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SAT May 2008

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ton-ano-Answer Dervlce

. Test qu€stions ald co(6ct swer6

. th€ difiiculty level for sach quostion

. You €ssay prompt ad all oih€r €ssay probpts

adminisi€!€d on you tqt day

. IDstructioD6 for smring tour te6t

' Sugg€FtionBfor usins thid r€port

Not tor reproductlon and resalo.

o d3 Tll. ar|4 Do'i. ^0 n3tu fr.Rd. c'n4. Bdrd, sar, !d ri!
{@E roF m rd,.rr rn !al! d d,. ou* btn .M.. ro odB
Thn booldclcontains rheSA'r Reasoninr Tcs youlook in ltlay2008.Ilalsoincludeslheconcl ansNe6,
lhedifficuliyle\€l for eachques!'on.
ldd 'rDnaI cssay! rompls.andscorinsinfomaion IflheSAT Reason
Tcslyou lok includedanunscored 'equarirrr"sudnrn.thisbookle[vill not includelharsecrtun.

Boeiewilg tou SAT Re6urts

To nale rhebes ue of dis rcpon.do rlE |oll(^ving
. Readeachquesion.f.cu\n'!.r rr'. r\p. olqNntui- rhccodc.rlnsrtt ho\r tou es$cNd ir. ud lh(

. An rze ren quesio.syo!.rns\creditrcotrccrly

rorDdcuhnd$ny youmservas incoE.ct Chcck
seewhetheryou miehrhlrc nriroddrh. quc(ion or nnsgndded theds*er
. Usethelablebelorvlo kee0trick ofh6s youdid on thedi|erenttyTesorqueniods(d labelcdonyo!
QASEport).You ca. aho findrhisinfonnrlionh youronlinescoe rcponat collegeboard,com/
Thiscannelpyor undesrandyorrrc&lcnric(rcnlrlN andidentiryaies forimplovemenl.

N Numb$ and llcidims

C Geonrcrry
rnli nrcr$cmc'
q q"!.t.1'1,!l)
r' r,inin\ tl nrobrbiLiiy
Choic. , S lmrorins sdncnc$
E ld.ntituhcscnrcD.t.tro^
P lrnnrr trr!f.tr Lgr.'t'

R.vi€wing You Ersay

Youcanrics a copyolyou essr! onlilc d r n $,collqcboard,codJrien€sa!.Youressr_promprrs includ
in rhcbackofthis booklct.yotrcanrry \rrnilg Jorr LSr! rgain.or youca. t_asrnins a pncric..ssry l-orr

lfyou *ould like td s.dreyorr r.n, rsr rhc Sro'nrg\\frlnieer. SAT EssaySconngG!1dc,addscoE
c o n v e F i ol na b l e s at rh eb l c ko l r h i \ b o . l , L uYt o r ! i l L n . u d t o u s e t h eF o m C o d e s h o w n ! r l h c t o r o l
tourpeFonalizedQAS reNn to locxrcy.url]dnictrlrrsc.rcconversion tables.The Scodngworkshccr
andscoreconversion lrblesxrestcclliuro rlrerosryou r{\,li Do nol ry ro scoredy olherlcstsu$nErhcm

Proparins to Take the SAT Agatn

Takinslhc SATagainmishl ben,yotrr{dlrtrlrgc No\ lhatyou refamiliarvilhthets!youtemoic
preparcdfor theknrdsofqucriorson il Yotr rc aho D.rc.onlfonabl€Nilh thetestrakinsproccss,
includi.A$c inc lnnns.oD r!cra!e. ntrdcnrs\r[o rakcrh. sAT. scconddmc incEasethencombincd
c icalrcadnr-q. rnd $rninsscorcshy apFoxnnalcly40 poi.rs.

