Com in Touch
Com in Touch
Com in Touch
in Dubai
Made for each other! That’s how we can best sum up the relationship between
German multi-switch manufacturer SPAUN and Dubai-based trading and project
company COMINTOUCH. After all, SPAUN would not be able to profit from a
comfortable market share in the Middle East without COMINTOUCH, while on
the other hand COMINTOUCH's rock-solid growth in recent years is largely
contributable to SPAUN products. Make no mistake about it, COMINTOUCH
generates 80% of its turnover with products made by SPAUN.
We visited COMINTOUCH on the third It all started with a multi-LNB dish and aligned.” Half a year later the end
floor of a rather nondescript office for which COMINTOUCH had exclusive seemed nigh – COMINTOUCH had dis-
building located in a commercial area in distribution rights at the time. “Unfor- patched almost 2.000 of these dishes
Dubai’s east, near the airport and close tunately, though, this dish brought with to local dealerships, but these in turn
to the (invisible) border to the Emirate it a number of problems: Installers back could not sell them on because install-
of Sharjah. then were not in a position to correctly ers refused to work with the dishes.
The company was founded in 2001 align this rather tricky antenna.” The Mohan Kumar did what seemed right
by managing director Mohan Kumar. dish was used for simultaneous recep- at this junction and began to distribute
“It was on 31 January, to be precise,” tion of NILESAT and HOTBIRD, “but in satellite receivers. He cooperated with
Muhan Kumar recalls, “and the first two the end the dish was just a little too small a Korean manufacturer and assisted in
employees I hired back then are still and offered virtually no bad weather customising their receivers for the local
with me today.” tolerance unless perfectly installed market. After a while, Mohan Kumar