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A New OEM Manufacturer: Bomare Company

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COMPANY REPORT TV-Sets and Receiver Manufacturer Bomare Company, Algeria

Bomare Company:
a new OEM ë

In 2005 the European Union entered into an

agreement with the Democratic Peoples Republic
of Algeria to support economic cooperation between
the two. This agreement provides an interesting
opportunity for satellite receiver manufacturers
and, in the case of the Algerian Bomare Company, also
for TV manufacturers. Actually, Bomare Company produces both products. For 2011
Bomare Company has decided to take their products and service capabilities to the
European market. We paid a visit to
Bomare Company’s production facility
in Birtouta, about 20km from Algiers,
and had a look around.

102 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

The industrial city of Birtouta is very enough: one day it dawned on him that especially proud of our LCD TVs with
conveniently located: the airport, harbor he could assemble these receivers on integrated DVB-T tuners”, commented
and numerous highways are all within his own production line. Together with Tewfik Lamrani whose five-member R&D
easy reach. It is an excellent location a South Korean manufacturer that sup- team developed this TV. “Now we also
especially for a company that wants to ported him with not only the components manufacture HD TVs”, says Tewfik and
expand its export business. but also the “know-how” in setting up an explains why now is the right time to
It all started many years ago with assembly line, Ali Boumediene started begin exporting their products: “In the
the distribution of satellite receivers. his own production in 2001. Back then 20 past several years we learned how to
The founder, Ali Boumediene imported employees assembled digital receivers start a production line.”
receivers from South Korea and sold using the supplied components. Today The old adage holds true: “You learn
them locally. But for him it wasn’t Bomare Company has 120 employees. from your mistakes”; Bomare Company
Right from the start Ali Boumediene has accepted all of the setbacks and over
had a great idea: he chose the brand time has become a professional manu-
name “Stream System” for his line of facturer.
receiver products. An excellent choice “Now we have the right products and
considering that in today’s IPTV age now we know how to make them”, says
everything revolves around streaming. Tewfik Lamrani, “And now the time has
But lets get back to the beginning: come to start exporting.” Bomare Com-
in 2003 Ali Boumediene took the next pany is not only going to export their own
expansion step. He created his own products such as HD receivers and LCD-
production line for power supplies and TVs in various sizes from 19” to 47”, but
then in 2006 he took one more step by they are now ready to become an OEM or
investing two million Euros and install- ODM maker for other manufacturers and
ing an SMT line in a new production distributors primarily in Europe.
facility complete with automatic compo- Tewfik Lamrani gives us a few reasons
nent mounting machines and an oven. why Bomare Company with its location
Bomare Company also owns a unit of in Algeria would be a good choice: “We
plastic injection and silkscreen painting are in the same time zone as Europe, we
Technical Director Tewfik Lamrani speak the same languages (French and
gives us some insight into their pro- English), we can ship economically to
duction numbers: “From 2001 to 2007 Europe, we provide a high-quality prod-
we produced a total of three million SD uct and our production follows the RoHS
receivers.” directive and just recently also the Euro
Production numbers dropped every 1 Norm.”
year because of the ever-increasing com- The subject of quality control is espe-
petition with imported receivers. But Ali cially critical for the export market: “Five
Boumediene also managed to find a solu- engineers are directly involved with
tion to this: he simply started a second quality control during production (pre-
assembly line to produce TVs. “We are production) and five additional engineers

BOMARE Company Details

TV and Receiver Manufacturer, Algeria www.bomarecompany.com
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees
▼ ▼
■ Even in Algiers it rains occasionally 0................................ 75 ................................ 150
and when it does it pours: a look at Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

Bomare Company’s production facility ▼

0............................. 12.5 ...................25 Mio €uro
in Birtouta not far from the capital
Algiers. Working hours are from Production Certificates
8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM Sunday to RoHS, DVB
Thursday (they are closed Friday and Production Categories
Saturday). Main Products
LCD and Plasma TV-Sets with integrated DVB-Tuner, Satellite
Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, Home Theatre Systems

TELE-satellite World www.TELE-satellite.com/...

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Arabic ‫ العربية‬ www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1105/ara/bomare.pdf
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Turkish Türkçe www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1105/tur/bomare.pdf
Available online starting from 1 April 2011

www.TELE-satellite.com — 04-05/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 103

■ Technical Director Tewfik Lamrani in front
of one of Bomare Company’s flagship products
- a complete home theater system currently
marketed inside Algeria under the Stream
System brandname.

deal with testing products after pro-

duction to make sure they perform as
Besides these quality assurance engi-
neers, there are ten more engineers in
Bomare Company’s R&D Team. They
are constantly working to improve their
product line and also incorporating the
latest requirements (such as MPEG4 for
DVB-T). Bomare Company also works
closely with the Technical University and
is actively involved in Standards Com-
missions like CETA (Comité Electrotech-
nique et Télécommunication Algérien)
and the Comité Techniques Normatives
In January 2009 Bomare Company
installed a management system to
comply with the requirements of ISO9001
V2008, ISO14001 V2004, OHSAS 18001
V2007, thus becoming an proactive and
efficient organisation, aimed at satisfy-
■ Mellat Abdelkrim is Senior Engineer for SD
and HD Receivers and shows us here in
ing its customers. Bomare Company’s showroom their newest
Stream System receiver model BM-200HD with
The quality of Bomare Company’s slots for a SmartCard and PCMCIA.
products has become so high that they

104 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

■ Ahmed Lounes is SMT Manager. Here
we see him in the SMT machine room.

■ The SMT machines in operation: the

motherboards are automatically loaded with
components and then soldered in place.

106 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

1. Mohamed Demiche is Production
Manager. He explains to us, “for every eight-
hour shift we can produce between 300 - 400
CRT TVs and 700 LCD TVs. Our receiver
production line can produce 2000 boxes per
shift including quality control.”

2. The line of soldering control & correction

in the Electronic Card Production Unit is

3. LCD-TV sets with integrated DVB-T tuners

are assembled here and then fully tested by
a quality inspector in the foreground.

provide a five-year guarantee. “This is

only possible through strict quality man-
agement”, comments Tewfik Lamrani.
You can meet him personally either at
the “FIA - Foire International d` Alger”,
that takes place every year in June in
Algiers, or at the MIDEST every year in
November in Paris.
An energetic production team is ready
to take on clients from Europe and other 2

108 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

4. Final testing for a just-completed
TV with integrated DVB-T tuner.

5. The young employee in the

background is Abdelhak Kemane.
He is responsible for pre-
production quality control.

6. Faten Azzouz of the R&D Team

checks out a new DVB-T tuner
using an Algerian test channel
receivable with an antenna.

4 5

www.TELE-satellite.com — 04-05/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 109

■ The after sales service is also very important. Ferrag
Farida is a SAV assistant, she is responsable of supplying
spare parts to the different after sales services.

■ Tewfik Lamrani, Technical Director, with two of his vital

employees: IT-Engineer Ismail Walid (left) and Receiver
Engineer Abdelkarim Mellat (right)

110 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

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