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Practical Cost-Based Approach For The Voltage Ancillary Service

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4, NOVEMBER 2001

Practical Cost-Based Approach for the Voltage

Ancillary Service
Edson Luiz da Silva, Senior Member, IEEE, Jonathan J. Hedgecock, Member, IEEE,
João Carlos O. Mello, Member, IEEE, and João Carlos Ferreira da Luz

Abstract—The restructuring and deregulation of the electricity the introduction of tight technical regulations which require
sector most noticeably involves the introduction of competition sector players to provide ancillary services, or the creation of
into energy supply. In parallel with this, however, there is an a commercial environment which encourages the providers of
increasing desire amongst transmission system operators, gener-
ators and consumers for commercial principles to be applied to the service through appropriate payments, as well as recovering
transmission services, including the provision of voltage support the corresponding revenue from transmission system users.
and reactive power control. The identification of the costs of In this paper, we address both sides of the problem: i) how
providing such services is an important first step toward devel- to pay the voltage support providers; and ii) how to allocate
oping a transmission services market. Implementing a payment the incurred costs to the users. We address specifically the
structure based on the remuneration of incurred costs can be an
attractive option to commercial power sector players, who wish voltage support problem, which we discuss in the context of the
such costs to be recoverable at an appropriate rate of return, and ongoing restructuring of the Brazilian electricity sector. The
system operators, who need to be assured of the availability of the Brazilian electricity transmission system is characterized by
necessary services. This paper addresses both the principles and long transmission distances and significant levels of inductive
practical issues involved in developing cost-based payments for demand, the combination of which leads to significant voltage
reactive power, with reference to the ongoing restructuring of the
Brazilian power sector. control problems, which need to be addressed in the technical
and commercial arrangements for the restructured electricity
Index Terms—Ancillary services, deregulation, reactive power,
transmission services, voltage support.
sector. This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents
a description of the problem of voltage control in modern
transmission systems. Section III identifies the costs associated
I. INTRODUCTION for providing voltage support from the range of sources which
is typically available. Section IV addresses the question of what
T HE RESTRUCTURING of the electricity sector interna-
tionally is perhaps most obviously characterized by major
reorganization of the commercial arrangements under which
sort of commercial arrangements are appropriate for incen-
tivizing the production/absorption of reactive power. Section V
energy is traded. The deregulation of electricity generation presents the initial experience in developing recommendations
and retailing inevitably, however, introduces new paradigms for cost-based reactive power payments in Brazil, and Section
to the planners and operators of transmission systems. In VI draws some conclusions from this work.
particular, special arrangements are required for dealing with
ancillary services, i.e., services such as spinning reserve, ready II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
reserve, black-start capacity and voltage support, which are A. Background
essential for the operation of the transmission network but
The control of the voltage profile of modern Electrical En-
which cause sector agents to incur costs in their provision
ergy Systems (EESs) is a complex task and expensive, due to
which are not readily identifiable within energy tariffs [1]–[3].
the fact that increasingly these systems are being operated close
If these services are to continue to be made available in
to their technical limits. Up to now, due to the vertical structure
sufficient quantity to system operators, there are essentially
of the electricity companies, there has been little need to iden-
two alternative approaches which can be adopted—either
tify the costs incurred for providing voltage support. In the UK
and elsewhere, there has been rapid evolution toward a market
Manuscript received November 2, 1999; revised May 21, 2001. The work
described was carried out under the auspices of a consultancy assignment led by
approach to the provision of reactive power. In those countries
PricewaterhouseCoopers. E. L. daSilva was supported by CNPq. Concepts and whose power sectors are at earlier stages of unbundling, how-
methodologies presented in this paper do not necessarily represent the position ever, the continued provision of voltage control services can per-
of the Brazilian ONS on this subject. Errors or omissions contained in this work haps best be ensured by:
are the sole responsibilities of the authors.
E. L. da Silva is with the Federal University at Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, • implementing appropriate technical regulations to require
SC, Brazil (e-mail: edson@labplan.ufsc.br). the provision of minimum levels of reactive power from
J. J. Hedgecock is with Power Planning Associates, UK (e-mail:
jonathan@powerplanning.com). key sources (particularly generation);
J. C. O. Mello is with Administradora dos Serviços do Mercado Atacadista • identifying accurately all the costs which are incurred by
de Energia, BR (e-mail: joao@cepel.br). providers of reactive power, in order to set up commercial
J. C. F. da Luz is with Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico, BR (e-mail:
joaoluz@ons.org.br). arrangements for recovering these costs in a transparent
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8950(01)09437-8. way.
0885–8950/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

As the deregulated industry matures and sector players be-

come more attuned to the commercial opportunities of partic-
ipating in reactive power production, so the development of
market based approaches can be pursued.

