B.tech. Biotechnology Notes
B.tech. Biotechnology Notes
B.tech. Biotechnology Notes
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. To .nrm did U,cqual.(yrbdrdr of L\. pol.cr E F!.h.! v'rlour M) conponll!. . To idcn.ify ey un.rp..kn tFbl.in @r rnd to pl0nfor miidsing r;ch linlodoi!.ppotriicly. Uar *dnpk, dtrfu th. turE of nryhmnhtioh al a enj..t , t,. tucn ..on.ni. Jtto5 nthlit hov chaq.d Araaiallt a.l nldwut'bt! ond thk mistl hty. chans.d tt. pt.j.d i o a uviabl. ptopostitu II tuh trMtians, lt mt .r.n b. wit.t to .bandon n1.ptuJat tJsoks . otuad wnh Wt k4tdtion protzr to b. thnwiq Boodhone) altt batt nan.t ) . T. lppmis. th. cli.nb !b.!r !\c l)fttrcs of drc |loj.cr iid rc lep d.n r nn d lbou Lhc
To briry dbour ov.nll inlFowNnr in nrcJd n rfominc. To sx(h Bhdla $. p'!.er obj*ri'. r" ." .o o r.gr*r nMi ir rhc .bjarivd G round Ed dcf.akd, ro -neriyc ll 'ln siv. @nndsc. ro rrEDoj.cr rdm 6edb.G md ro Er$uft rh. orgdilarioi s comilseir
13.3 EVALUAIION METIIOOS SrtrLlqprujcd\ rtry bc olrhurd by JiLcl.b$ nridr irrl by lc(irig li.i.lrr ui tr,!dqrrrtr LhL r)rt(.1irtrt {n! p*iodic *rilq' topo'r\r doN inr n:ir p'!ri!c's. rr'a wrirNi 'rl!i o,'ds. srunli\minilh'! ti(r's (,,r yrlu! b rl'. rqntrL\ 13,4 POSTPFOJECT EVALIAAONFOST AUOID
iilr,\r,,'^..r,..r r!:,tJr.i.q.r t,-r!,{i,,rri r.tr|.i r[|iD'! I'r J'Ri.d :'r|Yrirr, lsri r$^ xr n'iirc t$ ,'iojcd .or fur 0bj$( surtlcrit,r trrr ^r llstu lfiirq ir dorplcrJi pruJc.r uudirir clri.d ourrotrrrc$
! rl'c.cruilptujar co{ /,d rrr icruallnn. r*cn ror pnjecrco'rpk'ioi. rhur, whileprcj.cilppmst is mdrin'ft fo! rl'e l]l!trc , pos pojcd rvtrlurionis rtrA$sn'c!rof E p6t.ld.olly,a pojccr willbc considcrcd s'cccsrurii ir gcrsu.0ntu!d utrri r. wirhi'ritr. hrr!.r strdpivs rlrdtxtiNld lcvclof Dcnonnocc. rLro.cr publi. {'hjcds, lpd lrur $ ynlgrhcvNididtrs rNj.( ${ I'r of ii ,!d Plojcdconplcrion ris0, p.$ nbjcd ehlu in! ]l$ ortc{ trtrlsscshcnrof rhcocru $ciil c6lbli.fir f.ctob aid rh..ncdup ro vhir[ dE tojccfs obj.c1ir4!r ichi.v.d. 13.5 oBJECiVES OF POSiAUOIT Erp.n.nlr rrE soicn hchcr.,Ttc knowlcdg. lri'Ed dtrritr! rtrc I'(rlTs or ptojer iinptaNir ddi h or gEir valucro drl conlctucd. pniccrowncru rlr |'mj rhe ld dD;lg rh. cotrrc oIpRjud iDpldrEnr ion J rhcyhcllDrea srorc house oftnoelcdgcvhFh . rh.y crn llErc wi'i o' TT orn$ rh.m in rh.n iu'urcr.duc.. By .a.ryiig orr AFr pojcct cvrluuioni rlr tinonciol i'tsriinrion rhd has tuldd I ptuj-.r .atr . idcn{ifyrhcpirhllN,lrMy.Ini!,pmletlppnls trtrd co ml n'cchxnism slrutd hdvcbru! - .i ttu rld Por tollov.d lor cficdiv. pojccr nmnirorids. cix.ith, nic fiNncirlir*irorion n,ilhr hav..di'ndql __ ujcd i'q,iqNtunn ri ns ft. r ru' ric r' lnidd ddd's i'sxNn 's brvc provid.dfor 'intcrc$dNing imohNerrdidi trsr cd'nponcd rhct6j.cr co$. Furlu, nL. of sould hNc fiftd rle co'nmcncc$c'r lom ftprynEntslEdul., keq,iilr i,, of fi0mchl in{iruiotr vicw rhc cnindcd pmj.cr i'nplun,enr{i.nri'ne. lf thc rdnrl proi.cr i(pldirnr!tioi nrlo( m'n of nt. |loicd 1[c ldlt .xceds dr .!in!rc tr e. rheri,. p'ojcctin'rlefttrhtion. lhe . rcr'rynMr:chcdLrlc tr'i8l rccd Jk i', ljrv df 'lrlxyd'l 't0i'sdnqn linancirlin$irurion lcrm fon erliry, rhc hcos !i bc cdnsiihcdld cotr.crlyrs*rnis ilt. . c will pojcd nnttnEnhlior li'N. Pos prcj.olcvdudidnby finr )cirl in$irL{lons ,lso Ihrcwlilhr on,}. . Thc lur"rcy Df '*nri"(ctrcy t,r'vi\i tr'r1r ri, r ri'rrn'.{! L{inrf unnnA$n .rncidirtr: . l]t nonnil ptujrd i'rtlotrdrrr . Thclonllntive pojlcr cos turnnlls |niNrs A conkncu who lh\ crLd{d i ti"jud ! cunt drl r|t r'ird i', ri'rc a'lJiri!)nil crEndirtr'c\(1' k|( w crtri,trNlr'iru,Nrri'8 f ir I'i,l f'tr {'r\(rL,r i ri,ri(rs. lr(. t inr u{r A. ii 3u$d rsri'( nDu!niiNics lnru'!.