Thc besr$ryroprepar. for rhc SAI is t) tulc chrllcnlirr! hi8bschoolcl.sses.read andp6cli

\di.Bas oftenaspossiblc. Forpmcriccquc{ioDsaDd approachcs. asrvellas.ccesslo rhefr€c insishrsab
SAT Stills. \ isit rbeSAT Prep.rarbnCenrer ar collqcboard,com/satPr€p. Uselhe iofomationto
hclpyor udesrdd rbeSA1 .ndtrelrrc Io! tururcacrdenicsuccess. You areprovidedNnhthert?csof
shillstharNrcncdo. dr SAT. $rgScnbnsntr nnfo\.mcnt a.d samplcsAT questions andan$ve6to
helptou do bc cr in rh. chsvooD. otrrherci md h collese.You cm regisrer ro hke lhe SAT aSrin!l
rlyou llnl.h betoErrmersc.rred,youmaychecftyourworkonrhissecttononty,
Donorrur. ro.nv othorselion inlh.l63i

ad erpressid.rs. Yotrsbould.rhdcrtr, r$.



nr ,i .$y in vhrch

ll you lrnl.h bsroE tlme 13c.ll€d, you may cheok you. sork on lhb 3*llon only.
Do nor turn to anv orher 6ecrron h $e rcd.

h.r yli! vriq rly 'o wrirc or pn so rhd whd

you n.i3h b.roE trn€ r. carred,you may

Donol luh lo anyolh€.
Th. esrysn$youanopponunirylo
Drs! lluulgcPrccnllr.

R.mn$( rhd p.opl. *ho !E not fin

r A FDdt ls nqut n for rh..$r.

r Do norr rite $ur 6rr In rour td


con'iiudri iinucn{ rheprrdir

^$l3nn!nrr Do idJdis ftu'nrh.pd.oriiuc k)i'ilNncllt pre$rr

It y.u tlnl.h botoEllme l. ctll.d, you m.y ch*kyolrwo.kon Ihl6 eectlononly,

Do norru.nro.nvorhorsecllon ln rhol.!1,
4)ol youransworsheerlo answorlhequsllon6In thl3&ctlon,
tum ro s€crlon2 (paEo

,t r. n{i. 'h,' n"rl\lrr nl-l

i | ft.y rE dnrn a &nm€ d in r sFs'i( poblemthn rhcfilurci5i(i

Th. ioi'hd ol dcEE(\ d u! i ! .i--r! i\ ni)

aE r', ri and 30i whd [1lr !]l!!d ' I

Sr :0 ror6 plun\ ri'l t: !l roi 10$phs F6n dri\
,r. *hd L |r[ r.lsrh of m itrEms of r 1

ft. 6cG abov.shws a $lid Nirhr h.xrgonrl bs

rf ach .dle of rb. b,a h8 r.ngrh5 md ach ot rh.
c.ms B $B moE lhr d. rod iumb{ of s
Tumro Secrlon4 (paEes) ol your.nswersheetlo answerrhe


Ln{nrd i dea etrs.bdfi$rh! nlunrgoirhc

(^r .s\r{r (B) qFni*nlon

r1r rnkm|li xB 18) $biit'!e

or*hd h ruad ori@lqd in 'h.

Qu6tloN 6-9 @ b!&d o! $e rolto{lng plss6, 6. Comp&J b Px!s-!d 1.Pssse 2 is 'no(

(B) FoYidin!hinoncal p.np..riv.

(c) id. iryinssji'ii ri.sb.N(i culruEs
(D) poinris o( rottur &trss
(E) judgi"gdr mun.y otcenaitr ynws
,r bunow. se yd $m.'r whkp.Ed.spe'irr b

amr.d d ih. ddrd, ol $i.nrific inloddioi o. sidin


fasindion for Am.ncans. In de E!fth pM of $.