B. Services Provided
The consumption and production of reactive power typically
provides the following functions:
• increasing the power transfer limit between areas of the
• controlling the voltage profile steady state conditions; and
• controlling the voltage profile during transients.
Depending on the objective, the specific type of compensa-
tion component used, as well as the operating regime, will differ.
Thus, while a synchronous compensator is used and must op-
erate in a way that will provide a reserve of reactive power Fig. 1. Typical loading capability of a hydrogenerator.
for controlling fast excursions of voltage during contingencies,
switched shunt capacitors are used for controlling the voltage The explicit costs include the fixed costs represented by the
profile under longer term regimes. costs of capital and administration and the variable costs asso-
It can be seen that both functions are of vital importance to ciated with scheduled maintenance and operating costs.
the system. However, in the former case, the synchronous com- The implicit costs can be classified as variable and corre-
pensator may “float” on the system, not actually supplying or spond any loss of profit which arises as a result of producing
absorbing reactive power, for significant periods of time. In the reactive power.
latter case, the supply or absorption of reactive power is more In the following Section III-B, for each component with the
continuous. As we shall see, this difference in the nature of capacity to supply voltage support to the system, the respec-
the service provided by compensation equipment can have pro- tive variable costs are identified. Fixed costs are considered in
found implications for the basis which it is appropriate to use Section III-C.
for measuring and remunerating their performance. In addition
to synchronous compensators, static compensators and genera- B. Variable Costs
tors can also be regarded as sources of reactive power reserve. 1) Generator Producing Real Power: Ideally, a generator
The provision of equipment to cover all of these functions incurs should produce real power at its rated power factor so that its
investment costs as well as operating and maintenance costs; productive capacity is completely used, thus maximizing its
working from these costs, commercial arrangements for voltage profit. However, due to system requirements, it is possible that
support can therefore be established. Another possibility for es- the generator would have to reduce its real power in order to
tablishing a commercial arrangement to govern voltage sup- produce reactive power. This fact is illustrated in Fig. 1, in
port service consists of determining nodal prices for reactive which a typical loading capability diagram is shown.
power. These prices are calculated using optimal power flow In this situation, the generating cost of reactive power corre-
techniques, which have as their objective the minimization of sponds to the real power profit that can not be achieved, reduced
generating costs. Under this procedure, the nodal price of reac- by its generating cost during the period, divided by the reactive
tive power is derived from the sensitivity of generating cost to power produced:
the marginal increase of reactive power at a specific system bus
[4]. This procedure does not, however, recognize the costs of kVARh
voltage support offered by the compensation equipment during
transient system conditions. where
With these considerations in mind, we return to incurred costs opportunity cost of reactive power;
as the basis for establishing at least an interim structure of pay- energy price;
ments to the providers of reactive power as an ancillary service reduction of real power;
[5]. Thus, in the following presentation, explicit and implicit period in which the production capacity of real
costs for each type of component included in an electric power power is reduced,
system are examined. operating cost during the period of real power
III. COST IDENTIFICATION (kVARh) reactive power produced.
To provide the correct incentive for the production of reac-
A. Cost Classification
tive power, a generator prevented from producing an economic
In order to provide voltage support, equipment owners incur quantity of real power should not suffer a loss of profit. There-
costs that can be classified into two categories: fore, a mechanism is needed to enable the opportunity costs
i) explicit or direct costs; and arising from a reduction in generation to be recovered through
ii) implicit or indirect costs. the wholesale energy market.

Fig. 3. Hydrogenerator operating as a synchronous compensator.

Fig. 2. Typical operation of a hydrogenerator.

is virtually constant (i.e., independent of the level of reactive
This mechanism can be implemented using an ex-post power absorbed).
approach in which the current production per hour ( ) is 3) Switched Shunt Capacitors and Reactors: Variable costs
compared with the unconstrained output ( ) that the generator of this equipment are limited to those incurred for energy losses
would have produced if it was not instructed to reduce its pro- and for depreciation resulting from switching operations.
duction in order to control the voltage. can be obtained using Losses in shunt reactors, however small they may be as
a single bus dispatch using load and generators availabilities a percentage of the reactive rating of the equipment, can be
verified in the operation. significant. Consider, for instance, a reactor of 150 MVAr, for
As an example, consider that a generator made a bid of which losses may typically be around 160 kW. This level of
U$25/MWh to the market operator, in a market where the losses is equivalent to the consumption of many small industrial
marginal energy price is U$40/MWh. Furthermore, suppose its consumers.
unconstrained output, over a period of 3 hours, is 400 MW but, The frequency of switching is an important issue to be con-
in order to control the voltage, the system operator instructed sidered on the analysis of the problem because it may influence
it to reduce its output at 350 MW for that period, increasing not only the lifetime of the equipment itself, but also the circuit
reactive power injection by 20 MVAr. Then the opportunity breakers.
cost of this constrained operation can be calculated by: This occurs due to the overvoltage that appears during the
opening operation of reactors and the closing operation of
capacitors. The usual procedure for avoiding premature depre-
ciation of the equipment has been to install a synchronizing
device connected to circuit breakers. In addition, for reactors, a
U MVArh surge-arrester of ZnO is installed in parallel. The synchronizing
device coordinates the opening and closing of the circuit
2) Generator Operating as a Synchronous Compen- breaker at the instant in which the current is practically zero.
sator: Frequently, particularly in Brazil, generators run as A surge-arrester of ZnO is able to limit the overvoltage to the
synchronous compensators and, under this condition, they reactor.
consume real power from the system. This type of operation Taking into consideration that equipment could be installed
typically takes place during periods of minimum load, when according to technically regulated specifications, this type of
there is an excess of reactive power that must be absorbed as premature depreciation could be averted and the financial im-
a way of controlling the voltage profile. A hydro generator plications limited to the difference in capital cost arising from
operating as a synchronous compensator in these conditions the modified equipment design. Thus, the depreciation requiring
typically has no opportunity costs, because the system is under consideration as a variable operating cost may be restricted only
minimum load and it may not therefore have been dispatched to circuit breakers.
other than for the absorption of reactive power. Thus, the Depending on the location of compensation equipment within
generator incurs only the following explicit costs: the transmission system, the frequency of switching can be sig-
• the supply of energy to pumps that are responsible for nificant. A circuit breaker for a switched shunt reactor or capac-
eliminating water from the interior of the turbine; and itor is submitted to a general review after a specified number of
• energy losses arising in the generating unit due to winding opening/closing cycles has occurred, after which the equipment
losses, friction, windage etc. is completely refurbished; it is therefore possible evaluate the
In order to analyze these losses, first consider the Figs. 2 and costs of each switching from the costs of refurbishment.
3, where the operation of a typical hydro plant of the Brazilian 4) Synchronous Compensator: As we have seen, a syn-
system is shown. Fig. 2 shows the average real and reactive chronous compensator may be considered to be a source of
power values per hour. From this, we observe that the generator reactive power reserve, whose main function is to control the
is operating as a synchronous compensator in early morning, a voltage profile during transient periods. In order to achieve this
time period which is detailed in the later figure. An important aim, a synchronous compensator is usually operating at a near
point is illustrated in the detail of Fig. 3: the real power absorbed zero reactive power level.

A synchronous compensator can also be used to control TABLE I

voltage under normal operating conditions in order to increase TYPICAL DATA FOR A HYDROGENERATOR
the static stability limit between areas and, consequently,
allow an increase in power exchange between them. For its
operation, it requires real power to compensate for losses
caused by reactive power that is being produced or consumed,
rotational losses, etc. For practical purposes these losses may
be considered constant, reaching amounts about 1–2% of the
Considering that synchronous compensators are sources of
reactive power reserves, they tend to be continuously attached to
the system when in operation and only disconnected for main-
Considering that it is necessary to have a fund to compensate
tenance purposes. Thus, costs incurred by start-up procedures
for the generator depreciation, the annual revenue ( ) is calcu-
can be ignored.
lated as follows:
5) Static Compensator: Similar to a synchronous compen-
sator, the static compensator has as its main function the con-
trolling of the voltage profile during transient periods. Thus, it
can also be considered as a source of reactive power reserves.
Losses are dependent largely on the reactive power that is being
produced or consumed by it, and arise in transformer windings,
cables, reactor winding losses, etc. Given that the switching
US per year
mechanism of a static compensator is made up of solid state
components, the switching operation does not cause a reduction
The annual cost per kVA is calculated by
in useful life.
6) On-Load Tap Changers—LTCs: LTCs are used for con-
US kVA year US kVA year
trolling the system voltage profile and, according to the ideas
presented in this paper, could be considered as providers of
Using the power triangular relationship among kVA, kW and
ancillary services. The maintenance frequency and hence the
kVAR, the annual cost per kVAR is calculated by
running costs of an LTC are dependent on the number of op-
erations performed by it during a given period. Given that the
US kVAr year US kVAr year
LTC is effectively a component part of the transformer, and that
this equipment will typically be installed in accordance with
There are a number of simplifications inherent in this approach,
technical specifications defined by the ISO, we suggest that
since it is assumed that the vector relationship between real and
it is more appropriate to consider LTCs as integral elements
reactive power is mirrored in the buildup of the capital costs
of the transmission system. The costs associated with LTCs
of the generating plant. In practice, a degree of correction may
can therefore be included in the fixed costs of the transmission
need to be applied to reflect more accurately the actual changes
system. Thus, we propose that under the definitions developed
in plant capital costs associated with more lagging power factor
in this paper, LTCs will not be considered as ancillary services
operation (e.g., the higher conductor costs associated with in-
creased currents and excitation levels). Further work is required
to refine the triangular cost/power factor relationship, with ref-
C. Fixed Costs erence to actual plant costs. Another possibility would be to use
the replacement cost concept (proxy cost). Under this concept,
the capacity cost per kVAr between a typical synchronous com-
Costs of equipment for providing reactive support depend on
pensator and a typical generator would be used as the reactive
the manufacturer and the type of technology that is used. Typical
power capacity cost. This methodology would take the devel-
cost data has been obtained from out-turn project costs encoun-
opment of payments for reactive power a step closer toward a
tered in Brazil, and can similarly be derived for other systems.
market approach, since reactive power produced by an existing
All reactive compensation equipment has the exclusive function
ancillary services provider (ASP) would be valued on the basis
of providing voltage support to the system. For generators, how-
of the avoided cost of building a new installation. This would,
ever, this is not the case. Thus, it is necessary to separate the
however, represent a departure from the truly cost-reflective
costs associated with the real and reactive power, respectively.
methodology which is the subject of this paper.
Assuming that the cost of current generators can be consid-
ered as an adequate reference, we can identify an average cost
of (R$/kVA/rpm) or (R$/kVA/poles), then relate it to kW and
kVAR This computation should be made considering the opera- Commercial arrangements for remunerating the providers
tion under nominal ratings, such as shown in the following. For of reactive power in large transmission systems need to take
instance, consider a hydrogenerator for which relevant details into account a number of specific considerations, if they are to
are presented in Table I. encourage adequate levels of VAr production. The key issues

which need to be considered from the transmission network require monitoring to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of the
perspective are: variable costs to which ASPs are exposed. For example:
• the potential for wide regional variations in the need for • payments in respect of generators acting as synchronous
reactive power on the transmission network; compensators, or relating to bespoke synchronous
• the substantial daily variations in the requirements for compensation plant, may be calculated on the basis of
reactive power and energy which can arise, both from the operating time and/or active power consumption, rather
nature of the system demand and the way in which system than metered production or absorption of reactive power.
voltages are controlled; The active power demand of these machines (together
• the flexibility which may be required in sources of reac- with various maintenance costs) is more closely related
tive power, enabling both VAr production and VAr absorp- to running time than to reactive power production; and
tion at different times of the day and in varying quantities; • certain categories of equipment, such as fixed line reactors
and which are permanently connected to transmission lines,
• the extent to which problems of voltage control are ex- on-load tap changers, etc., may be regarded as basic items
acerbated by long transmission distances (such as those of transmission system equipment, and remunerated in the
encountered in Brazil), with the result that localized VAr same way as other transmission line and substation plant,
control is a clear requirement. rather than defined as ancillary services equipment.
From the commercial perspective of the ancillary services Nevertheless, in the initial stages of introducing Ancillary
provider (ASP), the principal concerns are: Services payments into a newly-restructured electricity sector,
• to recover the fixed and variable costs associated with the capability payments are likely to provide the most straight-
installation, operation and maintenance of the relevant re- forward means of commercializing the provision of Ancillary
active compensation facilities (including those elements Services. Regulatory provisions need to ensure, however, that
of the costs of generator operation which are attributable the option for evolution toward greater sophistication, including
to providing voltage control services); and utilization payments, is left open.
• to make a reasonable return on the actual costs incurred in
providing voltage control services, either through a regu- B. Payments by Consumers
lated income stream or within the context of a free market
for ancillary services. In order to overcome the locational issues affecting reactive
All of these points have implications for the commercial de- power control, commercial mechanisms must, in parallel with
velopment of Ancillary Services, which we now discuss. technical regulatory requirements, ideally:
• provide incentives for generators located close to demand
centers to participate to a full extent in voltage control; and
A. Structure of Payments to ASPs
• encourage (or penalize) the correction (or lack of correc-
As we demonstrated in Section III, the costs incurred by tion) of power factors locally within distribution networks
ASPs, and hence the amounts which they receive under any as far as is practicable.
cost-related payment structure, ultimately need to distinguish In addition to remunerating generators directly connected to
between the fixed and variable costs associated with the the transmission network for the production of reactive power,
various devices. The most straightforward way of relating these therefore, it can be appropriate to consider mechanisms for
costs to a structure of payments to be made by transmission paying embedded generators (i.e., those connected at distribu-
system users (or, practically, the ISO on the users’ behalf) to tion voltage levels) for the provision of reactive power locally.
ASPs would be: Two possible approaches can be considered to providing
• to relate fixed costs to a capacity payment, based on the economic signals to distribution (D) companies to invest in
availability of a given MVAr of reactive power production power factor correction; either:
capability; and • the inclusion of embedded generation in the calculation
• to link variable costs to a utilization payment, where the process for determining payments to generators for reac-
utilization payment itself is calculated as a function of the tive power; or
explicit or implicit costs incurred. • the incentivization of distribution companies to contract
The main problem associated with relating payments to for reactive power from embedded generators, by means
device utilization is that of measuring the quantities necessary of the application of a charge on these companies for me-
to enable payments to be calculated. This issue is particularly tered reactive take from the transmission system. Distrib-
relevant in relation to metering, since the measurement of utors are thereby be encouraged to improve power factors
MVArh output for each fixed or switched reactor and capacitor at the interface with the transmission system, either by the
bank, static var system, synchronous compensator, and gen- provision of compensation equipment themselves or by
erator, could necessitate a substantial investment in metering negotiation with embedded generators.
equipment and the associated data collection and transmission Charging D companies on the basis of their metered con-
facilities. sumption of reactive energy offers significant attractions in
Analyzing the findings reported in Section III indicates that terms of sending accurate signals to those companies which
some simplifications can be made to the quantities which would need to invest in power factor correction most urgently as


a means of contributing to overall system efficiency. This and time of day variations can also be encountered, which vary
Reactive Charge should ideally be derived by examining the in different regions of the system. These can lead to maximum
proportion of the reactive energy which is required on the reactive demand from consumers arising at times when the
system which is specifically associated with demand, rather transmission system is already stressed, either in intermediate
than inherent transmission (T) network requirements. This or peak active demand conditions, leading to the exacerbation
can be done analytically by evaluating in broad terms the of voltage control problems. Time-based variations should not
approximate proportion of the reactive requirements of the have any relevance to cost-based payments to ASPs, however
system which is associated with reactive power losses in they may usefully be considered in relation to the differentiation
transmission lines, and subtracting this from the total system of reactive tariffs which may be applied to D companies or
reactive requirement. The balance may be categorized as that large consumers as a means of managing the growth in reactive
reactive energy which is required to supply the reactive de- demand.
mands associated with D systems and T connected consumers. Finally, it can be argued in developing charges to D compa-
A flat rate reactive charge can therefore be applied to D com- nies and T-connected consumers that it would be preferable to
panies and T-connected consumers to cover the component of charge for lagging reactive consumption across the full range
system compensation costs which is genuinely attributable to of power factors from unity downwards, and to leave the con-
the impact of their MVArh consumption. This charge would be a sumers/companies to decide on the economic level of compen-
fixed figure of US$/MVAr h irrespective of the regional location sation to install in their systems. This is likely to prove less
of the demand, reflecting the localized nature of much reactive arbitrary than prescribing an “optimum” power factor through
power provision at this level. The charge would be developed the adoption of a “dead-band” around unity power factor within
on the basis of a representative combination of reactive power which no charges would be payable.
sources being used to supply D companies and T-connected
consumers’ requirements. V. PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION
The regional variations in reactive power requirements which Building on the principles described above, the authors have
can arise on interconnected transmission systems can to some been involved in the development of preliminary proposals for
extent be addressed by the introduction of measures to promote the implementation of cost-based ancillary services payments
the provision of reactive power at the distribution level. Beyond and charges in the restructuring electricity sector in Brazil. The
this, it is important that the ISO has the flexibility to decide focus of work which has been carried out to date has been on
whether to contract for reactive support from generators, or to the identification of a suitable payment mechanism for remuner-
invite tenders for new compensation plant, at specific locations, ating the provision of reactive power by ASPs. A later stage in
to ensure that the transmission system can operate satisfactorily. the process will consider in detail the provisions for recovering
In a cost-based payment scheme, ASPs should only be entitled costs from distribution companies and large consumers on the
to payments which vary geographically if it can be demonstrated basis of actual reactive demand. Payments to ASPs are proposed
that the costs of installing and/or operating equipment in one for which are based on the principles outlined in Section IV.
location differ from those at another. Table II shows the basic costs which it is intended will be remu-
Superimposed on any system- and demand-related geo- nerated under the initial payments scheme, broken down into
graphical variations the demand for reactive power, seasonal the major categories of ancillary service provider.

VI. CONCLUSION Edson Luiz da Silva received the B.Sc. degree from Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina in 1980, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees, in 1984 and 1994,
respectively, from the same university, all in electrical engineering. From 1982
to 1991, he developed professional activities in the Operations Department and
The work presented in this paper has been directed at in the System Planning Department, of Eletrosul, the Southern Brazilian utility.
achieving a workable payment structure for the provision Since 1994, he has been developing research activities at Universidade Federal
of voltage control services within the Brazilian electricity de Santa Catarina, where he is now a full-time professor. He has been working
on the Brazilian Electric Energy Sector restructuring process and his main fields
sector, as part of the overall restructuring process. The detailed of interest are power system planning reliability evaluation, and power system
implementation of the proposals described is ongoing in the optimization.
context of the creation of the wholesale electricity market and
the independent system operator. The principles contained in
the approach presented in this paper are likely to shape the Jonathan J. Hedgecock graduated from Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine in London in 1986, in electrical and electronic
initial arrangements to be put in place for commercializing the engineering. From 1986 to 1997, he worked with Kennedy & Donkin on a
provision of voltage control services in the privatized Brazilian wide range of transmission system planning and analysis projects, including
power sector, and, as such, they may provide a useful basis for power sector restructuring and transmission pricing work in Colombia and
Brazil. Since joining Power Planning. Associates, a UK-based power sector
consideration in other international systems. planning and economics consultancy, as a founder member in 1997, he has
focused on transmission-related privatization, restructuring and planning as-
signments. These have included major work on the development of commercial
arrangements for handling ancillary services in Brazil.

Joã Carlos O. Mello received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and the D.Sc. degrees in elec-
REFERENCES trical engineering from Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ) in 1983,
1988, and 1994, respectively. From 1989 to 2000, he was with CEPEL, the
Brazilian Electric Power Research Center. There he worked on projects related
to reliability, expansion and operational planning and competitive markets in
[1] F. L. Alvarado, “Methods for the quantification of ancillary services in power systems. He is currently responsible for market implementation issues
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[2] , “Methods and tools for costing ancillary services,” in CIGRE
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[3] S. Harry and A. Papalexopoulos, “Competitive procurement of ancillary João Carlos Ferreira da Luz received the B.Sc. degree from Universidade do
services by an independent system operator,” IEEE Trans. Power Sys- Estado do Rio de Janeiro in 1975, in electrical engineering. From 1974 to 1996,
tems. PE-427-PWRS-0-06-1998, to be published. he developed professional activities in the Electrical Operation Planning De-
[4] S. Hao and A. Papalexopoulos, “Reactive power pricing and manage- partment of Eletrobrás and from 1996 to 1998 he was Head of the Technological
ment,” in IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Baltimore, Janeiro, 1996. Development Division of the same department. He coordinated the Task Force
[5] J. W. Lament and J. Fu, “Cost analysis of reactive power support,” IEEE “Planning” on the Brazilian Electric Energy Sector restructuring process. Since
Trans. Power Systems. PE-298-PWRS-0-04-1998, to be published. 1998, he is with ONS working in the Transmission Administration.

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