : The Interview Student's name ___________________________

Speaks Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or cannot
Clearly distinctly all (100-95%) the distinctly most of (100- distinctly a lot (84-75%) of be understood / speaks
time. Volume / pitch are 85%) the time. the time. too loudly.
excellent. /8
Pronunciation Pronounces no more than Pronounces no more than Pronounces no more than Pronounces more than 9
3 words incorrectly. 6 words incorrectly. 9 words incorrectly. words incorrectly. /4
Uses Always (99-100% of time) Mostly (80-98%) speaks Sometimes (70-80%) Rarely speaks in
Complete speaks in complete in complete sentences. speaks in complete complete sentences.
Sentences sentences sentences. /4
Posture Sits up straight, looks Sits up straight and Sometimes sits up Slouches and/or does not
and relaxed and confident. establishes eye contact straight and establishes look at people during the
Eye Contact Establishes eye contact with the interviewer during eye contact. interview.
(Body Language) with the interviewer during interview.
interview. /8
Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is unable to
accurately answer almost accurately answer most accurately answer a few accurately answer any
all questions posed by the questions posed by the questions posed by the questions posed by the
interviewer. interviewer. interviewer. interviewer. /4
Content Answered all questions Answered effectively most Answered most questions, Had troubles answering
effectively. Gave of the time. Used did not use examples questions.
examples to illustrate examples. often.
his/her point. /16
Questions Asks excellent questions Asks effective questions Asks a question / question Does not ask questions
is not appropriate. /4
Grammar Student makes less than 4 Student makes between 5 Student makes 9 – 12 Student makes more than
grammar errors and 8 grammar errors grammar errors 13 grammatical errors. /4
Introduction Student introduced Student did not introduce
him/herself. him/herself. /2
Preparation Student has researched Student doesn’t seem to
the company and is have done research. No
obviously prepared. preparation apparent.
If the student has obviously
done no preparation, their mark
for this category will be 0. /6

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