l€d m sish' Bqjamii

(A) s_i.diis hrre loig itrdied nnlesnrkg
(B) mrnypople hive hada $e{ appn.iljoi

(c) ndesn.Is aR .xhnely diffcux to tuk

(D) siediric nudiesor drdesdir.s e pEvalenl

€) Ar.n.rs I.,i ntl.siar.s morc$ar ay orh

ilari{trs l0.r3r.t hhuron rhenik,sh,aF!\ssq

., rtr\urrr$o(eL tttnn d,L rrrtrh.I

..n ||fu^n|ar|i.|||qj h| 1|'1' |ht |l4llla| },,'fu l
16, turhormoi rikdyiictudcsrh
f Nc{ bhv) ii oder b
(A) .ft ph.s* dc ciomity of a PrcJ).cd

(B) hishrishllnlcqrofdoi0ssi.difi!c!r!h
(c) poin' od rhe impotuic. or rebd\ n fdrin

{D) conveyrhe
ficrlnt e&iEned rsr r.eq

(E) ii,ri! c ft dirfiolry of su(4\fut:r ..fpkring

unique ) h b*r dsrib.d r dc oi

(A) Sludyjnsv6ro* mayp'oyid.n: r-: x

1B) Erprorinsvonok *ourd b. J u l . <rrs

(c) und.sra insvonok.ould

torr.?r jh,
(D) voiok nry havchld noRdu!!r-r -_a

(E) Voiok,r3y hrv. $n. qniteh.. r.rns

Qu$(Dni le-1l 'rc blEd on rne follo*ins pN$'rs, !pdn rl,eii'mi I gus! rhcydlins r hnl.dirlco r!nr

h,,,! t , tt,vk,ttatu ! 1')e3 ^!|. Paw ! di,,yrr !h'rybi,orm.urc

ttrt..tJn'u tss5\ t t.6 abur 4 s.rq't.
hr\ir\arrr ntu..t L.rraL \1@na,trcnrc tu\'

rxnnd !'$f trr$ 'lur!to lunipkkl! trrh t!! Thc

(D) nliy prop!.sjoy coNomd soodslirc {ni

ll:) mDr_hiks\ bnr! con$ns sG{\ lilh rhcn
0inca6.p.$as.2) uc rhiikNor*p ;by d.;!d;.rrr,:r. i:l


(c) .nsp.Er.dbyfi.pubtic\diyesJdofrh.n


( ) lessnx{ic

;., ;;i;.;;;.;", :il1il;,,:."lL"J"f,ltJl;l;itllt"11;.ji.j.:

r yo! t5ni.hbotoE ilns t. 61.{, you hry cho.k you, sor* on rhb *. on 6.tv.
Oonot rln ro .ny orhor.eton In rh. rer

f---u"' ros".rrons {p,s" s) vour ans.r sh6t to an3*€r the qu..tona In lhl. 3ecllon.
onpkc bo$ tYP.t FM quario6 I 3 sdrt
di;ch-"**ivd rir m ,h. .,rt.pan

sn,mrir NIL'Ln !,r\i'{lh. Pmbhns

' .cu'i?
/ = 16,ehi du r'
*-" i

. !t6!D4.\nsrs rf !{L,hr,Lini,l[,r .i\\u

li rh! 63!E rborc, ln. rhE lims t. '. .nd I
l!!d b fom 6 d31., drh .qrdr lltau*s,
Itrh il.r.d *troq bid 2.r rhe mslat
h rh. fi;uE rrove rrc, ilr3qlu rnn
whdn'i'MsE.iid.g!6'o|$.dgl. D.rifdr 12,ftr 4 lndsr6 e qoilr@d,
lodlcn n by d. @wl(Dl*4"d rh. d.sre \rti it th. Fdndf ot th. 3hrd.d n3ioi?
5tn6ol et ! 3ndli.g tqt 6w.)

