Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Physics Group, B I T S
August 2, 2011
A Simple Quiz What is the shape of liquid? If you weigh a ton of wood and a ton of iron, which one would you nd heavier?
A Simple Quiz What is the shape of liquid? Spherical (Why bring in gravity!) If you weigh a ton of wood and a ton of iron, which one would you nd heavier?
A Simple Quiz What is the shape of liquid? Spherical (Why bring in gravity!) If you weigh a ton of wood and a ton of iron, which one would you nd heavier? Wood, by 2 kg(Archimedes principle applies to all uids, including air!)
A Simple Quiz What is the shape of liquid? Spherical (Why bring in gravity!) If you weigh a ton of wood and a ton of iron, which one would you nd heavier? Wood, by 2 kg(Archimedes principle applies to all uids, including air!) Caution! Physics-wise think twice It aint a game of dice.
So Physics is NOT naive intution. What is Physics then? Physics is all about making sense of things and physical phenomena around us
So Physics is NOT naive intution. What is Physics then? Physics is all about making sense of things and physical phenomena around us, at the most fundamental (irreducible) level . What is the most basic nature of things? What is meant by making sense? What is the most basic tool using which we can make sense of things?
What is Meant by Making Sense? Things Particles or Waves Making sense Being able to write down laws and compute the time evolution of a system.
The Course Structure Part 1: Mechanics (20 lectures) Instructor : Dr. Rishikesh Vaidya Textbook : Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow Application of Newtons laws to linear and rotational motion Energy and Momentum Conservation
The Course Structure Part 2: Vibrations and Waves (20 lectures) Instructor : Prof. R.R.Mishra Textbook : Vibrations and Waves by A.P.French Damped, Forced, Coupled Oscillations and Normal Modes Waves
New Perspectives
Mechanics: So What is new? New Concepts/Methods Method of Constraints Use of Polar coordinates Calculus based approach New Perspectives
Mechanics: So What is new? New Concepts/Methods Method of Constraints Use of Polar coordinates Calculus based approach New Perspectives Simplicity of Newtons laws is actually deceptive Squeezing juice out of solutions!
Newtons rst law provides valid reference frames Mechanics provides fundamental laws to quantify causal connections Must quantify the signatures of no-cause no-eect First law answers: maintain status-quo! How does body achieve this? By virtue of Inertia resistance to change Inertial frames are the valid frames to measure the changes and causes
Newtons second law quanties causal connections Rest and uniform motion indistinguishable Accelaration (unlike velocity) is a better quantier of change In the proportionaltiy of cause (force) and eect, the only third player possible is inertia(mass): F = ma For mass varying systems, rate of change of momentum is a better quantier of causal connetions. F = dp dt
Newtons third law of Reciprocity What if the system consists of more than one interacting particles? To the force exerted by every object on a particle, there corresponds an equal and opposite force exerted by the particle on that object. F12 = F21 Using the 2nd law:
d (p1 dt
+ p2) = 0
Can I eat the cake and have it too? Formula for C.G.P.a a= F m
where a = C.G.P.A F = Forceful eorts in right direction m = Inertia Third Law Demysteed: As you sow, so shall you reap
Tension as an agent of force transmission Prob.(2.21) A rope of mass m and length l is attached to a block of mass M. The rope is pulled with force F. Find the tension at a distance x from the end of the rope. Neglect gravity.
Using F = ma Prob.2.2 The two blocks are connected by a string of negligible mass. If the system is released from rest, nd how far block M1 slides in time t. Neglect friction.
Pulley systems Step-by-step-method Divide the system into smaller parts treating each part as mass-point Isolate each part & draw free-body-diagram(FBD) Introduce an inertial coordinate system
Pulley systems Step-by-step-method Write the component eqn. of motion(EOM) for each body Take care of constrained motion using eq. of constraint
Tension was uniform because string & pulley were massless. Method of constraint: Do not use any sign for the acceleration beforehand. Correct T = M 1 a1 T M 2 g = M 2 a2 In-correct T = M 1 a1 T M2 g = M2 a2
Prob.(2.14) For the conguration shown in Fig. with massless string and pulleys and frictionless table, nd the acceleration of each mass.
Select a convenient coordinate system and assign coordinates to all masses & pulleys. Express the length of strings in terms of coordinates, dierentiate twice to obtain relations among acceleration.
Ans.(Prob. 2.14) T= aA = aB = aC = 2MAMBMCg 4MAMB + MAMC + MBMC 2MBMCg (4MAMB + MAMC + MCMB) 2MAMCg (4MAMB + MAMC + MCMB) MC(MA + MB)g (4MAMB + MAMC + MCMB)
Cartesian and Polar coordinate system Coordinate systems provide unique residential address for each point in space(and possibly time).
r a = ( r 2) r
+ (r + 2 ) r
Block on String (no gravity) Example 2.5 Find the force on the whirling mass m in the absence of gravity.
Block on String (no gravity) Example 2.5 Find the force on the whirling mass m in the absence of gravity.
Block on String (Now with gravity!) Example 2.6 Find the force on the mass m whirling in the vertical plane.
Figure: Now the forces are: Weight (Mg) downwards and Tension (T) radially inwards.
A Unique Tug of War: Brain vs. Brawn In the nals of the tug of war competition in BOSM, a skinny but brainy BITSian invites the brawny Delhi Uni. students for a unique challange, where he would face them all alone. Refer to the gure on next page to understand the unique feature. Do you think the strong Delhi team can pull him easily? Explain your answer.
A Simpler Problem: Force on a Pulley Example 2.13 A string with constant tension T is deected through angle 20 by a smooth xed pulley. What is the force on the pulley?
A Simpler Problem: Force on a Pulley Example 2.13 A string with constant tension T is deected through angle 20 by a smooth xed pulley. What is the force on the pulley?
Ans. 2T sin 0
Prob. 2.29 A car (weight W) is driven on a large revolving platform which rotates with constant angular speed . At t = 0 a driver leaves the origin and follows a line painted radially outward on the platform with constant speed v0 . The coecient of friction between the car and stage is . Find (a) accelaration a(t) and show its components t > 0. (b) The time at which the car just starts to skid.
(c) The direction of friction force w.r.t instantaneous position vector r just before the car starts to skid.
Prob. 2.30 A disk rotates with constant angular velocity . Two masses, mA and mB slide without friction in groove passing through the center of the disk. They are connected by a light string of length l, and are initially held in position by a catch, with mass mA at distance rA from the center. Neglect gravity. At t = 0 the catch is removed and the masses are set free to slide. Find A immediately after the catch is removed, in r terms of mA , mB , l, rA and 0.
Prob. 2.30
Prob.2.33 A particle of mass m is free to slide on a thin rod. The rod rotates in a plane about one end with a constant velocity . Show that the motion is given by r = Aet + Be+t , where is a constant which you must nd and A and B are arbitrary constant. Neglect gravity.
Prob.2.34 A mass m whirls around on a string which passes through a ring. Neglect gravity. Initially the mass is at a distance r0 from the center and is revolving at a angular velocity 0 . The string is pulled with constant velocity V starting at t = 0 so that the radial distance to the mass decreases. Draw a force diagram and obtain a dierential equation for . Find (a) (t) (b) Force needed to pull the string.