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Congestion Management Ensuring Voltage Stability

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1, FEBRUARY 2006


Congestion Management Ensuring Voltage Stability

Antonio J. Conejo, Fellow, IEEE, Federico Milano, Member, IEEE, and Raquel Garca-Bertrand, Member, IEEE

Active power increment in demand due to congestion management.

Active power decrement in generator due to congestion management.
Active power increment in generator due to congestion management.
Vector of node voltage angles.
Loading margin.

AbstractThis paper addresses the congestion management

problem avoiding ofine transmission capacity limits related to
stability. These limits on line power ows are replaced by optimal
power ow-related constraints that ensure an appropriate level of
security, mainly targeting voltage instabilities, which are the most
common source of stability problems. Results from an illustrative
case study based on the IEEE 24-bus Reliability Test System are
analyzed. Conclusions are duly drawn.
Index TermsCongestion management, nonlinear programming, transmission capacity.

C. Constants
Maximum current magnitude in line .
Active power consumed by demand as determined
by the market-clearing procedure.
Active power produced by generator as determined
by the market-clearing procedure.
Maximum power to be supplied to demand .
Minimum power to be supplied to demand .
Maximum power output of generator .
Minimum power output of generator .
Ofine stability capacity limit of line
Thermal capacity limit of line (active power).
Reactive power capacity of generator .
Minimum reactive power production of generator .
Price offered by demand to decrease its pool power
schedule for congestion management purposes.
Price offered by demand to increase its pool power
schedule for congestion management purposes.
Price offered by generator to decrease its pool
power schedule for congestion management
Price offered by generator to increase its pool
power schedule for congestion management
Power factor of demand .
Maximum voltage magnitude in node .
Minimum voltage magnitude in node .
Minimum value for .

The notation used throughout the paper is stated below for
quick reference. Note that indicates security loading condition.
A. Functions
Active power ow through line
as a function of
voltage angles.
Current magnitude through line as a function of
voltage magnitudes and angles.
Active power injection in node as a function of
voltage angles.
Active power injection in node as a function of
voltage magnitudes and angles.
Reactive power injection in node as a function of
voltage magnitudes and angles.
B. Variables
Scalar variable used to represent system losses associated with the security loading condition.
Final active power consumption of demand .
Total active nal consumption in node .
Final active power production of generator .
Total nal active production in node .
Final reactive power consumption of demand .
Final reactive power production of generator .
Vector of node voltage magnitudes.
Active power decrement in demand due to congestion management.

Manuscript received December 27, 2004; revised September 6, 2005. The

authors are supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain
under CICYT Project DPI2003-01362 and in part by the Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla-La Mancha under Project GC-02-006. Paper no. TPWRS-006742004.
The authors with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain (e-mail: Antonio.Conejo@uclm.es;
Federico.Milano@uclm.es; Raquel.Garcia@uclm.es).
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRS.2005.860910

2008 IEEE.

D. Sets
Set of indices of demands.
Set of indices of demands located in node .
Set of indices of online generators.
Set of indices of online generators for the security
loading condition.
Set of indices of online generators located in node
Set of indices of all nodes.
Set of indices of transmission lines.