12 h!gFupof212D-Dl.,rh.Eq.rc3?nwmLs
$d lemir*. Howmrnymis w.a ii lne srutrp?

ln r $n.y, 15sod.M vm q.h ald b siv. th.
Dumbcr ot houFrh.y sdid e dry .nd |b. Durna
or bNB |n.y d.p. dn.ishr Th. @hr G !kd.d

Tn. m.di6 !mb* ot nNn nudir! b hov nuch hs

i,r\ / lnd ! &d.tald for ldus
1$ ru

1 1 , r r / ( n + ! ( r n r o r d r \ rt s d r ' r n r l

Lr*l!9 secrion5 (pdqe6) oryouranswersheetlo answerlhequeslionsi! thls section,

'Aj Md.,fN djor bikirs 'i!r,irr.mdbdmp

rBr \hse mey$j!,r hir n! ri\hi!. odaFoi8
r o \ r t r ( ' h d . t $ n u k e . r i 5 bd . imo
r D r \ r ! ) , r \ d i j o Jh r r i r cn.\ h r. d ( m p r

(A) ii(!sh. \$nlr li!r!in\ddds

oa.ro hld mr nN lltNtqqrtjqq@s

{qc '{'r' \hopF^ ri {op. rr to{ br\\ {Lltllrtr qo,i r,.Ld.!:N,rh\ dre!i,r emhddj rd rhc

$!iic n rrdeniii! m.ntuftrymbir ddspDi.d.

' rlde b! nrr:dru[!jlX!$rl{!lr!uur! 0

I ir! 'ic'ibc60fI' orch\n. \buri'\b4'rui

!:(Lr!!!!{I l11116l d(!!!!!rzm!

!ui'L!i rpFJ tu kr$ h( driuhddr4

wi'hir!ruNonr. qril ropi$ rnd rhqr rNrhs .olNrl lasrilr]4Lidellr$a

lqrr|J ijldsrd rrrsi.\ or '|rc stir

In.f'l|i$4si|<n.skn}id]bj|i|rhRiFnill |,|'Bd]u*co'oJR{ppo'lotrgflJivn.fion'

th!non. dnn. ThL$n. irricrcn onq ir mdcniitd


s'ircnms' ly $tri'ncdEl.a. {,1!r9r

Th. Noritor rlr innovdiy. andrcduiv. srpror

Il'(1!l!j !'desdsu !tr4 imprd 'dy

hr !]l!ire
16, rhe nishrbctoc rhephyorft EA4, rhcccd
biB( tq!.l!J of h's prcdec$os he rc'Lled


44!rDlle o-"'

LlE3lrlg 'lrrie s ir hed\h! t. !l!r4t! JrB e

+6 6+

andionsr0 .ri rrr.rro$.rolbNingp*!'gr.

drulrilrrj- ({)^r\$!- n (r{Micdio0 rnd trryd

trr! r'.r1rDr J r$0!$! 13)Br rB70dc royrsc h hdir

ben dDrctrehLyrq*d ryr!|'

te. a!i!ybor DM 'o Deret. tui! riir I ri\n.

uir rr!(i{ ue$Erinju{

.r rid${i I.!q,d\ 1| 1) Todaryoncai eid in
c rJ Lqur [nr n\(ondl.hrnd (r)Deepty
h rr 1864i du{ t,lid a ni th, ,,4t llut

vn4\. ia ]fu|fu^|Ull\ h(n a' \nn ^|o va6 '\ l

(B) rm\)ondim i5aoodssmdc in rh. |]x^ iL

h, ,h! ill t370 th. .h!nat) ,,t tlp Eqrn r.t4ntrh

(r,)t\r)\ \t: rbh b vut t | | !4,t Ja L-.t!\ 11
(E) By rr'Lr77tu.ho!.rcr\nitii!inrnErsh rl
Bd,t\| uirt!^! a,u,,o nj,rt.t i t6 tr,t

(A) Th. rcr($lprih!,ro.w, 'ior. proround


rt lm,4t tt. -rdt, \, r ln,t., a ? amk.

(D) Bdnrcrh! nNdtrion

7 (p.$ 6) olyour aBwor shsr lornsw.rlhe questions
In lhl.3€ctlon.