r, 'rlr
cotrribdld ro rrrclirirjlcs 0 r(icd cosiM I nrc. fq id ifying dr rc{$$ Ior suchvtut ccs, dNsilyijr8rhoni,nonvoidrblc univoid.bl. dj
' li.: j[ ," il:Ijli.:.1ll 1]:_:" ;:t;]';:il;;l"iiil l,:l:;',;.",;". ",,, r, I audj, $r.,
ldhJ oq l'ra r* r"p* "rz. r r., " i, *_ ^,,h { $iJ.r p1,p.tLi\. Th.s
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. , rtr rnvNr,a\tidhr ,c j,r,r r. roi rnovh,s chdt,ft dr cdi,trjrc,r *rpu,i. *ir *",t
-:;';,* *' ;i';:'; ion lllTili.:.1:: d .',i;i, ii:i " '" """''r'"'", "'"r " ".,c -p,c o,'a.i6. d "n r.i iJ,il""::i"H ;;, :L,llI,i::.,il:','.", "d $:
oc{r snrlr{m {o. T(hdnrt ,| fttir): t.( htr,ri q .i!.i i,,
,.::1ll".,"filiil:'ifl,,lT.ltilt'l':'.:tillt:. j',' r qu.ri,y,{,rN,,.....,,.r,r..,,,,;,;.t..lit:r',;..'lJi.::::'.t:, i::i:',:r'"-,,*'' ii;r';;,i,y;;,;)..*;"jl:lil:::,"j:'fi:i j,",'::.1:,*T.:i;l'r::,"::'j"::"1.".,::1,, 1:1,:::,,::1ifl":l ;'';i;;;l;";l';;#"',;;:il'::ru'i" "' ::""ji::i:i:j1 ;11,1 jjjj.: li . ,.,;;i;, ,;,"it;: :;rl:ri ::l,J:;:l:'1,,i,.,ii;:': :l1tr1lr d, :;; "1'lj::::':::,:'''^'{" '"1: ::". ::.tt ",,,,,;,i.,,;,ti;;;,,;i;rt,ii:til;t::i,,,llliLll'Hii:,iri.llli[:,11:illil
! idir.d n'cd oupui in, fcJii(cty .," .,,,,,, ,,.,t;t
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'hr rnc\, cllt,.niw n_J,r J ro$ .!,rjcs. rotr1a lnj,,f-h".. ' I on ry r!iJ\ In, rhcrni(r rr rn f . . . i, r c ! . , r. i i. , ii. . 1 ( h . \ , , rr , " r, " , . . ,, r, " i,.,.,1 corLiFnrintrGq.flu ""r ,d -F , t iry . ! , / I u 1 , ln . rf \ c r. , r1 . . ! 1 r, . . c . 1 n r. . ! , . n J f lq $ nr . _,1 , rc ajrrcur.drfF rr.whh ' r, c . r. c s , n e n ro f t r-u rI o rt r(. . . , c n b . d o rn . : J ire t y , , n . r , t . . , . , . (i, t llJ rn d m f l. o . . s rc , l o t rry o n e rrht(r p < . ; r ! q y , . . .
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Econohlc.varu!t'on (o' Ecoromtc aud[): E-n hr -,( $.,t.,ri... .1rt'eDo5, hffituh tu r,..Lt
h l rIn r,c'r.r i rrL d i ri : r r ,!r '! mo rc r!\mr rvr|\H '( \rr.n r ,J ( r r nia dx.tJr ki n
ukcn *ii \\' i
hh'iq,rc$ whilc rloii! S*nLt Cd nmcfir r\iityiis tsan^) { r jr rL0Onnsr nxlc o rr. lLohcr., Th.pmjcrNd.'frcnsortCo , rB c n e t rn t rt . \ h o ld rn ^ . ). e wt , ric . rt . ! . ! . , : i. . , i, ! n . _ a . J . !rc rh*.d rnd wh0'h4 rh(e rc !1t rdv.R.ly.cts rhd rh. rF.d hJsbaulhr.r, $h,.r *.r v " , \ . r, 1 E o f e d d ir_ q rt t rl o d n . o d ro or rhcp6ler. nrvud, \.rrA t r f h , r \ j||. , , l o , , ; jk of.m:_sn, ' t r, rf , . In hc nccnrD6r, pon pmj{d cvrlniirr, iJ t j, L q . ^ ! , . ! t r ftorr ioci:,tco{,hcncfir s$tc il d in.i i,rhir nage
iq rs \ h L \ n r
h y rt , rs r. t r\(i, n n rik ,
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L vn r d d rir, t hr fl$r.r,, \u
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Addidodrl/uMnri.itrc,l |nibtunsn
sd cotrrttrs'ss: