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Com in Touch

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COMPANY REPORT Satellite Wholesaler COMINTOUCH, Dubai

in Dubai

■ General manager Mohan Kumar with the SPAUN multi-switch range,

which is the pillar of success for COMINTOUCH.

Made for each other! That’s how we can best sum up the relationship between
German multi-switch manufacturer SPAUN and Dubai-based trading and project
company COMINTOUCH. After all, SPAUN would not be able to profit from a
comfortable market share in the Middle East without COMINTOUCH, while on
the other hand COMINTOUCH's rock-solid growth in recent years is largely
contributable to SPAUN products. Make no mistake about it, COMINTOUCH
generates 80% of its turnover with products made by SPAUN.
We visited COMINTOUCH on the third It all started with a multi-LNB dish and aligned.” Half a year later the end
floor of a rather nondescript office for which COMINTOUCH had exclusive seemed nigh – COMINTOUCH had dis-
building located in a commercial area in distribution rights at the time. “Unfor- patched almost 2.000 of these dishes
Dubai’s east, near the airport and close tunately, though, this dish brought with to local dealerships, but these in turn
to the (invisible) border to the Emirate it a number of problems: Installers back could not sell them on because install-
of Sharjah. then were not in a position to correctly ers refused to work with the dishes.
The company was founded in 2001 align this rather tricky antenna.” The Mohan Kumar did what seemed right
by managing director Mohan Kumar. dish was used for simultaneous recep- at this junction and began to distribute
“It was on 31 January, to be precise,” tion of NILESAT and HOTBIRD, “but in satellite receivers. He cooperated with
Muhan Kumar recalls, “and the first two the end the dish was just a little too small a Korean manufacturer and assisted in
employees I hired back then are still and offered virtually no bad weather customising their receivers for the local
with me today.” tolerance unless perfectly installed market. After a while, Mohan Kumar

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even founded his own company by the enough, Mohun Kumar expects a dou- “18% are shipped to neighbouring coun-
name of ORBICLE and has never since bling of sales for 2010 as well. tries such as Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
stopped distributing satellite receivers We asked COMINTOUCH sales man- Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. The remain-
and – more recently – also HDTV and ager Sabarish where all those SPAUN ing 2% result from purchases made by
IPTV boxes. Ingenious as he is, Mohan products are actually sold. “80% stay in North African dealers who get in touch
Kumar steadily increased COMIN- the United Arab Emirates,” he explains. with us.”
TOUCH‘s portfolio to also cover the
CCTV, intercom and access control seg-
Yet, the turning point in his busi-
ness career occured when he met the
then SPAUN managing director Frie-

drich Spaun (today his son Kevin Spaun

runs the company). Identifying a great
business opportunity they both quickly
agreed on an exclusive distribution ■ Up on the roof of
arrangement for SPAUN products in the the COMINTOUCH
office building in
Middle East via COMINTOUCH. Dubai: A technician
“That was in September of 2004,” checks the satellite
Mohan Kumar remembers. Even in the signal using a
SPAUN signal meter,
first business year sales of SPAUN prod- with the skyline of
ucts had reached unprecedented vol- Sharjah, an emirate
bordering Dubai, as
umes and by 2009 turnover has again backdrop.
increased fourfold. As if that wasn’t

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■ On his laptop computer project manager Subodh Tawadia shows us the equipment list for ■ Sales manager Sabarish in the
a current project: installation of SPAUN multi-switches for an extremely classy complex of reception lounge of the COMINTOUCH
villas in Abu Dhabi. administrative offices.

Which brings us to the question of

how many sales offices and members
of staff COMINTOUCH has. Managing
director Mohan Kumar has the details:
“We run a shop at the local Dubai sat-
ellite souk with two employees. Nine
people work right here in our offices,
three of which are technicians in charge
of project planning and service.”
Mohan Kumar also fills us in with infor-
mation regarding an “office in Qatar
with a staff of three, and we’re currently
planning an office in Saudi Arabia for
2011.” All these expansion plans seem
to be more than worthwhile, with sales
of SPAUN products already picking up in
Qatar. With an office in the huge market
of Saudi Arabia the same is expected to
happen there as well.
We wanted to know from sales man-
ager Sabarish which products are in high
demand. “We generate 30% of sales
with SPAUN multi-switches featuring 17
input lines, which means they can be ■ Working with COMINTOUCH from scratch: technical manager Sreejith at his desk.
used for simultaneous reception of four
different satellites. Another 30% of cus- adjoining buildings, with SPAUN prod- is partially equipped with SPAUN multi-
tomers opt for the 9-input multi-switch ucts serving as the backbone of the switches installed by COMINTOUCH,
which is a perfect match for simultane- installation.” ARABSAT, NILESAT, HOT- yet the company itself will not be rep-
ous reception of two different positions. BIRD and ASIASAT 3S will be received resented at CABSAT. “As a wholesale
20% buy the multi-switch model with 13 with this setup. dealer and project planner we decided
input lines.” Not only is COMINTOUCH well estab- to rather organise seminars once a year,
COMINTOUCH is not only a re-seller of lished in Abu Dhabi’s high society, but in which we present and explain SPAUN
SPAUN products, but also a big player also right next door, where the Emirates products in great detail,” Mohan Kumar
in the area of project planning in Dubai Airlines crew accommodation building is explains. “Last time we had 130 partici-
and beyond. Project manager Subodh located in the Dubai Global Village close pants!”
Tawadia is in charge of this segment to the airport and to the COMINTOUCH It’s true, the two are really made for
and proudly tells us that COMINTOUCH office. SPAUN multi-switches with 13 each other: SPAUN was able to consid-
is currently in the process of installing input lines are used to provide ARAB- erably increase its sales in the Middle
a satellite reception system for a top- SAT, NILESAT and HOTBIRD channels to East region thanks to devoted COMIN-
notch villa estate in Al Ain, at the border a total of 2.650 outlets,” project man- TOUCH support, and in turn COMIN-
to Oman in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. ager Subodh Tawadia proudly reveals. TOUCH was able to grow impressively
“A total of 200 outlets need to be Even the World Trade Center which with the help of SPAUN products. Talk
installed in seven villas and various hosts the annual CABSAT satellite fair about synergies…

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