1A) rrrlJ'L ,r
iis.ncdi[ |l|cs.dd.r. !!n nh rh.ftm nad rh€

rh€ lalLl. fiiBrr lfkdr ,-.'.' rrej(Ed inrg4


h. p yzi4. lDs h mu! oprioi\!o LmP.d.

I q!$ftD5 oo 'h! b$\ d \ [d I j!4! u Ed!!d

auedions e-10 src bBd on thc lorro"ing p,srge. auNfonsll llsnbNedon rhti('llNina pr$ass

ridrh. xiF.n lry hn juqft wmig lNmr oJrn.

(R) 6r ryariinn byliDEcYidolo

(c) .xp8\ r n.tdir. mriir i"hunoiosrnni
(D) .nalr_r. rhcory
b) cringerrydq s!nor$
(E) ndc !!rur5jqprcbld by d6ribii! i6
auarioB rlrs * L,{rr rh(rorb$nc pasF.
IIn/['lr| | la\ 'l n-n l furl bln,l Or|E 14.
olD. Mn\ chnt t 4,rnr ri\4. n ttunn tnal! 'fr rqrud' lFd rju{ r' wi'n rry hr,r. {i,h nr
fu ]9,a: H{. h ldvlh rLk\ \.\ ud t r|,

l.r, ]i. nmkn i d.qiprion of d. n(&ntoFn schqi

(A) rtu k,sr in{hi.hrh. $h{rlri\ h.it$ hid

(E) rlr drq,lhrd lill. lonndi'tr t' rhero\rr d

0!EBD!h(litr* 11.15)nruq\

(Br rshrm8r(ouiloru.krP.

(D) rhercsoistuManrrd.djoi

|l bcli.ql mal pnnri! rn- b

(B) qnljhblh. olisinofl fllnconlcohd'

24 Ir m b. inf.N! fton th. dissioi ot rosic' 25.,rh.n8nliEpoidolvj*inlh.p*gg.hlhdor
bcgfu'jogin|jn.7ld'dM.y (A) I dfttor *pldniDs lhy 3bcchos medicine
(A) v6 mystifi.d6y h.r.ldmG' !turid
(B) r cbild moundry D inplfut F.lrj'iotr
(B) w otr.nlodblc wirhha clallniB' rbiRd *nil. lviis iwiy t o hof.
(c) r botnd desibiDg hd dnghEt
(c) usedhd rcw populdry roDd.c om6
(D) m objetiE ilntd pMdns nurjpL
@) dnulgd F.pL b n*.3 frtrsovq hr
@ ddied a $tu. sd poi& rhd,pPd.d (E) m rdul. ntlcrins oi etuii tunoEbl.

ll you llnbh b.loF llm. l5 ell.d, you nay ch*k your so* on lhb s.rbn only.
Do not tum ro any orher...don In fie re.r
Tum to s.crbn 3 (pas. 4 ol youranr@r sheello answorlho qu*trons

,,t ,
Tnircanb. dorebycotrmins
$. iunbd or.hnpr

ddms40roiherrrr.Asordingrdrhisn.$od. il ,
e. r l- l+ so.vhichor$. ronow'ig


r = €o. wh' is rherensih

of sid. ;t ?
(a) 2"5 Gppmximtury
(c) 4€ ('!pmxif&ty 5.66)
@) 4-/' (lPprcimddy6.e3)

r0. rffifii*rndn cha r of h{j.d'shitu, bd

jerns, on. lhin, md oft vcsi *hich of tn. tofiowinc
cotrld NoT b. lhe nufb.i d' stids d, I!trEi hN;
Ll, cubc, hGvolue nTn ds6ofctrb.,aE
3 n6 s lons6 ln..d36 ot cub.,4 hitt.
voluft orctrb.,, io63or v?
BOO Q*;::rr"ar.-;r"O

15, Th. fiem abor coirib of rourcifr.\. {ch lirh

lsssr circle.ra n, = ,c = c, = l. whn n $e ft,

(c) ;
(D) :4

rryou rinbh bef6c dm€ t6 ca[.d, you nay ch.ck you. woft on thts *{on 6.tv.
oo rot turnl.anyorh.r.ec on In rhebs
(A) syns ic (B) voln,!ry (c) sponhr$trs
(Dr dxn{i'trcdi rE) .lirid

lc) .NrYrsm( (D) 'nis.nc.priotr

[:rsmw,:*:" I
F*.*."* or u [r n rrjd or!4brd

Qrsriotr! 7.18 m h!*d dn 6e n,[qshs F$Bt.

h,,^ )01)tf ,!( rr ttho ri,,6 rk t ti)!

lbt"t{ h6 r! \ th. n,bilt 4 nr. h rndr\i4

^ rttltrvrh\t1 Lnqun th ttE o"\i''tau Lt,a lt qrNli nrr\kpnn rohr,c u\rillirsliJr slnili.rioi
ir s,hhd. td haritnt Ht\T..k

ubjar h slh najc{i

7. rh. fi^i Nopifu!tu$s0ins r l

Lhotrr rrtrdiLn$ rrinsiiionmrhcp*igc tion

(B) iisptr c.rrs\o1\![n*\

rEr juri ('odd hr h {, rH'

Dr u, {prursdsmkJ, rie*rotri $bted b

llr rhorsoqnEl.lrioi\on tu'sn.$bnd

r dni s orrhcidc" orniryol$. aurloit

iobL. ) rrc hx*d on qhi(r ^\riiPtroi,

c| lidr idlak on.n h!!c.!tslfi.i.l t{xres ra

u, Lid.s 52 s3 (Ewi 6 . . . smrr) iihdue rhr

(A) subrine ted*lps dfu borhrlM ud


(Dr 3 f.r of ft&qecy inp6 ois 6iqEo! of

rE) ' dem b 4p.rie0a ,n. ab!tr m,gbrspe

It you ttnt.h b.toF m. ls eled, you m.y

Do nor turn to lny othcr
I Tumlo s€.llon 10(p.se 4 ol youraN*or shel lo answ.r lhe questionsIn rhiss.Gllon.

1. ft. dd$,rftdj a!\r DulL( qLi!h]^.i'red in

rid n{fid.nt !!!N!:]atr(Ntl']L olqd


jddlu!![.,(d@ tr n!]sdNs rohestr

csy sqo {ho s !!n!4 fli'ros di r'dnds oi

.tr-6 or thetrldr'\ uryrb'ion, odr m .ochdrv icquircd a lfar k;kn i re $J ir vd toutjlld
Fihil Fnrce. rhr!. c@o!,s4ir_ oi ponui

(c) rh. s6id d,x pL'Uby$.Moono0Elnht F80ft. rrlry,(i&oroy. spri0.$d podtrAi

(c) tdh.y lnrss ir xH rhs r Bnrrn.liri...

ome dmon obrctr dsorcd ro piidpoh pnxrudion.

b&!r,!!n]4ov i\ poldrin hit md drc
Fcqu€ oi\uk^ ml|d b e sen rd \b!!Djr!

i!' mNdain 'rrr rr MtrE prc€^?s aE djoytr

(c) moudai0rJil\ri,l idurcpref cr rE.ijoy.d lB) Dor bcoisuncashjch prrd frni nrFp'ng
(c) whjrecoi5uin\ o(fc\troppiia iijr rr'.n ftiJ

(D) ir iorydtrrdr roudns.who.nroyrtu 'nouihii

djdr i5 mu in hits rd nrtuB prs^ts

hlrr [c !q]d bv d. oijltllMddLlss


1c) sc diilvtu lr(,frL hrveb.etr{rii! 'ri.*$

hJr 'n! \orld hy rh. ed 0Ift Nliins l\!$

rmm*hkb wem ^",." rh€re*iI b" - tudlE !!n LhLhidl4 xid poliln.l hdito$ or rhcPcopl.

(A) hM no{ 6.di Wsnded. ftom vhnh wc ao

(8, !!n* Lridd) 'i
(B) hN no\ ben upsrodsr.od *. .r Nsunx rc) \a.' {idely$irlr
(c) hr5ni{ bd.i upsnded.\e c.n asumc
(D) hd no{ beenup,lEded.$ wr .xi rsuine 'hd
(E) hrliis idN bei lplnded ro Nh{e vc cin

bliq Egardcdby froq .ntks xs vitd rnd ultimdcrr

(A) hc phys iow beins

(B) hisplay5ar now
(O hn phlsio!
(D) bu,hn pLys rd now
(E) burwjrhhirpLxysnovbeiis
The Scoring Proceas

Scrnnins 1bu!an$Lrdrccr is sdmed elcctroniqll!.andthecn kyou filled in for crh quceion

ls icco cdi. r compurcifilc

scoring. Thc.om!trtcrcomFrcsthecncb fillcd in iorcachqucslion

with$ecorccr rcsponle.

Fach.or.cr rnswcrrcccives

Omiucdq!.nbns do not comt rN,nd yoursc6rc

O.e tuunhof d poinrs subhcrcdtbr cach\mng ans$erronllriple choiceqlestions.No

pornrs nE sublftrctcd for wong {ns@ rs ro lhe studen!-produccd
Fspotrc narhemarics quc$iors.

Th..ntic,lrcrdnrgsccrion.lorc\roplc.hds6?qu.srions \ii$ filc ansGchoicuscach.llyou

ha\c i7 rishr.l8 Nro.g. ahdI onined,tnc rcsuhinsmw scorcoil0 is deteftincdasrollotrs:
3? l8(r-r) t7 7=30
llrhe ns scon is ! fnctionxlhLmbcr,ir is roLndedro thc ncaEsr$holenumb.. lir cxafrple,
. flq scorcof16 2s is romdedro 16,nr ncarcsshole ntrmbcrA ra* scotorl :16.50 is

tssor s.oring, Usnrgrn. scorir-q suidedrowtron paeejl. expcticnccd din.d high.rh.olrnd

c.llcle faculr_\ scoElnccssol Eacfiessy is !e.d independen'ly by Noeadeu$honrc r on 3 \rale
r.rdcri scoEs!r. nddcJrqelher,andth.c$ay irbscoren reponcdon a scrlcofl ro ll Thc essay
r c c l i o ni s $ o n hd r p r u \ n ne l y 3 0 p e r c e n t o l r h e n $ s c o r e . a n d t h c m u l l i p l e - c h o i c e w r n i n - ! s c
rourrsforl]pl)nAi' rcly70pcrcent.

con\.rlingras scorc!ros.!l.d scores.Rlw scoresaG $en placcdon thescaleof 200 800

rlrough d proccssrharrdlG$ scoresto .ccolnt for ninor dnlc4nccs in dilficulty oons diilcrenl
cdnnnFoarhcr.i. T[is tMcss. *noNn$ cquding.n perrom.ds. rhara studenils nn ncd scoE
is norifccred by rltrdirionofthe tes hkcn orby Eabiliriesoarhcgoupsirhwhofrrh.nude
hlics rhcF$ AsrrcsrholplachsSATscorcsonrhcCollcseBolrdsc.le,scoEscarn.dby{rdc.ts
r r d i n i r n r t i i n e s c rb
n c c o m D a EFdo r e x a m D l c . a n S A r n a r h e m i l i c s s c o r e o f 4 0 0 o r r l c s r t a k e
oncrdDinislrartun irrdicrlcsfie samelevclofdcvclopednarhemdics.bihy asa 400scorcobhined
otr I diffcrcnrcdnnrnofrhc rcsrhken al anofterrine.
AT Essay Scoring

ey ii rhiscrgoq derronnrab An 6$] in n\t .rq.ry demonshrr An tsy i| lnis at€tory deDonsFres
Jeruil rdEinflr ,lrrry itrhoush rcarhfuI| .an:*nl| frd||, a/,4trdg m4r.rr1 Jrhdugh ir will
ihhongh ir eill haYeo.6ion:1 .ft6 havt laPasin qualirya iyPiel say
or hPs in qDri+ A rDi.rl esy
. d.velop 1 poinr oI vipwon rh.
.ff.diEh and insighrtullrdevelops . e]1dNtly ddclopJ : toinr of vie nsu€3nd dcnon{nrs .onpdent
r poi ofviewoDllt i$ueand siftil drinl]ng, 6ins ad.quir
d€norn0t. ou&rDding.dlical snis .ninal rhinlirS,scn.nly rbirles, reasons, od other
rhinlinS, riig d.,{tr :pPmpd.k ulngrPPofnde€xmPtsi crdd.c rosupporib posnion
dimpl.s.risr,and other E60ns, .nd drherevid€n.cro t ts8.nedL] orsint.d dd focusd,
eud.ncero suppon Poiion
is wcll o.srnbd 3nd.hrn) . n w! oqinrtd trndfo.lsed
focu*d, d."noindins del
re ibn5idrqu@ burin6ndsi.n.
oheEnrt r.d snoorh prcgftsion
hciliryinrhe.k of hnsuas.,sing
r exh,birsft.itirli.lh€ur of gardry aPProPrnr@buhry
exnibftsskiliil us .r hnsuig.. hDsra8r,$ing ippopriite . d.hoinn6 somevf i.ty in
usng! YtrEd,a..uor.i andapr
. Jlmonnmd \ari.ryin rniena
. his som do6 in snnDr, 6rs.
demo.snrtsmoninsnrlhiiery i!
. is Cennlll liee of nos cm6 ir

nsrif r h n - ' e 8 o td l n n E r s An snr in rhisore3or) denDNfres

r*ror,]l ,,rtrln d ; n[rked bv tnr.,'ir.rrr rnd iJ na{cd b oN[ lty Lhh ot Lr htn'trlndis
serdt Jrr€d by oNr on t\loRr at

de\doPsr Poinrolrit$ dn rhe d . r d o P s a p o i n r o t v t r w o n r h e ) d$tlofr N, !hbl. poinrorviewon

6su.,den'oNatrnsen. di|nal isuethl ir vlsueor sriousll th€ nnk. or provi,l6 linlc or io
rlnrir.d.rnd d(honnmG wsk qnGn.eio supponi6 posirion
fton5nrenq, or usdinadeqdr lrnnn rhinking,PfDvidins
,, i! Jnoqlniz.dor !Drcu$d,
rrppr.pilt or inn,fi .i!d

n lmnedni ir orBaniarion.! lvideo.crosufpdd i8 posirion

. ir poonroic t.dand/orfo.u*d. ;dxpliysrundhentaleios in
r.psesin cohsen.eor Pr.sE$ior or &monnnh !rioN pioblems
{nh.olweoceor prcsresiodof " Jemon$Hrssv.r niwsin
d;plqa devdoping fa.itiryir rhe
ur or ra4ua8d,b4 somerins us . displ.)svdllirll€ii.ilir in rh( ur I oihin5 p.msivr drdi5 in
ofl in3ua3e,usingYlr),timir.d sriDm4 trs8e,or n&h,ni.: ihar
vo.trhuar) or in.oii{r vo.d.hoi.. pssisienrlyinl.rferewirh
f racbrridrord.noi{aies
PoorN $ scnkne nru(urc
f .onhinsanr.uhuhiion orkoA . .onc'ns d.!r in cmnnnrr,!ise,
in ghihai tr$s..rd me.haDns rd nechdrns so *iou5 rhr

mfnr'illrc!'i\t a\o-'of t'!

Scorbg Worlsheot for tsd mq od'dcd.lc m$dG q
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