HIS paper considers a day-ahead electric energy market

based on a pool. Within this pool, producers and retailers/consumers submit production and consumption bids to
the market operator, which, in turn, clears the market using an
appropriate market-clearing procedure. This procedure results
in 24 hourly energy prices to be paid by consumers and to be
charged by producers [1], [2].
More often than not, pool market results originate network
congestion problems, and the independent system operator
(ISO) should determine the minimal changes in the market
results that ensure a secure operation. We assume that the ISO
has the appropriate regulatory power to enforce the required
production and consumption changes, which is the case for
most European ISOs.
Usually, congestion management consists in enforcing transmission capacity limits that are computed ofine to ensure stability conditions that render a secure operation. This enforcement results in generation/consumption changes for generators
and demands. Thermal transmission capacity limits are also enforced, but usually they are less restrictive than ofine stability
We propose a formulation that guarantees a secure operation
and includes only thermal limits on transmission lines, thus not
using articial stability limits on transmission lines that are typically computed ofine. To ensure a secure operation, the congestion-relieving algorithm includes online conditions based on
the power ow equations that guarantee not only a stable operating point but also a minimum required distance to voltage
collapse conditions [3], [4]. It should be noted that transient and
frequency stability conditions are not considered in this paper
as voltage stability is usually the most restrictive stability condition in the considered time frame.
We consider that both producers and consumers may
equally alter their power schedules (as determined by the
market-clearing procedure) to contribute to congestion management. In other words, both producers and consumers bid to
alter their respective productions/consumptions in the congestion management procedure.
The main contribution of this paper is to show that using
voltage stability constraints in a congestion-relieving algorithm
results normally in better economic outcomes (for consumers
and producers) than using ofine nonthermal line capacity
limits. We believe this is an important contribution as standard congestion-relieving procedures do use generally ofine
nonthermal capacity constraints and might render safe but
uneconomical solutions.
It should be noted that [4] provides a multiobjective marketclearing procedure, while this paper provides a congestion management technique to be used once the market has been cleared.
Moreover, [4] does not allow a direct computation of marginal
prices as the objective function is neither a cost nor a social
welfare, while the technique used in this paper, if applied to
the market-clearing problem, allows obtaining directly marginal
prices. Furthermore, this paper enforces voltage security constraints without resorting to a rather articial multiobjective criterion, which constitutes a clear advantage over [4]. Finally,
most technical references pertaining to voltage stability (e.g.,

[3] and [4]) do not consider generation limits while computing

grid-induced voltage stability limits; however, we have included
an iterative mechanism to take into account how the generation
limits affect the network loadability.
A case study based on the IEEE 24-bus Reliability Test System
(IEEE RTS) is used to illustrate the functioning of the proposed
congestion-relieving procedure and to compare it with procedures that impose ofine bounds on transmission line ows.
Relevant references on congestion management include,
among others, [5][9]. Reference [5] provides an insightful tutorial on congestion management. References [6] and [7] provide
the perspective of a particular ISO on congestion management
issues. Reference [9] provides a detailed analysis of different
congestion management techniques used in different electricity
markets throughout the world and a general congestion-relieving algorithm similar to the one described in Section II-B.
Background on electricity markets can be found in [10][14].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II provides a description of the market-clearing procedure, the formulation of the classical congestion-relieving algorithm, as well
as the one proposed in this paper. The solution procedure of
both algorithms is described. Section III provides economics efciency metrics to appraise the impact of congestion management on the market performance for both algorithms. Section IV
presents result for the IEEE RTS obtained using both a classical
congestion management procedure and the one proposed in this
paper. Section V summarizes some relevant conclusions.
A. Market-Clearing Procedure
This paper considers a day-ahead electric energy market
based on a pool. Within this pool, producers and consumers
submit production and consumption bids to the market operator,
which clears the market using an appropriate market-clearing
procedure [1], [2]. For each hour, the bid of each producer is
monotonously increasing piecewise constant stacks of quantities and prices. Analogously, the bid of each consumer is
monotonously decreasing piecewise constant stacks of quantities and prices. The market-clearing procedure results in 24
hourly energy prices to be paid by consumers and to be charged
by producers. It should be noted that while the time framework
for the day-ahead electric energy market is 24 hours, the time
framework for congestion management is 1 hour, as congestion-relieving actions are considered hour by hour.
For any given hour, the resulting production of each proand the consumption of each consumer
ducer is denoted by
B. Classical Congestion Management
The classical congestion-relieving problem can be formulated
as follows:


subject to




the proposed technique with the dc model (1)(11) because such

model is commonly used in practice for congestion relieving,
as stated in the worldwide survey reported in [7]. Security is
ensured enforcing adequate voltage behavior for a loading condition (security loading condition) higher than the current one
as determined by the margin . This criterion is based on [3]
and [4]. The proposed congestion-relieving problem is



subject to





Notice that
are obtained from market-clearing
mechanism and are thus constant powers in (7) and (8). In
(1)(11), the network is represented by means of a dc model, as
it is common practice for the congestion management problem
[7]. Thus, voltages are supposed to be equal to 1 p.u. in all
buses, and reactive powers are not considered in this formulation.
Equation (1), the objective function, is the cost incurred in
up/down power adjustments by the ISO to ensure a secure operation. We consider that any change from the market-clearing conditions implies a payment to the agent involved. Note that other
settlement arrangements are possible, as for instance, the ones
used in [9]. Equations (2) represent power balances in all nodes
is the active power inof the considered network. Function
jection in node as a function of voltage angles. That is,
, where
are, respectively, the real and imaginary part of the element of
the nodal admittance matrix. Equations (3) and (4) enforce maximum and minimum production/consumption bounds for generators/demands. Equations (5) are thermal capacity limits of the
transmission lines, while (6) are ofine stability capacity limits
is the power ow through line
of the lines. Function
connecting nodes and as a function of voltage angles. That is,
. Equations
(7) and (8) express nal powers are a function of market results and power increments/decrements to achieve a secure operation. Equations (9) transfer generator or demand values to
node values. Equations (10) and (11) declare that power increments/decrements are positive.
In this paper, we propose to substitute ofine constraints (6)
for other physically based constraints, which are directly related
with the current operating conditions of the system. Additionally, we do not consider voltage magnitudes equal to one, and
we do take into account reactive power ows. The resulting formulation is stated in the next subsection.
C. No Limits on Lines Other Than Physical Ones
The proposed congestion-relieving problem is formulated in
the following. We would like to point out that we do compare


and constraints (7)(11).
The objective function (12) is similar to the objective function (1). Constraints (13) and (14) are active power balances in
all nodes for the current and security loading conditions, respectively. Constraints (15) and (16) are reactive power balances in all nodes for the current and security loading conditions, respectively. Constraints (17) relate reactive and active
power demands considering a constant power factor. Constraints
(18) enforce bounds on the active power productions of generators, while constraints (19) enforce bounds on the consumptions of demands. As it is customary in voltage stability analysis, bounds (19) are not considered for the security loading
condition, as these conditions are not actual operating conditions. Constraints (20) and (21) enforce bounds on the reac-



tive power production of generators for current and security

loading conditions, respectively. Constraints (22) and (23) establish bounds on voltage magnitudes for current and security
loading conditions, respectively. Constraints (24) and (25) establish bounds on actual magnitudes through lines for actual and
security loading conditions, respectively. Constraint (26) states
that the current value of is above a pre-specied minimum
value, thereby guaranteeing an appropriate distance from the
current operating point to the voltage collapse or the closest operating limit. Constraints (27)(29) relate current and security
loading conditions. Finally, constraints (30)(32) relate generator or demand magnitudes with node magnitudes.
Note that (13)(16) are the standard power ow equations;
thus, active and reactive power losses are properly taken into
, which is
account in the model. Furthermore, the variable
included in (27), is used to enforce the fact that power ow
(13) and (15), and the security power ow (14) and (16), are
linearly related in terms of active power (through the loading
repremargin lambda), while losses are not. Thus, variable
sents unknown losses for the security power ow (14) and (16).
Assuming that (27) has been written for all generators
is balanced by the phase reference angle. On
the variable
the other hand, reactive power losses are balanced by two independent sets of generator reactive powers variables, which are
dened for (13) and (15), and for (14) and (16), respectively.
Constraints (14), (16), (21), (23), and (25)(29) are similar to
what was proposed in [3] and [4]. However, while in [3] and [4],
s associated with a critical loading condition, in the problem
(12)(32) and (7)(11), it is only required that the current so.
lution exhibits at least a minimum security level
Observe that xing the minimum value of the loading margin
can lead to infeasible solutions for high values of
. However, it is assumed that the problem has a solution at least for
, at which the proposed method reduces to a standard optimal power ow (OPF) problem, basically similar to
(1)(11), except for the
It should be noted that we consider not only how network
constraints (voltage stability constraints) affect rescheduling but
also the other way round, i.e., how the generation limits affect
the network loadability. It is possible to include these limits at
the cost of solving several times the voltage stability constrained
OPF model. At this aim, in (27), the set refers to all generators
that comply with the following constraints:
that are out of their limits are xed to the corresponding
maximum or minimum limit. Observe that (33) is veried ofine. If some generators do not comply with (33), the set is
updated and the OPF repeated. The process stops once the solution veries (33). In all case studies that we have considered,
the proposed technique took two to four iterations to converge.
Observe that (33) cannot be included directly in the OPF
problem because the loading margin multiplies all generator
and load powers. These powers are used as directions to get
the maximum security loading condition (MSLC). Including
generator limits in the MSLC constraints would lead to the following inconsistent result: could not be greater than 0 if just
one generator capacity limit were binding
. This

result is clearly not realistic as the network is not at its maximum

loading condition for
We would like to point out that most technical references pertaining to voltage stability (e.g., [3] and [4]) do not consider generation limits while computing grid-induced voltage stability
limits. Thus, taking into account these limits is a new contribution of the present paper.
It is important to note that the proposed congestion management model is used within a time frame of 1 hour. Thus,
frequency and transient instabilities, which are typically much
faster phenomena, are not taken into account in this paper.
The proposed procedure can be improved including models
for additional control components. However, the aim of this
paper is not to develop an OPF-based tool for controlling
tap-changing transformers and exible ac transmission system
(FACTS) devices (issues still open for creative research) but
rather to provide an efcacious congestion-relieving tool within
a 1-hour time framework.
We would like to emphasize that this paper focuses on
congestion management, not on voltage stability assessment.
Within this framework, to properly address the tradeoff between
high accuracy and low complexity, we believe that the static
proposed model provides an appropriate compromise. Moreover, the validity of such an approach is based on well-assessed
practice, as reported in [15].
D. Solution
Problems formulated in Subsections II-B and II-C are relatively small, well-behaved nonlinear programming problems
that can be easily solved using appropriate software, e.g.,
For both congestion management procedures, the increment
in revenues for producers participating in congestion management is computed as
That is, (34) represents payments to producers for adjusting
power production (up and down).
The revenues for consumers participating in congestion management is computed as
That is, (35) represents payments to consumers for adjusting
power consumptions (up and down).
The total cost associated to congestion management is provided by (34) plus (35).
It should be noted that the techniques proposed in Sections II-B and II-C result in different producer and consumer
payments and therefore in a different total congestion management cost.
This total cost is a measure of the decrement in social welfare
due to congestion management. This cost might be allocated
(e.g., pro rata) among all market participants, generators, and



Fig. 2. Productions and consumptions using the classical congestion

management method for the 24-bus system.

Fig. 1. IEEE 24-bus RTS [17].

demands. Alternatively, it might be allocated to those generators and demands that do not contribute to the actual congestion
relieving by changing their productions or consumptions.
A case study based on the IEEE RTS, depicted in Fig. 1, is
presented in this section. Topology, line, and generator data can
be found in [17, Fig. 1 and Tables IX and XII]. Ofine stability
capacity limits and thermal capacity limits of the lines are also
given in [17, Table XII]. The ofine stability capacity limit of
line 14-16 is reduced to 300 MVA in this paper (instead of 500
MVA) so that congestion occurs. Generator and demand data
are given in the Appendix.
Note that functions
represent active power
ow through any line and active power injection in any node,
respectively (considering voltages magnitudes equal to one).
Then, both congestion management methods include transmission losses.
Price bids by generators and demands to alter their scheduled
productions and consumptions (as determined in the day-ahead
market) are reported in Tables II and III, respectively (in the Appendix). These values have been selected arbitrarily close to the
corresponding marginal cost values and considering adjusting
up slightly more expensive than adjusting down for generators
and the opposite for demands.
All simulations have been obtained using CONOPT under
GAMS [16]. On a Pentium IV 2.66-GHz computer, the classical
congestion management method takes about 0.1 s, while the
proposed congestion management method converges in three
iterations (three solutions of the OPF problem (12)(32) and
(7)(11) are needed) and takes about 1.5 s of CPU time.

Fig. 3. Productions and consumptions using the proposed method with

: for the 24-bus system.


Fig. 2 depicts the solution of the classical congestion-relieving problem (1)(11) for the IEEE RTS using as initial
, and
(provalues the market-clearing results
vided in Tables II and III). This solution shows changes in the
power outputs of some generators and in the consumption of
one demand to relieve an stability overloading in line 1416
of line 1416 is binding).
On the other hand, Fig. 3 depicts the solution of the proposed
congestion-relieving problem (12)(32), (7)(11) for
and for the same initial market-clearing results
as the ones used for the classical congestion problem.
is nonzero because transmission
In this case, only one
losses have to be supplied. This solution ensures a reasonable
means that the system can stand
security margin, as
at least a 10% load increase. However, no load adjustment is required, thus resulting in a cheaper solution than the one achieved
solving the classical congestion management problem (1)(11),
as illustrated in Table I.




Fig. 6. Payments for production and consumption adjustments as a function

for the 24-bus system.

Fig. 4. Power production adjustments as a function of


for the 24-bus

Fig. 5. Relevant power consumption adjustments as a function of 

24-bus system.

for the

The proposed method also allows computing a set of optimal

. Figs. 4 and 5 depict the adjustsolutions as a function of
ments that take place in the power productions and consump. The solutions do not
tions, respectively, for
change up to
, which is, in turn, the security margin
of the initial solution provided by the market clearing. However,
as the initial soit would not be correct to impose
lution of the market-clearing procedure, namely,

could be characterized by a higher level of security. The powers

of both productions and consumptions change (production inin order to
creases and consumption decreases) for
provide the required security margin. Furthermore, payments to
consumers increase as the security margin increases, since the
higher the system security, the higher the power adjustments,
as depicted in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 illustrates also payments to producers, which show a similar behavior as the payments to con.
sumers, except for a local decrease for
This behavior is due to power losses adjustments (power losses
decrease as the power consumption decreases). However, the
sum of payments to consumers and to producers cannot deincreases; otherwise, the solutions of (12)(32)
crease as
and (7)(11) would not be optimal.
In this case study, the maximum security margin is
, i.e., for
, problem (12)(32)
and (7)(11) becomes infeasible. Observe that determining the
critical loading condition of a given market-clearing solution is
a by-product of the proposed congestion-relieving technique.
conThe proposed method also allows embedding an
tingency analysis, which can be easily included in (14) and (16).
Figs. 79 illustrate the effect of contingencies on lines 1524,
1223, and 78, respectively, for a minimum required security
. Line outages lead to nonzero power consumption
, as expected, since transmission system conincrements
gestion increases. Taking into account contingencies leads also
to a more expensive solution than the one associated with the
classical congestion management solution (see Table I).
This paper provides a novel technique for congestion management. This technique does not rely on enforcing transmission
capacity limits related to stability and computed ofine. Instead,
it relies on imposing OPF-based constraints that target voltage
instabilities. The proposed technique results in both more economical and more secure operating conditions than those re-




Fig. 7. Productions and consumptions with

unavailable in the 24-bus system.

Fig. 8. Productions and consumptions with

unavailable in the 24-bus system.

= 0 2 for line 1524


= 0 2 for line 1223



sulting for imposing ofine transmission capacity limits. The

appropriate functioning of the technique is demonstrated using
the IEEE 24-bus RTS.

Fig. 9. Productions and consumptions with

unavailable in the 24-bus system.

= 02

for line 78

Table II provides generator data. The second column of this

table gives the active power produced by each generator as
. Columns 3
determined by the market-clearing procedure
and 4 provide the minimum power output and the capacity of
each generator, respectively. The last two columns provide the
offered by each generator to increase and
decrease, respectively, its pool power schedule for congestion
management purposes.
Table III provides demand data. The second column of this
table provides the active power consumed by each demand as
. The third and
determined by the market-clearing procedure
fourth columns represent the minimum and maximum power
, respectively. Firequirements of each demand
nally, the last two columns provide the prices
offered by each demand to increase and decrease, respectively,
its pool power schedule for congestion management purposes.



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Antonio J. Conejo (F04) received the M.S. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree from the
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,
in 1990.
He is currently a Full Professor at the Universidad
de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain. His research interests include control, operations, planning,
and economics of electric energy systems, as well as
statistics and optimization theory and its applications.

Federico Milano (M03) received the Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Genoa, Genoa, Italy, in 1999 and 2003, respectively.
From September 2001 to December 2002, he
was with the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON,
Canada, as a Visiting Scholar. He is currently an
Assistant Professor of electrical engineering at the
Universidad de CastillaLa Mancha, Ciudad Real,
Spain. His research interests are voltage stability,
electricity market, and computer-based power
system analysis and control.

Raquel Garca-Bertrand (M06) was born in

London, U. K., in 1978. She received the Ingeniero
Industrial and Ph.D. degrees from the Universidad
de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, in 2001
and 2005, respectively.
She is currently a Rearcher in electrical engineering at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Her research interests include control, operations,
planning, and economics of electric energy systems.

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